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9400308 No.9400308 [Reply] [Original]

When will the avocado meme end

>> No.9400310

wait, what meme?
is something a meme when it is legit delicious as fuck?

>> No.9400331

its a meme when it's shoehorned into fucking everything, especially where it doesn't belong

>> No.9400334

ok, follow-up question, when was it ever shoehorned ?
california is obviously excluded.
haven't seen it shoehorned anywhere, i rarely even see it on menus

>> No.9400348

It's not, it's obvious OP cares too much about the internet. Stop giving a fuck about what's "shoehorned", or "memed" etc. Complaining about things becoming popular is becoming an annoying, repetitive meme. Grow up and ignore it.

>> No.9400349

Any sandwich place that suddenly offers avocado in the past 6 months or so is doing it solely because of it's meme status, which originates from california but has since spread everywhere else

>> No.9400355

What's 2+2 and don't give me that "4" shit give me a real answer.

>> No.9400356

Before the 1950s most Americans hadn't heard of pizza.

Some memes never die.

>> No.9400357

They actually thought spaghetti was a plant as well.

>> No.9400369

everybody has a pet peeve, mine is faggots who won't let anybody complain because "hurr durr someone else has it worse"

>> No.9400469

i love that whole spread everywhere else when i literally only know one place that has done it and that's subway.
what's your point? that if something is this way in california then it's automatically the same in the whole world?

>> No.9400475

This. I get that avocado use has become kinda "trendy" in recent years but shitheads like OP whining about it is even more prominent. Also, I hate when people use the word "meme" to describe in real life trends.

>> No.9400830

But they're fucking delicious you uncultured swine

>> No.9400864

When will the organic meme end?

>> No.9400865

They are. This is another case of hating the fanbase rather than the product and OP is too stupid to tell the difference.

>> No.9400872

Avocado isn't a meme, it is a fruit.

Avocado toast is a meme.

>> No.9400955
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Its being shoved wherever and whenever possible, particularly by people who dont realize its a ball of fat. Itll pass like bacon did with sriracha, or like sriracha did with avacado. My money is on chia seeds or a similar "super food" thatll be pushed by our shadowy overlords

>> No.9400990

lol man
avocado has fat but it's way better fat than like cheese or meat has.
avocado became a meme because it was a vegan meme first, and vegan and hipster culture inevitably collide. i think avocado will get memed even further to be honest, toast is just the start. i've made avocado pasta sauce before, it's pretty good if you do it right. you could probably do pizza too

>> No.9401007

Avocado wasn't just a Vegan thing, it was in all kinds of other foods as well. I think a lot of flyovers got introduced to it through Guac from Tex-Mex places, Chipotle, as well as California rolls from Japanese places.

>> No.9401098
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>avocado is a healthier substitute for cheese
>adds cheese

>> No.9401115

>Fuckton of avacado
>1/4 cup skim milk
Is what got me

>> No.9401136

It's not, but autists on /ck/ will believe so because a few webms in the webm thread contain avocado hipster shit.

>> No.9401172

No one is forcing you to put avocado in your food

>> No.9401176

avocado being a meme is a bigger meme than avocado itself being a meme

>> No.9401179

it's just too aesthetic.

that pastel green color and smooth flesh. millennials can't resist snapping a photo for instagram.

>> No.9401184

>muh jews pushing avocado on us
And I thought your post had merit.

>> No.9401191

Didnt say jews, just a general man behind the curtain thing. Cant imagine jews having a ton of stock in central american orchards. Maybe if the hot new meme was matzo balls or something

>> No.9401210

Actual retards
>too aesthetic
You as well.

>> No.9401239


saying 'avocado is a meme' has eclipsed the avocado itself in memosity

>> No.9401326


nah the next fad is high alkalinity diets.

>> No.9401529

>"what's your point?"
It's a meme/shoehorned into everything only in California, so when >>9400334 asks his question and explicitly excludes the answer, it's like asking what 2+2 is, but exclude the answer 4.

>> No.9402069

>a few webms

Have you been outside or visited any other food related website? There is a restaurant where literally EVERY food on the menu contains avocado, pretty sure the name is an avocado related thing too. OP is right, it's being shoehorned onto everything to the point where a canadian bank is advertising a savings plan and on the cover it says "now you have money for avocado toast". A fucking bank.

You are either delusional or a shill for big avocado. Fuck off either way.

>> No.9402208

It's true, the avocado meme is almost as annoying as the white nationalism meme.

>> No.9402213

Never, because it's not a meme.

>> No.9402226

I thought cauliflower was already the new meme food.

>> No.9402542

>he's never had fresh spaghetti right off the tree

>> No.9402566

>OP is right, it's being shoehorned onto everything to the point where a canadian bank is advertising a savings plan and on the cover it says "now you have money for avocado toast". A fucking bank.
That's a joke referencing the "millenials can't afford house deposits" meme started by a column in the Australian newspaper.

>> No.9402678

Quinoa is going to be the new meme food.

>> No.9402693

List 10 non-Mexican restaurants that offer something with avocado

>> No.9402695

Quinoa meme came and went years ago.

>> No.9402803

Pls kill the avocado meme.

Avocados have become stupidly expensive here in Mexico

>> No.9404280
File: 9 KB, 293x172, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Admitting living in a spic shithole
just steal them like you did our jobs

>> No.9404297

He didn't use that argument. Why did you bring it up?

>> No.9404301

>When wh*Te people die

>> No.9404306

Early 2000s if I remember correctly.

>> No.9404308

Illegal immigration hurts everyone. Even Mexicans still in Mexico.

>> No.9404317

>be white
>like legit white
>mother is French
>father is murican
>be so white it hurts
>hate not only the avocado product but people who consume it

I can't be the only white boi like this so I'm fairly certain it doesn't work like that

>> No.9404318

>Guilty of being white
I'm sorry for something I didn't do hundreds of years ago.

>> No.9404364

Better start paying reparations, whyte boi. Make sure your daughter gets a taste of PoC cum.