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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8545421 No.8545421 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't /ck/ like bacon?
It's delicious.

>> No.8545439


>> No.8545486

Hipsters like bacon, therefore bacon is bad.

>> No.8545495

>Buy big chunk of bacon
>Boy oh boy I'm going to make some pasta
>Use 1/3 in great pasta
>Make pasta again next day because the cream will spoil
>Still good but eh
>Stuck with the rest of the bacon
>There is no other use for bacon

>> No.8545496

I cant find good enough bacon after the meat market I go to cheaped out on it. So I don't mess with it anymore.
As to why /ck/ doesn't like it I think it's 4chan syndrome kicking in.

>> No.8545498

Bacon goes great with pretty much anything savory.

>> No.8545502

It's become a meme food, like avocado.

Not saying it's bad (neither are), but anything that's mainstream is vilified here for some reason.

Oh yeah, and it gives you heart attacks if eaten to excess.

>> No.8545523

Bacon is good, but it's become an overrated normie meme food and therefore /ck/ hates it

Sort of like when some pretentious cunt orders expensive whiskey at a bar and pronounces the name wrong and you get that little voice in the back of your mind telling you to ask for 'what he's having but with coke and ice' just to see his reaction

>> No.8545531
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>> No.8545766

Eating bacon is forbidden, according to my imam.

>> No.8545776
File: 2.85 MB, 1280x720, hot.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stuff my white trash parents didn't buy growing up is a newfangled cuck meme for nu-male redditors

>> No.8545782

You can pretend they aren't the fast food equivalent of the meme berry of the month all you want.
It doesn't make it any less true.

>> No.8545790

It is a reddit meme

>> No.8545794

>I live in a flyover shit hole that never knew what limes were until 2009, no amount of reality will change my mind about the fact that cured meat has been around for longer than last Tuesday
Fixed for you

>> No.8545798

>be me
>given an entire of bacon ration
>hook up burner stove
>attempting to give cut to the bacon
>no go, #2 break
>throw bacon at comrade
>labor prison

>> No.8545802


Bacon has been a meme food for decades

Avacodos really only started becoming a meme when those Mexican avocado commercials started airing in 2010

>> No.8545813

I eat it once a month or so, I guess it's okay.

>> No.8545816

Americans have been curing and eating pork, including the back and belly, since hogs were introduced to this continent. Cured pork has been a staple in american households since the beginning. Even the poorest countryfolk had at least 1 hog every year for butchering and curing. But I guess they were old style hipsters.

>> No.8545860
File: 32 KB, 542x720, 1485755990071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes there is you unimaginative faggot you could make BLTs or put some in navy beans soup or baked beans or just Google recipes with bacon

>> No.8545903
File: 49 KB, 503x677, breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bacon is delicious, but it _must_ have proper accompaniments.

The "bacon makes anything better" meme is bullshit.

pic very related

>> No.8545977

>ketchup on eggs

You done fugged up, son.

>> No.8545997

no u

the sweetness of the ketchup balances the salty bacon

>> No.8545999

Is pic related to your first statement or your second?

>> No.8546856

Can't eat it but have to say it looks delicious, and its hard to find a replacement for it in recipes that use its grease. Feel like beef bacon just doesn't have enough fat to cook with.

>> No.8546863

Bacon just happens to be popular and we were all subjected to the 'LOL BACON PIE XD' memeing of the early 2000s. This guy >>8545486 is wrong, its not that hipsters like bacon, its that the annoying ADHD kid that you want never to talk to you 'likes' bacon.

As a food its fine and plenty of /ck/ browsers probably eat it.

>> No.8546867
File: 96 KB, 477x768, 1485466901411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't eat it

>> No.8546871

gibs u cancaar

>> No.8546879
File: 185 KB, 1024x768, IMG_2345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8546935


You type like the loudposter used to.

>> No.8546962

Bacon is the most reddit food.

>> No.8546981
File: 1.14 MB, 2560x1440, Curing-bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty of /ck/ browsers make high quality bacon for $2.99/lb and change. Pic related, I'll be cold smoking tomorrow.

>> No.8546997

OBSESSED with Reddit

You need to go back there