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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9098597 No.9098597 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a picky eater that wants to eat new food. Any good food I would like to eat?

>> No.9098612
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fish taco

>> No.9098614

jfc OP, you've gotta give us some more info. what kind of foods do you like?

>> No.9098621

>I'm a picky eater that wants to eat new food
You are a unicorn.

>> No.9098653

Try a bunch of vegetables one by one.

>> No.9098661
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>> No.9098662

this photo is not helpful. you want some feedback about new foods to try?


>> No.9098664

The image was not like that. I think the site did that

>> No.9098679

strawberry, tuna, carrots, banana smoothie, spaghetti to name a few

>> No.9098707

thats a good food

>> No.9098774

Just go to an ethnic restaurant of a type you've never been to before, and ask the waiter what she or he recommends from their menu. Then fucking eat it you pussy.

>> No.9099355
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I'm assuming you're down to try tuna outside of its canned form

go to a sushi place, nab some tuna nigiri, just as a fallback

then try the tuna based rolls with the ingredients that are least off-putting to you

sushi is going to by nature have a bunch of things you aren't familiar with/don't like

but they'll all take a backseat to the tuna, which you crave

fledge your wings, my son

>if your sushi looks like pic related, btfo and go somewhere else

>> No.9099691

You should try cyanide anon, would solve your picky eating issue

>> No.9100285

>sushi is going to by nature have a bunch of things you aren't familiar with/don't like

No it doesn't. Sushi by nature is just rice, fish, wasabi, seaweed if it's a roll, and soy sauce to dip it in. That's it. What you're calling sushi is just fucked up American fish rice rolls.

>> No.9100491

How does that make you feel that you just suggested that someone should kill their self? Do you feel good about putting a life at risk? Would you feel good if they went through with it? I think you need to take some time off of the computer and think about what you've done, mister.

>> No.9100509

I was an intensely picky eater, to the point of pathology

pizza, tacos, anything with a lot of different food put together helps because you can branch out from one part to a completely different food. also helps if it's traditionally "cheat food" or whatever, these things are cravings because they're actually good

at the same time, bland shit like oatmeal in the morning helps you want to try new things just to have some excitement. just stay away from safe foods and take kratom and go out and hope you're in the mood

>> No.9101559
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>tfw really picky eater
>no vegetables (minus potatoes, and sometimes carrots or broccoli) meaning i hate the majority of culture's dishes
>i have to shamefully ask "just meat and cheese" if i ever go to a burger place
kill me now

>> No.9101741

Stop being a little bitch and just eat the veggies.
If you still don't like them after eating a little bit of them every day, eat a bayonet.

>> No.9101749

Honey, splash of milk, some crushes almonds, nut meg, and fresh fruit.
Baby, its a culinary delight

>> No.9101765

Sperg sandy

>> No.9101767


>> No.9101770
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Go to a restaurant and order whatever the waiter recommends that accommodates your taste

>> No.9101779

Don't call me honey there buddy...

>> No.9101781

Go to Thai restaurant and order basil chicken with a fried egg on top

>> No.9101786
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you remind me of an ex roommate friend of mine
i hope you and he die of bowel cancer at 31

>> No.9101793

>it's my fault that my tastebuds make me hate foods
im sure whenever you guys have foods you dont like you force yourself to eat it until you like it, that's why you don't hate any foods right?

>> No.9101819

don't call me buddy, guy

>> No.9101822

Don't call me guy, pal.

>> No.9101835

Yes to everything you just said.
There are foods I prefer over others, but nothing I hate. If something I don't love is presented in a new and interesting way, I will try it.
Either get your shit together, or resign yourself to being cheesy potato lady.

>> No.9101838

fuck you for being picky

that being said, i was picky too. i hyped myself up tho to eat some weird shit and did it. basically just pay for ritzy shit that is highly recommended and eat that stuff. i am skeptical of cheap restaurants, so eating someplace that is regarded highly makes me think that im gonna get the best of the best. also drink, get drunk, and eat whatever looks good. zimmern shit, looks good, etc..

>> No.9102085

Why do you keep cheerios in the fridge?

>> No.9102180
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Why not

>> No.9102932

There's a whole lot of difference between disliking a couple things because you've tried them in a variety of different ways and just don't really like it and being too afraid to try anything new because your mommy only made shitty food.

>> No.9102949
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>> No.9103464

Potatoes are not vegetables
Do you think bread is a vegetable too?

>> No.9103498

>Potatoes are not vegetables
What is it then, fruits?

>> No.9103560

Potatoes are tubers. They're considered a "carb". Hence why he asked if you thought bread was a vegetable too.

>> No.9103759


>> No.9103783

it is technically correct that a potato is a vegetable but when mommy tells you to eat your vegetables she is not talking about potatoes, they are a starch just like cereal grains like corn

>> No.9103796

I actually unironically do that.

>> No.9103913

>afraid to try anything
i try it, i hate it, i'm not gonna sit there forcing myself when it tastes horrible to me - no joke everyone on this board will probably hate me because believe it or not i hate water, i swear it leaves a bad aftertaste in my mouth

>> No.9105887

Mommy tells me I don't need any yucky veggies to grow up strong, just her milkies and cummies

>> No.9105891

Water quality varies greatly depending on where you live. Water in some places will legitimately taste bad. The only reason thinking water tastes bad would be a problem is when you think it tastes bad because you're used to drinking soda or something else with a ton of sugar in it. If that's not the case, try getting a water filter, drinking colder water, or putting a little lemon in it.

>> No.9105901

>used to drinking soda
this is probably the case
i drink way too much soda - if water is all that's available i'll still drink it because it's easy to force yourself since it just goes down but i can't deny that it leaves me with a bad after taste
i doubt it's the water quality

>> No.9106247

Being in a nut hut cured me of my pickyness. Best cornbread I ever had was from there. I never had fish before that.

Side effect: I still try and cut some food by perforating it with a fork and cutting with a spoon. Habit.

>> No.9106422
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>im sure whenever you guys have foods you dont like you force yourself to eat it until you like it, that's why you don't hate any foods right?
This was probably sarcasm, but I did essentially that with mustard, onions, bell pepper, and avocado, which means I can enjoy dozens more dishes and a wider variety of flavors and textures. You gain absolutely nothing by accepting your shit tier pallet.

Eat your vegetables or go to Hell.

>> No.9106516


You're not my pal, friend-o

>> No.9106550

Also celery. My poops are now silky smooth.