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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 24 KB, 700x497, waiter_gesture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8990487 No.8990487 [Reply] [Original]

>I am sorry, sir, but the restaurant is getting pretty crowded so we're gonna have to double seat you with that awesome couple over there, will you please follow me?

how do you react? what's your go-to reaction when being double seated?

>> No.8990502

This doesn't really happen, does it? Who would want to dine with strangers?

I'd probably leave.

>> No.8990505

It's common in Germany, allegedly

But those people also make you pay to use public bathrooms or get a glass of water.

>> No.8990507

I am autistic, I leave.

What the fuck do you think I am, retarded? /ck/ Is the only group of several thousand people on the internet that mistakes autism for mental retardation, so probably. Bunch of fucking morons.

>> No.8990508


Decline, find another place to eat. Never return.

>> No.8990514

Group/Party seating is common on cruise ships, I know that much.

>> No.8990523

>note to self

Dont go on a cruise

>> No.8990526

Literally never has happened and never will happen. Nobody wants to go to a restaurant and be seated with someone they don't know. Shit thread 1/10 for making me reply.

>> No.8990536
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>> No.8990547
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>> I am sorry, sir, but the restaurant is getting pretty crowded so we're gonna have to double seat you with that awesome couple over there, will you please follow me?
> how do you react?

“No thanks.”

Continue eating.

>> No.8990562

Y-you too

>> No.8990578
File: 211 KB, 355x427, 22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sweet, german style dining. i have no problem if i get alcohol in me. if not, im kinda anti social and an asshole. been to a few german restaurants that do this and i have fun when drinking.

>> No.8990580


>Double/Triple/Quadruple seating
>Meaning: When the host, sometimes due to necessity, sometimes due to dumbassery, and most commonly due to outright sadism, seats you with multiple tables at once. Double seating is generally simple enough to handle unless it's a difficult table, but anything more than that can rapidly become a nightmare. Often results in the phrase "I swear to God I'm going to stab the Idiot Host in the neck with an oyster fork."
>Origin: Self-explanatory.

literally the 1st hit on google
now kys yourself you flaming faggot

>> No.8990582
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i just realized nobody in this thread has dined like this. are you guys this autistic?

>> No.8990601
File: 250 KB, 637x478, Dakota Inn-Detroit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i just realized nobody in this thread has dined like this.

I have, at the Dakota Inn in Detroit but it wasn't "double seating" just long tables with dozens of chairs on either side.

Unfortunately we got there late (buddy's wife is late for fucking EVERYTHING) and we ended up sitting right next to the oompah band and couldn't hear ourselves think, let alone talk to each other.

>> No.8990604

I've never had this happen. I can imagine it's nice as long as you're not having a date night and the people you're seated with aren't assholes, but there's a lot of factors that could go wrong.

>> No.8990609

You know what, I'm gonna check that bar/grill down the street. I hear theyre doing 2 dollar rails tonight

>> No.8990621

In France that happened to my party. We sat down for a minute and said hell with this

>> No.8990655

this kinda happened to me a couple months back. we go to this burger joint for their breakfast, there's three of us and only one table left, and it's an eight top. like forty minutes in and we still haven't got our food. and the waitress comes to us and tells us shes going to sit this one guy at the other end of our table. he gets his food in fifteen minutes. the dining room was small so they couldn't separate the tables. the bacon was burnt, the home fries were not crispy at all and there was country music playing on what i would describe as karaoke mode (could hear the music but the words were very low) and I hate country music.
I can't believe people go there and keep going there. it's on the edge of amish country in oHIo. the amish restaurants are great but this place sucks

>> No.8990686

ask if you can be seated in the restroom instead

>> No.8990768

order my food to go and eat it in the toilet.

>> No.8990805
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It depends on the other people seated, but I typically find it an enjoyable social situation, like standing in a long line for something and getting to know the people around you.

Problem is there's a chance the people you get seated with are assholes. If they are, I go out of my way to make them uncomfortable so THEY leave...I don't puss out like a punk bitch.

>> No.8990845

Can't afford to eat in such places in the first place.

>> No.8990851

Europe really does this?

Closest thing I can compare it to was when I ate lunch with my brother at a Cheesecake Factory in Chicago. We were seated at a tiny table for two in the back banquette wall next to a couple who appeared to be on a date. There was at most six inches between the two tables and you couldn't carry on a conversation without the other people hearing. It was really awkward for all four of us.

I don't even know why that table exists.

>> No.8990864
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Oh, did you hear? With the new birth control pills, you only have to have one period a year.

That's good, 'cause that patch makes my boobs really sensitive.

>> No.8990886

I would go sit and then non-threateningly pick up my fork and start screaming at the top of my lungs at it (Not words just noise) until the people at my table got annoyed and left

>> No.8990919

This happened to me this past Saturday, at a super busy Chinese restaurant. It wasn't that big of a deal, my party was three people and the other party was two. We were seated at a table that usually seats like 10, so it wasn't any different from those communal tables that lots of restaurants have. Only real issue was we couldn't spin the lazy susan around to get at the different dishes, since the other parties food was on their side of it as well.

>> No.8991001

i have never been in such situation

>> No.8991020

Theres a local pho place where i live that does this. I dont mind unless the people move the chopsticks and condiments to their side out of reach for everyone thats in the middle.

>> No.8991025

Say no, and if they persist, leave without paying.

That's the correct response in this situation; it's great that you want to make money, but if you're going to ruin my dining experience over it, I'm not going to pay for that ruined experience.

>> No.8991028

This once happened to me at my local pub but the other couple were two foreigner girls.

They were cute.

>> No.8991056

Why would anyone pay before being seated anyway?

>> No.8991066

Yeah, I wanted to say >>8991025 was correct, but if the owner is smart enough to seat you with a potential fuck, then I'm all for it.

>> No.8991072

Please listen to me, >>8990487 It's really related to this thread. I went to Yoshinoya a while ago. Yes, the States have Yoshinoyas. Well anyways there was an insane number of people there, and I couldn't get in. Then, I looked at the banner hanging from the ceiling, and it had "$1.50 off" written on it.

Oh, the stupidity. Those idiots.

You, don't come to Yoshinoya just because it's $1.50 off, fool. It's only $1.50, six quarters for crying out loud.

There were even entire families here. Family of 4, all out for some Yoshinoya, huh? How fucking nice. "Alright, daddy's gonna order the extra-large."

God, I couldn't bear to watch. You people, I'll give you $1.50 if you just get out of those seats. Yosinoya should be a bloody place. That tense atmosphere, where two guys on opposite sides of the U-shaped table can start a fight at any time, the stab-or-be-stabbed mentality, that's what's great about this place. Women and children should screw off and stay home.

Anyways, I was about to start eating, and then the bastard beside me goes "extra-large, with extra sauce." Who in the world orders extra sauce nowadays, you moron? I wanted to ask him, "do you really want to eat it with extra sauce?" I wanted to interrogate him. I wanted to interrogate him for roughly an hour. Are you sure you don't just want to try saying "extra sauce"?

Coming from a Yoshinoya veteran such as myself, the latest trend among us vets is this, extra green onion. That's right, extra green onion. This is the vet's way of eating. Extra green onion means more green onion than sauce. But on the other hand the price is a tad higher. This is the key.

And then, it's delicious. This is unbeatable.

However, if you order this then there is danger that you'll be marked by the employees from next time on; it's a double-edged sword. I can't recommend it to amateurs.

What this all really means, though, is that you, >>8990487 should just stick with today's special.

>> No.8991080

im not european so this has never happened to me.

>> No.8991095

I think you're confused, the implication in OP is that we've been sitting at our table for a while, and they want to move us to another table.

"The restaurant is getting pretty crowded" is a weird thing to say to someone that just arrived, you would just say "the restaurant is pretty crowded".

>> No.8991539

Can confirm. I met my wife during a double seating in Germany. Banged her this morning. Shit was so cash

>> No.8991541
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>> No.8991655

wait, where does this happen?
i would obviously decline the offer

>> No.8991668

So they move all of your food and beverages?

>> No.8991694

No it doesn't, depending on the restaurant/store/whatever, and tap water is free by law.

>> No.8991728

Is this a fingerbox meme?

>> No.8991748

Never happened.
Would not kick up a massive fuss if it ever did unless I was on a date.

>> No.8991761

If I had not made a booking, I would simply be happy to be seated. If I was in the mood to talk to other people I would, otherwise I'd pretend they weren't there. I don't really dine out alone so there would always be the buffer of people I know.

If I had reserved or booked ahead of time then I would be disgusted and leave. (Assuming they didn't have that information on their website or something)

>> No.8991771
File: 655 KB, 624x804, yukari_messy_eater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"What's that? They want a 3-some? Why don't you join us too, handsome?"

>> No.8992220

I am wondering what Finnish people would do.

>> No.8992236

Where does this happen? Fuck that.

>> No.8992242

I don't "dine", I just eat that fast food like a good man should

>> No.8992249

i would just leave without paying.

>> No.8992265

I have, on a first date with a girl in a famous sushi restaurant in Japan. They were packed to the gills and we were like "fuck it we wanna eat" cuz everywhere else was shit. Meal was great, we found a beer festival by pure chance after the meal and ended up fucking her that night. Dated her for like 9months.

Still kinda sucked having to sit next to a single mum and her son on our first date but meh, whatever. Gave no shits.

>> No.8992972

*pulls out american passport*
this is a violation of my freedoms

>> No.8993937

>no proof that it actually happens
>just an explanation on what the term means
Kill yourself you waste of space.

>> No.8993953

I don't mind sharing a table with strangers as long as they don't try to talk to me.

>> No.8993955


>> No.8993957 [DELETED] 
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oh god could you imagine if they did this in a nigger filled part of town

fucking disgusting

>> No.8994131

>I've never been to a tapas bar
Jesus get out more anon.

>> No.8994187


>going to shitty restaurants

Jesus get some better taste

>> No.8994194
File: 3.88 MB, 1920x1080, 1472988683306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weeellccooome to the taaayble. Can you BE-LEIVE THIS? It is sooooo crrraaazzzzy in here. Hope you don't mind but I'm filming this. Got a webseries called Jack on the Go. It's so great to meat a fellow FoodJack out here. I just wish people would keep it down in this restaurant, I'm filming for my show. Grrrrr... haha, we're only on the second course, hopefully it gets better.

>> No.8995588

My family and I got double seated on St. Patrick's day a few years ago. It's kind of hard to tell the waiter no

>> No.8995704

depends, if I just entered the restaurant w/o reservation I'd just leave because fuck it, eating is usually my alone time or I like to spend it with friends and relatives, not total strangers.

If I made a reservation beforehand then you can bet your ass there's going to be some "call the manager, fix this shit or I'm off" kind of talk

>> No.8995716

>Pay out the ass for a tiny room on a boat
>Get double seated when you want to eat, forcing you to mingle with a bunch of senile fucks
Fuck that

>> No.8995719

You may as well have cited 4chan itself

>> No.8995721

>not full blown retardation

Autism retards your ability to be a normal person. Retarded.

>> No.8995748

The experimental and sketch comedy years of YouTube were the best.

>> No.8996242
File: 45 KB, 615x346, 1490730674656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It literally never happens anywhere other than places with banquet style seating
this is a thinly veiled /r9k/ post trying to trigger people with social anxiety into posting frogs
here, have your frog and fuck off, OP

>> No.8996544

I live in Germany since 1991 and never experienced this.

>> No.8996571

>it wasn't "double seating" just long tables with dozens of chairs on either side.
beer hall dining, quite typical in a german/austrian establishment, as depicted by the sign on the door that said "rathskeller" which literally means that's the kind of dining you'd get.

OP, it's common on cruise ships, yes, and I pay a host money NOT to sit at a table with others if that's not what I wanted, and it's kind of a hipster restaurant thing from time to time as well where there might be one or two long tables as well as normal tables about. It works out nicely for the solo diner, such as you'll see in busy business center neighborhoods, like in D.C. It lets a small venue squeeze in more diners as well. It's not the end of the world if you intend to talk foodie stuff with those around you, and it's akin to choosing to dine at the bar, which inevitably leads to introductions to those next to you and a nice conversation or two. As a traveler you can get some valuable insight into a town or new friends! Whether I would decline or leave or press a maitre'd to either let up wait for something else would depend on my mood. I might want to converse about topics that are more personal and not socially based to air in public. If I wasn't with a long standing friend or spouse, then I might feel cheated of some alone time conversations.

>> No.8996575


Bull fuckin' shit. Do you just not eat out? It's not even a "double seating" deal. Go eat ANYWHERE. Fast food or bring your own fuckin' lunch to a picnic bench. Strangers WILL sit next to you; oftentimes even when there's an open space somewhere else.

>> No.8996618

As if i needed more reasons to be thankful im not european

>> No.8996660


>> No.8996686
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this never happens, but it doesnt fucking matter because the question offers no person to sit next to.

>> No.8996715
File: 303 KB, 467x471, Schermata a 2017-05-31 19-10-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it happened to me last august in this tavern in Lainate, I just talked with this 50 yo guy about football, AC Milan to be precise

>> No.8996737

I eat out 2 -3 Times a month. In a normal Restaurant I allways get a table just for me and the people I'm with. I have been to a few restaurants where they had huge centerpiece tables for 20 -30 people bit I never had to sit there because there were other tables.

>> No.8996739

Trains with dining cars, too. It's a fun part of the trip.

>> No.8996896
File: 90 KB, 800x600, surprise ball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here in México with traditional food vendors or in taquerias it is common to share a table, in my experience people mind their own bussines and the only exchange is bon appétit in spanish, if I go to an actual restaurant and they asked me to share a table I'll just turn around and leave and never return, fuck that shit

>> No.8997463
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>Strangers WILL sit next to you; oftentimes even when there's an open space somewhere else

>> No.8997489

those germans are out TO GET YOU

>> No.8997566

Emergency suicide puukko.

>> No.8997580

>how do you react? what's your go-to reaction when being double seated?

>Actually I think I'm just gonna leave, thanks.

>> No.8997602

Was it the one at Navy Pier? That place sucks.

>> No.8997878


Somewhere in the suburbs.

>> No.8997884

I think it'd be cool to talk to random strangers if they just sat down next to you. It's better than eating alone.

>> No.8997908

that's you man, and it's fine. Me personally I'll usually rather eat alone, it's my alone time and I prefer to just think about shit or just watch stupid anime.

>> No.8998588

lmao this definition is when the host gives one server multiples tables and isn't even related to this thread