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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9022638 No.9022638 [Reply] [Original]

Can we all agree that besides from eating snack foods such as chips (eg Doritos, Cheetos etc) so your hands don't get dirty, that chopsticks are a redundant eating utensil?

like you may as well use knife forks and spoons

>> No.9022659

you can eat cheetos with a spoon as well

probably bigger chips like doritos and pringles are the only ones you need these for

>> No.9022667
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There's a certain novelty to their use that I enjoy, especially for beginner friendly foods like sushi.

I also really enjoy using them as utensils to stir while cooking.

pic related

>It's the only picture I have that's related and I only saved it because this sushi looks like trash.

>> No.9022689

That is the sole reason I keep chopsticks around, I loathe snack fingers.

>> No.9022911


>> No.9022932

It's a challenge. a fork is too easy.

>> No.9022942

I do it at restaurants that give the option to avoid using utensils that require washing, namely because I usually only eat out on weekends, which is when places are more packed and employees might be more negligent than usual. Last time I went out I saw a kid licking their damn fork like an animal last and was immediately all the more thankful for the fact that no one has come into contact with my chopsticks.

>> No.9022952

>not just eating those snack foods with a spoon

>> No.9022971
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>snack foods such as chips (eg Doritos, Cheetos etc)
Just use latex gloves like a civilized human bean.

>> No.9022975
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How else would you eat Asian noodle soups, like ramen?

>> No.9023034

I shove Cheetos in my mouth by the handful.

>> No.9023122

This. I thought everyone ate cheetoes with gloves. We've done it in my family since as long as I've been alive.

>> No.9023214

Nice for cooking eggs
Enjoy using them

I wouldn't argue for them, but I personally will continue to use them

>> No.9023219
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>Can we all agree

Howbout you fuck off back to plebbit.

>> No.9023285

With my fingers, like normal people.

>> No.9023296
File: 26 KB, 366x644, 1487266033981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judging by the size of those arms, it must take an incredible amount of practice to get proficient eating junk food with latex gloves. Chopsticks must be easier.

>> No.9023300

Where did you get your chopsticks anons?

>> No.9023305

Next time post an image where the person isn't holding chopsticks like a complete fucking retard.

Also chopsticks are good for ramen.

>> No.9023313

>not just eating those snack foods with a spoon

I prefer to crush them up into a fine powder, and snorting them as dorito bumps.

>> No.9023316

I much prefer them to a fork and knife if what I am eating is small enough to be eaten without cutting.

>> No.9023320

>eat with your hands like a dirty shitskinned lower caste southern indian


>> No.9023327

>look on amazon
>chopsticks are cheap
>some are made of titanium
>motherfucking titanium
Somebody talk me out of this.

>> No.9023330
File: 133 KB, 640x360, THIS IS NOT RAPE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen to your inner weeb anon

>> No.9023353

t. Pure Aryan Northern Indian shitskin looking for acceptance from his white masters

>> No.9023359

those gloves seem redundant. might as well pour the cheetos into the mouth.

>> No.9023367

I'm white and any Indian is a shit Indian. It is just important that people understand eating with their hands makes them as bad as the lowest social status of the shittiest country in the world.

>> No.9023373
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Sure thing Patel.

>> No.9023430

Lacquered wood has the best mouthfeel, much better than metal/cermaic/plastic chopsticks.

>> No.9023436

I enjoy using them for eating Asian dishes where the food is already bite sized. For Western food i don't think they're all that useful, maybe for appetizers or something.

>> No.9023558

Dont ever buy metal chopsticks. Wood is great.

>> No.9023575

Chopsticks are best for anything noodle related, even italian.

>> No.9023585

That doesn't change the fact that anything you touch will get greasy.

>> No.9023677

You don't eat sushi with chopsticks.

>> No.9023871

Are you retarded?

>finish eating cheetoes
>wow, it's like my hands are still as clean as before I put on the gloves or something, huh

>> No.9023876

I just enjoy using them, likely just due to the fact that I grew up using forks and knives but there's also a skill aspect I enjoy

>> No.9023898

Chopsticks are best for noodles in soup

If I'm eating chips by myself I just use a spoon

>> No.9023900

>latex gloves
>anywhere near your mouth

Enjoy your anaphylactic shock.

>> No.9023992

>Nice for cooking eggs
I don't see how....

>> No.9024007

Dentists take note.

>> No.9024065

>how else would i eat soup than with a fucking stick


>> No.9024083

>eat cheato
>take off glove
>use mouse/controller/pen
>put glove back on
>eat cheato

You're the fucking retard here

>> No.9024233

i mix mayo, bacon bits and cheetos together in equal parts, and mix decently. the mayo coats the cheeto, and thus the cheeto dust from your fingers ( and provides liquid to make it easier to suck clean ), while the mayo coating itself lets you "grab" the cheetos without actually grasping, they just stick to your fingers. i use this for gaming because you can keep playing without taking your hands off the screen, just randomly dab into the bowl, suck it clean off your fingers, and bam, your clean, hygenic and ready to keep playing before your character has finished reloading.

>> No.9024261

asians need to step their game up and make chopsticks that are hollow so you can use them as a straw to slurp up broth

>> No.9024272
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bait or not this is horrific

>> No.9024274

they already do. hard to wash, and too expensive if you make them disposable

>> No.9024279

not really. i also do fritos, and barbicue sauce but its a bit more sticky

>> No.9025142

i'll use them at a dumpling place for novelty and even at home for dumplings or gyoza but never with a rice dish at home

>> No.9025188

when cooking an omelette good for stirring the eggs to keep small curds or even just using then to scramble eggs

>> No.9025531
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>> No.9025535
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>> No.9025575

These things fucking suck, your hands get all sweaty.

>> No.9025587

goddamnit you made me mad. don't use a word if you're just going to use it incorrectly. tell me what's redundant about using chopsticks?