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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8812387 No.8812387 [Reply] [Original]

If you were to live a pious life, how would you eat?

>> No.8812398

For me it is the McChicken.

>> No.8812452

Assuming I'm devoting myself to a monastic order, I'd go vegetarian with a good quantity of dairy in my diet. Yogurts and cheeses in particular. Other than that, a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables in the sprig and summer, lots of root vegetables and stews in the fall and winter. I'd eat seasonally, following what's made available by nature.

Seitan and beans for protein.

>> No.8812461

Bone broth, raw milk and sauerkraut while I prance through the woods looking for daisies

>> No.8812476

>bone broth
There's a word for that, anon.

>> No.8812490
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Comsume isn't bone broth faggot.

>> No.8812509
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Follow the Latin Rule:

Relevant sections:

>25. Because of the shortage of bowls, the brothers will eat in pairs, so that one may study the other more closely, and so that neither austerity nor secret abstinence is introduced into the communal meal. And it seems just to us that each brother should have the same ration of wine in his cup.

>26. It should be sufficient for you to eat meat three times a week, except at Christmas, All Saints, the Assumption and the feast of the twelve apostles. For it is understood that the custom of eating flesh corrupts the body. But if a fast when meat must be forgone falls on a Tuesday, the next day let it be given to the brothers in plenty. And on Sundays all the brothers of the Temple, the chaplains and the clerks shall be given two meat meals in honour of the holy resurrection of Jesus Christ. And the rest of the household, that is to say the squires and sergeants, shall be content with one meal and shall be thankful to God for it.

>27. On the other days of the week, that is Mondays, Wednesdays and even Saturdays, the brothers shall have two or three meals of vegetables or other dishes eaten with bread; and we intend that this should be sufficient and command that it should be adhered to. For he who does not eat one meal shall eat the other.

>28. On Fridays, let lenten meat be given communally to the whole congregation, out of reverence for the passion of Jesus Christ; and you will fast from All Saints until Easter, except for Christmas Day, the Assumption and the feast of the twelve apostles. But weak and sick brothers shall not be kept to this. From Easter to All Saints they may eat twice, as long as there is no general fast.

>> No.8812514

>Comsume isn't bone broth faggot.

You're right. Keep trying though! I'm sure you'll find the correct word eventually.

>> No.8812524

No one said it was, anonymong.

>> No.8812532


Stock isn't bone broth either.

>> No.8812545


bread and wine.

>> No.8812555


Wrong, sir. Bone broth is just the new trendy word for stock.

>> No.8812570
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Stock is consume though. Bone broth is halved bones, marrow in, cooked until tender then eaten. Stock/consume are also strained and have the fat skimmed off.

>> No.8812571

Depends on the religion, I suppose.

>> No.8812587

I would eat only altoids sours

>> No.8812624

>Stock is consume though.

Nope. Consomme is stock that has been clarified and seasoned. Stock is an ingredient; Consomme is a finished dish. You make consomme from stock.

>>Bone broth is halved bones, marrow in, cooked until tender then eaten
That sounds like your special snowflake definition. Google image search "bone broth". The vast majority of it is just broth, there's no bones in the bowl, mug, jar.... You can buy "bone broth" in the store. It contains no bones. It's strained the same way that stock is. Because that's what it is. It's fucking stock. It's just some new trendy name.

>> No.8812641

very bloody rare cuts of beef, also lots of cured meats.

>> No.8812654


All stock is seasoned with a bouquet garnis though, also salt and pepper. You're new to cooking huh?

Bone soup is a Philippine delicacy reserved for special occasions. Take your "HURRR SJW" shit up with them.

>> No.8812657
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>seriously implying that endless cultures don't have endless variations on STICK BONE IN WATER HEAT WATER

French cuisine is garbage.

>> No.8812665
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All cultures season their stock, East Asians are near-autism levels of this mandatory addition. Just admit you learned to cook off Television and YouTube and call it a day.

>> No.8812684

>All stock is seasoned with a bouquet garnis though, also salt and pepper.

Some is. Not all. Do you think a Japanese chef making Ramen stock or an Indonesian making Laksa is going to use a French boquet garni in his stock? Fuck no. Different stocks have different seasonings based on their application.

....And there are a great many stocks aren't seasoned at all. That keeps them more flexible for the various uses in the kitchen. If you season a stock it might be great to use in a soup but if you reduced that same stock for making a sauce then suddenly the seasoning would be too strong.

Sure, but they don't use western seasonings like a bouquet garni.

>> No.8812689


You just repeated what I said in a tldr way. How awful.

>> No.8812822

Do the fasts entail abstinence from just food, or water as well like Muslims?

>> No.8812856

Vegen, obviously.

>> No.8812861

broth: cooked gently for less than an hour, you can eat the meat and veg used in it
stock: meaty, very colorful, usually 50% or so is vegetables added, cooked for an hour to five, meat and veggies are still moderately edible between 2 and 3 hours of boiling
bone broth: mainly bones, boiled rigorously for 5 hours or longer, everything needs to be strained as it is flavorless by that point

but hurrdurr you're the elite chef right?

>> No.8812908

Wrong. According to The Professional Chef (textbook for the CIA):

Broth: take stock, season it to taste, and make it ready to serve.

>>stock: meaty, very colorful, usually 50% or so is vegetables added
Nope. The standard recipe for stock from Escoffier to Ramsay to the book I just mentioned:
8 lbs bones and meaty scraps
1 lb mirepoix.
The % of vegetables is not even 12%.

Bone broth doesn't appear in the book because it's a silly new word invented by marketing people to sell an age-old product.

>> No.8812940

>murrikan textbooks

Broth has meant "meat soup" in the UK for centuries and 'bone broth' is a logical extension of that for a bone based soup

>> No.8812976

Inconceivable. I could never adhere to any religion. Religion is stupid. And no, I am not trolling.

>> No.8812986

Fat juicy dicks.

>> No.8814881

>Ramsay's American

>> No.8814913


Halal obviously.

>> No.8814935
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This seems about right
>Bread w/butter
>Fresh/Pickled Veggie
>Delicious monk beer

>> No.8814986

I would eat whatever is given to me when collecting alms.

If I don't eat meat when offered, then the animal died in vain. I do not seek out alcohol, nor drink to get intoxicated, but I will drink when offered.

>> No.8816587
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>> No.8816633

depends on what specific superstitions you believe in

>> No.8816663
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>no qt zen nun to make you one with the ingredients she uses

>> No.8816666

Am i the only person who thought this was a semen joke?

>> No.8816669


>> No.8816679

Lobster bisque and Pinot. Pious in style.

>> No.8816681

Quads as well.

>> No.8816701


>> No.8816721

Bread, water, fruits, vegetables.

>> No.8816865


>thinks that fasting in Christianity entails total abstinence from food and not just less food than normal
>monks fast from All Saints Day to Easter with the exception of Christmas and a couple other feast days
>monks eat maybe 6- 10 meals between November 2 and Easter