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File: 94 KB, 360x360, 66e46aabec_largest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8520739 No.8520739 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone anywhere in the past century eaten a Necco wafer candy?

>> No.8520744


we used them for shingling on gingerbread houses in elementary school.

if someone told me that vaginas taste like necco wafers, i'd probably decide to be gay.

>> No.8520749

My best friend loves them. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with him, he told me he knows they're horrible but he just loves them

>> No.8520768

Used to eat them, not sure why.

>> No.8520778

I'm not sure if I ever had one. They look like they taste like the Valentine heart candy.

>> No.8520779

Bought some a month ago the, chocolate ones tasted terrible like smarties or sweet tart chalk with no flavor

>> No.8521009

The green and black ones are the only ones worth eating.

>> No.8521013


So you don't know what vaginas taste like?

>> No.8521018

Yes, i had some in 2003, they are fucking fantastic when you're stoned and you have a 40 of OE

>> No.8521022

>it's the same candy made by the same company

the factory got run out of Cambridge by fucking yuppies a long time ago, put a bunch of old women out of work. Pricks.

>> No.8521024

Not automatically assuming most posters here are Autistic virgins

>> No.8521033
File: 19 KB, 350x271, Smarties[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're like a rip off shit tier version of smarties.

>> No.8521041

my friends Grandpa invented these. Made a lot of money pretty sure my buddy has a trust fund

>> No.8521043

You mean rockets.

>> No.8521092
File: 103 KB, 500x566, butgoddidntawnser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw when a nice old man used to give these to me at chruch as a child. He's dead now....

>> No.8521094

Bags of sand

>> No.8521124

I was that man

>> No.8521164

I loved them when i was 10

>> No.8521175

My mother still does. I liked them as a kid, even though it's like eating Tums.

>> No.8521242

My grandma's dining room had an old iron stove she had for decoration. She put smarties in the tiny door every time I came over as a little kid and my walnut brain was always surprised. Her death last year never really hit me until we'd gone to her house and I saw that damn stove. Fuck smarties, man

>> No.8521247

RIP, Anonymous

>> No.8521327


I had them a number of times as a kid. I would almost always eat just the green and pink ones, if that. I liked getting them but not so much eating them, I think.

Now as an adult I'll occasionally pick up a roll because they're unchanged and provide a visceral memory of my childhood. It's nice.

I like the green (lime) pink (spearmint) purple (clove) and yellow (lemon) best.
Fuck the brown, fuck the black, the white is eh, and fuck the orange too.

>> No.8521333

I love the chocolate ones. The rest taste of sadness.

>> No.8521345

I buy them by the case load. I eat then and use them for target practice occasionally.

>> No.8521349
File: 36 KB, 341x470, StrongSad_AndyWarhol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to mistake these for the colored chalk in school.

I was sick for a week, and nearly died.

>> No.8521380

Aren't Smarties compressed dextrose whereas Necco are essentially dried fondant?

>> No.8521388
File: 48 KB, 350x461, 1365555486634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speak for yourself mate

>> No.8521399

salty milk and coins

>> No.8521478

Just like Necco wafers.

>> No.8521498

I live in the UK, my dad comes from Oklahoma. He came back from visiting family in November and brought over a couple of rolls of these. Regardless of colour, they all like artificial cinnamon flavouring and chalk. I must be the only person in this country to have eaten one, and I'm glad nobody else has to.

>> No.8521529

They're like tums but without the flavor.

>> No.8521649

My dad fucking loves them, we always buy him some for his birthday and other holidays.

>> No.8521653

I bought a pack about a year ago because I forgot what they tasted like, I ate one and threw the rest out

>> No.8522056

Bought a pack from dollar tree and they tasted like chalk.

>> No.8522093

I fucking love them

>> No.8522128

I work at a cvs and whenever I see someone under 70 grab a roll, which is shockingly common, I have to fight the urge to go "really? You sure you don't want to take a second look?". I don't get how anyone could enjoy them.

>> No.8522177
File: 7 KB, 300x168, 1 stinky fish taco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canadian trick or treat veteran detected.

>> No.8523326


>> No.8523427

I bought them all the time from the gas station down the road as a child. Those and Charleston chews.

>> No.8523979

My dad loved them. MY DAD. That means that only really old people might like them unironically.