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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 41 KB, 960x521, steak_number.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9026413 No.9026413 [Reply] [Original]

What is /ck/'s number?

For me it depends on the cut, but on average, I like number 3. 2 sometimes, again, depending on the cut.

>> No.9026415
File: 11 KB, 260x194, bold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I'm using my favorite sauce on it (like i would on a grocery store sirloin) then #4

If the steak is good enough to eat on its own, #3.

>> No.9026418

For me it's a 6. I actually like my food cooked instead of raw

>> No.9026420

Those look like ass. The "rare" #2 is seared on the outside but still raw ("blue rare") on the inside.

I go for a true rare, not a "we don't know how to cook" rare.

>> No.9026422


>> No.9026425

2, 3 at most.

>> No.9026428

>Those look like ass. The "rare" #2 is seared on the outside but still raw ("blue rare") on the inside.
No it's not, if there is pink, it isn't blue rare.

Rare means warm red center with pink edges, blue rare is red lukewarm throughout, no pink.

>> No.9026432

Enjoy your tapeworms

>> No.9026440

You're retarded.

>The CDC estimates that fewer than 1,000 people in the United States are infected with a tapeworm each year.

And the majority are far more likely from pork, not beef.

Not to mention, freezing the beef for more than a week will usually kill the eggs of a tapeworm before cooking anyway.
If you seriously think you're at ALL likely to get a tapeworm in your LIFE in the united states, you're a paranoid cuck.

>> No.9026443

>anon purposefully gives himself a higher probability of getting a tapeworm
>I give myself a 0% chance of a tapeworm
>I'm the cuck
How's mental gymnastics class treating you?

>> No.9026445

3 o 4

Roomie that does all our summer BBQing likes 7/8 range.

>> No.9026447

You don't have a zero percent chance you fuck wit, if you honestly think that then you have NO idea how tapeworms are spread.

Jesus, just kill yourself you paranoid fuck.

>> No.9026452

Lol? I know you're probably trolling, but why the fuck would I eat a steak cooked so it tastes like leathery ass, when I can have a rare steak that tastes amazing and doesn't have tapeworms because i'm not a poor sack of shit living in Ecuador.

The fact you're even bringing up tapeworms means you're either a troll, or more likely a paranoid germaphobe or similar. Out of 300,000,000 people in the country, less than 1000 per year have tapeworms, of them, less than 50 have serious complications cause from the tapeworm, of them.

From 1990-2002, 221 cases of tapeworms causing human death in the US were recorded, of those 86% of those patients were from Latin america. California had 60% of all cases, by far the most of any state. Only 33 of the 221 deaths were US born citizens.

>> No.9026481

Thats because most americans microwave their steak to well done and eat it with ketchup

>> No.9026500

Depending on the cut and my thoughts regarding the quality, generally 2, but 1 if I think the particular piece of meat is of particularly high quality and I think it'll be prepared well by the staff. I always go for 2, regardless of quality when doing it at home, because frankly I've never successfully produced a decent crust for 1.

>> No.9026536
File: 62 KB, 736x736, c49c6b684187875b0222855569925e9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZERO is the only ethical choice.

>> No.9026538


no thanks

>> No.9026547
File: 25 KB, 500x496, 'MURRICA! FUCK YEAH!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no thanks

fuck off racist euroshit.

>> No.9026559

that's not pink though, it's just plain gelatinous red raw.

>> No.9026560

Rascist? Me? I dindunuffin.

>> No.9026605

6, sometimes 5 if it's thin.
Ketchup or Bearnaise is a must.

>> No.9026657


>> No.9026672

I like how California had most of the cases because of all the Mexicans in the state.

>> No.9026682
File: 72 KB, 558x602, steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9026689

I could eat anything from 2 to 4, I'd prefer 2 or 3 though

>> No.9026700

I hate how we pretend that shitskins are real people

>> No.9026713

>I eat steroids for breakfast

>> No.9026726

Gr8 b8 m8

>> No.9026729

I mean I don't pretend since I live in California and we are having fun times with diseases that haven't been in the US in like 50 years and lots o foodborne illness outbreaks thanks to juan not being able to wash his hands or food safety. Like 8 people just got botulism from gas station nacho cheese sauce, not saying they didn't deserve it since they did for getting nacho cheese from a sketchy gas station but how in the fuck

>> No.9026734

Eating raw beef doesn't really scare or bother me but these steaks look like shit.
It looks like some retard pulled them out of the fridge and cooked them straight away.

>> No.9026737
File: 95 KB, 800x658, Muh Entitlements.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thanks to juan not being able to wash his hands or food safety


Doesn't matter if it's Jerome, DaNiqua, or Jose making your food.

low quality people are going to fuck up your food no matter what.

Thank fucking good we are moving to automation soon...

The $15 minimum wagers did a great job of making themselves obsolete.

>> No.9026748

Yes no shit but in California we only have Juans, DaNiqua works for the gov't. I cannot wait for automation since then I can punch in what I want and not have some spic fuck up an incredibly simple order. Just fucking let me send my order from my phone like chick fil a.

>> No.9026794

I like 6, with a lot of ketchup.

>> No.9027011

I'm legit afraid I'd lose a tooth on everything more done than rare. Anything beyond medium rare is not fit for chewing.

>> No.9027050

What's the point?

>> No.9027188


Elephants eat steroids?

>> No.9027189

Gotta cover up that burnt taste with something I guess.

>> No.9027201

I see you're a man of flavor as well.

>> No.9027235

Regular medium for me.

>> No.9027237

>low quality people are going to fuck up your food no matter what.

Honestly, this is why I avoid fast food... and those are the niggers who actually care.

Imagine what the niggers who DON'T care will do to your fucking food.

>> No.9027523

A lot of people swear by 2, and that anything else is over done. Personally like a 4. Its safe to order anywhere, kind of hard to fuck up in terms of under or over doneness. If I can be guaranteed it, I like a 3, but sometimes someone who doesn't know how to cook plates the steak cold.

>> No.9027529

2 or 3

>> No.9027542
File: 137 KB, 600x591, burgerchie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 or 5

>> No.9027835

Between 2 and 3 for me.

>> No.9027896

4 or 5
not because I'm afraid of food poisoning or anything, I just think a plain raw slab of meat is kind of boring
a steak tartare is much nicer as far as raw meat is concerned

>> No.9028755

Three and a half, the end

>> No.9028987
File: 391 KB, 1024x683, 2128914237_e6408f4752_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1-3 are differing levels of blue rare

Medium rare cooked properly looks like this

>> No.9029002

lol? no.

Medium rare is warm red center with a clear pink outer ring before the sear.

>> No.9029005

Definitely not; you're supposed to let the steak rest for exactly this reason.

>> No.9029012

No, Medium is defined as pink and firm, as you see there.

Medium rare is warm red center and firm.

Rare is red center and soft

blue rare is very red throughout.

>> No.9029077
File: 40 KB, 587x409, steak guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your chart is objectively wrong. pic related is the real chart.

>> No.9030510


>> No.9030511

Those arent cuts

>> No.9030666

1 and 2 looks like it wasn't cooked at all. Too rare of steak doesn't really have any flavor.

>> No.9030668

1-2 at most

>> No.9030767

That looks delicious.

>> No.9030776

Between a 3 and 4 is best for standard steaks, between 4-5 for tips.

Anything less tastes like shit.

>> No.9030809

Sure is summer in here.

How cheap is your steak that rare or medium rare somehow has LESS flavor than medium well to well done?

>> No.9030814

Where do vegan body builders get the 100g of protein they need per day without whey?

>> No.9030822

I would be in between 3 and 4

>> No.9030839

3 or 4 depending on the meat....

>> No.9030848

Which is winning? 3?

>> No.9031252

only sane person in thread

>> No.9032589

2, sometimes 3

a nice 4-5 is ok too

fuck 6 tho

>> No.9032606

1 and only 1 has the purity of the natural flavor of the beef

>> No.9032679

3 most of the time but I'll do 2 on occasion.

>> No.9032704


I try to cook mine right there and if I order in a restaurant, I always ask for medium rare. That way if they over or undershoot, it's still edible.

>> No.9032745

5-6 is the only way.

>> No.9032787

medium well is the only correct answer

>> No.9032791

1 with lots of ketchup.

>> No.9032813


>> No.9032854

Well done steak is a good steak.
>eating raw food
literally subhuman behaviour

>> No.9033012

charred is the only way to go desu

>> No.9033199

>All these well-done apologists

I blame /pol/ and it's "EPIC POLITICAL MAYMAYS" for attracting a bunch of flyovers and 50-year-olds to this site.

>> No.9033203

No one cares about your opinion or your butthurt.

>> No.9033220

Yeah you get 'em Gerald! Tell that NIGGER to go back to his place!

>> No.9033242

you are such a crybaby faggot. This is becoming the cringiest board of them all. I was gonna point out how bad well done is until I read your little gay post. Drown in semen already.

>> No.9033270


>> No.9033273

2-4. I dont order below medium rare if Im not somewhere quality, but my preference is rare.

>> No.9033278

5 to 6, I've never had anything preceding a 4. Not bait, but what's the appeal of having your steak rare? The only raw beef I've eaten is carpaccio, which I loved.

>> No.9033287 [DELETED] 

You know if meat had worms in first place cooking wont do shit
And yes if you eat anything before medium rare you can go and chew some raw meat in gay bar

>> No.9033292


anyone who orders less than medium is the same type of person who raves about MUH IPA's and $100 whiskeys that taste no better than a $20 bottle

>> No.9033305

6 because I don't like getting sick

>> No.9033676

'Rare steak' is probably one of the biggest memes to ever exist.
Yes, people exist who prefer it. But I can guarantee you a whole swathe of people who say they do, actually don't and only jump on this bandwagon to appear to be 'manly' and/or keep up some absurd standard of appearance.

Eating fresh raw beef won't ~usually~ make you ill though, and unless you have some gastro/immune bullshit plaguing you already you won't have any ill effects aside from a hearty shit tomorrow.
There's always the risk of infection with raws, no matter how small it might be.
>E. Coli
>S. Aureus
>Tapeworm (not stapled to penis)
It's still fucking repellant tho.

5 or 6 here.
Preferably butter fried and peppered.
1-4 will cause me serious problems (aside from being revolting).

>> No.9033717

i will thank you

>> No.9033743

this. what am I? a raw meat eater barbarian?

>> No.9033770


>> No.9034237

6 with ketchup
not even memeing

>> No.9034253

I don't understand the circle jerk around steak. I'd rather eat chicken nuggets or something

>> No.9034282

100g minimum lol

>> No.9034765

4 is the tastiest but I get scared so I cook it to a 5 most of the time

>> No.9034796

Do you seriously think protein doesn't exist outside of animal products? I was vegetarian for a year. It really wasn't hard to get my protein in for lifting

>> No.9034861

you might as well eat sushi.

>> No.9034869

News flash: carnists have a very poor understanding of nutrition

I go for weeks at a time without meat protein, it's more convenient and I feel better

I pretty much only eat meat for the taste

>> No.9034907

>I avoid this food product
>My body isnt used to processing it
>When I eat it, I feel bad
>Therefore it is bad for everybody
I didn't realize how dairy-heavy the american diet was until I lived in asia for a year.
When I came back, cheese fucked me up bad.
Does that mean my body had to acclimate to it, or that cheese is bad?

You fucking retard

>> No.9034916

4 master race here

Juicy as possible, without any raw red meat

>> No.9034919

wtf are you babbling about? did you mistake this for your travel blog? the topic is meat. cheese is not meat.

>> No.9034938

Are you high

>> No.9034950

usually 3-4,if it's good quality steak, i could go as rare as 2 though. 5 is somewhat acceptable but 6 is a no no for me
wow, a genuine retard, never thought i would see one!

>> No.9034956

honestly, don't even need to freeze it for that long.
i wonder what the propability of getting any kind of disease from meat or even chicken in a civilized western country is.

>> No.9035113

Lets take a look at the "Top vegan protein sources"
>Spinach: 7 kcal/cup, 0.9g protein (
>Black Beans: 624 kcal/cup, 39g protein
>Quinoa: 222 kcal/cup, 9g protein
>Tofu: 176 kcal/cup, 9g protein
>Lentils: 230 kcal/cup, 18g protein
>Tempeh: 320 kcal/cup, 31g protein
>Nut butter: 1518 kcal/cup, 65g protein
>Soy Milk: 131 kcal/cup, 8g protein
>Sprouted grain bread 68 kcal/slice, 2.3g protein

At best. If you sat down and ate 19 cups of spinach in a single sitting, you'd get:
121 kcal, 16.3g protein.

There you have it. As I said, no vegan food source can compare with whey in terms of calorie/protein ratio.
>Fage 0% 130 kcal/cup, 23g protein

>> No.9035118

>ketchup a must
you're retarded

>> No.9035180

what is the least common way of ordering meat to be cooked? i would think medium-well, if we aren't counting blue because some places will not serve it that rare.

>> No.9035193
File: 44 KB, 480x360, medium-rare-steak[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking THIS.
Does nobody know how to properly cook a fucking steak? I swear to god.
lrn2 reverse sear

>> No.9035201


>> No.9035203

pants on head

>> No.9035234

>what is rice protein powder
>what is pea protein powder
whey is a processed byproduct of a whole food, it makes no sense to directly compare it to leaves or whole seeds

>> No.9035247

3 or 4 depending on the cut.

>> No.9035582

You just be really new to lifting if you think whey is a necessity. I haven't used whey in probably a year and a half and make better gains now that I simply eat more than I did using whey as a crutch.
Keep talking out of your ass though. It's pretty entertaining.

>> No.9035664


>> No.9035919

They are all shit. Steak should be a solid colour throughout.

>> No.9035937

The medium-rare in that image is actually a bit under, and the medium is a bit over.

If you flip your steaks every 30 secs or so you can get that nice pink shown in the center of the medium all on the insides, with as much gray on the outside as the medium-rare.

The medium-rare is still cold in the middle.

Obviously the idiot who cooked these had the heat on too high, didn't flip his steaks enough, and did not rest them either.

>> No.9037359

>Shows nutritional data demonstrating that no source of vegan protein can match calorie:protein ratio of greek yogurt.

>lol keep talking out of your ass.
