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8824102 No.8824102 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw your suburban town is too classy for Chik Fil A


>> No.8824109

East Pearland IS pretty shitty, to be fair

>> No.8824114

Sounds like a bunch of commies trying to destroy the free market.

>> No.8824118

You mean West Pearland aka nignogville

>> No.8824128

What a load of faggots.

>> No.8824134 [DELETED] 


faggots are universally shitty people. homosexuality is a mental illness and faggots reproduce by raping kids. they must be suppressed for the good of society. a society that can not suppress and eject it's undesirables is going to die.

>> No.8824187


>too classy for Chik Fil A

Fuck 'em then. I'll take their spicy sandwiches

>> No.8824192

thats probably the most poorly deigned website ive ever seen even nigge.rs is better

>> No.8824206

wew lad, the citizens of my small Rust Belt city are hyped the fuck up because a Popeye's is opening soon. The """culture""" here includes shooting heroin and eating chain fast food.

>> No.8824211

I grew up in East Pearland, but I haven't been back in probably 10 years.
Has it really gotten that shitty?

>> No.8824218

Have you ever been to a chick fil a? I'm a faggot but they didn't care or even wonder. Their customer service was astounding considering its a fast food joint. Quit being so bigoted towards others with differing opinions. As long as their service and food stay excellent, I'll continue to eat there.

>> No.8824226

It's just mobile presentation when browsed from a PC.
Except there is no desktop version of the site.

>> No.8824302

They're too busy virtue signaling to actually think logically. Sucks for them though since they're missing out on a top tier chain who's making record profits kek.

>> No.8824309

West up until recently has had more money poured into it. But it's overrun with ghetto spillover from 288. East is now getting it's money as more land is developed

>> No.8824325

My city approved the building of several retail stores and restaurants. They also built a huge apartment complex. Want to guess what kind of effect adding hundreds of minimum wage jobs and low-income housing has on a non-college city?

Yeah, that's right: The nigger population doubled.

We'll be moving as soon as possible.

>> No.8824375

A very valid concern. The only problem with that is the area where the CFA is supposed to go is literally right next to a cluster of other fast food places, I don't see how one more would make a difference.

>> No.8824380


Your town is stuck in 1996

>> No.8824418

I don't think that these people are saying that they oppose Chick Fil A for le political reasons, I think that they're just crotchety suburbanites who obsess over HOA meetings and such. Apparently the mere presence of a popular fast food restaurant would warp their area into a high-traffic something or other and turn it to shit. They would probably get pissed off if it were a Five Guys or a Whole Foods opening up, these people just like drama.

>> No.8824452

I want to add though, to be fair, that Chick fil A does demand a lot of traffic, esp. in the South. If they were planning to zone this thing right next to residences it would be annoying.

>> No.8824485

Enjoy your shithole, faggot. Where are you going to run to escape? You'll have to go to the cold north like montana, wyoming or idaho. Maybe some parts of the upper midwest. Then you're dealing with whites almost as shitty as nignogs. No, you're fucked. When birth rates are quadruple whites you have nowhere to hide. And as a white, I'm damn sure not bringing a kid into this hellhole world. If I did that, my karma would fuck over my next 20 reincarnations for sure.

>> No.8824491

Not really. It's just not as developed

>> No.8824496

I feel you my white brother

The browns made their bed, now they can lie in it

>> No.8824560

I don't know who to blame. The North for wanting to abolish slavery, or the South for bringing the niggers over here.

>> No.8824586

>And as a white, I'm damn sure not bringing a kid into this hellhole world. If I did that, my karma would fuck over my next 20 reincarnations for sure.

Gee Shlomo, watcha doin'?

>> No.8824595
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I hadn't considered this, this is probably a good reason to not have one. Even then, is there a business reason why they can't move it to somewhere near more compact housing? Like in a strip mall or near an apartment complex rather than private housing or a gated community?

>> No.8824603 [DELETED] 


> as a white i don't want to have kids

if you really cared about doing the right thing, you'd just kill a nigger for every kid you have.

white people are the solution to overpopulation, non-white people are the problem of overpopulation.

>> No.8824608
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>only location in my state, just so happens to be in my city on NYUs campus
>liberal scum fucking everywhere
>anti-Trump faggots in near infinite supply
>still eat at chic-fil-a despite founder being outwardly against faggot marriage/adoption/translife etc etc etc

Trump fucked up, he needs to make fast food to get liberals on his side.

>> No.8824631

Nah they would do some mental gymnastics to justify eating chic fil a. But at least we know that fried chicken unites all.

>> No.8824639


Yea, we owe the Scots a lot for inventing it. They obviously DO eat there a lot, it's ib their top 10 highest grossing locations.

>> No.8824734

>flyover land

No one gives a shit about your town in bumfuck nowhere, faggot.

>> No.8824744

>virtue signalling fast food

It never ends

>> No.8824745

Fag here. I've been to a chik fil a and when they didn't see a wedding ring they started asking questions about why was I single. When I explained I have a boyfriend the employee disappeared into the back. The manager came and explained the fryer was broken and that I would have to leave.

>> No.8824754


>> No.8824759

serves you right for attempting to ruin a fine christian establishment, degenerate.

>> No.8824760

They just opened one about 5 minutes from my apartment. I think I might be in trouble. Calling it fast food isn't even really fair because it is so much better than any other fast food place I've ever been to.

>> No.8824772

Wow, that never happened.

>> No.8824778


There's another one on 46th and 6th, you lying idiot.

>> No.8824805

You're a grown ass man with a job and prospects anon, just move.

>> No.8824818

Yep it was in a small town in Georgia, they were obviously serving food but it seemed like the other customers overheard the conversation because I was getting stared at by everyone when I left. Pretty awkward experience

>> No.8824825

die fag

>> No.8825216

3 of the 10 largest cities in the US.
6 of the 20 largest cities in the US.
Eat a dick.

>> No.8825228

I've never wanted something to be more true in my life.

>> No.8825235

>faggots reproduce by raping kids
What did he mean by this?

>> No.8825243
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>major city on the gulf coast

>> No.8825250

Why did they Care that you didn't have a wedding ring and how did they jump to the conclusion that would mean you'd be gay?

>> No.8825252

somebody working at a fast food restaurant would ask you questions beyond "may i take your order". you are full of shit

>> No.8825255

Young boys can be impregnated.

>> No.8825257

>people responding the most obvious bait I've seen all week

I want The_Donald to leave

>> No.8825262

haha, neat. i live an hour north of friendswood.

we got a chik fil a but our town center was kinda floundering so nobody cared, and now we're getting a canes and a torchys so as far as i'm concerned the chik fil a is the equivalent of a containment board. i won't go there and wait in their lines, and the people who want to eat that garbage won't clog up the semi-decent places to eat.

>> No.8825277

Honestly the lines at CFA move incredibly fast. The lines are around the building but I've got my good almost always within 7-10 minutes. Especially when they've got people standing outside taking orders on iPads

>> No.8825304

Figures. Those evangelicals can be ruthless motherfuckers. As if a true fag makes any difference to anyone. Who gives a flying fuck? I really don't care to crawl into your bedroom like these loony evangelicals want to. I mean really, why do they give a shit unless it's some kind of repressed guilt for having those tendencies. Makes absolutely no sense to me. I wish there were more fags so competition for the female sex pool was reduced.

>> No.8825308 [DELETED] 


most homosexuals were molested or fucked when they were younger than 14 by another homosexual. that's how they become homosexual.

>> No.8825313

Quite right too

>> No.8825319 [DELETED] 


>why do they give a shit

because it's necessary. you have to seek out and uproot degeneracy. there are certain things that are conducive to a healthy society and things that aren't.

if a society fails to ATTACK the things that aren't, that society will crumble and die.

homosexuals must be carefully hunted down and quarantined or purged. the undesirables must be EJECTED.

>> No.8825383

I'm not sure what the big deal is here, there's already TONS of other fast food places near that area.

I do miss the Blockbuster that used to be there though.

>> No.8825528

>undesirables must be purged

Are you certain your focus is on the right group? Evangelicals seem far more deleterious than a handful of mincing faggots. Those fuckers are evil, whereas fags just want to be left alone and treated like human beings. For the life of me, I don't understand your hatred. As I said, the sensible argument as a heterosexual is to wish there were more fags. Women then have to accept you no matter if you look like a fatfuck, which I'm sure you do, since the pool of available men is diminished.

It astounds me that heterosexuals still rail against gays. My only explanation is "me thinks thou dost protest too much."

>> No.8825550

I'm gay and nobody molested me. Do you have a source, or are you just going off of personal experience?

>> No.8825566 [DELETED] 
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represent one of the last bastions of STANDARDS and IDEALS. anyone opposed to them are supporting the destruction of standards and ideals.

ever heard of quality-control? that's what the evangelicism you're referring to is. quality control. defectives are recycled. improvements are mandated.

>Those fuckers are evil

right, it's the ones who seek a standard of health that are evil, and not the faggots who represent the vast majority of child rapists, perverts, drug abusers - they're a degenerate, criminal element.

>fags just want to be left alone and treated like human beings.

and defective parts in a factory that are outside acceptable tolerance just want to be packaged and sold, right?

this is a sickening attitude that leads to social decay. ZERO TOLERANCE. a GOAL. do these words have any meaning to you?

> your hatred

'your hatred' you fags always come back to this. as if it's wrong.

if you love something, you hate the opposite of it. if you do not hate, you do not love. that is human duality. but you don't love, do you? there is no aspiration, no vision, no dream in your head, just an imagined future world of equality - possible only through destruction of all standards. it's a pipe dream. you're creating hell on earth.

>Women then have to accept you no matter

you're retarded and inexperienced. women don't have to do anything anymore, thanks of course to your precious civil rights movement. they're not going to fuck you just because fuckable men are scarce. they just form harems and take turns with the fuckable men. further destroying the family unit and the foundations of a healthy society.

>heterosexuals still rail against gays

imagine, someone railing against mentally ill sexual perverts whose tolerance is symptomatic of the coming death of our culture that the wise and farsighted can see clearly. they're trying to fucking help you, believe it or not.

>> No.8825658


My town drives off everyone good with high taxes and a ban on drive throughs.

To sum up everything else wrong with this place; 97% voted Democrat, there's no Walmart or other general store, and we export our trash to another county.

>> No.8825803

This is pretty disturbing, remind me to stay out of small towns

>> No.8826046

LOL I live in ladue in St Louis [major prension) and there's a child fillet

>> No.8826069


Visiting the article through here makes it much more bearable

>> No.8826154

>faggots reproduce by raping kids
there are more straight pedophiles though

>> No.8826158

>Quit being so bigoted towards others with differing opinions
that's not what bigotry means and you know it
being intolerant of intolerance isn't bigotry

>> No.8826162

don't project about your experiences with your uncle please

>> No.8826168
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this entire post is embarrassing
i don't have much else to say
but also that it's hilarious that someone with crippling mental illness tries to crusade against people with alleged mental illnesses

>> No.8826177
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Now you guys made me want to try Chick-fil-A, but I live in France

>> No.8827071

Yes, because there's VASTLY more straight people. Gays are only like 3% of the population but responsible for ~45% of pedophilia cases.

The same is true for blacks and mexicans for other crimes.

>> No.8827076

Don't care about the gay thing but the food at Chick-Fil-A sucks. They were ok like ten years ago but something happened and now the fries have no crisp, the chicken is wet, soft and greasy and the buns aren't much better.

>> No.8827109

my fellow steiners

>> No.8827110

Try a different location? Also it matters what time you go. If they're not busy shit won't be fresh.

>> No.8829121

>I'll take things that never happened for 500, bob

>> No.8829172

Lying is a sin. Read your Bible.

>> No.8829189

Would renaming it to Chic Filé make it anymore classy?

>> No.8829239

Just go to the one across the highway on eldorado next to the taco bell you lazy bum.

>> No.8830288

This desu. Fags always said a few years ago that their faggotry wouldn't bother your life, and then they turn around and try to get shit banned or get people fired if they even so much as dare to not suck the fags' dick.

>> No.8830292

Maybe you shouldn't have flaunted how much of a faggot you were inside of a wholesome Christian establishment. They need to shock faggots like you in insane asylums again

>> No.8830320

dude stop slamming your nutsack in a bible, maybe it will help your anger

>> No.8830326

What's Chic-fil-a's secret? Does not hiring nigs really make it that much better?

>> No.8830331

I used to live there.
Fuck Friendswood. Literal hell.

>> No.8830349

A new KFC opened where I live, and business was booming for about 5 days. By then people had realized all the nigs they hired couldn't get one fucking order right.
Now they have exclusively white/latin people working there, but now it's too late. Lunch hour is comparable to our BK == not fucking good at all.

>> No.8831100




it's literally the same as "racism" against whites (LOL)

or "sexism against men"

literally no such thing

>> No.8831107

Remember to sage people that try to "prove" a point by being facetious but with no actual argument

>> No.8831165

This tbqhwy

>> No.8831213

>men and whites are inherently intolerant
Nice bait famalimdong

>> No.8831230
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I know chik fil a is an event for you, going to the big city and all, but I was just there for a quick bite Jethro

>> No.8831234

It's okay. White guys just overhype it because it's the Donald Trump of fast food. The fries are bulky and dry, so are the sandwiches but they use real chicken breast so that part is tasty.