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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8996648 No.8996648 [Reply] [Original]

Is /ck/ the worst of all boards?

I browse nearly all boards except for the anime ones and im really starting to think that this ones is the worst one. Not because the board is about cooking as it is something i really love, creativity in general, but the quality of threads and posts are the very lowest compared to any other board i watch.

About 90 % of the threads are about fast food, like wtf? You aren’t even cooking that? No threads about general region specific cooking or cool recipes / techniques, its all just ‘’what kind of canned soup is best and why is it this lol’’.

Most of the other boards have several serious thread going on all the time (i know every single board has shit posts all the time) but i can scroll the front page on this one and see only shitty fast food threads… Is it because only americans post here? Really sad as food is so essential in human life. Big potential for a great board.

Also a thread just for alcoholics, wtf?

>> No.8996666

Okie doke. Back to your home board now.

>> No.8996670

It's Food & Cooking. Cooking is after food, so it makes sense that there's more general food talk then cooking.

>> No.8996674

1. Food AND Cooking
2. you are a hypocrite, instead of helping cultivate your desired content by posting a cooking thread, you made this shit instead

>> No.8996675

>except for the anime ones
Opinion discarded. Off to facebook with you.

>> No.8996685

>except for the anime ones


>> No.8996692

>I browse nearly all boards except for the anime ones


>> No.8996699

Nice argument against the shit content that is 99% of this board.

I know this one is kinda a meta thread but i still think it brings more value to the board than favorite burger threads as it adresses the problem.

I have sometimes posted a cook along, and the replies has been really good so i think a lot of people who like to cook actually browses, the shitposting is just massive.

>> No.8996720

most of threads get derailed by butthurt burgers that only have fast food to have pride in
of course they are behind the insane amount of "is fast food x better than fast food y" threads
everything they dont understand (so everything that isnt fast food) is labeled as meme
if by chance a decent thread starts they start posting pol shit and report it to get it deleted

this sums up /ck/

>> No.8996724

>being worse than /mu/
not possible

>> No.8996732
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>complains about decline of content on board
>exacerbates the issue by cryposting and blogging about feelings on a cooking board

>> No.8996736
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>/ck/ worse than /asp/

>> No.8996738

>worse than /pol/
>worse than /tv/
>worse than /v/

>> No.8996744


>everything I don't like or that offends muh feelinks = /pol/

Well thought out.

>> No.8996746
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Did you forget where you are?. This is a bord with fadoria tiping man children.

>> No.8996747

I think it would help the board to increase the image size cap. I can't post pictures from my phone without resizing them. If people could do that then I'm sure we'd see more cook alongs.

>> No.8996762

came here to post this

>> No.8996763

pretty much this desu

>> No.8996765

>Is it because only americans post here

That's where your dogshit argument went off the rails. You complain about shitposting and then shitpost about Americans. You really are clueless, aren't you?

Anybody that cooks knows this board has so much more potential than what we have, but this half-assed jab isn't going to do shit about it.

-hide the meme threads
-hide the fast food threads
-stop responding to Jack (and other) trolls
-stop denigrating other countries and cultures
-get a decent sticky

Congrats, if we all did this the board would improve 10-fold, even if it slows way the fuck down. But I don't think you wanted improvement, you just wanted a chance to piss and moan without suggesting any kind of improvement.

>> No.8996766


>> No.8996772

le buttmad murricun

>> No.8996780
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>I just came here to steal good gets and talk shit

Fuck off a McChicken thread could have gotten those tripple dubs.

>> No.8996790

*tu quoques into infinity*

>> No.8996793

>le i failed reading class in first grade

>> No.8996798

it's a fact that most posters on 4chan are burgers, so they hold the highest amount of responsibility about how shitty it is
i said highest, not only them
canadians are in lower amount but damn they are worse than plague

>> No.8996799


>> No.8996801

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8996802
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You're aware eurotrash refer to "first grade" as year one...don't you.

>LARPing as someone weak enough to take savages who rape their women and blow them up to live in their countries

LOL have some pride , unless you're commonwealth trash, then the above comment relates to you as well.

>> No.8996806



>> No.8996809
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Ready to get angry? RIGHT NOW, in this very instant, there are people in this thread that are posting without introducing "sage" on the e-mail field.

just so u know

>> No.8996815

Nice subtle way to shit on Americans

>> No.8996824

are you retarded? that sounded pretty retarded

>> No.8996828
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>> No.8996846
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>everybody in this thread

>> No.8996853

me on the right

>> No.8996875
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i like 4chan

>> No.8996879
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1. /cgl/

2. /a/

3. /jp/

4. /mlp/

5. /lgbt/

6. /ck/

7. /s4s/

8. /x/

9. /bant/

10. /b/

11. /soc/

12. /r9k/

13. /adv/






666. /an/

>> No.8996886
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>> No.8996899

You wanna know how I know you're a redddit?

>> No.8996914

You're free to click or press that back button, asshole. Here's your (you)

>> No.8996916 [DELETED] 


>citing the bible as factual history

Egyptians used spoons 1000BC, try again.

>> No.8996949

I love this so much. I really do wander what it feels like to constantly obsess over a nation thousands of miles away. I know why though; to 'make it' in your boring, and mundane life, you need to have a scapegoat for anything that inconveniences you. My guess is that you still live with your parent, and you dont even have a car, but if you do, it's probably some sub 2L shitbox. Then again, It's not like you NEED to travel more than 20 miles from your hovel at any given time, right? I can understand why someone would be so angry all the time.

>> No.8996972

we're definitely shit due to the fast food threads but there are far worse boards still

at least the fast food threads people seem to enjoy the food.../v/ doesnt even like video games

>> No.8997004

There is currently one thread about cooking on page 1.

Of the 855 recipes on the /ck/ booru since 2011: 1 in 2017, 10 within the last 12 months, ~120 in the 2.5 years since mobile cancer and stormfaggotry tripled the user count of the site with endless waves of newfags.

>> No.8997033


The story so far:

In the beginning this board was created and named "Food & Cooking."

This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

The board should have just been called "cooking" as the "food" part allows for the most massive and flagrant abusive shit posting of fast food memes.

If the board had mods worth a damn, they could at least crack down on the fucking mcchicken memes, but technically that's food. and evidently for some people, including the fucking useless mods, it's gotta be the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich.

I fucking hate it too man.

I wish the board was limited to cooking.. but some of the posts about fine dining can be interesting - so then its about food and cooking... and then where do you draw the line? Fucking fast food threads are a cancer that have gone on for as long as the board has existed though and its just unfortunate.

The mention of a sticky at this point is just laughable because its been talked about constantly. there are so many fucking tropes around here... fast food, how do i make it to the next pay check, what is the best type of mt. dew to go with which types of pizza and why is it baja blast and papa johns triple meatza threads... the 'go 'za... it just keeps going.

it'll never change. the mods around here are total shit and tho this board is most obviously in need of a sticky, out of all the boards, and even though it is extremely obvious as to what would go in that sticky, we will never get it.

>> No.8997183

let's not ignore the recent influx of "food is also politics" retards and their relentless campaign of shitposting
it's sad really
/ck/ was a really comfy slow board

>> No.8997187

Completely agree. Before I started coming here people gave me the impression that it was a good board. Maybe times have changed, but right now this is not the place to go to if you want to learn how to cook of if you're interested in cooking.

>> No.8997192
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For me, it is the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich

>> No.8997194
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spotted the Britard

>> No.8997197

If you feel so strongly get to the IRC and engage with the regulars there, the Channel OP there is a janitor ( he proved this) but sometimes his hands are tied because of the mods and wider 4Chan policy.
They did manage to get rid of the Food Pics from Japan shitposter and most of the Joey stuff.
Personally I'm pushing for disabling webms and YouTube bullshit.
It's a good place but your argument and debate must be reasoned.

>> No.8997209

Meta threads are legitimate, newfag.

>> No.8997215

>e-mail field

>> No.8997216


Casual racism has alway been apart of 4ch board culture. The only ones screaming, and kicking because "WAAAAHHHH STOP HURTING MY DELICATE FEELS POL WAAAAAHH STOP WITH THE MEAN WORDS!!!!" are the newfag cancer that came here between 2015-present; just like yourself and OP. just stop trying to push your faggotry here and fuck off with OP, because anyone who has been here for years can see through your stupid fucking shit. Also, the reddit spaces are what gave you away you fucking cunts.

>> No.8997220

>casual racism
No such thing, ignoramus.

>> No.8997221

>Is /ck/ the worst of all boards?
Wow you really haven't seen much of 4chan, have you? /soc/ and /lgbt/ are the reigning mental defect king and retarded histrionic queen of terrible boards. Then there's nu/b/ (it's shit) and nu/pol/ (basically just a propaganda wing of trump's administration at this point and tons of baitshitposting). Even by blue board standards, /ck/ isn't bad.

>> No.8997227

where is the IRC? i would like to go there

>> No.8997234

It's on on IRCnet but it's password protected. The 'official' Verizon IRC is shit, no one goes there.

>> No.8997237

>I'm too stupid to know when to start new paragraphs so I'll call anyone that does know, "le reddit". That'll show 'em how much more smarter, I is!

>> No.8997243

>typing in a certain format is restricted to certain websites

holy fucking shit how fucking much of a fucking autist can you be

>> No.8997247

oh, ok

>> No.8997248

>Is /ck/ the worst of all boards?

That would be /x/.

/x/ makes /b/ seem intelligent by comparison.

>> No.8997249

You don't start a paragraph with a space in any form of written English, anon.
An indent is the proper manner. I've actually given you examples of this in this very post!
It's good to learn new things, isn't it?

>> No.8997251

Yes, there is. Maybe not on facebook with your grandma or your fagoot reddit fairyland, but here there is, and there always has been. Fuck off

>> No.8997258
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>t. the 4Chan police

>> No.8997261
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>I browse nearly all boards except for the anime ones

But seriously, this board has gone to shit the last few years, worse than it's ever been.

>> No.8997263


>> No.8997270

It's worse than /diy/ and /out/ for staying on thread topic and not veering off into xenophobic and drumpf /pol/tardation and racist sturmfaggotry. But those 2 boards are very slow. I don't mind a bit of the drumpf cuckservative and sturmfront shitposting because they really out themselves for the defectives they are. If people ignored them than they'd probably go away but sometimes it's hard to resist nailing them because they're such easy targets.

>> No.8997275

Thank you, thanks for the correction

>> No.8997279

Yeah and /diy/ and /out/ are two of the best blue boards. How could this have ever happened!??!

>> No.8997285

>I'm a stupid newfag
>I don't understand what a paragraph is
>I have a double digit IQ

>> No.8997293

look mom, i can greentext

>> No.8997312

Look mom, I don't know what a paragraph is. I thought it was a single sentence With a space between another sentence. I swear I'm not a dumbass.

>> No.8997315

this is my home board, i don't want you here.

>> No.8997327

>implying not all of 4chan involves anime
I want summerfags to leave

>> No.8997330
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>Maybe times have changed

Every time 4chan pops up in the news, it attracts a new generation of cancer, and that's exactly what happened during this past election.

There's basically 2 types of cancer on this site: The first is the cancer that shows up and thinks 4chan is all about being an obnoxious troll asshole 24/7 on every single board on the site, so they infect every board that draws their attention with stupid fucking memes, porn, rekt shit, and race and politics bait posts, because "that's what you're supposed to do on 4chan".

The second type of cancer that shows up is the SJW / faggot / crusader cancer that hates the fact that 4chan isn't a safespace or champion for whatever fucked up political view or psychological defect they may have. They want to "fight the patriarchy" or "bash the fash", or force the boards to normalize their defective / degnerate agenda, and they are completely opposed to the concept of free speech and want to silence all that oppose their views. This type of cancer is the worse, imo.

So, yes, /ck/ has been exceedingly cancerous lately, but it's not just us, it's the entire board, and it's only going to get worse since school's about to let out again.

Hang tough.

>> No.8997334


>> No.8997337
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>> No.8997344

i like anime but /a/ is too cancerous for anyone who seeks some reasonable discussion
im ok with shitposting but that's taking it too far

>> No.8997353

Sounds like you need to be on Facebook, fag. Join a weeb group or something.

>> No.8997356

Anime is popular among normies.

>> No.8997357

>implying /o/ isn't the worst board
That board is 90% repetitive shotposting. At least /ck/ shitposters are more interesting and haven't been spamming Corvette vs GTR threads for two or three years now.

>> No.8997358

>not worst board

>> No.8997364

>/int/ generals
i hope i dont have to add anything

>> No.8997369

14. /g/

>> No.8997372

i doubt any normie refers to it as anime anyway
they are cartoons
anime smells of omega

>> No.8997375

Fuck off you new piece of shit.

>> No.8997378

I have to agree with this. If you don't drive a shitbox or an ae86, stupid neet faggots just trash-talk you.

>> No.8997382

>anime is normie

No shit. Every other day NHK has a segment on an anime or manga artist. That's about as normie as you can get.

>> No.8997384

t. professional fast food threads starter

>> No.8997385

Jokes on you, I'm one of the alcoholics.

>> No.8997392

id like tpo see more recipe threads and cook alongs but no one does them anymore. I tried to make a few recipe threads but no one else shared recipes.

>> No.8997397

You're just mad your shit thread is backfiring. Stay fucked.


>> No.8997398

Sadly, most posters here are americans and cooking is not part of their culture. On the other hand, they are fatty fast food customers.

>> No.8997400


>> No.8997445

>implying this wouldnt be a one post from this id thread

>> No.8997465

t. cancer

>> No.8997481

I wonder how quickly I'd get banned for spamming vertical recipes in all the cancerous threads?

>> No.8997485

Away with you, post-2007 faggot.
Have a reply.

>> No.8997500

obsessed with someone posting OBSESSED

>> No.8997510

>Also, the reddit spaces are what gave you away you fucking cunts.

You do realize this spacing has been used since the 1800s on various forms of media and has only been called "reddit spacing" by newfags for the last 6 months right?

you sound like i hurt your feelings... i hope you feel better soon, snowflake.

>let's not ignore the recent influx of "food is also politics"

Personally, I think this is fair though. There are some food that can be distinctly tied to the right and mental retardation. I think it's fair to have a limited number of threads that are dedicated to the topic of talking about just how retarded trump is for liking his steak well done with ketchup. I mean, it doesn't bother me what other people like to eat - but it does show what kind of taste and absolute lack of class he has. You have to admire the shitposting republicucks that defend it. It makes for interesting threads I think and it lets you know just how many mentally handicapped losers are on the board. This sort of stuff grounds the board in its contextual roots.
>his hands are tied because of the mods and wider 4Chan policy.

That's exactly what i was talking about with the whole thing being called "food and cooking" fast food is technically edible, though some people refuse to even call it food. so then you can't ban people for posting it - which is super fucking unfortunate. if i were a janitor i'd just label it spam and crap slap the fuck out of it. I don't see how that wouldn't work with the site policies.
>They did manage to get rid of the Food Pics from Japan shitposter and most of the Joey stuff.

I am thankful for this. You are right that the mods have had some positive effect. I feel like a single active thread for the latest food reviews would be ok.

>Personally I'm pushing for disabling webms and YouTube bullshit.

I don't support this. I think this can be really valid content at times.

>> No.8997528

>compulsive need to reply to everyone who figured out your modus operandi

>> No.8997596

Just make a fast food sticky and ban everyone that makes a fast food thread. That would wipe out 75% of the cancer. Simple and effective.
If you want another simple fix don't allow duplicate threads.
No fast food threads and only one steak thread allowed at a time.
This place would immediately improve drastically.

>> No.8997615

i've seen more interesting food and cooking threads on /bant/ and that's not an easy feat

>> No.8997646

Not even him bro I'm just a random anon. Stay paranoid though it's cute hun.

>> No.8997688
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Its only going to get worse. where are we supposed to go, anon?

>> No.8997731

There is no escape.

>> No.8997756

If you don't want a special cockfood safe board, go elsewhere. Nobody's making you post here.

>> No.8997906

/an/ is fucking degenerate

>> No.8997937

Lurk moar

>> No.8997941

Just wait till nighttime when they all have to go to sleep.

>> No.8997943
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>> No.8997964

Probably. I frequented until about 4 years back and it seemed like the worst threads were Chipotle shills and "muh tendies" fags with some youtube review threads mixed in, but there were a lot of decent threads.

I just started coming back and it's like 90% shitposting. "McChicken this" "objectively that" "everyone should be vegetarian" "rate my take-out food based on a tiny photo".

>> No.8997974

but its green and text???

>> No.8997975

this is like the fifth time you've reused that public domain image, can you get some new material?

>> No.8997984

It's frustrating because it would be an easy fix. Nobody thinks a 4chan board will be great, but a fast food sticky and duplicate thread rule like I said earlier would take care of a majority of the problem.

>> No.8998181

Ck sticky when?

>> No.8998196

You've clearly never been to /mu/

>> No.8998301
File: 301 KB, 1859x1061, well met.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Done w/thread

>> No.8998314

Yes. It's the worst. Been here for 1 month and have seen every thread already. Buh bye, cu/ck/s

>> No.8998319

most boards are like that, 4chan is just shit

>> No.8998336

It's because food turns people into combative, mean babies. I don't know exactly why. I think it's because food is so closely tied to your local culture, and some time in the 90s or 00s cuisine became a big dick-measuring contest. The food you enjoy is tied inexorably to your pride.

People generally don't want to see beyond their own narrow preconceptions because arguing is generally more enjoyable than challenging your own intellect and opening your mind a bit. We choose conflict because we are scared of the fact that our "selves" are illusory and conflict gives us a framework within which we can reassure ourselves of our own identity.

>> No.8998385

>gives us a framework within which we can reassure ourselves of our own identity.

Kind of describes sex. Does that mean conflict over food = sex? No wonder I get an erection everytime I visit /ck/.

>> No.8998438

>conflict gives us a framework within which we can reassure ourselves of our own identity.

This is especially true for people that are still trying to figure out who they are because they haven't ever had an introverted, or self reflective thought in their entire un-examined lives.

This is why traditionalists that have never broken away from tradition - or even ever though of doing so - are so irrationally angry at the thought of being challenged about it. They have never thought about why they do something and objectively, often times, it makes no sense. For instance... voting republican in modern america, eating red meat 5 times a week, drinking 2 liters of soda per day, going to church.... even though each of these things can be examined and found to be against the interests of the people participating in these actions.

You can't convince them otherwise because they identify with the struggle of a persecuted XYZ, even though they are in the majority and are not persecuted. It just feels like persecution to them because they have never had an inward thought about who they are and what they are doing and why.

>> No.8998447

Back to Rebbit.

>> No.8998456

Definitely people overthinking this thing.

1. Fast food sticky
2. Ban duplicate threads

That's about as good as /ck/ is gonna get without full-time mods (which is fine with me)

>> No.8998462


Are you a gay, cancerous, frog?

>> No.8998472
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>> No.9000114

You're wrong. /po/ is the best blue board

>> No.9000114,1 [INTERNAL] 

>LE SJWSSS! BabyRage

And you were doing so well too..