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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9096594 No.9096594 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we rate the cuisines from the countries of the worlds. I'll start.

>> No.9096595
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>> No.9096599

How am I supposed to know which countries are which

>> No.9096628

By their geographic location?

>> No.9096776

Boy I sure love how the mods leave these shitposting threads up.

>> No.9096888
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>> No.9096972

What the fuck do they even eat in Brazil, monkey soup?

>> No.9096997
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>> No.9097002

sopa de macaco

>> No.9097178


>> No.9097213

>the country that created yogurt and feta cheese
>WTF do they even eat here?

Poor kid.

>> No.9097227

>all these people thinking Chinese cuisine is good

You know it's not Panda Express, right, fatties?

>> No.9097268
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The superior culture

>> No.9097314

get out of here

>> No.9097329

>France better than america.
If you actually mean the starred restaurants in Paris vs midwestern chains, maybe. The vast majority of the country plates inedible peasant food like its 1179.

>> No.9097349

>No ethiopeia
>Not eating delicious delicious spiced raw meat with a side of trypophobia at your local immigrant eatery/urinal
You guys are legit missing the fuck out. Kitfo is amazing.

>> No.9097350

>peasant food like its 1179.

I'll take that over the never-fresh and always-factory-made-and-reheated crap that pervades the US any day.

>> No.9097366

Greece? Its labeled in OP as "meh"

>> No.9097373

>south america
>just good

>> No.9097385

>sucking this much nip dick
not even worthy of a (you)

>> No.9097391

>not understanding the joke

>> No.9097523
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>> No.9097540
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>abhorrent food

>> No.9097545

Am I supposed to like fermented herring?

>> No.9097602

Is Korean food actually bad?

>> No.9097647

People who have not had American food

And I notice most of these have China as having good food, what the fuck? Spend 1 week in Nola and you will fucking die if you think China has good food

>> No.9097656

Everybody in swedeland loves fermented herring you classless pleb...go back to your 'toast sandwich'...

>> No.9097676

>hating on SE-Asian cuisine

neck yourself

>> No.9097692

I went to a high school with tons of Koreans and they all eat Kimchee, I tried it once, it was bad, not that bad tho. The thing that really made me hate it was how they would open it up in class and literally stink up the entire room.

>> No.9097708

I like Korean food though. I grew up with it. There's lots of good stuff to eat. They make veggies easy to eat imo. They're more famous for grilled meat and kimchi though. The radish type of kimchi is still devastating to open in a closed environment tbqh.

>> No.9097730

The fact that you have discarded 11 out of 13 high seats of international cuisine and set the USA as good should be enough to discard your opinion as pure madness.

I like your style. We all like different things. Don't bow down to others' opinions if you disagree. However, don't discount others'opinions as wrong simply because of divergence.

>> No.9097733


amas is the the carribean. The rest you figure out.

>> No.9097737

This desu

It seems the only people who have filled in the map so far are passport-less amerifats who don't even know where Malaysia or Indonesia is let alone what they eat there.

>> No.9097755

>Norway great food
>Sweden Bad food

both have very, very, very, very, very, VERY similar cuisines. The slight differences there are do not warrant such a discrepancy in rating. Furthermore, Sweden has had a renaisance in cookery the last 15 years and has more michelin-starred restaurants than Norway.

What I am trying to say is that it is painfully obvious that you are either Norwegian with poor understanding of food or that you randomly filled out countries you've never been to to seem experinced.

>> No.9097765

There are huge varieties of dishes and styles within China - unsurprisingly. It isal afterall a huge country with a massive population.

>> No.9097776

This level of Switzerswedenlanding...
Finish high school - travel the world and eat stuff - then have an opinion.
Ok thx.

>> No.9097777

Specify more, its a large country

>> No.9097781

>South Korea listed as 'abhorrent'
Stopped reading there. Get some taste, kiddo.

>> No.9097811

make /int/ or /pol/ one of your main boards for a while and you'll know most of the world, save for Africa, like the back of your hand

>> No.9097846

Malay and Indonesian food are just modified Chinese or Indian food.

>> No.9097857

I haven't tried much malay food but there are plenty of original Indonesian dishes.

>> No.9097867
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>> No.9097898

Like what? indomein?

Actually genuinely curious tho what was it and what was it like. My cousins lived in malaysia for a while and they described it to me as what I said above.

>> No.9097931

.....for you

>> No.9099069

Fucking weaboo.

>> No.9099681

Trust me, no you fucking wouldn't.
Big Macs aren't great, but they're more offensively mediocre than "bad". It's offensive because you could be eating things that are so much better, not because fast food's inedible. Now try the fucking offal gellies and stewed horse in unflavored lard that dot rural France and tell me you wouldn't rather eat a big mac off of the goddamn floor.
Don't talk about this shit like you know what you're talking about, because you don't.

>> No.9099862

>chinese cuisine is incredible
>singaporean is bad
What did he mean hy this?

>> No.9099879

>mex is top tier
>doesn't even know half of latin america and what he know is meh

>> No.9099940

>USA 'good' food
>UK and Europe mostly bad, meh and unknown

Kill yourself you tasteless, shit-eating retard

>> No.9100270

>How do you know someone is from New Orleans?

>> No.9100274

>I tried it once, it was bad, not that bad tho

Pleb fucking detected.

>> No.9100291

The only country's food I don't like is Vietnam. Other than that everyone has something nice to offer (:
except maybe indigenous populations in USA/Canada

>> No.9100422

You obviously haven't had a good Indian taco( Native American/Canadian)
or Poutine.

>> No.9100430

>t. Spaghetti-nigger

>> No.9100475

I have no idea what can be wrong with a person to have opinions like this.
I assume you just don't like food in general or something.

Not because you aren't entitled to your opinions, just that your opinions happen to make literally zero sense, nations with incredibly similar cuisines with a ton of crossover are somehow on the opposite ends of the spectrum somehow?

>> No.9100544

Ethiopian food is like Indian and Persian food fused with a pound of sugar.

>> No.9100559
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>tfw am American
Our food would be incredible, top-tier except we have a lot of states with shitty food dragging us down.

>> No.9100569

clearly made by gooks

>> No.9100573

Latin america varies wildly in quality, with venezuela and Columbia being the worst. Venezuela because theres no food and Columbia because they don't use spice or seasoning.

>> No.9100619

Poutine is the very reason I dropped it from good to abhorrent.

>> No.9100625
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>North Korea is bad food
>South Korea is "wtf do they even eat here?"

>> No.9100641

What a child.
One dish, no matter how garbage or nationalistically over-hyped is responsible for the overall quality of an entire nation's cuisine.

>> No.9100642

Fug, got my Koreas mixed up. Hand must have slipped.

>> No.9100643
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Wasn't sure on Germany but ended up going with the lower score, there's good stuff but the average is pretty low.

>> No.9100651

>tfw forgot China

Somewhere between yellow and green, depending on region.

>> No.9100660

This chart says to me, "the anon who made this is either Italian or Japanese, but most likely Italian."

>> No.9100680

I'm Swedish.

>> No.9100697
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But mostly, you're a newfag.

>> No.9100698

Correct Japanese to Weeb, actual Japs don't leave their own corner of the web.

>> No.9100704

It's just hard to remember what boards support spoilers and which don't when you frequent 10+.

>> No.9100761

wait what do they eat in south sudan?

>> No.9101244
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>The vast majority of the country plates inedible peasant food like its 1179
Truly spoken like someone who has no idea what he's talking about. Do you know what those starred restaurants are serving? Nouvelle cuisine. Do you know what nouvelle cuisine is? It's *literally* peasant food. That fancy Bouillabaisse you're sheling half your month's salary out for? It's based on the authentic recipe of fishermen from Marseille that goes a little something like this: let's throw everything we can't sell in a pot and hope it's edible.

But clearly, that "inedible peasant food" is inferior to American hormone ridden burgers and greasy fre-... *ahem* FREEDOM fries.

>> No.9101315

you need to get a job

>> No.9101327

>this post
Struck a nerve, did he?

>> No.9101410

They're right in mocking that the irony of that post.

Don't support the anti-amerifat sentiment though, while obviously walking into an average family eating dinner you'd prefer France any day of the week, but the anglo colonies have such a diverse range to choose from, are such great melting pots that the potential on offer reaches the more conservative traditionally mastered cuisines in level of appreciation.

I fucking love French cuisine. What I love more than it is the opportunity to grow up with it, as well as Italian, Chinese, Indian and all sorts of other shit right at your fingertips.

>> No.9101415

Seriously? Look at a map sometime you idiot.

>> No.9101446
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>> No.9101891

I only counted foods from places I've been or if I've ever eaten it authentic (like with a family of that culture). I don't trust restaurants not to adapt it to the home culture and thus bastardize it, so I'm not counting them.

>> No.9101938
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I've only eaten abhorrent food in specific places but not because of the bad cultural food.

>> No.9101947

im not gonna bother

but indian curry is fucking crazy good. got some in japan from an indian running a shop in a train station.

italian is good, french is too, american is a spread and british food is overrated, like its literature

>> No.9101976
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>fly-over states have all the shitty foods
Checks out

>> No.9102090
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the shitty colouring symbolises all the other answers being shit

>> No.9102253

american detected

>> No.9102270

>he thinks it's Greece

Poor kid.

>> No.9102418


Maryland in top tier

Looks good

>> No.9104288

>Good food

>> No.9105152


>> No.9105222

Get out weebs

>> No.9105265

How many 3 star restaurants do you guys have? And Norwegians actually know how to prepare fish, unlike Swedes.

>> No.9105275

This. Anyone who doesn't color Italy dark green is either absolutely retarded or jealous of their superior cuisine. No other country in the universe has the same variety, healthiness and historical tradition of Italy. Literally every recipe you can find there is unique and has a deep historical meaning.
>inb4 b-but I p-prefer sushi
That's only your preference, so it's subjective. If you have half a brain, if you put aside your nationalistic pride or envy, if you can be objective for a moment, Italy is obviously unsurmountable.
Try to fight me, I'm open. (You can't anyway).

>> No.9105285
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>> No.9105290
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I'm not crazy about tomato sauce or anything soaked in vinegar

>> No.9105291

The only correct map honestly

>> No.9105295

t. I have no idea what people eat out of Murrica

>> No.9105348

Fish balls are great if you're a poor student, but personally prefer fish cakes.

>> No.9105354
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>> No.9105362

>doesn't even know about south american food
shit tier desu senpaitchi

>> No.9105366

>my opinion is objectively correct
i hope you don't expect to be taken seriously

>> No.9105399

>the longest culinary tradition in the world
>the most rich and diverse culinary tradition in the world
>the healthiest cuisine in the world (confirmed by Unesco and scientific community)
>the most unique cuisine in the world (you can't find real Italian products outside of Italy)
>the most "exported" or imitated cuisine in the world
>the most experimental cuisine in the world
You call this subjectivity? I guess you're a little confused about what the term means.

>> No.9105417

Explain how canada has better food than the usa?

>> No.9105441
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>> No.9105452

Another burger trying to force the meme

>> No.9105818
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I fucking swear Mongolian food is just an alcoholic milk, other shit are just a side dishes to eat while you drown yourself in that rotten milk.
Their Fried milk curd is ok tho.

>> No.9105942

t. baby who can't handle acidic foods

>> No.9105951

where italy go?

>> No.9107443

>Ethiopian food is like Indian and Persian food fused with a pound of clarified butter


>> No.9107481

Anyone who rates japan higher than yellow knows shit all about food.

>> No.9107556

Finally, someone who actually uses their tongue and their passport. Turkish and Southeast Asian cuisines deserve a lot more love.

With that said, I'm curious as to why you rated the UK as middling, yet Australia as good, considering Commonwealth countries have extremely similar cuisine. Did wine and better ingredients (e.g. fresh seafood) shape that opinion?

>> No.9107558

>anyone who doesn't eat like me knows shit-all about food

Have you actually eaten at any Japanese restaurant that didn't involve a revolving belt? Good Japanese sashimi and sushi is GOAT-tier, and that's only a small proportion of their culinary oeuvre.

>> No.9107565

>all this green for China
must be something in the gutter oil

>> No.9107571

I've eaten at every restaurant you have. I am you, or perhaps I should say, the you you've repressed. I've grown powerful enough to escape my host body, and I made that post so I could confront you about the truth. Yes! Japan's cuisine is mediocre, and deep down, you know it to be true. Everything I believe, you believe.

>> No.9107574

Australian cuisine is a meme. Saying Australia has a distinct cuisine is like saying Canada has a distinct cuisine. It's just a mixture of cuisines from immigrants whove settled in Australia. We've also become quite Americanised

>> No.9107597

England invented the sandwich, anything classed as a sandwich is ours!
Scotland invented deep frying as well
British food is fantastic you cunts! Im adding this to the reasons to leave the EU!

>> No.9107608

>Canada's national foods are fries covered in gravy and cheese and boxed macaroni
>Australian cuisine includes sausages in white bread and buttered bread covered in sprinkles
>U.S.A., which actually has a cuisine is somehow worse than both Australia and Canada

>> No.9108473
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>All of Latin America colored the same
That's how I know you are an ignorant burger.

>> No.9108559


>> No.9108581
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>Bad cuisine

>> No.9108613

That can be said for many countries.

Argentina for that matter is a mixture of Italian and Spanish cuisine with a beef BBQ tradition on top of it.

That mixture is what makes it unique though.

>> No.9108688
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>> No.9109533
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1. Fix your shit template, now you can actually color the countries.

2. Reference is local national dishes, or food made by a local chef, in most cases.

>> No.9109541
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Edit: Was missing parts of the Middle East I've tried which are fantastic.

>> No.9109547

>Countries bordering Turkey are incredible
>Turkey is meh
Are you Greek?

>> No.9109704
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I've never had food that I would consider abhorrent. In saying that, I haven't had much 'international' cuisine to speak of.

>> No.9109777
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> Polish food
> bad

So many retards in this thread...

>> No.9109784
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wheres the uszka???

>> No.9109974
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Whats wrong with Dutch cuisine?

>> No.9110018

Can someone explain to me this meme of rating America highly and the UK low?

If we're rating based on obesity or the national dishes, we're both obese and UK has fish and chips and Murica had burgers and freedom fries.

>> No.9110541

Thai Viet and Korean are shit?

OP lost his damn mind

>> No.9110865

>South Korea
Good man.

>> No.9110887

Didn't know /ck/ was a hipster board, didn't know it was possible to be ironic about food.

South Korea is top tier for food.

>> No.9110889
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>pic related, ready to eat Korean cuisine

>> No.9111802

I rated the US meh and the UK really low, is that more accurate to you? I don't think they're equal; even though the US has gross flyover shit like hotdish it also has cajun and bbq going for it. UK has chip buttys.