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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 163 KB, 1500x1125, 20140619-pourover-kalita-window.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9122154 No.9122154 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make a good cup of coffee /ck/?

>> No.9122159
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WTF kind of coffee maker is that?

>> No.9122174

French press with coarsely ground, quality beans.

It's just drip coffee. Same shit as the cheap Mr. Coffee machines you can buy at walmart, but it's fancy because you have to do the work yourself.

>> No.9122176
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I want one, any name to this product?

>> No.9122180

looks like a mellita cone
I'd get a v60 cone, a wave, or a chemex if you're looking for a pourover cone. Melittas are not very good from my experience

>> No.9122186

actually the filename says it's a kalita. bretty good for making coffee actually.

>> No.9122189
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>Melittas are not very good from my experience

Than why recommend it?

I'll just find a keurig single serve and use that

>> No.9122204

Depends on what the coffee is.

He's right it's like a drip, it works the same, except you're pouring the water. The difference though is that a drip just, well, drips the water non-stop onto the grounds. Once you know how to work the coffee, you can get more flavor out of it.

If you want the fancy looking stuff look for a V60. If you want the same thing in plastic, get a Melitta.

>> No.9122262

Can you brew coffee with a moka pot with only half of the water/coffee ground?
I want to buy one for myself but sometimes I make coffee for my dad too so it will be easier for me to get a bigger one.

>> No.9122284

all coffee tastes the same.

>> No.9122293

you throw the beans in the trash, fucking pleb
Coffee is a meme

>> No.9122363

Get fresh roasted beans.
Grind the beans just before brewing with a decent burr grinder.
Use a pour over, chemex or French press if you want to be cheap and don't mind the extra work.
If you want to use a coffee maker get some thing like a bonavita that brews at the right temp and doesn't use a hot plate.

>> No.9122416

>holds up finger


>> No.9123302

Nah, not really, but the difference rarely seems worth the fuss.

>> No.9123571

Without the exact amount of water and coffee the thing is sized for, the pot is unable to build enough pressure to function properly.

They're cheap enough that you could buy two pots, but you'd be better off with a french press if you want one coffee maker that do both one or two cups.

>> No.9123582
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Who /pouroverfrenchpresshybridforidiots/ here?

>> No.9123680

How do you use this?

Does this only work with fast coffee?

>> No.9123695

Put filter in the top.
Put ground coffee in the filter.
Pour hot water in the top.

>>Fast coffee
I have no idea what that is. This thing takes standard ground coffee. It does not take Instant coffee.

>> No.9123704

I just got a french press. How can i utilize it to its potential?

>> No.9123717

Just get an aeropress. It's superior to any brewing method, fast, clean and quite easy to make.

>> No.9123737
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Instant coffee, I've been using instant and I just ran out

I'm looking for a new setup, I don't have a coffee maker...

I think I found one though, I can't find OPs pic and that looks good but I found a french press

>> No.9123738

It's just a pourover cone that is closed on the bottom until you put it on top of a cup, so you can let it seep and get an even extraction. It's like pouring french press through a paper filter.

Here's a hip fag explaining:


>> No.9123740

My brother bought one and used it once or twice

I hear they are hard to get used to?

>> No.9123750
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>pourover cone

I think I found it


>> No.9123777

Well, the clever isn't really pourover but immersion with a paper filter. It's sort of in between. Very easy to use though.


>> No.9123868


I thought the point of being "closed on the bottom" at first was simply to avoid messy drips.

Is it really intended to be used to steep?

>> No.9123984

A burr grinder, or get fresh roasted coffee and have it ground at the shop and drink within 3 days of roasting.

>> No.9123988

Buy a french press to make more cups.

>> No.9124044

Yes. See the video I linked.

>> No.9124070
File: 807 KB, 1653x1000, pourover melitta vs hario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People think this is pretentious, but it's practical as fuck, and has much less shit to clean than a goddamn plastic mr. coffee or even a keurig.
You don't actually need a gooseneck kettle so long as you can pour slowly.
The paper filter means you never actually have to wash the cone, just rinse it with water.
And the glass jar underneath doesn't have to be a carafe, it can be a plain ass mug, or a travel container.

The only difference between pour over cones is the size of the hole underneath.
Large holes will drain the water out VERY fast, you need to pour very slowly and very deliberately if you want any flavor at all.
Smaller holes are much more forgiving, they're basically foolproof.

I do the latter.

>> No.9124078

hario looks like a gaping slut

are there any pros to such a big leaky hole?

>> No.9124081

Any maker where you have to tailor the grind size to the exact volume of the cup and fiddle with pouring and grind size to make sure the coffee is done exactly within a specific timeframe to get the proper extraction rate is pretentious as fuck, famalam.

>> No.9125336

>fresh roasted beans
>no robusta, not ever
>coarse grind (15 on a Hario mini)
>30 second bloom
>3:30 total brew for my current coffee (light roast, never drank one before)
>make sure you leave the water to cool slightly before pouring it over the coffee

You're an idiot. Fresh roasted coffee is best after 4-7 days rest.

>> No.9126498

>Same shit as the cheap Mr. Coffee machines you can buy at walmart, but it's fancy because you have to do the work yourself.
Except Mr. Coffee machines from Walmart do not have high enough temperature, consistent water temperature, or even distribution, which is important for good coffee

>> No.9127077

the hario can take your flow at whatever speed you want and still keep up, the melitta will slow you down to its speed

>> No.9128746


>> No.9128754

>drinking covfefe

>> No.9128758

As somebody who has roasted their own coffee a handful of times, I completely disagree. The best a roast ever will be is still warm from the roasting.

The common misconception that a bean needs to rest for at least two days was started because of how a bean will release carbon dioxide from itself for a few days after roasting, meaning if you were to brew this bean, you would have a lot more gasses escaping during early brewing. This causes difficulties in espresso, moka, drip, and any other form of pressure based brewing. However, turkish, cowboy, french press, and pour over are ideal for dealing with this extra gas release.

For an example of this occurrence, look to pour over tutorials, the "blooming" stage of pour over is representative of release the gases.

>> No.9128956

So it increases the amount of variables you have control over.

Are there any reasons to actually want a quick extraction though?

I don't think I ever had overextracted pourover.

>> No.9128970

Finer grind sizes for more proper extraction. One of the distinct tricks of pourover is how fine you can grind your beans while still maintaining a proper flow of water to prevent overextraction.

>> No.9128988

>Buy decent coffee, either buy beans you grind in the store or just buy beans and grind them at home
>Put two teaspoons of ground coffee into reusable Keurig cup
>Put into Keurig machine, put coffee cup beneath the spout
>Press start
And you have a good cup of coffee in no time.

>> No.9129000

That makes sense.

Is there a steep learning curve to it?

>> No.9129054

Mostly trial and error, particularly in regard to different types of beans. You can go fairly fine, especially if you tweak your temperatures, but you need a good steady temp electric kettle with a gooseneck spout for even distribution. Pourover is very tricky, but once you dial in the motions it's mostly just tweaking grind size and temp until you find what works for your roasts.

>> No.9129590
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>grind in the store or just buy beans and grind them at home

You can grind beans in a store?

>> No.9129596

Are you illiterate or retarded?

>> No.9129659
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>pour over is the bes-

>> No.9129678

Yeah, it pretty common for grocery stories to have a coffee grinder in their coffee section along with coffee bean dispensers with their price per pound listed and sealable paper bags for the freshly ground coffee. The cashier weighs the bag on checkout and charges you accordingly. This way even if the beans are old you still know exactly when they were ground.

>> No.9129750

Any of you guys have an espresso machine at home? I make them at work and am getting addicted. But the machines are bloody expensive. Might keep an eye out for a second hand one

>> No.9129862


I just got an espresso maker for an induction stove. Is it important to let the espresso brew for some time or can I just blast the stove on full heat and have it done in a couple of minutes?

>> No.9129875

>an espresso maker for an induction stove

Espresso machines are standalone units.

>> No.9129881
File: 19 KB, 400x489, 813051_fpx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant one of these

>> No.9129902

Those don't make espresso

>> No.9129936

Pike place keurig

>> No.9130004

Get whole beans, grind mediumly, pulsing works best if using blade grinder, pls use hearing protection even if it's just awkward hand and shoulder way, put grounds in french press, boil water and wait for it to cool to less than boiling, pour intro french press and stir, wait 3-4 minutes, press then pour into mug.

>> No.9130012

Those lack failsafes so they can explode if clogged.

>> No.9130030

That pressure release valve in full view is the failsafe.

>> No.9130033

>How do I make a good cup of coffee /ck/?
You don't. You go to Starbucks and a barista will make it for you

>> No.9130095

I use a Bonavita Immersion Dripper, foo the same coffee *without* plastic contact.

>> No.9130097

Ceramic Kalita Wave

>> No.9130265
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How many of you drink coffee after 1800?

Any night time coffee drinkers here or is that a meme?

>> No.9130284

I have my first cup at 2200, but I have to work until 0200 so it works for me

>> No.9130331

I tend to have a double espresso after dinner, usually around 20:00.

>> No.9130384

>double espresso

Fuck, I did this once at a business dinner

Eating at a fancy restaurant, order coffee in a TINY cup, didn't sleep the whole night

>> No.9130696

That's not a bad start. Now just get you some quality beans, maybe a touch of chicory.

>> No.9131022


(I don't remember wich one it is, sorry)






>> No.9131796

Alright, trying out grinding my own coffee for the first time today. Fourth mug with the fourth bean in two hours soon done.

>> No.9131868

you're a moron

>> No.9131869

what kind of grinder laddo?

>> No.9131908

I fell for the meme grinder, Wilfa wscg-2. Everytime I read tips for coffee noobs starting out, that one was recommended. And it was on sale here, so I got it for the equivelent of $60 instead of $80. If I feel that this grinding my own coffee-thing isn't for me then I haven't wasted too much money.

>> No.9131942

I thought the baratza encore was the meme grinder.

Are you liking it so far? What brewing method do you use?

>> No.9131992
File: 19 KB, 400x400, Kaffebryggare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fuck, that's $160-$200 where I live. Does it massage your prostate while you grind? What justifies the price hike?

>so far
I can't tell yet. I'm going to find whole beans of the type of the pre-grinded coffee I've bought so far and use it as a control group, see if there is a difference that I can tell. Also find someone selling freshly roasted coffee beans.

>brewing method
Pic related, cheap and cheerfull. I suppose it is guilty for thirhty counts of atrocities against coffee.

>> No.9132086

Does coarsely really make a difference, I usually just grind until it stops making noise.

>> No.9132116

Soak the whole beans for 12 hours at least before grinding. Put 300°F water I the bottom of press. Put the strainer in the water and add the fresh bean paste to top of strainer. Submerge for 15 minutes and enjoy, anon!

>> No.9132141

What's the best ratio of water to coffee grounds?

>> No.9132157

Standard brew ratio is ~2 table spoons of ground coffee for every 175ml of water


>> No.9132166

Locally roasted beans
French press
figure out grounds:water
coarse burr grind
use good water
204F, use a themometer
stir w wooden spoon
4 minutes
slowly depress plunger
very good coffee

>> No.9132560

>Melittas are not very good from my experience

How come? I get good coffee from mine, though it's the only pourover device I've ever used so I have nothing to compare it to.

>> No.9132758

just like that, use 1 table spoon coffee per 6 oz water minimum.

>> No.9132847
File: 59 KB, 480x689, 6b9e18e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get on my level, you just need a sock and hot water

>> No.9133280

>not just pouring the grounds in a cup of hot water

level up m8

>> No.9133322
File: 64 KB, 594x396, civet-cat-luwak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not drinking your coffee staright from the civet feces
why don't you go back to starbucks and write a journal on your apple laptop about how much of a pleb you are?

>> No.9133342

>not fucking the civets over the raw berries and eating them yourself and then eating your own shit


>> No.9135148

bump for shit coffee best coffee

>> No.9135525

Reminder that coffee not filtered through paper fucks with your cholesterol.

>> No.9135557

Stop making Trump jokes for attention.

>> No.9135565

coffee and tea are the healthiest beverages you can drink next to water.

you're missing out on both health and pleasure if you abstain from them. dumb choice desu

>> No.9135587

*if you drink a ton of it every day

>> No.9135648

To a totally negligible extent.

>> No.9136002

Buy a can of that $5.99 generic store brand stuff. Folgers or Maxwell House are okay too, I guess.
Anything but instant. Kill yourself if you drink instant. It's only good for drinking while you type your suicide note. People will see the can, they'll understand why you did it.
Cafe Bustelo or Carib or whatever vacuum sealed mexican stuff is okay too - actually, it's kind of top notch grocery store coffee kino. I occasionally buy a package myself.
Get a french press you fucking homo. No, not a drip machine. Won't make it strong enough.
Drop 2 cups in the french press.
Boil water.
Pour water in french press and stir.
Let sit for one hour or more. Maybe overnight if you really want hair on your ass.
When you're ready, press and pour.
If you want sugar and cream, put your sugar in the cup before you pour. Cream comes after.
If you use HFCS bottled creamer you're an idiot. Use either cream or half and half, or at least red labeled milk.
You're going to want your coffee to retain a dark color and heat, so don't pour too much liquid in there. A dark brown is my accepted color. Likewise, you should be able to get the bitterness behind the sweet. Think about how tobacco smells - not cigarettes, actual tobacco. That smell is how you want your coffee to taste.

>> No.9136013

What the fuck did I just read?

Please don't give people advice about coffee ever again.

>> No.9136053

I bet you get cold, bottled knock-off starbucks coffee flavored drinks. You're probably one of those people who buy cartons of pre-mixed mocha garbage. I bet you use brand named flavored coffee creamers, I bet your coffee comes out all light brown and shit.

>> No.9136055
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>when amateurs think they know what they talking about

>> No.9136063

With a Keurig

>> No.9136105

I roast my own coffee, prepare using whatever I want between my press, moka, and ibrik. I contribute more information about coffee than anybody on the entirety of /ck/. What you just typed out is an atrocious brewing method that you should be entirely ashamed of. It involves pre-ground, terrible quality, and terrible roast beans, too high of heat, an obscene amount of overextraction, and no appreciation for the immense varieties of flavor potential different roasts and strains can have.

To be so willing to opine on a topic you have so little knowledge of is baffling to me.

>> No.9136118

are you burnt coffee / bread guy? you sound a lot like that autist

>> No.9136120
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> I contribute more information about coffee than anybody on the entirety of /ck/.

>> No.9136141
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Is coffee the comfiest beverage?

>> No.9136144


Most grinders let you adjust the coarseness. Try out what works for your tastebuds

>> No.9136289

Yes desu. Tea is also cosy but it doesn't give me that sense of well-being that coffee does.

Has to be a big mug though, espresso is nice but not comfy.

>> No.9136327

No, chocolate is comfiest beverage. It reminds me of my childhood, which coffee does not.

>> No.9136545

chocolate is not a beverage

>> No.9136586

Its a state of mind

>> No.9136616

Welp, after reading over this thread bought a drip coffee system

However, I don't have any coffee at my place right now and am looking around online

could use a recommendation
Not starbucks based
Not over caffeinated

>> No.9136628

Any coffee bean buying guides?

>> No.9136636

Your parents didn't beat you enough.

>> No.9136647

Well it worked, didn't it?

>> No.9136681

am i the only motherfucker that gets those white bacteria things in my tonsils from drinking coffee

>> No.9136690

in my experience, the best non-espresso method is french press

everything kinda sucks now that I have a decent espresso setup though

>> No.9136789

buy some locally roasted coffee - single origin if you can

>> No.9136835

Better question,

WHAT IS THE MOST AUTISTIC WAY to make a cup of coffee?
With all the over complicated and detailed procedures

>> No.9136852

How pricey are beans vs instant? I wouldn't be getting very expensive beans.

>> No.9136882
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>buy some locally roasted coffee

Thanks, I'm not a hipster though

>> No.9136885

its tastier the fresher it is; dont have to be a hipster to enjoy that

>> No.9136889

yeah same here, I also only buy bread that was baked in another country. fuck hipsters, freshness is for fags.

>> No.9136901

Let's make this simple...

A coffee bean is a food product. It is grown, harvested, cleaned, fermented, and cleaned again before arriving at a roaster / somebody's house. It is then roasted, and stays fresh for a few days, longer if properly sealed (needs a release valve for escaping gases). After this time period, the bean becomes stale, like any other food product.

You have to think of it like anything else. You wouldn't buy roast beef that was roasted two years ago just because it was kept in a vacuum pack for that time, would you?

>> No.9136908

>You wouldn't buy roast beef that was roasted two years ago just because it was kept in a vacuum pack for that time, would you?
As a matter of fact I do it all the time. I'll have you know Boar's Head is the finest luncheon meat ever made. Anyone who disagrees with me is obviously poor.

>> No.9136915

could be tasty I wouldnt know - but coffee doesnt work like that unfortunately

>> No.9136923
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>buy some locally roasted coffee

Sorry, I don't understand what this is though

There are local roasters and they sell the beans ground up?

I'm about to google that, but hippo is skeptical..

>> No.9136925

they buy the beans green then roast them in house to their taste - you buy em local as they can be fresh by a few days since roasting, this means that the flavour molecules havent broken down yet

>> No.9136930

1. Get good fresh coffee beans.
2. drink your coffee black or its pointless
3. grind your coffee with a burr
4. use whatever you want to cook the coffee that doesn't burn it
5. accept that you're going to look like an asshole

>> No.9136932

Now I have to buy a roaster and grinder too?

So the beans need to be roasted and than what I can make coffee at home?

>> No.9136936

the roasting company roast them in house then package then to sell on to you - you can buy em pre ground usually too

>> No.9136943

You're probably trolling, but whatever

Go on the internet and google "coffee roasters in {my state}"

Visit some of the sites. Maybe they have a brick & mortar shop near you. Maybe they sell it at local coffee shops (google "coffee shop near me"). Maybe even grocery stores. Or maybe only through mail order.

Reputable roasters print the roast date on their coffee. My rule of thumb is not to buy if that date was more than 7 days ago, because it's not much of a problem for me to get coffee less than 7 days old, and it takes me a week, sometimes 2 weeks to get through a bag (depending on what else I have at home, I sometimes like to keep different kinds of coffee around). There is such a thing as too fresh, as it needs to de-gas, but if it's at least 3-5 days old you're good to go. Fresher than that, it's not a big deal, but it will be very gassy and extraction may not be ideal.

>> No.9136957

You can even order fresh roasted coffee online and they will send it to you, roast date labelled. They can usually grind it for you as well.

Grinding your own coffee is the first step to enjoying the proper unique flavors in each different cherry, fresh roasting is the second step.

>> No.9136969

As far as waiting a couple days to brew roasted beans, that subject is a little misunderstood. As >>9136943
properly stated, it's normally recommended to wait because of extra gas releasing can cause issues with brewing. The bigger point to be made though is that only closed brewing systems have an issue with this (drip systems, espresso machine, moka pot, aeropress), but if you use a french press, ibrik (Turkish coffee), or just make simple cowboy coffee, extremely fresh beans are amazing. The most flavor I've gotten out of a roast is Turkish style while the beans are still warm from roasting.

>> No.9136975


Not really a troll

Basically my brother is a big fan of coffee and he is pure instant coffee drinker

I'm trying to try something new though, want to learn a bit about coffee however don't want to get into roasting or grinding since I didn't buy any of that stuff

I did google some local coffee roasters and there is a bunch in the area, but it is unlikely I will visit them

I have crippling social anxiety and going to a place like this will kill me

I'll have to look around online for an alternative

>I'm only social at work

>> No.9137083
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I bounce between these as my daily driver

>> No.9137101

I've looked at this, I don't want coffee with over 250mg of caffeine

That whole death marketing of coffee which is very potent with caffeine isn't what I'm looking for

>> No.9137111
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>> No.9137161

>however don't want to get into roasting or grinding
Home roasting is a niche hobby that some autismos get into but unless you are roasting on a commercial scale it's a money sink, a time sink, and you'll have to either throw out a lot of mistakes, or choke them down to save money. It's extremely non-cost-effective if your aim is just to get good coffee. For the same reason, you should only buy from decently established local or regional roasteries that supply local coffee shops (or have their own). Not just some hipster jerkoff with a Behmor. There's a certain amount of overhead as far as test batches go, and stuff like that, which means the very small operations have a very high incentive to sell you their experiments to recoup costs, which is unethical but happens routinely.

Grinding is a whole other story. You should grind. You need a grinder. Your brews should be within minutes of the grind.

>> No.9137286

>What justifies the price hike?
grind consistency, which makes extraction more even

>> No.9137809

What would happen if I used an extremely fine grind in my moka pot?

>> No.9137828

it will turn out just fine

>> No.9137887

stupid faggot

>> No.9138043

lol pleb confirmed

>> No.9138066
File: 99 KB, 640x480, Chronovore-Coffee1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pourover and Espresso are autistic in the usual sense, fussing over variables to an exact degree to achieve a result that most people don't care enough about to bother

But I think it takes a very special kind of autist indeed to get into Viennese Triple Cold Extraction

>> No.9138198


Reminds me of the Breaking Bad coffee setup.

>> No.9138775

>pourover is autistic

I use to rage at this sort of comment but I've gotten desensitized.

People have been doing what you retards call "pourover" since forever. Fucking Mary Tyler Moore had a chemex in her apartment, back when Chock Full o Nuts was considered good coffee and hipsters lived in Greenwich Village and wore black, before they lived in Williamsburg and wore dirty clothes, and way before they disappeared and instead became a figment of a flyover child's fevered imagination, the boogyman lurking at every luxury Starbucks and fancy high-end gourmet Cheesecake Factory location between the Hudson River and the Diablo Range.

I grew up with various incarnations of pourover and I was born in the mid 1970s. We had a melitta cone, and then got a chemex, this was all before the 90s french press fad. What we didn't have was a digital scale to make constipation faces while glaring at the display, because I guess my dad was smart enough to understand that 1ml = 1g, maybe? Or maybe just because it's unnecessary. Also in those days what was considered the ideal roast was somewhat darker than it is today.

Pourover is normal, and not new. What isn't normal is acting like it's some exotic "lost" process. That's your trashy upbringing speaking. You millennials probably grew up with a microwave and an auto drip machine you got for free for opening a bank account somewhere, so I suppose you have to go overboard with everything.

>> No.9138787

As a complete poorfag, can I do better than making cold brew using my french press with pre-ground coffee? It seems to make incredibly smooth coffee that I can drink hot or cold, and doesn't require any special equipment.

>> No.9138820

do you stir your beans after doing the old spinaroo? i do and it really does things

>> No.9138983

>I contribute more information about coffee than anybody on the entirety of /ck/
Ha, get a load of this faggot.
It's not some sacred art form, it's like everything else. You just need it to get a buzz so you can go about your miserable life.

>> No.9139380

Pourover autism, exhibit A.
Normal people don't take coffee so personally.

>> No.9139437

This is completely and totally incorrect. You can attain a perfect roast nearly every time after only a couple batches with nothing but a sauce pan and a wooden spoon / whisk.

Do not let home roasting intimidate you like it has this poor sap. It is not difficult, it is not time consuming, and it is not expensive.

It is however, messy. I recommend trying to do it outside if possible.

>> No.9139446

It's a board dedicated to knowledge and discussion of cooking related topics. I don't use a trip or name because I don't care about the attention. I merely want to share accurate information, as that's what I find the point of the board is supposed to be.

If you don't appreciate unadulterated information on the topic of the thread you're in, please shitpost elsewhere.

>> No.9139465
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>Home roasting is a niche hobby that some autismos get into but unless you are roasting on a commercial scale it's a money sink, a time sink, and you'll have to either throw out a lot of mistakes, or choke them down to save money. It's extremely non-cost-effective if your aim is just to get good coffee.

Ethiopians roast their coffee every single time they make a pot, on-demand in a fucking wok.
Grow a pair you simpering ninny.

>> No.9139617

>ethiopians make bad coffee due to tradition so everyone else should too
This might be a good time for you to learn that countries that produce raw materials are traditionally not so good at producing high quality finished goods

Econ 101

>> No.9139651

Continuing to simper like a ninny is the exact opposite of growing a pair.

>> No.9139692

Drinking bad coffee doesn't make you manly, unless you live in flyover country in which case enjoy getting beaten up for trying too hard, you elitist fag

>> No.9139696

Doing things right, and for yourself are as manly as it gets. I don't understand your point.

>> No.9139700

Ruining green coffee one batch at a time isn't doing things right

>> No.9139714

Look, the fact of the matter is that home roasting is perfectly viable and the only factor of a bad roast is inexperience. It's very easy to evenly heat a batch in a sauce pan and prevent overoast on flat and ensure a consistent color every time with proper cooling.

It's not something you do on your first try, but I'll be damned if you need a 10k+ roaster to enjoy your own fresh roasted coffee.

>> No.9139719

>b-b-b-but I tried and failed so everyone must suck at it!
I replied for him

>> No.9139722

The fact of the matter is doing things inefficiently isn't the same as "doing it right" unless you are just out to make a tortured argument about your own self-sufficiency

>> No.9139732

What is this defensive insecurity? Maybe next time I roast I'll post pictures of it after. It's not difficult and I've been doing it for quite some time now.

Really, I see no logic in your arguments, which are mostly based on presumptions and assumptions. The even color I get from a simple pan can match any small or large batch roast from any roaster.

Why are you so scared of home roasting? Are you just Starbucks shills or something?

>> No.9139737

Oh sorry, I completely misread this, and you're likely quite correct in that assumption. I'll just go make some coffee now.

>> No.9139761

I got Death Wish as a gift, tastes like burnt shit. You'll be wasting your time using your coffee making equipment on a cup of caffeinated sludge, just save your money, buy some folgers, and take caffeine pills

>> No.9139769

>Tastes like burned shit
I've never had a cup turn out that way. Makes me wonder if it's not more of an operator error issue

>> No.9139800

I hate coffee but I love hot chocolate with frothy milk. Is there a good stand alone steam wand?
Thinking of getting a bellman steamer. Any better alternative?

>> No.9139806

You don't need any expensive frother, just use a french press.

>heat milk via desired method
>pour into press
>work plunger ad naseum untill milk is delicious, frothy, thick goodness

>> No.9139845

Didnt know that. Thanks for the tip anon.

>> No.9139848

Happy to help, hope it turns out nicely.

>> No.9139853

kill yourself

>> No.9139855

Is a Baratza Encore worth it? I have a Hario Skerton right now, but my grind size isn't consistent even with the mod (plus manually grinding sucks).

>> No.9139860
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>expensive frother

you can buy a frother for $5

>> No.9139865

I'm gonna assume you're grinding pretty coarsely to not be satisfied with a skerton + mod.

Even an encore is going to give you fine particulates in your coarse, you actually have to spend a pretty penny to get something solid for a really coarse grind.

That being said, a modded skerton is going to be your most cost efficient option, with some lower tier ($100-$150) electrics being alright options next.

To be honest, if you want to save money on a very coarse grind, I'd recommend a mortar and pestle + mesh strainer.

>> No.9139875

To be fair, it's much more likely for a person to have a french press sitting around than a milk frother. And proper wand mixers aren't that cheap, so that's only an option if they already have it.

But yes, not a bad point to be made considering you can use it for other things such as stiffening egg whites.

>> No.9139878
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>I'd recommend a mortar and pestle + mesh strainer.

>> No.9139886

>best option available not good enough
>next best options extremely expensive
What else is there to suggest? I'm not gonna say "yeah go that mediocre $130 electric that will give you the same grind as your modded Skerton, just with a little less effort"? There aren't many options.

>> No.9139890

Can ye spare some frother, me brothers?

>> No.9139892

what's a good french press to get for my first

>> No.9139900

it doesn't matter

>> No.9139906

Milk isn't for pigs.

Almost any is fine. The most important aspect of a quality press is the screen and how well put together it is. Bad screens without good supports on them will fall apart after about a year of constant use.

A french press is literally just a carafe with a lid and a screen you can plunge down.

>> No.9139935

You're supposed to brew the vomited berries, asshole.

>> No.9139941
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Oh, buddy have I got news for you..

>> No.9140020

The grind will be better. Hell, the mod probably made his Skerton worse because the burrs aren't straight to begin with, so you end up locking the upper burr in place in the same crooked position

>a little less effort
More like zero effort. Dump beans in, press button. The only thing that's more effort than a Skerton is pounding the beans with rocks I.e. mortar and pestle

>> No.9140022

It's not difficult to put cards into slots and follow an install wizard either, but I bet you think your shrieking radiator made from Newegg parts with an unstable overclocked CPU makes you an elite computer scientist.

Just buy roasted beans, people. Do not listen to the sperg who pretends his sour, bitter, inconsistent DIY roasts are magical because he ruined those beans all by himself

>> No.9140345

drink last day coffee at 23:00
just in time to go to sleep
i`m Colombian BTW, drinking coffee since 5 years old.

>> No.9140352

>Buy a can of that $5.99 generic store brand stuff
please die

>> No.9140536

Fair enough, anon.
How would you suggest I make a good cup of coffee with a French press, electric grinder, sugar, and half and half? Is boiling water too hot? What's the ideal amount of time to let it steep?

>> No.9140559

>French press, electric grinder, sugar, and half and half?
Throw away the last two
>Is boiling water too hot?
Unless you're living at 5000ft, yes. You want ~200F
>What's the ideal amount of time to let it steep?
That really depends on your grind. Start with 3 or 4 minutes. If it's bitter, brew time was too long. If it's sour, brew time was too short

>> No.9140630

You need to use ground coffee beans for these set ups not instant.
French press is a good place to start because its hard to fuck up

>> No.9140648
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Is West Coasting Roasting Company a good place to get fresh beans from?

>> No.9141159

Depends slightly on your taste on the roast used, but start with a standard ratio of 2tablespoons of mid-coarsely ground coffee for about every 175ml of water. You can just put your sugar right in with your grounds. If you don't have a steady temperature kettle, let it sit after boiling for about 30 seconds to achieve ~206-208 F, which you will lose ~3 degrees of on pouring. Pour just enough to cover all your grounds and give it a slow and steady stir, then pour the rest of the water in, assuming it is about the same temperature as before. Let sit for 3.5-5 minutes, depending on roast and personal taste (4 is average level of extraction for standard mid roasts), plunge and pour. Add however much cream you personally like, I don't recommend any because it masks undertones in your roast. Obviously also add your sugar if you didn't before.

>> No.9141169

It's good to reheat your kettle for a quick moment right after the second pour to make sure your water stays hot.

Boiling is indeed too hot, but you never want to use anything under 200 in press due to the coarser grinds generally used for it. Personally, I like some dregs, so if I make press for myself I will grind a bit fine, and tweak the extraction with an extra degree or two for about 30 seconds less.

>> No.9141172

*right after the first pour

My apologies.

>> No.9141260

best coffee right here

>need french press, way to boil water to precise temp, timer, stirring stick, airtight storage for beans, & bean grinder
>bring water up to 200 deg fahrenheit
>grind beans to medium setting (not too coarse, not too fine)
>try to keep it to a 1/10 bean-to-water ratio (1 tbsp beans/10 tbsp of water) with changes based on personal taste (if you like it stronger or not)
>put bean powder in french press & fill it up 1/3 of the way. stir & let it sit for 30 seconds
>after 30 seconds, fill it up the rest of the way. let that sit for 4-6 minutes (go closer to 6 if you like it stronger)
>extract & serve immediately

>> No.9141277

if you really can't afford buying and grinding your own beans, you should be fine. cold brew is extremely forgiving.

>> No.9141278

>(go closer to 6 if you like it stronger)
Why does everyone think bitter coffee = strong coffee?

>> No.9141283

drinking some right now
barely bitter

>> No.9141292

With a medium grind, a 6 minute brew time, and a 1:10 ratio, It's fucking bitter and you goddamn know it

>> No.9141300

it's good, man. try it

>> No.9141529

Go to target
Buy different roasts
Read the flavor profiles
Figure it out

>> No.9141534

You're supposed to watch over it so that the coffee pours out of the spout slowly
If you put it on full blast it'll be bitter as fuck

>> No.9141669
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What's a good gooseneck kettle that isn't stupid expensive? Obviously doesn't have to be electric or variable temp.

>> No.9141675

Shouldn't be hard to just google gooseneck kettle or go to your local kitchen ware store to find a stovetop one.

A hario buono is going to last you a long time though

>> No.9141692
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Hmm, didn't know that was a thing

I'm headed to the store tomorrow so will check out some roasts..

I bought a new coffee maker setup but no coffee at the house yet...

looking forward to trying it out