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9003521 No.9003521 [Reply] [Original]

do americans really do this?

>> No.9003526

easy peasy lemon squeezy

>> No.9003536


Yes, teaching children self sufficiency and fine tuning potential business acumen is important. I used to go to a wholesalers down the road and buy cans of soda, gatorade and candies, then mark-up my wares, and sell at local sports fields to other children. Easily made $200 a week in profit from the age of 10 to 14, until I could legally work.

>> No.9003540

totally earned your circumcision

>> No.9003543

I tried it when I was a kid, but didn't make anything. I found it was easier to make money going door to door in my neighborhood and ask people of they had any odd jobs.

>> No.9003550
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t. Kid that gave me $1 for a can of soda I paid $0.18 for

>> No.9003557

Yeah, not too often but you see it. It's pretty cool to get kids excited about working to earn money and whatnot.

>> No.9003559

Yeah they spring up in my neighborhood every summer

>> No.9003560

Not anymore, quickly being outlawed. I used to sell rocks out of my driveway as a kid.

>> No.9003571
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>82% margin
>455.56% markup

>> No.9003576

Yes we force our children into slave labor - it's the capitalist way! On a related note, Save the Children just released a report ranking countries from best to worst for children to grow up. The top 10 were all European and the US ranked 36th. They just don't understand putting kids to work builds character.

>> No.9003579

if you mean you were getting kids stoned then well i agree with the cops

>> No.9003585


You're waiting for UBI to save you, huh...

Get a job.

>> No.9003586
File: 361 KB, 400x528, scientific american.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They just don't understand putting kids to work builds character.

Yeah - a shit character. It's why so many americans are utter shit as ''grown-ups'' too.


>> No.9003594


>muh Trump post

Stop duty free shopping in my Country you fucking parasite. We don't need the commerce, but you DEPEND ON IT.


>> No.9003595

I did something similar but instead of asking if they had odd jobs I'd tell them I was collecting for a charity.

>> No.9003597

how often do they get shot?

>> No.9003598

Wat? No, I was literally selling rocks, dumb fucking neighbors actually bought them because of muh hard working kids meme.

>> No.9003602


Did you at least paint them? Or were they landscaping type rocks like crushed gypsum or quartz?

>> No.9003603

>sell rocks on street
>get shot in a drive-by when your customer LaShawndra realizes they can't be smoked

>> No.9003605

>I used to sell rocks out of my driveway as a kid.
i remember kids doing this
i grew up in the 90s in the virginian suburbs right outside of washington d.c.
in the 80s d.c. had a huge crack problem and it never really went away but it never got as bad as it did in the 80s
anyway back to the kids making money
there was this community center near my house and all the kids would gather at the playground there and there was always adults either working or going into the community center
this own time i saw this girl with a bunch of other kids around her and they all seemed excited
i walked up to her and she was holding these rocks she had colored with colorful chalk
she had a lunchbox full of them going for 25 cents each
the kids gathered not playing and handing each other things caught the attention of some adults that were working in the center
one walked up to us and asked what the girl was doing
without a beat the girl replies
>im sellin' rocks
the adult bursted out laughing, harder than she should at something that wasnt at all that funny... at least to the innocent mind
the adult went back into the community center and returned with free hot dogs
it wasnt until years later that i realized the lady was laughing because she thought we were children buying drugs or something and when the girl replied that she was selling rocks, which is slang for selling crack, and was actually selling regular rocks!

>> No.9003613

Nice story.

I matured a lot earlier than the rest of my friends so I made tonnes of money selling my teddy bears.

>> No.9003616

black kids dont have this kind of initiative so they dont get the bucks to buy a gun until they start drug dealing
therefore kid mortality stays low

>> No.9003791

Nope, picked one up from the ground and told them it would be $2.

>> No.9003845

I used to sell blowpops at school. Bought them at like 7c each in bulk from Big Lots and sold at 50c. Made bank until some faggot with no business accumen started selling them for 5c. Turns out his parents were just buying them for him, and i decided to just wait until his dumb ass was out of capital. Didn't matter because the school shut everything down the next day. I had been doing this for months.

>> No.9003964

>go home crying
>tells mommy you got shot
>mom laughs it off, saying that you shouldn't be a pussy, it's only >lol 9mm