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File: 30 KB, 400x300, alcoholism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8853560 No.8853560 [Reply] [Original]

couldn't find one edition
wondering how cavemen got drunk

>> No.8853567

Who else is headed toward a night of weird dreams and only being partly asleep from wds

>> No.8853611

Can someone tell me how one ends up as an alcoholic? Im asumeing noone was there to help you?
If I showed signs of alcoholism I'd have maybe 4 or 5 different people that would stop me

>> No.8853619

if you were a real alcoholic you'd hide it from anyone you care about

>> No.8853626

Do it more often and in larger amounts and eventually take drinks to stave off hangovers and withdrawal

People start out because its pleasurable. Then it becomes a coping mechanism.

And what do you mean people would stop you? How?

>> No.8853635

But like wont coworkers and such notice if you are starting to become one?

>> No.8853636

I'm pretty deep into a binge right now, so the nightmares aren't hitting yet. 2 days of cold turkey though and they thunder in. It takes a good 10-15 mins after waking to realise that they were just dreams. Truly awful. I once had to have a Doc out because I was so convinced I'd spent hours talking with my dead sister. Could see her sat on the couch by my bed. Was so vivid that it seemed impossible that it wasn't real. Bed gets so drenched with sweat that I spend most of my nights sleeping on the floor, waiting for it to dry.

>> No.8853641

Stop as in. Telling you that you are drinking to much for your own good. And should tone it down. Or you are gonne end up alcoholic

>> No.8853643

Why do you do cold turkey? Im slowly drinking beers. It helps. The sweats amd hallucinations and thumping chest are too much.

>> No.8853651

When did that ever stop someone? Any alkies ive met would say sure, no problem, and then be extra careful to hide it from that person

>> No.8853657

Used to it I suppose. I always, always fuck up and get smashed if I try to taper.
Also have access to benzos on the streets. Couldn't do it without them.

>> No.8853668

Im not talking about someone who is a fullblown alcoholic. More like someone who is about to be one.

>> No.8853700

What fun it is!

>> No.8853701

They'd sure as hell smell the drink coming out of your pores. My mum used to work with an alcie, said it was pretty obvious.

>> No.8853715

I find Beer is the easiest to smell. Anymore than 1 and your breath will smell like beer for like 10 hours

>> No.8853739

I go to work hung over now and then and went buzzed a couple days last week and nobody said anything

>> No.8853742

Please never start drinking too much. My mother is in a overly responsible Position and mirror drinks with my father.
I Drink beers mostly because the weight is too much, no one asks me about anything at all...no one is there to talk to me at all..andI think no one wants to either

>> No.8853763

>cavemen drunk?

>> No.8853809
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>tfw functioning alcoholic
>nobody cares that I am killing myself with alcohol because I still come to work every day

>> No.8853814

anime out

>> No.8853826

They ate spoiled fruit

>> No.8853872


Same here

Except that if I am hungover I am told that they can tell because I become hyperproductive

>> No.8853941

yeah people try to stop you but you don't stop, that's what it means to have an addiction

you sound young

>> No.8853962

Really? I find it super easy to get away with. You can even openly joke about how you need a drink and people will just laugh.

>> No.8853971
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I feel like Im constantly surfing the wave on the edge of just completely fucking up my life. I got taken to the hospital a couple months ago but I escaped, trying to keep a low profile since then.

still getting drunk tonight and still gonna venture out into the world in a bit to get some food, I don't plan on blacking out so I should be okay

heres some more Magnetic Fields

>> No.8854239

Was two days sober, kept an emergency case of beer in my car in case I was dying

Not even 3 minutes ago, a mouse just literally bumped into my foot

That small little cunt didn't even give a shit that a giant that weighed 1000x more than he did was sitting there

So now, I'm gonna go drink at least a 6 pack tonight to forget my shitty living arangements

>> No.8854245

It's not a switch, it's a slide. Enjoy the ride.

>> No.8854249


>> No.8854252
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I haven't drank alcohol, smoked, looked at pornography, masturbated, or eaten red meat since April 19. It's been hard but I'm hanging in strong this time. Good luck to you all.

>> No.8854258

wish i was drunk. i feel really bad and have exams. it wouldn't make me feel better, but it would let me blame my shitty mood on something.

>> No.8854262

As if life isn't suffering and the booze isn't a timeout.

>> No.8854270

Have fun

>> No.8854275

>how cavemen got drunk
Too lazy to hunt down real, actual sources, so here's Wikipedia:

>Discovery of late Stone Age jugs suggest that intentionally fermented beverages existed at least as early as the Neolithic period (cir. 10,000 BC).[2]

Considering that lots of animals deliberately consume fermented fruits to get pissed (monkeys, elephants, cockatoos), "Human ancestors may have begun evolving the knack for consuming alcohol about 10 million years ago, long before modern humans began brewing booze, researchers say." (http://www.livescience.com/48958-human-origins-alcohol-consumption.html).). Anyway, I'm going to go and drink some nice cold beers.

>> No.8854278

good job anon. You're well on your way to becoming a nu-male.

Seriously though, good on your for practicing self-discipline. It feels good doesnt it? Are you exercising as well? may as well top it off with some muscle growth.

>> No.8854304

Yes I'm doing a mile every morning and another in the evening. I haven't been jogging the whole thing straight though, I break it up with a little walking. But just an hour ago I jogged the full mile without slowing down.

>> No.8854310

Went from 2 gallons of vodka a week for the past year and a half down to nothing for the past few weeks (14 days I think?). Have even been in some positions that would normally trigger the alky in me pretty hard but I've knuckled through.

Thanks for these threads, guys, its nice to have a reminder why I'm sober. Waking up and not feeling like death warmed over is a huge goddamn boon.

>> No.8854320

>That small little cunt didn't even give a shit that a giant that weighed 1000x more than he did was sitting there
The mouse is undermining you into drinking again so you can further slide, thus making that wee mouse the victor.

Shameful display, Anon-kun.

>> No.8854333

Jeezus christ howd you detox?

>> No.8854334

thanks man

There has been a grand total of one mouse since i moved here three years ago. Now a smelly immigrant family moved in and they're everywhere

Last one I caught with a glue trap, still alive, so I pistol whipped him to death

Little too hard though. Just wanted to break his spine nice and clean, ended up bashing his head in

>> No.8854339
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>> No.8854534

It was a really bad 72 hour period, I'll tell ya. The impetus for my sobriety was a four day, five fifth bender and nearly fucked up my living situation.

I am not a fuckin fan of the dts.

>> No.8854550

Yeah those benders unleash some real hell

>> No.8854778

first of all what the fuck does impetus mean

>> No.8854781

>complains about shitty living arrangements
>spends money on alcohol instead

c'mon anon. unless i'm missing something and your living situation is out of your control.

>> No.8854786

The force or energy with which a body moves

>> No.8854790

Read a dictionary you fucking louse.

>> No.8854824

Falling off the wagon after two months of sobriety on Wednesday, anons. Any tips to not spiral immediately back into my old ways of drinking 10+ drinks a day again?


Most people I've known for years and years and years say they can't really tell the difference between me sober and me drinking. I've had people around me that should be well aware that I'm an alcoholic insist that I'm not bad at all when I say I drink too much (mainly because I rebound like a king and am always on time and bright eyed for work). But at the end of the day, no one can stop you. I'm my own man, live in my own house, and make my own money. I don't have a wife or kids. If I want to drink, I'll find a way and won't tell anyone.

>> No.8854855

and second of all

>> No.8854867

smoke more weed?
the alcohol you're drinking is slowly killing you.
the more you drink, the faster you'll get there too.

>> No.8854916

>American nature documentary
>otherwise interesting footage is filled with stupid sound effects out of a cartoon

This is why I can't watch anything other than British documentaries

>> No.8854997

>Any tips to not spiral immediately back into my old ways of drinking 10+ drinks a day again?

Just realize you fucked up, keep going sober, and accept that as what it is and that alone. You're not starting all over, you're continuing with your commitment to sobriety. Just keep going, man. Hit the ground running.

>Most people I've known for years and years and years say they can't really tell the difference between me sober and me drinking. I've had people around me that should be well aware that I'm an alcoholic insist that I'm not bad at all when I say I drink too much (mainly because I rebound like a king and am always on time and bright eyed for work).

I have the exact same problem. I really don't know how to deal with this one, because it's usually when I haven't been drinking that people ask me "are you okay?" I don't know the answer to this one. We're all on our own, in a way. People can help us but no one is going to be your nanny. They can't. We're grown-ass men.

>> No.8855012

Can anyone recommend a small freezer so I can keep ice and shitty vodka in my room?

>> No.8855064

Fuck off newfag

>> No.8855070

Nothing wrong with meat or masturbating

>> No.8855109

There is if it's causing problems for you. Not him, but I, personally, had to cut way back on the meat once I was diagnosed with gout. Which I probably got because my alcohol problem fucked up my liver and kidneys. Also fapping too much makes it much harder to get off. Especially once you start getting older.

>> No.8855120


I can't smoke weed because my job is held to federal regulations and they test. It's even legal in my state. Sigh.


I can't maintain sobriety without telling my coworkers I have an issue, which would be an issue for my career at large. Drinking is HEAVILY pushed in my job. I don't think a non-drinker could survive what I do.

>> No.8855127

I want to pick up smoking again. I wasn't addicted, so I quit while I still could, but I enjoy it and I'm going through some shit. Please stop me, I need the money for other things.

>> No.8855188

I discovered that I prefer morning drinking, so I've quit drinking in the afternoon/evening to balance it out. How retarded is this?

>> No.8855193

What job?

>> No.8855198

Just did a fart do bad that I think I may have to move house ;_; at the very least I'm going to need a new duvet, new furniture and to replace the carpets and repaint, that fucker was alive.

>> No.8855206


Marketing for the world's biggest casino company in Vegas.

>> No.8855209

That sounds cool as fuck, I'm jealous.

>> No.8855212

Not at all. I actually appreciate alcohol much more in the morning than I do at night. Honestly, at night, especially after the first couple of beers after work, I feel like drinking is a chore.

>> No.8855228

I am craving a drink so bad right now. Haven't had one since around 4:00 Sunday morning and I'm about to tear my hair out I think.

>> No.8855239


Did Hitler really gave a fuck about half of those?

Congrats Anon. You passed the hard part. Now comes the painfully long part of continuing not drinking.
The first few months can be tricky, once you start feeling normal in the morning again.

>Any tips to not spiral immediately back into my old ways of drinking 10+ drinks a day again?
Yep, stop asap. The sooner the less withdrawals you'll have.

Try Amazon or ask your local freezer and large appliance stores.

>> No.8855242

Keep it up, you can make it.

>> No.8855246

Not him, but I know that experience. It's not always my best quality work, but for some reason when I'm hung over I try to overcompensate so no one suspects I was hammered the night before. There's a difference between the hangovers of longtime alcoholics and normal people. I don't know how to explain it, but when you're a longtime drunk, your hangovers are expressed in hyperactivity and an odd "believing your own bullshit" optimism that no one who hasn't experienced it can understand.

>> No.8855248

Fuck this.
Today I stay sober.
Day 1 here I come.

>> No.8855254

Spiraling guy here. I haven't been drinking for two months. There's nothing to stop... I'm starting again because drinking is just a fact of life for me at the moment. Looking to keep from going too hard, though.

>> No.8855276

Ayyyye I do marketing circus circus senpai! I wish I could smoke weed too dont worry! But I just do mushrooms and acid. Great substitutes!

>> No.8855277

>"believing your own bullshit"
That's regular drunk, you haven't sobered up entirely.
I'm questioning the actual result, he may be asked to leave because "not always best quality work" is actually crap.
I've had these hangovers when I was younger and on my way to becoming an alkie, but I think it's because of a "just drunk enough but not too much".

Oh, you're trying moderation. It doesn't work for me nor for most of us here, so take our advices with a pinch of salt.
Stick to beer, no hard drinks. Only drink on weekends. Only drink socially, never alone.

>> No.8855376
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I told my parents I started a new job today little did they know I just went to the local theater and watched lego batman and half of hidden figures. I've dug myself into a hole here and they think I have work thursday what should I do???

>> No.8855388

Why did you say that? How old are you and how much do you drink daily?

>> No.8855391

You are great.

>> No.8855394

I'm 22

>> No.8855399
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sbout 2l of svedka daily

>> No.8855423

>2l of svedka daily
>The spirit is 80 proof (40% alcohol).
You live with your parents? Don't they know you drink too much to possibly be a functional alkie?

>> No.8855439

my parents are senile and the only reason we live together is because of my app, which the revenue is drying up.

>> No.8855443


>> No.8855455

Make another app? Or work on increasing the revenues of the first one.
Can you do that drinking that much or would you have to tapper down a bit?

>> No.8855478
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I tried but usually apps are 1 hit wonders, and i've tried like 4 more times with no avail.. I'm a good programmer with no experience is the problem no company will pick me up because I have no work experience even though I've created worthful websites and apps... it's really a cruel world....
I just got my tax refund as I type this message prob gonna end it lol...

>> No.8855481

jk lol i have a lot to live for such as keeping my tortoises alive since they love me.

>> No.8855486
File: 16 KB, 342x192, dQcgDLa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my youtube for my pets if anyone is interested: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzt8j2oNWY29DD9TG9mhMmw

>> No.8855493

>taper off the liquor
>start spamming you application

seriously it's a number games. say there's a .01% you get hired per application, you have to send in a fuck ton of applications. check your local governments website and USAjobs.gov they are always looking for programmers willing to forgo the private sector. reach out to recruiters like aerotek. get a linkedin. just keep trying, do it for >>8855481 them.

>> No.8855502

How does someone drink this much daily? I drink about a half a 750ml bottle of Wild Turkey 101 or Jack 3-5 nights a week and I can't imagine drinking more.

>> No.8855511

Tolerance goes up as the years go by

>> No.8855515

Ah really didn't think about that. Makes sense though.

>> No.8855517

Back at 17 a 40'oz of malt liquor would have me feeling good for the day. At 27 I'm pissed off when a fifth of vodka doesn't get me drunk enough

>> No.8855526

I physically and socially live in complete isolation. I'm not only losing my mind, I'm using alcohol as a means to slowly and enjoyably kill myself.

>> No.8855529
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Has anyone tried this? Fucking 95% alcohol content

>> No.8855532

Isn't this for mixing into large bowls of punch to make it alcoholic?

>> No.8855537

The fuck? Couldn't even buy that in my state in the US, highest proof you can buy here is 151.

>> No.8855540


we can get this in Quebec liquor stores. I had it as a teen and chased it with water cause it was all I had

don't remember it being that bad

>> No.8855543
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pic related, oops

>> No.8855544

still surprised anyone is shocked over this, you can find spirytus in every shop in Poland
it's mostly used for home made infusions, but you could theoretically dilute it with water to make 40% abv vodka too
noone drinks it undiluted though, bums generally prefer cheaper stuff

>> No.8855552

Whats something that's really easy to drink, and I'd drink it pretty fast, that would get me drunk pretty easy? Also I'd be hiding it in one of the big foam cups that you generally get from gas stations.

>> No.8855554

>female alcoholic that drinks 2 liters a day and has a 50k subscriber vlog channel

Literally wat

>> No.8855556
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God dammit Poland.

>> No.8855557
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dawwwww thank you for this

>> No.8855558

welcome to America friend

>> No.8855560


>> No.8855570

Gin is a bit strong for what I'm looking for. I was thinking something weaker and generally good tasting.

>> No.8855574

When I was a young Slav, we'd mix dirt cheap vodka, fanta and redbull.

So easy to drink, I remember when I was like 14-15 I chugged a liter and a half of it on a bet. Think there was like 350 ml of vodka in it and barely felt it.

>> No.8855578

Sadly energy drinks fuck me up really bad especially with alcohol. I appreciate peoples suggestions though.

>> No.8855582
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How much? God damn. I'm a 6ft3 38yo dude with 24 years of alcoholism behind me, and I absolutely max out at 2.1L/day, normally I'll only have 1.4 and a couple of ciders.
You don't look to be drunk or withdrawing in your vlogs, are you using something else to make the withdrawals fuck off?

Reminder for less experienced alchies that drinking this much would kill most people on day 1. Be careful pls.

>> No.8855584
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What's your favourite time of the day to drink? It's 6:45 here and I'm having a beer before work. Always loved having a drink first thing in the morning.

>> No.8855587

>cannabis is more harmful then GHB, ketamine, methadone, benzodiazepines and anabolic steroids

Who the fuck made this chart, a Benzo lobbyist?

>> No.8855593

Yeah it's surprising, but professor nutt probably knows more about recreational drugs than anyone on earth

>> No.8855596

>inhaling burned cannabis is more harmless than burned anything else because BOB MARLEY SAID GOATS LOVE IT LMAO WEED XD
in before "oh but you can eat lollipops", yeah you can have a "harmless" heroin habit too but let's be real here, most people don't

also, while I know cagers love to downplay the harm done by drunk driving because they take it for granted that EVERYONE cages while drunk, the fact is, people do drive under the influence of cannabis

dirtbag potheads like to pretend they harm no one with their habit but in fact their habit is somewhat harmful. not as harmful as drunkards but still not as harmless as they want everyone to think

>> No.8855602

When I wake in the middle of the night withdrawing. Having a few gulps of trampnectar and drifting back off to sleep is cosy.

>> No.8855619

At night generally after 10pm and then I'll drink till I can't anymore and go to sleep. Don't drink during the day.

>> No.8855621
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I'm always withdrawaling even with a sip...

>> No.8855625

After I shower, eat breakfast, etc. I tend to chug from whatever bottle is closest, usually tequila or vodka, then chew mint gum on the way to work to kill the breath.

>> No.8855627


tfw your hand shakes as you put the bottle to your mouth

>> No.8855647
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>> No.8855666

You don't drink it pure. Dilute with juices or just use it as disinfectant, detergent, solvent... It's called EverClear in the US I think (95% and 75% depending on state)

Gin and as much or as little tonic as you want. You can add sugar syrup if you want.

>You don't look to be drunk or withdrawing in your vlogs, are you using something else to make the withdrawals fuck off?
Person in videos talks about job, so I think it's two different Anons. I'm confused too.

>Wake up, shaking
>Shaking too much to handle a 1.5L and close to 2kg bottle
>Look for other forms of alcohol at home, a poured glass from the night maybe
>There is none but a few drops
>Shakes are worsening, I think I saw something in the corner of my eye.
>Bottle it so heavy, I can't hold it
>consider calling a neighbour or family for help to pour a glass
>it's 4:30 am
I don't remember what follows, I guess I drank to blackout.
Soberness boredom isn't that bad, really. You get used to it after a while. I'm playing Construction-Simulator 2015 and this is so great.

>> No.8855668
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I'm visiting a gin bar later this week and want to try some stuff outside of the usual Tanqueray/Gordon's/Beefeater/Hendrick's/Bombay stuff.

What are some good gins?

>> No.8855678

If only you were visiting a gin bar with staff formed to help clients chose...
>They'll only push the most expensive
They'll ask what you like in gin and give you a few choices of different price categories. They should, at least.

>> No.8855683

So I just got done laying on the couch all night in the darkness. I didn't sleep at all but I didn't drink anything either. Yestderday I almost started withdrawaling but just drank it off. I've been sober for about 12 hours now, don't know if anything else will happen. I'm not even shaking like I was yesterday morning.

>> No.8855686

tried brewing my own beer with one of those home kit things, you're only supposed to leave it brewing for like 3 months but i left mine for like a year, i took the lid off and theres some big chunks of weird looking stuff in it and it smells like metho
if i remove the chunks and dilute it with water or something else, would it be safe to drink?
or will i end up with some fucked up gut bacteria

>> No.8855691
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>> No.8855708

Sure way to taper down is one beer every hour and a half. Its not easy but will get you through the roughest parts of wd

>> No.8855710

This is slightly unrelated, but I figured someone here may know

Does anyone know what goes into those $1 a pack cigars they sell at the liquor store? You know, the cherry, grape ect flavored "cigars"

They have tobacco in them so i'm not craving a cig, but why are they so cheap?

>> No.8855716

My very first alcohol (if you can call it that) was beer mixed with sprite when I was 12.

Vodka and coke is a popular choice to get drunk quick.

>> No.8855719

Worst parts of the tobacco harvest reformed into paste and dried in sheets

>> No.8855722


>> No.8855724

I don't think you should drink it m8

>> No.8855747

>but why are they so cheap?

1) Cheap shitting ingredients like >>8855719 mentioned.

2) Because they are "cigars" and not "cigarettes" they avoid all the taxes which are specifically aimed at "cigarettes".

>> No.8855829


I never tried it clean, just brought in a small bottle in my pants to mix with some juice at a festival.

it gave a great buzz i can say they least

>> No.8855874
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Day 84 sober

Life is significantly better

Being a lush was miserable

Sort yourself out

>> No.8855902

this sounds boring. are you bored? I'm bored reading it. being bored makes me want to drink. awesome.

>> No.8855911
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>mfw you fall off the wagon in a little while

>> No.8855919

Does drinking ~2 bottles of hard liquor a week already make me an alcoholic?

>> No.8855924
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You know it don't kill the breath, do you, anon? It's insides of your stomacn that reeks of alcohol.

>> No.8855931

What do you think?

>> No.8855935

Oh yeah, 2-3 shots worth after eating breakfast makes my stomach reek of alcohol.

>> No.8855938


you're in denial anon but its your life

>> No.8855949

I'm sure that when I drink a lot it does, but a little bit doesn't, no way.

>> No.8855962

I don't know, that's like a drink or two a day and a few more on the weekend. It's not like I'm drunk all the time.

>> No.8855978


Amen to this. Day 63 of being sober here. Life is not any better. Have more money than usual.

Bored as absolute fuck, have done nothing but sit in my house or beg my friends to do some bland sober activity like dinner or a movie.

>> No.8856044

I just fucking tanked wd 2 days ago. I didn't sleep at all but I made it. Then I was so tired I drank last night so I could sleep.

>> No.8856324
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Work a program and find hobbies

You seem like you are working on you relapse

Connect with people and find your god

>> No.8856330

>Bored as absolute fuck

Get a hobby. Build model airplanes. Take up skateboarding. Learn to paint. Pick something....

>> No.8856346
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Just trying to help you

I don't give fuck if you die or hit rock bottom

>> No.8856365


The program doesn't work for me. I don't believe in a higher power and all of the people in AA are toxic to be around in my experience, something that is exacerbated by me not having much of a "rock bottom" to speak of, so I can't identify with the people that are there because they want/need to be there.

I'm already aware that I'm going back to drinking.


The "find a hobby" thing is overrated. I have plenty of hobbies. They all are boring compared to going out with friends and getting drinks and socializing and hitting on girls. A "forced hobby," like building model airplanes or painting or sports, when you really don't like them, is pointless, because it just reminds you that you're only doing it because you're not drinking.

More power to them if your hobbies can be genuinely enjoyable and more fun than drinking.

>> No.8856395

Not you. I doubt she drinks 2 liters of vodka a day and she appears to have a job as some sort of park ranger.

>> No.8856501

You sound like me man

I am six months now, I had a few separate one year stints too but always relapsed cuz fuck being sober

I dunno have you tried an antidepressant? Celexa has helped me

I don't know my future plans, I really can't relapse again because I am a wageslave and if I keep screwing up my resume it's going to be game over eventually.

But I will drink again

>> No.8856525

It's actually in the blood and exits via the lungs, like carbon dioxide.
That's why cops have breathalyser, you can't cheat it.
You can wash your mouth with water, or just wait 15 minutes (cops are supposed to wait 15 minutes), and it's not in your mouth anymore. From there, beside not breathing or trying to cover the smell with cologne, there is nothing to do.

There's no legal limit to alcoholism, nor to being on the slippery side. You tell us if it's a problem in your life, if you restrain from other activities to fund your booze, if you can quit for a week without physical or mental withdrawals, if you're seeing your consumption increase but can't seem to lower it when you try, if your friends/family are worried.

You could try another AA group (ask the one you went to if they know a less religious meetup nearby) or another group. There are other programs without Gods, less well known (and possibly not where you live.)

And a hobby implies, I think, that it's enjoyable. So it can't be forced (idk how to call it. A pass-time, a time-passer? It's the literal translation from my mother tongue, idk how that sounds to a native.) That's the tricky part in finding a hobby.
DIY your place while you look for something to do, the little joy you have each time you take a shower and the tap is NOT leaky is worth the boredom of fixing said tap if you're not into DIY (example applies to any renovation or fixed stuff.)

You can go out in bars and have non-alcoholic drinks and hit on girls. It's surprisingly fun to watch drunk people from sobriety, once you overstep the grumpiness and social anxiety. It's hard to commit, though.

>> No.8856531

A buddy left me a bottle of it once. Made a drink like normal, stood up to make another and fell into my closet. It was pretty rad actually. I might try it again soon.

>> No.8856537


Nah, but I don't think I'm depressed either. I started drinking to self-medicate, got better, and now I drink because it's a fun compulsion that's woven its way into my fun and professional life.

It hasn't affected my resume or work life as a fellow wageslave. It might eventually, but they encourage drinking so much that I don't think it will.

I dunno man. I wish there was a happy medium. I could get plastered all day and night happily if I didn't know there were eventually going to be consequences, but I could also get hit by falling space debris while checking my mail today. Hard to convince myself to stop for an unclear future that doesn't seem to involve kids or a wife or anything.

>> No.8856573


I've tried three AA groups, and I've tried them at different points of my life. It's not going to take. The program just does not work for me. I appreciate the thoughts, but I'm never going back to it.

I've already done a bunch of DIY stuff while I've been sober. It's been boring. I've engaged in my hobbies. Still not as fun as my main hobby.

And yeah, you can go out to bars and try to drink water or soda or whatever and have just as much fun as everyone else, but let's be frank, it just isn't. Your bartender at your regular place doesn't greet you happily and want you sitting at her bar taking up a stool five times a week when it could go to a customer that's actually going to drink, and not just nurse a $2.00 soda all night. Skipping out on the rounds of shots with your pals and having to explain why gets tiresome and boring. Watching everyone do what you want to do is no fun at all. "Watching drunks" isn't fun for more than 15 minutes unless you want to feel smug and superior to them for some ungodly reason.

The only anti-drinking arguments I can really get behind are "you're gonna kill yourself/someone else," "you're gonna lose your job," and "do it for your family."

It's probably the nihilist in me.

>> No.8856630
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ITT: future liver failure

t. 1/5th a day drinker whos liver failed at 23

Shit can he's up to you quicker than you think, even if you are """"functioning""""

>> No.8856653


Nice. I have probably been sober for about that same period of time now. I actually remember when I started, cause I would post in these threads every day with "3 days sober. u faggots jelly?", "10 days sober. u faggots jelly?" etc... and I think I started doing that at the beginning of February.

Physically, I lost about five pounds without making any changes to my diet and I am a lot less bloated overall. I feel p. good.

Mentally, I don't know. Like you said, I feel 'bored' I guess, but I think that is mainly because I am not making any effort to develop personal relationships be it romantic or just general friendships. I think this is really where my boredom or melancholy stems from. I can consume other aspects of my life with hobbies/interests/etc... (lucky to have a good paying job to afford all that shit) but yeah that bored feeling seems to resonate with a lot of us

>> No.8856719

Come here bro. You need a hug and open ears. I know how you feel. Cant talk to anyone about my problems. People are to judgemental when it comes to some shit. Talk me. What's on your mind?

>> No.8856913

How bad an idea is tequila and strawberry milk?

>> No.8856936

Holy shit why can't I stop? I'm not in control of this and I don't know why

>> No.8856939


Right after work.

Best is when I get back to the yard in the mountains late and the boss brings me a beer that I just consume slowly while listening to the sounds of the jungle.

>> No.8856986

>it's payday
>still haven't been emailed a pay slip let alone been paid


>> No.8857002

Everybody is different. Im 36 and cut back on drinking for a month recently and liver tests were normal.

>> No.8857005

Physical withdrawals may be holding you hostage. If you dont get those yet it could be triggers like anger or loneliness

>> No.8857030

Thats not what that guy said at all you jackass. can you honestly tell me that cannabis is more harmful than ketamine or methadone?

>> No.8857045

Did you forget about it for 9 months?

>> No.8857061

Group called moderation management might help you.

>> No.8857067


I once had some cannabis and was wiped out for 4 hours.

I thought I was falling through the bed and all my senses were mixed up. I truly believed I broke my brain for good.

I'll stick to drinkan.

>> No.8857077

Could it have been laced?

>> No.8857086

Weed gets ugly if you start getting a depdence on it... you can only do psyhs like every other month desu

>> No.8857110

A weed dependancy just makes you drop out of work/school and turns you into a lazy bum
Pretty tame compared most drugs
I smoked weed for years and knew a bunch of stoners. All lazy assholes. The real problem is being a gateway to party drugs and painkillers

>> No.8857193

How do you stop being a functioning alcoholic? At the moment it feels to me like if I were a "worthless drunk" I'd have a much easier time cleaning up my shit. But I actually have a decent career and all, I just get drunk every night is all.

>> No.8857253

Drink slower. Buy lower abv stuff. After a few days your tolerance will be lower. Its easy to drink a lot if you chug it down.

>> No.8857291

I'd still drink every day though.

>> No.8857325

Many people do. You dont need to get drunk or wakeup hungover. If you drink slowly 2-3 drinks is fine. Just takes some self control to get there.

>> No.8857432

Im afraid i dont have enough alcohol, and it feels like fucking shit.

Plus i have to ask bosses to get free next week to visit my grandparents that are on the deathbed.

Im a fucking failure, now cheers

>> No.8857439

>tfw enjoying drinking alone more than drinking socially

>> No.8857442

You guys ever consider kratom?

I was never an alckie, but kratom certainly makes me want to drink less, and I've read plenty of stories of people giving up booze/opiates with help from it.

It could turn into a kratom "addiction", but whatever that entails is nearly benign, and 1000 times healthier than heavy drinking.

>> No.8857448

Heard of it. I tried weed and dxm to quit booze. Both had negatives that outweighed them. Where do you get kratom?

>> No.8857516


Loved it, but when you couldnt order it anymore into the country, it just slipped away.

A friend of mine lost like 15 grand in 6 months on it, constantly fucking high. Then he went on stronger stuff instead lol

>> No.8857528
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i need any advice or motivation
>18 yo
>live alone, away from parents and friends
>study chemical engineering in first year
>have 1.35 gpa

>> No.8857534
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Made me laugh

>> No.8857535

Madame kratom is great if in canada.

It has helped me reduce my drinking, but I fell back into the habbit of stopping to buy a bottle on the way home after work, and if I have booze at home I cant resist regardless

>> No.8857541

Volunteer to walk dogs at local shelter. Make more effort to communicate with family. Leave money at home at night and go into town just to walk around.

>> No.8857557

So I'm not at the point that I get shakes, DTs, seizures etc. But I do often have chest/shoulder/abdominal pain. How fucked am I?

>> No.8857559
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Bro the invention of rising bread directly contributed to humanity getting trashed hard on wheat beers

In fact one of the earliest fragments of human language is some Mesopotamian cuneiform of a beer recipe along with ration sheets

Furthermore it was found that the recipe that the ancient Egyptians used for beer contained an amount of tetracycline - an antibiotic produced in the 1950s

>> No.8857560

Plenty of online retailers, google it to see good reviews, but Gaia Ethnobotanicals is one good vendor.

Your country banned it? Which one? DEA was planning to ban it in US last year before a shitstorm of users made them think twice.

>> No.8857567

I am actually not an alcoholic for now. But I feel like i'm going to be.
I have some friends here in college. I live in a village so there isn't anything to do and I drink because of this emptiness. I feel great about life in general but I'm afraid I could lose my life on this because I actually have no self-control.

>> No.8857584

ive read that liver pain manifests in the shoulder because the liver doesnt have pain receptors. could be bullshit i dont fucking know just drink more dude

>> No.8857634

Any military al/ck/s here?I'm trying to join and I have my fitness test tomorrow and will probably need some hair of the dog before I go. Are they going to breathalyze me like they did at MEPs? Also how many drinks does it take to smell booze on a person? Was only planning on having 4-6oz of gin before I go.

>> No.8857641


Sweden, i mean its quite harmless and it gives you a social and nice feeling

And no fucking hangover, if your not on a bender for a couple of months..

>> No.8857666

You need to realize that alcohol is one of the most harmful hobbies people can have. Its not a healthy replacement for human interaction, exercise, happiness etc. But thats what alcoholics use it as. Dont let that happen to you. Find an alternative.

>> No.8857672


not gonna lecture you but dude, think about your future.

next is what, gonna get drunk on deployment?

>> No.8857675

I went to army basic many years ago. Many people got shitfaced attention he motel the night before. I don't think there was an alcohol test. But that was 20 years ago.

>> No.8857698

Thanks youwere right, 3 swigs in and the pain is gone now

>> No.8857702


stop drinking you worthless faggot

>> No.8857726


it'll be back, and the shakes arent far away. wait until you start seeing shapes in the dark, dry itchy eyes, dry itchy nose, feels like your skin has bugs crawling on it, your hair starts to fall out. and the paranoia is the funnest part.

>> No.8857867

My drinking usually starts at 5pm and ends at 10pm, in which I drink usually around 250ml. I've been doing this most nights for 5 years, should I cut my long thick hair now or will I be alright?

>> No.8857931
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Who else here legit shut-in?

>> No.8857941

havent left the house in 5ish months

>> No.8857945

Me. Last two days ive been comparing my quality of life to deathrow inmates. Only real difference is i can choose my food

>> No.8857957

Try it and see. My guess is terrible though.

>> No.8857966
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Are you happy about it?
I complain a lot about being so incredibly isolated, but in fact I suppose it's pretty awesome. I have no sex drive 99% of the time and essentials aside, the only thing on which I spend money is booze. I don't need society and it's nice to do whatever I want 24/7/365.

>> No.8857993


before a court case and alcohol related legal battle came into my life 3 months ago i would only leave my apartment to buy alcohol or stock up on food.

>> No.8858020


I can see that.

I work a ton of hours, have a shit ton of responsibility, and am a legislator as a part time job (small town though). Plus I have a really need wife.

She's going away this summer for a week and I really want to take off and buy two 30 packs, some burbon, and like 3 grams of coke and then draw the blinds and refuse to answer the door.

>> No.8858046

Society puts so many demands on us to be part of it, so honestly its easier to stay home. But part of me gets lonely and a bit crazy after a while. Even with you freaks as my friends.

>> No.8858059

random drunk rant: why the fuck are job fairs so useless. went to one today.
Everyone told me to go apply online, why the fuck would i drive out 30 mins to be told this

fuck it, drank 8 shots of vodka
was 2 weeks sober too

>> No.8858070

Lol that sucks. Not much of a job fair really

>> No.8858087

thanks for the response, taking another shot in your honor

>> No.8858122 [DELETED] 
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I've started smoking weed before I drink. It's actually pretty great.

>> No.8858162

Its little bullshit like that, day after day, that makes drinking so important. Id end up shooting people like that if i couldnt get drunk and blow off steam

>> No.8858255

omfg it hurts. I feel like I've been dipped in sulphuric acid. my skin/flesh is yearing off in chunks from both legs, my feet and now my left arm. haven't eaten in almost 2 weeks and just vomit if I try. fucking hell, I don't know how much longer the calories from alcohol alone will fuel me. I stink like blood, I'm covered in it.

>> No.8858258

Try another brand.

>> No.8858264


fucking alcoholic meme

show us pics then i would give a shit

>> No.8858271

Go to a hospital you retard

>> No.8858307
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Why would I lie? Eat shit.
Already been. They essentially just told me to fuck off and stop drinking.

>> No.8858318

22 days sober today started new job Sunday but sucks ass so not going back. Think im going to drink just few beers I've been bored out of my fucking mind oh well here goes nothing cheers.

>> No.8858329


im gonna eat shit now anon

godspeed and get yourself to fucking rehab now

>> No.8858353

if you're making homeade alcohol just for the intoxicating effects, that shit would've been ready in 3 weeks tops.if your brew had a low abv definitely do not drink it. sealed spirits can last indefinitely because not many microbes can withstand the alcoholic content

>> No.8858381

I don't get how I apparently never reek of alcohol after days of binge drinking
I can fucking FEEL my body chemistry off and feel mildly dirty no matter how much I shower, plus my bed always has a distinct smell to it that I can only attribute to alcohol sweats

And yet friends always tell me I smell nice, what the fuck

I wish someone would call me out on this problem so I can stop

>> No.8858395

That is revolting anon. Detox is free in my city. Grab some benzos and hit one up ASAP.

>> No.8858402

They're for making blunts anon

>> No.8858421

Perhaps you are the anti-christ

>> No.8858684


>shameful display.

Your like to drink and shogun too?

>> No.8858730

Turning 21 in 3 hours, what's the best first time drink?

>> No.8858746


>> No.8858751

A fucking bullet

>> No.8858764
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Guys. I didn't drink for 3 days and now ive drank for 4 straight. Why is stopping so hard?

>> No.8858768
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Irish car bomb. First time I had it I got drunk man. But just ask the bartender what's best since you just turned 21 and they'll probably hook you up
Also happy birthday anon. Don't over drink just get drunk

>> No.8858794


there's a guy on reddit called "enhanciosa", his prices are really good and he ships really quick, honestly it's how I get all mine. kratom is one of those things where people new to it have no idea how much it costs so a lot of people will sell for literally 10 times reasonable price because some newbies will pay for it. Seriously, go to r/kratom and pick through their vendor list, it's THE way to do it. Enhanciosa is the one I use.

On the subject of kratom, I've taken up using it. It actually did help curb use, I wasn't quite An Alcohol but I drank a bit too much. Giving me an alternative "buzz" to kill some boredom was really beneficial, so I could trade off depending on the night. It's not really comparable to alcohol but I enjoyed its effects. The only time I didn't like it is when I would sometimes take too much and try to "chase the dragon" or whatever, but that really doesn't work and you just end up with an upset stomach and some nausea. I like talking about it, so if there's interest, I'll say more about my experiences.

your friend has problems that go way, way, way, WAY deeper than kratom, buddy. I can't imagine taking anywhere near that much, spending anywhere near that much, or jumping from kratom to other shit.

>> No.8858834

Appreciate the info

>> No.8858835

Cuz your weak...

>> No.8858910

Dude you can't keep that up going into the military. Not judging at all because I used to have a massive problem, but try to have some foresight about this.

>> No.8859099

I know I'm planning on stopping after this weekend after I say goodbye to all my buddies. My recruiter just sprung this on me today so I didn't have much notice. I went on a bender a couple weeks ago and have just been drinking ever since but was sober for a few months before that. After this weekend I'm going to sober up and have 2 weeks before boot camp to get rid of any physical withdrawals even though I doubt I'll have any. Then I'll have 2 months sober in boot camp and I'm going to try my best to establish myself as a sober guy after that. I really think a big part of the reason I drink now is because of the environment I'm in and part of the reason I joined the military is to get away from that. I'll try to hold off tomorrow morning but I really don't want to be hungover during my fitness test.

>> No.8859110

You should call your recruiter and tell gim you need a few days to get the booze out of your system. He will understand. Dont email him or text. Talk on the phone. You are in no shape for meps. Sounds like you will be sweating like a whore etc

>> No.8859113


>> No.8859151

Exactly this.

>> No.8859167

I already passed everything at MEPs back when I was sober. This is just some fitness test he wants me to do at his office to make sure I'm in shape for boot camp. Just running and push ups and sit ups I think. I know I can pass regardless of if I'm sober or not. just the alc in me wants to drink before I go because I haven't been sober in weeks and I know Im going to be drinking through this weekend anyways. Maybe I'll just have some aleve in the morning and just bring a couple beers to have after I take the test.

>> No.8859180

Hmn. As a longtime alky, id say just drink two buds before the pt. That will prevent excess sweating etc.

>> No.8859206

You. Fuck you IN SPECIFIC. shit like that is what made me give up AA and just get back on the drankahol wagon and go chugging on down. Intolerable fuckwit. I hope you die in a fire. Slowly.

>> No.8859209

Because, like all humans, you're an automaton responding to stimuli. This stimulus has set up reward pathways in your brain that supersede other rewards. As such, you want it even as it destroys you. Same boat, rapidly sinking.

>> No.8859211

Alright thanks. That's what I was thinking too just so I don't get the hangover from these past couple of weeks crashing down on me tomorrow morning.

>> No.8859213

fucking drop out there's no hope

no use in racking up debt

>> No.8859216

EVERY SINGLE TIME I puke my guys out on that shit. Give me a handle of whisky I'll put it down in a coupla days, maybe three, and never puke, but that shit tears my stomach up

>> No.8859232

I am envious as fuck. I'm isolated in my personal life, but am a wage slave, and so must interact with far far too many people.

>> No.8859237

>drink beer because i don't want to destroy my insides completely
>get massive beer belly


>> No.8859244

Apple cider vinegar will kill off a lot of the microbes aka bloat from beer

>> No.8859248
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god damnit I just threw up for an hour and started in on vodka... fuck you guys

>> No.8859263

It gets easier if you detox. Can be done with beer. Also if you stay on beer you dont have the crazy problems liquor brings

>> No.8859264


looked it up
sounds like new age bs to me tee bee aitch

>> No.8859268

What are the benefits of being an alcoholic drinking mostly/only beer compared to booze? Is it less harmful?

t. functional

>> No.8859270

Theres lots of live yeast in beer. It goes in your gut. Produces gas. Simple.

>> No.8859277

The benefits are way less hangovers. Way less physical addiction.

The cons are you dont get smashed and you can gain weight. Ideally do 1-3 beers over 3-4 hours. It satisfies the cravings for the most part.

>> No.8859279

How do alcoholics deal with hangovers? Do you just force down more alcohol to cover it up?

I occasionally binge drink. Sometimes when I get a really bad hangover, I can't stomach alcohol for at least a week.

>> No.8859285

Its best to just accept the hangover and not drink for a while. Alkies drink to subdue the hangover

>> No.8859292

It's not even forcing down alcohol for me. After that first sip it all just goes away and I feel better almost instantly. Probably helps that I'm still drunk from the night before.

>> No.8859300


Makes sense I guess. I usually do 5-7 beers in 3-4 hours. I can add one or two (large) drinks of vodka to a session, depending on the amount of beer on hand, but more than that and I feel like shit the next day.

I figure I can at least exercise the beer gut away, dealing with stomach ulcers and the like is probably worse.

>> No.8859362

do you guys pour liquor into your beer too?

drinking some pbr with about 3 ounces of jameson

>> No.8859375

I used to when I was at my worst. It's a p handy idea but I never could share it with anyone without judgement.

>> No.8859376

If you have a job youre already ina good place. Add something else like playing with stray animals at the city shelter after work will help. Even going for an hour walk helps a lot. If you occupy your time and energy its much easier to be relaxed when the sun goes down and just sleep

>> No.8859382

Most seasoned alchies I know don't even get hangovers anymore.

>> No.8859418


I'm a failing student. I have two months left of gibsmedat until I need to find a wageslave job. I've been drinking steadily for the past five years. I've had periods where I've been more sober than now, but also periods where I drank more. I'm very lightweight compared to most of you guys.

I'm not yet at the stage where I need alcohol to sleep, thankfully. I mostly do it because otherwise I'd be bored. If I decide to not drink one night when I could I regret it later, because I'll be bored. If I DO drink I have a really good time while it lasts but when I wake up the next day I kinda regret it because it feels like the night just flew by.

I have no friends either, so drinking is literally something I do as an activity. I have no one to hang out with, so I drink.

>> No.8859420


are those venous leg ulcers? if so those are gonna go down to your bone. go to a hospital dude.

>> No.8859444

kek total bro science

apple cider vinegar is a very similar pH to stomach acid

and yeast from beer is already mostly removed, but if it isn't, it is probably dead from the beer making process, but IF IT ISNT, it would probably die when it comes in contact with your stomach acid

>> No.8859453

I'll hang out with you anon, assuming you're not a goob

>> No.8859482

I have no idea what a goob is.

>a person who thinks that theyre funny or cool but really theyre just awkward and weird.

Whelp. I have no idea if I'm a goob or not. I think I can be funny under the right circumstances. Probably not. Mostly I've been reduced to playing autistic video games, drinking and listening to music no one likes outside of /mu/, not exactly stellar friend material. I guess that is what social isolation does to a person.

But thanks. You seem like a good guy. I hope you lead a better life than I do.

>> No.8859527

I would make fun of you for listening to /mu/, but I like terrible music too, so let's be friends.

>> No.8859533


Cool. What terrible music have you been listening to lately? I've been going through SAW 85-92 again. I love that album.

>> No.8859536

I don't generally post in these threads that much but my father is in the ICU and his liver is basically giving out (end stage liver disease). The fluids moved into his brain, lungs, and legs. From what he told me he said he really didn't drink that much anymore when he was healthy but someone whose around him more tells me otherwise. My father was generally a liar from the time I was born in 89' but for the sake of discussion let's say he did quit drinking. If someone automatically stops drinking, will something like this happen to someone? I knew growing up my dad was a heavy drinker and as he got older he would just stick to beer and no hard alcohol. I guess the reason why I'm asking is, is something like end stage liver disease hereditary or not? I drink beer every weekend and I've been doing so for a number of years. I cannot stand the taste of hard alcohol because it makes me sick but I can't turn down a beer.

>> No.8859537

This morning I listened to the Wall of Voodoo cover if Ring of Fire. I like the dark music with the cheery tone of the lyrics. It's a shame Stan left the band before they made more songs.

Then again, he's great on his own, so I guess it's okay.

>> No.8859553

I'm about to try sleeping after a day sober following a four day binge wish me luck

>> No.8859556

Haha gonna pass out drunk.

Beats sleeping pills.

>> No.8859558

>Wall of Voodoo

Never heard of. Are they any good? What genre?

>> No.8859560

Woah i didn't see this post before mine.

Good luck dude. Try melatonin my man's.

>> No.8859564


End stage liver disease isn't hereditary...drinking can be, and the end result is about the same...early death by some miserable painful organ failure or cancer of something or other thats equally painful and miserable...

Don't get into the hardcore drinking...

>> No.8859583


Couldn't make it, friend. Box of wine tonight. Should last me through tomorrow.

>> No.8859626

Fair enough, you tried.
Well, you already know it's gonna kill you, be aware it's a fucking awful and painful death. And keep in mind you can always try stopping again when everything goes wrong. It will.

That was around when I first heard of Smirnoffbro iirc.

>They essentially just told me to fuck off and stop drinking.
Well, this could have killed you with withdrawals. Healthcare in the USA everybody.
Isn't there a hospital or clinic or whatever for poor people that could help you?

Change friends, they are the problem in the equation. Are they patchouli smelling hippies? Are they hypocrites who would mock your smell behind your back? Are they the same race as you?

>> No.8859632

I'm getting chest pains which follow the same circumstances as Prinzmetal angina following alcohol withdrawal the next day after drinking.

>> No.8859638
File: 1.41 MB, 280x210, 1473953933015.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to be 1am. I'm drunk. Somehow my son is still asleep and baby momma is chill with me. I'm a piece of shit bro. I am weak. Over power me. Be better then me. I dare you.

>> No.8859640

who /lit/ here
jaja just realized that i can be referring to the board too ahahahahahaha looool

>> No.8859643

They were a weird alternative type band in the 70s/80s. The only songs worth listening to are Mexican Radio, Far Side of Crazy, and maybe the Ring of Fire cover.

>> No.8859679

You mean >>>/lit/

>> No.8859686

Could be costochondritis, happens to me whenever I go on bingers and I'm not hydrated. Manageable with ibuprofen and drinking assloads of water, but comes and goes with drinking

>> No.8859689

if you guys are looking for music, subdivions, by rush is great, also m83 we own the sky. jucking hell i'm fucked up

>> No.8859970

>Skipping out on the rounds of shots with your pals and having to explain why gets tiresome and boring. Watching everyone do what you want to do is no fun at all
There's your problem. Try finding some friends who aren't al/ck/ies. Going to bar five nights a week is NOT normal behaviour.

>> No.8860124

I can't drink for 3 weeks or so and man I am bored. I want a beer so much right now.

>> No.8860172

Having some trouble telling real memories from dreams lately.

>> No.8860185
File: 3.92 MB, 5312x2988, 20170421_063831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol sorry for causing all your life problems l, you were so innocent

I also shagged your old lady

>> No.8860688

ended up not drinking and just took some aleve this morning. Threw up before I left and felt like complete shit but did great on the test. Probably would've done better If I drank but I think it would've been obvious if I had a couple drinks in me. Now just got to wait for this weekend to be over so I can quit completely

>> No.8860698

day number two :

still shakey and getting the sweats. the extreme thirst is starting to go away. still slightly paranoid - of what I don't know. still hurts to go to the bathroom - piss is dark brown and my ass feels like it turns inside out. hurts to walk. for some reason my lower left calf is in a massive amount of pain.

anon out.

>> No.8860761

>havent brushed teeth in years
>front teeth all have black holes
>no pain yet

I thought alcohol was supposed to kill bacteria

>> No.8860798

Went on a week bender, was probably more like 8-9 days. Barely ate anything so now im really paying the price. I managed to keep a couple bottles of water down, had a bit of pasta and some saltines but food still sounds disgusting. Maybe I just have to wait for the pasta to kick in
Having weird pains in my body and this whole thing just made me vow to quit drinking for at least a month. I don't usually have a problem, 2 nights of drinking on the weekends but sometimes I just lose control

>> No.8860824

B vitamins are far more likely to cause liver damage while you are drinking alcohol with them.

I mean they're designed to fuck up your liver anyways, and they're in all your food, and you're going to drink anyways, but I figured I'd let you know.
Alcohol isn't killing american livers, but the combination of the powder chemicals in our food and drinking alcohol with them is what is causing the liver failures.

You should avoid these chemicals altogether. Word of warning you need to be a stout mother fucker because this is 75-80% of the food sold in the US and the change will be immense.
No human should be forced to eat these chemicals.

Don't fall for "replenish vitamin" memes, you're poisoning yourself and causing more problems than you want to deal with. Eating b6 and b12 while drinking is a death sentence after about a decade.

>> No.8860859

A bullet.

>> No.8860875

Someone gets this wrong in every thread, why is this so prevalent?

>> No.8860882

Stfu nutjob

>> No.8860890

FDA shill detected.
No one here actually believes you when you tell them how delicious your "vitamins" manufactured by Cameochemicals are.

>> No.8860906

After I've showered at night.

>> No.8860910

When I smoked weed we just used them for blunts.

>> No.8860919

This guy has been on a tear for like a week about this vitamin shit. Best part is, it's always in response to a post that does not mention vitamins at all. He even seems to overlook the fact that the majority of people here already aren't in favor of vitamin supplements and actively advise against them.

>> No.8860927

Do people here advise against vitamins? What would be the reason for that?

>> No.8860950

They're pointless. You piss most of it out. You'd do much better just eating good wholesome foods.

>> No.8860953

Google the chemicals.
They're all rated hazardous to humans. You will notice the side effects every day of your life.

And I pissed on a mod so I haven't been here all week, so someone else must've been doing the work. We're just wanting you guys to boycott poisoned wheat, rice and pasta. We're being nannied into eating poison that our diets and lifestyles dictate we do not need.

>> No.8860964

One of the wheat chemicals is biocumulative and extremely toxic to the liver.
The internet was scrubbed soon after I started spreading this info, so I don't remember which one it was, probably riboflavin.
But one of them does NOT get pissed out, for sure.

>> No.8860969

>the internet was scrub

I report and hide all of your posts because you're a worthless spammer. Enjoy getting banned again.

>> No.8860984


100% right on hobbies.

My active hobbies, lifting, hiking, running, I do sober. I enjoy them, but you can't do shit like that all the time because your body wears down.

All my other hobbies I enjoy more while drinking. Reading and audiobooks go great with a few beers but I do them sober sometimes.

I can't really watch more than 1 episode of TV at a time or play videogames at all sober. Only can focus with a buzz.

Although, CoD multiplayer used to hold my attention. Maybe I'll try PS4 therapy.

>> No.8861003

not much alcohol left when it all disappears into multiple black holes now is there

>> No.8861026

dehydrates you. bacteria love moist environments but they dislike saliva(which prevents proliferation)

so you drink, you become dehydrated, you generate less saliva while asleep, bacteria proliferates, teeth suffer

good god man, brush your teeth and see a dentist

>> No.8861031


Sure thing anon. It's the B vitamins that make me feel so shitty, not the 30-40 drinks I had in three days this weekend. Good to know.

>> No.8861187

i hate being being so fucking scared meeting someone i know and they see how much alcohol i buy all the time.

i live in a small shithole were most ppl know eachother, but this social anxiety is killing me each time i want to go out and buy alcohol.

And now i dont have enough beer for the night, fucking shit seven beers.

>> No.8861207

Either drink slow or get more.dont be a baby

>> No.8861228

I just laugh about it and make no attempt to hide it. everybody knows I'm an alcoholic so itd be pointless.

>> No.8861242

but my AA classes told me that alcoholics are people that try to hide it huurr duuur

There really is no point in trying to hide it, People that claim someone is an alcoholic are just scared of being one themselves. and as false as that statement is, I dont see why people are so invested in calling out alcoholics in the first place. there should be no more shame in using alcohol than there is tobacco. its like being ashamed of going to the gun store and buying 500 rounds of ammo. and it only looks shady if you try to hide it.

>> No.8861267


Cant get more since all sale of alcohol closes 8 pm here. I will not eat anything and just ram everything down in 1 hour. Bars are not an option since nothing is open now. TOTAL SHITHOLE


Wish i had the same attitude, not a fullblown alckie yet, but i just cant think of anything else except drinking when i have free from work

>> No.8861312

God, I love drinking so fucking much. I'd be fine since I only drink after work, but on weekends with nothing to do I end up going through almost 2 30 packs and then Monday and Tuesday I feel like absolute ass. I just want to go back to the glory days of being satisfied after a 6 pack.

>> No.8861379

This is a good feel. I know it.

>> No.8861459

any of you drun/ck/s ever fired for being drunk?

I have an interview tomorrow and im pretty nervous. I was drunk way too many times at my last job and I quit after being warned to cut it out.. because I kept doing it.. I didn't give notice, I just left and went on a bender.

I know, I know how stupid it was and it will haunt me forever. but im clean now.. the thing is.. how do I explain leaving my last job? I doubt id get a positive reference...

>> No.8861547

dont put that job on your resume? only talk about the job before that.

what did you do that you had to be drunk all the time? I got fired for being drunk at one of my jobs. I had a big lunch and was drinking kraken, and wondered why i wasnt getting drunk. i drank like half the fuckin bottle while working. i got sent home, but i went to the bar next door to cool off. got fired the next day after a full shit. The hangover made working bearable. I make no mention of why i got fired from that job.

>> No.8861632


I was at that job for 3 years and its in my field of work m8. well I was having withdrawals in the morning so id drink to get rid of the shakes

>> No.8861651

who the fuck is sustaining your existence
i'm similar and live with my parents but i still leave the house every so often

>> No.8861710

I fucked my life up

>> No.8861824


fermented deer piss
fucking google it

>> No.8861841

my savings
still got ~$31k left

>> No.8862102


tell us more

>> No.8862109

Hydrate yourself or go to the hospital. Your piss isn't supposed to be this dark, how are you even alive?

I'm in Europe, do I have to worry?

>The internet was scrubbed
Err, that's not how the World Wide Web works. I think you may have delirium or those horribly detailed and realistic nightmarish semi-awake semi-sleeping dream things induced by withdrawals.
Or you don't remember what you typed in a search motor. Or you clicked an ad that changed. Or the internet archive will have archives.
And gluten isn't that bad, really.

Try amazon.your country extension. Or any booze delivery.

>> No.8862157


split the groups
lunch with one group
after work another group
leave, late drinks with different group
helps if work in different city to work with
all else fails at home drinking alone or go to pub no one you know visits
theres loads of ways to hide your drinking
>oh god my liver

>> No.8862182


play games
browse this thread
no matter what remember ypu do not need to drink to survive (certain levels of alcoholcy depending)
join a support group
there is always other options
i believe in you anon

>> No.8862447
