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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9169697 No.9169697[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

whew, that was a close one, almost had a girl have to take responsibility for her actions. Luckily, disaster was averted.


>> No.9169704

>has nothing to do with food or cooking
>fucking canada

>> No.9169705

What fucking mental gymnastics convinced you that this belongs on the food and cooking board

>> No.9169713

>houston pizza isn't food

huh better get rid of all the mcdonalds threads tooooo

>> No.9169715

If you berate the mum, she wins

>> No.9169723


Also, why don't you post about pizzagate while you're at it, because anything that tangentially happened in proximity to an eatery apparently belongs on this board.

Fucking dickslice.

>> No.9169729

Maybe screaming across the restaurant on top of an already loud and crying child isn't the best way to handle that situation. Not a food related thread anyway, there are plenty of other places to discuss "MGTOW/red pill" things.

>> No.9169740

>>houston pizza isn't food

But nobody is talking about the pizza. They're talking about the people.

>> No.9169744


god who put a stick up your guyses asses today, you're probably all women

>> No.9169750

back to your containment board idiot

>> No.9169758

Wow, I can hardly believe the things people think are newsworthy.

>> No.9169770

Real men don't post about hating women on the food & cooking board on 4chan.

>> No.9169891

This. We got /r9k/ for that.

>> No.9169913

Not OP but it's obvious by the amount of tipping threads, supermarket threads and fast food threads that you cunts are only complaining because he badmouthed women.

>> No.9169916

I'm as annoyed as the next guy with screaming kids, but what is more screaming going to accomplish?

>> No.9169939

>child has a tantrum: is a villain
>grown man who went his own way has a tantrum: is the misrepresented hero

got a date for this evening, OP?

>> No.9169983

those threads are common enough to be ignored. We don't need another genre of tangentially food related threads to be taking up space too.

>> No.9169999

This is one of the biggest issues with western societies right now. Every woman that posesses a spawn in filthy diapers expects to be able to self righteously infringe on the PAID experience of other people. Get over yourselves. No one thinks your filthy spawn screaming, dribbling, puking and shitting in their pants is "cute."

In asia this would never happen. They respect other peoples space.

tl;dr Keep your filthy spawn corralled at home. No one thinks they're cute or admires you for spewing them out.

>> No.9170018

you think asians respect other peoples' space?

were you perhaps dropped on your head as a child?

>> No.9170032

I bet you're from /pol/. "I found an article about a degenerate woman losing control of her kind in a pizza restaurant, I'll go post about how much women suck on /ck/." Then you get upset when you realize the rest of the site disagrees with you and start tossing around names. In b4 "cuck".

>> No.9170041

>whew, that was a close one, almost had a girl have to take responsibility for her actions.

This is what happens when Nigger culture seeps into everyday america.

Everything is somebody else fault and everybody's a fucking victim.

>> No.9170043

Whenever I hear "asians," it immediately tells me that the person has no idea what they're talking about. Even a Hong Kong or Macau Chinaman is night and day to a subhuman mainlander. Factor in things like Japan, Korea, East Russia, or even India and it gets more retarded.

Like me calling you a faggot-ass Canadian or Mexican, idunno, can't tell the difference.

>> No.9170052

I pray we didn't hurt your feeling, mr.chan

>> No.9170061
File: 43 KB, 453x450, cuuuuuuucccckkkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In b4 "cuck".

>> No.9170075

frig off gwailo

>> No.9170097

>No father
Don't worry anon, nobody in the world is able to stop her from fucking up her own life
She may get away with being a cunts but she has to live with her spoiled children and you get to walk away and love your life
At the end you won by not playing

>> No.9170099

Of course she's a single mother.

>> No.9170103

If tipping belongs then service does too

>> No.9170108

That's what you consider to be one of the biggest issues? Not all the people dying from obesity and drug addiction, anti-science sentiments, tribalism, or any of the other problems that literally kill people? But that some women with children act self-righteous sometimes?

If you read the article it said she was trying to take the kid outside of the restaurant. Some guy started screaming at her, which only made things worse and people were happy when he was asked to leave. Just because you're in a restaurant doesn't mean you get to be in a little bubble and act like you can't help out someone who is having a problem. If you can't help at least don't make it worse like that guy did.

Maybe not having a touch of compassion for someone is a bigger issue.

>> No.9170114

>It doesn't belong because I don't like it
>I bet you are from pol
I bet you are from pol

>> No.9170116

Man, those sure are a lot of buzzwords for being an idiot.

>> No.9170117

Single mother kids are way more likely to grow up and commit murder than normal kids
This could end up killing someone

>> No.9170122

>Maybe have a bit of compassion
Nobody ever had any for me you cunts, I don't play into your game
>People were happy
Sure, you probably have never see. A single mom, nobody there was happy

>> No.9170137

Parenting is hard :(((

>> No.9170145
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>“He really screamed very loudly,” she said. “He said ‘Take your kid outside! God!’ I couldn’t take him outside because my other son was by himself.”

Then get him and take them both outside you stupid fat fuck.

>> No.9170151

Since mothers are women and all women are bitches and all women in positions of power become cunts, it's not surprising that children of single mothers end up fucked in the head. Modern divorce is a disease of the social virus "Feminism" and to be frank only kids that had two normal (see: heterosexual) parents are fully developed humans worthy of trust and mutual respect.

>> No.9170156


>> No.9170159

>muh /pol/ boogeyman


>> No.9170165

>it's a fat single mother

I'm shocked.

>> No.9170168

Spotted the half-orphan. I pity your miserable upbringing.

>> No.9170176

I was the child of a single mother after she divorced a drug-addicted and physically abusive man. I didn't murder anyone. It's not always the woman's fault either.

>inb4 roastie shouldn't have children with someone like that
He didn't start out that way.

>> No.9170178


>> No.9170179

If your children aren't "restaurant ready", for the love of all that is good get a goddamned babysitter instead of taking your rambunctious crotch fruit with you.

>> No.9170186

You've been brainwashed by your mom. She drove him to drug abuse because of how shitty she was and then she dug her claws into you through your developing years. I'm afraid you'll likely repeat the cycle. F

>> No.9170187

>nobody had any for me

yes they did you rationalizing faggot

>> No.9170192

Most Asians are mainland chinks I guess.

>> No.9170193

The west doesn't typically have all those problems. It consists of more countries than the USAbomination

>> No.9170196

jello please, he's already had enough

>> No.9170199

For the love of god this.

Even if you fucked up in planning your day and are stuck in a pinch, get them some drive through so you don't have to disturb others. It's not like it'll be any worse for them than """""boston""""" pizza.

>> No.9170201

>the West
>not literally the USA and its satellites
Top kek

>> No.9170206

>I didn't murder anyon

Yeah but you're browsing this shithole, so you didn't turn out as well as you want us to think.

>> No.9170210

I could sure as hell stop my husband getting on drugs, your mom is a retard.

>> No.9170228

>Whenever I hear "asians," it immediately tells me that the person has no idea what they're talking about.

I'm talking about first worlders like China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. One of the hallmarks of those cultures, since you've obviously never been there, is minimizing impact on your fellow citizens. You don't selfishly allow your screaming spawn to disrupt other peoples life. That's one of the reasons they're btfo of the US. Get used to your feminized world of selfishness.

>> No.9170240

>first world
>minimizing impact on your fellow citizens
Made me lol. Chinks will run over people in the street who've already been hit. They're subhuman.

>> No.9170248

never made any sense, boston isn't even known for pizza. In fact boston might be where I've gotten the worst pizza I've had. vermont was bad too
you know you're really doing something wrong when you consistently put out a worse product than florida

>> No.9170250

Asians shit literally anywhere, you faggots have no say.

>> No.9170256

Man I love those videos.

>> No.9170276

Florida has a decent number of people with Italian heritage so you can find a fair number of Italian-American restaurants in some places. There's 3 or 4 restaurants within 10 minutes of where I live and they all have decent food as long as you know what to order. Some places do pizza better, some do dishes better, some use cheaper toppings, etc. but you can still get good food.

>> No.9170545

Well, it's true. /pol/ posters are by far the most obvious and worst shitposters on the entire site

>> No.9170579

I get it dude, you're still upset about losing the election.

>> No.9170621

>its about statistics until its no longer convinient for me

>> No.9170641

this is neo-/ck/

this has been up for hours while people get banned for discussing food

>> No.9170646


cry some more?

>> No.9170664
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This thread just made everyone furious about the most random things.

I want to be furious too.

>> No.9170685

Your mother's a whore

>> No.9170721

start a newsletter about it

>> No.9170763

your shitpost just proves my point