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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8431344 No.8431344 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8431351

It's wrong to use on either a good steak, because it already tastes good, or on an expensive steak, because you're wasting money.

Do what you want with a cheap and/or shitty steak. Put ketchup on it, literally nobody other than autistic manchildren care.

>> No.8431356
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well you're possibly looking for the answer "yes" or so, but to be honest it doesn't matter how to eat your food as long as you're enjoying it the way you like too

>> No.8431396

with that pic? yes. you can see the steak sauce on the plate. It's from the steak.

On cheap meat or if you just want something different? Sure pour it on and i dont care. Im not some fucking autismo.

>> No.8431418


But I care

>> No.8431805

putting a demi-glaze on a steak is amazing why would i deny my self that pleasure

>> No.8431821

Yes, but not on the user.

A good steak should not need a steak sauce.

Obviously this doesn't for shits who immediately drown their steak in sauce.

>> No.8431827

bearnaise is fucking great on a steak.

>> No.8431841

Tenderloin is reviled among cooks for its lack of flavor

desu seems like it needs something to make it taste good

>> No.8431877

No, just don't put it on the steak. Put it on the side so you can have a bite of regular steak and then dip your next bite in.

A1 haters gonna hate, but fuck them. They'll marinate a steak in orange juice.

>> No.8431955

The tenderloin shouldn't exist tbqh

>> No.8432212


Not if you use it to shame a friend who constantly ruins perfectly good steaks and is willfully ignorant about it.

>> No.8432285

Then you're autistic

>> No.8432320

Next time you see someone order steak au poivre, Oscar style, or horseradish sauce on their prime rib, tell them they're wrong.

>> No.8432343


It's your steak, ruin it however you want. Just don't put it on my steak...

>> No.8433201

If you mean shit like A1, yeah that's shitty cheap steak only. If it's that cheap to begin with you should probably be slow braising or otherwise cooking in liquid and shredding, you can get much more flavour in that way.

As for actual good steak, ribeye and strip typically have enough beef flavour, but if you want to go nuts the best thing is a pan sauce, which can be made with many different ingredients in the pan while your steak rests after cooking. They'll both be done at the same time if you do it right. This is especially great for tenderloin, which has plenty of tenderness but little in the way of flavour.

>> No.8433232

Sometimes a steak isn't great, and the sauce helps.

But you shouldn't ALWAYS reach for the A1: some steaks need nooooo assistance.

>> No.8433444

>Eating raw meat


>> No.8433449

Steak sauce is basically saying "this came out like shit"
So if its a shit steak, no, totally fine.
Otherwise you're spitting in the mouth of the chef.
Which I find highly erotic.

>> No.8433458


Ehh. Usually I would say yes but quite honestly depending on the cut I like a bit of red wine sauce and especially Bearnaise. Fuck I love Bearnaise.

>> No.8433512

>Because a steak doesn't NEED sauce, it's a sin to use it!

Just like women don't NEED high heels and miniskirts to be attractive, so they should all dress like batman.

OP, it's a crime to use a bottled shitty A1 steak sauce tier sauce on a steak, but you're denying yourself one of the great pleasures of life if you've never made a proper steak sauce with herbs + wine + pan drippings. Plenty of recipes for making sauce out of a deglazed pan out there worth trying.

>> No.8434784
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Haven't you heard? Steak sauce covers up the taste of the meat. *covers every square inch with herbs and spices*

>> No.8434801

You're as much of a faggot as the people you're making fun of.

>> No.8434812

Seriously fuck people who think like that.

A good meat dish is always made better by a good sauce. Always

>> No.8434844
File: 36 KB, 552x469, 10583782_238817079794257_1102712860363505094_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can think of several meats and organs that don't needs sauce. Quail breast, fois gras, alligator tail, lamb shank.

I'll give you salt and pepper, but beyond that those meats are good to go. Also, before you get mad, I'm not saying they couldn't be good or great without a sauce...just that they don't need them to be good on their own.

So you can take your
and shove it up your ass.

>> No.8434847

Do you unironically own a fedora?

>> No.8435262

It's totally up to the person eating the steak. It doesn't effect anyone other than that person. It's really no business of anyone else's. I don't see how come people give two shits about how other people eat. However, if you put steak sauce on a steak I cooked, you can go fuck yourself.

>> No.8436454

Only if somebody sees you.

>> No.8436459

>Not browsing the discounted meats after the night is over and pounding out the meat to make minute steaks in A1 and sautee'd onions

Come at me, sauceless faggots

>> No.8436476

Jesus christ how do people eat such horrifically overcooked steak??

>> No.8436505

The point of eating steak is not to enjoy it. It's to let other people know that you are better than them.

>> No.8436694

if it tastes good to you, it's never wrong.