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8743566 No.8743566 [Reply] [Original]

Rate my dinner/10

>> No.8743587


I'm debating on copying you or making hamburgers. Hamburgers sound better than baron right now

>> No.8743598

fresh burgers or frozen?

>> No.8743601


you're gonna put that shot of fireball into the 40 right

there's no point to getting fireball if you're not going to mix it with beer to make boilermakers

shit will hit you hard.

>> No.8743603

honestly 0/10

>> No.8743604

I dunno, 3/10. Pretty awful, but I can think of worse.

>> No.8743605


fresh, gonna get my own meat, chop some onions and lettuce, cook em to medium or so, but the pizza is cheaper....

>> No.8743611

i put it in near when im at the swill point of the 40

>> No.8743634

This is 10/10 for someone like me. I don't know what those beers taste like but I'm a huge sucker for a night alone with a red baron and 4 40s. I'm always alone.

>> No.8743643
File: 47 KB, 1280x720, oko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why even bother with the pizza? You're just going to vomit it back up after downing all that ghetto booze.

>> No.8743647

I pretty much drink that booze every night. im good.

>> No.8743651
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Ok, so long as you've got the constitution for it.

>> No.8743761

Why ?

>> No.8743768

I don't know how you could eat and drink all that in one night and not spend the next week retraining your digestive tract to accept solid food again.

>> No.8743824

Gotta have an iron stomach my friend

>> No.8743847


you know what you're doing then, carry on.

>> No.8743855

people look at me like im nuts when i do it.

>> No.8743859


they don't know.

>> No.8743906

lets start with the pizza. that preservative-laden nitrate-bomb probably cost around eight bucks. You can make pizza from scratch* for half that.
on to the malt liquor and fortified whiskey. come on dude. if you really want to get drunk that bad just buy a bottle of vodka. mix it with fruit juice if you must. at least youll get some vitamins that way.

>> No.8743918


> You can make pizza from scratch* for half that.

no you can't.

> if you really want to get drunk that bad just buy a bottle of vodka. mix it with fruit juice if you must. at least youll get some vitamins that way.

the fuck does it matter? that's not even true, there's more minerals in beer than there are vitamins in '''fruit juice'''.

give it a rest.

>> No.8743926

comfy alcholism/10

Let's watch movies anon

>> No.8743928

Red baron is literally $4.
You can not hope to make anything this cheap, if you can, post instructions.

You can't because the cheese alone would cost $4.

All pepperoni has nitrates. Are you sane, friend?

>> No.8743929


i wish that that would get me drunk...

>> No.8743936

You can make a pizza from scratch for way less than that, but you have to buy tht ingredients in bulk

>> No.8743950


yeah, if your name is dominos and you're buying cheese and sauce and toppings and flour in terms of tons-per-month contracts from global conglomerate outlets, and you decide on specials based on how various agricultural industries are doing. oh look at that we can get pepperoni for 22.285 cents per pound instead of 24.190 cents per pounds. double pepperoni medium pizza for 7.99! limited time only!

>> No.8743957

No you literally can't.
Not in america.

>> No.8743959

what minerals??
also i didnt recommend "fruit juice", recommended fruit juice

>> No.8743968

He could drink for less if he just bought the ingredients in bulk and had a brewery in his back yard

Shove a pufferfish in your anus, pal.

>> No.8743973

My pizzas cost about $3 to make and I buy my stuff at Costco

>> No.8743975

>Are you sane
Yes, maybe TOO sane because I keep a stocked kitchen.

>> No.8743976


yeah like he's going to fucking juice some oranges and shave some ice for his screwdriver. maybe next he'll walk down to the fucking fishmonger and get some calimari that an italian fisherman just caught that morning and go back to his villa in tuscany, picking olives from the hills on the way.

i don't fucking know what minerals. i just know it has some minerals or someshit in it. it's fermented, of course it has minerals.


phosphorus, iodine, magnesium and potassium, beer is rich in calcium

there, like i said. i just knew beer would have minerals. i could taste them.

>> No.8744000


>> No.8744004

<citation needed>

Why are you scared to spend the extra dollar to kill literally hours of prep?
It's like you'd rather work for .33 an hour in your pocket instead of having a nice red baron with literally no work and 3 hours on your hands.

Justify saving one dollar over 3 hours of bitchwork and bulk prep. And post reciepts and measurements because i'm really not inclined to believe you're getting cheaper food than the entire rest of the country.
Mozarella is over $6 a pound, if you use half a pound (less than a single handful) you are already lying.
Do your pizzas measure 6 inches by 6 inches?

>> No.8744010

or maybe he'll eat the entire frozen pizza while he sits on his fat ass and drinks empty calories to get drunk and forget about his pathetic life choices. all the while he can post his activities on an anime board in search of justification. hey and then the second someone offers a healthy alternative he can shut them down and go back to his video games.

>> No.8744016

>3 hours of bitchwork and bulk prep
lolwut. Most of the time making pizza is just waiting around while the dough rises. You can do other stuff at the same time.

>> No.8744017


yeah, fucking exactly. eat a dick.

>> No.8744021

the op hasn't been arguing with u this whole time faggot

>> No.8744028

1lb of mozarella is a brick 5" x 2 1/2" x 1 inch.
How the fuck do you not use half a pound per pizza?

You're lying about your pizzas costing $3.

>> No.8744040

only one anon agreed with me, and i'd bet everything it's not OP

>> No.8744046

I'm not the one saying pizzas cost $3. I'm just laughing at the idea that you think it takes 3 hours of bitchwork.

>> No.8744049

on sale many frozen pizzas at wal mart are near 3 bucks

>> No.8744054

red barron is trash dude.
no memes, digiorno is literally the best.

>> No.8744057

its too doughy

>> No.8744059

11/10 op...
Dont forget to turn your oven off dude

>> No.8744060


digiornio makes me sick afterwards. tombstone is literally the apex of frozen pizzas. nothing else is necessary. tombstone is as far as frozen pizza should have gone. that was the high water mark. 'the golden frozen pizza'

>> No.8744062

10/10 would bang

>> No.8744063

I can get $3 frozen Tony's pizzas in the middle of bumfuck nowhere.
That guy is out of his mind to make the shit at home and delude himself into thinking he's saving anything but cardboard boxes and piss cheap ink.

>> No.8744066



>> No.8744067

whats that one with the mustache? I always see them never tried it though

>> No.8744071

I've only had the tombstone that comes on the two bread slices and it is of course the best frozen pizza, but it's not on dough so it doesn't really count.

>> No.8744079


that's red baron, i think.


lets be honest here no ones getting 'good dough' out of the freezer section on a pizza. that thin unleavened crust is as good as it gets for frozen pizza.

>> No.8744081

lol ive done that before.

>> No.8744094

Screaming Sicily or something, but yes, red baron does include a moustache also.

>> No.8744116

is it any good? screaming?

>> No.8744148


You need a lot more alcohol.

>> No.8744289

i do have a few more fireball shots somewhere

>> No.8744296

I have a problem so if it has pizza it's automatically 10/10 in my book.

>> No.8744298

>that liquor selection

What are you, gay?

>> No.8744305

gays drink mostly malt liquor that is usually sold in ghetto places?

>> No.8744310


you're in for a good evening bro

>> No.8744323

So you're ghetto gay.

>nigga just needs some head
>suck a nigguh



>> No.8744378


take a hike.

malt liquor is fine.

fireball is fine, especially if you mix it into beer, which he is.

cinnamon whiskey mixed into malt liqour is the most redpilled drink of all.

>> No.8744389

Colt 45 is fine. St Ide's and especially fruity cinnamon fag liqueur is gay as fuck. So is using the word "redpilled" unironically, kid.

>> No.8744394

st ides has more alcohol then colt 45 cunt

>> No.8744397


st ides is fucking fine.

if your idea of manhood derives from what alcohol commercials told you it's ok to drink, you're most likely a fag in the closet. that's literally what that indicates more often than not.

there's a red pill for ya, how about you shove it up your ass.

>> No.8744404

How does your family allow you to do this to yourself?

>> No.8744405

go back to drinking your cinnamon bitch drinks, kiddo

>> No.8744407

because im in ok shape, still go to work and go to the gym a few days a week

>> No.8744411

did someone say ghetto gay

>> No.8744425

im a retard of course


>> No.8744436


>> No.8744445


i'd knock your teeth out and give them to your mother

>> No.8744453

Do you at least eat healthy sometimes?

>> No.8744460

I'd love you tenderly and call you big papa

>> No.8744463

yes but I drink every night.

>> No.8744517


made some hamburgers and fries with a guiness extra stout. Cost me like $15, shoulda went with the pizza honestly. I mean the burgers were great, but $15 vs $6....come on now

>> No.8744524

Holy shit everyone here tells me it doesn't cost $15 to make cheeseburgers.
Thanks for backing me up.

>> No.8744536


I did buy some bbq and hot sauce, so maybe it's around $12-13, but still.

>> No.8744537
File: 125 KB, 600x450, jacks-pizza[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit frozen pizza. Go Jacks or go home.

>> No.8744570

basic bitch

>> No.8744797

holy shit, are you me?
red baron is the best frozen pizza
cash as fuck

>> No.8744815

A lot of us agree with you.
I can't get the brick oven version and have never had it.
We just got pushed up to $4.50 here also, which is fucked up because everyone is hopping on the 'inflation is real, food costs more now!' bandwagon and this trend is seriously harming and starving tens of millions of people.
I just want to go back to the 90s. It'll cost $6 before I fucking know what happened.

I love the shit but I make a point not to buy shit from people that nickel and dime me, and red baron will mostly have a tiff with the company selling it to us when sales go down.
I notify companies often when stores unfairly raise the price of their products.
It's happening so often I can't keep up. People are completely fine with shit being raised 40% at one time now and I just don't see any lunatics running around on the street getting crazy over it.

Maybe I'm the crazy one, but raising the price of my pizzas 12.5% in one shot is really fucked up. The government takes 6% and people bitch and now the store is just fine adding 12.5% to their pockets and no one bitches?

I don't like this country. I'm not bitching about 50 cents, I'm bitching about a flat, unapproved 12.5% raise in the cost of every pizza I ever but from now on.
Buy 8 get 1 free becomes buy 9 and give one to the company, and I lose about 10% of the food I buy. I'll fuck off now.

>> No.8744831

Depressing 20s as fuck dinner.

I can dig it.

>> No.8744972

how much do you weigh?

>> No.8746006
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RIP the GOAT frozen 'za

>> No.8746179

You're trash.

>> No.8746197

>Red Baron


>> No.8746356
File: 177 KB, 367x321, 1488631515667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you go brass monkey style with an Olde English and a can of 4 Loko

>> No.8746376

get rid of colt 45 + fireball

>> No.8746440

Heart attack / 10