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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 16 KB, 250x376, 250px-Shout_gnangarra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9391013 No.9391013 [Reply] [Original]

Is buying rounds of drinks an exclusively British thing?

Is it even a universal British custom?

Something about the idea of being obliged to buy everyone in your group a drink, and then have someone else buy you and everyone else a drink, etc. seems very medieval, or maybe like something a group of coal miners would do. Very communal and kind of working class, as if the price of a few pints were a serious bone of contention.

>> No.9391020

Probably. It seems as though a lot of people go dutch now a days though. also a lot of people don't have money to buy everyone drinks. I only buy my really good friends drinks when we're out.

>> No.9391028

It's a having friends sort of thing
>hey bro what do you want
>It's cool I got this round, you want a beer?
>yeah me a bud

>> No.9391030

no, it definitely happens in America, I definitely do it less often than everyone just buying their own stuff but its not uncommon

>> No.9391036

>also a lot of people don't have money to buy everyone drinks
um, you probably shouldn't be drinking then

>> No.9391041

definitely happens in the upper Midwest in the US. It helps if you have friends.

>> No.9391043

what is everyone's go to beer at a bar?

>> No.9391046

I spend a lot of time in a cash-only bar that gets pretty jammed on account of being famous locally. When I'm there with friends usually everyone buys a round so we can get our orders in quickly and not have to hassle with everyone trying to lean in past other patrons one by one to pay for their shit.

>> No.9391051

don't really have a go to as so many good options are on tap at any bar and its usually different from bar to bar

>> No.9391052

Buying rounds of shots or beers for your group of friends is pretty common where I live. I buy rounds and get bought rounds all the time, it's a type of camaraderie I guess.

>> No.9391053

What kinda bar? My usual bar? The dive down the block for a quick after-worker? Chili's in Witchita on a business trip?

>> No.9391062

whatever doesn't matter. Fine I'll change it

last good beer you had. I had some sierra nevada pale ale that was good.

>> No.9391067

Fucking this. OP, sounds like u dont have any friends faggot.

>> No.9391074

In America it's more of a celebratory thing. Like you buy everyone a round cause your boss gave you a raise or your team won.

>> No.9391086

New glarus grand cru

>> No.9391101

its becoming less so in britain.... a round can easy cost 30+ quid.

its becoming more like in america....a celebratory thing.

pint cost me near

a fiver the other day. normal beer. north of england. normal pub.

Didn't stay there long

>> No.9392588

In ozstraylya we have 'shouts'. Everyne takes a turn buying a round for the group.

Problem is you have to commit to one round per person to be fair, and you can't order a fancy drink as everyone has to get the same thing, unless someone decides to get the group a little something extra when it's their shout.

>> No.9392593

I'm a dane and I love to buy rounds for the mates
I also drink too much.

>> No.9392594

Read an article on shouts today.
Nu-males are uncomfortable with it, it seems.
Me and my mates have been shouting each other all our lives.

>> No.9392659

It's all about how you buy drinks. If you have to wait in line for five minutes to buy a pint/jug/whatever, then it makes sense to take it in turns.

I've been told that in America, wait staff are everywhere. In that case there's no reason to shout a round.

>> No.9392687

I buy mine individually now since all my friends are now penny pinching alcohol averse faggots

>> No.9393208

It still seems pretty universal in regular pubs. It's nice in small villages where the crowd all know each other so well the round stops being amongst specific groups and just diffuses into a sort of ambient background radiation of alcohol.

>> No.9393301

>going out
>drinking pisswater
But why

>> No.9393330
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>Me lager uhhh Finchy lager, Garth lager sometimes cider so, different drink for different... needs.

>> No.9393381


>> No.9393386

depends on the size of your party. I'd say above 6 people you don't do rounds. in the northeast we do rounds of were bar hopping

>> No.9394740

What are you, some kind of wine drinking homosexual?

>> No.9395092

because people that don't behave like you have people to go out with and don't have to be pretentious fake little cunts.

if i went out with 5 people and we each wanted 4 or 5 drinks... it seems that it'd work out fine.

>> No.9395099

I usually get a nice local brew, and then switch to PBR to keep my tab low.

>> No.9395107

How is this uncommon at all? Go out if a bunch of friends, one person as the others what they want to drink, walk up to the bar and order three or four beers. When everyone finishes their beer, the next person goes up and gets the beers. Or you can just buy a pitcher.

>> No.9395129
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I travel a lot, so if I'm at a local joint I'll have Yuengling.

If not I'll also like Shocktop. I may get a Blue Moon. Or Landshark.

If I'm in Asia I'll get Tiger Beer or Singha. Tsingtoa is last resort.

>> No.9395209

I don't know, I usually only go to the pub/bar for the food because I'm already hammered on cheaper booze.

>> No.9395245

At least you stick to your shit taste in beer wherever you go in the world

>> No.9395263

What do you drink?

>> No.9395268


>> No.9395281

Buying rounds is pretty common here in Australia, I normally stay out of them because my friends are a bunch of tight cunts that argue who's shout it is when they get a bit drunk.

>> No.9395730

But doesn't it result in everyone ordering the same pisswater so as not to rock the boat?

I can easily imagine Japanese salarymen doing it after six hours of unpaid overtime they did to show their dedication, and maybe trade union members who are spoiling for a good strike. But is it really common in more individualistic circles?

>> No.9395751

Depends what's up.

Some nights you're just out for couple. If it's a regular thing, it makes sense to get one bill and pass the responsibility around night to night.

If table service isn't a thing, it absolutely makes sense to have one person at a time get up to get the drinks. One of my locals is like this - the bar wench stays put behind the taps, and her daughter isn't old enough to handle alcohol yet so she just deals with food and empties.

>> No.9396046

It's to speed up the process and to keep the socialising going by only having 1 person leave the table every beer.

>> No.9396066

I've almost literally never not done rounds. It's nice to do something for your friends and have them do something for you. Pretty sure rounds are the norm.

At least in Canada they are.

>> No.9396071

We always takes turns buying a pitcher of whatever we feel like.

>> No.9396700

If you want to get yourself a whisky or something you just get it yourself on the side, but most regular drinks are close enough in price that it doesn't matter.

>> No.9396707

Mannys always

>> No.9396730

Australian here. Problem arises when you've got those that can have a few pints with no issues and then some of the smaller blokes who drink a bit less, or even those who only want a couple drinks for the night. Best way to go about it, is to try and form subgroups in your group with people who will probably drink similar amounts to you. So I might pony up with three other guys who have no issues with 4 pints over the course of the night, so we each get a round each. Whereas another guy might only be wanting two or three, so he will pair up with another fella not looking for a big night.

If you're feeling particularly jovial you might buy the group a round but in this situation it is buying them a round, not expecting one back.

Honestly just have a bit of communication with the group you're going out with. If you don't want to feel obliged to buy a round, let the fellas know or opt out for a round. Not rocket science boys

>> No.9396745

>I'm going up to the bar, anyone want anything?
>Oh, yeah, I'd like X
>Ooh, can I have a Y please, I'll get the next one
>I'm still on Z thankyou

It's pretty easy if you're not autistic

>> No.9396756

I'm Belgian. I would never go to the bar and order beer for just myself. Always for the whole group. You get it back from them anyway.

>> No.9397283

This seems to be a beer thing. I've never heard of buying rounds of whisky or gin.

>> No.9397305

Recently started working in a (dive)bar. The regulars give eachother beers all the time. I traveled the USA for a bit as well and me and this bloke from Manchester would pick up rounds for our group, and I got a few rounds at other times but it's not as common. At the end of the night everyone still pretty much pays the same though.

>> No.9397324

If you are out in a group and everyone is staying out for a while it makes sense. No pissing about waiting for everyone to go to the bar individually making it even busier. Only really works if everyone is drinking similar stuff - i.e. pints. Usually once everyone has bought a round everyone just sorts themselves out individually from there otherwise you end up paying for a round and maybe leaving early so you are out of pocket.

It is more of a convenience thing than anything else.

>> No.9397364

That's a good point actually. In British pubs they don't have servers so ordering drinks is chore. Rounds means that you have to face the ordeal a couple of times a night.

Personally I prefer North American bars with servers and just pay my bill at the end of the night. It has the advantage that I drink like a fish and they often forget how many drinks I've had.

>> No.9397366

>living in Wisconsin
>not getting spotted cow

>> No.9397478

Sounds gay man

>> No.9397499
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>> No.9397706

I live in the UK and in my friends group we do it with spirits as well as beer. It's fine as long as you have the same regular drink, or at least similarly-priced drinks, because everyone ends up paying about the same at the end anyway. When it's amongst friends you won't sweat a couple of quid here and there because it will balance out over the course of months or years that you stay mates. There have even been times where I've got chatting to complete strangers at the bar and we've done this arrangement no problem.

>> No.9397731

My days hanging out with friends in bars are for the most part over (oldfag) but back in the 90's and early 2000's among my crowd in NYC everyone taking turns buying a round was a thing. Still when I meet a friend at a bar for drinks we'll alternate who buys each round, if we're paying cash. Cash is still common here, unlike other parts of the country. Some of the best bars and restaurants are still cash only.

>> No.9397735

Really depends on the pub mate

At a Wetherspoons if they've not got anything special on I'll grab a desperado

Greene King pubs tend to do Asahi, which I like

If there's Harvey's available that'll be my first pint, especially if Old Ale is up and it's the first frosts of winter. Tradition

>> No.9397736

>you buy a round of drinks once
>you get all other rounds free

What's not to love?

>> No.9397767

You can't go wrong with Stella Artois

>> No.9397783

That's an alright beer too. My buddy drinks that, but I prefer Yuengling.

>> No.9397807

Who are the bigger Ameriboos, the Brits, or the Aussies?

>> No.9397812

This is the crux of the problem, for me.

This seems less about the wonderful practicality of one man carrying four pints and more about money.

The message appears to be: "You're such a good friend that I trust you to repay this chump-change kindness in weekly installments."

>> No.9397857
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no we, masters of the beer, do it here too

>> No.9397858

Pretty sure they hate you equally, Low Volt.

>> No.9397869
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>low volt

Holy fuck

>> No.9397875

When bars sell a drink for 5-9+ dollars a glass (not even by the pint), you bet your ass Im not buying a round for my friends; they probably wouldnt buy me or anyone else a round either. And I dont want to buy a 2 dollar pisswater glass.

And if you arent drinking beer and are getting a drink like vodka cranberry or a g&t or whatever, it can be even more money.

If prices were better or I had a way better paying job, Id do it. But not regularly.

>> No.9397877

>they hate you equally
And yet here they are every single day.

Must be tough being an Ameriboo.

>> No.9397882

My local watering hole has Dragons Milk on tap. Been my go to for a couple months now

>> No.9397883
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>posts american ribbing

Why can't Americans learn to banter? Whether it be their SJWs, poltards, or what have you, seems like theyd rather stonewall you out of fear or something.

>> No.9397891

Awww...did your feelings get hurt Ameriboo?

>> No.9397907

You don't know what feelings are, you walking corn starch voodoo doll.

>> No.9397911

It's because it's in every fucking thread, and it's not always light ribbing. Sometimes it's pretty fucking nasty. Then when you're told to shut the fuck up you get all butthurt "can't take a joke, jeeze we're just joking with you". Yeah I'm going to come to some website.uk and run my mouth all day about Brits and not expect people to get annoyed after years of it?

>> No.9397913
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>can't handle banter

>> No.9397915
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Anon.. I had no idea.

>> No.9397920

/ck/ is filled with Ameriboo cancer for some reason.

>> No.9397923

You were just light ribbing, I was just explaining. Sometimes you read some shit and you're just like "Jesus fucking Christ, people hate me that much?" It's usually from some country in the Balkans or Asia.

>> No.9397972

Are you confused about the meaning of weeaboo or ameriboo? They mean pro-Jap and pro-Yank. I bet they don't teach you that on reddit. The poster you were responding to was making a criticism of americans and their thin skin (something to do with freedom as in freedom from criticism and hair trigger lawsuit culture.)

I don't always like Britlads, because they're obnoxious, but at least they don't have thin skin.

>> No.9398003
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>hanging out on an American website for hours every single day
>not Ameriboos

>> No.9398063

>Speaking English
>Not Angloboo
What's the matter? Can't handle the mushy peas?

>> No.9398065
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>thinks 4chan is an amerilard website

>> No.9398073
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>b-but it's not an American website!

>> No.9398080

Hankoyuki is as American as apfelstrudel.

>> No.9398124


A corvette is an American car regardless of who buys it, or where they park it.

>> No.9398151

I was hit on by a gay man today. Not the first time.. said I was good looking and had good genes in the pot. One day, it'll be a female. Hopefully she's not gay too.

>> No.9398160
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>Going dutch
What? I'm Dutch, and nobody does this at the pub here (although I'm from the south). For the most part, at our local drinking hole, when I'm with close friends, we just order rounds of drinks at the bar.

In the end, it doesn't matter. If we're with five people, and we drink five rounds, everybody pays for five drinks. The guys who order more expensive stuff (two gay dudes ordering sambuca on the rocks, mainly) add another round. If somebody goes home before they're due for a round, they usually initiate next time around. Hell, when I was underage (still legal drinking age) and without a job, they'd pay for me even though I'd only pay for half the rounds I should. Nowadays, I pay for the next generation of youngsters. In the end, paying for rounds is not significanyl more or less expensive than just paying for yourself.

Pic related.

>> No.9398171

It certainly isn't, Nigelboo.
Why are you so obsessed with European culture?

>> No.9398198

Not per se. You can order a fancy drink on your own round, which directly shows that you're not willing to burden the group, or you can compensate by giving another round at the end.

This. Around here, drinking solo is a big social no-no. The student bar I used to go to had the mores that you had to order at least two beers (''one beer is no beer''). Since beer was cheap as fuck there (53 cents a glass if you used their coupons), you just bought two and gave one away. You were basically told to just buy two beers, give somebody the second one, and start socialising with them.

>> No.9398199

And an Englishman is an Englishman no matter how much declaratin' he do.

>> No.9398218

>Take friends' orders
>Send payment request through Whatsapp
>Go to bar
>Pay bartender
>Walk back to table
>They've already sent me the money
Done. Rapid phone banking will kill the shout.

>> No.9398233

You might as well stick a slice of white bread in water and drink that

>> No.9398368
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>made and owned by some white American dork from Jew Yawk
>not American

>> No.9398386

New glarus makes spotted cow. Their grand cru was a special release of a tweaked spotted cow recipe.

>> No.9398392

Whatever's local

>> No.9398567

Miller Lite

Low cal, easy to toss back one after the other, and the place near my work sells em for like $2.45 a pint

>> No.9398720

>living in WI and not brewing a clone yourself for $.80/12 oz that is exactly the same colorwise and flavorwise in a side-by-side

Get better, plebe.


>> No.9398759

Make up your mind cleetus, does NYC need to be wiped off the face of the earth, or are you proud to consider it a part of America? You can't have it both ways.

>> No.9398765

Never heard of a grand cru, and I walk by New Glarus whenever I'm in any gas station or grocery store. God I love this state.

>> No.9398774

If you were a real wisconsinite, you would be too drunk to engage such long-term endeavors.

>> No.9398775

>you have to be proud of something to claim it
If I had a big hairy fucking mole on my face I'm not going to be proud of it, but it's still on my face. It's still my mole.

>> No.9398783
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>thinks "cleetus" is actually a popular redneck name because they watch the Simpsons

>> No.9398787

Shut up, Jamie.

>> No.9398818

I quite liked when me and my mates finally all got jobs and started to buy rounds instead of individually shuffling up to the bar in pubs. Makes the whole experience more relaxing. I think its far more common in local pubs than its is in bars or big cities, you need a certain high level of trust between friends that nobody will bail out of their round or complain about the price of somebody's drink choice.
Pint of taylors landlord please.

>> No.9398853
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>oi, s'yor turn t'getta roun innit' maigt!

>> No.9398859

In Norway beers and alcohol are so expensive that its rarely expected that you buy it for others. It would actually be weird if someone bought everyone a beer, and most people would refuse you (if its a large group). You can buy a beer for one friend, which means you are good friends or he deserves a reward for something cool he did or something.

But buying shots for everyone is considered more normal and accepted, even though its more expensive than a beer.

>> No.9398876

>mistaking proud and noble englishmen for filthy barbaric neds

The EU was just the first step, now the eternal scot must be removed from our green and pleasant land.

>> No.9398889

Go fuck a sheep, wewuz weshman.

>> No.9398894
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>> No.9398908

t. Cleetus

>> No.9398911

Why do you keep posting pictures of your grindr hookups?
You like cowboys, we get it.

>> No.9398915


Why can't Ameriboos handle banter?

>> No.9398921

Because we like cowboys so much.

Country music is so sexy and manly, all that talk about trucks and high fructose corn syrup really gets my attractive local girls fleeing to liberal cities. Wait what?

>> No.9398928

>still mad
Absolutely can NOT handle banter at all.

>> No.9398954

I'm just going to slam the brakes on this conversation for a minute.

You don't seem to know what banter is. Banter requires two participants who insult each other in a jocular manner.

Immediately reacting to a jocular insult by getting defensive about people being mad and not being able to handle banter is not actual banter. It's damage control.

Now, if you had said something about my offensively British teeth making Britslags flee to the US, then that would be a bantering response. But instead you immediately try to end the banter.

Imagine two boxers. One boxer jabs. The second boxer immediately react by attempting to kick the other in the crotch and then flee the ring like a redguard flees a babymama. That's not boxing, and what you are doing isn't banter.

>> No.9398960

I was actually just going to post something along these lines, I read 4 replies up, and usually it's succinct jabs and witty insults. This is more just retards tapping buttons and hitting post. I honestly didn't even see any stance in any which-way whatsoever.

>> No.9398962
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>wall o' text

>> No.9398964

Just bonding, senpai. You buy a round, then friend buys a round. Everyone is even, but it's the sentiment that counts.

>> No.9399995

Go fuck yourself cunt, I meant if you're going to be spending more than you need to at a pub then why would you buy bud? If I wanted to get drunk on cheap beer I would just get it from a shop

>> No.9400139

>defending Bud light with projecting

>> No.9400150

Sam Adams Boston Lager.