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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 141 KB, 900x679, lou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8982903 No.8982903 [Reply] [Original]

>go to Chicago to visit cousin who moved there a few months ago
>never been before
>suggest getting some deep dish pizza, snickering to myself
>want to laugh at the monstrous pile of cheese, sauce, and bread
>cousin takes me to Lou Malnati's
>expecting carb and fat mountain overflowing onto the next table
>instead get a well balanced mixture of ingredients like in pic related
What the fuck, /ck/? I went somewhere expecting to have a good laugh because of your posts, and instead all I got was a good meal. I feel cheated.

>> No.8982906
File: 12 KB, 250x145, 250px-McD-McChicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think this is the best fast food sandwich, boy are you in for a surprise..

>> No.8983341

Ou went to a shit place for deep dish and you should have just got the cheese and sauce fuck the filling

>> No.8983343

>Loo Manati's

>> No.8983440


It's one of the best casseroles in America

>> No.8983613

No one who spouts the go'za' meme has actually had it.
Glad you enjoyed it OP and enjoy your stay.

>> No.8983649

i spout the 'go 'za meme because i live in chicago and love deep dish
unless you mean the "bowl of tomato soup" meme, then no i hate that one

>> No.8983802

They are one and the same.

>> No.8983835

Every pizza in america is a greasy mess of subpar ingredients. I'm not surprised you unironically enjoyed 'go'za

>> No.8983906

you tell 'em, brother!

>> No.8983912

t. Buttblasted Chicagoan mad that /ck/ doesn't like his greasy bread bowl tomato soup casserole

>> No.8983917

LOL roasted!

>> No.8983921

You definitely got memed and it's basically your own fault.

Chicago deep dish is good when done right. My mom lives in Chicago and I get it somewhat regularly when I go up there.

Don't get me wrong, it's a huge meal compared to regular pizza, I could barely do 2 slices of a 14" pizza, but it's much more than just tomato soup and cheese.

Also, there a thin Chicago style pizza that's great, a good example is Beggar's Pizza.

I still use the 'go 'za meme because it amuses me.

>> No.8983922

wtf I love deep dish now

>> No.8983967

Only ones that perpetrate the meme is buttblasted New Yorkers who are threatened because "Our pizza the best, no one else is real pizza but us", so they meme at the competition. People who don't get that its just fags shitposting go in thinking its really bad. Really its shitposted because it was so good they thought it was a danger to their "superiority".

New York pizza is the real meme.

I'm not from either place, I'm from Texas, but I've watched this rivalry unfold and I know how New Yorkers shitpost about pizza often.

>> No.8983980

You have no taste.
'go 'za is objectively fucking shit.

>> No.8984070

Some of them have had it, but they're butthurt NYC'ers who can't deal with Chicago having superior cuisine.

>> No.8984101

what the fuck

>> No.8984107


>they're butthurt NYC'ers who can't deal with Chicago having superior cuisine

But I like Chicago.

>> No.8984115

you are a worthless fuck

>> No.8984125

>superior cuisine

This is just false, but I'm not surprised at the comment. For some reason, Chicago is always comparing itself to NYC, when NYC doesn't even consider Chicago worth comparing.

>> No.8984132

The funny part is both of them are culinary wastelands of grease

>> No.8984292

The funny part is you haven't been to either

>> No.8984431

It literally is

>> No.8984481

Must be hard to attain a well balanced mixture of bread, cheese, and sauce. Three ingredients, however did they do it

>> No.8984492

Neither is as good as New Haven pizza.

>> No.8984667


>> No.8984874

'go 'za is a pile of trash. Fuck you.

>> No.8984893

Love these so much but its fucking belongs in a garbage can.

>> No.8985019
File: 174 KB, 1200x800, lou-malnatti_s-chicago-classic-saria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8985061
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>> No.8985075
File: 1.76 MB, 2400x2400, original.jpg?1372545054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8985790
File: 14 KB, 306x306, 1466050917929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>picturing some NYcuck sputtering this in their garbage "ayy yo" accent while masturbating over pop culture references to "big paulie's cuck shack on 34th and broadway" like the rest of us give a shit
>suddenly remembering 2 skyscrapers full of NYcucks literally going down in flames

>> No.8985806

Yeah same. I don't particularly like 'go 'za, but New York pizza is the most overrated, shitty, plastic vomit-looking greasy pile of shit that is still called """pizza"""

>> No.8985850

>My mom lives in Chicago and I get it somewhat regularly when I go up there.

She never mentioned owing you any money, so dah bitch holdin out on me again

>> No.8985858
File: 605 KB, 1064x812, 20170523-065004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The most popular and famous pizza in New York, is Prince Street pizza. The SoHo square is all I eat. Utility pizza is cheap shit food when you're in a rush or broke.

>> No.8985878

>My mom lives in Chicago and I get it somewhat regularly when I go up there.

She never mentioned owing you any money, so dah bitch holdin out on me again

>buttblasted New Yorkers

I can attest to this. I lived Midwest and east coast. Midwest was all chains and east coast was mediocre cookie cutter mom and pop shops... And fuck mom & pop, unless they are mom and pop, which they never are... I'm just, supporting 'migrants and other derelicts who can't pass a simple background check

>> No.8985884

that looks awful

>> No.8985897


>Mexicans dont work in FF franchises



Flyover bias. Post something good for once though. Cheese casserole isn't tempting in the slightest.

>> No.8986231

>Chiraq continues to try and be relevant

kick the gangs of nigs and spics out, then we'll talk.

>> No.8986246
File: 101 KB, 960x960, autism blini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this triggered about NY folk

>> No.8986259
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>> No.8986731

>NYC doesn't even consider Chicago worth comparing.
That in itself is a comparison, dumbass.

>> No.8986786

fuck you bitch. You know the deal:

NAPOLIS (if youre stuck in Hoboken)
then some miscellaneous shit.

>> No.8987310
File: 94 KB, 618x412, Andy-Samberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>one and the same

>> No.8987330
File: 390 KB, 1500x1125, 20170216-detroit-style-pizza-51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Detroit-style is the true deep-dish pizza

>> No.8987334

The funny part is I have family in both, and every visit is a fresh slice of hell

>> No.8987348

detroit and goza are both delicious desu

>> No.8987362

>Detroit style

So it's stolen?

>> No.8987363


>> No.8987375

Gaia might be a little more your speed, friendo

>> No.8987412

we don't like your kind around these boards, best clear off

>> No.8987646

t. nigger kike

>> No.8987696

dont you have a sister to rape?

>> No.8988035

That's the correct way to write that, retard. "One in the same" is the mistake.

>> No.8988068
File: 2.00 MB, 300x186, Tippy Top Kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8988071
File: 502 KB, 160x160, OMG dis pizza ROFLMFAO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god my sides

>> No.8988072
File: 866 KB, 352x224, Chimp Fuck This Shit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SJW detected

>> No.8988095

sister rapist detected

>> No.8988096

You could've saved us all some time and just said you have a child's pallette. We deride the 'go'za not because it's trash but because the local dumb fuck Chicagoans think it's god's gift to pizza. It's just trash food to enjoy when drunk, not a seriously good plate of food.


>> No.8988178
File: 33 KB, 640x480, 1495853783405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had a go za when iw as a kiddo
>fucking delicious woulda kicked my bully's ass for more
>as an adult in my 20s i was reintroduced to my long lost love through gay 4chan board

>> No.8988231

dude you posted anime
go kill yourself

>> No.8988713

Thanks for the laugh OP you dumb impressionable fuck, don't forget about the mc chicken™ next time you're downtown.

>> No.8988730

You're the faggot, there's a difference between avatarfagging and posting a single pic but newcunts like yourself will jump on any anime they see because they think they're fitting in.
Take your own advice, "dude", fkin trash.

>> No.8988880

What is wrong with those peps?

>> No.8988884

I really want to try 'go 'za. I have never had it or NY pizza because I live in Seattle.
'Go 'za looks better though.

>> No.8988924

>american "pizza"
Please stop.

>> No.8988935

t. never had it

>> No.8989573

>waaaaaah we need to keep the same hundreds years old flat bread, tomato and cheese recipe EXACTLY THE SAAAAME
Jesus man I swear every last Italian is autism incarnate. Pizza is literally the food peasants made when tomatoes made it back home from the Americas. They did it to liven up their staple of fucking eating dry ass flat bread. It's okay for things to change.

>> No.8989601

Lou Malnati's is fucking disgusting. It's soggy, greasy, overly acidic, overly salty, the dough is like licking a sponge and the flour tastes raw. Also the pie isn't an even temperature through the whole thing because it's too goddamn big.

>> No.8989609

Tradition should be studied and understood, not revered. "The perfect dish" has not been cooked yet and being able to try new things and experiment is its own gift

>> No.8989618
File: 53 KB, 360x360, pizzza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

homemade "go style 'za is the best

>> No.8989648

Good deep dish pizza is sublime.

>> No.8990212

>Destroy neighboring states with your autism
>Hurr durr why do people hate us

>> No.8990364

I call it 'go 'za on here and i fucking love it.

>> No.8990475

It's very telling that Chicago has to add a prefix when selling their shitty casserole that they pretend is 'pizza' while New York has perfected it so finely that they need no prefix, safe to qualify it as the most perfect form of the food.

Go to NYC, buy a genuine New Yorker a beer and, if he takes pity on you, he'll tell you where to find the pizza joints that only native New Yorkers know about. It's worth every bit of the sucking up and snivelling your worthless ass will have to do.

>> No.8990493

>New York has perfected it

if by perfecting it you mean making cardboard with a V8 and a cheese stick then yeah i agree

>> No.8990501

>He ate at some overpriced tourist trap
>He thinks he knows NYC Pizza

>> No.8990503

>overpriced tourist trap

you mean NYC

>> No.8990512

Bitter flyover detected

>> No.8990517

How does the inside of your colon smell? Your head must be pretty far up there.

>> No.8990521

>He bitter

>> No.8990528


There, now no one has to buy a native new yorker any beer.

>> No.8990540

Those are all tourist traps and telling a genuine New Yorker you're going there is basically the same as wearing a hat with 'Flyover' on it.

>> No.8990597

Be careful youre gonna piss off all the native New Yorkers