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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8636152 No.8636152 [Reply] [Original]

al/ck/ general.

The strange thing to me is, if i sober up for 5 days, which I just did, I get a ton of energy, I do a bunch of chores - wash my clothes, my house, my car - I sort out my life, paint a picture, I meet old friends, I make an amazing dinner...etc.

Then realize none of that stuff matters, nothing has been fixed, productivity doesn't matter, and I'd rather just be drunk af and listen to music and look at HR photos

>> No.8636172

this isn't food related.

why do mods allow this?

mods pls.

>> No.8636191

i guess w/e, it doesnt matter if they stop us?

>> No.8636775

I haven't had a drink yet in 2017 but I'm in real bad shape tonight

Please convince me not to go buy a bottle now

>> No.8636817

think of the withdrawals lad

>> No.8636821

al/ck/ is part of the culture of the board. Alcohol is fine the same way that milkshake threads are fine. They just became common and a community built around them. They're not detrimental in any way and the mods are usually diligent enough to keep al/ck/y talk contained to one or two threads and alcohol appreciation to the rest.

Alcohol belongs on this board, just like the people who drink it. The life on an alcoholic isn't pleasant, give them a break. Let them have a thread.

>> No.8636826

If you've made it three months then stay strong. I'm drinking right now but I aimed to do exactly as you've done at the start of the year. Lasted two weeks. Be proud of your progress and stay strong. I have found when I'm abstaining and want to maintain sobriety a large meal helps me out. If I'm really full I don't feel like booze out all and if I do get some I can only drink two or so before it becomes unpleasant.

>> No.8636827

I'm trying but I'm having difficulty keeping my thoughts coherent

I need to develop better coping mechanisms for stress

I think I'm just gonna go get some beer to take the edge off

>> No.8636832

>I think I'm just gonna go get some beer to take the edge off
well im sure youll stop at just the beer :-)
t. been there plenty of times myself

>> No.8636843


>> No.8637448

No drink for 2 days, finally going to get paid tomorrow, will celebrate with maybe a something little special thing

>> No.8638394

Why is this thread so dead?
There's usually a lot more people in al/ck/ threads

>> No.8638404

I'm here. I want to hear from smirnoff guy, hope he's still alive.

>> No.8638418

>21 years old
>already drinking daily
>also taking hard stimulants daily

I really wonder how long I have left if I keep this shit up

>> No.8639623

What do I have to do to hit the wall and stop drinking for good?

>> No.8639634
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>tfw the cravings start again

>> No.8639721

Fuck off to reddit

>> No.8639743

Yeah I wonder if he's still alive

Limiting myself to 2-3 vodka tonics a night after work these days. I make them strong so that probably translates to 4-6 standard drinks a day. Still hitting the gym, working and taking care of my kids. Good luck bros I'll try to keep hanging on

>> No.8639859

Research "HAMS" on google. It's about tapering and stuff.

>> No.8639900

At what point does drinking become a problem? Never posted in one of these threads before.

>> No.8639925

Hard to say. Probably at the point you start using it as a coping mechanism

>> No.8639942

>take a day or two off
>buy less than $5 worth of alcohol
>be comfortably drunk for 2 hours and completely wasted 3rd/4th hour
>wake up
>feel sick
>don't want to drink for a while
It's a good system. And it specifically comes out to 4.81, which gets me annihilated if I drink it within an hour or two (99bananas brand shit)

>> No.8640003

maybe we're dying?

>> No.8640008

nah. actually, if it helps you cope it is really solving the problem, and probably technically working.

it becomes a problem if it creates more problems than it solves.

>> No.8640071

I'd say if it's causing any problems in your life then it's a problem. Is your day revolving around drinking? Are you constantly getting over a hang over/getting drunk with little sober time in between? Has your drinking caused problems with work, with your family, or your health?

If not to all those I'd say it isn't a problem, yet. Be careful though.

>> No.8640077
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Dinner /ck/, you?

>> No.8640078

having to be sober can cause a lot of problems too though, like suicide, giving up on life, not being able to sleep etc

>> No.8640079

Kek alcohol doesn't solve any problems. It can be a temporary release of stress but even that's a slippery slope if you're using drinking for that. I don't think anyone has ever fixed something wrong with their lives by drinking.

>> No.8640091

im not saying those aren't problems, they certainly are but the solution to solving those isn't drinking. In fact drinking often makes those things worse.

>> No.8640189
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Regular alcohol use can lead to problems down the road. Its obviously not a problem until you think or make it a problem. So it depends on you. BUT if you are drinking every day meaning getting drunk then you will end up fucking up your life. I suggest if you are drinking heavily regularly try to talk it out with someone figure out how to stop a.s.a.p. and try to make a change in your life. Alcohol addiction isn't pretty.

>> No.8640202


>its obviously not a problem until you think or make it a problem

I haven't stopped into an al/ck/ thread in awhile, but I saw this scrolling by and I had to say: kek. Just, kek.

>> No.8640204
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>> No.8640317

Try spending a month dry. Or just a full week if it sounds too much (you're quite engaged down the slippery slope). See how it goes health-wise and in your life.
That'll give a pretty good answer to your question.

>> No.8640413

I'll try a week to start. Over the past few months I've been increasing my intake way more than normal. I'm an idiot college kid that parties too much but I'm at the point now where there's maybe one night every week where I'm not drunk or at the very least buzzed pretty well. I've had some friends comment on my habits recently.

>> No.8640810

>no title
>not the usual picture

hard to find

>> No.8640821

What watch? Kind of looks like some vintage seikos

>> No.8640827
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I went from that to getting drunk 4/5 days out of a week in a period of about half a year, progressions of alcoholism for me was, and still is, like pic related

>> No.8640836

This thread isn't even about alcohol, it's about clinical depression. We can't eat your sadness OP.

>> No.8641019

Why am I so stupid when I'm sober? I hate myself and I'm socially retarded.

When I drink I don't hate myself and I can pass as a normie. I want to improve myself and get better when I drink but when I'm sober I don't care.

>> No.8641026

yeah man thats true but have you considered the fact that the earth is flat?

>> No.8641036

>Then realize none of that stuff matters, nothing has been fixed, productivity doesn't matter, and I'd rather just be drunk af

Sober for 1 year and 4 months now. I get this realization at least once a week and no matter what I do it will never go away. I only stay sober because I at least realized that drinking makes my already shitty life even more shit. I still see myself commiting suicide down the road, not even trying to be dramatic here.

>This thread isn't even about alcohol, it's about clinical depression.

Definitly this.

>> No.8641042

epic win

>> No.8641044

Same here, progressing from beer to spirits (as a money saver) also accelerated the whole process by a thousand times, the last two years of drinking I was sober maybe one day every three month.

>> No.8641051

I don't let myself buy spirits anymore. just wine, and no less than $15 a bottle. in the clear light of day I know better than to buy too much because it's financially irresponsible, and by the time I'm home and ripping into the bottle I'm too lazy to go out and get more

now I wake up on time most days

spirits are bad

>> No.8641055

actually sober faggots should stop posting here because i'm trying to find like minded alcoholics to share thoughts with

thats great that youre sober guys :) may i recommend https://www.reddit.com/r/dryalcoholics/

dumb fucking faggots

>> No.8641062

You and all the other liquor addled faggots are an absolute cancer to this board.
You're not human, you're a worthless piece of shit unworthy of the life given to you. You have no self control or discipline and are amongst the most pathetic losers on this planet.
>>>/r9k/ would be more appropriate for you, you fucking weak faggots.

>> No.8641063

>being mad that someone isn't as much of a degenerate as you

>> No.8641065

what a fucking faggot

>> No.8641066

Why do these normies even come here? You have everywhere else on the internet to infest.

>> No.8641071

haaha yeah you're right this is an alcoholics anonymous thread :)
lets all get together and praise a higher power and condemn our drinking habits

ohwait this thread is for people with problems and you should fuck off lmao

>> No.8641171

I don't drink.

>> No.8641347
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this thread sucks

>> No.8641515

Alcohol is a consumable, and there have always been alcoholic threads here. They have been allowed for many a year now. This is the place for them.

>> No.8641541

The real answer is when it starts affecting your life negatively. Like you're fucking up with people or your work or something and it's a direct result of your drinking. As someone else said, starting to use it as a coping mechanism is probably a lead in, even if it's not a full blown problem yet.

>> No.8641570

It's much easier to get out now at your stage if you haven't already fucked yourself too bad. I got my degree like 3 years ago now and I've only worked one job for like a year. I don't think you want to have to deal with actual withdrawals, health scares, and detox centers. I know that nothing I say can stop anyone, but I'm just throwing in my two cents.

>> No.8642969
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This weekends ration

>> No.8643627

Only top shelf for me

>> No.8643634
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Thanks phone for not posting pic

>> No.8643761

I am on like day 19 or day 20 of sobriety and while I don't think I am at risk of drinking again, all these al/ck/ threads are really tempting me. I am not even interested in liquor so much but a nice fucking 24 oz steel reserve would go so well with a burger rn

>> No.8643892

yeah but once you pop you just won't stop and you know it

>> No.8643973

try drinking beer slowly. one beer over an hour. it takes away the cravings. you dont need to get hammered, either. its called moderation.

>> No.8644003

made it through that night
drinking rye tonight tho

>> No.8644011

ive been doing 0-2 beers per night for almost a month now after getting out of alcohol detox. it really does work for getting the cravings to fuck off, by drinking slowly. i dont have to get drunk or wake up with hangovers anymore. just give the alcohol time to kick in and a little goes a long way. food for thought. it has always been cravings instead of the desire to get drunk, for me. the cravings are the big issue.

>> No.8645591

How long does it take for alcohol toelrance to drop down?

>> No.8646014

At least a month.

>> No.8646027

>productivity doesn't matter, and I'd rather just be drunk af and listen to music and look at HR photos

>> No.8646154
File: 142 KB, 1331x918, HideThread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this for you. You sad, sad person.

>> No.8646491

well in some ways it solves all my problems.

I can work a terrible job and have a terrible life, but if im drunk 75% of my waking time feeling great, drunkposting, listening to music and watching films drunk af so i dont give a fuck, idk, is that a solution?

>> No.8646725
File: 539 KB, 738x360, smirnoff uli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found Ulililia's FB account and that guy in the lower left-hand corner foto reminded me of smirnoff bro.

Smirnoff bro, are you related to Uli?

Here's the fb acc:
www dot facebook dot comslashpeopleslashNick-Smithslash100006579121614

>> No.8646879

>go sober for 2 days
>feel great after being so sick from alcohol
>immediately start drinking again becausae now I won't puke
I probably need to go to rehab. I just can't stop.

>> No.8646981

I've never had alcohol before, why do people like it?

>> No.8646998

>progress from boxed wine to vodka out of a plastic jug
>start losing entire days
>body rejecting food
>not even trying to look for work, just drinking and crawling back into bed
>not even showering or brushing my teeth

The vodka jugs started maybe 4 months ago but I've been chugging wine like this for years just to get to sleep.

I'm done. I moved back with my family. I won't be drinking anything but beer socially for quite some time. Although I'm headed to Vietnam soon and might have a little fun while there.

Now I just have to figure out a better way to fall asleep.

>> No.8647009

How long have you been doing this for?

>> No.8647526

Did you had withdrawals?

>> No.8647825

Temoprarily relieves mental stress and physocal pain, muscle relaxant (my favorite, I have bad chronic muscle tightness), reduces inhibitions, enjoyable taste, etc.

>> No.8647874

>I-if I just buy beer I'll be fine
I relapsed so hard because of this.
In the end you will be so riddled with anxiety that no amount of alcohol will be able to give you more than 15 minutes of 'relief'. Alcohol is misery. I drank heavily nearly every night for 7 years.