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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8786803 No.8786803 [Reply] [Original]

al/ck/oholic general

Choking down bottom shelf liquor edition

>> No.8786832

woke up mildly sober, have shit to do (that can be put off)
Just took a shot of a 13 dollar 1.75 bottle of vodka.

I dont think shits getting done today.

>> No.8786865
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>bottom shelf liquor

>> No.8786886

post listenings


>> No.8786889
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I woke up today and I guess when I blacked ou last night I ordered a pizza. I ordered one with tomato, olives and anchovies. Thats right I blacked out and ordered the meme pizza. I need to spend less time on 4chan

>> No.8786893

oh man, could you not post that pic anymore? i get a little naseous just looking at it. and ive never drank that swill. but you just know it tastes like diesel fuel smells.

>> No.8786899
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it looks like antifreeze what are you doing with your life anon

>> No.8786900

You're not a true alcoholic until it's Christmas Eve and, with all the stores shut, your usual supply depleted, you resort to drinking neat Angostura because you've noticed they're 90 proof.

>> No.8786910


>> No.8786965

>last night went to bed with a buzz
>dreamed I was drinking
>woke up and I was

>> No.8787007

Started opening beers like an hour after I got up today.

>> No.8787014

Looks like something I'd drink. Where can I buy one?

>> No.8787082

so taking antibiotics 5 times a day(shit teeth, finaly went to the dentist)

doctor said no alch, any really really bad side effects, i dont plan on getting totaly hammered but still

>> No.8787088


only very specific antibiotics will make you sick if you drink - I assume you are on common ones for some throat or chest infection. booze does stop them from working though.

>> No.8787186

Last month I went on a longer drinking binge than usual, and now I cant even drink a six pack without getting horribly sick the next morning. Have I done permanent damage to myself? tbqh drinking isn't even worth it anymore if this is the new normal.

>> No.8787646

recommend me a beer cocktail lads

>> No.8787688
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>blended & packaged in Sierra Leone

>> No.8787702


it sucked

>> No.8787707

Anyone here who used to daily drink, say a 6 or 12 pack and successfully cut back to once a week or less?

Everytime I quit for a spell and try to go back I get into the daily drinking habit again. It would be nice to unwind once in a while. So is it possible to be an occasional drinker or should I just stay dry?

>> No.8787724
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I came here to post this

>> No.8787731

Hope it was with a nice mug vodka.

>> No.8787741

I drank 3/4 of a bottle of vodka. Still trying to piece together what i did last night.

>> No.8787849

welp i officially had shaky hands for the first time this morning after drinking pretty heavy for the past 4 years

is it time to throw in the towel?

>> No.8787871

That's what I do, and I'm not tempted to go back daily. I drink once a week to maintain the few social relations I still have.

However Ive noticed that drinking as much gin I used to is not satisfying. But if I drink only à few glasses of wine, like 7 or 8, I'll have a pleasant buzz.

I'm the guy who posted earlier and who feels half retarded since soberish.

>> No.8787890

You should try to quit now, otherwise this will become nightmarish

>> No.8787903
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Lost my job last week, on to whiskey again this week. fucking kill me

>> No.8787912

What movie is this?

>> No.8787919

Most peeps just can't moderate.

>> No.8787929

Looks like blazing saddles

>> No.8787932

Blazing Saddles my dude

>> No.8787997

I keep puking up every time I drink this vodka. I've tried mixing it with sprite and i still puke it up! I just want to be drunk.

>> No.8787999

Eyeball it.

>> No.8788011

Kill me

>> No.8788023

Dreams do come true.

>> No.8788047

I'm more and more depressed.

Im not suicidal, but for the 1st time in my life I had this idea: I would welcome with joy a comet destroying earth. This is pathetic.

>> No.8788208

drinking antibiotics, should i skip drinking while im drinking them ?

>> No.8788223

So you drink about a bottle of wine per week or do you get totally shitfaced on that one day?

>> No.8788257

Depends on which ABx. It won't make them ineffective but certain ones, in conjunction with alcohol, will give you all the nausea with none of the fun.

>> No.8788263

I used to get shitfaced 4 or 5 nights a week from the age of 20 to abot 32, i've cut back to once every two or three weeks wherein i will drink way more than i ever used to on a single night such as a fifth of vodka and 8 or 9 beers until i blackout, which hasn't happened since i was in my early 20's. I enjoy drinking alot more like this, you actually enjoy your buzz when you get it, and you aren't hungover all day at work feeling like a hot pile of dog turds constantly.

>> No.8788267

yeah, pills say metronidazole and everything on google iv read say dont fucking do it, guess il wait one more week, fuck my life

>> No.8788273

Holy fuck is this what I'm like when I'm drunk?

My friend drank a litre of whiskey and I'm skyping with him. He keeps forgetting what we're talking about and generally just being an asshole. "Just shut the fuck up" and then he forgets he was being mean to me and acts like everything is okay. I'm pretty sure he's blacked out. I black out every night so I wonder if everyone gets like this.

>> No.8788279

Yeah, metronidazole and alcohol isn't worth it unless you're so physically dependant that you're going to die if you don't have a drink. Save the booze for next week, it's not even a tradeoff, you'll be vomiting and peeling your own skin off before you even get a buzz.

>> No.8788289

I think this is actually worse for your health

>> No.8788290

It is, a regular binge will toast your liver in the long term.

>> No.8788295

It's probably very likely.
It's part of why I don't let myself buy large bottles of alcohol anymore, and if I do I make a mark with a sharpie on it that's my "cutoff point" so no matter how drunk I am, I just keep looking at that to decide whether or not I can have more.

>> No.8788297

if you've got rum and/or brandy on hand you can make rattle-skull

it's just 3-4 oz of the hard stuff into a pint of dark beer with lime juice and some nutmeg if you've got it

have fun

>> No.8788312

thx breh

>> No.8788317

No problem. Nothing's worse than wasting a drink that could be enjoyed later.

>> No.8788346

Anyone else getting really fat? I lost a bunch of weight not too long ago and its creeping back.

>> No.8788349

I got a couple of mangos and I want to make a bomb alcoholic smoothie. What do I do with them. I have 2 mangos, a bottle of bacardi superior, and some jack daniels. Orange just too.

>> No.8788351

I'm 225. a couple years ago I was 140. I'm fat AF.

>> No.8788354

Either a fifth of gin or a few glasses of wine.

>> No.8788362

More like half a fifth actually

>> No.8788367


>> No.8788370
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I'm drinking supermarket vodka.
It tastes horrible, really bad. After a while it doesn't matter.
It's £13 for a litre.
I've got some fresh soup (carrot and coriander) to eat with bread. I'll probably just pass out.
Or my liver will pack in.
My cat's alright though.

>> No.8788380

That cat is judging you with his eyes. Cats really do not respect drunk people

>> No.8788384

Shit... I went from 225 to 145, and now I'm 155... not long til I'm back up there

>> No.8788388

All booze? What's your diet like (including booze)?

>> No.8788430

Schizophrenic meds. They cause a metabolic syndrome. I eat twice a day if that. Usually I just have dinner. I drink a bottle of vodka per day.

>> No.8788465

Just drink alone.

>> No.8788590

Lol that sounds like something I would do.

>> No.8788680

I've had this idea too, anon. This specific one, actually--the world-ending comet. Wonder how common that is among miserable people?

If it makes you feel any better, you CAN quit and get better. I'm going on three months sober now. It does suck at times. Because of anhedonia (sp?), you won't have much fun for a while, but the rest and the peacefulness alone are worth it. Food becomes a lot more enjoyable too, especially sweets. Anyway, good luck.

>> No.8788696

Yeah, that cat definitely does not approve.

>> No.8788719

Im turning 21 next week. Any advice to not turn up like you guys?

>> No.8788773

I'm 22 and an alcoholic. Been drinking since about age 18. Used to drink a handle of vodka in about 5 days, I did that for maybe 3 years.

My liver hurts after I drink but I drink a little less now. Maybe 4 or 5 days a week and equivilent about 6-12 beers

>> No.8788863

Clamato and Bud

>> No.8788908

the best cure for a hangover is more alcohol. Don't do that, you'll just end up on a binge

>> No.8788931

This. This is your downfall.

It might be hard at first to keep drinking, you might puke a few times but once your stomach is empty it should be okay. But don't do that.

>> No.8788945

Well at least your cat will have something to eat.

>> No.8788956

Is it hard to raise a kitten? I want one. Should I get an older cat? I want a cuddly one.

>> No.8788980


Start with heroin, that way you won't be tempted by alcohol

>> No.8788985

"normal levels of drinking" is highly contextual

it's easy to fall into a crowd that drinks to excess and think it's "normal" because that's the group you socialize with

if you're genetically disposed to alcoholism, this is very bad. for some members of the group it's just a phase and they snap out of it quickly when it's time to grow up. for others, it's game over

>> No.8788986


If you have troubles seek medical help instead of drinking.

>> No.8789024
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drinking stout out of a little 7 oz glass, I seem to drink a lot quicker and get drunk quick when I use a little glass. I can fill it...take 2 gulps, fill it again...another two gulps until i've gone through a 6 pack in 20 minutes. It's not intentional it just happens.

>> No.8789026

Anyone here seen any good movies lately? I need something to watch while I drink as much of this goon bag as I can.

>> No.8789027

They need to to be home all day. I mean you can try leaving it, but I'd put it in a cage with all the foods and water

>> No.8789057

I like troma/ Nic Cage flicks while drinking but Jackie Chan shit is nice too. Twin dragons or any of the shit before he became "legit" really.

>> No.8789063

leaving las vegas is my favorite documentary

>> No.8789071

What's a goon bag? Boxed wine?

>> No.8789082

Touch of Evil is a good movie to watch drunk even if you don't like old black and white movies.

>> No.8789109

are you drunk... bumwine/goonbag/etc

>> No.8789112
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Fuck yeah I haven't watched any kung fu in ages. I've got Drunken Master and Enter the Dragon downloading now, and Kung Pow as a joke for when I'm completely toasted.


>> No.8789144
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Good taste anon. Bruce lee's facial expression when he fucks people up in enter the dragon is amazing. Hope you won't be too hungover tomorrow.

>> No.8789150

Im only happy when Im drinking.......Its the only time when I feel alive....All other times I feel like an empty robot....And now Im lonely....

>> No.8789162

Dice the mangos and then freeze them. Add a quarter alcohol or close to half if you can handle the taste, and then 3 fourths pj, and then the mangos.

If you do not freeze the fruit, it will taste warm and like stingy mango. Frozen fruit is crucial for smoothies.


>> No.8789167
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Kung Pow! is love, Kung Pow! is life.
Me too.

>> No.8789169
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So after 8 years of hardcore drinking...
I wanna ask a question for all you.
Does it hurt?
Not physically, but mentally.
I'm hurt, I think we all hurt.
But today...
Long story short, I'm almost 28, parents fucked me over.
Like I'm border edge Alcoholics Anonymous.
Last thing I wanna do is seek help.
I dunno.
How you guys evade help?

>> No.8789171
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Many such cases. Sad!

>> No.8789173

Also, use the bacardi, not the jack. Clear colored liquors are best for smoothies.

>> No.8789178

Do you consume anything else?

>> No.8789200
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Why is life so depressing holy shit. I can only feel happy when Im chugging alcohol. All other times my life is an endless pit of despair. And even when Im drunk I want to experience more of what other people do. I want to go out and be surprised, just for one night. I want to take part in the fun. And yet I am always on the outside looking in.

>> No.8789201

Cats are very independent creatures to an extent. They will beg you for food when they're hungry (make sure you feed them breakfast and dinner). And will be mad if you dont change their litter box. But they will do their own thing for most of the day. They will always appreciate the cuddles and rubs but may act off-putish because sometimes cats just want to be left alone and that's just what you have to do.

Do not listen to the other retard anon that says put the cat in a cage. NEVER put a cat in a cage. It will go crazy.

Cats are dope. Get one! Very easy to take care of.

>> No.8789209

It hurts everyday. I'm 32. The things that hurt never go away. I can drink to blackout and they're there, the next day. I spent two years going to AA, currently sign up for a rehab program I'll never go to. Drunk as fuck. Trying to escape. I don't know man. I'll never get the things back that I lost. I'll probably die this way.

>> No.8789229

He asked about a kitten you dolt.

>> No.8789236

you could try getting off the shit with downers for a while, it's what hardcore alkies get anyway. Or, I don't know, maybe get a kitten.

>> No.8789261

pee up a rope

>> No.8789275

Why would I? I'm not the pathetic drunk here. These sad fucks are killing themselves anyway, they might as well take the easy road, and since they seemed to be asking for the painless way, I told them. Faggot.

>> No.8789344

definitely adopt an older cat anon, i can see the appeal in wanting to raise a kitten but an older cat will love you just as much - plus, since everyone wants kittens, older cats at shelters tend to miss out on adoption which is sad

>> No.8789348
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you're talking to me, man.

>> No.8789363

20 years old and I have never had a drop of alcohol because I might easily develop an addiction

>> No.8789371


>> No.8789374

That is exactly what I have been avoiding

>> No.8789376

why is the alcoholic general on ck? shouldn't it be on soc or r9k or something? just seems a bit off since it's not really cooking

>> No.8789382

I'm sorry, I wasn't aware of that. In that case I recommend 100mg of intravenous fentanyl.

>> No.8789383


>> No.8789384

It is food.

>> No.8789387
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did your mom die or alcohol or something, come on babby

>> No.8789391

Well, technically I guess some people drink alcohol for the taste, al-though they're clearly in the minority on here. Should have a /drug/ board for such things imo, but there's always 420chan.

>> No.8789393
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it has cals, it's a food.

>> No.8789395

Don't listen to
Psychedelics are superior in almost every aspect.

>> No.8789400

alright alright. my dad's ma died from asphyxiation when she got too drunk one night, and his brother died from a hole in his liver from the alcohol, and my dad's a massive boozer too should i pick it up?

>> No.8789401

>So after 8 years of hardcore drinking...
I drank for 9 years and recently found out my liver function is not enough to keep me alive. I'm ineligible for the liver transplant list until 2 years after quitting drinking. So I'm now taking $2600/month worth of medicines that do a half ass job of removing ammonia and ketone from my blood.

It really sux guys... It feels just like that feels you get at the end of a bender where youre too sick to drink any more. It's a an ordeal trying to eat, and the toxin build-up has given me a mild brain swelling/hepatic encephalopathy. I constantly forget what I'm saying mid sentence, it takes me 3x as long to do just about anything. It's identical to losing your train of thought on lsd if you've done that.

I never was afraid of dying, but I didn't know there was such a thing as this half-dead state of being or I would have quit sooner.

>> No.8789405
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No, but few family members, more or less directly. I assume your mom drank during her pregnancy?

>> No.8789411

Exactly how much were you drinking

>> No.8789414

The answer to that almost universally is no, there is nothing wrong with having a beer or drink in a social setting, but due to it's cheapness and availability it really is one of the worst addictions you could catch. Also, checked.

>> No.8789430

I feel bad for you, anon. I hate the feeling of being crippled by a habit, which is why I try to alternate between substances a lot.

>> No.8789452

>Exactly how much were you drinking
First year was 6 x 16oz cans of lager, then over the next 6 years I worked my way up from 1 pint to 2 pints of vodka, and sometimes 3 pints a day on the weekend since I could start earlier in the day. The last 2 years I drank 2-3 40oz steel reserve.

>> No.8789455
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this general's a bit grimmer than i expected, thought you'd be talking about your favorite drinks. is there anything i can do to cheer you guys up?

>> No.8789458
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>tfw at a pint of vodka a day

>> No.8789463
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i want to help too

>> No.8789465

Damn how is that even humanly possible
Al/ck/ie generals are usually pretty grim. I guess you could buy a round, that should lighten the mood. Also, checked.

>> No.8789469

It was about 2 years ago my Dr. told me I was right on the borderline of the "point of no return" live function, or possibly over it. With my brain being pickled daily I got the bright idea that switching to beer would be OK.

>> No.8789473
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There's usually al/ck, a beer thread and sometimes one about drinks.

>> No.8789475
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i don't have the ability to buy a round but here, have 1(one) anime

>> No.8789485
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why thank you

>> No.8789492
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5am here, all shops shut. Less than half a bottle of Bourbon left. Panicing desu

>> No.8789506

Please don't hurt yourself with that anon

>> No.8789514

My poor bro, where do you live where there is no 24 hr liquor store?

>> No.8789518

the english countryside, there is an alcohol delivery service but I think they stop at about 3am, and the shops shut early on sunday because of some religious hangover

>> No.8789524

>Damn how is that even humanly possible
Pints are tiny after you get used to them. It took about 4 chugs to finish one and I'd have that finished within an hour after work. Buzz would start about then and over the next couple hours I would do smaller shots. Weekends same thing, except I would start early in the morning and was able to finish three pints by evening. What was weird is I would stay dronk for another 8 hours after that. It was the lame kind of drunk though, only difference between that and 2 pints was I completely lost my balance and slurred my speech, but it just didn't feel right being done drinking at 5pm because is hit my 2pt quota.

Since this is /ck/, I have a recipe. Take a big old shot of Jager and chase it with Nestea, the kind that comes in a can. One of my favorite tastes in the world.

>> No.8789527

No I live in the southeast US and have never heard that. Buddy of mine drinks box wine all the time too

>> No.8789564
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>thread full of people addicted to a depressant
>surprised when it's depressing

>> No.8789569


>> No.8789688

Just started.

Here's some tunes to whistle to on a lonely night

>> No.8789852

Been sober for a week. I usually have a handle on my drinking and only drink 2 times a week on weekend nights except sunday but last week I was drunk from thursday to monday day and night. Shit happens, whatever, but I decided that I needed to take a break completely for at least a couple of weeks.
Hasn't been too bad, waking up without a hangover and being able to sleep in is great, just been getting really comfy these last 3 nights playing a lot of vidya and watching a lot of movies. I actually got way back into like 3 games I used to love so thats nice

>> No.8789865


8oz beer 4oz coke
idk the germans like it

>> No.8789907

Smoke weed instead. No hangover, and you'll sleep like a baby.

t. former weekend binge drinker

>> No.8789958

not him but thats how I've been stopping myself from drinking on the weekends.
been eatin so much tho, holy shit, its a good thing I eat relatively healthy on the weekdays

>> No.8789962


>please stop drinking anon

>> No.8790168


>> No.8790172

When I arrived in Euston, I was little more than a child
And I didn't know then that the dives and the dens would be so vulgar and wicked and wild
Mama always told me, the city ladies were bawdy and bold
And so I searched night and day to catch a kiss from a lady,
But all that I caught was a cold

Ever since I was knee-high, I thought the city was paved with gold
But I've seen so many losers and down-and-out boozers who were tired of being bought and sold

>> No.8790197


>> No.8790206
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Alcky logic

>Wake up Sunday and have booze left
>It's better if I drink it in the morning
>That way I will sober up faster
>And since I won't drink for another 2-3 days ( hopefully )
>That means that I will stay sober longer
>Than if I drink Sunday evening

>> No.8790208

dying, ladies n' gents. can feel it coming. blood everywhere. flesh coming off in chunks.shaking like mad and can't see properly. i'm finished.
wish i could have met 1 or 2 of you before this happened. these threads have really helped me.
night all.

>> No.8790372

Ugh... 5 am and I'm not going to sleep today. 1st sober attempt in a month. At least my body temperature appears to have gone back to normal. Might try to drink 1 beer to see if that puts me out. Will probably just drink until noon and pass out.

>> No.8790489

I know that it isn't fun, but you can go a few days with barley any sleep, it's more of a problem if you have a job.

And just having that "one" is usually not that good of an idea for people like "us". But if you have just one at home than it might work, but not if you have more.

>> No.8790508

Are we talking actual pints here?

>> No.8790516

omfg help, i haven't cum for like a week, and the testosterone is fucking killing me. i just want it gone, but i cannot find the energy to fap. every time i go to the shop to get booze i hit on every girl i see, but i'm conscious of how creepy it makes me appear.
fuck, i'm not even horny, i just want this stupid energy to fuck off. my dick won't stop fucking tormenting me with its retarded hormones. fuck OFF for fuck's SAKE.

>> No.8790529

i feel like complete shit

>> No.8790537

alcohol is so fucking comfyyyyyyy

helo frens

>> No.8790548

Just get some fag from Craigslist to come blow you.

>> No.8790554

can't into gay. nothing against gay ppl, but makes me feel kinda sick.
i buy booze three times a day on average. walk past at least 2 tasty grils each time. hit on them ALL. am 6fy2 and grils seem to like me. i'll get a bj soon. that'll do me for a week or two. just gotta suffer until then.

>> No.8790555
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Every day I wake up and consider killing myself

Then I don't

Just to much of a coward

>> No.8790617

>feeling super weak and can barely walk in my room
>want to walk to store to get more alcohol

wish me luck guys

>> No.8790618

>can barely walk

u ok breh?

>> No.8790651


no i feel really fuckign shit right now
and its the weakness, sometimes happens, probably dehydration related
>live on 7th floor
>had to take stairs

had to take a break every few steps, fuck, at least i got some

>> No.8790702

Mix might destroy his liver.

>> No.8791090

Who else \9:30a.m.beer\ here? It's Sunday and I've only been drinking at night recently, so I figured I'd reward myself. The SamAdams cherry wheat ale is nice.

>> No.8791105
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>have shitty hangover from strong beer bender
>remember that somebody told me unsalted baked potatoes is a GOAT hangover cure
>try it
>headache is gone

>> No.8791109

Coconut water is the magic cure
Gots dose electrolytes in it

>> No.8791123


I Think that's the idea behind potato as well, they're loaded with potassium and people who get shitfaced and then eat a bunch of grubby comfort food with 500% of their salt intake end up with a sodium/potassium imbalance since alcohol also makes you piss out your electrolytes

>> No.8791125

Don't worry, my brothers. We will all be devoured by nuclear hellfire soon enough.

>> No.8791134

Potassium is the shit
That's why I drink the coconut water
High K

Not even Gatoraid has potassium in it

>> No.8791228
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this shit is liquid ruin

>> No.8791234

Where in the world can you buy those?

>> No.8791243

in the UK my local corner shop does them 4 for a fiver

>> No.8791264

This is sad

>> No.8791275

The alcoholism documentary might be Louis Theroux's most depsressing, and thats saying something

>> No.8791276

Hitlet did the correct thing with drunkards. No youre not "alcoholics" aka SJW snowflake term.

Hitler put you degerate wastes of flith into camps so you could concentrate better on getting sober and stop being losers.

>> No.8791290

Manlet Hitler?

>> No.8791300

t. Ubermensch on a chinese cartoon forum

>> No.8791314
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This is my biggest fear by far, death doesn't bother me in the least. But being sick and not being able to escape it terrifies me. And the worst part is that I recognize my drinking patterns in yours, it's not as bad but it's not good.

>> No.8791351

Some will destroy your liver with alcohol.

>> No.8791367

My weight stays at steady 85kg, but last year I lost 5kg in 3 weeks only because I stopped drinking for a short while.

>> No.8791422

I'm getting my wisdom tooth out tomorrow. Doc said I can't drink for 3 days after because of the pain meds.

What the fuck do I do?

>> No.8791426

Enjoy the pain meds and play video games

>> No.8791463

Fuck that, take your pain killers and do a few shots. Thank me later.

>> No.8791539

Sayonara Anon. We'll meet on the other side.

>> No.8791547

>concentrate better

>> No.8791573

How old are you?

Get a cane or a walking stick. It helps.

>> No.8791642

Dude try your meds first. If you are getting anything stronger where you shouldnt be drinking you will probably enjoy them without. But if you want to drink, dont take them, or just take less. I didnt get anything apart from Paracetamol and survived.

>> No.8791670

13gbp for a litre of cheap vodka? I thought you have cheep booze in tesco.

>> No.8791847
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lol. my man.

>> No.8791887

This, I used to drink a lot when I was depressed/anxious and it never helped but weed did

>> No.8792052
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My mom just talked to me for two hours about divorcing my dad after 25 years.
She knows how bad my drinking is, so she wants me to come with her.
I don't know how to feel.
I wanna cry, but I also just wanna drain the emotion with drinking.
I spent another two hours spending time with her.
I don't wanna leave, but I want my mom to be happy.
She's the world to me, but I want to continue drinking.
I dunno what to do.

>> No.8792103
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I'm the 8 years in guy, man.
I'm scared I'm on my way there.
I hurt all the time, heart feels like it's pinched, and I'm always worried I'm gonna have a heart attack.
I have the shakes, I belch all the time which burns my entire chest, and my hair is slowing falling out.
I can't stop drinking, and I'm ready to lose my life in my 30s, but I don't wanna end up in your situation.

>> No.8792133

drink. It's not your fault. Just deal with it and go.

>> No.8792140

jesus this is me every two weeks, remember that you can have a seizure too.

>> No.8792152
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>drinking is "dealing with it"

that's how you know you went too far

>> No.8792172
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>> No.8792198

whats up al/ck/ies

about to start with a couple beers here

>> No.8792200


woah man dont get too crazy

>> No.8792215

a 1000 mile journey starts with a single step

>> No.8792219

If you don't wake up wondering what happened and you go on a journey and slowly process the previous night, you're not a real man.

>> No.8792245


Real men don't care how others define them.

>> No.8792261

I've started doing this thing:
>Get drunk
>Not drunk enough to really feel the self hate
>Drive to grocery store
>Steal calorie-dense items like cakes or whatever
>Scarf them down in parking lot
>Drive somewhere else (last night it was my department building at the Uni)

I have done this the past three days. I need to stop... my intestines feel terrible.

>> No.8792272

Damn, you have a food addiction too.
I make it a thing to never drink and drive.
Though I did have to make a run to Best Buy yesterday.
I feel bad, I don't wanna hurt anyone, but I needed to go buy a controller to watch a movie.

>> No.8792282

I used to do this when I was off my anti dep pils. I used to get sky high and walk to taco bell, get a shit ton of food and scarf it down then purge. Felt good after

>> No.8792283

please avoid drinking and driving, that shit will land you in jail, or even dead. Drink all you want at home, but dont ever drive.

>> No.8792286

Yeah... shit has been ugly this weekend. The drinking and driving needs to stop, but hey - so does the desire to hurt myself.

>> No.8792296

I've been told I should go on medication. Does it really help? I was on anti-anxiety pills for a while in high school, but it just made me feel like a zombie. If I were to be put on medication, it would be mood stabilizers. I declined because I don't want to lose my manic episodes.

>> No.8792318

this >>8792283

I don't mean to sound like some reddit faggot here, but try to at least prepare for this shit ahead of time if you can. Your self destructive behavior stems from your self hatred. Don't bring down other people with you.

>> No.8792328



>Better drink all this booze right now so I can get back on (or is it off?) the wagon as soon as possible.

>> No.8792331

this >>8792318

I don't mean stop drinking, but at least plan ahead.
You should never put yourself in danger of hurting an innocent person.
What if you accidently killed a poor child's mother?
Could you live with yourself if that ever happened?
I know I couldn't.

>> No.8792468

Who here has emotionally-detached parents?

>> No.8792480

holy shit this is bad news

>> No.8792521


It only happens when I'm hangover sometimes, sometimes not, it's not an every day thing

>> No.8792697

> I'm not stealing things and eating them
I> lost my job last week from drinking
>Started drinking again this week

what the fuck

>> No.8792723

You're drunk, Anon.

>> No.8792742

the line cooks and service workers who visit this board occasionally are all al/ck/ies

>> No.8792946

do you guys get drunk and watch chaturbate girls?

>> No.8793193

Reading thread from bottom up and this was an intriguing exchange. Didn't start the way I thought it must have.

I'm winding down with a beer mysef. Had some vodka earlier then took a drunk nap.

>> No.8793301

At least pour it into an old crown royal bottle or something.

>> No.8793687

That's pretty much the exact situation I'm in now. Drank a steel reserve that i had hidden in my closet last night which gave me a slight buzz, and now im gonna take a few weeks off completely and enjoy not having a hangover and being able to sleep and work on my raspberry pi and enjoy the boring comfyness of sobriety as opposed to the mental stress of drinking to excess.

>> No.8793904

what are you doing with your raspberry pi anon?

>> No.8794018

Doesn't stop you from getting a stick for when you're feeling weak. They're made for that you know, it can stay in a closet when you don't use it.

>> No.8794023

>that comfortable vague unfeeling numbness that sets in after 5-6 drinks


>> No.8794066

Spent a whole week sober in anticipation of going out with friends. Everyone cancelled. Time to get trashed by myself. Such is life.

>> No.8794082

6 years since she gave up on me, still only want her. legit looking for ropes on ebay.

>> No.8794155

I think she's going to break up with me. I want to die.

>> No.8794205

375ml every other night for 3 years, 375 a night or more for past 6 months.

Been sober for a week. You can do it niggers. Quit before youre in above your heads

>> No.8794209

Hmm nah I'll probably just keep on killing myself slowly.

>> No.8794221

Liver pain got a lot worse today for some reason, it's sharp, hurts kinda bad. Still havent gone to the doctor

What do?

>> No.8794230
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>> No.8794241

drink more

>> No.8794424


i am drunk


>> No.8794433

Kittens are very independent creatures to an extent. They will beg you for food when they're hungry (make sure you feed them breakfast and dinner). And will be mad if you dont change their litter box. But they will do their own thing for most of the day. They will always appreciate the cuddles and rubs but may act off-putish because sometimes kittens just want to be left alone and that's just what you have to do.

Do not listen to the other retard anon that says put the kitten in a cage. NEVER put a kitten in a cage. It will go crazy.

Kittens are dope. Get one! Very easy to take care of.

>> No.8794586


are you me? Made it 5 days but they brought beer and gin.

I gotta stop mixing my own drinks.

>> No.8794588


I'm still here and royally slaughtered. Idk why people flaking bothers me as much as it does. But whatever, I'm drunk, and that's a kind of happiness, even if it's alone and transient

>> No.8794790
File: 118 KB, 1132x996, The Joker Baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just talked to my parents.
I'm gonna go to AA.
I don't wanna die.
I wanna let you know you saved my life.
I wanna let you know you were a martyr for my life.
Because of you, I'm gonna go to AA, and when I recover, I'm gonna become a sponsor.
Because you saved my life, I'm gonna save others.

>> No.8794793

I meant you, sorry.

>> No.8794840


good luck anon, i believe you can make it

>> No.8794847
File: 87 KB, 333x282, 1476285472459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yay! you can do it anon!

>> No.8794887

please tell me, how do you deal wit h the death of a friend beyond drinking. i have been drunk for a week now its not helping . how to deal please thanks

>> No.8794890

god bless you anon,m im a casusaul drinker but when i drink i drink hard because of the shit in my life and i wanna thanky ou for the good you have planned (im drunk rn but not esxessively)

>> No.8794912

It's 530 am. I haven't had a drink since 8 last night and I'm shaking and sick. I need a god damn drink

>> No.8794927

Wish I could help you guys. I can relate to just about everything posted in the streets, I'm in hell right now, 'the fear' is imminent, can't get to the shop, too sick and dizzy. Wish we lived close so we could help each other out when the help is really needed. Few people experience suffering like this. I've watched people die from cancer in less pain.
Don't give a fuck whether it sounds ga af; I'd hug every one of the people in these threads. We need help, but we've only each other on whom we can rely.

>> No.8794929

>in the streets
*in these threads.

Fucking Siri. It's hard enough to post once, let alone correct that robot slut.

>> No.8794972
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Good for you anon, it would be nice if you kept us posted about your progress.

>> No.8795115

this is too hard i give up

>> No.8795196

>Tfw eye infection

gay shit

>> No.8795241

That is about as cheap as it gets here


You are as well drinking gin or whisky, it is about the same price and tastes a lot better

>> No.8795243

I have been binge watching sons of anarchy shitfaced, it is pretty good.

>tfw you always need to re watch the last episode you watched the night before because you were too drunk to remember it

>> No.8795252

Least you aren't in Scotland, you can't buy alcohol from a shop here after 10pm or before 10am

>tfw drunkenly tried to bribe the guy in the paki shop into selling my gin at 5am

>> No.8795255

>Get really hard cravings
>Go and buy some
>Take a sip
>Forget about it 2 hours


>> No.8795258

Morrisons in the UK sell 4 for £5. It really fucks you up fast

>> No.8795273

>tfw rotating between 3 local shops to buy booze so they don't notice my habits
One of the worst moments of my life was buying my daily bottle of gin before I did this, and the girl at the till said "see you tomorrow". I have never been back

>> No.8795293

Sierra Leone

>> No.8795296

I know this feel.

I went back to a liquor store recently after not going there for a year and the guy behind the counter asked where I had been.

>> No.8795306


Fuck, I'm so happy the cashiers here don't say anything other than "hi" (sometimes) and "have a nice day" (rarely)

>> No.8795312
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>"see you tomorrow"

>> No.8795320

Same, and cycling several stores and between liquor and beer, so that i end up buying booze once per week to make it seem like i have a normal drinking pattern

>> No.8795493

The ones in the shops I go to now don't say anything thankfully. I am only in once every 3 days so hopefully they won't recognise me.
It was fucking mortifying. I actively avoid even walking past that shop now. She probably thinks I am dead

>> No.8795505

Well she didn't. She loves me too much. I'm waiting for this booze to stop withdrawals so I can actually walk to go get this prescription from the hospital filled out. I was there on Friday to try and quit and stop withdrawals and they gave me it, but i kept drinking the next day because I'm a fucking idiot.

I'm done, boys. I never want to be that scared to lose someone ever again in my life.

>> No.8795541

Also, it was good drinking with you guys, but I'm not losing my life and the love of my life over this crap. It's just not worth it. I don't cry, but I did a lot last night and it was possibly the worst I've ever felt in my life.

If you have someone that loves you, please, please try and quit man.

>> No.8795652

I've been having some weird ass hangovers this week
Like, they're not painful. I just feel foggy in the head
I'm not complaining or anything
It's just weird

>> No.8795672

Day 10 sober. Feeling great physically. Only negative is I'm lethargic as hell. Sleeping 9-10 hours and still tired all the time. Weird since most of you say you can't sleep wihout booze.

>> No.8795736

Might go an out patient program tonight. Do they give you anything for withdrawals?

>> No.8795829

Best before 2012

>> No.8795871

True advice. I had a drinking problem for years but was able to maintain and be normal because I only drank at night. Then one day I decided to take a shot in the morning. One thing led to another, somehow managed to stay drunk without sobering up ever for almost four months, less than a year after I decided to morning drink I'm in the hospital for medical detox.

>> No.8795881

I can't do this anymore. I'm tired of being tired, having heart issues when I'm not drinking caused by my drinking. I want to feel normal again. I'm out the game, guys. I would come here to have company and rationalize my drinking but it's killing me and I don't want to go. You're all beautiful people. If you feel you're alone, reach out your hand, you'll be surprised to see who reaches back. I mean this in a good way but I hope to never see this thread again. Peace, brothers.

>> No.8795966

I hope you're sober now, anon. This is a not a life worth living.

I wish you the best. Currently drinking hard liquor but I still can't shake the anxiety. Kinda terrified of the withdrawals. One day sober was enough to realize the hell I put myself in.

>> No.8795967

Last night I James Bond Hamburger Fucked your sister.

>> No.8795980

I'm the anon that feels half retarded since switching to semi sobriety (drinking only on saturdays)

This monday I felt more focused and less retarded. There can bé 2 explanations to this

- This week end I didn't drink
- This monday I took Piracetam

Or its à combination of the 2

>> No.8796103


>> No.8796134

When I quit, it's either/or. Sometimes I can't sleep at all and other times it's like you described. Your body does what it needs to recover. I'm not sure what causes either case.

>> No.8796236
File: 13 KB, 201x250, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No captain Morgan here? This shit is good with coke.

>> No.8796259

>13 dollar 1.75 bottle of vodka
better be skol.

they call me the skolcrusher.
i crush skols.

>> No.8796345

I drank 2 bottles of vodka yesterday and now my computer is broken wtf. 2000 dollars down the drain.

>> No.8796435

glad she didn't mate. hope it all works out

>> No.8796635

4 days sober.

Normally this is when I would want to start again. I don't want to start again. Life is so much easier sober.

>> No.8796760

I can't believe how often I see this on 4chan.

On the wagon is sober.
Off the wagon is getting drunk all the time again.

>> No.8796840

It is easier. But you need to be wary of the temptation when the real boredom hits. I'm rooting for you, but I'm just being realistic, you have to recognize the threats before they arise.

>> No.8797175

Mourn sober. You can't actually mourn if you're drunk all the time and you'll feel sad for ever if you go down the alkie path.
Mourning as the psychological process of getting over it, takes time but not only.

Enjoying entire seasons for the first time several times.

I've been sober for a year, still come to remember why I don't drink.
If an arsehole like me can stop, so can you. Good luck.

All aboard the sobriety train!

>> No.8797224

Welp back home after another time at detox. They still have a lot of my shit unfortunately including my meds cause I broke out that shit. Barricaded the door ect... I'll write about it in another alchy thread. Hey still haven't drank since thou.

>> No.8797231

Drink for the taste and not to get fucked up. Avoid people who drink to excess. Don't use booze to cope with bad things in your life. Call your mom up and tell her you love her.

>> No.8797295
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this is some faggot shit

>> No.8797297

broken how? Maybe I can help.

>> No.8797298

Ur a faget u queer

>> No.8797436

your cat is very cute

please don't drink yourself to death

you can still pet the cat

>> No.8797441
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Saw this and thought of you guys.

>> No.8797486

Diego Naidu Ishtaria ladyship luckstone listeriosis psycho outside

>> No.8797494

Have any of you tried Everclear straight?

>> No.8797531
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Oh, captain, my captain...

>> No.8797564

Yes. It is possible to die from serious withdrawls. The one i was in gave me valium

>> No.8797621

2 40ozs of steel reserve here

>> No.8797666

Is drinking until I pass out every Friday and Saturday night still responsible drinking?

>> No.8797682

nice trips

depends on your age

>> No.8797756

I'm 23, I hope that's good enough.

>> No.8797777

I would have to say if you think if its effecting your life in a negative way, then yes

>> No.8797785
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look at those fucking quads man


i hope it brings you good luck

>> No.8797941
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drink more

>> No.8798134

Didn't really drink much in college. Went to a craft beer/pizza pub and drank hard liquor maybe 1-2 times a week. Maybe 3 on certain weeks.

Two years later, I'm working an okay 8-5 job, but have found myself drinking more often and in greater quantities. Probably having at least one drink a night 6/7 days. Sometimes 2-3.

I'm starting to get worried about it. My dad was a functioning drinker with a good job while my mom was a barely functioning alcoholic. I've seen family members and friends die from alcoholism. I've abhorred it my whole life.

Now I'm falling into it. What the fuck.

>> No.8798137

>Probably having at least one drink a night 6/7 days. Sometimes 2-3
just get the fuck out of here

>> No.8798581

Just learned today that my great-great grandfather died after walking around on a train-track drunk.

It must be in the blood.

>> No.8798603

oh shit i used to live in the woods along a train bridge and my mom would walk to town on the tracks, get pilt, and then walk home on the tracks early in the morning before the sun came up. I'd always lay awake waiting to hear train whistles.

>> No.8798627

dude i'm outside of my mind... pls help

>> No.8798641

i didnt do it now but does anyone just type out really long posts and then delete them haha

>> No.8798657
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Babies mommas is going out of town for a week. Looking at buying 2 bottles of evan Williams for this period. Also I'm gonna be working. Lets get drunk and fuck it

>> No.8798749
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MAAAHHHH the French Champagne!

>> No.8798768


Alrighty had to go back with my head held high to go get my shit apparently a lot of shit I did was completely hallucinated by the dt's. Didn't barricard the door or anything nor did some immaginary "goon squad" try to grab me, but did manage to jimmy the window and jump out with nothing but a pillow sack of clothes on the ol' shoulder like a hobo and get picked up.

>> No.8798918

lads is it worth getting 40% over 37.5% abv vodka? not sure i can feel the difference anymore

>> No.8799122

I only drink Turkey or Devil's Cut now: 42% and 45%

If I drop to 40% or below I struggle to get drunk.

>> No.8799211

now im drunk eurotime 12 o fucking clock

isnt there any discord or some place to be social?

feel lonely as fug

>> No.8799235


Fuck off to a pub

>> No.8799249
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Just ordered 10 feet of rope.
3 days.
Bye all.
- 'Smirnoff bro

>> No.8799296


>Not irc

Fucking normals

>> No.8799354


fuck off normie

>> No.8799357


The normie here is not me

>> No.8799420

god I love throwing up

>> No.8799464



>> No.8799499


Throwing up feels really good when you're drunk

>> No.8799571

>flesh coming off in chunks

>> No.8799622

dont mix paracetamol and booze

>> No.8799629

I've never talked about my feelings with my parents ever, is that what you mean? My neighbor even pointed out how depressed I seemed and they didn't even ask about it. I guess they're about as good at handling this shit as I am myself, can't really blame them but it still sucks.

>> No.8799691

Dude no

>> No.8799848

>Doing sudokus
>Drunk so thinking stupid ideas like making a video explaining some techniques
Luckily I'll feel really stupid when I wake up sober

>> No.8799914

it doesn't have to be like this, friend

>> No.8800141

Listening to les miserables again (10th anniversary dream cast not the movie garbage)
Very good tunes!

>> No.8800169

got 5 sommersby (were 8) and an almost full (this glass in me hand is missing there) bottle of absinthe.
Fun day.

>> No.8800174

They'll give you a benzodiazepine to prevent you from going into DTs. It makes detox much easier.

>> No.8800178

I drank like a fish for years and stopped by replacing it with a joint at night. My life is infinitely better now.

>> No.8800187

Probably should get to a hospital dude.

>> No.8800190

This makes me really appreciate the work nurses and doctors do everyday. I wonder how they even find sympathy for addicts.

>> No.8800194

Don't do it dude. All your problems are small when the solution is offing yourself. Why are you so unhappy with life?

>> No.8800226

That looks tasty as fuck. Sounds like past you took good care of future you.

>> No.8800232

Why are you on metronidazole? That's a pretty intense drug.

>> No.8800239

Do you come here to feel better than other people because real life human interactions often do the opposite for you?

>> No.8800249

There's almost nothing worse than watching someone die of liver failure. In medical school we were taught that alcoholics are actually great candidates for transplants because they almost all stop drinking afterwards, but it's still hard for them to get consideration when so many people are in need of livers for causes they legitmately had no control over.

>> No.8800251
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Hey guys,
Started a batch of brewers beer last weekend should be ready to drink this weekend.
Bought some whisky and rum essences from the brewers store will probably end up buying some fruitier stuff later. Also planning on making some European schnapps.
Anyone have any ideas of what else I should make? Thinking about making American Schnapps with koolaid flavouring.

>> No.8800253

It makes me happy people like you exist even if you can't really do anything.

>> No.8800255

Good lord that place looks dreary as fuck.

>> No.8800261

My mom says you shouldn't.

>> No.8800265

You need to call 911.

>> No.8800271

Besto = IV fluids

>> No.8800279

Liver failure is a really horrible way to die and to watch someone die. I'd rather go from the DVTs/dilated cardiomyopathy or at least have the asterixis and ammonia swiss cheese my brain first.

>> No.8800285

Whether you want to face it or not, if she loves you then your drinking is killing her too.

>> No.8800297
File: 93 KB, 599x452, caputmedusae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fat/inflammation in your liver from every drink chokes off the veins that run through it. You can get stasis and clots that lead to DVTs or strokes as well. On top of that the pressure increase causes veins to find other ways to empty including re-forming pathways from when you were a baby. That can lead to caput medusae.

>> No.8800314

You're just borrowing calm from your future self though. You'll be anxious as fuck for months after you stop.

>> No.8800321

Seconded. My cat and dog have saved my life on many occasions.

>> No.8800324


If you could have anything in your liquor cabinet, what would it be ?

>> No.8800327

Get it girl.

>> No.8800329

If it helps, I've been where you are too and it gets better and better the longer you manage to keep up sobriety. You start noticing little things that bring you happiness again more and more.

>> No.8800332

Wow really? That seems like totally the opposite of how I think of Scotland. I understand wanting to curb abuse but people will just find other ways to get drunk.

>> No.8800334

Whether they say something or not, they notice. For some people those little pokes might be the impetus to start thinking about quitting.

>> No.8800342

My husband is the reason that I quit too. I couldn't deal with someone having that much patience and understanding for something that is entirely my own fault. The moments I thought I was fooling him were actually his choosing his battles.

>> No.8800347

Alcohol prevents your body from generating new glucose and your brain is very dependent on glucose as its energy source, even if you've not eaten any real food for a while. You enter a hypoglycemic state that alcohol prevents your body from being able to respond to. Alcohol also causes your body to increase the synthesis of all the natural stimulant like epinephrine to counteract that massive quantities of depressant you're taking in.

>> No.8800356

I'd say it's the not drinking.

>> No.8800358

wew lad that looks fucked up

>> No.8800365

Yeah that vodka looks like garbage.

>> No.8800374

This is how I started. I didn't drink until college, except on the weekend at parties. Once I got married and started working full-time I was drinking a 6 pack a night within 6 months just to deal with my garbage job. Then I gained weight and switched to liquor because I didn't want the calories. Now I only drink once or twice a month and only when I'm out with other people. It's a slippery slope to being stay at home drunk who forces their insecurities on their family.

>> No.8800378

They're even better raw.

>> No.8800383

I did until I started getting burst capillaries around my eyes that I couldn't hide at work the next day. People really notice when you look like you've been punched in the face.

>> No.8800390

Maybe someone would really like to watch that though. It's not stupid just because you're sober. It's only stupid to have the idea and not consider it just because you happened to come up with it drunk.

>> No.8800400

Yeah it's as disgusting in person to listen to and feel as it is to look at. It's also insanely embarrassing for the patient because some doctors/staff are assholes who feel like they need to make people feel bad when anyone with that going on has clearly suffered already.

>> No.8800446


All the ideas I come up with when drunk have been stupid and I've regretted every daydreaming about doing them and what would happen if i I did

>> No.8800469

I'd watch it, but I think I know most of the techniques. I prefer Hexcells/nonograms though.

>> No.8800813

tfw got too drunk around a girl I like and probably ruined my chances

>> No.8800977

It's conditional.
I bet she has some boobs.
I fucking LOVE boobs.

Let's just get straight to the point here. One teeny tiny squeeze of underneath the clothing and I'll put serious thought into her proposal.
Also sfw pic pls anon.

>> No.8801090

feelio when you get drunk and decide to redpill your dad about the jews

>> No.8801158

kek how did he take it?
My dad died before my awakening and I decided to spare my mom the ordeal of being redpilled in her old days

>> No.8801438

Dude some kid made an entire career being the guy who made 4chan. Nothing you dream is stupid.

>> No.8801441

Yeah I'm sure some drunk slurring his way through a stammered, racist diatribe really turned his whole world around about Jews.

>> No.8801460

who throatonfire here