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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8906596 No.8906596 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck even is this infuriating bullshit /ck/

It's not culture, it's pompous food faggotry

>be poor
>be hungry all the time
>get by on tiny bits of food every day or none at all some days
>never know what it's like to be full
>get lucky and get rich
>go to fancy restaurant to eat like king
>continue to eat tiny bits of food
>leave hungry
>realize all of life's struggles are futile
>kill self

>> No.8906625

I work at a restaurant that does multi-course tasting menus with portions similar to your pic

You would be ashamed and disgusted by how much food still comes back and gets thrown away. It turns out that 10 or 15 courses that size is a lot of fucking food.

>> No.8906638

don't they do a fuck ton of prep work just to scrape out a meager amount of food on some fancy plating for these meals?

like, just the amount of dishes alone that are dirtied to make one of these triggers my autism

>> No.8906651

It's all about the taste. It isn't supposed to fill you up. Shit I've eaten 5 course tasting menus at Michelin restaurants and then grabbed McDonalds on the way home.

>> No.8906685

>don't they do a fuck ton of prep work
Of course we do. But we can also boast that we have some pretty amazing food. Everyone I work with loves cooking for the sake of cooking.

Do we overcharge? Absolutely. Do our patrons have more money than they deserve? Arguably. Would they be spending all that money on some other frivolity if we weren't making bank of them and getting to do what we love at the same time? You know they would.

Food and cooking doesn't have to always be an exercise in making the most of the least. Starvation in third world countries isn't an issue of available food, it's an issue of distribution.

>> No.8906689

Yet, it's possible to have a great tasting meal that also fills you up. Destroying the point of these restaurants

>> No.8906695

>Starvation in third world countries isn't an issue of available food, it's an issue of distribution
Unless you are going to start redistributing the starving as the meals no.

>> No.8906699

Not worth a fraction of the price when you can make something just as good yourself in the comfort of your own house.

But hey the majority that order this filth are just trying to flaunt their materialism to their friends over social media.

>> No.8906700

>Yet, it's possible to have a great tasting meal that also fills you up

Sure. It's also possible to have a great tasting menu that doesn't. I don't give a fuck either way.

>> No.8906705

>you can make something just as good yourself in the comfort of your own house

You probably can't. But believe you can. Believe, anon.

>> No.8906715

>why are tasting menus so small
Because your ability to taste becomes muted after 2 bites. There's not reason to continue to eat the dish if you can't taste it, unless you are treating it like a meal, which it isn't. Although there are some multi-course tasting menus that can become a meal.

>> No.8906737

But wait that's bullshit

You can eat an entire large meal, enjoy the taste, and still be wanting more

Who the hell takes 2 bites of rib or brisket and is like "Well, I'm unable to enjoy this further"?

>> No.8906739

>But wait that's bullshit
No it's science. drumpkin.

>> No.8906740

Unless you are going to brush your tongue with ketchup between every course like professional taste testers your palette will still become insensitive.

>> No.8906755

It's okay if you've never had the chance to try a top-end tasting menu. You've never had the chance, so you don't understand. There's no need to be so salty about it, though.

>> No.8906783

FUCK donald dump and FUCK white people!

>> No.8906785

>The whole point of this style of cuisine: The Post
It is all about the undeserved smug condescension for getting bilked and doing nothing.

>> No.8906788

Pretentiousness, the post. Why do you assume a homecook couldn't? Most of those one bite restaurants are just about atmosphere and the pretty plating with a bizarre combination of primary components rather than flavor. The customer, generally a nouveau riche slob, could never distinguish subtleties in flavor no effort is put into that side of it at all. Their primary purpose is to provide an environment to impress a golddigging wench so that you can get some that night. If it costs $500-$1000 it was still cheaper than a high class call girl.

>> No.8906792

That actually looks like a decently sized portion. I'm quite sure they bring more dishes. Five or so of those would be plenty for me. Maybe you are too fat.

>> No.8906809

You seem upset that you've never had the experience, but I don't understand why you're so upset that other people have.

>Why do you assume a homecook couldn't?
>Most of those one bite restaurants are just about atmosphere and the pretty plating with a bizarre combination of primary components rather than flavor.

Sorry anon, that's not true.

>The customer, generally a nouveau riche slob

Me, a 4chan posting product of working class parents, must be that 0.1% of people who enjoy eating at high-end restaurants, right? Oh wait that's not true either: the vast majority of people I've seen in these restaurants are entirely normal people.

You seem extremely bitter about the fact that some people enjoy things that you can't. I'm sorry, anon.

>> No.8906897

>you're just upset you never wasted your money on something that can't satisfy you


>> No.8906903

>wasted your money

But that's wrong anon. It's never been a waste.

>> No.8906915

One man's trash is another man's treasure, right?

>> No.8906924
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>more bang for your buck
>more flavor per course than a fancy restaurant

>> No.8906927

>Most of those one bite restaurants are just about atmosphere and the pretty plating with a bizarre combination of primary components rather than flavor.

Damn, are you actually this jaded? I don't think restaurants spend months developing ingredients and recipes for the atmosphere. Cooks and chef's working 70hour weeks to ensure the perfect dining room lighting instead of actually finding ways of making these bizarre combinations taste good.

It's like looking at this food really puts you out of your comfort zone fatty.

>> No.8906938

The thing is it isn't even that expensive. Some people seem to think a tasting menu will cost hundreds of dollars. I've done a Michelin tasting menu, with wine flight, for about £70. I can go get a 2 course lunch at a local Michelin restaurant for £35; and that's if I go for the 37 day dry aged steak, the most expensive item on the lunch menu.

It's actually kind of sad that some people hold themselves back from excellent food because of their jealousy or social awkwardness.

>> No.8906942

You call anti-Michelin people fatties because their food can't fatten anything, right?

>> No.8906943
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>But I'm still hungry

>> No.8906947

Peasant food is best food gtfo

>> No.8906981
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>> No.8907002


Nah, I can think of plenty of Michelin restaurants that can fatten people up. People like him can't justify spending money at restaurants if they aren't serving up a mountain size plates of chicken fingers.

>> No.8907009

>It isn't supposed to fill you up

I'm going to go ahead and say that if I pay $80 for a meal at the very fucking least I should end up full.

>> No.8907045

>tasting menu

There's a fucking hint in the name.

>> No.8907049


I piss on your tasting menu sir

>> No.8907065

>8 course tasting menu
>expects dishes to be super size me buffet portions

>> No.8907075
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>> No.8907078


At least the 8 courses should add up to more than a normal-sized sandwich.

>> No.8907080

He's right though, most areas with starvation have a corrupt government/military or local warlords who hoard all the food, even the foreign aid food, and don't distribute it to the people. It would be great if western countries could go in and take care of the problem directly, but we'd be shot. They make too much money by starving their people.

>> No.8907093

I'd probably go to a place that served mountain size plates of chicken fingers.

>> No.8907099

Why are you so obsessed with being full?

>> No.8907114

He was raised poor as a child. The body remembers to stockpile food to survive in impoverished environments. He probably never advanced a socioeconomic class level either.

>> No.8907131

>rich people go to small-portion restaurants and wine tasting events to mock poor people who can only afford that amount of sustenance anyway

>> No.8907136
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fucking White people I wish they all magically disappeared the next morning I wake up

>> No.8907153

I'll excuse you since you might not be american. In america high caloric food is cheap and readily available. You can get large 18" pizzas for 5 dollars in EBT. Our poor people actually overeat and are statistically prone to obesity.

tl'dr Rich people eat less calories than poor people in America.

>> No.8907159

>rich people can afford food that prioritizes flavor over base sustenance value, prepared by expert chefs who demand a premium for their services.

>> No.8907171

God I hate plebs who don't understand what they can't afford. Stick to your socio-economic cultural standards, worker bees.

>> No.8907172

Got a new idea for fine living: artisanal brothels.

Most of the establishment is based on atmosphere. Once you purchase a room, you are presented with a highly trained prostitute.

The goal here is not to achieve orgasm or any kind of continued pleasure, but to simply insert the tip into the prostitute's hand or orifice, feel the technique for approximately 5 seconds, and then move on to the next prostitute and leave without any kind of continued sexual pleasure or climax.

You aren't supposed to leave satisfied, you plebeian -- it's just the experience! Culture, you imbecile!

>> No.8907185

>I equate the act of eating to getting off

Pretty telling.

>> No.8907186

It's because I'm American that I find the idea of small food portions at prices that can *easily* buy greater quantities of equally good-tasting food blasphemous.

>> No.8907190

>equally good-tasting food

>> No.8907196

>equally good-tasting

>> No.8907202
File: 14 KB, 399x391, 1412461065697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are you so obsessed with being full?

Because that is the point of eating? And of food in general? Like, there's literally no reason to eat except sustaining your life functions?

Am I talking to space aliens here?

Like, having food taste nice as opposed to tasting like garbage is desirable of course, but tasting good is not the primary purpose of food. Primary purpose of food is to get a full stomach of nutrients so you can continue living. A meal that doesn't achieve that has failed at its bare minimum requirement, something that the shittiest two dollar TV dinner achieves no problem.

>> No.8907204

>Primary purpose of food is to get a full stomach of nutrients so you can continue living.
i;ve been water fasting for two weeks and im just fine m8

lose weight fatty

>> No.8907208

Or how about truly living the high life with fine cinema?

Surely a string of scenes that are admittedly short yet masterfully made, and each one unrelated to the next is enough to provide a magnificent experience.

>> No.8907212

>but tasting good is not the primary purpose of food.
Yes, but the primary purpose of a tasting menu is to taste.

>> No.8907211

>Like, there's literally no reason to eat except sustaining your life functions?
Except the pleasure of experiencing the flavors, textures, aromas, even visuals, etc? Are you sure you're not the space alien, seeing as you apparently have no tastebuds?

>> No.8907220


There is absolutely no difference in the taste or quality of a luxurious restaurant meal and one of these faggy "bites", just one of them leaves you hungry and feeling like shit, and the other one leaves you satiated and happy.

>> No.8907225

It's fine to feel threatened by the fact that your coin-sized 'fine dining' experiences are just an illusion dwarfed by any chef with a brain and a heart.

It's only natural.

>> No.8907226

again, so seem to have some kind of pathological obsession with fullness.Normal people don't feel like you do and can easily derive great pleasure from a single bite of food.

>> No.8907228


Tasting menus are thus shit, QED. It's failure food. Disqualified cooking.

>> No.8907230

In other words, culinary blue balls. A gastronomic cocktease.

>> No.8907235

"Mmm, this is great! I can't wait to take the second bite oh wait."

>> No.8907238

>Normal people don't feel like you do

I assure you that normal people absolutely feel the same way I do about going to a restaurant, spending a hundred and leaving hungry. You are extremely abnormal if you don't feel robbed, swindled and cheated in that situation.

>> No.8907245

>sour grapes: the thread

>> No.8907249


I'm telling you, the emperor is naked.

>> No.8907253

If "come hungry, leave happy" wasn't a meaningful slogan, nobody would be going to IHOP.

>> No.8907267

Except that I've eaten at fancy restaurants like this and left rightfully unsatisfied.

The taste wasn't even all that powerful. I've had more magical experiences at your average BBQ or sushi joint.

>> No.8907268

Do you think you could construct a 5 course tasting menu that's as bitter as you are, right now?

>> No.8907271

lol no you haven't.
Ask yourself why you feel the need to lie about this.

>> No.8907283


If you ordered the tasting menu and expected to leave full, can you kindly stay away from top end restaurants and leave them to those of us who aren't total fucking plebs?

Maybe try ordering à la carte next time you fucking imbecile.

>> No.8907288
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>Could you stoop to our level of false achievement to prove its mediocrity?

>> No.8907292
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>> No.8907298

Wasn't even a tasting menu. Was on a Carnival cruise line. Had the smallest portions of lamb and duckling possible.

>> No.8907302

>Stick to your socio-economic class

Yep, that precisely defines the point of absurd image driven overpriced bite sized tasting menu restaurants.

>Ms. Plasticnosefaceboob out with Mr. Dumpyriche, hoping to glimpse Slippery Realitystar slurping a pine needle slugslime cocktail followed by an oak twig skewered fly maggot with a dipping sauce of fermented doe estrogen and wild berries.

>> No.8907311

lmao is this a serious post

>> No.8907313
File: 413 KB, 1024x664, cravecase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no better value than this.

>> No.8907318

>pine needle slugslime cocktail followed by an oak twig skewered fly maggot with a dipping sauce of fermented doe estrogen and wild berries.

I lol'd

>> No.8907325

Damn fucking straight.

That and Whataburger.

>> No.8907326

ITT poorfags are butthurt because theyll never get to eat for any reason beyond subsistence. Food can be something to experience and enjoy too, it's too bad you'll never be able to afford it though ;)

>> No.8907338

What if I told you the feeling of being properly full of good food is an experience unto itself?

>> No.8907339
File: 920 KB, 2592x1458, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go easy on your cell phone minutes this month, cletus, and we can go out this weekend!

>> No.8907343

Tasting menus aren't even expensive.

>> No.8907358

>tfw richfags will never know the simple yet magnificent pleasures of White Castle

>> No.8907371

Still have not received a sufficient answer to this question.

>> No.8907377

They are, however, not worth it.

>> No.8907388

>You can eat an entire large meal, enjoy the taste, and still be wanting more

how is this an argument in favor of large portions? If you're not going to be satisfied after an entire plate of something anyway, why not just have a couple bites of it, just as well, and leave room for more experiences?

>> No.8907400

To someone who doesn't value exploring flavor, sure. I don't think anyone contests that.

>> No.8907401

You -can- still be unsatisfied, but you're more likely to be satisfied by a large portion than a small one.

>> No.8907406

You take two bites of a tasting course then wait for the next course, idiot. There are only two bites because there isn't any reason to prepare a full plate just to taste.

Nobody responded because yours was a stupid premise.