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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9037403 No.9037403 [Reply] [Original]

>prefers thin crust pizza
>folds it over before eating, making it thicker

>> No.9037411

>Orders pizza with anchovies OR olives
>Over flours the dough until the flour makes a paste with your saliva
Signs of a pizza pleb

>> No.9037419
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>wants their steak medium rare
>dips it in heinz 57

>> No.9038513

>low acidity stomach stomachlets with genetically different taste

>> No.9038657

you mean brown sauce?

>> No.9038670

The thickness of the pizza per se isnt the problem I have with a bottomheavy pizza but its the texture of the dough.
I still feel bad when folding my pizza but its just so damn convenient and you are more likely to get a little bit of every topping without having to put too much toppings on the pizza.

>> No.9038673
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>it's still the same crust to topping ration regardless of how it's folded

>> No.9038677

>orders steak medium well
>empties half a bottle of a1 over it

>> No.9038681

This, how retarded are you op?

>> No.9038686

>>prefers thin crust pizza
>>folds it over before eating, making it thicker

Yep. It's all about the crispiness that's inherent to thin crust. The thickness after folding is totally irrelevant.

As usual, frogposters are remarkably dumb and often miss the point entirely.

>> No.9038697

>orders pineapple pizza

>> No.9038743
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>orders lasagna and calls it pizza