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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8530360 No.8530360 [Reply] [Original]

>eat spicy food
>all it does is make my tongue burn

Why do people like this shit again? Is it masochism?

>> No.8530371


Some people like the taste of spicy food. They have a higher threshold for the pain than you do so they aren't just tasting burning, they're tasting the other flavors of the peppers/sauce/etc. Personally I love the flavor of most hot peppers, though eating too many of them results in nothing but pain. It's a matter of finding the right amount so you can taste the food but not be overwhelmed by the heat.

Also, some people really do eat hot food for masochistic purposes. The pain causes the body to release endorphins. I once ordered a Thai curry that was far too hot for my tolerance. It was not a pleasant experience to eat it. But afterward I felt literally high. That's not my thing but I can see how some people might like it.

>> No.8530408

Sometimes when I eat spicy food it makes me feel kind of high and alert. Not even crazy spicy things either, just jalapenos or fairly standard hot sauce. I guess that does make it kind of a masochism thing.

>> No.8530428

The taste is pretty good, and the people who like the real spicy shit slowly accustom themselves to it.

>> No.8530440


The more we eat, the more pleasurable it becomes. Don't expect to fall in love the first time you eat something hot.

>> No.8530586


>> No.8530695

As someone who eats a lot spicier than this sauce on a daily basis, I can tell you that there is a tolerance thing, most ppl tell me muh pain but I always answer it is just that your palate is not used to it, the first times you drink wine, all wine is just the same, you need to work on it that's all.

Also yes, your body reacts to pain getting you kindda high in a very enjoyable way.

>> No.8530727

1. its good for you
2. its pleasurable "pain" when you get to the upper tier spicy food eaters level. it doesnt really hurt, you get used to the sensation.
3. dont be a faggot

having a giant sweat fest during/after eating a horrendously spicy meal is very pleasurable

>> No.8530755

in most cases i would say the painful part of spice just comes with the taste. sometimes it definetly is just autism. but i thiink you just have to get use to some stuff then the taste will get to you more than the pain part of spice

>> No.8530822

White People: The Thread

>> No.8530879


Honestly to me most spicy food just gives me this warm sensation on my tongue, I've eaten very spicy food ever since I was a child and can't remember the last time I was in pain from something spicy. It's difficult to explain but it's something that I thoroughly enjoy.

>> No.8531009

Bruh, I went to a curry place with a friend one time and ordered Vindaloo, as spicy as they could make it. My friend asked the entire time if I was okay, sweat and tears running down my face.
Tasted phenomenal.

>> No.8531027
File: 199 KB, 900x1200, tmp_14043-1483888257012547138081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone recommend me something to add to my homemade curry to make it more spicy? I use chili powder but it just isn't enough. I want my nose to run like at Indian restaurants.

>> No.8531045

The same guy who drinks this beer bought a mac, who would have guessed.

>> No.8531066

use actual chillies, diced up and fried with the onion, or invest in some dried whole chillies which you can do the same with.

>> No.8531072

The pain is your cells burning out and dying. Your body doesn't realize that this isn't a life and death situation, just that cells are dying, so it hits you with some adrenaline for that fight or flight instinct. That's the high or exhilaration that people feel when eating.

Also, cells don't regenerate 100% perfectly, more like 99.999999998%. Since the taste buds are dying and regenerating often, spice eaters lose their sense of taste quicker.

>> No.8531218

Nice, thanks. I can buy a great big bag of dried chillies at my local Asian supermarket.

>> No.8531225


>> No.8531309

>tfw I accidentally put jalapeño juice on my dick
I really really hope this post is bullshit famalam

>> No.8531351

for most of the food you find, it won't actually hurt, it's just a sensation of heat-- maybe an uncomfortable one for you, but it's mostly just heat
it's novel, other foods don't feel hot even when they're not
also I believe part of it is that it makes you feel tough, same as drinking spirits straight, it's like "oh yeah I can handle this, no big deal, I'm just that cool"
of course some people just aren't affected by it mentally the same way other people are, that runs in my family

>> No.8531378

it is bullshit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capsaicin#Mechanism_of_action

>> No.8531391

spicy foods are a meme

no white person who eats spicy food does it because they genuinely enjoy it

>> No.8531393

that's a relief

>> No.8531405

But that's wrong you fucking retard. You can enjoy spicy food without eating Carolina Reapers and stabbing yourself in the balls

>> No.8531410

Don't bother, you're talking to a flyover aspie who has eaten nothing spicier than ketchup

>> No.8531417

I love spicy food because my sinuses are always just completely fucked, and it helps relieve my congestion.

Also it tastes good.

>> No.8531433

lol assblasted

keep eating burmese slop and pretending it makes you "cultured"

>> No.8531440

I tried to eat spicy food but all it does it burns my tongue and dull my taste buds. How is this supposed to work?

>> No.8531447

for one, chili tastes amazing.
also iirc capsaicin can be addictive

>> No.8531451
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The thing with spicy food is if it doesn't have flavor it's shitty and you need to be born a certain way to like it. Kinda like this guy. He's 82 years old rides a bike 15 miles every day, has an appetite of a 32 year old body builder and eats THIS SHIT. Vegetarian as well, but the guy will down a bottle of hot sauce on a plate of jalapenos covered in pepper. He;s not human.

>> No.8531458

It's literally masochism. Heat isn't actually a taste, it's just your mouth feeling pain. People like the spiciness in foods because they like the pain.

>> No.8531482

I think getting it down would be OK with enough water, but I'd be scared of what happens later

>> No.8531491

Go eat your wonderbread, fatso

>> No.8531606

unless you're going to say my family's 1/4 to 1/8 Native American status makes us actual Native Americans you have no legs to stand on

>> No.8531613

as mentioned above, you try it a few more times, preferably in the same week
people say either you like or don't but it can be an acquired taste
if you don't acquire it after, IDK 5 tries or so, it's not for you, and you'll never get what the big deal is

>> No.8531627

All these responses and not one person mentions Genetics. OP some people/genetic groups just have zero capsaicin tolerance, and can't build any up.

>> No.8531667

I love it. I'm /fit/ and hot sauces are generally low calorie while providing a shit load of flavour

>> No.8531760

certain spicy toppings, such as sriracha, are genuine flavor additives, they have unique flavor palettes that are almost completely irreplaceable. Others, such as the shitty souvenier shop "grandpa's shitter incinerator" style sauces are there just to fuck with you, because toxic masculinity makes men want to compete to see who is more "manly" provided you define it as "who is more stupid and manipulatable",

>> No.8531805

I cant live without hot sauce, what you got to understand is every kind of pepper holds a unique flavor wich can really add something special in terms of taste, interestingly enough i've found that most of the times, the hotter the pepper the tastier..

>> No.8532253

They're retarded and feel they need to prove how manly they are. Eating spicy food for no reason is just a sign of being a beta.

>> No.8532259

It's not even about the pain but more about the fact that it drowns out all the other taste.

>> No.8532266
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The endorphin rush.

No, you're just a pussy.

>> No.8532268
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Either that or some people have retarded tongues that seem to think they can taste fire when their pain receptors activate.

>> No.8532278

>No, you're just a pussy.
Thanks for proving my point Mr./r9k/-tier wannabe-macho Chad.