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File: 136 KB, 550x340, Maxwell-Street-Polish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8636070 No.8636070 [Reply] [Original]

What city has the best food and why is it Chicago? Think about it, we have deep dish pizza, Italien beef sandwiches, maxwell Polish, chicago style dog... other cities can't compete

>> No.8636076

I prefer Seattle or even like, Anchorage but that's mostly because of the really easy access to fresh seafood.

>> No.8636079


>> No.8636126

Don't bother. The inundation of memes will negate the truth.

>> No.8636146

Ricobene's cancels it all out tho

>> No.8636206

Dont forget about Chicken Vesuvio

>> No.8636253

I can't seem to get a hamburger or anything meat related that isn't a fucking hipster meme on the west coast so godbless chicago

>> No.8636271

Any city in the Northeast

Chicago hot dogs are good, but the pizza is overrated. Detroit has better pizza.

>> No.8636371

This. Fucking Philly has better food than Chicago. Italian beef a shit.

>> No.8636372

Fuck you, Ricobene's steak sandwich is so tasty

>> No.8636465

OP bragging about Chicago but not bringing up Alinea or even Grace. Grant and Curtis would be the reason you're #1 not Pollacks and their hotdogs.

>> No.8636928

Nice has the best food.
>Fresh socca in the streets
>Actual pissaladlière with fermented anchovies paste
>Fluffy crust pizza instead of a ùessy deep dish
>Fresh seafood for your mussel fries or bouillabaisse
>Competent chocolate confeectioneries like Lac
>Best salads
>Pan bagnats
>italian and provencal foods

>> No.8636985
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The actual original Maxwell Street location is a fucking dump. Its right next to a 16 lane highway and pic related homeless shelter, so the place is swarming with nig nogs who WILL approach you begging for crack money in a rather threatening way. And no its not even a restaurant, its served from what is essentially a trailer with a row of parked cars, scattered garbage, and a bunch of nogs standing around outside. If you call this a good experience, I'm asking you... WHY?
That said, the polish sausages are pretty good, and cheap. The pork chop sandwiches are also good, but you have to debone it yourself.

>> No.8637002
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>'go 'za
>literally ketchup, kraft cheese and wonder bread
This is not a dish to be proud of, anon.

>> No.8637076

Nobody from Chicago eats fucking deep dish pizza. Only tourists and visiting friends/family want it.

And having travelled all over the country, generally speaking, Chicago has the best food.

>> No.8637464

You never been to big city in China,

>> No.8637470

Anchorage is shit for food. Stop lying motherfucker.

T. Anchorage

>> No.8637481

Chicago: a cesspool where tasteless degenerates have convinced themselves their awful flyover food is somehow the best it gets.

Although I will admit a Chicago dog is the bomb sometimes.

>> No.8637515

NYC, especially the pizza

>> No.8637607

>Fucking Philly.....better food
Immediately disregarded your opinion
>Very ironically pouring cheez-wiz on my sandwich right now

>> No.8637650

Cheesesteaks suck almost as much as Italian beef sandwiches. But a Philly Italian cold cut hoagie or a roast pork sandwich with broccoli rabe beats any sandwich Chicago has to offer. And the pizza in Philly is better. I'll grant you Chicago has better fine dining and more options when it comes to immigrant places, but in terms of dishes the locals crow about Philly beats Chicago hands down.

>> No.8637660
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Seattlefags told me not to move to Seattle. how's anchorage? will i get depressed and kill myself?

>> No.8637665
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Best hotdog coming through

>> No.8637704

That homeless shelter is quite a bit away from the original Maxwell Street. There aren't swarms of homeless people. Maybe one or two guys panhandling at the highway

I used to live in the UIC dormitory literally right next door to Jim's original

>> No.8637771

Fine pair of wieners you got there.

>> No.8637855

Because OP and the rest have never been to Alinea, nor will they ever afford to go there.

>> No.8637862

Being panhandled while getting your food is a Chicago tradition.

>> No.8638061

Unfortunately when I'm away at college we don't have an equivalent. I have to go home to eat this creation.

>> No.8638837

>Only tourists and visiting friends/family want it.

I mean sure. People don't have it every week, but to say people otherwise never eat it is a bit of a stretch. I have friends and family that go for birthdays or when people would be on break from college.

>> No.8638858

>Italien beef


OP confirmed retarded AND plebian

>> No.8638868

fact: chicago is the greatest city on earth

>> No.8638894

That's not how you spell frozen murderhole

>> No.8638897

>People saying American cities

The answer is San Sebastian.

>> No.8638908

theres a high of 33 degrees today. its not frozen at all. it was so hot that i started sweating and had to wear shorts

>> No.8638959

>Deep Dish
Choose one

>> No.8638969

in America, best food city is New Orleans.

in the world, the best food city I've visited is Tokyo.

>> No.8638990

>in America, best food city is New Orleans.
It's top 3 for sure, and it's the draw for me to visit Louisiana, which I have a good 40plus times. I also think there is a ton of amazing chefs in Miami, Miami Beach, Coral Gables, Fort Lauderdale, West Palm
I'd vote Metro D.C. for sheer quality across every genre of cuisine.
DC newspaper ranks PORTLAND (oh hell no), above New Orleans though. *boggle*


>> No.8639022


it's because writers like trends over quality, to be honest

I'm from Texas, and motherfuckers swear up and down by Austin food being some kind of revelation, even though:

1) San Antonio has the better Tex-Mex hands down
2) Houston could otherwise go toe-to-toe for every variety of food in Austin, save Texas-style barbecue, and come out on top
3) even in regards to barbecue, every small town in the hill country has better barbecue than Austin

but because it's Austin and it's trendy to love Austin and ride its collective dick, Austin gets the attention for things a lot of cities have done forgoddamnever

>> No.8639264

mexican food is shit, fuck off

>> No.8639284

'Twoit 'za?

>> No.8639428
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It's Boston, definitely Boston

>> No.8639555
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Born and raised in Philly

I won't try to defend the cheesesteak, it's pretty much agreed that it's shit
The Philly Soft Pretzel is my vote for the best native philadelphia food

That being said my vote goes to Boston
>clam chowder
>lobster rolls
Fucking perfection

>> No.8639577

That's not a good version of a lobster roll, even Luke's Lobster is better than that.

>> No.8639603

Chicago also has carnitas uruapan which was the absolute best taco I have ever eaten. I've been to several cities in mexico, LA, SF, NM, TX and never had any taco approaching it. Chicago's mexican food is off the hook. I'm living in NYC now and the lack of quality hot dogs and mexican food is disconcerting. Dirty water dogs and Nathan's just don't measure up to Hot Doug's

>> No.8639613

kansas city also has amazing Mexican food. Tacos El Camino Real has a tub full of dough out of which handfuls are taken and run through a hand cranked metal press then slapped on the hot grilltop to make tortillas while they fry up the meat next to it. It's incredible.

>> No.8639618

>lobster bowl
try maine, newfag

>> No.8640116

Ha! Kek

>> No.8640133

It's called lobstah ya queeah

>> No.8640136

Chicago pizza is squares, not deep dish. Why dont people understand this

>> No.8640141

square cut is a style of cutting, not pizza type you fucking retard

>> No.8640142

And good BBQ

>> No.8640180

Cardboard bun filling and all the melamine-laced milk you can drink.

>> No.8640184

>not to move to Seattle
It used to be awesome, but has become overcrowded and ridiculously expensive. If you can afford to live there ($200K salary minimum IMO) then go for it.

>> No.8640186
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I will remind them

>> No.8640191

LOL @ trying to trick the retarded leafs and europeons into misunderstanding celsius and fahrenheit.

>> No.8640206

we use Fahrenheit all the time

>> No.8640542

someone had to

>> No.8640584

>What city has the best food and why is it Chicago?
>Think about it, we have
>gummy cheese and tomato sauce in a gluten bowl
>corpse and gluten, also it has vegetables but they're rotten
>corpse scrao stuffed into a shit tube
>another variation of corpse scraps stuffed into a corpse shit tube
>...other cities can't compete

Being away from large bodies of water does strange things to humans. Hell, I'd argue they stop being humans. Disgusting flyover fucks, why don't you all just fuck yourselves in the ass with the guns you love so much and pull the trigger while you're at it.

>> No.8640651

It's in Europe

>> No.8640662

>Nobody from Chicago eats fucking deep dish pizza.
Not true at all, t. south side.
It's a special occasion meal. Everyone holds it in very high regard.

>> No.8640678

>being away from large bodies of water
>chicago is located on lake michigan

also the rotting vegetables are actually quite good for your gut
you could also reduce basically every city to dead animal product prepared in special way

you're doing a fair amount of reaching

why are you so unhappy with your life?

>> No.8640693

I've been to Chicago 3 times and never found these hot dogs. Where actually are they? They don't really have street food carts in Chicago.

>> No.8641022

People who are actually from Chicago actually prefer thin crust
t. Chicago

>> No.8641025
File: 55 KB, 600x800, ac6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

predictable, there's always some tryhard saying this

I lived in chicago for a few years (part of my family is from there) and plenty of people love deep dish

I think this "nobody eats deep dish" meme was invented to fit the "we're just as good as new york" meme

as a sort of hybrid chicagoan/outsider, who now lives in NYC, let me tell you, chicago is and never will be new york, stop trying to be something you're not, and deep dish pizza is fantastic and you should take some pride in what you are rather than trying to be something you're not. it's like the city version of weeaboos, it just makes everyone else cringe

>> No.8641027

No one in my very large extended family ever got deep dish. Neither did any of my friends, and the only time I've ever had it was as a kid because my parents decided to try Pizzeria Uno. No one really likes it

>> No.8641029

New York pizza is shit

>> No.8641033

yeah I get it, same as deep dish pizza right? you go around in life shitting on perfectly good foods just to feel like some kind of sophisticated elitist

however, you're not sophisticated, and you may be an elitist but you're not elite

NYC pizza (of which there are several varieties) is great. chicago pizza (of which there are several varieties deep dish being the best) is great. pretty much all pizza is great except hawaiian, californian, and whatever garbage they make in michigan and places like that

enjoy pretending to hate nice things in order to prove how much you totally don't care about a city that you're completely obsessed with (I think the word for this is tsundere?)

>> No.8641039

I like bbq chicken, cream cheese and pineapple on my pizza

>> No.8641041

you got too ambitious there and exposed yourself as a troll

dial it back a few notches, nobody is going to believe you if you go that far

say something like "I just like normal pizza, with tater tots and ranch, why should I pretend to enjoy cuck pizza just to virtue signal with my white guilt? fuck your weird vegan shit like tomatoes, for every animal you don't eat I'll eat three"

that's something a flyover might plausibly say

>> No.8641237

I'm not gonna say nobody eats deep dish, but for the majority of families who live in Chicago and order pizza once a week or every couple of weeks, they probably get deep dish once or twice a year tops.

A large number of Chicagoans born and raised here haven't even ever tried it.

If you showed them a picture of 5 inch tall go za and said this is the true Chicago pizza right? They'd laugh and say what the hell is that.

Its mainly for variety once in a while or special occasions or tourists.

>> No.8641262

Everyone agrees its a special occasion pizza and for tourists to try, because everyone has heard about this "famous" thing.
Its good in its own way, but has some glaring issues that cant be ignored:

Its fucking expensive. Roughly double the cost of a normal pizza.
Its very slow. Go out for deep dish and expect to wait fully 45 minutes to an hour before the food arrives.
Its a massive calorie bomb. You are practically a hero if you finish that second slice. Who wants to get fat and feel sick?
Its monotonous. There's little you can do to customize a Chicago deep dish, it just is what it is.
Its definitely not fast food. You must sit down at a table with utensils, its unsuitable for your typical party. Messy as fuck and you do not want your drunk friends eating a slice from a paper plate over your couch and carpeting.

Its obviously full of disadvantages, relegating it to a very specific and rarely desired niche. Its stupid to believe Chicagoan's actually eat this kind of pizza often.

>> No.8641266

NYC people don't eat 10 inch thick pastrami on rye every day, but you generally don't hear it being denounced as "inauthentic" or "just for tourists", despite being very popular with tourists

>> No.8641268

Chicagoan here, can confirm

>> No.8641287

For me personally theres too much crust needed to hold the pie together especially around the circumference

>> No.8641292

>deep dish pizza
not as good as it's made out to be, bascially a meme food
>Italien beef sandwiches
nothing special
>maxwell Polish
>chicago style dog
a hotdog with everything on it EXCEPT the one thing it truly needs: ketchup

>other cities can't compete
But who would want to?

>> No.8641323


>200k /year

Even if your rent + parking spot was 5000 per month, your insurance was 500 dollar per person, 2000 total and your food, gas, water and electric costs you another 3000 per month you'd still have 80k / year left if you lived with 4 people.

You're delusional.

>> No.8641333

If you guys are ever in Chicago and need a good sub shop I recommend Tonys Italian deli & Subs

Check out the prices for what you get its unreal

>> No.8641664

You completely forgot about federal taxes, bubba. $200K magically becomes $120K after the feds take their cut.

And the $800/month 2br lakeside apartment that I rented when I moved to Seattle in the early 1990s is now a $3500/month 2br lakeside apartment. If you want to share it with four other people, good luck, the management won't let you do that, they'll rent to a couple or a family, but not a herd of Mexican illegals living on top of each other.

Congrats, you're already below that $80K that you thought you had left, and you haven't even paid for your license plates, much less your lunch.

>> No.8641709

Your anecdote is shit. You probably live in the suburbs.

>> No.8641864

Luxury 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment at kinzie station: 2750 / month

The thing is you somehow confused your wants with your needs.

Yes you need 200k/ year if you eat out every day, have over the top expensive health insurance, feel the need to own a car with a private parking spot even if you live in the city center. That on top of having to take care of a three other people.

>> No.8641870

Cant get enough of Gene and Jude's tbqh.

>> No.8641902

>Being away from large bodies of water does strange things to humans.
The city is literally adjacent to a large body of water that is more apparent to our citizens than those living in NYC or LA

>> No.8642230
File: 192 KB, 815x446, NationalHotDogDay21[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Objective worst pizza is the kind with that Provel vomit they make in that shithole St. Louis

>> No.8642326

>And the $800/month 2br lakeside apartment that I rented when I moved to Seattle in the early 1990s is now a $3500/month 2br lakeside apartment.
That's because back in the 90's white kids moving to the city were pioneers. Some of these kids had parents or grandparents who worked very hard to get the fuck out of the city. But fashion changes, and now cities are fashionable places to live again. Real estate prices reflect that. But you can still live in a city without being rich. Just don't live in the fashionable part of town.

>> No.8642365

>worst pizza is the kind with that Provel vomit they make in that shithole St. Louis

Get a load of this faggot! Calling another citys pizza garbage when his shithole calls tomato cheese bread bowls, pizza!

>> No.8642513

Mate my city's Boston not Chicago, but in their defense at least they use real cheese

>> No.8642824


>> No.8642896
File: 268 KB, 1500x1000, Crust].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone keeps memeing about Deep Dish being the Chi'Za
>When thick homestyle crust is the real showstopper
I'm so tired of it all.

>> No.8642920

Robot people cut your pizza

>> No.8642989


>> No.8642996
File: 101 KB, 1000x562, o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People need to stop comparing Chicago deep dish to other pizzas. Chicago makes a top tier thin crust.

>> No.8643843

>pieces with no crust

what will shitcago come up with next

>> No.8643903

>we have deep dish pizza
A sauce-filled gutter for rats to swim in.

>Italien beef sandwiches
Not half as good as a cheesesteak, sorry.

>maxwell Polish
Oh boy, a fucking kielbasa on a bun. You know how hard it is to fuck up a sausage on a bun? You'd have to-

>chicago style dog
...well, speak of the devil. That's exactly how you fuck up a sausage on a bun. By overloading it with a shit-ton of strong conflicting flavors that mask the taste of the hot dog.

>other cities can't compete
It's easy to be the champion of shitty food when you're the only one proud to compete for the title.

>> No.8643907
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For me, it is Detroit style, the best region style pizza

>> No.8645178

>american city
>best food
you don't even have kebap

>> No.8646026

nice b8

>> No.8646051

>chicago style dog
You guys are like 60 minutes from Wisconsin and eating fucking hot dogs like an 8 year old?

>> No.8646055


This hot dog looks pretty ok but it would be better with some nice mcdonalds ketchup on top of it

>> No.8646064

My man. My parents have a house there and we go every summer. Beautiful place on the even more beautiful Côte d'Azur. Has the best pizza I've ever had probably. Do you have a favorite place?

>> No.8646140

so-called "Italian beef" is the most over-rated food in America

>> No.8646167


Do you only eat fast food? Obviously New York has the best food, because they have the most chefs and most restaurants. They probably also have the second worst food, next to Los Angeles.

>> No.8646224

>Obviously New York has the best food, because they have the most chefs and most restaurants
Seems like a pretty poor metric for food quality

>> No.8646818

every other city also has these.

america doesnt have regional dishes except for the ones not worth selling in a restaurant.

this is european thinking/chinese

>> No.8646866

wait what? this is chicago style? i thought that was normal

what the hell is new york style then?

>> No.8647006

I always thought It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia was just a meme, but I guess the locals truly are retarded.

>> No.8647133

No, there is plenty of thin crust pizza in Chicago, but it is Milwaukee style typically, Chicago style is deep dish

>> No.8648492

Chicago is the food capitol of the world

>> No.8648534

Chicago's biggest problem is that its a large enough city to sort of kind of get food trends timely but its surrounded by nothing so the restaurants don't actually have to compete. It results in mostly mediocre food with a lot of legit bad places that should have gone out of business in their first 6 months. But people supporting the businesses simply don't know any better or go because of a lack of options. The most egregious example I can think of are the various fried chicken/fish places that put literally zero seasoning on the food and it just taste like flour if you don't get the sauce.
But theres lots of other places, like the mediocre ramen found through out the city, the couple of meh Korean fried chicken places. Italian beefs are legit bad if you've ever had a cheese steak form anywhere between Delaware and NYC. Chicago dogs are also awful unless you get them at like two of the hundreds of places that serve them. Even places that are legit good like Au Cheval are hyped up so much, with ridiculous waits for a burger that is simply good, not amazing.

That said deep dish is legit good and after moving here its fucking weird that with all the mediocrity of the food here the rest of the world latches on to and decries one of the few good dishes the city has

>> No.8648537

Pats and Geno's are bad. Jims and Joes are amazing

>> No.8648585


What if you live inside of both circles?

>> No.8648589


>> No.8649253

>he actually eats cheap meat covered in cheese whiz on a plain bun

>> No.8649298

The only people that get cheesesteaks with wiz are sucker tourists. Normal people get it with provolone or American

>> No.8649343

I'd still take an Italian hoagie or a roast pork over a cheesesteak any day.

>> No.8649348
File: 1.41 MB, 280x210, 1428695854999.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only people that think Houston/Austin/Dallas/FtWorth have good barbecue are the delusional hipster idiots who also think those are the only four cities in the state

the best, and I mean objectively best barbecue in Texas is outside the metropolitan areas in the little German communities that have been around for a couple hundred years. Smitty's and Louie Mueller's are the two most well known but definitely are not the best.

I'm of the opinion that you can't call something "the best" until you've tried all the competitors. You're definitely not going to do that if all you do is sit in a dorm in Austin and thumb your own asshole while you eat Dickie's and Fuzzy's Tacos.

>> No.8649355

WIz and American are the same thing essentially
Philly people do it wrong, the best way is midwestern style with provolone instead of wiz/american

>> No.8649364

The original cheesesteaks were provolone and its the most popular cheese

>> No.8649370

>The original cheesesteaks were provolone
True, but its not considered the traditional way by modern philly residents
>and its the most popular cheese
I seriously wish this were true