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8995321 No.8995321 [Reply] [Original]

>"Here's your sandwich sir, that'll be $30 plus tip."

>> No.8995324

this makes me think of my ex.

>> No.8995329

this makes me think of >>8995324's ex

>> No.8995362

This makes me think of a t-rex

>> No.8995398

this makes me think of t-pain

>> No.8995401
File: 517 KB, 500x667, becky lynch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes me think of bex.

>> No.8995540

I've lived in the US for 3 nearly 34 years. East coast, West coast and parts in between.

I have worked in FOH and BOH in restaurants ranging from fast food to fine dining. I have never once heard anyone employee ask for a tip. When I worked as a FOH manager I would probably have terminated the employment of anyone who asked for a tip.

The "$xx.xx plus tip" thing is this the stupidest bait on this board and is the kind of shitposting that automatically reveals either bament dwelling neckbeards or assmad Europeans who cannot comprehend that voluntarily gratuity for good service is an imperfect but engrained part of the restaurant business in the US.

>> No.8995547

You haven't done any of that you liar

>> No.8995564

The only time if seen servers ask for a tip is when they added 20% gratuity on big parties. But that's implicitly asking for tips.

>> No.8995572

Yes I have.

I no longer work in the industry and I can only speak from my my own experience but servers, bartenders and delivery drivers in the US do not ask for tips. It's unheard of. Management is required by law to compensate the difference if such personell do not report tips that do not meet or exceed minimum wage. The only time that happens is if the management is shady or the employees suck at their jobs.

>> No.8995582

You actually know what you're talking about. Large parties are a huge pain in the ass and although FOH work isn't rocket surgery it can take money out of their pocket to wait on a party of 10 properly than 5 two tops would pay them for less work.

>> No.8995605

Why would Europeans be mad that they don't have to tip?

>> No.8995635

Because they see the custom as a gross, American way of doing things. And they are used to dismissive, poor and slow service at all but the most exclusive establisments.

>> No.8995691

>I've lived in the US for 3 nearly 34 years

So 102 years? Shit, you old.

>> No.8996020

because they enjoy being treated like shit by lowly service industry types who temporarily hold a modicum of power and will abuse it

>> No.8996026

Who the fuck says "plus tip"?

>> No.8996033

that's wrong though. the tipping system is retarded and on average the service is better in european places, at least according to my experiences.
then again, i've only eaten in around 40 places in usa and i'm going to guess 400 of european restaurants.

>> No.8996043

Actually every time I've been to the states the waiting staff was exeedingly rude, barging into conversations all the time to refill our water (not the bottle, the glasses, with the still full bottle on the table). And eventually became very pushy about us leaving when it was only 8 o'clock.

>> No.8996060

Saying "plus tip" to me is a surefire way to not get tipped

>> No.8996062

Ok, fedora features

>> No.8996063

nigga you are lying. I've had some dude chase me out of a store cause he didn't realize i was tipping him ten dollars and harrassed me until i showed him the math,

>> No.8996065

tipping culture is cancerous

if you want service to be paid for, just include it in the cost of the product

>> No.8996068

"plus tip"

Okay, here you go *tips fedora*

>> No.8996082

This is why jews have become niggers. Because they can't be sensible. Pastrami made jews into niggers.

>> No.8996083

Thanks. Can i also get a loaf of bread and some other people?

>> No.8996088

In korea and japan where a tip would be insulting, restaurant service in even hole in the walls is superior to anything you will find in the US except perhaps, and that's a big perhaps, michelin starred restaurants. US waiters and waitresses suck monkey ass.

>> No.8996095

If some gook or slant got uppity because I tipped them I'd tell them what ungrateful bastards they are.

>> No.8996097

>japan where a tip would be insulting
Say, what happened to the dollar guy? Haven't seen a thread from him in a while.

>> No.8996109

Yea, you're probably a shitbag who earned that kind of treatment.

>> No.8996130


Don't talk to these obvious human garbage. They don't need to be acknowledged.

>> No.8996151
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>> No.8996166

Nice foolproof reasonning you got here.
Surely if american waiting staff tends to be rude, it's because foreigners are all shitbags.
Pretty much everyone I know that has been to the states reports the same problems.

>> No.8996168
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>> No.8996169

the americans are uncultured swines, you cannot fix it

>> No.8996175
File: 64 KB, 475x502, 'Merica!!!! Fuck Yeah!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>US waiters and waitresses suck monkey ass.

In 'Merica, everybody is entitled and think they are working jobs beneath them... whatever that means.

Niggers will be outright rude & violent to you.

Self entitled white bitches will act like cunts to your face.

'Mericans are just shit people in general.

>> No.8996180

same here anon, i've even heard of waiting staff first being really unattentive and rude and then chasing after the customer outside when he and his girlfriend didn't leave a tip.

>> No.8996219




>> No.8996220

This makes me think of legs.

>> No.8996499

>The only time that happens is if the management is shady
So the majority of the time?