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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 376 KB, 1648x1153, Yellw-Onions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9157082 No.9157082 [Reply] [Original]

How do you get the smell of onions off your fingers and from beneath your nails?

>> No.9157089

Rub your fingers on a stainless steel knife, drink, or a stainless steel "soap"

The same works for garlic

>> No.9157164

>Rub your fingers on a stainless steel knife, drink, or a stainless steel "soap"
what the fuck does that even mean

>> No.9157697

It means you're both fucking stupid

>> No.9157701

rub some dirt in it

works for literally everything

>> No.9157712 [DELETED] 

rub fingers and hand on 2 weeks unwashed uncircumcised dick. works like a miracle

>> No.9157733

soap and water? Is that even a fucking question

>> No.9157737

Soap and water isn't enough, have you ever cut an onion? The scent becomes embedded into your skin.

>> No.9157921

Become a smoker and stop giving a fuck

>> No.9157940

Either stainless steel, or rub some salt on your hands under cold water. The steel works better, though.

>> No.9157946

I have, and a regular hand washing always gets the onion smell off my hands. What kind of freaky stink-absorbing hands do you have?

>> No.9157955

Learn how to cut a fucking onion.

Cutting the base releases the sulfur that's stinking up your hands.

Even Gordon Ramsey could show you.

>> No.9157957

>beneath your nails

anon, I don't know how the FUCK you're cutting onions, but you're doing it wrong.

>> No.9157961

rub garlic on your fingers.

>> No.9157962

Do you have a visual example? Video? Pictures?

>> No.9158621

Finger your girlfriend/wife. It's what I always do

>> No.9158788

fuck you Chad get off my board

>> No.9158838

Not use or cut onions cause they are shit

>> No.9158860

Stick to your microwave meals strongboi

>> No.9158956

>tfw you cut onions without gloves your vag smells like onions for the next few days

no bueno

>> No.9158969

Do what I do and just don't cook with them. I can smell onion coming out of my pores for days after eating anything with the shit.

>> No.9158973

Your ability to perceive smells is deficient.

>> No.9159065

but they're so fucking good.

>> No.9159073

>getting onion underneath your nails
Are you having trouble peeling a layer of skin or are you cutting onions in a horrific manner using your talons?

>> No.9159377

please help me /ck/ my hands smell like potatoes

>> No.9159379

And your posts smell like shit. Fuck off.

>> No.9159420

Total meme

>> No.9159432
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>meme = falsehood

>> No.9161014


>> No.9161168

wash your hands?

>> No.9161171

this has never happened to me. you're probably cutting the onion like a retard

>> No.9161191

dig your fingers deep into your asshole after taking a shit without wiping. now your fingers don't smell like onions.

>> No.9161214

Personally I just put my hands in a bowl of dried coffee grounds, it absorbs most of the smell. But I also use that for a lot of other stuff (gardening, washing dishes, body scrubs, etc), and I guess it's kind of an effort to save your coffee grounds just for that reason. Rubbing your hands against stainless steel works too.

>> No.9161224

Then how do I get rid of the garlic smell you dicking pleb.

>> No.9161252

how do you cut

>> No.9161256

Not good enough.

>> No.9161262

I don't drink coffee.

>> No.9161335

Microwave your hands.

>> No.9161347

wash your goddamned hands?

>> No.9161406

Not strong enough.

>> No.9161428

Replace the smell with something better.

>> No.9161614

run onion on your fingers

>> No.9161673
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Panjeet my son, the secret is in the poo

>> No.9161808

Wash your hands and rub them with lemon.

>> No.9161854

okay that sounds legit I'll actually try that
thank you, I hope we have lemon

>> No.9161883

Wash and rub your hands against a spoon. Same goes for garlic.

That, and purchase a quality handsoap like Meyers.

>> No.9162915

thanks for nothing /ck/

>> No.9162924

>How do you get the smell of onions off your fingers
Stainless steel
>from beneath your nails?
Cut your nails you disgusting shit, it's unhygienic and looks terrible

>> No.9162928

underrated post

>> No.9162939

>stainless Steel

Theres no reason why surfactant soap would remove the smell. Also as >>9157955 said, dont cut the bases. Suffer and have slightly more onion or dont suffer and have slightly less onion. Just cut further in from the base

>> No.9162998

Rub/wash your hands with salt.
I've never tried it, but I heard it works.

>> No.9163017

>Suffer and have slightly more onion or dont suffer and have slightly less onion. Just cut further in from the base
still confused without a visual

>> No.9163260

The salt actually fucking worked.
God bless you, salt anon.
I can cook and masturbate in the same day now.

Thread Closed.

>> No.9163502

okay wait I don't think salt actually worked

>> No.9163560

I've heard soaking for a few mins in red wine works, you could also try vodka or hand sanitizer.

>> No.9163599

I have no alcohol, I'm 18 years old.

>> No.9163629

Wanna cyber?

>> No.9163647

the absolute state of the USA

>> No.9165226


>> No.9166275 [DELETED] 


>> No.9166296

jesus christ, dip you fingers in industrial vinegar, then baking soda, or cram them into oxyclean powder half wet.

>> No.9166318

what the fuck is industrial vinegar

>> No.9166358


It's 10% Vinegar. It ruins everything it touches. Don't spray it on anything with iron content or it will rust immediately. Vinegar is 5%, Pickling Vinegar is 7.5% and Industrial Vinegar is 10%. That's acetic acid for the dilettantes.

>> No.9167374


>> No.9168062 [DELETED] 


>> No.9168616
File: 12 KB, 225x225, mgyDIl59ILswFxx3rebdv3Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


can vouch for the stainless steel soap

my pores are like fucking sponges and my hands will reek of garlic/onion no matter how much i was them with water and soap

couple of seconds with steel soap and 85% of the smell gone, bought one on dealextreme 5 years ago and still works

>> No.9170177


>> No.9170234

>not sniffing your peppery lemony garlic onion hands throughout the day and loving it

>> No.9171184

I can't enjoy masturbating if I can't smell my cum and my cum doesn't smell nice if it smells like onions

>> No.9172047 [DELETED] 


>> No.9173262 [DELETED] 


>> No.9173967

Wash your hands with soap.

Is for americans.

>> No.9174029

Wash your hand with soap, or dip your finger in coffee water yes it works.

>> No.9174078

I don't have coffee water
what the fuck is coffee water

>> No.9174566

Rub some regular table strength vinegar on your hands and let it set for 30 seconds or so. Then wash your hands as you normally would.

>> No.9174601

wear gloves

>> No.9174607

Do you work in restaurants? I bet you've never julienned 20 onions if this has never happened to you

>> No.9174781

that doesn't help me right now though

>> No.9174799

I learned a trick working in kitchens. I saw a few Mexican co-workers rubbing lime juice on their arms and hands after dicing onions

>> No.9174806

then your hands will just smell like vinegar gg

>> No.9174855

I've tried lemon juice, what makes lime juice different?

>> No.9174859

He didn't say they were different, the guys were just Mexican.

>> No.9175562 [DELETED] 


>> No.9175571
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>> No.9175681

stick them in your girlfriends pussy after fucking her.

>> No.9175721

get off my board Chad

>> No.9176183
File: 396 KB, 540x538, tumblr_inline_oosaoqUXum1qmr4az_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 days and still no real answer

>> No.9177006

What the fuck are you talking about you dumb fuck, buy steel soap and fuck off.

>> No.9177024

Steel wool and bleach. Scrub until you physically can't anymore.

>> No.9177027 [DELETED] 

Lime juice is used primarily to virtue signal your white guilt. A sure sign of a redditor is when they're too ashamed of their heritage to use normal lemons.

>> No.9177647

finger ur mom and make em smell like north Atlantic cod

>> No.9177661

Start sniffing them, it's an acquired taste.

>> No.9177683
File: 35 KB, 463x489, 1497924176362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing in onions that aren't easily washed away with an emulsifier. Do you just let your hands sit for an hour after cutting onions?

>> No.9177977

what the fuck is an emulsifier

>> No.9177984

I have no job.

>> No.9177991

> 'Use soap' isn't a 'real answer'
American hygeine, everyone.

>> No.9179359 [DELETED] 


>> No.9180285


>> No.9180296

scents can permeate your skin pretty quickly, to the point that soap won't take it all away. you just have to wait for it to go away on its own.

ground mustard seed can help emulsify salad dressings, but i don't think that would help when you wash your hands

>> No.9180323

Makes things stick together

>> No.9180331

There are multiple real answers. Unless you are letting it soak into your skin for ages there is NO reason why a surfactant wouldnt remove it. Perhaps you have disgusting sweaty hands and it soaks into your pores that way.

>> No.9180359

Maybe you nose sucks and you can't smell that your hands still reek of onion after you wash them.

>> No.9180371

Still have no idea what you're saying.

>> No.9180374

My nigga just say soap what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.9180379

Why dont you buy scented soap, you insufferable cunt? Or keep some industrial degreaser in the kitchen.
Because American mongoloids dont understand that soap isnt just bubbles and anti bacterial

>> No.9182038
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>Because American mongoloids dont understand that soap isnt just bubbles and anti bacterial

>> No.9182910

okay how about this
how do I get the smell of curry off my hands

>> No.9184146 [DELETED] 


>> No.9184155

you stop wiping your ass with your hands you pooinloo

>> No.9184186

>implying you don't want garlic n' onion dick

>> No.9184673


>> No.9184706

Cut you fingers off

>> No.9184714

that's also the fucking flavor you're avoiding


it works, trying to "insult" a fact doesn't actually make it not true. Many, many people have directly oberved stainless+cold water removing onion smell.

Also see above

>> No.9184730

Wash/squeeze some lemon on your hands
Works like a charm

>> No.9185091

Finger a dog's anus

>> No.9185126

>cod is a smelly fish
Stick to fish tendies son

>> No.9185493

I can't enjoy masturbating unless I can smell my semen and if my semen smells like onion it's not arousing.

>> No.9185496

How the fuck am I supposed to rub a fork or something on my fingers and wash my hands with it

>> No.9185516
File: 225 KB, 800x464, l_solvol-soap-bars-100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find that an abrasive soap like Solvol used with a nail brush can get rid of MOST of the smell. It's harsh on your skin though.

>> No.9185526

How harsh?

>> No.9185548

stainless or coffee grounds

>> No.9186071

The same way you get the poop smell out from under your fingernails.

>> No.9186311

Might dry it out a little bit. Moisturising would probably help.

>> No.9186345


>> No.9186378

squeeze lemon juice in your hand and rub vigorously. also rub the lemon rind on your hand. there are oils in the peel that will help get rid of scents like onions and garlic.

also if you have a stainless steel sink, just rub your hands and fingers on that for a few seconds. wash well with soap after.

>> No.9186429

>rub the lemon rind on your hand.
Wish I knew that before I wasted the last lemon trying to get the smell off, just squeezing the juice didn't work.

>> No.9186437

Cut your fingies off cause that shit aint coming out

>> No.9186527

This. Sadly, you'll carry the moniker "onion boy" for the rest of your life. You're like that kid that vomited in the water fountain in elementary school. That's your identity forever.

>> No.9186739


Halve a lemon and rub it on the cutting board prior to cutting the onion and it will help prevent your eyes from tearing and when done cutting the onion squeeze the other half in your hands and rub the lemon juice around prior to washing them off.

Source, me. Michelin Star chef.

>> No.9187174

Got my sisters to cut the onions tonight guys

>> No.9187181

You're supposed to soak the onion in cold water for like 10 minutes, then chop it tear-free. Once you're done you use cold water on your hands and then warm water with soap. You can also spray your hands with white vinegar and then wash hands. either way works.

>> No.9187228

>You're supposed to soak the onion in cold water for like 10 minutes, then chop it tear-free.
woah what
Does that really work?

>> No.9187259

No tears and no flavor

>> No.9187364

well how bout that!

>> No.9188422 [DELETED] 


>> No.9188613

I'mma try this onion water thing man I really hope it works.

>> No.9188838
File: 39 KB, 665x574, 1491224318848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I responded to you a fucking week ago.

You could have just fucking used Google in that short time.

Instead our going to rub your hands with citrus and forks like some medieval witch-hunter.

Literally, https://youtu.be/TwGBt3V0yvc

Eat a fuggin sausage.

>> No.9189994
File: 72 KB, 543x549, 1498621728204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You could have just fucking used Google in that short time.

>> No.9191383

thanks everybody