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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9232054 No.9232054 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the appeal of bacon?

>> No.9232058
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Salt fat flavor

>> No.9232072


>> No.9232073
File: 71 KB, 640x425, bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bacon as crispy as your pic is disgusting. Danish bacon cooked just enough to form some brown crunch edges is GOAT.


>> No.9232076

nigger that's just sliced ham

>> No.9232077

very wrong. You're implying that fat is what makes bacon, it is however the taste of the protein in the bacon cut. You can cut all of the fat off of bacon and it still tastes god like.

>> No.9232082

It tastes good, it's fatty salty protein with a bit of smoke and sometimes sugar/pepper. Almost everything to hit all your taste buds. That said, it doesn't belong in everything all the time, it has a strong flavor and overwhelms a lot of other ingredients.

>> No.9232085

The knowledge that I can get more bacon when my cooked bacon is gone.

>> No.9232087

Jew repellent.

>> No.9232090

Not under sharia

>> No.9232098

>Implying I live in Europestan.

>> No.9232121


>> No.9232139

America's obsession with it kind of epitomized its sad food culture: salt, fat, and lacking any sort of nuance whatsoever.

>> No.9232196

makes your dick more voracious

>> No.9232225
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>> No.9232245

If you cook it right it's like eating meat chips

>> No.9232255

Fuck off

>> No.9232341
File: 124 KB, 960x545, 13789417-bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Danish bacon
Is it just what you call the type of bacon in your picture? Because my pic is what bacon looks like here in Denmark.

>> No.9232377 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 518x229, smoked_back_bacon_raw.rgb_Standard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brits have a weird name for it, because they used to import a lot of danish pigs

here the round non marbled part is called side bacon, the marbled strip is called back bacon

>> No.9232387
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brits use that name for it, because they import a lot of danish pigs

here the round non marbled part is called back bacon, the marbled strip is called side bacon
brits eat back, americans eat side

>> No.9232410

As the other anon guess I'm a britbong, I thought Denmark was more the cut of bacon than the pig. I learned something today. Sad that you eat that fatty stuff though.

The lower fat to meat ratio gives a better taste and texture imo, and I've had both types. How widely available is back bacon in the US, in your experience?

90s films and TV have lead me to believe that Canadian bacon is somehow different, and also round??!

>> No.9232432
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>canadian bacon is round

That's just the formed garbage in groceries. True american canadian bacon is a cured and smoked loin from like british bacon minus the side flap. I make my own because I can't find the real stuff.

>> No.9232436

Well hung

>> No.9232444

It wasn't until I left Europe that I realised I was spoiled for choice with all the different varieties of cured meats. Prosciutto and panchetta, I miss thee verily.

>> No.9232710


You mean rashers .

I boil them in Stew

>> No.9232714

i wish i could poke my head into the alternate timeline to see what graphics infowars baked up to play on those screens in the background for alex jones to hang himself in front of when trump lost

>> No.9232716

i like my sausage so fresh you can still see the barcode

>> No.9232725

they castrate pigs because the presence of testosterone makes their meat taste bad

>> No.9232737

nope, Canadian bacon is similar to british style cut, back bthebacon but it is cured and rolled in cornmeal.

I worked at the market this stuff "originated" in as a butcher for 4 years. used to get my buns for the lunches we cooked at carousel.

>> No.9232742

It's simply EPIC!

>> No.9232751

>How widely available is back bacon in the US, in your experience?
stores sell both, but you wont find back bacon in every restaurant
sides are more likely to be used as pork chops

>90s films and TV have lead me to believe that Canadian bacon is somehow different, and also round??!
'canadian' bacon is back bacon and cornmeal, as a preservative and a filler
it's most common as a pizza topping, it bakes well for a meat product

>> No.9232753

Fat and salt. Are you 12?

>> No.9232754

Tradition I guess

I never really cared for it. Way too greasy. I always got queasy from it.

>> No.9232764

>I never really cared for it. Way too greasy. I always got queasy from it.

did you eat a lot of bacon by itself? I love bacon with something like buttered toast or cheese toast. The bacon has to be fried crispy; if it's chewy then you either bought the wrong kind or you cooked it wrong. To be more specific, the fat part should be crispy while the lean part is a bit chewy.

>> No.9232766

I've eaten bacon in many different forms. I just don't really care for it. After going vegan I don't really understand the "but bacon tho" argument since I never understood the appeal of bacon myself

>> No.9232781

Meh. Bernays might have gotten bacons foot in the door, but it stuck because it's good like.

>> No.9232867

>cured and rolled in cornmeal

Nope. Canadian Bacon traditionally made in Canada was a cured loin and rolled in peameal, not cornmeal. Americanized Canadian Bacon traditionally was a cured and smoked loin like my pic, more like British back bacon w/o the side piece.

I don't give a shit what the butcher you mopped floors for called a cured loin rolled in cornmeal, but it's neither of those.

>> No.9232888
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prosciutto>Turkey Bacon>think pork bacon
>thicc pork bacon>>>>>>>>Canadian "bacon"

>> No.9232908

It tastes good.

>> No.9232911


Mudslime repellant

>> No.9232912

fuck off to /pol/. /ck/ is a pro-multicultural board. food and cooking is all about mixing different culture's foods. sorry if you're scared of brown people.

>> No.9232917

lol fuck off, faggot

>> No.9232920

le epic reddit meme - that's why.

It is man-child food on the same tier as chicken nuggets with the same sort of revolting fanbase behind it as those who advocate for veganism i.e. lack perspective, immature, and get buttmad over any criticism of their chosen food item/diet choice.

>> No.9232924
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no u.

>> No.9232933


>> No.9232975

>a few people go overboard with their praise for bacon therefore it's a garbage hipster food that is useless and worthless

Idiot. Might as well cut off your nose to teach your face a lesson because it sprouted a pimple.

>> No.9232995

Oh I mopped floors?

I am sorry you have very little culinary knowledge.

little knowledge is evident you fucking faggot.

prove me wrong.


>> No.9233002

It isnt halal.

>> No.9233005


an excerpt you fucking raging faygo
Canadians know peameal bacon as an iconic national breakfast food, but the back bacon’s backstory is even richer than its flavour. In fact, the story of peameal bacon is tied to several important themes of the last two centuries: the rise and fall of the British Empire, emigration and immigration, and the development of modern agriculture. But more than anything, the history of peameal is a salty tale of how Hogtown got its name, not to mention its most iconic sandwich.

For those who don’t know (and for Americans who claim it’s something else altogether), peameal bacon is wet-cured pork loin from the back of the hog that has been trimmed of fat and rolled in cornmeal, creating a yellow crust. Originally, it was rolled in crushed yellow peas, hence the name peameal. It is much leaner than the pork belly strips that the British call “streaky,” and Canadians and Americans simply call “bacon.”

>> No.9233046

I have no problem with ethnic diversity but Islam is nothing but a blight on humanity

>> No.9233060

says the faggot who most certainly masturbates to anime?

kill yourself faggot

>> No.9233071

Haha resorting to just being a retarded spaz so you can feel better about not knowing shit about food. Currently lmaoing @ ur life.

>> No.9233074

>kill yourself faggot
says the mudslime who most certainly masturbates to videos of terrorists decapitating people with blunt knives? Go eat a JDAM.

>> No.9233076

Holy shit this projection. You know literally nothing about me except that I post on 4chan just like you.

>> No.9233081
File: 1.56 MB, 1435x1687, 20161225_124919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayrshire bacon master race checking in. Pride of Scotland!

>> No.9233083

>no problem with ethnic diversity
>Islam is a blight
make up your fucking mind you twit. youre the type of motherfucker to say "I'm not racist, I have one black friend and I eat mexican food sometimes."

>> No.9233094

How dense are you? Islam is a religion, not an ethnicity.

>> No.9233096

fuck islam and fuck you too for enabling it

>> No.9233138


>> No.9233141

is on /ck/ and makes fun of people with knowledge about food.

Go on

>> No.9233158

I did a lel
logical fallacy, what do you know about me?

other than me making a statement about how fucking dumb you are for critiquing others while having no culinary knowledge

it's ok school starts up soon no?

>> No.9233177

taste, mainly

>> No.9233183

I care about rape until it stops being a vehicle to make Muslims look shitty
Then I just stop listening :')

>> No.9233300

Which logical fallacy did I use? Educate me. Was your claim that I masturbate to anime and therefore should be ignored not an example of ad hominem?

I don't know where culinary knowledge even comes into this discussion, but even if it had, you have no grounds on which to assume my level of knowledge.

>> No.9233481

I don't think I like you very much.

>> No.9233569

You can get that anywhere that isn't a cornfield in the USA.

>> No.9233753

cooked in its own fat

>> No.9233772

Why does your sausage still have plastic wrapped around it?

>> No.9233791

Is there any place in London I can get real bacon? Every restaurant or supermarket I go to it's just this sliced ham shit.

t. american

>> No.9233834

>islam allows other cultures
It's going to hurt when you realise.

>> No.9233856

Not him, but I can tell you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

>> No.9233860
File: 137 KB, 775x626, makeracistsafraidagain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should abruptly go off your psych meds and treat yourself to your own violent fantasy.

>> No.9233862

Just go home please.

>> No.9233918

that's ham m8

>> No.9234122

It taste good MOTHER FUCKER!!

>> No.9234399

t. mudslime

>> No.9234402

you have to be low enough IQ for it to taste good, I guess.

>> No.9234547

Corporate propaganda

>> No.9234626

Redmill burger

>> No.9234630

I am a leaf and can confirm that you are wrong and an asshole.

>> No.9234642

European "bacon" is an ENTIRELY different cut of meat.

Yours is ham, with a TINY bit of fat on it.

American bacon is smoked and cured pork belly.
I doubt you've ever had American bacon.

>> No.9234651


Europe is totally backwards and uses ham shanks for bacon instead of smoked pork belly.

Ask the butcher (do these even exist in england?) for a smoked pork belly.

>> No.9234758

High concentration of salt, fat, sugar and smoke in a small, crispy, economical 2-3 serving

>> No.9234768

It's called streaky bacon and easy to find anywhere, you ignorant amerigut. We're just able to not devour as much lard as possible in every single thing we eat.

>> No.9234883

Go back to shilling GMOs and hfcs, globalist

>> No.9235046
File: 71 KB, 460x700, 1443802903281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It keeps muslims away.
On a side note it tastes delicious.

>> No.9235061
File: 51 KB, 640x480, eichenwald-anime-mockup2-640x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bet it's Kurt Eichenwald posting.

>> No.9235688


It makes me upset how wrong you are.

>> No.9235695


It's good for hangovers.

>> No.9236614

Yep even as a vegetarian i have to admit that stuff is awesome.

>> No.9236632

>halal eaters won't go near it
I can't help but giggle like a schoolgirl when I picture someone seeing the pork and bolting away like it was a snake or something.

>> No.9236636

Nothing in that post required you to share that you are a vegetarian.

>> No.9236642

I've never obsessed with bacon as most americans, but recently some muslim dudes moved in to my dorm. Now I always bacon with every single meal in the big common kitchen.

>> No.9236667

And you still replied. ty

>> No.9236672

Be careful not to cut yourself on that edge

>> No.9236702


>> No.9236724
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>> No.9236733

>bacon was invented by red indians

>> No.9236740

Bacon is like the fatty waste of pig.
It's shit. But got hyped up by le clever merchant.
Whiskey is a poor mans schnaps.
It's shit. But got hyped up by le clever merchant.
Wine is rotten berries...

The pattern repeats.

>> No.9236743

Lol this nigger is MAD. Thank Allah Trump won so you cucks are asshurt for the next 8 years. :D

>> No.9236747

>reddit niggers on my /ck/
LMAOING @ your life niggers.

>> No.9236775
File: 26 KB, 173x300, baconshoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like bacon but I hate the fandom.
I hate seeing people share videos on facebook about some basic staple food that gets covered in bacon and cheese like it's fine cooking.
Bacon (and cheese) is a crutch. If you can't cook a tasty meal without it you can't cook.

>> No.9236787


>> No.9236791

Nigger you started this by unnecessarily stating you're vegetarian for attention, you're the one who is desperate and projecting.

>> No.9236807

>cooking bacon

You don't belong here.

>> No.9236827


streaky bacon.

every fucking supermarket has streaky bacon.

>> No.9237121
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people are tastiest when browned

>> No.9238246
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>> No.9238565

honestly anybody meming about back bacon looking like ham is just outing thrmselves as a poorfag that's only used to seeing oddly round meatglue floorscrap shit

how the fuck does pork loin look like the leg?

>> No.9240523

I have an unopened pack of bacon that expired June 30th, think it's safe to eat?

>> No.9240530

You need to go here.


>> No.9240562


Why do people who support violent dictators think that they're morally and ethically superior for doing so?

>> No.9240733


Canadian is cured pork loin crusted with corn meal. It's the non marbled part in >>9232387 's photo

>> No.9240738


yes. i ate sushi that was 2.88. it cant be as bad as that.

>> No.9240747
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You cant go to muslum hell if you eat it!

>> No.9240828

Muslim kryptonite.

>> No.9241539

how did they get that meat to be shaped like a man

>> No.9241629

Anyone Eurofags in this thread that are actually dissing real bacon have probably never had real crispy American bacon in their lives. It's kind of sad, really. If you had the real shit and not your "thinly sliced pancetta and fatty ham slices" then you would understand.

I can count on one hand the people I've met in my entire life that actually didn't like bacon. So if you shit on it, you're either mistaken, a troll or that 1/10,000 person who actually doesn't like it.

Or you're a shitskin muslim.