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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8812956 No.8812956 [Reply] [Original]

What's /ck/ without al/ck/?

You guys are what's keeping me on the wagon edition.


>> No.8813028


>> No.8813039

I can't say I've been sober for any decent amount of time, and I'm drinking as I write this. But lately I've been able to sort of tone it down a bit. Haven't been black-out drunk in a while (though I black out quite easily) and keeping my drinking limited to nights and evenings. So that's that, I guess.

>> No.8813041

6:21 am on Saturday here.

Still drinking and have been since like 3pm on Friday.

Lately I've been blacking out when I drink this much but presently just cruising along and not remotely tired.

I've got about a bottle of Turkey left after 2 bottles in the last like 24 hours.

I am quitting come Monday. Bonafide serious.

>> No.8813052

I can't eat unless I'm drunk.
It's nice because I get drunk quicker on an empty stomach but I know I'm malnourished as fuck. My hair is falling out like crazy.

>> No.8813059

>but I know I'm malnourished as fuck. My hair is falling out like crazy.

Same. It's amazing how much thicker and fuller my hair seemingly feels after just like three weeks of sobriety.

Been a while since I've gone that long though.

>> No.8813134

Have you guys experienced any serious health consequences yet?

>> No.8813192

I have scarring on my liver

The last time I went to a doctor was 4 years ago and he said "It's really bad, You need to quit drinking". I haven't been to a doctor since, So I'm guessing It's pretty bad now.

It hurts my right side, towards my back every morning I wake up. So I'm guessing something back there is starting to fail too

I'll probably be dead by 40.

>> No.8813211

Made moonshine with pineapples, got reaaaaal dickered last night

>> No.8813217

whats the point of these threads?
stay sober?
start drinking again?
do you guys promote one or the other?

>> No.8813218

>Wisdom teeth out this morning
>Craving a drink
>Throwing by vicodin for the pain
>Doc said I can't drink

What the fuck do I do?

Can I actually not drink or is just saying I shouldn't get like drunk on these

>> No.8813242

You can.

That enhances the vicodin buzz nicely

>> No.8813258


>> No.8813263

it's the first thing I think about when I wake up, wondering if I should do it again. If I make it past 11PM when my place closes, then I'm fine all night, don't think about it again until they open up.

>> No.8813286

>Mixing alcohol and painkillers
Never a good idea.

>> No.8813288


Keep it up anon. I'm a month sober on Sunday. It sure is hard, but I'm down 20 lbs with the help of a diet and feeling healthier in general.

>> No.8813321

how many did you take? the acetaminophen in it plus booze WILL kill you if you took more than two pills and even then you shouldn't get hammered

>> No.8813325

You have to take like 8 grams of APAP for it to be MAYBE to be fatal 24 months later. There isn't even 3 grams in that whole bottle I bet

That's not what kills people when they combine alcohol and hydrocodone. It's CNS depression and even that is almost unheard of with hydrocodone. You will get itchy as fuck and fall asleep long before you die of CNS depression

>> No.8813328

>What's /ck/ without al/ck/?

A better board.

>> No.8813346 [DELETED] 

augh yeah folks i talked to the girl i liked last night when she called me out of the blue to wish my happy birth day for the first time in a year, i had a few sips of evan williams while i talked to her, woke up with alittle hangover and have been guzzling whiskey and sucking down little ceasers deep dish pepperoini and playin vidya and playin with myself alot AUGH YEAH FOLKS this is the life folks augh yeahf olks :D

>> No.8813348
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you dick, do you know what it's like trying to stay upright while looking at that flipped image?

>> No.8813352

reminder that there's absolutely nothing /ck/ about al/ck/, and you should >>>[r9k] yourselves
bunch of faggots

>> No.8813363

m8 the problem is not the hydrocodone, its the APAP, and combined with alcohol drastically reduces the threshold for permanent liver damage

and where are you getting 8g? 4 is enough WITHOUT booze

>> No.8813369

From what I've seen, it's something of a clusterfuck of different things. Here are the main ones.
>people generally talking about what they are drinking and how they are doing
>alcoholics talking of their woes and health problems
>advice from alcoholics in recovery
>new alcoholics who are scared and ask for advice on how to deal with withdrawal or cut down their drinking
>people who hardly drink but think they might be alcoholic or at risk
>competitive people who boast and argue about how much they drink
>pot smokers who bash alcohol
>people who like to laugh about how degenerate they think al/ck/ threads are, and troll

>> No.8813372

You guys have your own thread yet you constantly have to shitpost your drinking habits in other threads. Bunch of faggots but at least you're not stoners.

>> No.8813374

I don't even really want to drink this evening, but I'm bored and feel compelled to go get some beer. Not really sure what to do.

>> No.8813397

Welp, been counting, that makes 47 times that I've vomited between 5.20am and 11pm today. I'm just going to starve to death if the booze doesn't get me.

>> No.8813411

How much did you drink for your body to need to vomit that much?

>> No.8813433

It's almost entirely dry heaving, but I can't take so much as a sip of water without throwing up at least twice as much immediately thereafter. I'm so fucking thirsty, 4 days since I drank anything but alcohol and kept it in for more than like 10 minutes.

>> No.8813498

Aw yeah fuck yeah, found a $5 in my pocket. Getting drunk again.

>> No.8813533

>4 is enough WITHOUT booze
I took 12g a few years back and I'm still kicking.
Or maybe I'm in hell, which would explain a lot.

>> No.8813542


Glad to know we have australian alcoholics here too.

>> No.8813544

>Woke up 5 minutes after alcohol sale ended

God fucking damn it

>> No.8813547
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>tfw you don't even want to drink but you're about to start anyway and will go to bed drunk like the past month

>> No.8813748
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hurray for friday day drinking!

>> No.8813763

Getting sucked back into it. Went 102 days at the end of 2016, then 82 at the start of this year. Had 7 bottles since then though.

I'm too obese to drink. I'm legit going to die if I don't stop and/or lose weight. My drinking wouldn't be an issue otherwise. If I were 200 pounds lighter I'd have no concerns.

>> No.8813807

>taking a shot RIGHT NOW while filling out a captcha
feels good.

>> No.8813825

I've taken it down to once per week and drinking beer. It's almost not even worth the effort to get drunk enough to enjoy it and I actually had a hangover for the first time in a while

>> No.8813834

I dont even understand how people get drunk off beer. Its probably just my tolerance but after a few I feel nothing but bloated and have to piss every 10 minutes

>> No.8813838

I don't know if it has been 3 or 4 weeks since I've last drank.

Being sober sucks.

>> No.8813841 [DELETED] 

augh yeah folks im buzzin like a muslin since like noon, been suckin on evan williams playin vidya on the raspberry pi and watching youtube videos and listening to music, i talked to the girl i like last night who is HOT (to me) and i feel good as fugg :D
huzzah for day drinkin! :D
why how much of a fatso are you anon, im like 280 and im a fuckin blimp :D

>> No.8813858

I can't take much more of this. A 4-5 days off booze and using medication to stop withdrawals and I've never been more depressed in my life. This medication does one thing and one thing only, and that's to stop withdrawals. Other than that, it just makes me drowsy, sleep or feel like a fucking zombie. It's only enhancing the depression not drinking gives you and makes me feel like doing nothing.

It doesn't help that I'm alone as fuck with no friends or family around.

Fuck it. How safe is it to drink again after taking 0.1mg of Clonidine 5 hours ago?

>> No.8813880

I can get drunk if I just steady pound coors light. These days I drink craft beers with at least 7% but it's still a ton of work to get good and drunk

>> No.8813900

sober 6 months after being taken to the ER and then psych ward

feels boring...? nice not to be hungover in the morning and nice not to be so suicidally anxious/depressed when coming off the booze

but it's still boring

this is like my third go-round, i had two non-consecutive sober years before and then relapsed HARD around the one year mark

>> No.8813908

i said goodbye to my grandpa today, he's in the hospital and his heart is failing, its a matter of hours apparently. wasn't gonna drink tonight but i got some beer on the way home, fuck it

>> No.8813969

I'm sorry for you loss, anon. I'll have a drink for you and your 'pa.

>> No.8813990

Sucks man, sorry. People will probably scold you for not staying with him in his final hours but I was with my grandmother when she passed and it is not an experience I would wish on anyone, its extremely haunting.

>> No.8813992

>What's /ck/ without al/ck/?
A board without a social club general that belongs on /soc/?

>> No.8814002

al/ck/ has always been as staple of this board get over it already, nothing is going to change

>> No.8814011

thanks, i couldnt actually be there because i live in a different state, but im glad i at least got to say goodbye over the phone

>> No.8814022

>hey guys I'm a newfag!

>> No.8814054

A week in... fuck me this blows

>> No.8814104

>Impossible to sleep

How the fuck do people manage to fall asleep sober

>> No.8814112

have you tried weed?

>> No.8814123

>>8813858 here. Clonidine. Go get prescribed some. Believe me, it knocks you the fuck out. I was at the hospital because my withdrawals got so bad and they prescribed me that shit.

>> No.8814126

Watching Portlandia idk

>> No.8814144


Just stay awake for a few days until you begin having hallucinations and delusions. Eventually you'll have a deep sleep and feel fine.

>> No.8814156


Wouldn't know how to get it


I can't do fucking anything, all motivation to do anything is lost, I don't feel like doing shit, sleep would fix it but I can't even do that fuck

>> No.8814167

are you from portland?

>> No.8814168

This makes me sad. Won't ur people be sad

>> No.8814173


Idk I just mess around on my PC. Just find a way to distract yourself. Like 4chan

>> No.8814188

do you exercise? try exercising before bed until you tire yourself out
also read a book or something instead of looking at the computer or TV. screens give off light that kills melatonin

>> No.8814203

Finally got to the stage where I am a bottle deep and don't feel drunk, and my sober thoughts of "stop this madness" are still prevalent.

Think it is time to quit. This isn't fun any more

>> No.8814597
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So that was the worst bender in my life.
First few days were fine but yesterday I didn't have anything to eat and was constantly drunk to the point of passing out. Passed out, woke up, drank more and passed out again. In bed with the "bag" from the bag-in-box-wine with me and vodka on the nightstand. It's morning now and I stated drinking the last wine but went to the bathroom and stood on my knees and puked and thought "What am I doing with my life?".
Got a knife and destroyed the bag of wine and poured it down the drain, never poured out alcohol before.
This just has to stop, will make an honest try.

>> No.8814640

the key to binging correctly is to eat and drink water
if you don't do that you're completely fucked whenever you stop drinking. You're probably not going to want to eat anything for a couple days more, i've been there before, but you gotta just shove that food down

>> No.8814646

i poured out alcohol for the first time in my life 3 weeks ago and havent drank since

>> No.8814648

The typical prescription vicodin goes fucking awesome with a six pack, anon.

-t. guy who broke his arm last year

I was really fucking skeptical, and started with one beer the first night I tried both, and slowly tested the waters from there. A sixer of mickeys and a vicodin will be the nicest feel you'll ever have.

>> No.8814651
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Yeah I know, but being that drunk don't really make you think ahead. And my body feel bad in a way it hasn't before, but it could have been even worse. But I'm really gonna try to not drink alone for a while.

Just walking around and cleaning everything I can, that way I can distract myself and feel like less shit.

>> No.8814655

That's encouraging, thanks.

>> No.8814656

I know that feel. Melatonin does me nicely.

Or waking up early with a monster fucking hangover the morning of and not sleeping.

>> No.8814659

Had two tallboys at a bonfire, and putting back a couple glasses of whiskey tonight. I promised my mom I'd get up early tomorrow and be over at their house. She had a rant and rave talk, with much of it focused on my drinking last week, so I gotta hold to it.

>> No.8814664

Question for you veterans here.

Anyone here had/drink calvados, and if so, what's your preferred brand? I'm trying to expand my prospects without breaking the bank. Been wanting to try it for a while.

>> No.8814671

Never heard of this before, but it sounds delicious.

I need to ship in some real Czech absinthe now that I'm working again.

>> No.8814699

So what do you guys drink and how long does a bottle of it last for you?

>> No.8814705

I drink shitty vodka, the bottom shelf shit that you can buy for about 13 bucks a handle. handle usually can last me about 4 days

>> No.8814712

I drink a cheap beer only in my local area, and Old Crow whiskey. A handle normally gets me a weekish.

>> No.8814755

>I am quitting come Monday. Bonafide serious.
if youre serious you would quit right now

>> No.8814784
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hey dont discourage him

>> No.8814843
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Drinking this. Hopefully not through the night but for the next few nights. Fuck my life. Cant ever be happy

>> No.8814849

Hey, I drink that too.

>> No.8814855
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Was $20 at my Vons. Best deal ive found in a long time

>> No.8814861

I fucking hate alcohol licensing hours. Why do I have to fucking suffer like this, just staring at the clock while in a state of horrified withdrawal? Fuck this.

>> No.8814865

Buy in bulk man. If not go to 711.

>> No.8814866

At my place it's like 15 bucks.

>> No.8814871
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I wish I lived where you lived man.
But dude,check my dubs to your dubs.
You're my best friend till I out friend

>> No.8814874

I meant these friend

>> No.8814886

That's it, I give up trying to brush my teeth. I drink carbonated, acidic-as-fuck cider, can practically feel my teeth rotting out of my face, so I try to brush them... and immediately throw up, every time, thereby covering my teeth in a mixture of cider and stomach acid.
When I get toothache I don't know what the absolute fuck I'm going to do.

>> No.8814887

I'm drinking steel 211 right now.

>> No.8814892

I can't decide whether, if we all lived in a big, shared house together, it'd be a tremendously supportive and beneficial environment, or an instant, hellish, puke and piss covered riot.

>> No.8814901

well ive been in these threads for awhile and I can say that most of us arent the frat boy piss and vomit everywhere type of people, were pretty controlled drunks

>> No.8814903
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Wish I was drinking beer instead. Starting to realize how lonely I am

>> No.8814906

Don't wory, I'm lonely too. But don't really care.

>> No.8814938

you ever get to that point where you're so accustomed to loneliness that you can't even tell when someone is flirting with you

>> No.8814945

Honestly, Sometimes I do. For me it's one less person to deal with.

>> No.8814957

We would probably have a constant draw going on for who would buy the alcohol for the week
the nights would be late, the mornings would be early and terrible, we'd have numerous cooks in the house so breakfast wouldn't be a problem
Dinners would also be great, we'd probably have a giant table that eveyrone could fit in like one of those medieval long tables, thered be like 4 people always at the stove making sure the shit we make comes out awesome
and then we would all die because our livers failed

>> No.8814972
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already an al/ck/ not even 21 yet...
am I fucked?

>> No.8814979


>> No.8814980
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welp might as well enjoy the ride

>> No.8814982
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I was an alcoholic at 19 so probably

>> No.8814987

I started around your age. I could never quit. But I have been able to tone it down though.

>> No.8814996
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Ex called me cause I accidentally called her. She's gonna pick me up after work. Wish me luck

>> No.8815004

Started drinking daily when I was 15. Always out-drank my peers. My Doc believes that I have a pathogenic micro-organism, immune to antibiotics, which has been excreting small amounts of alcohol into my intestine for life. So it's possible that I've never been totally sober.
9.40am now, have drunk ~3/4 of a (70cl) bottle of vodka since 6am when I woke, withdrawing. 20 mins until I can buy more.

>> No.8815017
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get that dick wet nigga

>> No.8815034

I have to work in 5 hours. What do.

>> No.8815061

Call in sick.

>> No.8815067
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professional alcoholic right here

>> No.8815073

Nah. I'm gonna go give it my all.

>> No.8815079

Good luck man.

>> No.8815100

>shop finally opens
>card declined
>pay with a lottery scratch card
>10p short
>he lets me off
>thank him
>throw up all over his floor on the way out
god fucking dammit guys.

>> No.8815146


Honestly depends on the situation. Are you in withdrawal, or very drunk on a bender, or what? I always wake up on time but if you don't set a hallelujah chorus of alarms, chug water, pass out, wake up, drink a beer or two (or whatever) to negate the hangover, bring a few to work and coast from there. If it's withdrawals like seizures yeah call in sick (you are) but if it's normal withdrawals just suffer you deserve it :^)

At least that's what I did

>> No.8815149

Kek you are 'that guy'. Learn to control yourself

>> No.8815165

Fucking kek.

I got banned from my local paki shop during my drunken 5am pilgrimage for snacks when I fell into a display, then fell forward into another one getting up. Burst out laughing as he yelled at me in paki, still tried to buy shit but he wasn't having any of it. Pretty sure I yelled something racist at him on the way out.

Not my proudest moment.

>> No.8815221


>not offering to help clean it up

>> No.8815430

10 hours of sleep, woke up drenched in sweat but I feel great now
I really need to get some booze later

>> No.8815446

Hi, not alcoholic, I drink a few beers on weekends but I am looking for the sierra leon whiskey that always makes me laugh. There is a black horse on the label and the liquid is in a gas canister.

>> No.8815462

Protip, don't cover both of your ears when you sleep, you're almost guaranteed to sweat.
It's not uncommon for alcohol to come into play here either, but that's how I finally figured out why I was pouring sweat every night.

>> No.8815484

Ye gods man, this sounds like emergency room stuff. I usually just don't drink anything, which is a bad idea until my stomache settles. Try making some of this:

>> No.8815497

>Tfw I actually meant 11 A M, not "pm"
Can't go to hosp.... 'she's' a nurse there. I'm just going to, uh, well, fucking continue laying here I suppose. All I've done other than go to the bathroom, kitchen, collect deliveries and occasionally stumble to the corner shop since august last yr.
Thanks for the link.

>> No.8815736

Just hit 4 months sober yesterday. Feels pretty good man, but I still have dreams about drinking or falling off the wagon nearly every night. I know it's probably inevitable that I'll start drinking again, but so far I'm doing pretty well. This is the longest I've gone without drinking since my balls dropped

>> No.8815814


Nice, most I've done since god knows when is 40 days. It's crazy how after a bit you feel normal again. But everything is so damn boring. Keep it up anon.

>> No.8815833

>Spent the last 3 days at my girlfriends house
>None of them drink
>Didn't want to be the only one drinking
>Pounded benadryl to sleep
>Going home to my family tomorrow
>Going to get fucking blasted with them

I don't get people who don't drink. Like what the fuck?

>> No.8815848

don't want to be mean friend, but do you see a future with this girl? being someone who drinks with someone who doesn't typically doesn't end well.

trust me :/

>> No.8815854


She drinks, she's just not a "drinker". She doesn't have a few drinks after work every night. Mostly just a weekend drinker.

But her family, man, I don't know.

>> No.8815915

These generals enable people who are alcoholics to drink and ruin their lives even more than they have.

These generals need to stop.

>> No.8815944

Lots of us are recovering. I went from full blown alcoholism to once a week.

Still I feel miserable, anxious and depressed. These threads are all I have.

>> No.8815955

I picked up some weed so now I don't have to drink alcohol. Thank fuck.

Cya guys in about 2 weeks!

>> No.8815957

That's good for you, congratulations.
Nice to see others make it.

>> No.8815960

Smirnoff bro are u still here mate?

>> No.8815974


He gone man, he gone.

>No but seriously I think he's gone....Fuck.

>> No.8815980

>Looke again for salmiakki
>Not there
>Jagermeister was on discount
>Got that instead

>> No.8816111

I'm sure he's here, nobody takes a pic of a noose next to a well-placed vodka bottle and then posts it online if they're serious about doing it

>> No.8816180

I feel like weekends would be so boring if I was sober

>> No.8816186

These threads help me stay on the wagon.

>> No.8816190

>Eating pancakes and drinking liquor

Is there anything other than the sweet release of death a man really needs?

>> No.8816352
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pancakes are shit why didnt you make waffles
shame on you

>> No.8816422

>Start drinking
>Get super sleepy at half a bottle


>> No.8816455


get fucked
these threads keep me from pounding the booze every night

>> No.8816474

Started working at the my state liquor warehouse recently, every time an order calls for 20-30 cases of Black Velvet gallons or something equally shitty, my heart goes to al/ck/ a bit.

>> No.8816511

I don't drink much. But I'm all alone with nothing to do on a saturday. I'm outta work, 31, my car is another state after a failed business venture. I had to move back home with my parents while I get back on my feet. I was feeling like utter shit, real dark thoughts.

I'm drinking some rum..

Now I feel good..

thats it.

>> No.8816575


sorry to hear, hope u can enjoy the rum without ending up in a 3 week bender.

>> No.8816678
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Guys I'm really drunk but it's giving me a lot of clarity but I don't know if it's a good thing because the clarity is that I hate everything around me and everything about myself to an extreme extend. Really feel like jumping out the window ngl

>> No.8816690

Let me ask you this, what do you like about your self?

>> No.8816698

I really hate everything about me. I'm actually straight up disgusted. Everything I hold dear and find virtuous in life is an anti thesis of myself. I feel like I can't seek refuge in anything

>> No.8816712

How can I drink without getting so sleepy?

>> No.8816713

Were all fucked bro, life seems to be like a roller coaster. Up and down. But life is pretty good when it's good. And you can't really appreciate the sweet without the sour..

The suicidal thoughts we could all live without, It really makes me jealous of people who don't have those thoughts.

But if you did want to turn it around, what would be the first step in achieving that? Do you have any goals?

>> No.8816726

>But life is pretty good when it's good.
See, it's never good. I can honestly not think of a single victory in my adult or adolecent life (and as a child, reading and learning math is all that comes to mind).
I don't know what would make my life better. I have no skills, being around other people is tremendously depressing, i just don't know.

>> No.8816750

Try taking phenibut, order some now from liftmode.com. Just do this, listen to me. Take 2g. I lurk this thread so youll be able to get ahold of me if u have questions.

But atleast your smart dude. Do you know how many people struggle with math. I wish I was smart like that.

Do you do anything positive for yourself?

>> No.8816762

>My Doc believes that I have a pathogenic micro-organism, immune to antibiotics, which has been excreting small amounts of alcohol into my intestine for life.

that's a joke right

>> No.8816793

We'd probably be pretty disgusted with each other if we saw each other in person. We'd all know what we were talking about though, which is good, but honestly we'd just all get drunk to no positive end.

>> No.8816798

>yelled out something racist
Nice dude, you got that fucker. You won.

>> No.8816830

Wanna say this. I'm a guy who was good at pretty much anything in school except for math which I literally got F's in. Even in college. It took me 2 years to pass the required math course that most people do in a single semester before they never have to take math again if they don't want to.
If you're a male who's good with numbers, hope exists for you, it's true.
The industry I got my degree in is nothing but lying and agendas now, I really don't want to use it because of how shit it is. People like me probably should have gone to a trade school but my boomer parents and I fell for the uni meme because I just wanted to please them while not becoming a teacher because I never wanted to set foot in a school ever again. It's just a huge money sink in most cases, but at least I have no debt which makes me absurdly lucky. Trying to get a warehouse job atm.
Rambling, but thanks anyway.

>> No.8816839

You misunderstood. I'm not good at math. It was fir full disclosure. I'm saying that I have literally accomplished nothing in my life except elementary school math and basic literacy

>> No.8816844

I'm working in abroad in a third world country with lots of tourism where alcohol is super cheap and partie and girls are everywhere. I feel like slowly an addiction is starting to sneak into my life. Almost everyday after work I go for a beer but it never stays one, I always get myself smashed til the end. Also people at work start to ask me if I've been drinking last night and call me hangover-face...

It also makes me smoke a whole pack of cigs which I regret every single time.

I tell myself I need to get drunk to talk to girls but almost always end up being so drunk that I can't talk to girls again or if I do I make a fool out of myself.

I despised this lifestyle and still think that most of the party-people are superficial scumbags.

but in the end it's the only way to get girls without much money, those nights have poisened and I feel like I'm missing out when I'm not drunk which is totally retarded.

Back home I used to smoke weed alone, it kept me from drinking but also from going outside, I can stay inside for more than half a year (meaning I stay at home at night and weekends) and don't feel isolated. but man do I feel lonely sometimes.

problem is the farther I take this less normal woman will be interested in me and I have to resort to a freak-,druggie- or psycho girl which I really don't need in my life but it's better than being alone.

>> No.8816852

I was able to have a job in a grocery for a time, but had to quit before I got fired because I was so alcohol. I'm pretty sure it's the easiest job there is to get, because I went in with no experience and not having worked for 2 years. Being a clerk who doesn't have to work registers is pretty fine, it's better than working in a gas station or fast food or something.

>> No.8816856

Who here /hangoutwithpeoplewhiledrunkbutwhenyougethomeortobedfeelanintensehatredtowardthem/?

>> No.8816857

2 years after college I did nothing I meant.

>> No.8816859


>> No.8816867

Never had that happen. Alcohol was a social lubricant for me definitely but I more so just hated the fact I could never develop a relationship with a woman.

>> No.8816871


>> No.8816876

Might just be me. But when I hang out with people no matter how good a time I had in the moment I always feel intense dislike and isolation at the end of the night when we separate. I don't even know if it's alc related since I'm always drunk during social gatherings

>> No.8816881

It sounds like to me you just simply don't like the people you hang around, or that the interactions they have is too superficial or something. I don't know, just taking a guess.

>> No.8816884

8 days sober here.

February was bad - nearly a pint of whiskey a night and a six pack... blacking out no less than twice a week.

"eased down" through march, tried to get my shit together. Stopped cold last week after an easy night (<5 drinks).

Probably the most difficult thing I have done in a while. Pangs are going away, I have a steady and good job, a pet to watch, and things to do besides drink. It also helps I do not mind being alone and I have friends to talk to when its tough.

I actually like being sober. Within 4-5 days your senses start coming back and you start thinking straight. Right now I am at a 'moderate' zone where I can start feeling some of my old self (and stable personality) coming back. I have been more productive this week than the past couple of months.

Good luck bros, I think I am going to make it. Alcohol is truly a scourge. If you are serious about quitting here are a couple of suggestions: (1) have a couple of friends that are willing to talk to you on a whim when you need it. Sometimes you need to reach out. If you have no friends, start going to church or leaving the house and start making friends; (2) pick up an activity that is worth it. I read a lot. I also play video games. I have a decent job and I exercise; (3) have an "out" if you have irresistible cravings. For me, it's driving for a little bit and getting some ice cream. Eating a fuck ton of sugar/cream reduces my urges, for some reason.

>> No.8816887

>What's /ck/ without al/ck/?
slightly better

>> No.8816895


I can only drink alone

>> No.8816901

This is a real thing for some people


>> No.8816910

what goes through your head when drinking alone?

>> No.8816914

"this tastes good, I better not drink too much or I'll feel like shit tomorrow"

>> No.8816928

how many hours do you drink, what do you do when drunk

>> No.8816997

how much water do I have to drink while drinking all day to not wake up all fucked up tomorrow

>> No.8817065

when I get drunk I usually try to chug 3 bottles of water before I hit the hay
how long have you been drunk? A bottle per every 2 hours you've been drinking is usually a good estimate

>> No.8817119

bout 5-6 hours now. u?

>> No.8817166

is it true having alcoholic relatives increases your chance of being an alcoholic ?

>> No.8817169

not just alcoholic but addict in general. It's a constant battle

>> No.8817191

this. Addictive personalities are a very real thing and are ingrained into our DNA. Half of my family are pill poppers and i've lost a lot of relatives to OD. I already have a problem with drinking so i've refused to get prescribed any kinds of pills, a couple years ago my doctor wanted to give me xanax for my anxiety but I refused

>> No.8817241

Xanax is alot of fun but it can get ugly real quick

>> No.8817249

from the time I get home from work until I get to bed. I suppose about 4 hours?

I cook, shitpost on 4chan, watch netflix, listen to NPR, read, and ignore okcupid conversations

>> No.8817289

yeah I know. My cousin takes and sells bars
pretty sure one of these days shes going to end up dead

>> No.8817293

You and me both. Don't forget the label is taped on with packing tape

>> No.8817301

yes or addicted and turned out by some dope dealer.

try to save her anon, that's ur blood

>> No.8817424

that aint my problem nigga

>> No.8817476

A cousin is barely one's own blood

>> No.8817487

Blood is blood.

>> No.8817509

alcohol is alcohol

>> No.8817513

Wanna kiss?

>> No.8817525
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>8hours drinking solo. Bout to pass out. send me good vibes for crazy lucid dreams.

>> No.8817530
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>tfw rejected by another alcoholic

>> No.8817535

There are a few genes related to addiction, but it's not a single ON/OFF gene.
My family also has many alkies, junkies, and workaholics. Depression too for my grand-father and his descendants.

Tell her you can be here for her when she wants to stop (you're an addict too after all, you know how it works) but don't push her to stop.

You're doing good so far, congratulation.
There is a point where you'll feel so great and confident you'll feel like you can have a drink and not relapse. You'll most likely be wrong.
Also you're kind of an ass with your tips. If it was this easy for me making friends, I wouldn't have no friends. But my brain is somehow wired in a way that make it hard to "go out and make friends".

>> No.8817537
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I'm 27.
Still live my parents.
They are gonna divorce.
I messaged my ex because I have no friends.
But she doesn't care.
No one cares about me.
I'm crying and drinking.
I'm so nice, who does no one love me.
I just wanna die.

>> No.8817545
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Jesus christ anon just stop.

>> No.8817550

48 and live with my parents

>get on my level faggot. I just fuck sluts in hotels and go home to live. Got a few bastard kids running around


>> No.8817554

>I'm so nice
Well you suck at writing for sure. And you clearly lack modesty.

>> No.8817561
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No shit I'm drunk.
Parents are gone, ex won't message me.
No knee loves me.
I'm all alone
I'm scared.

>> No.8817574

you should start drinking, it helps

>> No.8817575


>> No.8817576
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I just want my mom and dad back...
I'm gonna run off to England.

>> No.8817582

Why are you scared? Are you going to stay with your mommy or your daddy?

>> No.8817587
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Like I said in
I save enough money to run off to a England.
This is the hardest part of my life.

>> No.8817684
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Jesus brought me Easter early this year

>> No.8817686

What's the fedora of alcohol?

>> No.8817710



>> No.8817723

Is it bad that I really like whiskey?

>> No.8817835

No. The only "fedora of alcohol" is caring what someone else drinks.

>> No.8817862


>> No.8817866


desu it's any obscure mid-tier vodka

>> No.8817871

Patron, Grey Goose, or Courvoisier

>> No.8817981
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>even y our online frined who you bitch to dont give a shit anymore

>> No.8817996
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Happy Easter to me

>> No.8818036

Anon, I feel awful for you. Please get help.

>> No.8818051

why don't you kill yourself with alcohol poisoning or overdose on sleeping pills
hanging yourself sounds like a shit way to go

>> No.8818054

>Used to get rip roaring drunk every night
>Intentionally stabbed myself one night a year and half ago when I was feeling really depressed
>Blood all over the fucking place
>Sat in my chair, just fucking gushing and wondering if this was how everything would end
>Decided to call 911
>Got hauled off to the hospital
>police took my clothes because they were completely soaked in blood
>Spent a week in the mental health unit
>Got on medication for depression
>Have gotten drunk a few times since then but haven't had any desire to do it regularly, and don't crave alcohol any more.

Any other al/ck/ success stories?

>> No.8818058

Happy easter guys
Love you <3

>> No.8818087

literally caffeine
try it man
you get all the goofiness and deinhibition and buzz of the alcohol without any of the lethargy

>> No.8818145



Fuck off we're full

>> No.8818173

of muslims

>> No.8818179


>> No.8818213

>Spent a week in the mental health unit

whats that like

>> No.8818218

But I met a girl from there.

>> No.8818291

drunk and high as fuck.

I really want to go grocery shopping but I'm afraid If I walk to the grocery store I'll get stopped by the police.

I live in a small town and no one goes out after dark, So the police will just stop joggers and shit until like 6am

>> No.8818316


>> No.8818322

I go to my statorbrothers drunk all the time. As long as I use the crosswalk properly cops can't really stop me.

>> No.8818325

do it. It's worth getting a DWI/Public intoxication! Hit a jogger on the way there please!

>> No.8818327

Don't influence him.
He shouldn't drive.

>> No.8818329

I'm just taking about walking to the store. I never enforce drinking and driving at the same time.

>> No.8818341


I don't sit behind the wheel even after 1 drink, Not worth it.

But I am worried about getting arrested for public intoxication so I'm just going to wait until tomorrow

>> No.8818376

>mfw I drive to gas station for malt liquor
>buy 2 steel reserves
>crack one open as soon as I leave gas station
>hide it in door cup holder
>drinking and driving
>never had a traffic violation

>> No.8818378

what kind of shithole facist state do you live in?

>> No.8818389
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Mixing some strongbow with old english, tastes alright mixed but i've been drunk all day so my senses are dulled. Feels like I have a lung infection coming from all the crap weed i've smoked the past month.

>> No.8818394

Man, I make it a thing to not drink and drive.
Cops still found me waiting for my designated driver, arrested me, and sent me to jail.
I pleaded I purposely didn't drive and was getting a ride home.


After jail, they took my money and phone.
Fucking criminals.
Cops are worse than actual fugitives.
You know how long it took me to get home?
12 hours walking down the highway.
And you know what?
A random civilian picked me up, bought me a phone, and brought me home.

There's good in people, not Cops.

>> No.8818400

I have a vague memory of being taken home by the cops while blacked out stumbling around town. But I live in a small town full of drunk drivers and I don't think they ever hassle anybody that's just drunk in public.

Somehow I managed to fill the weekend with meaningful sober interactions with other people, feels weird.

>> No.8818426

i can relate to you quite a bit, anon. i am still going through all of the bullshit with my 2nd dui. i'm going to have to agree with you that in certain periods of my life i have looked at cops with extreme distaste. i'll never forget seeing the body cam of the cop who arrested me for my 2nd. it was degrading. they talked shit straight to my face and maybe even would have bullied me a bit if i had not been too drunk to hold a conversation. (i know you may have not been this drunk during your dui arrest, everyones case differs) this is not me sticking up for cops, it is just me telling what i have discovered
Anyways... looking back on both situations 1 year sober (perhaps due to probation, although i have had several slip ups), i can see that cops have a job too, and they see people driving drunk as a gold mine. they are aware society looks down heavily upon this, and maybe they take advantage of it. but i see it as a broker taking advantage of stocks or a teacher taking advantage of smart students to make them look better. they aren't doing anything wrong. i'll cut this post short because i think i may be bullshitting, but you al/ck/s can feel free to argue with me. arguing makes my miserable self feel a bit better

>> No.8818445

But I wasn't driving.
My ride was coming, and she got pissed because I never answered her.
I wasn't hurting anyone.
I was sitting there for my ride.
Cops come and say I'm publicity intoxicated.
Why is it I'm doing the right thing and taking of myself I get punished
I lost everything that night.

>> No.8818509
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This shit is disgusting but I kind of like it.

>> No.8818513

We like drinking and talking about alcohol, but if you're trying to quit everyone is pretty supportive.

>> No.8818518

wait.. so you got charged for public intoxication? ok that is a bit fucked that you got arrested for such a thing. especially since you were just sitting waiting for a ride. have you gone to court already? what do you mean by "lost everything" i'm very confused as to why this is such a big deal to you. cops can be fucked, but from what i'm seeing, aren't you overreacting a bit?

>> No.8818535

This, I do love whiskey, but I probably wouldn't know that unless I thought at one point that drinking it made me look like James Bond.

>> No.8818545

drinking pbr alone. I left my girlfriends apartment to do this. Do I have mixed up priorities?

>> No.8818551


>> No.8818557

Are you still around smirnoff bro?

>> No.8818558


Not really, I'd drink over stay around with a female any day

>> No.8818569
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anyone ever just buzzed and feel that breeze in their hair while listening to that song they like?

>> No.8818595


It's these halcyon memories that make me think just a few are ok, but yes anon. I once was not horribly depressive.

>> No.8818603
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She flaked..like always-.- fuck my life

>> No.8818618
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tfw listening to sad music

>> No.8818621

The cops in my town will stop anyone for anything late at night, even if you aren't doing anything remotely suspicious (apparently being awake at night is suspicious in my old-ass, white bread, deeply Christian and racist town). I can't tell you how many times I've just gone out to my car to grab my phone charger or something, only to be stopped and questioned by the cops, in my own fucking car, at the parking lot of the address where I live AND IT'S ON MY FUCKING DRIVER'S LICENSE AND THE PIG STILL PRETENDS LIKE MY STORY IS SUSPICIOUS. I have never heard of anyone's car being stolen from the lots in this area. I think they're really desperate to catch me with drugs or something.

One time I was riding a bicycle back from the bar (because fuck drinking and driving) and some asshole almost hits me coming out of a parking lot on his cell phone not paying attention. I chew him out and he calls me a fucking hippie (because no one rides bikes in this town either) and calls the cops on me. Sure enough, a few minutes later the police roll up and arrest me for public intoxication.

I used to sit in my car in the parking lot after work drinking beer before going into my place so I could relax an enjoy the night sky while listening to the radio. I wouldn't think about doing anything like that today. One-way ticket to DUIville.

Welcome to Murrka.

Were you behind the wheel? Key in the ignition? Deets, mang.

Some people are just out to destroy other people's lives, for no other reason than that they either enjoy it, or because they hate their own lives and they'll be damned if they let anyone else enjoy theirs. It's common amongst cops, politicians, anyone whose job gives them any power over other people.

Ouzo's alright but you've gotta be in the right mood for it. Same as any anise-based spirit.

>> No.8818626

Nah, I used to escape from my girlfriend to drink. I didn't want her to know how much I drank. I kind of thought I would rebuild my life with her, she seemed really good at the time and I could see myself going for the long haul with her. It, um, didn't end up working out. Now I can drink PBR whenever I want. Joy.

>> No.8818639

I used to drive home drunk from highschool parties and stop out in fields and listen to the radio and look at the stars, felt good at the time.

Also every now and then I get an urge to crush a bottle of Jager, used to drink ouzo but haven't in a long time.

>> No.8818663
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>happy times past

Fucking kill me. At least a few of my unmarried ~colleagues~ are not yet obese.

>> No.8818691

>give no one any reason to care about you
>wahhh why doesn't anyone care about me
Get good you sack of shit. You're not a kid anymore

>> No.8818706

Running out of liquor

bad times

>> No.8818714

>Wake up
>Start drinking
>Want to go to sleep 1 hour later

Why does this keep happening
Stop it please

>> No.8818716

You should rehydrate at some point

>> No.8818751

Man I do this a lot when shitfaced.

Hope my housemate doesn't hear me crying

>> No.8818766

Just stock up with some cask wine, cheap as fuck and doesn't go bad.

>> No.8818782
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Gave up drinking for Lent, just back from church this morning and pouring myself a large whisky, feels good lads. I know there was a reason I decided to give this up for 6 weeks in the first place though, so trying not to overdo it this time.

>> No.8818844

Why not quitting for good?

>> No.8818878


Noice. 40 days is a long fucking time as I found out when I did it.

>> No.8818981

Nothing like Robbie Williams when you're drunk and depressed. Am I right?!?!

>> No.8819003

Day one of withdrawal is right now. Been puking since 5 AM, now 2:30 in the afternoon, Feel that familiar, endless set of symptoms I am scared to death of the next few days.
Those of you who have managed to achieve any substantial length of time sober, how did you manage it? No matter how much I hurt I seem to forget when sober just how horrific this shit is, and go back onto the bottle. I can't stand the thought of another relapse.

>> No.8819024 [DELETED] 

>being a nigger

>> No.8819026

>being a nigger

>> No.8819175
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as much as it sounds like the opposite of what you want... you need to be busy with something almost every waking hour of your day until you fall asleep. work, exercise, sports, reading, whatever. I always fuck up and get lazy. it's a bender for sure for me.

>> No.8819231

Try going to Youtube and just look through all peoples stories "Alcohol abuse/addiction/problems", lots of videos with barley any views.

Some of them are famous, some a bit funnier but I like the ones about everyday people more because they are easier to relate to. Most are fairly long because you get their life and how it happened from light addiction to life destruction. Some have God some not, I don't find it important but the first one do.

They are roughly ordered top to bottom.


>> No.8819507

He's invulnerable to alcohol poisoning.

Not him but my first rehab was in a mental health unit.
Other patients were depressed or had tried killing themselves, but there wasn't any big cases. It was annoying because we couldn't keep any string or wire during the night, so no earplugs nor laptop charger, but we could have them during the day.
Worst was going there thinking I would be in Fly over a Cuckoo's Nest.

From what I understand, he lost his phone drunk and spend a night at the police station, not jail, and is making a huge fuzz about it. But he's writing drunk so maybe they (the justice system, in addition to the cops) got his ass in jail where he lost his phone.

>doesn't go bad.
It goes empty long before it could go bad.

Hit a rock at the bottom. Have scars on my face, shit oil if I don't take pancreatine. A single beer gives me oily diarrhoea for days.
Also pot.

It's not even his drink of choice in the books, but I did the same thing when I was younger.

>Walking or riding a bike is illegal in 'murica
In what state is that?

PRO-TIP : if you sit in a car drunk with no intent to drive, sit on the passenger side or on the back, not the driver side. Legally it change everything (it's pretty much the only proof you didn't intend to drive.)

>> No.8819752

I got too drunk and messaged this girl some stupid shit on fb and I think I ruined my chances, someone hold me pls

>> No.8819810

Honestly you sound like a massive faggot. Not one, but two DUIs? Nope, no sympathy here. Sorry the cops didn't take your little feelings into account when they dragged your drunk ass out of your car.

Maybe they were bullying you because you're a massive piece of shit and they couldn't beat you half to death without losing their job?

>> No.8819827

A wealthy part of Michigan

>> No.8819911

what city, I also live in michigan

>> No.8819924
File: 68 KB, 468x630, article-2054384-0E8FA56300000578-757_468x630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone beat depression / anxiety after quitting drinking? how long did it take? also how long did you drink?

im about 2 months even since my last drink and still really depressed. im also overweight by about 40-50 pounds and wondering if that might be contributing. i do notice i sleep much better on days i do a lot of weights, but with that its like I have to lift weights every day or don't sleep as well, and that feels like an addiction in itself. It also stops becoming as effective with helping sleep the more days in a row I do it.

Anywway just trying to figure out my way out of these shitty feels. I deffinately wasn't depressed before i drank every day for a few years. I at least was able to stay interested in shit the entire day back then. So im really hoping this is just coming down to staying sober long enough. im scared of being permenantly like this.

>> No.8819937

Guy who stabbed himself here.

When I first went was taken to the hospital I had to get stitched up and get a blood transfusion in the emergency room. After that I got taken to the lockdown mental health ward. I'm not sure if lockdown is actually the term for it, but it's more secure and patients in there are under a lot more scrutiny than the ones in the main area. This is where most patients are taken following a mental health issue (suicide attempt, acting oddly, etc.) for evaluation and to determine whether they'll be held for longer or can go home.

This place wasn't fun. I had my own room which could be locked down to prevent me from going into the main area. There was little to read or do, but there was a TV in my room. I think everyone else in this unit had been brought in by the police, these people were scary and I didn't talk to them. There was a lot of yelling from these guys. I had to spend two days in this unit before a bed in the upstairs mental health unit opened up. This was at a private hospital, I think everyone else from the lockdown ward had to go to a county mental health unit that accepted medicaid and the uninsured.

The regular mental health unit was a little better. I had a roommate who was undergoing ECT (I didn't even know it was still used) and was confused and had really bad memory (I think this was a side effect of the treatment). His family came to see him every day. He was an older guy in his 60s. The mental health ward isn't fun and whacky like it's usually depicted on TV. It's extremely boring. People were in there for depression, severe anxiety, medication adjustments, self harm, and suicide attempts. There were a couple people with schizophrenia who were completely out of it and would just sit around mumbling and writing bizarre stuff. Listening to them was only fun for a few minutes the first time you met them. We had group therapy and 1 on 1 therapy sessions a few times a day.

>> No.8820039

Sounds like Grosse pointe or some shit.

>> No.8820236

I am very drunk

>> No.8820267

Feeling anxious the day after drinking. Getting more booze won't help will it? I'll still feel anxious after right? Fucking hell

>> No.8820274

nah more booze always helps the day after guilt

>> No.8820315

I'm on the same boat, and man does it suck

Ive heard it takes time and it's not permanent

>> No.8820340

>falling asleep sober
>have you tried weed?

Are you actually fucking retarded?

>> No.8820351


me 2 senpai


>> No.8820393
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Got 2 bottles of this, probably won't even drink it all

>> No.8820405

Some of these idiots don't realize that a drunk is entirely different from a high. Not only that, but I live in a state where possession of under an ounce can result in 5 years in the state corporate penetentiary with Tyrone, Jamal and Darius as my cellmates in a cell designed to hold 2 people.

>> No.8820501

I'm medium

>> No.8820559

That's part of long-temp withdrawals. Consider medication, try meditation, exercising moderately but daily (a walk can be enough).

I visited a place like that once, to see a psychologist who had his office in. Had a smoke in the courtyard, talked a bit with interns. That was weird. The shrink was weird too, long hair and a Marilyn Manson poster in his office. I think I got most of my hatred of hospitals and mental hospitals from this afternoon.
My stay for rehab was with the easy cases from the emergency/sorting. I had it easy compared to you.
"Boring" often comes up when describing hospital stays...

You misread Anon. That's why you don't go around calling people retards, because you may be the retard.

Still a perfectly acceptable method to maintain sobriety from alcohol

>> No.8820569
File: 87 KB, 700x700, Drunk_Life_Sorter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be drunk
>Decide to sort life out
>Not remember decisions taken when blacked out
I found the object that will let your drunken self help you stay sober. You just have to not remember the code.

>> No.8820610

I'll mix monster and vodka sometimes. Keeps me up until 4am sometimes

>> No.8820659

This is a nice tune

>> No.8820689

0:33 out of booze wat do?

>> No.8820706

I drink about a fifth of cheap whiskey a day. Went to my mom's to visit some family for Easter last night. Left this afternoon and first thing I hit was the liquor store for the two hour drive home. Then after I got home I went to my office because I have a fuck ton of work to get done before tomorrow morning. But at least I have some whiskey and Doritos and the radio to keep me company

>> No.8820774


when you say excersize moderately what exactly does that mean? i like doing a 30 min jog and a semi light full body weight routine every day. both the cardio and weights have different benefits (cardio seems to improve mood and well being more, weights seem to improve being able to sleep better) but i often wondering if im doing too much? doesn't the body need a rest day or something every week? also i really don't want to go on anti depressants or any medication really as drugs in general got me into this mess and it really feels like going completely sober is the best way forward.

>> No.8820809

I was pretty belligerent one time at some gay anime convention and cops raided our room. I started shouting at them in Japanese from what I remember, and I guess they didn't wanna deal with that, so they called a taxi and sent me on my way. Not all cops are bad, and they saved me from underage drinking at the time and getting a record.

>> No.8820810

Super poor fag here I only got 6 beers in my fridge and no money. However I never get drunk unless I drink atleast 10. What do? Is there some cheap 40 I can buy I have like $1.30

>> No.8820920

Why do my problems have to seem so fucking vivid when sober, that I start to wonder whether just being a blackout drunk might be easier? Fuck. Sobriety makes me feel like I've got a mountain to climb, but with two broken legs. Being smashed all the time on the other hand makes me feel like I just fell down the mountain and broke both my legs. At least while drunk and hurtling downwards being battered and shattered I can just let it happen. Sobriety is a monumental and terrifying effort.
>goes back to pointlessly laying in bed wide awake

>> No.8820952


Hey man I'd be thankful you can still clearly see your problems while sober. It took me a good few months sober before I even started to realize what my issues were because my brain so fried I was basically just waking up and going through the motions every day without thinking about anything at all. Deal with them now while you can. a few months of regular excersize , eating healthy and working towards something will do wonders

>> No.8821094

>waiting for the police to show up instead of just punching the fucker out and riding off

>> No.8821109

You post this shit in every other /alc/ thread. What's the point?

>> No.8821145

I think my girlfriend is gonna brake up with me because of my drinking so I turned to drinking to help with the feels

>> No.8821243

Iirc, it's X minutes of walking "too fast to sing but slow enough to talk", can't be arsed to remember how many times a week. It's just one method that worked for the person who wrote about it, maybe it's more for sedentary people.
I understand for the AD. It's a pain to use, only useful to get you back on track. I guess if you already go to the gym you're not depressed enough to justify taking them.

>I started shouting at them in Japanese
>they called a taxi and sent me on my way
They don't even want to deal with a weeb like you.

Don't drink? Do you drink daily?

Do you understand the concept of a car? Like a big metal cage you can't punch through and can kill cyclists instantly?

>> No.8821256

This is basically how any recovery program works. Except nobody is making money off of you guys like they do at the methadone clinic.

>> No.8821266

Had such a hard time not drinking too many beers in front of my grandma at the Easter bbq today. Couldn't even get a buz.

>> No.8821268

What kind of meth clinic ask for money?
And most recovery programs try to avoid trolls, drunks, and people talking too positively of the product. That's what I like about here.

>> No.8821275

>What kind of meth clinic ask for money?

If you don't pay, your insurance does. How else do they pay for pizzas?

>> No.8821331

he didn't even hit you though
and I assumed that he either got out to check if you were ok or at least rolled down a window to talk to you
why would you just sit on your ass there waiting for police to come while the dude just sits completely safe in his fortress of solitude

>> No.8821373

That wasn't me.
From my understanding, he rode away but the cops found him. It's not like he could have gone very far, and he was the only biker in the whole town.
Maybe he assumed he wasn't wrong and fleeing the scene would be suspicious.
What kind of salvage are you to consider punching people in the face like that?

>> No.8821385

>What kind of salvage are you to consider punching people in the face like that?
he's drunk and got called a hippie which he found offensive

>> No.8821410

Not the same person. Again.
Wait, am I misunderstanding the whole situation or is everyone else?

>> No.8821412

>recovery programs try to avoid drunks and addicts

Huh? That's extremely funny and unfortunately, except for the free AA, it may very well be true. No wonder for profit recovery advertise like fiends nowadays. Got to feed our lord and savior, Mammon.

>> No.8821839
File: 732 KB, 1275x716, 1489393624946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck friends man. I was planning a night out with 2 of my closest friends from my old job and they just fucken started ignoring me. Fuck everyone. Gonna drink whiskey until I pass out. Fuck it

>> No.8821909

I have been there so many times anon. Fuck em

>> No.8821944


Maybe like a year after I graduated highscohl I basically cut off coommunication with anybody form hgihschool , dewleted my facebook, etc. and have absolutely no regtrets. Online friends are way easeri to manage so I just have those nowl.

>> No.8822121

What the fuck did I do to deserve this? Like we were fucken homies and they act like stuck up bitches. Fuck I've never felt pathetic like this before

>> No.8822133

you guys ever pass out somewhere and then wake up and misunderstand the time and it fucks your whole day up

I passed out in my university's club office and when I got up I saw it was 2 and immediately thought it was the pm and scrambled to get my shit together and then I walked out and it was pitch black and I've never felt like a fuckboy on this caliber before

>> No.8822143

well then you're in for a real treat.

>> No.8822147

what do you mean friend

>> No.8822154

that's happened to me but i was fine with it

like "oh awesome now i get to just slack off for 12 hours"

>> No.8822158

in the future buy 8% beer

it's 60% more powerful and usually costs less

>> No.8822199

how did that fuck your whole day up tho
did anyone even see you?

>> No.8822200

tfw the last steel reserve I can afford is sitting in my bag right next to me and I really want to drink it but feel like I may need it to readjust tomorrow morning
conflict is hard

ye I guess you are right, I'm debating if I want to just go back to sleep or not rn

>> No.8822201

no no I thought I did by wakingu p past noon the next day but it turns out I did not

maybe this analogy will show my age a little too much but it is like having a dream about missing a final exam and waking up extremely alert and then realizing its august

>> No.8822456

Fuck nuance. Straight vodka is the way to go.

>> No.8822743

Apparently it was Easter Sunday yesterday and all the shops were closed.

Thankfully the shops were open on Monday but my clock in the corner says it's Tuesday.

>> No.8822758

why didn't anyone tell me it was easter and the shops were closed?

>> No.8822789


A common symptom of prolonged alcohol abuse is a feeling that everyone is mad or upset at you, even with no reason to back up that supposed feeling...

When I was a consistent drunk and said hi to someone with no response, I just assumed that I had done something wrong and they were mad at me, even if it was entirely on their end.

It's not that they hate you, they probably just have other shit going on. Relax.

>> No.8822834

Any news on Smirnoff bro? Hope he is ok. Pretty sure he was in the UK, anyone seen anything in the news or anything?

pls don't be kill

>> No.8822843

This exactly. When I was drunk every night my problems were in a fog, distant.

Now they are precisely vivid and I'm terrified

>> No.8823217

Collegefag here, I got my hands on some Jameson, and I fucking hated it because it reminded me of a time when my brother mixed wild turkey and diet coke and let it go flat and made me drink it.

Jameson is supposed to be the decent stuff, right?

Rec me what I should get my connect to buy next.

I like Unflavored and lemon grey goose, ciroc and light beers. Most craft beers are fine, except for the really hoppy ones. Everclear is a great thing to mix at parties but I don't intend on ever having it straight up. I don't like whiskey and bourbon.

I haven't drank Jager yet. Should I get some later this week?

>> No.8823381

His bottles had £ price tags.

You can't drink whiskey (or drinks similar to wild turkey) because it'll always remind you of bad memories. I can't drink rum nor pastis because (I guess) I puked it when I started drinking and my brain now consider it a disgusting poison. We all have one drink we can't into.

>> No.8823438

This thread is heartbreaking.

>> No.8823511

My 2 year long daily bender ended last year. I´ve been sober since September 2016.

First quit my job so I could drink more, got DUI, had trouble with police, trouble with neighbors. Threatened to kill my neighbor. Ended up vandalizing some store drunk out of my mind, ended up in looney bin. Spent a month in the asylum in total delirium tremens (had some really bad hallucinations), escaped the hospital multiple times, police looking for me. Tried to get guns from my old friends "for protection" and other stupid shit.

Sober living has been the best decision in my life, I was also heavily addicted to weed and benzos besides drinking. ( I smoked weed last 5 years daily )

Having a job interview next week so things are looking a bit more bright. My aim is to stay sober rest of my life, my own behavior scares me too much and I am the most stable person sober.

>> No.8823644

good luck with the interview my man

>> No.8824264

Found out my coworkers boyfriend has 3 DUI's and is losing his license

Never understood the DUI thing, and I guarantee you I am a worse alkie than him (multiple hospitalizations for me, multiple rehabs)

Just stock up and drink the fuck at home

I'm not even an anti DUI crusader, I really don't care, it's just...don't understand