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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 55 KB, 1296x728, 1296x728_HEADER_8_Healthy_Lime_Facts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8901781 No.8901781 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone tried these yet?

Are they worth it?

>> No.8901796


>> No.8901804

What is a lime? Some exotic vegetable?

>> No.8901805

Limes are proof that God exists, and He wants use to be happy

>> No.8901806

>Has anyone tried these yet?
Maybe some brave anon will. I'm certainly not gonna be the first.

>> No.8901823

Oooh! Look at the pretentious hipster with his cool exotic fruit that costs $100.
Neck yourself hipster fag.

>> No.8901826


I buy lemons and limes and use them to flavor my water throughout the day. Vitamin c, good taste, and it's much better than any soft drink garbage most people consume.

>> No.8901835

>he fell for the underripe lemon meme

>> No.8901839

That's actually a good idea when I'm not in the water only mood anymore

>> No.8901840

Limes are just hipster lemons.

>> No.8901858

For real? It is dirt cheap at here, Vietnam. Around 4$ per kilogram.

>> No.8901867

Nah...they're cheaper than lemons, but taste just as good.

>> No.8901869

What's wrong with those oranges?

>> No.8901872


>> No.8901876

limes are ideal

do you only get expensive meme limes

>> No.8902112

>muh superfoods
Quality of life comes first. I don't want to live to be 100 if I'm just eating nasty vegan crap

>> No.8902130
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>Anything but a millennial whole foods meme

>> No.8902179
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>> No.8902257

ever since publix started selling these all the numale twinks here have been blowing their entire trust funds on them

this is why Trump won

>> No.8902306

I was so used to using lemon juice on deep fried stuff, schnitzel, in salad, with fish, fucking everywhere. But sadly, lemon prices and quality went in a very bad direction over the last years. Now I started using lime juice and it's great. It's a more flowery flavor, but very good. Made me also realize how much I had forgotten or stopped noticing the taste of lemon juice because it was everywhere. So, I've become a lime friend now.

>> No.8902315

whoa we're so impressed!

>> No.8902323

>shunning citrus

enjoy your scurvey, dumbass

>> No.8902324

>Are they worth it?

Limes? Are they a recent innovation?

I love to squeeze half a lime into a glass of ice water, especially in the summer heat.

>> No.8902344

impressed by a fucking schnitzel? it's everyday food, how exactly is that impressive? and why the plural?

>> No.8902540

You have to remember, to the vast majority of uneducated flyovers a foreign word with a "z" in the middle is exotic and frightening, so their immediate reaction is hostility and a desire to smash it to a pulp. You have to step down 10 or 15 levels and attempt to think like that subspecies of amerilardians to understand.

>> No.8902685
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>> No.8902709

I tried them when they were first getting big a few years ago, pretty underwhelming desu, just a weird tasting lemon. I think chipotle made sheltered suburban teenage girls go crazy over them because they're "different". Basically the fruit version of sriracha.

>> No.8902725

i hope one of those 8 ways doesnt suggest sucking the juice for health benefits. say goodbye to healthy teeth if you do that. seen it happen before on a kid, it sucks

>> No.8902731

it's unironically pretty incredible how diverse their flavor can be, especially when compared to lemons

when i'm out of limes I occasionally try to follow the recipe with lemon juice/rind instead and it often fucks with the flavor balance.

>> No.8902764

Is it true that Mexicans call lime "limon" and lemon "limon amarillo"? Lime is not "lima" there?

>> No.8902765

limes are a meme

>> No.8902831

t. numale hipster

>> No.8902851

That's not something good

>> No.8902872

it's just a lemon that's not ripe

>> No.8902963

haha epic thread guys
good job lmao fuck this is some damk shit

>> No.8903049

I actually tried one this week. They were on sale for $5, so I couldn't resist. Kinda felt like a fag buying it, but whatever. Basically, it was like a shitty unripe lemon. Not worth it.

>> No.8903085

I wouldn't eat one if it was free, people like you are why the once great white race is dying

>> No.8903107

Get a rocks glass, squeeze the juice from one lime in it, add ice and fill with vodka then add a packet of True Lime powder.

>> No.8903117

You mean there are places where limes are new to people?

>> No.8903125

Germans settled in flyover country. Flyover country loves fried meat.

>> No.8903130
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America and other first world countries.

They've gotten big here ever since Burn Notice, they were always drinking mojitos which is a Cuban drink that has limes in it. I haven't had the "authentic" version but I made it with normal lemons and it tasted alright.

>> No.8903149

I agree. I think Id rather have 70 or 80 years of a fun life than 100 of a more boring one.

>> No.8903164
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You got the wrong kind of limes, fags. Pic related. Enjoy your wrong lime faggotry, fags.

>> No.8903168

I'm American and these things have been around in stores for as long as I can remember.

>> No.8903170

yeah but calling it "schnitzel" is pretentious as fuck, I've lived in the upper midwest for my entire life and nobody I know does that. sounds like some calicuck fad from people who have never worked a day in their life

>> No.8903211

You got that right. The only time I buy limes are just to pile them up and blast them with my AR-15. When I'm doing that, I'm generally thinking of hipsters.

>> No.8903285

Yes, completely true. As a Mexican, I've actually never been able to afford "lemons". Mexico pretty much only uses these "limes", that for us are called "limones".

>> No.8903291

nah fuck off cunt

>> No.8903456

>Mexico in charge of limes

>> No.8903623

I wanted to, but I couldn't hold them all.

>> No.8903630

You're not even trying.

>> No.8903661

i have
you usually need to add something to them or add them in something

what i do is cut up some of these things called apples, idk if you heard of them
i cut of these apple into bite size bits and i squeeze the lime juice onto them
it ends up tasting like sour candy, im sure you already know what candy is....

>> No.8903662

are we experiencing the birth of an epic new meme

>> No.8903752

>An American walks into half a metre long "fruit section" of at Wal-Mart.
>"furrrken hipsters eatin' shit that don't even come in a can."
>"I don't trust nothin that don't not ain't come from outa mah freezurrr"
>"I can buy 10 pounds of frozen msg packed chicken polony thats way cheaper than a fucken green lemon hur hur"

>> No.8903760


>> No.8903812

California here
My folks have a mexican lime tree in their backyard and they are superior to regular limes. Less pith, more juice

>> No.8903817

Yee haw brutha fucken French words are for pussies. I voted Trump :^)

>> No.8903869


>> No.8904670

Texas here. Please fuck off, we're full

>> No.8904672

Joisey here, you think you're better than me?!

>> No.8904687

What? You never had limes?
Why do fresh fruits and vegetables cost an arm and a leg in the US?
Is everyone so fat because no one can afford proper food?

>> No.8904696

Is LA Beast healthy?


>> No.8904703

theyre joking, youre either an idiot or also joking, and they dont
everyones so fat because for some reason the average american can afford vast amounts of food while also being able to never move far for it

>> No.8904721

I think their obesity has more to do with their shitty diet than a lack pysical movement

>> No.8904732

that's because you're 12 and don't even remember a world without feminists and SJWs ostentatiously putting limes on everything because their iPhone told them to do it

>> No.8904755

Brazilian here and this thread is surprising.
What you call "lime" we call "lemon", because it's the default version around here.
Also, great for caipirinhas

>> No.8904772

pith off

>> No.8904800

It's inflation, caused by Obama. Just a few years ago, I was able to buy seven limes for a dollar at my local Mexi-Mart. Then Obamacare made the federal debt soar, the dollar collapsed, and now you can't even find those in the U.S. any more because Mexico cut off our supply for nonpayment.

>> No.8904803

Damn those ostentatious SJW's and feminists! They use hipster lemons and avocados to show off instead of bling like regular people.

>> No.8904813

If we had the gold standard like Ron Paul said we should, inflation wouldn't be a problem, but Clinton-appointee Jane Wiedlin is running the Federal Reserve now and she wants us to go like the Weimar republic (that's history, boys, you can go look it up on the Encarta).

The price of limes wouldn't even budge if tax-and-spend Democrats would just stop printing money like mad. Not that I give a shit about the price of limes. Just a little econ 101 for you liberal arts baristas.

>> No.8904825

Did it immigrate legally?

>> No.8904826

This is why I'm all-in on Bitcoin. In another decade I'll be able to get unlimited blowjobs for just a couple of millibits.

>> No.8904832

Where the hell do you live? Those things are like 45¢ each here

>> No.8906229

We get it for like cent here in India . What's the big deal about it ?

>> No.8906393

Just like avocados, hipsters are demanding lime on every fucking thing, so the price has quadrupled in 1 year. Either that or Mexico is punishing us for the sins of our emperor by restricting the supplies.

>> No.8906720

Fresh fruit/vegs being too expensive is a meme perpetuated by fats who can't into economics or cooking.

>> No.8906728
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t. Wisconsin Internet Defense Force

>> No.8906777

Am I in an alternate dimension? In what world are limes some sort of hipster fruit?

>> No.8906790

This one

>> No.8906839

apparently anywhere that ins't flyover country just learned they exist, and their hipster bullshit bodegay grocers are now selling the at a 5000% markup

>> No.8906858

Yeah they're good

I usually get about 7 of them with my 29 dollars' worth of food stamps every week

>> No.8906908
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>Has anyone tried this before?
>a lime
What do you clean your meat with imbecile?

>> No.8906911
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/ck/ is so full of shitposters and retards I can't even tell if they're joking or they thought limes were something soft-drink companies made up.

>> No.8906917

I see what you did there, and I chuckled miss Paltrow

>> No.8906922
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unripe lemons are overrated

just buy them ripe already and stop being such a stupid get

>> No.8906929

It's just one guy that got unbanned 6 hours ago.
Yes, he does 100 percent of the shitposting on the dot.

Wait three hours. He's also "glass of water" guy and I'm not sure why mod lets him do this.

>> No.8907121

Avocadoes went up in price in part because of the drought in California. Similarly Mexico's been struggling to produce enough limes the past few years for a bunch of reasons including the drought, canker, cartels fucking with distribution, etc.

>> No.8907435

lurk less, you're hallucinating

>> No.8907438

No, Texas HERE, Fuck you. He's right, you're wrong. END.

>> No.8907449

You opened my eyes bro thanks for the rec
Will be doing this forever and ever

>> No.8907526

Florida here, I just did a line of coke and tried to shoot my brother

>> No.8907699

He's joking you fucking retard

jesus christ why is everyone on /ck/ so autistic

>> No.8907766

Looooowwwww IQ.

>> No.8907780


>citrus is the only source of vitamin C in existence

baka desu senpai

>> No.8907795

After reading this thread, I have lost all hope for humanity.
Either, there really are people who don't know what a fucking lime is or how it tastes or think it's some meme fruit like an idiot
You're all just baiting about fucking limes, in which case, I hate you.
Either way, you've managed to raise my misanthropy to new levels.

>> No.8907873

This deserves at least one (You)

>> No.8907913


Very useful for reference

>> No.8908082

Here in the Netherlands as well. Every saturday at the market, they shout at you. I get 2 full bags of anything for €4 at the end. Literally 5kg of fruits and vags

>> No.8908088

>5kg of fruits and vags
Sign me up.

>> No.8908094

>First world country


>> No.8908100


>> No.8908105

Oh twat xD. Vegs*

>> No.8908160

>buying that much vegetables at once
I suddenly understand why your whole country is cucked. Veganism.

>> No.8908201

t. corporate drumpfcuck sycophant

>> No.8908546


>> No.8908569

But they're like 20 cents per lime at most.

>> No.8908602


>> No.8908795

Have another (You)

>> No.8908799

>tfw no lime-backed dollar

Fucking socialists are ruining the country

>> No.8908963


>> No.8908973

limes? yes, they are amazing, like lemons but better
limes are practically free.

>> No.8908977

try cucumber, best water ever

>> No.8909168


muh meme

>> No.8909173

I was under the impression that limes weren't a new thing, but okay.

>> No.8909177 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8909197

Is that a reference to something?

>> No.8909228

Michigan here
I just drank 2 liters of craft beer

>> No.8909338

>lemon with water
>lime with mineral water
Fucking refreshing as fuck. Throw in a sprig of mint to chang it up.

>> No.8909343

What's a cumquat

>> No.8909370

hipster lemons

only numales use em

>> No.8909728

Now you're speaking my changuage

>> No.8910091

does blue apron have a cucumber water kit?

>> No.8910680
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this thread had potential, but most of the people fucked it up. Good try, OP, not your fault.

>> No.8910788

shut the fuck up mexico, just because you used to be texas doesn't mean you are anymore

>> No.8911537
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This is the most autistic thing I've ever heard.
Now allow me to try and spin you a story even more autistic.

*breaths in*

The inflation of lime prices has to do with the legalization of marijuana. The Cartel's border trade got hit hard, so they started extorting lime farmers to make up the difference.

>> No.8911541
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>has anyone tried fucking limes
>had potential
this thread was set up to crash and burn you dumbass

>> No.8913001

This. It's why they could only grow limes in England.

>> No.8913024

No one wants to hear the truth, my friend. It's like, there's the cartel memes, but the memers don't realize that the cartel is reality.

>> No.8913585

>england colonizes world
>imports minorities on long distance ships that require limes to prevent scurvey
>limes = ((diversity))
Really makes you think

>> No.8914688

hi gwyneth