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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 266 KB, 981x934, tmp_27573-deep-dish-pizza-veganricha-5958-11233137061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9013101 No.9013101 [Reply] [Original]

What are your opinions on deep dish pizza?

>> No.9013131

Theyre great as long as its built in the city of big shoulders. That thing was probably made in some flyover land like Arizona tryin to make a fast buck.

>> No.9013160

Arizona is not even aware deep dish exists.

>> No.9013163

It's a very badly made lasagna.

>> No.9013166


It's too easy to fuck up and turn into a pit of loathsome slime.

Can't trust even a decent pie jockey to get it right 100% of the time, so it's just not worth ordering.

>> No.9013185

>live in NY
>lived in Chicago
I like both
>originally from Phoenix
Don't fuck with AZ you sons of bitches

>> No.9013191

They're like pizza but if pizza was a soup. Bad.

>> No.9013203

I like deep dish, but that's basically a bread bowl.

>> No.9013207


Phoenix is a hell-hole. It only exists to provide a cheap source of slave-wage labor for Scottsdale and a halfway house for People That Failed In Cali.

>> No.9013227

CA is a failure itself. If you "failed" in California it means you won in real life. Phoenix is objectively the best city in the nation and I've been everywhere man. Nashville is cool too, but Phoenix is best.

>> No.9013234


Now, I personally dislike Cali in general and LA specifically but...

Name one good thing about Phoenix. There's nothing. Nashville is pretty shitty too.

>> No.9013238

cheese casserole.

>> No.9013244
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Literally everything about this pic is wrong.

t. Chicagoan

>> No.9013277

The car scene is off the rails, second only to L.A.
Anything you're into, there's a scene present.
People from all over the country go there for various trade schools.
Fuck pizza, the Mexican food can't be beat.
It doesn't fucking snow.
No lawn work to be done.
You can walk around with a pistol on your side.
They have horse trails in town.
The bar scene and live music scene is God tier.
I'm going to stop, but not because the list is done.

>> No.9013285

I visit Phoenix once a year, it's a depressing piece of shit city

>> No.9013292

>non whites live there
Oh boy good thing I can keep a pistol on my hip. I'm gonna need it.

>> No.9013305


That's Scottsdale you're talking about though.
I asked about Phoenix.

>> No.9013319

If you think Phoenix is a problem, you're a problem

>> No.9013328

Mexicans are great people
No blacks
Last State to recognize MLK day

>> No.9013345

Those all apply to Phoenix.
Plus, in Phx, you have access to all the suburbs

>> No.9013358

When it's good, it's fantastic, when its bad, it's awful.
And, it's an occasional treat, I've never known anyone who eats it on the regular.

>> No.9013362


This shit is like opposite day.
I bet you think Trump is awesome, too.

>> No.9013363

Best Interstate and road system in country.

>> No.9013369

>made in some flyover land
Like Shitcago.

>> No.9013371

>Mexicans are great people
>Trump fan
pick one

>> No.9013378

That's not true. It's a pretty cool place, if you know where to go. Obviously, there's less desirable areas, like every city. When we go there, we usually stay in Chandler at the Sheraton Grand Resort at Wild Horse Pass, which is a great place to stay, especially in the fall when it's warm enough to use the pool and spa, but cool enough at night for the fireplaces full of pinion, smells amazing (great room service, too).

>> No.9013396

I forgot to add, though, I've seen some weird shit there. Last time we were there, we stopped at Whataburger a couple of times on our way to go do stuff, and BOTH times, we saw a black person get in a screaming fight with the employees. (At 2 different locations, and different black people ). It was bizarre.

>> No.9013404

You saw both of the black people in Arizona?
That's one in a million

>> No.9013419


Both choices are shit. Trump doesn't actually give a shit at all about preventing Mexicans or illegal immigrants from entering the country. The Wall is just a stalking horse for channeling public money to private interests. Just like building stadiums.

>> No.9013424


Again, Chandler isn't Phoenix.
Scottsdale isn't Phoenix.

Phoenix is Phoenix. And it is Syria-tier. Literally worse than Afghanistan in literally every way.

>> No.9013442

Obviously never been there

>> No.9013444
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Literally less flyover than NY lol

>> No.9013448

Moving down the list I see

>> No.9013449

Please, there's plenty of black people in AZ. I still wonder why those 2 had so much fucking rage at Whataburger, though. It was weird. The first time, it was at night, and the guy was flailing out of his car at the drive thru window, and then pulled over and was yelling at us and the employees because we pulled up to the window after he left the line and parked.
Second time was in the morning while we were on our way to the mountains, and a black woman in front of us was screaming obscenities at the employees over the speaker and throwing her arms around and her whole damn car was shaking.

>> No.9013459


I lived there.
Phoenix is totally distinct from the other suburbs in the metro. Phoenix and Tempe are hell-on-earth.

The other areas have some interesting stuff going on in certain ways, but are compromised by their proximity to Phoenix.

>> No.9013463

That's like saying San Dimas or Beverly Hills isn't LA. I don't think you ever been there, or to any major metro area.
Also, just because we like to stay in Chandler doesn't mean we haven't driven all over Phoenix and it's surrounding areas.

>> No.9013474

Tempe is hell on earth because of methheads.
Again, it's like any other large city with a distinct metro area, there's good parts and bad parts. The only time I hate being in Phoenix is in the summer. If I'm not in water, I'm going to be miserable.

>> No.9013478

New York's finest achievement.

>> No.9013479


For all practical purposes, San Dimas and Beverly Hills are not LA. I've stayed in Chino Hills with friends, and I've seen what the rest of the city has to offer.

Dante had the gist.

>> No.9013482

Phoenix, Tempe and Scottsdale have the hottest chicks on the planet

>> No.9013484

For all practical purposes, those areas are factually considered part of the LA metro area.

>> No.9013487


Ukraine though

>> No.9013490


Only by morons, failures, and dupes.

>> No.9013493

They don't even speak english dude

>> No.9013496

>this how we know you're from /pol/.

Stop getting your adjectives and insults from infowars.

>> No.9013497


They sure as fuck do

>> No.9013507

Alright, fine. AZ has hottest chicks in US

>> No.9013513

Yeah, they learn menial English so they "love you long time, rich American super hunk".

>> No.9013518


I've been from a lot of shitty places in the distant past. I've been from /adv/. I've been from /r9k/.

I've never been from /pol/ or /b/ or /soc/

>> No.9013523

poverty food.

>> No.9013528
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Average Phoenix females

>> No.9013534

Well, those two boards certainly explain THAT. Fucking hell......

>> No.9013550
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>He thinks /pol/, /b/, /soc/ are less awful than /adv/ & /r9k/

It certainly does. At least /adv/ and /r9k/ has people that WANT to improve themselves.

Also explains why you like Phoenix, Louisville, and deep-dish pizza.

>> No.9013562
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>he hasn't even been to /pol/
>but he's been to the cuck board

good on you robot.

>> No.9013564


>Mediocre bodies
>Ugly clothes
>Ugly hair

Just keep proving my points.

>> No.9013567

Louisville can't even make a proper sized bat

>> No.9013568


Same difference.

>> No.9013583

get outside sometime

>> No.9013586


I spent the whole fucking weekend outside.
Now I want to shitpost.

>> No.9013593

Pardon the FUCK out of me, but I never mentioned Louisville. Also, /pol/ is definitely worse, but admitting you've frequented the angry virgin boards still shows your true nature.

>> No.9013608


The whole fucking CONVERSATION has been about our true natures. The difference is that I acknowledge my true nature and you are in denial.

>> No.9013642

Get outside your bullshit, hillbilly, town in Oklahoma, hick
And I shitpost better than you.

>> No.9013651

How could you ever possibly know if I were in denial of my true nature? I haven't told what boards I frequent, and the only other thing you know about me is that I'm optimistic about Phoenix (another hint is that I'm optimistic about most things, with a few exceptions ). You're the one who showed your ass.

>> No.9013659

He doesn't have anything else to show

>> No.9013662
File: 57 KB, 258x276, 1493484278764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>admitting you're a cuckhold

good for you anon, now fuck off back to your containment board and let the big boys talk.

>> No.9013674


>let the big boys talk about their fast food


The fact that you are optimistic about Phoenix tells me everything about you that is worth knowing.


I live in one of the ten largest cities in the world.

>> No.9013682

Phoenix is the 5th largest city in the nation.
>tfw live in New York
as I previously mentioned

>> No.9013702

The fact that you dismiss an entire metro area (including the city center) which includes some of the best dining in the entire country, tells me your nature is being an uptight prick who doesn't have the emotional range to be optimistic about anything that doesn't tick your rigid little boxes.
Also, I live in one of the top 3 most diverse cities in the US, I'll let you guess which one.

>> No.9013732

>being an uptight prick who doesn't have the emotional range to be optimistic about anything that doesn't tick your rigid little boxes.

Fair criticism.

>> No.9013746

You must live in Scottsdale.
30% white, blonde chicks
30% white, strawberry blonde chicks
20% white, light-brunette chicks
15% Botox 50 year old blondes
5% Mexican porn stars

>> No.9013752

I recognize this pizza.

>> No.9013758

Protip: I don't live in Arizona.

>> No.9013763

WTH are you talking about pizza? This is a Phoenix thread.

>> No.9013767

>actually googled "scottsdale women"

you're right lmao

>> No.9013776

Oh, also, strawberry blondes are the fucking BEST. Non-anemic looking but with little body hair, but still have that awesome spitfire personalities. Best sex I've ever had has been with strawberry blondes. (Natural, Obviously )

>> No.9013813

Here is sex award. Congrats on the sex.

>> No.9013818

I'm allover strwberry blondes and gingers

>> No.9013844

Jenna Jameson lives in Scottsdale

>> No.9013852

>fist bump goes here

Yeah....so many good memories

>> No.9013885

>Ginger last night.
>She drank enough to make Ireland fall over.
>Sat on my right testicle
>Pee blood
>She throws up in my bathroom until 2:00 PM.
>Finally leaves
>Nuts hurt
Good times

>> No.9013954

It's your own fault for trying to keep up with a ginger.

>> No.9014474

Food of the gods, especially back in the old days when Burt was still running Pequod's.

>> No.9014491

The bread is usually too hard and it cuts up the roof of my mouth.

>> No.9014592
File: 13 KB, 275x183, quiche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non american here. Isn't this just a fucking quiche?

>> No.9014627

>What are your opinions on deep dish pizza?

That's a casserole of some kind.

>> No.9014677

no, deep dish has a more doughy crust than a crumbly buttery quiche crust, and the filling is tomato sauce, grated cheeses like mozzarella, etc, sausage/spinach/your favorite topping, now its a flling. but similarly satisfying to a quiche. you really have to eat them with a knife and fork though. the insides are also way too hot at first.

>> No.9014721

> and the filling is tomato sauce, grated cheeses like mozzarella, etc, sausage/spinach/your favorite topping, now its a flling. but similarly satisfying to a quiche. you really have to eat them with a knife and fork though. the insides are also way too hot at first.
This is all identical to a quiche, all you need to do is alter the filling (a quiche can have several types of fillings, just like a pizza can have different toppings). The only difference is the dough, as you pointed out.

The point is, calling it a pizza is a bit silly. You could just as easily call it the "chicago style quiche". In fact, it would make more sense.

>> No.9014756
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i would unironically have sex with it, then eat it.

>> No.9014758

Quiche is made. With. EGGS. goddammit.

>> No.9014774

NYC'ers don't know that, bruh. They just call whatever someone slops together "fusion cuisine" and demand a Michelin star for it.

>> No.9014776

No need to get upset anon. No one talked about eggs before. If you say that's what it makes it a completely different dish, I guess I'll believe it. Not that I'll ever try a deep dish pizza anyway, so I can't compare the two.

>> No.9014809

>no, deep dish has a more doughy crust

>> No.9014817


It can be a decent casserole or passable lasagna if done right. But that shit ain't pizza yo.

>> No.9014823
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>> No.9014824
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>> No.9014828
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>> No.9014835

That's a nice bread bowl of tomato soup, now where's the pizza?

>> No.9014839
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>> No.9014842
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>> No.9014954

Made my first deep dish pizza last night. I used some breakfast turkey sausage and mozzarella cheese slices that I had lying in the fridge. Also made my own dough and sauce of course. Tasted fucking good. Very different from other pizza that I've had.

Has anyone else here put cornmeal in their pizza dough before? This was my first time doing so and it was a major game changer. Also lined my baking dish with it. Dough was fantastic.

>> No.9014990

Write me off as biased if you like since I am from NY, but I don't think it should be called pizza. Don't get me wrong, proper 'go 'za is delicious, but calling it a pizza is such a stretching of the word.

Everywhere else used to call it "tomato pie" and many areas still do, that should tell you all you need to know about the dish. A far more honest name, in my opinion.

>> No.9016837

What do people think of the Little Cesar's deep dish?

>> No.9016866

Ive heard great things. Never had it though

>> No.9016947


>> No.9016951

neck yourself
t. giordanos

>> No.9017053

if you don't preffer lou's that's fine but giordanos is literally the worst deep dish chain lol. Are you even from chicago

>> No.9017067

it's the only chain that doesn't use frozen shit and synthetic preservatives in its pizza. You probably eat Uno or some garbage

>> No.9017081

Lol what are you even talking about. Regardles the pizza's bad so who cares. Crust is fucking flavorless and sauce is ketchup. The kind of shit that gives deep dish its undeserved bad name.

>> No.9017088

>sauce is ketchup
I've been to the corporate commissary and watched them make the sauce, you've lost all sense of taste and can't tell when you're eating actual tomatoes and not a mountain of artificial flavor with some tomato juice base

>> No.9017134

Are you actually a giordano's shill or what. By calling the sauce ketchup, I mean to say it's overly sweet and one-note. Compare the sauce at Girodano's to Lou's Pizano's, the actual Uno, etc. It's like night and day.

>> No.9017149

I work at a giordano's because I am proud of the product and of being the #1 pizza in chicago, and the most successful deep dish chain in the nation. I'm not under any instruction to market it on 4chan of all places though.

Lou's pizza tastes like overseasoned reheated tomato chunks on a saltine cracker

>> No.9017157

I'm from Chicago and I prefer both Giordanos deep dish and Connies stuffed pizza over Lou's.

>> No.9017177

Connies is solid. I don't think Giordano's is the absolute best deep dish pizza by any means if you include independent places, but when comparing chains it is head and shoulders over the "competition"

>> No.9017191

just goes to show how irrelevant this place is here, not once in my 30 years of living here have I heard or seen any deep dish that wasn't just a Detroit style pizza.

>> No.9017195

Yeah my favorites are independent places also.

>> No.9017204

Chicago deep dish is not popular here. We're all too busy eating shitty dominos and pizza hut pizzas.

>> No.9017212

That location just opened like 2 months ago to be fair.

>> No.9017225

not him but i wish more of these places opened, i'm stuck with the same rosati's deep dish pizzas which are good, but i want to try another one and not drive 40 minutes (probably an hour with traffic) just for some pizza.
This state is also full of mexicants and old people, one of which doesnt like new things.

>> No.9017242

Only place I've had real deep dish pizza was a place called Mangia. It was pretty good but I'm sure super unhealthy they loaded down the peperoni and hamburger with mushrooms I asked for. I think the bread like crust soaked up most of the grease so when I was finished I had my share of artery clogging goodness.