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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8629415 No.8629415 [Reply] [Original]

Who /hot sauce keychain/ here?

My poison of choice is Sriracha.

It's one of the spiciest chili sauces on the market mixed with a hint of garlic. I put this shit on everything.

>> No.8629417


1) nobody
2) you forgot to mention the sugar.
3) it's nowhere near the hottest of hot sauces

>> No.8629422

Relevant video of OP:

>> No.8629423

Not a key chain, but I carry one of those miniature bottles of Tabasco in my pocket.

>> No.8629426

OP you a fuckin lamer

>> No.8630084

I said hottest chili sauces and at 900 000 scovillas it's quite the scorcher

>> No.8630114

>hint of garlic
it's about as much of a HINT as shooting someone in the fucking toe to get their attention

>> No.8630122

Why don't you go fuck yourself tommy

>> No.8630125

I keep a flask of franks red hot strapped to my ankle

>> No.8630128


>> No.8630134

i keep a bottle in ass

>> No.8630138

You eat out so often that you carry your own hot sauce?

How fat are you?
Also sriracha only tastes good on greasy shit-tier food like americanized chinese food.

>> No.8630143

No you don't

>> No.8630237
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>> No.8630299

You sound like some edc fag, fag.

>> No.8630532

>You sound like some edc fag, fag.
I'm a virgin and I'm not gay you asshole.

I like Franks Red Hot but its a little bit too spicy

I eat out 2-3 times a day. It's cheaper than cooking. I am 5'2" and I weight 389lb (All muscle) so no I'm not really fat at all. Built yes fat no.

>> No.8630543

I do like sriracha (used to LOVE it but better hot sauces have taken it's place in my heart since), and I was carrying that keychain around in my bag for awhile, but I got too tired of cleaning it out and refilling it all the time. Meh.

You should check out Yellowbird's jalapeno hot sauce, OP. It's like sriracha but with more flavour and less sugar.

>> No.8630546


Sriracha is only 2200 scoviles bro. Less heat than a jalapeno.

>> No.8630551


forgot source

>> No.8630560

depends what brand of sriracha you get, mine's much higher than that

>> No.8630574

I keep a hip flask of mad dog 357 on me because the canteen at my workplace serves pretty bland food. This obnoxious, bitchy girl once went through my shit on a camping holiday, found the hip flask and drank from it for like 5 seconds before it hit her.

>> No.8630598

People who do this are the worst. Almost as bad a man-baby's who don't eat veggies.

>> No.8630606

Tbh senpai

>> No.8630611

I keep cyanide in mine.

>> No.8630662

I'm pretty sure cooking at home is wayyy cheaper than eating out all the time

>> No.8630700

Lmao Sriracha isn't hot at all, I usually use it on Italian food bc the garlic pairs well with pizza & pasta. If I want heat I'll break out the habanero sauces

>> No.8630903

Is this right?
I swear Franks red hot tastes hotter than Sriracha.

>> No.8630936

Me too. Never know when you gotta leave this world Hitler-style. You do have a conceal-carry license too, right?

>> No.8630956

Do you bite the cyanide first then shoot yourself or do you shoot yourself in the mouth so you break the cyanide capsule at the same time?

>> No.8630967

Best to not take chances and swallow the pill before shooting yourself. Also gotta angle the gun barrel toward the brain stem, which Hitler wasn't smart enough to do.

>> No.8630970
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Hitler didn't kill himself...

>> No.8630973

Just almost bought a bottle of Sriracha not 1 hour ago... never had it before but everyone raves about it here.
I'm more of a "if it doesn't melt your face then fuck off" kinda guy...

>> No.8630982
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>muh conspiracies

>> No.8630990

explain this shit commie

>> No.8631013

I hope he lived a happy life. He was doing so well until everyone turned on him. God bless him.

>> No.8631016
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A conspiracy spread by the U.S. government.

>> No.8631034
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>It's one of the spiciest chili sauces on the market

>> No.8631039

>inb4 404

>> No.8631040

>389lb (All muscle)

>> No.8631046

that is a conspiracy itself

>> No.8631076
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You poor, simple fool. If only you could grasp what's really going on behind the scenes in this world.

>> No.8631087
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>> No.8631101
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You're insane.
It's nowhere near 900,000.
Ultra Death Sauce is the 2nd hottest in the world and it's 800,000.
Ultra Death is the best in terms of spice and flavour combo... I've added it to almost every meal since November.

>> No.8631126

>ITT: People falling for b8
Can you all fuck off back to plebbit?

>> No.8631144
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>> No.8631236

It tastes hotter cus Sriracha has a hint of garlic to cool down the capsacins and such hope this helps

>> No.8631242

Fuck off to /r/the_donald you fucking faggot.

>> No.8631261

You forgot to multiply it by volume, dum ass.

You forgot to multiply by volume. Yes 4 gallons of Ultra "Death " Sauce is spicier technically than a small 5ml fl oz bottle of Sriracha or Frank's Red Hot

You're associating your onliine image with a rapist

>> No.8631329

ayyy i have one. Fries + sirracha is heavenly

>> No.8631359
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Pic related this entire thread.

>> No.8631396

This thread reminds me of the scene in Selena where Chris and Selena eat pizza and Chris whips out his mini bottle of Cholula that he keeps in a holster on his hip - https://youtu.be/LcbQLZh2VPY

>> No.8631702

autist detected. sadly it's op this time

>> No.8631745
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>> No.8631854

That didn't happen

>> No.8632257


>> No.8632332
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>> No.8632610

I'm not OP, but I think that while it should be financially cheaper, I tend to buy bulk and then make servings for more than one. I tend to eat more than I should and put on a bit more weight. Granted that has more to do with weak willpower than anything else.

>> No.8632620

so basically you're paying a tax on your own inability to change

>> No.8632829

>not knowing what edc is.
This has got to be a troll

>> No.8632896
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watch it tommy

>> No.8632905

Kys manlet, i'm a fucking SEAnigger and i'm taller than you kek

>> No.8632913

Spiciness in Scovilles is an intrinsic property, so the volume is irrelevant.

>> No.8633852

If you instrincailly have 1tbsp of ghost peppers that's hotter than 1 gallon of chili powder.

>> No.8634236

had to look it up on urban dictionary. it stands for every day carry, but I carry my sriracha on my wallet keychain in my purse

>> No.8634297

>with a rapist

You know if your going to troll you have to be way more subtle.

>> No.8634312


>> No.8634323

Okay sweetie if that makes you think you just made an argument ;) You're dismissed okay honey?

>> No.8634426
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>> No.8634609

<man who knows nothing about spice or hot sauce trolls /ck/

>> No.8634613

this. Get Blair's Sudden Death sauce or something instead if you want to feel heat.

>> No.8634618

Not an argument

>> No.8634742

Na bro, you have to factor in time spent cooking/prepping. It's cheaper for me to have peasants prepare my meal than to pay myself to do it.

>> No.8634757
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For me it would have to be the McChicken, the best sandwich

>> No.8634771

>average man
>195 lbs
amerifats, everyone

>> No.8634788

Sorry we're not all 5'1" 70kg twinks like you.

>> No.8634799

Lose some weight then blubberguts

>> No.8634804


>> No.8635008
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Sriracha is a fucking meme sauce that only people with no sense of taste and hipsters enjoy. It's offensive to the tongue and its flavor will RUIN any meal you put it on - not that faggots like you even care because you're too busy immersing yourself into the same brainless bacon-tier culture as every other faggot who jumps onto trendy shit for the trend factor alone.
Fucking kill yourself already, OP. You're clearly too far gone to be saved.

>> No.8635018

Not sure what's worse, the abject retards thinking OP is earnest, or the complete fuckwits roleplaying that he is knowing full well that it's a shitpost.

>> No.8635095

Damn this guy must have a huge penis

>> No.8635182
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I open-carry a bottle Tabasco sauce because SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED, fucker!

>> No.8635874

>Try my new bottle of Pain 100% with dinner
>Supposed to be just under five times hotter than the Batch #37 I could handle directly on food
>Of course my old man wanted to try some
>Put some on our steaks and rice
>Fuck me
>Old man starts making a scene
>Gets up out of his chair
>Mom is pissed
>Reassure her that he is just overreacting so she would relax
>To prove I wasn't lying I finish the entire half teaspoon or so on my plate throughout the rest of dinner
>Keep a straight face the entire time as my teeth vibrate, ears pop, and everything looks really bright
Can't wait to do it again

>> No.8635893

lel this

>> No.8635896

>shall not be in fridged

Missed opportunity.

>> No.8635909

that top ramen shirt is efay as fuck

>> No.8635935

This is some low quality bait, heres your (You)

>> No.8636488
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hey guise.