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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8978086 No.8978086 [Reply] [Original]

How do we fix /ck/?

>> No.8978091

Ban fast "food" threads

>> No.8978095

ban webm and youtube links

>> No.8978102

1. Get a sticky.
2. Get a sticky.
3. ?????????
4. Get a sticky.

>> No.8978106

What the fuck would the sticky say

>> No.8978108

what would you put in a sticky?

>> No.8978117

these meta threads are a meme

add flags

>> No.8978119

al/ck/ threads should be on /r9k/ all they talk about is how much their life sucks because of alcohol addiction and nothing about actual alcohol.

>> No.8978120

That all depends. Who do we want the general user of the board to be? A /r9k/ autist- or someone more normie? I don't get a heavy autism vibe browsing most threads on here but if you happen to start a thread looking for places to go with your girlfriend you instantly have 9 autists screeching at you

>> No.8978122

How to make McChickens from home.

>> No.8978136

Seconding this, remove all robots. They're the ones flooding the board with tendies, fast food, and "totally not a blog" al/ck/ threads

Seriously get a fucking discord you autists


>> No.8978142


>> No.8978143

Get rid of all the /pol/-style posts

>> No.8978153

Basically just enforce GR#3 sitewide and watch the quality of the site improve massively

>> No.8978156

You don't need to ban fastfood, just have one fastfood general. That way posts about real food and cooking aren't continually getting knocked off. That's a perfectly legitimate compromise.

>> No.8978161
File: 15 KB, 200x239, rogertroutman1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets make the slowest board even slower by removing 80% of popular content.

We should have a sticky.

It should be a retards guide to cooking basics:
>wot pans r gud
>wot nife r gud
>wot r ingredients n spicesses
and should include 4-5 simple recipes everyone should know

>> No.8978163

Force a 'fast-food general' and prevent all the relentless McChicken/Arby's shit ruining a board meant to be about food and cooking

>> No.8978181

Popular content isn't good content retard
Also what the fuck are you talking about /ck/ being slow, maybe compared to shitholes like /b/, /v/, /r9k/, and /pol/, but it's solidly medium/fast

Repeating generals are cancer, just remove low quality posts
All fast-food is low quality posting

>> No.8978185

Ban threads about fast food.
Pol to stay in pol.
No meta threads.

>Lets make the slowest board even slower by removing 80% of popular content.
Let's make it better by removing 99% of the shitposting!

>> No.8978190

>the slowest board

How many boards do you use? /ck/ is one of the faster-moving ones.

>> No.8978192

Getting rid of pol only turns every board into pol.

How new are you

>> No.8978196

Please almighty Jesus this. It isn't just /ck/ but its really bad on /ck/ because of how slow the board is.

>Hey guys, what's your favorite Indian food? Mine is pretty pleb but I really enjoy a chicken tikka

Posts about non-"white" foods result in posts and posts of how they're inferior to "white" foods. Posts about "white" foods result in posts and posts of how British food sucks and French food is pretentious and Spanish people aren't white and American food isn't distinct. It fucking sucks.

>> No.8978201

Add flags. With many people caring about authenticity, it'd be good to know where one is from. Would also stop that retard that keeps pretending is a chef of a different country each day.
I don't use 4chan a lot, can flags be optional? No one would object them if they were.

>> No.8978202

Where the fuck did I say remove /pol/? Are you ESL?

>> No.8978205

As if every board isn't /pol/ already.

>> No.8978208

>No one would object them if they were.
kys, flags are fucking cancer and only serve to increase shitposting and people ignoring posts because of /pol/-tier preconceived notions about said country

>> No.8978218

people already pose as other countries to shitpost, the point of flags is to get rid of that.

>> No.8978227

Yeah but at least now you're anonymous and people aren't judging the quality of your post because of where you live. Adding flags just increases >leaf/poo in loo/frog/amerifat/etc. detected opinion discarded

>> No.8978233

We need more fatties!!! And the discussion of professional chefs!!! And pdf sharing of recipe books!!!

>> No.8978260
File: 20 KB, 300x300, th (4)~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give you a little of the ol' sticky sticky.

>> No.8978265

We should start posting a qttdot so that small questions about cooking and food can be answered there

>> No.8978279

>I don't use 4chan a lot

Your opinions are invalid.

Any identification whatsoever is cancerous, just look at that shithole /int/

>> No.8978293
File: 126 KB, 620x753, Roger-Troutman-Portrait-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Popular content isn't good content
True, but why remove what other people enjoy just because you dont?
Shitposting is not going away. Either ignore it or join in and get angry or troll some retards.
Its what 4chan is about, you can't come here and expect not to be harassed about how moldy your butter is, what you call a biscuit, how much cream you put in your carbonara, or how you shouldn't attempt to sharpen a knife without a Phd in metallurgy.
If you can't stand the heat, get the fuck off of 4chan.

>> No.8978322

Listen hotshot, I said remove fast food, not shitposting. None of what you said is fast food, in fact I'd be totally fine with all of the content in your post if those threads were actually made, but instead we get 50 McDonald's threads a day. Stop trying to act like some arbiter of the nature of 4chan you insufferable retard.

>> No.8978347
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Whoa slow your roll there buck-o, no need to act like that when you know in fact your wrong and he was right. You just got your shit pushed in and are having a hissy fit about it. Just go back to /r9k/ cuck.
Let the chads talk.

>> No.8978362

/ck/ use to be a quality slow board. Not as slow as /po/ perhaps, but still not a fast board by any means. Today is way faster and was shittier.

>> No.8978387

low effort posts need to be nuked

lmao are you for real homie

speed = shit and it always has which is why low effort shit should be removed

>> No.8978388

T. Angry poo in the loo

>> No.8978537

Last "was" should be "way". I agree that the low effort shit should be removed.

>> No.8978741


>> No.8978873

Do you guys report those posts? I bet they'd be cleared out if you did.

>> No.8978950

1. Enforce /ck/ specific rules

2. Amend global #2 to remove the terms "trolls" and "flames" since those are abused by mods to ban anyone who posts anything the mod personally disagrees with no matter how topical. Continue to ban guro, furfaggotry, racism, and pedo shit

That's really about it, I don't expect this place to be eGullet 2.0 but this board has continued to exceed my expectations for how shitty a board can get especially since chanology, the mass influx of stormfags brought by /pol/, and the departure of moot

>> No.8978988 [DELETED] 
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Ban all the kikes, niggers, and degenerates.

>> No.8978997
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Niggers... all of you are raging niggers

>> No.8979880

I used to but I've gotten so numb to them/sick of them. It doesn't really feel like anything's happening.

>> No.8979893

It's ironic that for as much as stormfags shitpost about foreigners coming over and ruining their countries they've come over and ruined my website. I remember when racism was ironic and stormfaggotry was not tolerated, even on /b/. The worst part of the trump presidency for me personally is what its done to 4chan.

>> No.8979923
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Nobody here is qualified to make a proper culinary sticky.

>> No.8980005

I always do. I try my best to be a good citizen and report the shit I see but it doesn't appear we have any active janitors unless there's explicit porn being posted and even then it could be up for hours before it's taken down if it ever is.