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File: 174 KB, 1000x582, vodka-bottles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8495116 No.8495116 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite vodka to drink straight?

How about for mixing?

>> No.8495133

I usually chase shots of absolut with whatever is there. Grey Goose is fine too.

>> No.8495148

Straight? Zubrowka
Mixing? Russian standard or titos

>> No.8495157

>Grey Goose is fine too
>TL;DR: I'm a 19 year old girl at college

>> No.8495160

Straight, Stolichnaya Elit.
Mixed, I'll take whatever there is, which is usually Absolut, Koskenkorva or Russian Standard.

>> No.8495165

whichever is cheapest, usually a $10 plastic jug of Svedka.

>> No.8495170

Try I'm an alcoholic who will drink anything as long as it isn't too sugary.

>> No.8495210
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T I T O ' s

>> No.8495359

Green Mark for drinking straight
Any old shit for mixing

>> No.8495439



>> No.8495475

Russian Standard is my go-to vodka. It's right in the bone zone of quality vs affordability, and comes in ginormous 1.75 L bottles which means less trips to the liquor store, because it makes me sad when the employees greet me by name.

>> No.8496227

Zubrowka is my sipping vodka. A wee glass unchilled after dinner.
Chopin is excellent as a mixer, but both Chase and Stoli have some interesting flavours if that's your thing. The Chase marmalade is absolutely beautiful. Belvedere black as a shooter.

>> No.8496240

Correct answer

>> No.8496248

Sobieski. I only eat and drink products named after royalty.

>> No.8496256

Zubrowka, Ketel one, Russian standard
Too many calories.

>> No.8496269
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I keep a handle of Grey Goose in the freezer for the gurls and/or parties. It's nothing special but it's often on sale at Costco and it's a very well known brand.

I don't really drink vodka neat but I also keep a bottle of Reyka in my home bar for moscow mules and other vodka-based cocktails

>> No.8496474

Stoli - nothing compares

>> No.8496476

Ketel one.

Ketel on the rocks with an orange wedge. Delicious

>> No.8496507

Its fucking vodka, you nancey's. Who cares? Learn to drink a real barrel aged beverage. Like you dont have a fucking vagina.

>> No.8496519

wahh look at how manly i am wahhhh

>> No.8496539
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mah nigga

>> No.8497097

Chopin straight
Stoli mixed

>> No.8497105

I don't get it doen't vodka taste like the same damn thing? I drink smirnoff with water because a big bottle is cheap as fuck. How can the taste of vodka even vary?

>> No.8497191

Chopin is probably my favorite that I've found for drinking straight or in a nice cocktail that doesn't cover up the vodka too much.

Otherwise I usually mix Stoli just because that's what I most commonly have lying around, but really anything will do.

>> No.8497205

>me on the right

>> No.8497216
File: 24 KB, 500x500, Skol_Vodka1.75-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skol and 4 loko

>> No.8497221

Thats a big cuccumber

>> No.8497284


Vodka has differences in flavor based on distilling method, what filtration they use, and what they distill from. I'm a fan of vodkas that carry a lot from what they started as. Some wheat vodkas taste faintly sweet and malty, others taste more of grassy wheat husk. Grape vodka, potato, corn, they all vary when some esters are allowed to carry over. My favorite vodka is distilled from apples at an orchard in NY. Smooth, a little sweet in taste, and has fruity notes of vanilla. If you're in the NE, check it out if you see it -- 1911. Their gin is probably my favorite spirit, period.

>> No.8497295

Basically the only vodka I drink lately.

>> No.8497436

Taaka with a bit of tonic/seltzer/club soda.

>> No.8497447

I just turned 21 so I don't know shit other than the garbage I drank in college, so I just mix the cheapest vodka I can find with cranberry soda
It's pretty good.

>> No.8497453

best vodka for poor college student?

>> No.8497463

Taaka. 12$ for a handle.
Tastes like rubbing alcohol, but it does the job.

>> No.8497467

such a good flavor

>> No.8497510

Luksusowa true potato vodka has the best flavor. If you want to spend a little extra get Chopin; it's more refined than Luksusowa but not as flavorful.

>> No.8499428

>favorite vodka to drink straight?
>for mixing?
russian standard basic

>> No.8499724

Terrible fucking vodka

>> No.8499739


>> No.8499752

>I'm an alcoholic
said no REAL alcoholic ever

>> No.8499820


Let me red pill you on something buddy. All vodka is the same blend of neutral grain spirits. There is no differences in quality. Pick a real liquor like whiskey which actually has differences in the distillation and brewing process

>> No.8499833


>> No.8499862 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8499871
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holy fuck your dumb.

>> No.8499959

I don't know why you linked me this. Everyone knows craft liquors is a waste of money.

>> No.8500180


That's litteraly what vodka is though. from top shelf to bottom, the difference in taste and quality is negligible. All you are paying for is the name.

>> No.8500208

yup, lidl's own brand, made in Germany and sold in most of the EU

>> No.8501467
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Stoli or Russian Standard


'Berta Pure

>non-Canadians will never know this feel

>> No.8501483
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Pic related for straight, just in sips not shots

Stoli or russian standard for mixing

>> No.8501489

You are a fucking lunatic

>> No.8501751

I drink russian standard or stoly for everything

no idea why smirnof is still sold

>> No.8501809 [DELETED] 

Except this guy >>8499820

>> No.8502060

Nah that's total bullshit. Higher shelf vodka tends to be much smoother.

>> No.8502064

>>non-Canadians will never know this feel
Of the government having control over your booze and booze prices? Yea, thank God I'll never know that feel. We already made that mistake.

>> No.8502067 [DELETED] 

It's smoother if you drink it neat, at room temperature, which essentially nobody does

If you put the bottle in the freezer it the differences are about 1/2 as noticeable

If you pour it over ice it's about 1/5 as noticeable

By the time it goes in a mixed drink, you might be able to do slightly better than random chance in a blind test, provided the drink is sufficiently strong like a vodkatini with 5:1 vodka and vermouth. Anything weaker, which accounts for the vast majority of vodka use, you can pretty much forget it

However, expensive vodka does have much more impressive bottles, and let's face it: the point of drinking in public is entirely social in nature, and the bottle is important. Paying more for fancy vodka is perfectly justified, so don't get the wrong idea here. I support your desire to spend more money on luxury brand ethanol

>> No.8502070

>It's smoother if you drink it neat, at room temperature, which essentially nobody does
Haha, yea who would do that...

But really I typically just drink vodka straight and warm. I don't know why but I like it. I rarely ever have mixed drinks if I'm not at a bar. It sounds like too much effort. I certainly agree that the nasty flavor of cheap vodka basically disappears in a mixed drink.

>> No.8502292

My nearest liquor store has Skyy for cheaper than Taaka. It can't be that bad, right?

>> No.8502393

>the point of drinking in public is entirely social in nature
Dude I barely even know where to start with you.

>> No.8502452

>However, expensive vodka does have much more impressive bottles, and let's face it: the point of drinking in public is entirely social in nature, and the bottle is important. Paying more for fancy vodka is perfectly justified, so don't get the wrong idea here.

In my social circles, I'd probably get more cred for drinking Barton than some high-end stuff.

>> No.8502582

straight Ketel one
mixed: anything really

>> No.8502626

Belvedere and Goose are the "best" vodkas I've had. I use Grey Goose to mix. My bottle is almost empty. What should I replace it with if I want something better/actually good?

>> No.8502649

wyborowa if it's not sold for "IMPORTED FANCY SHIT" prices.

>> No.8502674

Tito's or Luksusova

>> No.8502678
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by the way, why does nobody ever mention wyborowa here? Is it not sold in murrifatland? it's pretty good and it doesn't cost more than cheap store brand windex-tier stuff (partially because of taxes in NL)

>> No.8503397

ya like everclear too?

>> No.8503918

>tfw New Hampshire liquor stores have the cheapest prices of any state I've bought booze in
>tfw great selection of rare and limited edition bottles and all around liquor of any kind

Government run liquor stores seem great to me friend-o

>> No.8504340

I've never seen it in San Francisco, but I haven't looked for it
>Pollack wodka
I'll look around later this week, might buy it if it's cheap enough

>> No.8505964

Literally worst fucking vodka for the price, good job, Sobieski is 2x better and shouldn't be that expensive for an Americuck

>> No.8506662

adults shouldn't have a "favorite" alcohol, rather "preferred"

>> No.8506678

For you

>> No.8506733

What can be made out of these?

>> No.8506749
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Bottom shelf: Skol
Mid shelf: Seagram's
Top shelf: Kettle One
Top top shelf: don't care, someone else is paying
Mixing: kek

>> No.8507133


This is my fucking favorite vodka ever
Delicious rye flavor, smooth as fuck, only a buck or two more for a handle than Smirnoff or Sobieski.
It's fairly hard to find, not impossible, but REALLY not a common standard, which it really should be.

Sobieski is my go-to though. Again, VERY smooth, good flavor (love the rye) and cheaper than Smirnoff, every bit as ubiquitous. I wish it would replace Smirnoff as "The Vodka", really. I have no need for any other. Stoli's good too, but a little ritzier.

>> No.8507447
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Stoli w/cranberry juice
Pic untelated

>> No.8507533

The tl;dr is longer than the sentence itself. Fuck you

>> No.8508750

That shit is great fuck outta here with your fedora lord taste.

>> No.8508805
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>> No.8508892
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This. Drinking it straight straight, sweet enough that I don't need to wash it down with anything nor get some snack to cover the bite.

Getting out of work in the evening, raining cats and dogs, a 200ml flask is great to keep me warm through the trip home.

>> No.8508915

Stoli Elit neat out of the freezer
Smirinoff to mix

>> No.8510586

are you on your period?

Smirnoff and OJ is pretty good. Can mix it 50/50 and drink with ease.

>> No.8510598
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trash taste, all of you

>> No.8511922

Brand does not matter that much. Any average or better quality vodka will do, (something that is not total crap). However temperature matters quite a lot, average vodka but very cold will go better than some "best" quality but not cooled enough. So put that vodka into freezer few hours before drinking.

>> No.8512527

>it's pretty good
is it?
It's only around €8 per bottle but I wouldn't wanna spend that based on the suggestion of only one random stranger on the internet, especially considering the mixed opinions like >>8505964