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File: 63 KB, 720x960, cK81y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8399326 No.8399326 [Reply] [Original]

old thread: >>8374797

Sierra Leone's finest edition

>> No.8399509

I still refuse to believe this exists.

>> No.8399915

Why? No one knows how to party like Sierra Leone

>> No.8399954

The registered mark next to Armaan's fucking kills me

>> No.8399959

comparable to jim beam white label

>> No.8399964

>best before date

That's interesting

>> No.8399969

Further reading: http://www.abreureport.com/2014/01/the-finest-cheapest-whisky-from-sierra.html?m=1

m8 jim beam white is decent for the price, moreso than JD at least

>> No.8399976

I wish this was sold in America I'd like to have some.

>> No.8399983

>best before dec. 2012
I dread to think.

>> No.8399990

shitty whiskey is better cause it tastes so terrible you don't want to drink too much of it, thus ensuring you won't get too drunk

>> No.8400003

your metric for "better" is all kinds of fucked lad

>> No.8400008

No. No you wouldn't.

>> No.8400138


the only reason to drink is to get drunk

>> No.8400596

Alright guys, I'm the poorfag from last thread who was asking about peated whisky. Talisker was too expensive and Caol Isla isn't available where I am. I'm thinking of getting a bottle of Black Grouse for Christmas. Is it worth it?

>> No.8400902
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So what's gonna be your Christmas Eve Whisky expenditure anons?
Sadly for me I won't be buying another bottle until I get my Christmas and Birthday money so I'll probably have some of this, whatever I have left of my Stagg Jr. and some Elijah Craig Barrel Proof.
If your a fucking normalfag sure
Which country are you from? If you want a decently affordable experience with peat get Laphroaig Quarter Cask.
Personally Black Grouse is kinda overrated, if you want a starter peat blend get Teacher's.

>> No.8401101

My best mate got me a bottle of Glengoyne 14 for christmas, so I'll probably see it in with a couple of fingers of that. Good stuff.

Might polish off the rest of my elijah craig 12 while I'm at it.

>> No.8401524

>That color

Is this basically petrol?

>> No.8401765

Excellent choices. My dad is getting some EJ12 tomorrow as well so I'll be drinking that with him

>> No.8401921

I found that Elijah wasn't so great when I first cracked open the bottle. After opening it and not touching it for about a month though, it really mellowed and improved.

I hope you and your dad enjoy it though. Merry Christmas to you both.

>> No.8402083
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Thanks m8 same to you as well!

>> No.8402132

petrol isn't yellow

>> No.8402134
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>> No.8402167


In the US it is.

>> No.8402215
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>> No.8402217

thread name looks like regex

>> No.8402238

The only whiskey I bought and couldn't finish, jesus christ that's awful. I've gotten through fifths costing half of that too

>> No.8402240

open the picture and look closely

>> No.8402246

How long does it take to "acquire the taste" of alcohol ?
I've got a bottle of basic Jameson in my cellar and I read it's supposed to be smooth and fruity but it has the same tongue burning alcohol taste as gin or rum.

>> No.8402265
File: 383 KB, 900x1200, gmgob.10yov21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got this from my bff for christmas

>> No.8402267


just drink more fgt

>> No.8402274

>5L jug
why cant i find these in america
I can buy 2L of goddamn salsa but alcohol stops at 1.75

>> No.8402290

A Johnnie Walker knock-off? Man that's low.

>> No.8402301
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not very popular

>> No.8402305

>can't buy 5L jugs in 'murrica

The land of freedom everybody!

>> No.8402307

overrated as fuck, just keep it as decoration with other bottles

>> No.8402327

I'm from BC, Canada. Teacher's is what I started off with, almost through my 2nd bottle now. Black grouse is only $10 more so I thought I might try it. In contrast, Laphroaig 10 costs more than triple compared to a bottle of Teacher's.

>> No.8402348

It only tastes bad for the first hour or 2, then it's ok enough to drink when it alcohol kicks in.

>> No.8402353


>> No.8402402

>Grey Goose

Obviously a novelty item.

>> No.8402407


What fucking country dollars is this in?

>> No.8402523
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>> No.8402560
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>Translates to about $300 American
>That much Grey Goose would cost about $180 here

Man, fuck your country.

>> No.8402822

Don't drink it if you don't enjoy it, but the alcohol taste becomes less noticable over time and you start to taste the other flavours. It's an acquired taste in the truest sense.

If I were you, I'd start with wine, since you get acclimated to that pretty quickly. Then work your way into spirits.

I drank wine before I drank whisky, or rum, or gin, because they're much stronger and much harsher at first.

>> No.8402832

Gotta pay for that "free" healthcare somehow.

>> No.8403129
File: 2.42 MB, 4032x2268, 20161225_122819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ausfag who just got pic related for xmas, one of if not my favorite scotch so far.
Also getting some free glencairn whisky glasses in a couple days im excited, going scotch shopping on boxing day tomorrow.

>> No.8403134

>free glencairn whisky glass
How? A present or actual freebie? I'm from the same country.

>> No.8403136
File: 2.15 MB, 2880x2160, 1482665502314-1598271126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No its not. That looks at best the color of transmission fluid.

>> No.8403145

2 free glasses actually, unused.
Gf's relative happens to be rich as fuck and just got (insert brand name designer glass) crystal glass set and offered them to me, will be a step up from the gentleman jack gift box glasses i use kek

>> No.8403544

That was my first "out-of-the-ordinary" Scotch purchase and I fucking loved it. A couple drops of water go a long way in that. I will now buy anything thats "Port barrel aged."

>> No.8403553
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Very nice!
I got one of these bad boys from my parents.

>> No.8403697
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Drinking pic related.
Merry christmas whis/ck/(e)y.

>> No.8403730
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>Not drinking whiskey made in TWO CONTINENTS

>> No.8403769
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Merry Christmas, lads.

The grilfriend got me a nice bottle to help me forget the family circus.

>> No.8403784

just finishing a bottle of this, thought it would be pretty harsh but I was pleasantly surprised, cheers anon

>> No.8403927

my sister and her boyfriend got me suntory hibiki harmony and a 1.75 of glenfiddich 12 . Haven't had either so here's hoping I like them.
girlfriend got me a monogrammed Glencairn glass

>> No.8403972
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>listening to my dad and uncle talk about how johnnie walker black and kirkland brand blended scotch are better than any islay whiskeys

>> No.8403981
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I know that feel bro
>listening to my dad adamantly refusing to try and shamelessly running down any of the assorted islay, speyside and highland malts I brought over purely because my scottish uncle once hurt his feelings at a barbecue

>> No.8404012

>once hurt his feelings at a barbecue

Christ, do non-females really hold onto petty grudges like this? That's some weak ass shit for a man right there.

>> No.8404026

There's this guy that posts here every so often that shitposts about Vietnamese food and says it's the worst, but only does it because a Vietnamese girl turned him down.

>> No.8404030

He's one of those super-stern "brook no insult" types who will literally never forgive an insult unless they come crawling to him in apology on their hands and knees.

>> No.8404190

>not drinking black labial

>> No.8404191

Enjoy lad
It's one of the best malts around especially for the price
Just polished off some Machrie Moor and the 18yo Arran which were excellent
Starting on a Sienna Macallan tomorrow

>> No.8404964

Just opened it with family to try tonight. Its very light and delicate, almost feels like a mix between a Lowland like Auchentoshan and a lighter Highland like Dalwhinnie or Aberfeldy but much more composed and much more refined. I really want to try the 18 but I cant get it in Canada.
Also is the Sienna a gift? I hear bad things about that series of Macallan. If you have it open and available to you Id say trade it in and get Macallan CS instead.

>> No.8405341

I was gifted a bottled of Talisker that tastes like burning seawater, is this normal?

>> No.8405354

Yep. Welcome to islay.

>> No.8405768
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who /peat/ here?
post your favorites!

>> No.8406058
File: 151 KB, 299x315, Capture d’écran 2016-12-26 à 20.28.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ralfy's whisky of the year 2016 is Ardbeg 10.


>> No.8406064

just saw it, Ardbeg Ten is always a solid choice.
Can't wait to try an Ardbeg Supernova one day.

>> No.8406068

> Black Booster
Literally the Laphroig of Sierra Leone

>> No.8406348

Its a lot worse than Teachers. You wont get anything better than the good old T if youre not willing to pay at least $20 more.

>> No.8406528

Got myself a Balvenie Double Cask 12 for a self xmas present. Haven't opened yet but im excited.

>> No.8406553 [DELETED] 

Whiskey is for stupid posers. It tastes like shit, boys, time to pack up your fedoras and go home.

>> No.8406575

I'm sure there's a thread willing to discuss natty ice out there where you'll feel way more at home lad

>> No.8406578

I doubt even Russians would drink this

>> No.8406589

Black Grouse is a decent blend, I've never heard anybody say anything better, how is that overratting?

>> No.8406592

Probably better than Johnnie Walker red...

>> No.8406594

It's a little over-rated obviously, since it's the best selling single malt in the world, but it's still a bloody good whisky.

>> No.8406748
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>> No.8407115
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>> No.8407261

Talisker is island though.
Personally I don't quite agree but for widely available whisky its top 10 easy.
Its too much buck for the quality I find.
No whisky.

>> No.8407274

To be fair vietnamese food isn't anything to shout home about.

>> No.8407303

I like it but I really only know the basic pop stuff like pho and bhan mi, both of which are very good and cheap here in Seattle.

>> No.8407370
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Laphroaig 10, it's popular for a reason

>> No.8407388
File: 18 KB, 220x352, Old_Crow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody else drink this swill?

>> No.8407398

>Whiskey in a plastic tub

wtf kind of flyover trailer park bullshit is this?

>> No.8407404

It's African ya dummy

>> No.8407409 [DELETED] 

Not since I gave up cocaine

>> No.8407410

Dirty Bird and Rebel Yell. God damn I miss being at El Cid.

>> No.8407421

Hunter Thompson, is that you?

>> No.8407429 [DELETED] 

No, just some other degenerate

>> No.8407458

> lathroig
Ew. Its popular because its babbys first meme peat whiskey

>> No.8407523

>this faggot again

>> No.8407526

>Personally I don't quite agree but for widely available whisky its top 10 easy.

Could you share with us your top 10 widely available whiskies ? Also this is now a top 5 widely available whiskies.

Ardber 10
Lagavulin 16
Springbank 10
Lafroog 10
Aberlour 12

>> No.8407548

good choice mate, did you have a chance to taste the quarter cask yet?

>> No.8407654

The 5 I always try to keep in stock are
>laphroaig 10
>balvenie 12
>buffalo trace
>elijah craig 12
>jim beam white for shameless moments of weakness where I want to drink an entire bottle of something

>> No.8407740

>laphroig 10
Why? Get the better ones or dont even bother
Or better yet, buy some Grants and leave a ciggarette butt in it overnight

Wala, you have homemade laphmeme

>> No.8407805

Not even worth a (You)

>> No.8408034

I've had other peaty whiskys like Highland Park, Lagavulin, and Ardbeg and honestly I go back to Laphroaig every time.

No but I'll see if I can find some

>> No.8408036

this is very solid bourbon, it surprised me too

>> No.8408038

>Hunter Thompson
>giving up cocaine
If anything he went off the Crow when he started doing coke.

>> No.8408117

Ardbeg 10
Laphroaig Quarter Cask
Aberlour 12
Auchentoshan 12
Springbank 10 or Longrow Peated
Glendronach 12
Arran 14 or Robbie Burns Malt
Lagavulin 8
Bruichladdich Laddie
Benriach Curiositas

>> No.8408169

Old Crow is a pretty good budget bourbon imo

>> No.8409488

>alcoholics with a severe lack of economical understanding
Surprise surprise.

>> No.8409562

Guise, help me.

Whiskey doesn't taste like anything to me. It just goes down like water with a teensy burn. Is there something wrong with me?

>> No.8409649

Drink better whisky.

>> No.8409659

Are you drinking the one in the OP?

>> No.8410062

Try laphroig 10
Nothing is better than laphroig 10 aka the GOAT of GOAT whiskeys

>> No.8410208

Ask your programmer to up your tastebud levels.
Or try different kinds of whisky.

>> No.8410700


Lmao dude women might hold more grudges, but men easily hold the biggest/stupidest ones.

>> No.8410717
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Is this pleb tier?

It's so smooth

>> No.8410756

it's one step above pleb tier, but a solid choice regardless.

>> No.8410955

Bourbon recommendations?

I have had WT101, Bulliet, Woodford Reserve, and other shitty brands... They're all great, I'd rank them


What should be my next bottle since my Bulliet is almost gone and I wanna try a new one.

>> No.8410971
File: 901 KB, 920x1230, buffalo-trace-bourbon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get this if you haven't tasted it yet, can't get better for the price.
but if you want to shell out more: Eagle Rare, WT rare breed, Four Roses small batch are some I really liked.

>> No.8410972

Buffalo Trace is the good shit.

>> No.8410981
File: 84 KB, 600x321, attachment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there any higher quality stronger whisky?

i usually just drink cheap stuff like teachers blended scotch or evan williams 100 proof.

i don't get into sipping. i just chug it. should i even bother with the pricey stuff?

>> No.8411049

If your tendency to chug is the only thing stopping you from feeling like pricier shit is worthwhile, exercise some goddamned self-restraint and just don't knock back the entire glass in one go.

>> No.8411221

Thanks! I've heard a lot of good shit about Buffalo Trace so I'll pick that up next. Four Roses single barrel has been in my wishlist for a while now. I was about to pick it up but got Aberlour instead at the last minute.

>> No.8411226

Why even go for whiskey in the first place then?

>> No.8411675

What is better jim bean black or white?

>> No.8411681

nah i prefer to keep my sight and pay a little extra.

>> No.8411691

It's buy WT101 instead for the same price

>> No.8411740

Black, ez

White is still surprisingly good for what it is though

>> No.8411920

Thoughts on talisker 10 as an intro to islay whiskies? Generally new to scotch and have been drinking highland/speyside stuff, plus the talisker is on special in my local store

>> No.8411930
File: 68 KB, 302x153, Capture d’écran 2016-12-29 à 00.44.16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so I just had my first glass of Ardbeg 10 in 3 years and now I remember why I thought this was the best whisky I ever had. It's the only peated whisky I have right now and I definetly need another one.

How does the uigeadail compares to it ? Is it like a cask strenght variation of it or a totaly different whisky ?

Considering these:
-Ardbeg Uigeadail
-Laphroaig quarter cask
-Elements of Islay - Peat
-Yan Macleods "As we get it - Islay"

>> No.8412004

Elijah Craig
Blantons Gold

All are top notch

>> No.8412010

Excellent go-to

>> No.8412013

all are also like 3x as expensive spare the EC

>> No.8412325

Talisker is an island whisky, not islay

It's alright, anything is worth a try, all the better if it's on offer

>> No.8412637

Uigeadail is a sherry butt finished version of Ardbeg bottled at 54% so its a different beast with a nice mix of sweet and savory. Go to a bar and try before you buy of course since the cost has gone up since it is limited in number in some countries unless your lucky enough to live in the UK.
Quarter Cask probably has one of the strongest finishes of any budget Islay whisky out there.
Don't know anything about the other two.

>> No.8412912

When I'm in the money I live Angels Envy Bourbon. Monkey shoulder next up

However I'm not always there so my cheap whiskey back up is Old Grand Dad. Some good classic shit

I'm curious how you guys would rank old grand dad among the more inexpensive whiskey's.
(America btw)

>> No.8413278

Twice as expensive where i live

If you want to keep it cheap get Old Grand Dad

Benchmark No 8 is surprisingly good for a very cheap bourbon

>> No.8413282

OGD is my go to and id rank it top out of the cheap ones desu, 30 quid a bottle and better than Woodford Reserve and the rest of them

>> No.8413309
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Thanks for your answer. Here uigeadail sells for about $85 and quarter cask $55. Probably gonna go the the QC because money.

Elements Peat and As we get it are indenpendant bottlings. They're cask strenght and seem to be great value for money. See on masterofmaltDOTcom :



>> No.8414173

I picked up a bottle of Ardbeg 10 yr old as my first Scotch Whisky. I didn't dislike it but it was very intense. Did I make a mistake? The only other scotch I've ever tried is the Glenlivet 12 yr old

>> No.8414187
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This isn't bad if you use mixers

>> No.8414196

No, Arbeg 10 is a solid choice, but it might be to intense for a beginner.
I would say a Highland Park or Bowmore are better choices for a beginner, maybe Talisker.

>> No.8414210

I recently picked up my first bottle as well. I was looking for an Ardbeg 10 but they didn't have it so I went with a Glenlivet 12. In your albeit limited experience how would you say they compare? The store I bought from is getting it back in stock.

As for the Glenlivet 12 I rather enjoy it's sweetness.

>> No.8414211

I dont exactly know yet if i like or dislike it. I'll need to drink it a few more times. It was just so complcated and intense it was a bit shocking

>> No.8414214

Ardbeg and Glenlivet are pretty different. I wouldnt really compare the two

>> No.8414229

I know that, just wondering how much the contrast is.

>> No.8414335

Anyone tried Ardbeg Uigedal? I love the 10, and am interested in trying this but it is a lot more expensive than the 10 at £58 as opposed to £37

Worth the jump?

>> No.8414357

I love how Tesco rebranded the cheap stuff to "everyday" value

What's it like? Some of the bottom shelf stuff is actually alright, famous grouse for example being surprisingly palatable

>> No.8414689

I had it once in a bar and it tastes amazing. I'd personally say you should go for it, especially if you're already familiar with the 10.
However the safest thing you can do is just find a place where you can try both side by side and decide for yourself.

>> No.8414750

Ardbeg 10 or Lagavulin 16?

>> No.8414815

Can't go wrong with either really, both outstanding.

Personally I would lean towards Ardbeg, but ideally both

>> No.8414842

It's perfectly drinkable. There's no depth or character to it at all but it doesn't taste bad.

>> No.8414860

From my stash right now:

>Monkey Shoulder
Smooth, sweet, fruity and my go-to for people who don't really enjoy scotch and just want something to drink

>Laphroaig 10
good with a cigar, separates the men from the boys, very peaty with hints of pear that are fantastic to find

>glenfiddich 15

I've only had a taste of this one, but it's a little oaky, and very fruity. I think I'll love it

>glenfiddich 18
Also only had a taste of this one, very oaky and hard to pick apart from the tiny dram i had. Will try some more tonight.

>Johnnie Walker blue label
I got a pint as a gift, it's delicious but ridiculously priced for what it is. Very smooth and a medley of fruity flavors.

>> No.8414861

hey, free gas container with your purchase! now if they would add a siphon.

>> No.8414867

it was best before they turned those ingredients into whiskey.

>> No.8414871

One of my favorites as well. Very smooth.

>> No.8414875

I think you'll find the glen 15 to be a better whisky than the 18. If I've learned one thing lately, it's that a higher age statement isn't inherently better.

>> No.8415502

Dumb question. Is it bad to not wash your only whisky glass? I never wash it and all I do is put the glass upside down on a drink coaster and never wash it. Will it get moldy or would I get sick whatever?

>> No.8415516

It won't get moldy since you continually clean it out with alcohol but it's still dirty, you dildo.
How hard is it to rinse it out with water? takes literally seconds.

>> No.8415662

Where my Irish whiskey fags at?

Gimme a nice glass of The Knot

>> No.8415669

I've drank 5 dollars for a gallon whiskey that tastes worse than actual gasoline straight before.

After a while taste no longer matters.

>> No.8415744


Transmission fluid is usually red...

>> No.8415901
File: 9 KB, 180x281, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm drinking Bulliet bourbon. It's pretty good.
I'm a whiskey Newfag.
My favorite whiskey is probably 2 gingers irish, so far.
Any recommendations?

>> No.8415942

Buffalo trace
Woodford reserve
Elijah Craig
Four roses

If you like bulleit, they're all solid and affordable, and a damn sight better than most irish you can get your hands on

If you're after scotch, read the rest of the thread, virtually every one mentioned is worth drinking

>> No.8415947

Thanks anon. I wrote these down.
When I get a job I'll buy a few bottles

>> No.8415962

De nada

Four roses has 3 different varieties you might stumble across; yellow label, small batch and single barrel

even yellow label, their cheapest offering with screw top and all, is surprisingly good for what it'll cost you

>> No.8415968
File: 2.07 MB, 1200x1086, DecisionsDecisions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really in the mood to drink something tonight but I can't make up my mind. What should I pick Whis/ck/(e)y?

>> No.8415978

What's that black one in the back left?

>> No.8416002
File: 1.24 MB, 1200x695, DecisionsDecisionsBackRow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dun Bheagan 2009
Added a pic because the Alchemist Mac15 was also hard to read.

>> No.8416017

I like that scotch and bourbon coexist harmoniously in these threads, but why are canadian and irish so rarely talked about? I don't think I've ever seen an irish whisky referred to positively around here.

>> No.8416027

Irish whiskey is alright sometimes but Canadian whisky is always shit

>> No.8416033

There are a lot of great Whisky documentaries, here's a new one I haven't seen yet, about to watch!


>> No.8416062


>> No.8416066

ooh, a cardboard tube and box collecter

I'm impressed

>> No.8416073

>no friends no family no real hobbies
more like.

Sorry if it seems like bragging but I really can't decide what to drink and most nights I don't even end up drinking because I can't pick and get distracted and then it ends up too late to drink anything.

you mean people throw away the boxes and tubes?
Huh. I never really considered that. If my bottle comes in a box I keep the box. Simple as. If the option is between a box/tube and solo bottle for the same drink I'll take the box/tube every time though.

>> No.8416095
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>> No.8416103
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No worries, just shitposting.

Myself, I just opened pic related.

>> No.8416110

Sane people don't collect garbage for sentimental value.

>> No.8416123

Tossing up buying some talisker thats on special, Is it good?

>> No.8416133


>> No.8416184

> chink whiskey
> every sort of laphroig
You are a walking meme

>> No.8416188

and you're a narrowminded racist fuck with bad taste. Go back to your bourbon anon.

>> No.8416195

> racist
No im not

And what is wrong with bourbon? That is very narrow-minded of you

>> No.8416198

Literally nothing wrong with any of that. Things are not memes simply because you don't like them.

Nothing wrong with bourbon either though, m80. Different variety of whiskey that offers a different experience altogether.

>> No.8416206

>not a racist
says the guy using racist slurs.

>> No.8416207

Laphroig is a meme here and so is soulless chink whiskey
As attested by the anon that feels he has to show off his meme collection with literally every laphroig you can get under the guise of 'h-hey guise what should i drink im having trouble deciding XD'
And i do like laphroig quite a bit, its just vastly overrated on /ck/ and is a meme

>> No.8416209

Post chimp tits now nigger

>> No.8416212

So you're literally saying it would be fine for us to discuss laph anywhere other than here? Christ that is an arbitrary standard.

>> No.8416215
File: 70 KB, 470x216, ram.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this butthurt over an anon posting a whiskey collection in a whiskey thread.

never change /ck/.

>> No.8416219

>projecting and goalpost moving

yeah you're a real contributor anon, glad you could make it. Whats the matter didn't get what you wanted for christmas?

>> No.8416224

> projection and goalpost-moving
You obviously dont understand the buzzwords you spout

Discuss wherever i dont care, just dont start crying when someone calls it a meme whiskey
Because thats what it is

>> No.8416225

since nobody has actually bothered to answer your question anon I'm gonna end this whole thing.

Auchentoshan 14.

It's not 'chink' or a 'meme' as far as I understand. So that's all settled. Enjoy!

>> No.8416227

Can you post a pic of just the laphroig and japanese ones next to each other please?

>> No.8416229

Ignore the cringe and move on.

>> No.8416231

why do you want a picture of that anon? Are you meaning a banner?

>> No.8416232


>> No.8416237

Because i want to show my mum what to buy me, they will look great when i display them next to my katana collection

>> No.8416242

you have to be 18 to post here lad.

>> No.8416277


>> No.8416411

Knob Creek is tasty af and has a baller name

>> No.8416478
File: 3.27 MB, 3840x2160, tmp_18510-DSC_0044-1169433408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this for Christmas this year, thought it might be a bit of a meme looking at the slightly edgy packaging but have to say I am very impressed. If I had to guess I would say it is a young Ardbeg, really enjoyable.

Worth picking up at £30 odd a bottle, I will be getting another when this one is done. Anyone else had some pleasant surprises this year?

>> No.8416500

>penis inlet
>baller name

>> No.8416502

I've tried that before and thought it was pretty good.
The same company does another blend call Big Peat it's around the same price and well worth a try.

>> No.8416731

Best scotch for a boutbon drinker?

>> No.8416732
File: 5 KB, 191x263, monkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, great price as well.

>> No.8416892



>> No.8416927

Anything bottled in that type of cheap plastic typically requires a best before date, although I don't know if Sierra Leone has the same health standards as everywhere else

>> No.8416928

So out of all the Laphroaigs, which do you think is the most worth it for their respective prices?

>> No.8416943

Where did you find your Stagg Jr? I live in an area where even the most exclusive craft beers are widely available at local gas stations (Firestone, Goose Island, etc...) but I can't for the life of me find some fucking Stagg Jr.

>> No.8416948
File: 186 KB, 367x597, kilkerran12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to pull the trigger.
please convince me

>> No.8416962

You can't tell that it's Nip whisky, or perhaps your're just acting retarded. Also Jim Murray has a lot of praise for Nip whisky so you're being contrarian just for the sake of it.

>> No.8416984

Basil Hayden, buffalo Trace, Kirkland Small Batch

>> No.8416987

What sort of stuff are you into usually?

(I'd buy it in any case, it's rather difficult to get a hold of in some places. You could likely resell it if you changed your mind)

>> No.8416989

Don't feed him. He's been plaguing these threads with his meme bullshit for weeks.

>> No.8416990

>not a single drop of The Macallan

/ck/ I am dissapoint

>> No.8417001


>> No.8417004

I like the bottles

>> No.8417089

mostly peat and sherry casks, but i'm always up for trying new things and expanding my taste. I have yet to find a scotch that i don't like.

>> No.8417144


Ralfy recommended. I bought one but haven't opened it yet.

>> No.8417222

Hey look its the lapmeme lad

How is your ashtray water going down today? Still not stumped up the few quid extra for a nice and balanced peat yet ?

>> No.8417227


>> No.8417247

>boutbon drinker

>> No.8417253

did someone pee in your JW black anon? who hurt you

>> No.8417260

Bought this for the first time last weekend. Ended up making old fashioneds with it. Bretty gud. Although I think I prefer brandy in an old fashion or just in general. I love brandy.

>> No.8417262

Not to fuel the Laphroaig fire too much (I like the stuff), but I had a bottle of Laphroaig Select recently. Absolute crap. Had a slight hint of what Laphroaig should taste like initially but that all disappeared and it tasted of nothing. Extremely bland, and very disappointing. That said, it is good for drinking a bottle in one sitting as it tastes of so little.

I am quite interested in trying some of the more elaborate offerings like the triple wood or the lore, although for some reason I am hesitant. Nice to have a bottle of 10 or QC to dip in and out of, but I don't know what the higher end stuff would be like compared to the nice offerings from the other Islay distilleries.

>> No.8417263 [DELETED] 

fuck off nigger

>> No.8417353

You should have tipped a few cigar butts in it if you really wanted that patented Laphroig taste anon

>> No.8417451

the alchemist bottle is a Macallan 15 though.
see >>8416002

>> No.8418365

Kinda gross and just tastes like apricots. I wouldn't recommend it to someone who I want to keep drinking scotch.

>> No.8418380

>olded in Scotland


>> No.8418534

Kilkerran are a really good startup Campbeltown distillery.
Their shit is also great bang for buck if you get it in the UK. Do it.

>> No.8418539

Select is an awful bottling, hell everything outside their age statements, QC and Cairdeas fucking suck. But when they do good they do very good.

>> No.8418815
File: 57 KB, 946x278, 20160806_002243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cairdeas is pretty good but yeah, 10 cask strength and 18 are the only Frog I'll drink regularly.

>> No.8418999

Select is like a watered down Lore. It's really weak, probably aimed at people who think the regular stuff is too unpalatable.

I mean it's probably decent if you don't like peated stuff, but when it's barely as good a drink as shit like Islay Mist you know it's gone a bit off the rails.

>> No.8419019

Problem, nigger?

>> No.8419037

Thanks for your input mate, always nice to hear different opinions.

>> No.8419134

Well I made some research and (you) convinced me. Thanks.

>> No.8419166

It's 2017. 4chan isn't racist anymore.

>> No.8419186

>alcohol is a solvent

Enjoy your BPA+who knows what goes into african plastics OP

>> No.8419462


w-why ?

>> No.8420058

Well, blue boards at least.

>> No.8420516

Ended up buying it, its delicious.

>> No.8420780

>The Liquormen
Wew lad. Who's it made by? I love TPB but not sure I'd go as far as purchasing a TV brand whiskey

Irishfag here, never heard of The Knot but looks like another generic Cooley US export. Any good?

Decent stuff but a little too soft on the palate IMO. Much prefer the 14 or 16, not much different between the two. Love the bottle redesign

>> No.8420815

The guys from TPB recently bought out their show and set up their own pay per view network thing of their shows. I wasn't gonna pay to watch their podcasts or webseries-es and whatever (the podcasts are on youtube for free and shit anyways) but I figured dropping $30 CAN on a bottle was support for watching their shit for free for years. It's made by Dartmouth Spirits Inc out in newfoundland. Never heard of the company and the whiskey isn't anything to write home about, but hey it was worth a try. They did a big thing here where they toured for the release and I missed a chance to go meet them and get signed bottles and shit. Don't know if I would have actually gone, but it sucks to know I missed the chance had I been autistic enough to go.

Personally I'd say PX. It's one of my favourite drinks of any brand. I like it more than stuff like Ardbeg's Uigeadail or Corryvreckan, Bruichladdich's Octomore or a Ledaig. I know there are probably more refined drinks out there, I mean afaik PX is a chill filtered NAS (it doesn't say it isn't either on the bottle.) But I really like it at the time of writing. I've got a couple bottles and I hope I can find something to replace it when I run out.