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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8390528 No.8390528 [Reply] [Original]

>perfectly seasoned eggs
>crispy bacon

Name a flaw

>> No.8390538


>Plate uncomfortable and bland
>Fork instead of chopsticks
>Someone bled on the plate


>> No.8390540

get the fuck out of here chink

>> No.8390546

ketchup? Why??????

Also it isn't healthy for you my dude. Hell yeah I love me some bacon and eggs in the morning though.

>> No.8390551

>cheap plates
>eating pig flesh and hen menstration
>poor and probably fat


>> No.8390563

Everything is slightly but unmistakably overcooked

>> No.8390568

If you don't slow fry bacon you should slice off your testicles and bleed out into your toilet.

>> No.8390811

>tomato sauce
>bacon cooked unevenly
>eggs overcooked
>no cawfee

Get ur shit together dog

>> No.8390862

Why is it that literally everyone on /ck/ like snot-esque, slimy, salmonella laden eggs? Did everyone get meme'd by Ramsay's video of him making vomit-eggs?

>> No.8390875

most eggs dont have salmonella, and it isn't really that bad to have anyways.

>> No.8390881

>burned bacon
>overcooked eggs

3/10 an attempt was made

>> No.8390917

that looks horrendous. How do you even swallow it?

>> No.8390930

>eggs look uninspired and lack imagination
>eggs are also overcooked. They should look fluffy, yet yours look like you mixed flour with powdered egg mix
>ketchup on the side, meaning you dip your food, also meaning you have shit taste yet lack the conviction to go all the way and drown your food in it
>no signs of toast or tortilla, though I wouldn't waste such pleasantries on ketchup drenched food anyways
>bacon is overcooked, meaning you probably bought cheap meat
>plate looks depressing.
>not much of the eggs look to be eaten, meaning the ketchup was primarily meant for the bacon

2/10 I pity you

>> No.8390932

>american bacon
Like salty crackers
Get yourself some real bacon

>> No.8390939
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>> No.8390942

>salmonella laden eggs
I hate this meme

>> No.8390950

Fuck the haters. It's a classic American breakfast that I'd eat any day of the week. Where's the toast?

>> No.8390955

Burnt bacon and popcorn?

>> No.8390957

clogged arteries and cancer

>> No.8390984

nice overcooked dried out rubbery egg nuggets

>> No.8390993

>eggs not sunny side up
>no toast

not bad, but not good either.

>> No.8391014

>burned bacon


>> No.8391031

this faggot probably likes those flavored beers like IPA. How does one burn bacon?

>> No.8391067

when heat is applied excessively to most organic materials you risk the hydrocarbons breaking down, destroying the structure of the material and leaving behind a black, foul tasting powdery carbon substance.

>> No.8391071

It's the product of enslaved and murdered animals.

>> No.8391076

>Flavored beer like IPA

Found the youngern

>> No.8391077

You fucked it to pieces. You destroyed it. You're literally a monster.

>> No.8391078

>he likes crispy bacon
What a pleb.

>> No.8391769

no hashbrowns

>> No.8391878
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no gravy??

>> No.8391892


>Living in a third world country where eggs have salmonella
>I haven't made ramsay eggs

Outed yourself cuckboi

>> No.8391918

True, most eggs don't have salmonella. But it's certainly false that salmonella is not that bad to have. It's much, much more than just 48 hours of diarrhea and vomiting.

>> No.8391934

That bacon is 50% fat an the top piece is clearly burnt

>> No.8391938


Every human being on the planet has salmonella bacteria on them at this very moment. It's one of the most common bacteria on earth, and it's on everything and everybody. There's a difference between having salmonella and getting sick from it.

And when someone DOES get sick from it the resulting illness varies greatly from person to person. Some people might not even notice they have an infection. Immune-compromised people might die from it.

>> No.8391957

Everyone also carries MRSA on them but when you finally do get infected with it you get fucked up.

>> No.8392008

Needs grits. Potatoes of some sort if you're in a non-grit eating part of the world. Oatmeal is trash food for trash people.

>> No.8392023

>not enough bacon (never enough bacon)
>no cheese in the eggs
>no biscuit/toast
>motherfucking ketchup

>> No.8392045

>I have to cook the shit out of my food before I eat it

>> No.8392047

>using chop sticks

Have fun with your inefficient method of eating you gook.

>> No.8392120

Plating sucks.
Take your picture before eating.
No need for ketchup if all is seasoned properly.

>> No.8392326

>overcooked bacon
>eggs look like they went through a shredder before being plated
>only bacon and eggs? what are you? ethopian?
>no chopsticks
2/10 would not bangers & mash

>> No.8392357

> crispy bacon

>> No.8392816

I thought I'd never ssee an image of eggs and bacon on here, made by a fellow cu/ck/, that fits my tastes perfectly. I hate snot scrambled eggs and like the bacon almost as cooked as yours because the fat is disgusting.

>> No.8392976

No toast

>> No.8393270

It's all overcooked.

>> No.8394105

dont get me wrong, i like crispy bacon but thats just burnt

>> No.8394219

>Perfectly seasoned;
hurr i put pepper on it

>Crispy bacon


>> No.8394223

Why do ameritrumps burn their bacon to a crisp? It tastes way better cooked mid way where it doesn't snap in half

>> No.8395162

someone bled on the plate and still 6/10? hahaha yo ass need jesus.

>> No.8395196

the eggs look overcooked as fuck.

>> No.8395327

>Not making eggs over medium
Take your scrambled meme shit and get out.

>> No.8395540
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>overcooked bacon

>> No.8395565

>overcooked eggs
>overcooked black bacon


>> No.8395581

>Burned Bacon
>No pepper on eggs
>Dirty fork
>Ketchup ever

>> No.8396246

>Egg has no cheese
>Egg isn't soldi enough
>Crusty Bacon
>No practically raw, warm and chewy bacon
Try again pleb.

>> No.8396269 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 267x200, Ugly eggs and bacon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8396271

I did get it from Ramsay, but not without thinking to myself "damn, those look nice, why haven't I tried eating them like that before". He says plenty of stupid shit, but his eggs are pretty good.

>> No.8396298
File: 51 KB, 800x634, 1474153238708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delete this

>> No.8396306

No toast.

>> No.8397724

Ching chong nip nong

>> No.8397728

That's a big brekkie

>> No.8397807

I can't believe I read this whole thread

>> No.8397834

I prefer my bacon thicker and a little chewey.

Thin strips always just tend to tastle like salt.

>> No.8397836

>burnt bacon

>> No.8397966

Nigger salty crackers are the best.

>> No.8397986
File: 295 KB, 2048x1536, Chocolate gravy, biscuits, eggs with cheese, fried bologna and sausage, and tater rounds....Yummo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's how I roll

>> No.8398087

I see you like a little bit of egg with your cheese.

>> No.8398099
File: 96 KB, 720x960, Sausage cheese omlets. oatmeal toast, tater rounds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a little

>> No.8398561

Wrong. Ctispy bacon is the superior bacon. When you bite down on it it explodes into a bunch of flavorful particles and tastes absolutely delicious. Chewy bacon is just ham.

>> No.8398681
File: 104 KB, 960x960, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're on the topic of rating egg dishes, how about mine?

>> No.8398728

Eggs ain't nearly fluffy enough, bacon overcooked

>> No.8398795

Looks like the pic was taken on the set of "Dark Shadows." Barnabis Collins/10.

>> No.8398961

colon cancer

>> No.8398979

>crispy, scrunched up burnt mess
>shitty scrambled eggs

I suggest a noose, a chair, a roof and judgmental value of your health.

>> No.8399036

eggs and chorizo is a straight upgrade

>> No.8399064

>isn't a fried sunny side up egg with the yolk just short of being hard
>shitty american bacon, not superior back bacon cut
>isn't all in a sandwich

>> No.8399837

"Crispy bacon" is burned bacon. Buy a pound of thick-sliced bacon and cook it until it is chewy and just shy of dark. "Crispy" is overcooked nonsense, No flavor, no texture... just overdone meat.

The sliver-thin bacon sold in 99% of the world's hotels is absolute crap. Intended to stretch the least amount of meat across the most patrons. And now we expect this to be the norm. Demand better.

>> No.8399848

Yes, yes, yes. We know.

Europeans will avoid traditional food that MAY contribute to cancer, but they won't do a damned thing about the political cancer destroying their countries.

Pass me a Bud and another burger, Bob.