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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8600025 No.8600025 [Reply] [Original]

My friend bet me I couldn't eat off $10 next month. That's $10 for the whole month. How do I do it boys?

>> No.8600030


>> No.8600031

rice and beans
dumpster diving

>> No.8600036

Eat all your mealls off of the $10 bill. Fuck off

>> No.8600037

Extended visit at mommy's house.

>> No.8600042

Rice and lots of water.

>> No.8600043

I spend 1200-1500/month on food lmao.
Get fucked peasant.

>> No.8600045

4-5 kg of the cheapest rice you can find and spend what you have left over on the cheapest dry beans you can find

if you have any cents left over maybe a potato or an apple for a treat

>> No.8600047

how fat are you?

>> No.8600048

what would you win ?, because even if this is possible, it would suck big time for a whole month.

>> No.8600052

get his mom a tattoo of a $10 bill on her snatch and eat her out every day in March

>> No.8600053

never too early to start preparing for Ramadan, anon :^)

>> No.8600055

essentially this post right here, you might be able to get like 1000 kcal/day in you which is enough

>> No.8600056

I'm actually thinking this could double as an interesting exercise in my shoplifting abilities. I just need to find out the master abilities then I can become. The. Master. Thief.

>> No.8600061

You shouldn't shoplift, because it's wrong.

>> No.8600062

potatoes if you don't mind enemas

>> No.8600063

though now that I think about it, where's your fat intake coming from? gotta have a little fat. also probably tons of nutritional deficiencies.

>> No.8600087

A most interesting wager! Have you considered crossing the international date line backwards 30 times, gaining a day each time? In this manner a month would pass before your $10 worth of provisions were expended.

>> No.8600107

-If you live near a university, clubs, presentations, etc. have events and often food. Sometimes it's cookies and water, but sometimes it's pizza.
-Go volunteer at a food bank/soup kitchen/etc. They often let the volunteers eat for free too.
-Mooch off friends and family.
Multivitamins aren't food. Just pop one a day so you don't get rickets and scurvy.

>> No.8600113

I lol'd heartily

>> No.8600149

Soup kitchens, Ramen, a shit load of raisins and potatoes.

>> No.8600158

Oh and begging.
But if you beg for money that doesn't count so just beg for free food/leftovers.

>> No.8600159

He keeps the change

>> No.8600234

Just go fishing or something you twat

>> No.8600245
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Now who's the poorfag?

Also you can't.

>> No.8600291

I found this loop hole with the Walmart self check outs:

Bring whatever expensive item you want ie steak + bananas to the checkout. Spin around 3 times while chanting Sam Walton diddled little kids. Then when you go to ring up the steak, enter the banana code instead and put the steak in the bagging area. Wala, you just got steak for the price of bananas.

>> No.8600308

Rice, beans, potatoes, onions, bell peppers/chili peppers, garlic, some cabbages/kale/broccoli once in a while.

>> No.8600310

x1 10lb bag of rice
x1 bottle multi vitamins

>> No.8600320

You see when you guys respond to the rice and bean threads,if the guy has $10 how is he going to pay for the way to heat the food ? Also the real answer is lard and flower.

>> No.8600321

Grab spice and condiment packets from McDonalds and Taco Bell. Use them to flavor your shitty potato and bean soups.

>> No.8600322

Hunt for your food

>> No.8600327
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>> No.8600344

What ever you do, don't forget to eat your own semen to conserve protein

>> No.8600356

But that's a $35 box of bullets.

>> No.8600383

Rice faggots don't know what they're talking about.

You want Hard Red Winter Wheat Berries. Far more nutritious than rice and around the same price.

>> No.8600396



>> No.8600414

Hell have to cut back and buy federal

>> No.8600420

if you have 20+ pounds of fat on your body you can do it easily

i ate almost nothing for a month one time

>> No.8600424

Even people in the poorest parts of India live off of about 45 cents a day, and food costs significantly less there. You're going to lose the bet.

>> No.8600470

Pretty sure it weigh it, and they usually have someone watching

>> No.8600474

What the fuck are you buying? I go grocery shopping about every week and spend maximum $120 between my roommates and i for the week, and we dont buy cheap shit. You are spending between 3-4x what we spend and we arent being cheap. What is going on here? How expensive is food where you live?

>> No.8600483

he goes out to eat at nice restaurants and buys steak

>> No.8600626

How do I get the fishing stuff for less than $10

>> No.8600642
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Underrated poast

>> No.8600644
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>Americans can buy bullets from their government

The more I learn about you people the more I come to despise you.

>> No.8600650

Easy if you live in Texas.

Go down to Mexico and buy an ass ton of beans.

>> No.8600667

>Japan’s Admiral during WWII, Isoroku Yamamoto as saying: "You cannot invade mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass."

It's pretty difficult to invade a country when the citizens are allowed to have weapons.

>> No.8600678

go back to /pol/
unless you are the girl in photo
q~q i love you antifa waifu

>> No.8600690
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>Americans can buy bullets from their government

>Mfw they think federal is in any way affiliated with us federal government

>> No.8600716

id bake her a nice cupcake to show i love her

>> No.8600721


food banks. it's not like a normal bank. they will just give you food.

>> No.8600727


>it's not like a normal bank. they will just give you food.

The fact that you felt the need to clarify that gave me a chuckle.

>> No.8600741

I misread this at first glance as "My friend beat me off for $10". It's time for bed now.

>> No.8600742

Yeah but those fat bastards are living it up on potato chips and candy bars.

>> No.8600745 [DELETED] 
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Do Jewish synagogues actually have food banks?
If so, I would always go there, just for amusement, plus everything would be Kosher. I would be stunned to see a Jew giving away handouts. But Ill bet they would need to see 7 years of tax records and assets, and you need to sign a binding legal agreement mandating payback with interest.

>> No.8600751

How much did he bet you?

>> No.8600756

In this case, "Federal" is a corporate brand name.

But yes, we can also buy ammunition, and also firearms, through the Director of Civilian Marksmanship Program ("DCM" or "CMP" depending).


>> No.8600764

They do. They get the food from the church food bank down the road. But you have to be a member of (((the tribe))) to pry anything out of the synagogue's claws.

>> No.8600766

$10 worth of ramen isn't really enough for a month. You could buy roughly 5 cases of 12 packs of ramen, which each pack being about 390 calories. This would average out to about 760 calories per day which isn't really enough for anyone.

>> No.8600775
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His wife as concubine

>> No.8600794

Find sikhs. They often do free food for anyone.

>> No.8600819

You despise us because our government openly sells us bullets?

Our government sells your government bullets. Do you hate your gov. now?

>> No.8600843

just go to walmart they can't stop you even if they cared

>> No.8600846
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Enjoy another set of broken teeth in Poland

>> No.8600965


>> No.8601009

serve all your food on a 10 dollar bill.
>eating off $10

>> No.8601067

Go to a store with a yard/garden department (like a big-box hardware store) and buy the biggest sack of birdseed you can find for $10.

Cheaper birdseeds are actually more edible because they load up the millet and cracked corn in favor of stuff like unshelled seeds.

It's probably going to be a 25-30lb sack.

So, you'd have a bit less than a pound of raw millet and cracked corn to eat per day.

It won't be a great deal of fun, but it's enough to feed you for a month.

>> No.8601071

bartin is that you?

>> No.8601085

Drink fuckloads of water, eat rice, beans or pasta, whatever is the cheapest

>> No.8601263

>not using bird seed to attract birds and eating pidgeon for a month

>> No.8601267

kek a manager at a walgreen near my old house got arrested for raping a shoplifter

>> No.8601273

1. stab somebody
2. go to jail
3. eat for free
4. profit??

>> No.8601308


>> No.8601313

>not doing both and eating roasted fowl on a bed of seeds evvy day

>> No.8601329

$9 worth of oats
$1 worth of milk

Cheat for the rest

>> No.8601343

try any of these:
>capture and gather insects that you find, when you have enough cook them
>sausages and milkybars
>electrical wires, to gain their energy
>tree bark
>mud pies

>> No.8601377

As apposed to not having a gun and being murdered and having your wife raped in your own home compared to someone who does have one.
Yeah fuck off retard pussy.

>> No.8601382


>> No.8601387

nigga you going to jail

>> No.8601396


>> No.8601399

Yeah, that

>> No.8601433

Shoplifting is bad but rape is worse. Sounds like everybody lost in this scenario.

>> No.8601468


That's a shit bet if he didn't put in a weight loss clause.

I mean, you can survive, but you'll be half the man you were.

>> No.8601538

Aye, I had a girlfriend in college who would go to the youth ministries on campus since they regularly had potlucks and being the wonderful woman she was, would never bring her own and just gibsmedat to all those who played their part

>> No.8601549

Kill urself shitredditsays pedo

>> No.8601623

Link to sotry please

>> No.8601639


>> No.8601710

can someone explain this joke to me?

>> No.8601804

Buy a pair of kneepads

>> No.8601832

>get caught
>go to jail
>eat for free

Good idea mate

>> No.8601844

You're pretty fucked unless you want to be starved and malnourished by the end of the month.

>> No.8601861

What the fuck is having a nice bouquet going to do for help?

>> No.8601862

Coupleof question. Will the wager begin on March 1? If so, just stock up on food now so you have enough to last most of next month.

How much is on the line? What are the stakes?

Last year I entered into a wager with 5 friends to see who could lose the most weight in 6 months. We put up $300 each. I lost 70 lbs and won $1,500.

Best of luck on your wager, OP.

>> No.8601877


>having a wife
>having a House
>having a gun
>getting robbed


>> No.8601878


>everyone is out to get me, murder my loved ones and enter my home

Go back to your bunker you retarded Doomsday-prepping paranoid faggot.

>> No.8601902

>Federal is a corporate brand name

Would there be anything to stop someone calling their company, for example, "Government Issue" or "US Army Issue"?

>> No.8601996
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This sounds like the guy that raped the alligator that nearly ate him.

>> No.8602021

Get a coupon book for bulk groceries.

>> No.8602024

>poor middle aged roastie who never settled down sneaks a can of stewing steak to feed her bastard son
>gets caught and taken into backroom to talk to manager
>is blackmailed into sex with the manager or else he'll call the cops and put her in jail

>> No.8602028

dumpster diving

>> No.8602032

If you could somehow afford it put a little canola oil in the rice while it cooks. Maybe sauce garlic in the pot before adding rice and water

>> No.8602040

i know a person that got heavy stomach cramps from only eating potatoes for a months, frankly you can not last on 10$ while not harming your health, sure its possible and you might not even get hungry, but it will still fuck you up unless you "cheat" and go to foodbanks etc

>> No.8602072

it's about the small chance that it will happen you dum tard dummy stupid dummy poopoooohead

>> No.8602135

30lb of Flour = ca. 3$
4,75 cans of evaporated milk =5$
9,25lb of Cabbage 1,5€
2,08lb of Spinach = 2$
23,75lb of Dried Navy Beans = 14$

You would have to pay around 25$ a month to get the following recomended daily nutrients.

3,000 Calories
70 grams
.8 grams
12 milligrams
Vitamin A
5,000 IU
Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
1.8 milligrams
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
2.7 milligrams
18 milligrams
Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)
75 milligrams

So your Goal is not feasable unless you can get free Food or are willing to suffer from deficiencies.

>> No.8602223

came here to post this

>> No.8602266

Username checks out.

>> No.8602289

Goddamn that's alot of McDoubles you should slow down.

>> No.8602327

I stop at my sister's and grandmother's once a week each for dinner when funds are tight.
Sometimes several other people's homes as well, including my brother who seems to only eat extra hot Italian sausage and onions. Which I love, but every other day?
C'mon now guy.

Also, look up your local food pantries / soup kitchens, etc.
If you actually are having trouble feeding yourself, there are people who will help.
If you make minimum wage, apply for food assistance (EBT/SNAP) through your state.

Also, considering making more money if you can and spending it wiser. Ignore if this does not apply to you.

>> No.8602337

Just buy some dollar store vegetable oil and drink a bit with each meal

>> No.8602344

My work place has free hot chocolate (milk based) and coffee with creamers/sugar.

I could potentially drink most of my calorie requirement for the day, but it would be bad for my blood sugar.

>> No.8602362

Go to a church and tell them you only have 10 bucks to eat off of next month. Omit the bet part and let the free food donations roll in.

>> No.8602371

>make bet that you can't live off $10 for a month
>with the obvious understanding that the challenge is for you to stretch the money into a month's supply of food
>say "fuck that"
>steal food
>get trespassed from a store for a year
>be a fucking embarrassment
>kill yourself
>lose $10
sounds good OP I'm diggin this plan

>> No.8602392

get a bb gun and start hunting squirrels and rabbits

>> No.8602401

>eats without a nice bouquet on the table

>> No.8602521

>because it's wrong
Is that it?

>> No.8602534
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Ok lets give it a shot, might not be healthy but why not.

>A pound of granulated sugar contains about 1,540 calories, while a pound of brown sugar has approximately 1,670 calories. Powdered sugar, also known as confectioner’s sugar, has about 936 calories per pound.

25 lb of sugar costs $10 at Sam's Club, that nets you 38,500 calories. Divide that into a 30 day period and you get 1,283 calories per day. Not great but doable.

Lets try fat,

>Gram for gram, ounce for ounce, fat has the most calories," says Lisa Young, an adjunct professor at New York University

1tbsp of canola vegetable oil has 120 calories
that means 1L of Canola oil = 8,000 calories
You can get roughly 6L of canola oil from Walmart for $10. (They sell it in gallons so I had to estimate).
that's about 48,000 calories in canola oil, giving you 1600 calories per day for a 30 day period, which is a decent number of calories for most sedentary people.

Obviously if you do this I recommend you take multivitamins, not sure if those count towards the $10 limit though.

>> No.8602577

Drinking plain oil usually isn't very caloric for most people, because it will give you the shits and pass through mostly undigested. They used to have people chug vegetable oil as a laxative.

>> No.8602596

That's not rape. That's extortion.

>> No.8602634

Depends how much you bet. If it was under $100 I'd just pay the guy out and go back to eating like normal.

>> No.8602638

good goy

>> No.8602678

Rape by threat is totally still rape.
According to Penal Code 261 PC, the legal definition of "rape" in California law is when an individual engages in sexual intercourse with another person...and certain conditions are met. First off, the sexual intercourse needs to be either against that person's will, or without that person's consent.4

This means that the act needs to have been accomplished through one of the following:

Physical force.
Duress. This is a direct or implied threat sufficient to coerce a reasonable person to perform...or agree to allow...an act which he/she would not otherwise have performed or allowed. Example: Trevor works for the US immigration authorities. He tells Luisa, who is an illegal immigrant, that she will be deported if she doesn't have sex with him....so she agrees to have sex with him. This is rape by means of duress.
Menace (a threat, declaration, or act that shows an intention to inflict an injury upon another).
Fear of bodily harm to oneself or to another. The alleged victim's fear must be actual and reasonable under the circumstances, or, if it's unreasonable, the accused must know of the victim's fear and take advantage of it.
Fear of retaliation (a threat to kidnap, falsely imprison, or inflict serious pain, injury, or death upon the alleged victim or another person).
Fraud---because the accused either (1) fraudulently convinces the alleged victim that they are married, or (2) fraudulently convinces the alleged victim that the sexual act serves a "professional" purpose even though it does no such thing.5

>> No.8602867
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canned corn.... durdadur

>> No.8602884
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>> No.8602911

why do they even bother at that point?

>> No.8603061


Aww bless your heart you sweet little crackhead, you must think Federal Express is the government too <3

>> No.8603205

If you go really late at night like after midnight they don't have anyone watching the checkouts.
I've been in there once and they had 1 person running the whole store.
But yeah if you're gonna steal just do it the old fashioned way and put that shit in some pockets where there are no cameras or people watching.
Fucking around with the self checkouts will get you caught.

>> No.8603223

No one is going to die by eating 760 calories per day.

What might kill you is not getting any vitamins/minerals.

>> No.8603244

drink water too

>> No.8603253

Have a $10 bill laminated, then use it as a placemat you eat off every day for a month.

>> No.8603256

That guy is just fucked. Most people get more, the average being $126. He's convinced it's because he's white, but personally, I think it's because he's a non-working literal autist who lives on his own.

>> No.8603270

It's just one guy

>> No.8603294

food banks.

I've heard of one guy who did 30 dollars for 30 days and he hated it so much. there is a blog about it somewhere

>> No.8603299
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>Tfw no tweaker gf

>> No.8603304

>760 calories per day which isn't really enough for anyone

The average desk jockey doesn't burn anywhere near that much in a day. You'll be weak but you'll survive.

>> No.8603328

>What happens when you cross the international date line from west to east?
If you cross the date line moving east, you subtract a day, whereas if you are moving west you add a day. For example, if today is Friday and we crossed the International Date line from west to east then it would be Thursday. If we went east to west it would be Saturday.
Google is your friend, friend.

>> No.8603334

Also, its not that funny of a joke. Its just british humor.

>> No.8603365

Yeah, you're simply not going to make it without hurting your health without "cheating" by going to a food bank or something.

>> No.8603641

Good news is you only need to eat one of them

>> No.8603698
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Hutspot. Lots of hutspot.
Botanize for vitamin C. Wood sorrel is plentiful globally and is packed with the stuff. You need to eat pounds of the stuff for the oxalic acid to actually cause harm like people claim, by the way.

If you really wanted to make it with ease, start a bug farm a few months in advance, maybe dubia roaches or mealworms.
Just remember to make up some recipes. For some reason everyone seems content with just "fried roaches" when there's a whole world of possibilities.

>> No.8603732


>> No.8603746

go to walmart and buy as many of the biggest tubs of store brand peanut butter as you can

>> No.8603750

Peanut butter has fat and protein. And it's cheap.

>> No.8603775

Dude, buy junk food and then starve all month. You can easily survive that long without real food.
Maybe buy some oranges.

>> No.8604164


>> No.8604211

Lol. I've never seen a beggar that would take food over money.

>> No.8604219


Same here bro and I'm not fat either. I actually earn a good wage and eat out a lot. Get rekt wageslaves.

>> No.8604222

Because with SNAP and food banks and free meals at churchs and such, food usually isn't that huge an issue. There's plenty of ways to get food if you're homeless.

>> No.8604326

Go to a local food bank and get a shit ton of food

>> No.8604349

Yeah just buy rice, beans, pasta, cheap shit. I plan on spending $100 next two semesters in college on rice cooker and rice and beans to eat cheap whole year.

>> No.8604357

I don't know if you just live somewhere with much cheaper prices, but even the rice and beans diet won't let you live off of 100 dollars for a whole year, at least where I am.

>> No.8604372

Oops meant school year, so about 8 months. Would be about $60-$80 for 40 lbs of rice and beans here. Plan on buying eggs, chicken, veg, as well but want to stay to about $500 total. The dining halls are $4000 here so would save some good money.

>> No.8604509

That's not a food expense, that's just getting fishing shit

>> No.8604531
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>put food on $10 bill and eat anything you want

>> No.8604564


another reason to stay as far away as possible from them

>> No.8604567

Sell your blood

>> No.8604646

*Saute garlic

>> No.8604681

I checked TESS and apparently Bass Pro Shops tried to register "Government Issue" starting in 2015 as a trademark for a line of clothing. The registration attempt was abandoned; TESS doesn't list the reason.

So, I don't know. I would guess that as long as the mark was not considered deceptive, it would be allowed. A line of buttplugs, for example, would probably be ok. A line of clothing might or might not be -- without seeing the actual reason for abandonment, I don't know if the USPTO rejected the registration, but if the examiner did reject it, I would speculate that it might be because Bass Pro was going to market hunting gear, and buyers might think that they were buying military surplus rather than a brand name.

The s/n of the filing was 86727320 if you want to try to get the records from the USPTO and see what the issue was. It might just have been that Bass Pro decided not to go ahead with the brand, also.

Source: am patent attorney, also dabbling in other IP issues from time to time.

>> No.8604689

OP, keep in mind that you can get nutrition while also earning money, by giving guys blowjobs. Ask your friend if the money earned while getting protein would count against the $10 limit, or could be used on top of the limit.

Otherwise, buy some .22LR ammunition and go hunting for squirrels and rabbits in the park. I know someone (a single mom) who did that in Milwaukee because she was too broke to feed herself and her kid otherwise.

>> No.8604692 [DELETED] 

You can't use NATO to describe a NATO strap in the United States without getting sued by some asshole who registered it as a trademark

>> No.8604724

But what if they deserved it

>> No.8604751

Or just get a pellet rifle and avoid being arrested for firing a gun in a park like a retard

>> No.8604967

i dont think it would be possible

basically this

>> No.8605390

You can get 4464kcal flour for $1

Mix it into water for 1440kcal a day

You've fucked up.

>> No.8605562

flour, water, yeast

>> No.8605657

>am patent attorney

Dude, I hope you're not on here to find copyright infringers.

I swear, I didn't know that pepe was super-rare, please to not be suing me for muh dank memes.

>> No.8605807

It's only a month, it won't be healthy but if you're not dying of malnutrition now you'll be fine, just miserable. Are you allowed to eat the stuff you already have? If you can, stock up on shit beforehand. Or eat as much as you can now if you don't want to lose a bunch of weight.

>> No.8606047

Rice, beans and a whole chicken if you can afford it.
This is assuming things like salt, sugar, spices, oil, etc aren't included in the $10

>> No.8606141

Do not worry. There is nothing 'intellectual' about pepe, so no IP threats can possibly occur.

>> No.8607216

not true.

average short old sedentary woman is at 1000-1200 TDEE

>> No.8607231


Go to food pantries and soup kitchens. Seriously...you can eat for free, 3 times a day. Not hard to survive in America.

>> No.8607254

Rice and eggs. 10lb bag of rice for like, 6 bucks. Then spend the rest on eggs.

>> No.8607799

"borrow" food from your other friends, go hang out at your friends house for an hour or so before meal time, look for parties for food to eat, eat free samples at stores

>> No.8608182
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>> No.8608193


>> No.8608199


>> No.8608205

buy potatoes and rice. those alone can last you.

>> No.8608253

Use a 10 as a plate.

>> No.8608356

Food pantry. You don't pay a cent. Buy $10 worth of beer.

>> No.8609310


>> No.8609343

This "hilarious" joke is one of the first comments. Read the thread before posting shit head

>> No.8609352

Hey op use the ten dollars as a plate! ahahaha!

>> No.8609453

>It's pretty difficult to invade a country when the citizens are allowed to have weapons.
Then why are so many mexicans and muslims invading your country?

>> No.8609836


>> No.8609978

do the water diet

>> No.8609990

>spending one dollar for every 60 calories on average
okie dokie makes sense

>> No.8610019

>nutritional deficiencies.
found the fat fuck

>> No.8610050

10 dollars a month is minuscule. If you don't cheat and get food some other way and can literally only have 10 dollars worth of food for a whole month, there's no way you're feeding yourself healthily.
Even people on food stamps get 126 dollars a month on average.

>> No.8610059

Suck cock for brotiens.

>> No.8610158

He could just be a rich kid leftist. Plenty of ivory towers where I come from.

>> No.8610188

Buy a month's worth of food before accepting the bet

>> No.8610195

Where is the part about intoxication?

>> No.8610473
File: 206 KB, 1220x918, ZKCXVpE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is a direct or implied threat sufficient to coerce a reasonable person to perform...or agree to allow...an act which he/she would not otherwise have performed or allowed
So Dennis really WAS going to rape those poor women?

>> No.8611693

Dumpster dive. Food bank. Go farming at the mens toilets.

>> No.8611731

Federal is a brand. The less I learn about you the better I feel.

>> No.8612945

That's actually a cromulent point.