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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 130 KB, 768x512, King Oscar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9046004 No.9046004 [Reply] [Original]

Just tried Sardines for the first time, and King Oscar was hella good.

What are /ck/'s favorite brand of Sardines? I feel like this is a product that would vary wildly in terms of quantity depending on the producer

>> No.9046011

Kroger brand is pretty good.

>> No.9046081

Is it? Good idea, that's kind of what I was looking for, like store-brand; aka made by a large company so there's going to be stringent oversight of the production, but also cheap. I want to use Sardines as a good chunk of protein in my weekly diet (2x/week I think), so I don't want to be buying canned fish of dubious quality.

>> No.9046104
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Can't eat them any more due to the hot sauce fucking up my stomach, but have loved these since I was a kid. My dad got me started on them.

About to switch to kippers, though.

>> No.9046138
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King Oscar is great but can be pricey. These are good and cheap. Usually at most $1.50 a can. The ones in olive oil or mustard sauce are also really good.

I also like the canned salmon and mackerel, but I wouldn't really eat it on crackers. I usually mash it up with mustard, soy sauce, hot sauce, etc. and eat with rice.

>> No.9046149

i'm new to sardines so i just eat these, mashed up with some boursin mixed in

>> No.9046151

I like the brunswick smoked boneless herring a lot. The one in hot sauce is good too. Tasty and convenient to eat. Really cheap too.

>> No.9046155
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>> No.9046193

Yeah, I decided that for my first time eating canned Sardines I would shell out the extra couple bucks for King Oscar, since I read it's high quality and I wanted to be sure I liked the taste. Now that I know, I'm looking for a more economical Sardine

Adding some cheese sounds like a good idea for variety

>> No.9046202
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>in water

>> No.9046223

my other options are a crappy tomato sauce, and olive oil (of which i don't know the quality)

>> No.9046237

The olive oil vs water thing always gets me. With Tuna, I feel like it's acceptable to do water, but not necessarily with other fish. And in general, olive oil tastes objectively better, but if the quality is sketch is it just better to do water?

The mystery of our times

>> No.9046258

You do realise you are just paying for a brand name.

All sardines are wild caught. Sardine farms do not exist.

Try supermarket brand sardines and you will not be able to tell the difference. If there is a difference, it will be the oil. Try them in tomato sauce.

>> No.9046309


Ha ha. This company is owned by Thai unions.

>> No.9046317

hot sauce = mustard sauce >>> olive oil > tomato sauce > water

>> No.9046332

tomato sauce and add some of your chosen hot sauce

>> No.9046342

If it's in water you can drain it and add your own EVOO that you know is decent quality.

>> No.9046353

I find sardines in olive oil too greasy, bordering on slimey

>> No.9046391

Has anyone here tried pickled sardines?

>> No.9046411

are there any brands of sardines packed in hot sauce that are widely available in the uk?
i havent spotted any in any of the big supermarkets locally, i usually drain sardines in water and add habanero sauce

also speaking of habanero sauce are there any decent brands of fairly hot hot sauce in the UK to look out for? my local lidl has recently stopped stocking their habanero sauce ("batt's") and im looking for a replacement. the range available at other supermarkets is pretty big so i dont really know where to start.

>> No.9046418

Get your own hot sauce and add it, that way you can have them as spicy as you like and could even mix flavors without being stuck with whatever cheap crap they use.

>> No.9046459

You will have to spend a while finding the sauce that you really like. Your taste will not be the same as somebody else. Have fun experimenting with different sauces. I personally prefer tabasco with my sardines in tomato sauce. I think the vinegar in the tabasco goes well with the fish. But as I said, everyone is different when it comes to taste.

>> No.9046480

Sainsbury's do Brunswick sardines, 104g for a quid. They are in Louisina hot sauce. Quid a small tin is way too steep if you have hot sauce at home and buy the cheaper ones.

>> No.9046534
File: 45 KB, 616x462, FNM_040114-Chef-Endorsement-Angelo-Parodi-Sardines_s4x3.jpg.rend.sni18col.landscape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Portuguese sardines are best sardines. Fact. Angelo Parodi is GOAT sardine tin from my experiences.

>> No.9046579


Angelo Parodi. A fine Portuguese name. If only it wasn't Italian.

>> No.9046605

My papa and I used to watch boxing and share a can of sardines on Sunday nights. I miss him.

>> No.9046636

Ehh, there's differences in the processing. Beach Cliff has bones and King Oscar's doesn't, for instance.

>> No.9046647

tried a canadian brand in water and it caused nausea i could feel my stomach rejecting it

>> No.9046671

I can buy store brand ones with no bones. They're still wild caught and processed in the same way. The ones with bones in are better for flavour and have a little more texture.

>> No.9047403

Are they like crunchy?

>> No.9047408

As someone who has sampled multiple different brands, there is a big difference. Chicken of the sea has by far the worst sardines I've ever had.

>> No.9047415
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Just started eating these recently, put a little lemon on them, mmmm.

>> No.9047442

The best tinned sardines I've ever had in my life were a Lithuanian brand. Local shop hasn't carried them in years, I still think about them.

>> No.9047576
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No Comparison

>> No.9048291

Sometimes when I eat sardines out of the can I get a mouthful of little bubble things. Are those fish eggs? Will it kill me?

>> No.9048314

Pretty sure those are vertebrae, mr

>> No.9048432

I know what the vertebrae feel like. The bones are kind of soft. These kind of pop in my mouth.

>> No.9048442

Once I bought the cheapest brand of sardines I could find (don't ask, although you can probably figure it out)

They had octopus parts in there. Or at least that's how I explained it to myself

>> No.9048477

my favorite brand is Season. good, consistent skinless/boneless, fairly mild flavor, and I can get them at costco in bulk if i'm visiting my dad.

bela/blue galleon is also really good but they're a little too expensive for me.

love having them with a little muffaletta olive mix.

>> No.9049378


why even bother?

>> No.9049436

>paying $5 a can for re-packaged memedeenz


>> No.9049443

I've got a can in mustard sauce, but I've never eaten any before and I'm nervous.

Do I eat it straight out of the can? Add anything,

>> No.9049447

Deenz on top of cracker and add hot sauce.

>> No.9049487
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Let's get these out onto a tray.

>> No.9049501
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For me, it's Ayam Brand

>> No.9049507

The brand is Portuguese you fucknut

>> No.9049525

the brand is Italian fuckwit

>> No.9049527


>> No.9049863


>> No.9049911

I was just thinking of trying these cause I want some low fat high protien. Whats a good way to take them, just on crackers?

>> No.9049918

saltine crackers with hot sauce is my fave. I also make sandwiches with toast and cream cheese.

>> No.9050904

One of my favorite "comfort" meals is smoked sardines on top of aglio e olio pasta. If they aren't smoked it's pretty boring though, so on the few occasions I have it I'll buy King Oscar.

>> No.9051660


>> No.9052289

They really do have the best texture.

>> No.9052446
File: 47 KB, 466x345, 81GoogAnM0L._SX466_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hand-selected and packed since 1888, Angelo Parodi Portuguese Sardines are Portugal's most popular seafood snack.

>> No.9052521

http: //blog.angeloparodi.it/angelo-parodi-diceva-sempre/

>> No.9052526

The sardines are caught off the coast of Portugal and processed by Italian company called Angelo Parodi, which is owned by Italian company Icat Foods.

>> No.9052667

just ate a can of these and then ate some watermelon and it made the watermelon taste like metal, weird

>> No.9053083


King Oscar is good but mad fucking expensive. $2.5 for a tiny little tin of snack food.

I tried Beach Cliff once because it's so much cheaper but it tasted like poison.

>> No.9053170

Trader Joe's is pretty good