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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.84 MB, 800x450, japanese robster craws.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8445758 No.8445758 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any way to eat meat without killing animals?

>> No.8445759

Yes, by killing yourself.

Fucking pussy.

>> No.8445763

Keep them alive and cut pieces of meat from them?

>> No.8445767

Eat roadkill

>> No.8445803

"Chef Hiro what will we be making today?"
"good afternoon"
Fucking Hiro is best

>> No.8445833

you can always gobble some cock

>> No.8445840

Honestly seems like a pretty humane way to die.

>> No.8445850

Yes cultured meat is going to become a thing. Also the Japanese have found a way to extract and recycle proteins from literal shit, so there's that.

>> No.8445852

Memphis Meats seem to be on to something although it sounds like theres a long way to go. They grow meat in labs from animal cells without having to kill animals.

>> No.8445917
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is that dog going to be ok?

>> No.8445928

Just eat Tofu you fucking faggot

>> No.8445950

If we just grew more hams we could stop murdering animals.

>> No.8446151 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 600x460, orban-crazy-600x460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell no, don't even joke around with that man. Gypsies do that in my country and it's fucking disgusting. When they cook the damn thing the stench engulfs the entire neighborhood. God damned disaster.

>> No.8446155 [DELETED] 

You could start eating jews. They used to cook a lot of those back in the days. I'm guessing it got out of fashion because I don't see them doing it any more.

>> No.8446158

Whoever eats shit like this, is a disgusting cockroach and not a human being...it's literally the Crustacean Jew

>> No.8446162

Stone crab claws are harvested without killing the crab

>> No.8446165

Yeah, just buy the meat nice and ready from the grocery store. You don't have to kill anything

>> No.8446167
File: 61 KB, 980x490, The Ironing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's literally the most humane way to dispatch a lobster, dum dum.

Learn a little about food before starting stupid threads.

>> No.8446205

eat live tapeworms

>> No.8446225
File: 2.90 MB, 800x450, sushi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure thing pham

>> No.8446807

This kills the snab :(

>> No.8446849

I was under the impression just boiling them was due to the structure of their nervous system. They don't have a centralized brain in the same way we do.

>> No.8446862
File: 1.53 MB, 3008x2000, stncrb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

came here to post this. They are pretty tasty too.

>> No.8446879

Yes. Cloned burgers http://www.sciencealert.com/lab-grown-burger-patty-cost-drops-from-325-000-to-12

>> No.8446885

literally never eating sushi again

not even memeing

>> No.8446888

it's funny, I was just watching this youtube video the other day and thought it would be great to post it on here.

>> No.8446906

They do have a system running down their back though, and the key point is based in the head. Doing that is an instantaneous, supposedly painless kill, like hitting an animal on the head with a hammer.

>> No.8446985

Anon is right. Stabbing down directly through the base of the head severs the lobsters nervous system instantly.

Weak ass noodly armed jap didn't do it right, should have just been one good jam and one good downward cut, esypsy, dead in less than a second. But the lobster didn't feel anything.

Not that it matters since it's a fucking cockroach

>> No.8447167
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>> No.8447190

I guess you could eat starfish arms, lizard tails, chunks of sea cucumbers

>> No.8447211

Eggs, I guess.

>> No.8447218

just let someone else kill the animal for you

>> No.8447274

He's just sleeping

>> No.8447281

Snabe rip :(

>> No.8447282


Amputate limbs, surgically remove muscles, remove parts of organs. Damn op, you are one sick cruel son of a bitch for wanting to put animals through all that suffering just so you can eat them. The humane thing would be to just kill them first.

>> No.8447286
File: 39 KB, 640x640, 14225629_327657680918960_8016451014288074560_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat it alive

>> No.8447368

If this bothers you you are a spineless sack of shit.
I love animals, but animals taste good and we are the intelligent beings. As long as the animal isn't going extinct there is literally no problem.

>> No.8447636
File: 2.22 MB, 480x360, Thanksgiving ham.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're very close to being able to grow meat in a lab. It's going to be a huge thing in the future when we get it right because then we won't need so much land to raise animals.

>> No.8447642

I feel like
Just maybe
They might not have gotten this one right
A for effort though, science dudes

>> No.8447663
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>> No.8447665

Pretty sure that's an ovarian cyst.

Interesting that they can have hair, teeth etc

>> No.8447669


>> No.8447674

Any tumor can end up like that since they are all malfunctioning dedifferentiating cells. The point is that lab meat is a thing since science is getting really good at manipulating stem cells.

I don't really want to get too deep into this conversation as the webm was just for funzies.

>> No.8447712

Dumb frog poster.

>> No.8449062

What the fuck is this shit?

>> No.8449072

Did it died?

>> No.8449075

Is what Jack prepared for christmas dinner, what the complete video if you want the recipe.

>> No.8449085

Do the claws grow back or something? Don't they rely on them to live

>> No.8449095

According to wiki
> Harvesting is accomplished by removing one or both claws from the live animal and returning it to the ocean where it can regrow the lost limb(s). To be kept, claws must be 2.75 inches (70 mm) long, measured from the tips of the immovable finger to the first joint. >Mortality rates for declawed crabs are unknown; 20% of landed claws are regrown,[5] while mortality rates of 47% for doubly amputated crabs and 28% for single amputees have been observed experimentally.

>> No.8449433

It's called a teratoma. It's made of several different germ layers, so you can get anything from undifferentiated tumor to fat to hair/teeth/eyes and shit. Fucking gross.

>> No.8449451


Crabs are pretty ghetto

>> No.8449461


>> No.8449631


Lizard tails.

>> No.8449644

Just suck on a horse's butthole twice a day.

That's all /mlp/ does when the local farmers aren't looking.

>> No.8449712
File: 2.07 MB, 640x360, 1449538246978.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8449721
File: 2.93 MB, 640x360, 1410233559025.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat it alive
>it dies after you're full
Japs have the weirdest food

>> No.8449724

does this kill the lobster?

>> No.8449728

Plant protons that immitate meat

>> No.8449775

It's a sign of freshness and quality, which was super fucking important in yonder years where everybody was trying to serve you spoiled or rotten food and masking it with 9lb of chili sauce

>> No.8449790

No, its a sign of a barbaric people. Truly the 2 nukes weren't enough

>> No.8449797

Aren't lobsters super gross if you kill them like that?

>> No.8449811

Actually that anon is right. Quit getting offended over a frog being cut up.

>> No.8449821

Pick up roadkill or keep animals until they die of old age.

>> No.8449824

No, that's just the way you do it unless you're just going to boil them whole. Depends on the recipe, and you have to cook it soon after killing or else it actually will taste gross and potentially be toxic.

>> No.8449828
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>> No.8449834

but then refrigeration happened so there isnt much need for it now.

>> No.8449851

Rip froggo

>> No.8449856

You're not on reddit, they're "frogs". Dogs are "dogs", puppies are "puppies". Stop trying to have a cute name for everything you asshole.

>> No.8449882

bugs don't count as animals

take it easy there dunerino

>> No.8449890


I would have gone with 'fucko'

>> No.8449899

and then feed them it and theyll grow twice the meat

>> No.8449910 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 960x960, lUojxra[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8449911

>decapitated toucans screaming in agony

>> No.8449913

More of a traditional thing now.

>> No.8449926

is he gonna be ok

>> No.8450005 [DELETED] 

go away evil dogger

>> No.8450017 [DELETED] 

Go away evil dogger.

>> No.8450022 [DELETED] 

Go away evil dogger

>> No.8450027 [DELETED] 

go away evil dogger

>> No.8450033


>> No.8450034 [DELETED] 

lay the foundation pupper

>> No.8450094
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>> No.8450154

Have my hopes up there. Meat quality is quite poor nowadays, especially if it is supposed to be affordable. Animals eat shit and get drugs and whatnot, the low quality of their food makes for low quality meat.
I don't care about animals getting killed but affordable, clean, quality meat would be really nice

>> No.8450257

What if you're reborn as a frog next time and you wind up being caught by an Asian person? Then what?

>> No.8450284


It's proteins mate. Eating raw food is the idea.

>> No.8450289 [DELETED] 

go away evil dogger

>> No.8450294


I always hate how long she has to chew before she decides she likes it. dumb chink

>> No.8450329

Yes. Lab grown meat. It's going to become a popular thing pretty soon. You put tremendous resources into livestock that you don't really get back. Water, corn, soy, grass etc. I'd guess in the future actual beef that came from a living animal will be a luxury item really. TLDR our planet can't sustain the demand for animal meat and lab grown meat will circumvent the majority of ethical and environmental issues revolving around it.

>> No.8450390

>then what
You're dead. That's literally it

>> No.8450732 [DELETED] 

go away evil dogger

>> No.8450744 [DELETED] 


Go away evil dogger.

>> No.8450784

Was that fucking laser scanning for proper butcher cuts? Holy shit.

>> No.8450793 [DELETED] 

Go away evil dogger

>> No.8450800


It is, that's the normal way to kill lobster. I don't know why OP is acting like it's some cruel Asian thing. One thing that guy didn't do though is break an antenna off and stick it up the butt to rip out the poop shoot.

>> No.8450803


You could always suck cock you fucking faggot.

>> No.8450806 [DELETED] 

go away evil dogger

>> No.8450862

>noticed farmer walking with three-legged pig
>Farmer why you walk three-legged pig

>no ordinary pig
>be random night
>barn caught on fire
>pig called the fire department
>herded all the other animals out of the barn >be next week
>burglar got into the house
>pig had him tied up and the police were on their way before I knew
>be last week
>fall into the duck pond
>pig jumped in and pulled me out.
>pig is amazeballs

>why three legs tho


A pig like this, you don't eat all at once.

that's how

>> No.8450888

literally 99% of cod is infested with worms too so even if you are cooking it there is a pretty good chance they didn't manage to get all of the worms out before you cooked it

>> No.8450921

those are bones you mong

>> No.8450933
File: 95 KB, 688x631, 1472808799711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it sometimes seem to anyone else that /ck/ has vegan shills? They sit here and try to pull this PETA "please look at this gross picture and/or naked woman that supports my point" bullshit.Yet when I think about it I realize the choice we're offered is food that's disgusting if mishandled, which is animal based, versus food that is actually just awful and boring when completely clean and made correctly because it's fucking vegan. It's not really much of a choice, I'm not going to give up every good tasting food to munch kale atop some gluten-free unleavened "bread".

>> No.8450952


Has it right.
Unsightly but not even worth worrying about. Humans aren't part of the life cycle of ocean fish nematodes so unless you have an allergic reaction, ingest enough to create a bowel obstruction, or one manages to perforate your intestines you don't have much to worry about. The real kicker is that to kill them via cooking you have to absolutely destroy the filet, so only purchase properly frozen fish (by law sushi must have been frozen this way prior to being served raw in a commercial setting), only purchase farm raised fish (much lower incidence of parasites, almost all wild fish is infected), or don't eat fish.
On the upside, illness resulting from the consumption of those particular parasites is exceedingly rare, something like a couple dozen hospitalizations documented annually despite fuck tons of cod and the like being consumed, raw or prepared.

>> No.8450969

lol where is this joke from

>> No.8450971

Animals that have been raised and killed humanely have had a better life than most animals in the world. This is why I'm a huge proponent of educating people about the process of raising animals. I hate those videos of farmers mistreating their animals as much as anyone else but there's ways to get meat on our tables without having to abuse them and giving them a shit life.

If you have the ability to, become friends with a local farmer that can show you how they raise their animals. You will pay more than buying bulk in Costco but the meat will be of much better quality and taste.

>> No.8450972 [DELETED] 

Hahaha, I'm going to use this now.

>> No.8450973

some places just take the crabs claw and throw it back as the claw regrows.

>> No.8450977

yah what a bunch of pieces of shit making us looking at the actual consequences of our actions

fuck those guys

>> No.8450988
File: 92 KB, 1217x647, 1479708254431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Would you like an extensive series of links to research that's highly indicative of the fact plants can feel pain and send each other phytochemical warnings about danger? Oh, how about this - when is a human fetus alive? Why, if I can't eat animals should I be able to abort a human life? See, your values are incongrous and based almost entirely in cultural identification.

You're not moral, you're armchair moral. You watch morality on Netflix and then post on tumblr about it. San Fransisco needs a fucking nuke.

>> No.8450996 [DELETED] 

Go away evil dogger

>> No.8451001

damn you really blew my mind

really made me think

>> No.8451026

Holy..... I want more

>> No.8451030

the fucking dark ages, it
s older than shit

>> No.8451039

i love lambs so i stopped eating lamb. i fed one as a kid theyre just too cute.

>> No.8451277

I don't get why people get so hung up about killing lobsters. On an evolutionary scale they're more or less on the same level as cockroaches. There is no reason to feel bad about killing one in whatever manner is convenient.

>> No.8451293 [DELETED] 

Go away evil dogger

>> No.8451384
File: 1.03 MB, 4961x4194, 1426228366926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8451411

>average curry from the fish and chips shop

>> No.8451424 [DELETED] 

go away evil dogger

>> No.8451436

people who cause a ruckus about eating and killing lobsters but kill other smaller bugs they find in their home are the literal worst hypocrites

>> No.8451440 [DELETED] 

go away evil dogger

>> No.8451442


Read the David foster Wallace essay 'consider the lobster'.

>> No.8451453 [DELETED] 

Go away evil dogger

>> No.8451543

retarded nonsense I live in newfoundland and only 1 in like every 200 cod we catch wild has worms.

>> No.8451550
File: 109 KB, 1100x619, 151124155706-best-gallery-3-super-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is there any way to eat meat without killing animals?

Is there any way to get laid without women ... Sure either way you'd be a faggot

>> No.8451588 [DELETED] 

go away evil dogger

>> No.8451641 [DELETED] 

Give away evil dogger

>> No.8451714 [DELETED] 

go away evil dogger

>> No.8451762 [DELETED] 

go away evil dogger

>> No.8451764 [DELETED] 

Go away evil dogger

>> No.8451793 [DELETED] 

go away eveil dogger

>> No.8451795 [DELETED] 

>Go away evil dogger.

>> No.8451886


theres no way this shit is delicious

>> No.8452331
File: 282 KB, 960x725, GrilledSalmon[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>50 cents has been deposited into your account

>> No.8452332

Yes of course, just let other people kill them.

>> No.8452344
File: 5 KB, 213x160, EBF424E2-BEBD-43F4-B776-3DFFB8B3A4B5-358-000000600B116A8D_tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8452736


Parasites are a lot less common in cold water fish. We eat amberjack over here from Baja and people in the Gulf don't because they're full of worms over there apparently.

>> No.8452741

that makes me physically sick just thinking about it

>> No.8452748

>grilled salmon
>classic grilled
>traditional grilled seasonings

Yet in the end you stick it in the microwave

>> No.8452758

>My ancestor are smiling at me, Imperials. Can you say the same?

>> No.8452895

go and suck some cock you faggot

>> No.8453120

Who does this? You stick them in the oven.

>> No.8453131 [DELETED] 

I think I'm going to lose my lunch. I've seen a lot of nasty shit but this is one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen.

>> No.8453135


Why on earth would you bake salmon in the oven?

It's faster and uses less energy to cook it in a pan, plus it's much easier to get dat awesome crispy skin.

>> No.8453195

Yes just eat the tails that fall off lizards. They grow back you know.

>> No.8453200


That's why everyone hates the Scots. That's haggis, their national dish

>> No.8453235

I thought everyone hated the Irish, not the Scots.

>> No.8453247

this is one of those cysts that ends up growing hair and teeth on the inside. i think they're called a teratoma or something like that.

>> No.8453257


based hiro

>> No.8453450

I was talking to some fishermen near cape cod and they said most cod is infected with parasites

>> No.8453462

is there a way to suck dick without being gay?


>> No.8453539

>Imagine being reborn as a tomato
>hurr duur then what
What the fuck is your point?

>> No.8453578


>> No.8453727

Then I'll die like every other fucking thing, and probably taste delicious to some weird asian fucker, faggot.

>> No.8453767

Sure, you let the butcher do it.

>> No.8453985

Yes, there are at least two ways.

One, be a woman. Two, if you're a man, suck your own dick.

>> No.8454276

ham, ham, hammy ham ham

>> No.8454315

That's some matrix shit

>> No.8454325

Rare, just like jack's chicken thighs

>> No.8454817
File: 40 KB, 600x600, 14838422237679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would you like an extensive series of links to research that's highly indicative of the fact plants can feel pain and send each other phytochemical warnings about danger?

Plants also grow when you give them water and sunlight. We all know plants respond to external influence. It doesn't imply consciousness.

>Oh, how about this - when is a human fetus alive?
Nice strawman. Anyway, about 2 months in.

>Why, if I can't eat animals should I be able to abort a human life?
Simple. Adult farm animals > human fetuses*.

*most of whom, in practice, are niggers or single mother'd children with a high probability of killing you or your family when they get older

>> No.8454842

>No, its a sign of a barbaric people. Truly the 2 nukes weren't enough

>implying the packages of chicken, cow, and pig meat you buy just happened to appear there without any suffering on the part of those animals

>> No.8454900
File: 53 KB, 480x360, soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can easily replace chicken with soy

>> No.8454925


>same as chinks

Get your racial slurs right you fucking subhuman

>> No.8454931

>white trash being able to differentiate between anything besides skin color

The only time they can do it is when they spend all their time researching for hours to figure out if some famous person is 1/64th Jewish because that celebrity is holding them back personally

>> No.8454937


>vegan """shills"""

No, you conspiracy fuck. Crusading vegans? Maybe. Regular ass vegans? Definitely? Retarded ass dietary vegans? Sadly.

T. Omnivore

>> No.8454949


Hey you dumb fag

"not being allowed to eat animals" and "being aware of the consequences" are 2 different things. Steak is my favorite thing to eat, but I'm aware that I support an industry that fucks over forests, biodiversity, arable land and is horribly inefficient and bad for the environment. I still eat meat.

I'm aware that plants "feel" pain, but our research is still very limited.

>> No.8454956

That's fugging amazing. I'm beyond impressed. Humanity is amazing. We've come so far. I don't like factory farming, but this machinery is astounding.

>> No.8454992

What if you're a woman, dating a VERY pretty woman, but the woman turns out to have a dong? WHAT THEN?

>> No.8455008

I'm more interested in the relationship between fungus and trees. We've already found salmon dna in trees, thanks to fungus digesting the salmon and delivering it to trees in exchange for the sugars the trees produce. We've even found ancient fossils that show that these fungus in soil. Their intricate network connects trees across a forest and shares nutrients between them. Forests are acting as one massive organism thanks to these fungi connecting them like veins or neurons or whatever analogy you want to make. It's astounding.

>> No.8455031
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>extremely racist

this is mighty unusual

>> No.8455322

>the whoman
Which one?

>> No.8455804

>No doggo
>No puppet
>Assumes Reddit instead of /s4s/

God how fucking new are you?

>> No.8455813

>"Chef Hiro, you have just won the jackpot, what are you going to spend your winnings on?"
>Good Afternoon

>> No.8455865
File: 597 KB, 800x800, kot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You've skipped your biology classes, right?

Invertebrates don't feel pain at all.

>> No.8455871

>cant see the difference between instant death and slowly boiling dogs/frogs/whatever you got to hand alive.
Jiang Xu spotted

>> No.8455905

>when aliens find us.webm

>> No.8455913

Should have lived a better life before that, mate.

>> No.8455914
File: 387 KB, 681x818, 1363241628513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also the Japanese have found a way to extract and recycle proteins from literal shit, so there's that.

The future never ceases to amaze me.

>> No.8455969 [DELETED] 

>anyway, about two months in
Why is that?

>> No.8458409
File: 1.52 MB, 500x282, 1286520.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im kinda overwhelmed by how few fu/ck/s here understood what was posted

>> No.8458447

buy already killed animals at the supermarket

>> No.8458458

Could it grow a sentient brain...?

>> No.8458499

Fuck off, innie

>> No.8458502

WTF I hate Sushi now?

>> No.8458920


>> No.8458924

A frog in a well cannot conceive the ocean

>> No.8458931

eat animals that died on accident?

>> No.8458933

Cod is terrible

>> No.8458934

Do you mean "perceive"?

>> No.8458942

No, I meant conceive

>> No.8459249

Short answer: no
Long answer: also no, but you could probably get some basic neurological tissue resembling nerves/neurons/support structure. I'd need to brush up on embryology to give you a better answer, but no, you couldnt grow a fully formed brain or any sort of consciousness like that.

>> No.8459311

Never had sushi, never will

>> No.8459321

>organic robot lives matter
With the exception of mammals and avians, animals literally aren't even alive

>> No.8459324

>animals literally aren't even alive
d-do you even know what all these words mean?

>> No.8459326

You keep using that word, it doesn't mean what you think it means.

I'm sorry, I simply couldn't resist.

>> No.8459331

Dumb frogposter

>> No.8459364

Their cells show active metabolism, but still I won't even use the term alive to describe a fucking worthless prawn or some other moving mass of organic molecules

>> No.8459375

>where is the love

>> No.8459394

>I won't even use the term alive to describe a fucking worthless prawn or some other moving mass of organic molecules
there are enough humans who are equally worthless, though

>> No.8459398
File: 856 KB, 1267x1419, Screenshot_20170112-092109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a bite out of the cow but not enough to kill it.

>> No.8459467

But it could have hopes and dreams

>> No.8459500

You're an idiot

This is a known saying, Google it
It isn't literal like the frog can't see the ocean. Being only in a small well he can't form the idea of the ocean in his mind.

Conceive has a meaning besides conception you ESL retard.

>> No.8459513
File: 37 KB, 530x530, 1429676484452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jenkem isn't real. It was a hoax made up by a TOTSE user, was spread around the internet and a small police office thought it was real and faxed it out to neighboring towns.

>> No.8459523

jenkem is about methane or something, not protein extraction

>> No.8459545

Jenkem is about fermented human shit and piss anon.

>> No.8459555

yes, that's where the methane comes from

>> No.8459932

a recent case in japan had a partial brain that looked similar in formation to a mature, not adolescent brain. i think it is possible but extremely unlikely

>> No.8459948

Genetically engineer animals to not have frontal lobes so they are essentially just bags of meat; oh wait that is apparently cruelty

>> No.8460037

More than you suspect

>> No.8460512

>ywn watch a cutie enjoy your meat while skinned alive
Actually... scratch that

>> No.8460631

Where do I find local farmers? Do I just walk up to a farm and be like "Hey can I buy your chickens?"

Is there some sort of database our something I can reference?

I live in LA so idk about any farms near me, the only people that raise animals near me do it for personal reasons rather than commercial livestock.

>> No.8460645

>Where do I find local farmers?

Via google. Or ask around at your local farmer's market.

I've also had good luck asking at my local butcher shop. I just said "hey, I'm looking for some hertige breed pork. can you get me some or know where I might find it?" Then they hooked me up with a couple farmer references.

>> No.8460646 [DELETED] 

>>>8449775 >>8449851 >>8449926 >>8450094 >>8450294 >>8451384 >>8451886 >>8458920 >>8459331 >>8460512
It's just a fucking frog you dumbasses. It's not like she's eating a 4 year old kid.

>> No.8460672


>> No.8460676

suicidal animals

>> No.8461215

>ywn get fucked by anon as a girl while he reks anons
Just eat body already!

>> No.8461250

Once it's been fully cooked, it will just be protein

>> No.8461564

>Also the Japanese have found a way to extract and recycle proteins from literal shit, so there's that.

/fit/ is going to love this.

>> No.8461573

>fully cooked
ehem, anon?

>> No.8461586

Wow this is on the list of no's for a disciple of Kek

>> No.8461596

holy shit im never eating sushi again

>> No.8461616

>tfw to smart too evolve an arms and legs and a torso

>> No.8461634

1v1 me on rust faggot

>> No.8461784

fucking retard DELET THIS

>> No.8461792

There's nothing wrong with eating a 4 year old kid under certain circumstances.

>> No.8461807


>> No.8461873

People have different diets.

It's fine, nobody's asking you to give up anything it's a personal choice and you made yours even though you refute it.

>> No.8462528
File: 724 KB, 1920x1080, lab-grown-burger-e1424077659420-1920x1080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By 3D printing meat

It's the food of the future

>> No.8462540

We have a long way to go yet. Apparently the last lab-grown burger anyone ate was just mushy, because the muscle had never been exercised.

Once we have a way to grow meat on a fully degradable framework then we might finally be able to grow slabs of beef in a factory, but I wouldn't hold you breath.

>> No.8462573
File: 155 KB, 660x640, cute7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait for them to die of old age and natural causes

>> No.8462594


Just fucking stop eating meat or don't. Either you're fine with killing animals or you're not. Stop being a pussy either way.

>> No.8462632



Slice something off that isn't vital and then cook it.

But I think killing the animal is nicer.

>> No.8462745


It's a Teratoma, Tumor with loads of fuck ups in it, usually have hair, teeth and shit like that in them, they're the Party goodie bags of the Human Body.

>> No.8462765

Stone crab claws. They regrow their claws. Fishermen crack them off & return them to the water

>> No.8463441

this is china not japan

>> No.8463466

Two nukes weren't enough

>> No.8463553

That's really cool.

>> No.8463603

So what your'e saying is that Asians are soulless monsters and we should murder them at every opportunity?

>> No.8463631

Woah. Growing a whole crab from one claw is pretty dope.

>> No.8463722

This image is strangely sexual.

>> No.8463986
File: 926 KB, 2000x1000, roadkill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The famous Vegan utilitarian ethicist Peter Singer argues that it's 100% ethical to eat road-kill

Some vegans also argue that it's ethical to eat meat obtained through dumpster-diving, since it doesn't increase demand for meat products

Others argue that things like oysters are okay to eat because they only have rudimentary ganglia and arguably cannot experience pain

Or if you want a technically, you could totally eat an animal without killing it - you could just biopsy flesh in various places and allow to heal. Or even use liposuction to get fat to use for cooking. It'll grow back.

>> No.8464014
File: 146 KB, 904x1198, 1476252672001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8464021
File: 66 KB, 450x323, 1481577220617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8465347
File: 47 KB, 651x436, 1346034067231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I do I hope I get eaten. I'd prefer my friends to eat me but i guess I'd settle for an animal. I want to pass on my vitality. I think to eat is to respect.

Anyone agree?

>> No.8465381

Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not enough.
Fucking savages.

>> No.8465384

Same shit, Ching Chong Li.

>> No.8465389

Why would you want to, it's the knowledge of suffering and death that makes meat so delicious

>> No.8465418

I don't eat meat because I dislike the flavor. I don't think it's wrong though. I just don't like it, it has a shitty taste to me. Also it's highly inefficient to grow food to feed something else just to eat it instead of growing food to then eat directly. I don't even think there is any such thing as objective morality, I just do what I like and don't do what I don't like. That's all. Things can't remember that they died after they're dead anyway. It don't matter, None'a this matters. That doesn't mean you should just kill yourself even if you don't want to, because things don't matter so there's no reason for you to do that.

>> No.8465440


Is this picture NOT supposed to be seared into my mind and haunt my dreams?

>> No.8467606

>implying we dont kill shit tons of animals just farming regular old food organic or not.