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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 43 KB, 588x856, Heinz-Ketchup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8421528 No.8421528 [Reply] [Original]

>low carb or no carb
>low salt or no salt
>low sugar or no sugar (unsweetened)
>low fat or no fat

Why are things like these becoming more popular than ever? I see versions of products like these all the time, more so than I did in previous years.

Is our health getting that bad, or are companies just scamming us? It would make sense from a profit perspective to create these new product lines to make more money.

>> No.8421529

doctors tell people to consume less of those things so people do it but in the laziest way possible

>> No.8421537

What they actually mean is don't use 4 oz of ketchup everyone you eat fries.
But fatties think it means use 4 oz of low sodium ketchup because it's healthy.

>> No.8421540

Paleo/Keto has been proved as the most effective weight loss regime in numerous studies. It's the recommended method advised y the NHS in the Uk and across most of the European Healthcare system, so it's unsurprising that manufacturers are responding to the demand.

>> No.8421545
File: 24 KB, 500x427, wzrfk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eats potato
>blames the ketchup for his weight gain

>> No.8421548

>vegetables healthy
>potato is vegetables
>vegetable oil is vegetables
>put potatoes in vegetable oil
>it's unhealthy

i don't understand anything

>> No.8421576

you dont have any reliable sources for that

>> No.8421711


>implying potatoes and/or vegetable oil are unhealthy


>> No.8421722

Not everyone wants to be obese like you.

>> No.8421726

Maybe they're just responding to demand. Like gluten free products. Or vegan products. I don't see how this is dishonest.

>> No.8421763

It's all about money. If the consumer trend is to buy highly fatty, salty, sugary foods they make that. If the trend is to backlash against these things, they make adjustments to the recipes and market the shit out of it. Remember in the 90's when the pop notion was that all fat was bad and evil? They changed the proportions of everything and plastered "low fat" all over everything. You can look at the food ads and labeling from any modern era and see how they're constantly changing them to suit what they think consumers want, regardless of whether or not there's a sound medical basis for it. If there is, it's purely coincidental and secondary to the profits standpoint. When every third person's doctor is telling them to cut back on calories, food manufacturers notice and try to ride that train. The shit from the 50's was pretty funny. Everything had magical "vitamins" all up in there. Holy shit, really? Wonder Bread has nutritional vitamins and minerals in it? We gotta go buy that!

My point is there's nothing new going on here.

>> No.8421774


I'm not obese, FAGGOT.

I notice now more than ever how the product types I mentioned are booming. It wasn't like this 5, 10 or 15 years ago, so I wonder if people are resorting to this stuff because of health problems, or if we are just being scammed for profit.

>> No.8422363
File: 67 KB, 730x569, USDA_Food_Pyramid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of this low carb bullshit fucks up the food pyramid. It's unhealthy.

The only way to healthily lose weight is to cut fat out of your diet.

>> No.8422468

Have fun being hungry all the fucking time

>> No.8422482

Non-American here, can someone describe the taste os Sriracha to me ? Heard it has a heavy garlic note ?

>> No.8422546

sugar, pickled chili peppers, garlic

>> No.8422548

First a fruity chili pepper flavor that's quickly overwhelmed by garlic and sugar. After a moment, some heat kicks in but IMO does not really influence the flavor much. Heat lasts a few seconds and then there's an aftertaste that's kinda artificial tasting.

That sounds like it's trash, but it's really just okay, and inoffensive enough to go on a lot of things.

>> No.8422555

Nah just eat smaller portions, keeping the same healthy ratios and exercise more.

>> No.8422561


Thanks, will at least have to give it a try now

>> No.8422591

>not putting the fruits and vegetables at the bottom

Thanks, USDA! We're all fatfucks now.

>> No.8422868
File: 60 KB, 854x570, dos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bankrupting our bakeries

Thanks, Uncle Putin! We're all Communists eating turnip soup now.

>> No.8423250

This is almost entirely marketing directed at our poor health, poor reasoning, and well-stoked fears about our own bodies.

You see shit like "gluten free" on foods where you would have to have no idea of what gluten is to think there is a possibility that the food contained gluten. They are just creating crazes to counteract the ill health effects that their products cause, and then they sell you on those crazes.

>> No.8423264

People are too dumb to read nutrition labels and understand things like calories and daily allowances so they just eat garbage like ranch dressing with 20% less fat that discreetly has more sugar and then blame their weight and hypertension and diabeetus on their genetics and the pollution and GMOs and lack of phytonutrients that doctor oz's guest told them about on TV

>> No.8424328
File: 528 KB, 1428x962, carrotcoins.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried this stuff on my carrot coins at a friends house.

Not sweet enough, and about 25% lacking in savouryness. Avoid.

>> No.8424334

ah yes people follow the food pyramid like drones and pay NO attention to anything else when making food choices


>> No.8424386

>support an industry that provides a uncompetitive product by lying about said product
>claims to be capitalist

L U L Z I E S :^)

>> No.8424396

I know they don't use the old pyramid anymore, but honestly all these years later I can't believe it would really be necessary to have even 6 servings of the bread group a day. There's no way that that can be right.

>> No.8424399

This anon knows what's up. Read the nutrition labels sometime, it's a hoot seeing what numbers games they play to be able to use their bs marketing on the big label on the front. That's all it is: marketing to get your money.

>> No.8424415

the most effective one is less calories in than out