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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9133216 No.9133216[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9133224
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>> No.9133230

report sage hide

>> No.9133233

>White people can't eat spice
>Traveled the globe and discovered new lands to find new spices
>Have entire festivals based around making the spiciest food possible
>Several different white cultures are known for some of the spiciest foods in the world
>But white people can't eat spice
really makes you think

>> No.9133237

>Doesn't give the customer what they paid for out of spite
what a dick

>> No.9133251

Is that Goku?

>> No.9133275

people who can't draw shouldn't make comics

>> No.9133292

I agree

>> No.9133298

A good songwriter don't necessarily have to be a good singer.

>> No.9133304

you're right they don't. Because they're not singing.

A comic artist draws. Therefore they should know how to do it. Else they just just become a -comic writer-

>> No.9133307

Why do all tumblr comics have the same feel.

>> No.9133308

Let them have their memes; it's all they have anymore.

>> No.9133328

>Goku no pico

>> No.9133344

not all white people are spice pussies you know
im white and addicted to spicy, might have something to do with my dead taste buds from years of smoking though

>> No.9133352
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>go to indian place
>ask for very spicy
>less spicy than tabasco sauce

fuckin racist

>> No.9133364


My girlfriend is from Mexico and eats raw jalapeños without batting an eye, yet she sometimes tells me that my cooking is too hot for her.

>> No.9133404

Good song writers usually sell their work to good singers

>> No.9133412

That's probably because the jalapenos taste good while having some heat. Your food most likely just has heat.

>> No.9133423

you forgot
>literally enslaved whole peoples and waged entire wars just for more spice

>> No.9133429

the spice is life

>> No.9133438

>Niggers and spics still believe that white people can't eat spicy food

>> No.9133451

Spice must flow
>Old job
>Used to bring snacks every day and my coworkers (almost all black) would take some when I offered
>Usually potato chips or mixed nuts
>One day bring in wasabi peas because I had a ton of them at home
>All day hear my coworkers swearing when they take some because they can't stand how hot they are
>Meanwhile I'm eating handfuls at a time
Wasabi peas aren't even all that spicy so I really don't understand this "white people can't take spice" stereotype.

>> No.9133454


>wow it's almost like stereotypes aren't 100% true all the time

who knew

>> No.9133466

I get that but most stereotypes have at least some grounding in reality.
A comparison would be if somebody made a comic about how black people glow in the dark or something.

>> No.9133468

>joke one whites
as long as i can keep telling blacks have no dad jokes, im fine with this. also
>white people and mayo
>credit cards
casual racism is fine with me, poke jokes at both sides.

>> No.9133484

who has the spiciest cuisine? I used to think mexicans but recently i've had some asian dishes that were fucking flaming
the asians know how to make spicy good too the flavors they use complement the spicy very well

>> No.9133487


mexican food isn't spicy at all.

>> No.9133495

Szechuan Chinese is pretty spicy, but the Chinese reckon Hunan province cuisine is spicier.
Thai food is fucken spicy as fuck, and West-African cuisines tend towards pretty hot.

>> No.9133504


Just because the stereotype doesn't fit you, doesn't mean that it doesn't fit other white people

>> No.9133508

>asian dishes that were fucking flaming

Some thai curries are hot but they mellow it with coriander, lime and coconut juice. The hottest curry I ever had was a vindaloo and it hurt. Another one from korea, agujjim, a fish dish in a maximum assblasting heat level.

>> No.9133513

whitebread flyovers think raw onions are fear-factor level machismo dare spicy shitskin food

some mexican dishes even use chili, imagine how they'd react to that

have you ever had the "XXXX-tra nuclear hot DANGER" sauce from taco bell? it's basically distilled water with a thickener added, and taco bell regularly gets sued for attempted murder because the warnings weren't dire enough for whitebread to not call 9-1-1 after accidentally having an ion come in contact with his delicate palate. they extrapolate from that, to "mexican food is really spicy". and, to them, it is, I guess. but this is pretty much the Gettier Problem in action - it's not mexican food, and it's not spicy, and yet, to them, if they did ever have true mexican food, it would be spicy

>> No.9133516
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Have you considered a budget, coastie scum? It would help your spending problems...

>> No.9133529
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Yeah, our budgets get blown out by all the aid we send your blighted hellhole failed states. What would you even do without us. You're welcome.

>> No.9133533

Hehe Szechuan sauce

>> No.9133534

>tfw illinois
>tfw still no state budget

>> No.9133535

White people are synonymous with shit like hotwing contests though.

>> No.9133543

taco bell was started by a wetback though

>> No.9133548

what do you consider to be spicy then?

>> No.9133550

>I've got the new budget, we're sending all of our money to corn farmers in nebraska and then we're going to starve to death and let gangs rule our streets and we're going to keep doing this every year
>brilliant, print it
Makes perfect sense you phenomenal retard.

>yea well that's only because we're pathetic cuckholds!
basically your argument my dude.

>> No.9133558

>LMAO-ing at ur arguments

>> No.9133564


You know that, and I know that, but do you think the random people who think of this stereotype up in the first place know that?

Their experience with white people begins and ends with people they see at their local restaurant.

>> No.9133597
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it never ends

>> No.9133610

The author had to release a comic on-schedule, but was too high to do so. So he takes a joke that has been made hundreds of times in dozens of formats and adapts it to his mediocre work.

>> No.9133612

I like to order the mango habanero hot wings at Buffalo Wild Wings. I think that level of spiciness is perfect. I also love spicy Thai food. Every now and then I will roast jalapeños on my gas stove and bathe them in soy sauce and lime. They make a perfect side dish for every meal.

>> No.9133677

>dude white people food has a ton of spice
>british food

>> No.9133682
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reminder that pie and mash literally has no form of seasoning whatsoever

>> No.9133684

Fucking red states btfo. Yet they vote people into office who are slashing the federal budget that keeps them alive. That's why red state legislators and governors are dripping with sweat trying to figure out how they can keep from looking any more like northern mexico than they already do.

There is no other constituency in america that deserves the moniker "cuck" more than the red state.

>> No.9133689

Not to mention the most highly educated states, despite their lack of federal funding, are most left leaning states.

>> No.9133690

When the internet uses "white people", do they mean the native peoples of europe or american white people?

>> No.9133693

Good point. Look at Bob Dylan, or Kris kristopherson.

>> No.9133700

mostly white people in fly over states

I doubt when people say "white people" they mean the french, italian, russian, etc.

>> No.9133705

You have shitty spice management anon

>> No.9133709

Louisiana voted #4, not #1....

Tbh I'm surprised. It's so fucking corrupt here

>> No.9133736

>What did he mean by this?
don't know, i'm white and I over-spice and over-salt everything I eat because the cigs have dulled my tastebuds over the years.

>> No.9133770

Whitey here.

Anything less than 500,000 Scoville is unexceptionable.

>> No.9133784

Shit like this is the reason I keep getting weakass curry every time I ask for it spicy. Fucking Pajeets. I literally have 0 problems when ordering hot wings.

>> No.9133802

watch youtube videos with a white guy and nonwhite people eating hot challenges

generally its the tough "whites can't handle spice" minorities who is always going to be crying

>> No.9133812

Why did snowflake OP get triggered over nothing?

>> No.9133845

This thread is full of butthurt, but it's true

For 90% of normies, "spicy" is Sriracha.
This isn't some kind of racial dig. It's just how normies were raised. You raise a black, hispanic, or Asian kid on a diet of weekly spaghetti and meatloaf, and you're gonna have a weak ass palate.

For the most part, it's true. When Chad Cheswick of fucking upper New York asks for spicy, he wants water downed sriracha because he's never had anything more.
Its' true for all the flyovers.

The anons in this thread are interested in cooking so we've tried shit and know what "spicy" means.

Spend some time with normie ass motherfuckers who marry at 25 and you'll see how true it is

>> No.9133858

Well there needs to be some sort of code phrase that means "I've had spicy shit before, give me the real stuff and not that Texas Pete shit."

>> No.9133870

strange, californias economy competes with many countries. its said california is a financial entity with strength separate from the USA

link source?

>> No.9133875

Go to non-chain non-normie restaurants.

There's this el Salvadorian place I got. They don't give a fuck. You either eat the sauce on the table or you don't.

>> No.9133886

All my Indian places are local and they will not spice my food up beyond sriracha levels. It's annoying to say the least. I just stopped going out for Indian food

>> No.9133892

Have you tried talking to them about it?
I mean, you can always just try to say "Can I have it spicy like you'd have it spicy?"

>> No.9133912

also, britbongs have been eating spicy mustard (not the yellow one) for centuries.

>> No.9133913

Maybe one day

>> No.9133916

Spicy mustard is French

>> No.9133918

The only white guy that can handle his spice is Guy Fierri no joke

>> No.9133926

spicy mustard also isnt even fucking spicy, it's like roughly 100,000 scuzzies

>> No.9133932

Spicy mustard is mostly nasally spicy
I don't know what to call that, but it's very different from pepper spice

I don't think you can really measure it on the Scoville scale

>> No.9133933

They're scraping the absolute bottom of the barrel here