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File: 704 KB, 1500x1600, 8e7c028a9339f6b5d3846aa5041e1058_cocktail-long-island-iced-tea-long-island-iced-tea-clipart_1500-1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8623152 No.8623152 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm gonna be 21 soon and gonna go to a bar. I need a list of drinks to avoid so I don't look gay.

>> No.8623155

>drinking alcohol


>> No.8623157

either beer or hard liquor on the rocks

>> No.8623163

I assume if I can get it Vodka is the best. That's a man's drink, right?

>> No.8623167


>> No.8623168

Nothing sweet, you fucking nancy boy.

>> No.8623172

>go to the bar with my m8s
>I order armagnac
>on the rocks
>everyone calls me a faggot anyway

>> No.8623184

Is long island iced tea sweet?

>> No.8623187
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Your pic is my go to.
But just how much alcohol tolerance do you have op? If your answer is little, or i don't know, stick with beer. The last thing you want to do is blow chunks in the bar bathroom.
You can't go wrong with a screwdriver.
Personally, i always liked black Russians and micheladas. The problem with micheladas is that not every bar has the ingredients to make them. Just a thought.

>> No.8623191

Who cares? Foofoo drinks are the only things worth drinking.

>> No.8623193

Sorry, there's no chance you're not going to look gay since you think like that. Just accept it, or attend one of the conversion camps funded by chik-fuk-a.

>> No.8623222

seconding screwdriver, i also liked jack and coke when i first started drinking

just take it easy and don't over do it

>> No.8623236


I assume you're an aussie so you should be used to being called a faggot by your friends.

>> No.8623238


Rum & Coke
Whiskey & Coke
Whiskey & Ginger Ale
Gin & Tonic

Or if for some reason you're insecure about mixers with added sugar:
Anything Hard Liquor & Soda

No one's gonna bat an eye at any of those.

>> No.8623242

Vodka is the girliest of all hard liquors. If you want to drink straight alcohol, whiskey or tequila is the way to go.

>> No.8623245

if you drink anything other than malort youre a fag

if you live in a shithole that doesnt serve malort i feel bad for you

>> No.8623249

Get some Fernet Branca. Straight if you're a man, with cola if you're a faggot pussy.

>> No.8623253

The only way to not be a faggot is to not get drinks and drink straight hard alcohol.

>> No.8623255

Gin and tonic now, gin and tonic forever.

>> No.8623257

OP here again, will I look gay if I have a designated driver?

>> No.8623282

You're going to look gay no matter what you do because you're a complete and irredeemable faggot. Just order a fruity tropical drink and grope your friends' crotches, you dirty butt pirate.

>> No.8623300
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But you'll be a safe, and responsible gay. The best gay, second only to the dead one.

>> No.8623308

Gin and tonic.


>> No.8623314

Appletini Swizzle is the first drink you order.

>> No.8623321

Don't get any girly fag drinks and just get beer.

>> No.8623332

Make sure to really pronounce those S's too.

>> No.8623345

>Not rakija

K den, m8

>> No.8623430

depends on the type of bar youre going to desu

if its like a generic pub/sports bar then get a draft beer or a highball (like a seven + seven)

only get cocktails if youre in a cocktail bar. in a shitty chain bar the cocktails will be over priced and pretty meh

>> No.8623490

double campari, neat

>> No.8623578

Not op, but thought I would ask here. Is drinking straight coconut rum weird? I really like coconut flavored rum, but people give me weird looks when I drink it.

>> No.8623579

So you never tasted alcohol before that? If so it's kinda like the equivalent of losing virginity in your mid 20's. I'm 21 and European, have been drinking casually for a couple of years now (purchased my own since 18).

>> No.8623580

Yeah but only to mask the fact it's very alcoholic, as far as cocktails go. They're an okay starter drink and people don't really judge you for them because they get you drunk fast, which is more or less the point of drinking them instead of beer or what have you.

>> No.8623591

Both solid options. I like rum and coke with lime (technically a Cuba Libre) but not many bartenders will know what the fuck you're talking about if you order a Cuba Libre.

>> No.8623644
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Avoid Blue Moon. It's a woman's beer.
Never order a "cocktail" with more than two ingredients (liquor+mixer or garnish) at a pub/bar.

Also, don't call this beer mix a Black and Tan in an Irish-themed bar.

>> No.8623668

Mimosas aren't gay if you are out having brunch

>> No.8623951

Are you used to drinking alcohol at all?

>> No.8623958

I drank regular vodka one time when I was younger. I seemed to been able to handle it I think.

>> No.8624267

>San Francisco hipster drink

>> No.8624359

>out having brunch
If you're out having brunch you are already a fucking faggot.

>> No.8624664

I drink negronis
I like negroni
You should drink them as well

>> No.8624670

Dude just order whatever the hell you want. No one will care what kind of drinks some kid at the bar orders.

>> No.8624673

I love Mojitos.

>> No.8624769

Just order whatever you want. You probably look gay anyway. You should enjoy yourself, at least.

>> No.8624808

wtf is 1.5c, google just says it's Celsius but that doesn't seem right. Is this drink fifty percent alcohol?

>> No.8624968

Ask for a Barbarian
Pint of beer with two shots of vodka and one shot of apple syrup (or no syrup at all) poured into it

>> No.8624974

Americans are severely cucked
I'm yuro too and been ordering rounds at the bar without questions or being asked for ID since I was 15 and I have a baby face

>> No.8624983


Here's what you do. You look that bartender straight in the eye and demand a Shirley Temple. It's manly as fuck trust me

>> No.8624993

Better slam your fist on the counter and spit on the floor too

>> No.8625014

It says cl, friend.

>> No.8625018

Gay drinks:
white wine
red wine if you're under 40
vodka + anything
any premixed stuff like bacardi breezers
cocktails most of the time but you can get away with it in certain situations. i'll have a cocktail maybe once a year as a special treat.

>> No.8625025

>drink rakija
>find out i've done the following:
>commit genocide against small ethnic groups
>create a small nation in my bedroom and demand that a russian man come save me
>commit more genocide + warcrimes against my bedroom tribe
>after realising what i've done, i opt to drink more rakija to forget.

>> No.8625052

This here is what insecurity looks like, don't be like her.

>> No.8625056

OP nobody will care
Shiner Bock is my baseline beer, not much of a liquor man besides whiskey

>> No.8625084

Drink whatever looks tasty to you.

>> No.8625115


>> No.8625150

>craft beer
>pale ale
>dark ale

Anything that ends in "light" should be fine.

>> No.8625185

What about corona light

>> No.8625228

Those are all the beers, the fuck am I supposed to drink

>> No.8625246

Seconding these posts. If you aren't used to the flavor of liquor simple two-part cocktails are the way to go. Trying to start off with booze heavy drinks is asking for trouble.

If you want to stick with beer, I find lagers to be the most accessible to new drinkers. Fucking love IPAs and Stouts but honestly that is an acquired taste. If you go to an actual bar (instead of a bar at a chain restaurant for example) and the place isn't that busy, ask the bartender for suggestions and be honest that you are new to drinking. Most good ones will introduce you to something worthwhile.

Campari and Soda is the shit.

>> No.8625279

>so I don't look gay.

>Bartender's Big Cock
>Bathroom Bend-over
>Kneel and Bob's Special Delight
>Penis Envy Sour
>A Stiff One
>Cherry Poppin' Daddy
>Man Slurpee
>Donkey Kong with a Twist

>> No.8626050

Cocktails are usually expensive and takes hours to get served
Hard liquors are expensive too and tryhard as fuck with friends
Wine is only ok for women and when having dinner
Beer is always good as long as you can avoid PissWasser
Pastis is also a winrar during summer (and cheap af)

>> No.8626231

By 21 you should really already know this stuff. If you don't you might be... gay.

>> No.8626236

Just have a fucking rum and coke

>> No.8626238

Can't drink under 21 in murica

>> No.8626299

>>All beer

>> No.8626312

Christ, dude. Everyone I ran with was already drinking at 15, and I live in 'murrica. Were you home schooled by evangelicals?

>> No.8626326

I wasn't specific enough
>Can't drink under 21 in bars in murica

Makes it logical for the average american to not know much about bar etiquette when he reached 21
Frenchfag reporting in

>> No.8626381

>all this homophobic paranoia

Yeezus Christ
Order what you wanna order. Good STARTER COCKTAILS are, as said, gin and tonic, rum and coke, screwdriver, etc. but only because they're simple and easy to drink and relatively stiff. If you want something frillier, go for it.

Myself, I just order cheap beers or the occasional gin and tonic. But I'll be damned if I'm gonna let someone tell me what I can or can't order.

>> No.8626410

>all this homophobic paranoia


Keep it up with all your insults of phobia this and phobia that. Make sure you don't win that election in 2020.

>> No.8626433

Whiskey sour. By far the easiest drink in my opinion for someone new to drinking. Also you don't look like a gigantic pussy drinking a whiskey sour at the bar. Homemade whiskey sours are cheap as shit and easy to make.

>> No.8626446

Whiskey sour and Long Islands are great

>> No.8626929


>> No.8626938

Not that guy but avoiding a drink because it might make you *look* gay is pretty paranoid. Undoubtedly homophobic.

The word gets unduly thrown around a lot but, in this case, it's merited. OP is being ridiculous.

>> No.8626942

>not that guy

Don't you have a bull to prep?

>> No.8626947

>on the rocks

>> No.8627587
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Everyone always mixes there drinks with coke
But I go with the superior soda

>> No.8627604

A Four Horsemen is Jack, Jim, Johnnie, and Jameson, not Jose Cuervo wtf

>> No.8627633

You look gay now by thinking there are "gay" drinks. Drink whatever you like.

>> No.8627712

Rusty Nail, Old Fashioned or Whiskey Sour

>> No.8627735

>mixing whisky with pure sugar

Frat boys get out

>> No.8627792

Where can I get a red-headed slut?

>> No.8627854

How much do you weigh? That'll impact how much you can drink typically

If you start salivating, stop drinking for a bit, no one cares if you get hammered but don't puke everywhere

>> No.8627884

start with one or two ceasers

then go to gin and sodas

then beers

last one or two drinks of the night should be straight liquor over ice

>> No.8627893

Booker's rocks.

>> No.8627906

just avoid ordering anything with semen in it, you should be fine

>> No.8627916

Heh, that's clever...

what do you call it if you mix Admiral Nelson, Captain Morgan, and Sailor Jerry?

>> No.8627930

A naval defeat


Lost at sea

>> No.8628152


Of all the manly drinks, you picked tequila? Tequila brings to mind margaritas aka bitch drinks.

Get a Rum and Coke or Whiskey and Coke OP. Can't go wrong with either of those.

>> No.8628161
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Say that to my face and not online and see what happens

>> No.8628185

Your wired

>> No.8628197

Im 22 and my first drink was cider so I'd suggest either a cider or a rum n coke or dark n stormy... rum is the best introductory spirit desu

>> No.8628198

ITT: cucks

>> No.8628210

Drink craft beer its the only alcohol that isnt gay af

>> No.8628294

Drinking while under the influence is the least gay thing you can do. It was how I lost my virginity.
Seconding rum. It was my first drink. It was how I lost my second virginity.

>> No.8628538

no it doesn't. It's not like liquor at the bar is magically different to that you can drink at home.

>> No.8628544

Be prepared for the bartenders to say shit like "oh we got a fresh one" or " it"s a newbe" and don't spill your spaghetti.

>> No.8628566

Is svekda a fag drink? I rarely drink but I mix some of that stuff with ginger ale .

My first alcohol at 21 was straight grey goose vodka and I just about threw up

>> No.8628669

One time I accidentally got a sweet drink and then suddenly 3 men started going to town on my asshole and I felt the need to suck cocks for months.

Be careful kids, it could happen to you too.

>> No.8628696
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what the fuck you are so autistic OP
and most of you faggots are so insecure you worry what you are drinking wtf

>> No.8628700

Try everything at least once you fucking nerd.

Nothing's worse than a young lad who goes too hard and can't hold his drink.

>> No.8628976


order Blanton's neat, or get an old fashioned

>> No.8629003

>tfw 21
>tfw dad gave you a bottle of rum so I downed two 8oz cups

Needless to say I was fucked

>> No.8629078

Grand Admiralty
Royal British Navy
Blackbeard's Treasure

>> No.8631173
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Lagavulin neat, son.

>> No.8631194

So I'm gay and gonna go to a bar. I need a list of drinks to avoid so I don't look 21.

>> No.8631211

You dont get sold the alcohol there, dumbass. There's no reason to go.

>> No.8632358

Prune juice and appletini.

>> No.8632389


You're changing the way you want to live to avoid anyone possibly being able to insinuate that you're a homosexual.
In what would is that not an extreme fear of even the shadow of homosexuality? You're terrified.

Like it's a fucking boogeyman.
You small, small man.

>> No.8632454

If you have to ask this question, it means you're new to drinking alcohol in general. That means you shouldn't drink liquor because you'll get too fucked up and look like an idiot. (That's still going to happen eventually, but better to get familiar with alcohol first.)

Order whatever beer sounds good to you; try a few different ones. Also, don't worry about "looking gay" because the bartender doesn't give a flying fuck what you order as long as it's not a pain in the ass to make and you leave a tip.

If you do order liquor for whatever reason, here are some basic 2 ingredient drinks that you should be able to get anywhere:
>tequila shot and a beer to wash it down (this will get you fucked up as a newbie)

Campari is fucking disgusting if you ask me, but it's a big world so I ain't gonna judge. They wouldn't still be making it if there weren't people who like it.

>> No.8632612

absinthe is good for you in small dosages, I prefer couple shots of La Fee before going home.

>> No.8632613


>> No.8632631

Do order an irish car bomb

They are a tasty treat

>> No.8632636
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>Avoid Blue Moon. It's a woman's beer.

Belgian Wheat beer is for women? What?

>> No.8632639
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>> No.8632698
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have had some nice made from berries, then potato/sugar/yeast mush, almost no hangover next day despite drinking neat and above 60% abv. Stills was used with steam dryer, one was with coal inline filter - less smelly.

>> No.8632730

just man up and order an appletini

>> No.8632736


so anywhere but the chicago area and maybe at big liquor stores in NY

it also boggles the mind that malort is actually drunk non-ironically now

>> No.8632750
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I'll have you assholes know I don't bash gays because I'm a homophobe. I bash gays because I need to keep up a facade, so that my dad doesn't suspect that I jerk of to trap porn while wearing panties.

>> No.8632805

Have fun and order something you couldn't make yourself, gayboi

>> No.8632831

>Not look gay

>> No.8632845

Drinking at home with buddies is the best way unless you absolutely want to pay sixteen dollars for a Jim Bean and orange juice Old Fashioned.

>> No.8632858

really made me think

>> No.8633006

Order a cosmopolitan, then look immediately at the person to your left and say "what's up bitch". They'll be mad at you at first but then when they see you've ordered such a badass dangerous drink they'll just watch in awe/try to persuade you not to drink it for your own safety (people die every year from these bad boys)

>> No.8633009

Come on to a woman at the bar strong and order the gayest fucking thing you possibly can in front of her when you offer to buy her a drink.

She'll think it will be hysterical and it'll be a cake walk getting pussy after that.

>> No.8633024

>stars and stripes
unexpected kek

>> No.8633568

Is this a "tag yourself" post?

>> No.8633629

>vodka is the girliest of all hard liquors
Only in America, but since he stated that 21 is the legal drinking age, I guess your point stands

>> No.8633809

Get an Irish car bomb. It's tradition.

>> No.8633817

just ask the bartender to give you something good for your first legal drink.

>> No.8633914


I have heard this. In America, vodka is associated heavily with women, both for lack of flavor and for the "frilly sugary nonsense drink" epidemic. It's too practical to avoid entirely, but that is an association people will make without hesitation.

But in other cultures, Europe, it's seen as VERY masculine. Arguably the most masculine. What is the "girl liquor" around the world? What is the "man liquor"?
In America, typically I'd think whiskey is for men, vodka is for women. I can't quite place gin, either. I think I heard a story of some Scotsmen taking the piss over a guy ordering gin instead of vodka once, but I think of it as very masculine, fighty, angry. Bombay Sapphire aside.

Any input from any people, particularly non-Americans, would be appreciated.

>> No.8633956

Europoor here.
No one thinks of vodka as a girly drink where I'm from, in fact, it's as you said: it's thought of as really masculine, since it has a high percentage of alcohol and gets you drunk fast.
Generally, cocktails are considered to be girly. Or drinks low in alcohol, such as champagne. Whiskey, Gin, and all that stuff is reserved for people who drink to get drunk fast, which means men.

>> No.8634002

>What is the "girl liquor" around the world?
Vermouth, champagne, flavoured beer, sweet liquors?

>> No.8634013

wine, beer cocktails(those shits that are <3%), cider

>> No.8634029

Black/White Russians
Any Spirit, Spirit + Soda, juice etc
Old Fashioned
Any beer (obviously)

>> No.8634329

Ok, Mario.

>> No.8634372
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who else here /neverhadadrink/ and /canmedicallyneverdrink/

>> No.8635166

18 here, canadian. 19 is the legal age. I've always wanted to try a grasshopper when i hit 19, how gay is that? will it turn any heads if i were to ask for one?

>> No.8635168

who /likes "manly" drinks but considers people who actually care about how it's perceived girlier than girly drinks/

>> No.8635296

>demand a Russian man come save me
Veliki Kek

>> No.8635369
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>Vodka is the girliest of all hard liquors

>> No.8635474

Are you on pills for something?

>> No.8635481

He's right though. "Great vodka" is basically devoid of most flavor, according to the "connoisseurs".

You might as well drink diluted ethanol.

>> No.8636996

which one triggered you?

>> No.8637336

Dont order plain vodka
You"ll look retarded and/or pretentious

>> No.8638413

No only american ones, great vodka has some taste of grain and production methods.

>> No.8639897


>> No.8639904

You don't wanna look like a loser
Only order
Vodka soda

>> No.8640152
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Your going to look gay no matter what. Just be polite to your bartender and he or she will take care of you. They might not like you much but they will do what they can for you.

>> No.8640436

you don't know what's in an old fashioned do you?

>> No.8640465

i love the effect of absinthe but god damn it tastes disgusting

>> No.8640469

drink something that tastes good and who fucking cares what people think.

>> No.8640519

Mix it with cranberry juice and whiskey.

>> No.8640850

whisky is a man's drink bruh

>> No.8640871
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drink whatever the FUCK you wanna drink
and yes Uber home or have a DD

if you get sick, part of the experience my m8, as long as you're conscious enough to haul ass to the bathroom or outside
but knock on wood I never have

if you wanna not look gay, bring a girl to recommend you delicious, fruity drinks