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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 153 KB, 500x325, 30687b15e7450a927bf57e0c331b1900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9281018 No.9281018 [Reply] [Original]

>is your ice cream frozen?
>yes chef
>fuck me...

>> No.9281022

it shouldn't be totally frozen at the time of serving though

>> No.9281037

>did you apply heat to this steak
>yes chef
>oh fuck me...

>> No.9281040

>wait is this bagged flour?
>yes gordon
>where's the freshly picked wheat, you fuck?

>> No.9281548

>did you wash your hands with soap
>yes chef
>fuck me.....

>> No.9281650

>this sashimi... did you cook it?
>no chef
>it's fucking raw?
>yes chef
>fuck me...

>> No.9281698

>Are you a black man
>Yes chef
>What are doing here
>I'm the pastry chef, chef
>Fuck me

>> No.9281716

>are these almonds activated?
>no chef
>fuck me...

>> No.9281721

>is your pan nice and hot?
>yes chef
>fuck me...

>> No.9281732

>so $75 for the hour?
>yes chef
>fuck me...

>> No.9281741

>sous chef come here please
>yes chef
>are you using a knoife to help you cut things?
>yes chef
>Oh fuck me

>> No.9281742
File: 1.29 MB, 2134x1715, Aleppo_soap_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>travel to Italy
>make friends with a trattoria owner (tiny mom and pop place)
>they invite me to cook with them
>the moment I grab the soap and start washing meat they go "wtf are you doing"
>turns out they don't wash their meat OR fruit
>turns out it's norm for all of Italy

>> No.9281751
File: 122 KB, 962x966, 1411853956505_wps_49_George_Clooney_and_guest_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9281760

>doesn't like a nice inactive almond stew
what are you some kind of normie?

>> No.9281766

Aleppo soap is god tier

>> No.9281776
File: 55 KB, 1480x833, 160908-wilstein-gary-johnson-the-view-tease_c6c3oq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9282066

>washing meat
>Washing meat with soap

the fuck

>> No.9282078
File: 382 KB, 2592x1944, 10854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9282110


A man goes to a store to buy some kidneys. He says to the shopkeeper, "I'd like a pound of kiddillies, please." The shopkeeper says to him, "You mean kidneys, don't you?" The man says, "I said kiddillies, diddle I?

>> No.9282156

is this some sort of meme i missed or are you retarded?

>> No.9282180
File: 2.36 MB, 2592x1936, tomato-soup-pretzel-bread-013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you put the cheese on the bottom of the pizza?
>yes chief
>fuck me

>> No.9282185
File: 38 KB, 945x835, 1500085584400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did I find this so funny

>> No.9282194

>washing meat

did spaghetti fall out of your pockets too?

>> No.9282206

Ol' stoner gary always ditched geography class to smoke with the janitors

>> No.9282229
File: 163 KB, 400x267, mathphd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9282233

>are your proofs written in childish negro vernacular?
>yes chef
>fuck me...

>> No.9282251

It's amazing how much difference the context makes with rats. If that's your pet it's a cutie and basically a tiny dog, but if you just found it in your sink I would advice you to poison the fuck out of it and its entire family.

>> No.9282970

Who is this supposed to be?

>> No.9282994

I'm concerned about Gordons sex addiction. Propositioning co-workers and peers is not appropriate workplace behavior

>> No.9283019

/Sci/ meme, she's a black woman from hawaii who was basically given a free phd in math from princeton for being a black woman and complaining enough about "muh equality" and "muh racism" her phd thesis is written in child-like babble and doesn't actually argue anything mathematical.

>> No.9283023

Most thesis are.

>> No.9283026

>that's a pretty big dick
>yes chef
>fuck me..

>> No.9283033

>i have pusy
>i see that chef
>fuck me...

>> No.9283036

I get that most theses are written simply because they have to be but damn she didn't even try to make it look legit

>> No.9283038

only if you study some liberal arts garbage.

>> No.9283044

Kek'd hard

>> No.9283060

Link to the thesis?

>> No.9283065


>> No.9283068


>> No.9283071

Hello, my name's NIIINO!

>> No.9283407

>is your ketchup in the refridgerator?
>yes chef
>fuck me...

>> No.9283429

>are your eggs in the refrigerator?
>yes chef
>fuck me...

>> No.9283565


>> No.9283611
File: 96 KB, 546x609, 1498616375864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9283674

>is your dick hard?
>yes daddy
>fuck me

>> No.9284657

>the eggs, do you lay them yourself?
>n-no chef
>fuck me...

>> No.9284699


>> No.9284733

maths is a liberal art

>> No.9284757

This sounds like slander.

>> No.9284850
File: 602 KB, 567x711, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9284874

Can you buy fresh shelled peas anywhere?

>> No.9284892

never wash raw meat you freak

>> No.9284894

>>replying to copypasta

>> No.9285351

If only heard of washing as in rinsing under water. People actually use soap for that?

>> No.9285548

>is this fucking mold in the kitchen?!
>yes chef...
>fuck me...

>> No.9285563
