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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9307688 No.9307688 [Reply] [Original]

Saw them at the store and had to buy some

>> No.9307697

>the og flyover cracker

>> No.9307703

I wasn't aware these still exist. They aren't bad, make sure to pair with some cheap mass-produced cheddar and a glass of Pepsi or Coke for a full experience.

>> No.9307706

They're too strong for me but I get how you could like them. Also for some reason at the store near me the family box is 2.59 and the regular is 2.79

>> No.9307709

They don't taste like chicken.

>> No.9307713

No but one of the ingredients is literally dehydrated chicken.

>> No.9307715

I wish they weren't 3 bucks for a tiny ass box.

>> No.9307720
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OP here. Never realized that before. Pic related.

>> No.9307724

My grandparents ate this shit. They were horrible.

>> No.9307729

Used to live off of these things growing up. Haven't had them in a while though.

>> No.9307740

My dad used to love those.

Fuckin prick.

>> No.9307742

My dad used to love those, too.

He's nice to me. He tells me he loves me when we talk on the phone.

>> No.9307943

They taste like bouillon cubes but not as strong. I never thought chicken bouillon cubes tasted like chicken either.

I eat these crackers. They don't taste good, but they're addictive as hell.

>> No.9308145

I don't think we have those in leafland,I imagine they'd be very salty though

>> No.9308183

Chicken Biscuits, Ritz, and saltines form the pantheon of white trash baked snacks. Bagged snacks are usurpers.

>> No.9308502

love them

>> No.9308507

Wheat thins are the obvious GOAT cracker.

>> No.9309027

They are amazing. Perfect cracker for cheese wiz

>> No.9309052

toasted flour
just eat toast, dude.

>> No.9309093

Loved these things when I was 10

>> No.9309112

Nah, the toasted flour is actually eucharist. A different type of baked goods. Not commonly found in trade.

>> No.9309451

I love them. They are great with liverwurst/pate. So rich

>> No.9309512

>Chicken in a Biskit and cheese wiz
Totally did this during my childhood.

You and I probably have the same complex and refined sense of taste. Ever tried and enjoyed...

- microwave popcorn and melted kraft singles/american cheese?
- potato sticks/stix and ketchup?
- chex mix and melted butter?
- bugles and soda or ketchup?
- funyuns and soda or ketchup?

>> No.9309571

Glorious when paired with deli seafood salad

>> No.9309579

Great. My mom always bought them back in the day

>> No.9309755

my favorite food growing up was peanut butter on chicken in a biskit.

>> No.9309760

>pig disgusting
But if I eat one, I'll eat two dozen, for reasons beyond my or anyone's comprehension.

>> No.9309815

>two dozen
your willpower is greater than mine. I will eat the whole box unless someone physically stops me.

>> No.9309821

My sister-in-law buys them for us all the time and the box is empty within two days.

>> No.9309839

Tastes like chicken if chicken was a biskit

>> No.9310041

always assumed they were for kots.

>> No.9310298

>disgusting but I'll eat half a box for SOME reason
quit pretending you're better than you actually are and just admit you like them. gosh

>> No.9310302

whoops >>9309760

>> No.9310308

Don't tell me what to do, you bitch.

>> No.9310691

Way too salty for me now, but I liked em when I was a wee lad.

>> No.9310725

They're only good with cream cheese.

>> No.9310923

Pro tip: Graham crackers, jam & cream cheese

>> No.9311830
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If you've EVER tasted chickens in biskits you are getting my PAUWNCH you privileged middle class SHITlord

>> No.9312429

Friend from Louisiana gave them to me to try for the first time when I was 22. I like them, I buy some a couple times a year. I'm pretty sure it's the msg that I like.

>> No.9312432

Strictly inferior to vegetable crackers, at least when they were STILL SHAPED LIKE VEGETABLES

>> No.9313935

Used to eat them all the time as a kid. The flavor is super nostalgic to me.