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File: 249 KB, 960x640, trump-tower-grill-restaurant-new-york-city[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8373997 No.8373997[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]



could they possibly think this way because of the name attached to it /ck/?

>> No.8374003

Trump has a feud with VF going back to 1992. Here's a more realistic review:

>> No.8374004

They probably think this because it's true, like most everything Trump does that involves the public.

>Donald Trump is “a poor person’s idea of a rich person"

Seems about right.

>> No.8374011

I trust Vanity Fair as much as I could throw them.

>> No.8374012

It looks nice. Didn't read the article but are they basing this on a price-to-plate ratio or service?

>> No.8374020

They're basing this on the fact that all of the food & drink was shit.

>> No.8374023

The thing between Trump and Vanity Fair goes way back. Trump hates Graydon Carter for calling him a "short fingered vulgarian" in Spy magazine back in the 80's. Then he took over VF in 1992. When Carter got into the restaurant business he and Trump have taken turns panning each others' places for years. It's just an old bitchfight between a couple rich guys.

>> No.8374026
File: 115 KB, 900x600, trump-tower-grill-restaurant-new-york-city-03[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>could they possibly think this way because of the name attached to it


>> No.8374032

some quotes from the review:

>Our waiter, coiffed and charming, was determined to gaslight us into thinking we were having a good time. “Trump gets the taco bowl and the lasagna and baked ziti,” he said, before subsequently informing the table that we could not order the lasagna or baked ziti. I asked the waiter what Trump’s children eat. He didn’t seem to understand the question, or, like Marco Rubio, appeared unable to depart from his prescribed talking points.“Oh, I’ve shaken hands with him before, and they’re pretty normal-sized hands,” he responded.

>> No.8374036

>"The allure of Trump’s restaurant, like the candidate, is that it seems like a cheap version of rich. The inconsistent menus—literally, my menu was missing dishes that I found on my dining partners’—were chock-full of steakhouse classics doused with unnecessarily high-end ingredients. The dumplings, for instance, come with soy sauce topped with truffle oil, and the crostini is served with both hummus and ricotta, two exotic ingredients that should still never be combined. The menu itself would like to impress diners with how important it is, randomly capitalizing fancy words like “Prosciutto” and “Julienned” (and, strangely, ”House Salad”)."

>> No.8374041
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and finally this monstrosity

>> No.8374043


That can't possibly be real.

>> No.8374044
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>> No.8374048

quality on par with china

>> No.8374054
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>> No.8374061


it's not real, he removed the olive from the toothpick visibly sittin on the table and dropped it in.

>> No.8374068

Sure, the olive is the problem there.

>> No.8374073

>in a wine glass
>with ice

yeah it's the olive

>> No.8374076

funniest thing is the menu was probably hand-picked and personally greenlighted by his majesty, PEOTUS, "The" Donald Trump

>> No.8374079


think critically idiots, you aren't getting the olive out of a glass like that without pouring out the drink. he moved it to another glass.

>> No.8374084

if it's not a vodka martini, then what drink is served in a wine glass with ice?

>> No.8374086
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So it's all a conspiracy?

>> No.8374088
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>you aren't getting the olive out of a glass like that without pouring out the drink

>> No.8374092


you can ask for ice. and wine. it's a bar. he could've asked for it shitty on purpose.

>> No.8374093
File: 192 KB, 1800x1200, 20160114-Trump_Grill-15.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Eater:

"Yet who could resist the Billionaire Martini ($20)? Fabricated from Chopin potato vodka and Noilly Prat vermouth, the rim is spanned by a skewer of pimento-stuffed olives and baby plum tomatoes, which dribble grease untidily onto the surface of the cocktail."

>> No.8374095

fucking ouch

>> No.8374097

Sure sure, it all makes perfect sense. This is the most obvious and logical explanation.

No doubt the restaurant critic also phoned ahead and told them to make sure the entire experience was shitty, too.

>> No.8374098

>Ask for a drink to be as shit as possible.
>Complains about it on his blog later.

>> No.8374101


it's called slander and it's a thing that exists.

>> No.8374102

that's not real, he just ordered some appetizer skewers and a glass of dirty water

t. drumpftard

>> No.8374103

Wouldn't that be brine? Isn't a brine pickled olive the whole point of an olive in a martini?

Am I a crazy person?

>> No.8374104
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>“Oh, I’ve shaken hands with him before, and they’re pretty normal-sized hands,” he responded

>> No.8374106

trump is still better than all the politicians. I think that is the point voters were trying to make.

He's ugly, but everyone else is much uglier. They're just better at concealing it. Trump is more out in the open about his flaws.

>> No.8374107


it's slander. i'd blame it on him being prez but it's been going for decades.

>> No.8374112

It is brine, the person is just retarded.

>> No.8374113

the tomatos are probably not brined

>> No.8374116

it would mix with the alcohol/water tho. Not sit on top

some olympic-tier level of mental gymnastics
Can't you even entertain the idea that the simplest conclusion might actually be true *cough* Occams razer
These reviews totally remind me of that NYT review of Guy Fieris Manhattan restaurant.

>> No.8374117


I need a minute.

>> No.8374123

calm thine titters, anon

I thought the drumpftard would give away the ironic jest but it seems that both sides of the american political spectrum are just a bunch of autistic manchildren who can't help but throw shitfits when something does not match their precious head cannon

t. not even american you dolt

>> No.8374127

that looks worse than the longhorn steakhouse plates i used to serve in rural south carolina. what the actual fuck.

>> No.8374130

You post was unfortunately not so ridiculous as to be assumed a joke, which is pretty sad

>> No.8374131

that's some "wifey material" tumblr shit right there

>> No.8374133

The steak looks like something I was legit served in an Applebee's once, over 10 years ago.

>> No.8374136


It just gets better the more you think about it.

>> No.8374138

Been there, most of the shit posted on that article is completely false and made up, so is this >>8374041

>> No.8374144

>Everything is made up!
>Even the reviews from before Donald ran for President!
>It's all fake!

Can't insult the God King Trump, can we?

>> No.8374145

>These reviews totally remind me of that NYT review of Guy Fieris Manhattan restaurant.
It's about the same level of terrible and overpriced. But as of this moment both are profitable. Because there is a kind of rich diner who doesn't care about the quality of the food. They just want to eat at the place where they know they'll be dining with other people like them. This is how the Rainbow Room and the 21 Club have stayed in business. The Cipriani restaurants actually have OK food, but their crazy prices keep out all but the ultra rich, so they become go to spots for that crowd.

The bottom line is that in a place like NYC plenty of very expensive places can do well serving food that ranges from the comically bad to the mediocre as long as certain kinds of wealthy people consider them destination spots. (Of course the wealthy people who are actually into good food are dropping the same $$$ to eat at places where the food is actually good as well. My point is good food is not a prerequisite to attracting rich people - Trump's brand has exploited the fact than plenty of rich people have shit taste for years).

>> No.8374147

I've been there, but I've never eaten there. Overall seems kinda MEH-tier...like not bad but nothing fancy. It's probably overpriced for what it is.

>> No.8374152

>let me inject half-assed political opinions that I've only developed by reading stuff on a thai pistachio aficionados forum

>> No.8374156


>paying any attention to this obviously bised shit

why does the current media have to be so fucking juvenile? What ever happened to ethics in journalism? Even if the article is 100% true I still can't fucking trust a source like that

>> No.8374157

you'll be first against the wall, you know

>> No.8374158

>rich diner

No. That's the trick. They *think* they are; or they've saved up and are, at that exact moment, cash rich. But "rich"? No.

Donald has made a lot of money from convincing lower-middle and working class people that they're being "up market" buying his tat, and this is just another example of this. Make it sound fancy, make it superficially look "classy" and rake in those honest, hard-worked for dollars.

>> No.8374160

I think you're reading way too much into that post my friend

that, or you're just an autistic amerifat throwing a textbook tantrum over the opinions of an unknown annonymous person in a peruvian figure dancing BBS

>> No.8374168

that or Im having fun on a bulgarian latex fetish support site

>> No.8374169

I think so, but it's possible the bartender to not know that, and use whatever olives he found.
The tomatoes however, I can't imagine being brined. Raw or in olive oil, idk.

The restaurant looks like a shitty tourist trap, but judging Trump solely on that would be like judging French cuisine based on Parisian tourist traps.
Except that Parisian touristic restaurants don't try to be pretentious (beside using French words).

>> No.8374170

>but judging Trump solely on that

...no one is judging Donald solely on that, don't worry.

>> No.8374174

I disagree. Donald's brand has made a lot of money off people who managed to become relatively wealthy but never cultivated anything beyond lower middle and working class tastes. Lower middle and working class people do not buy $20+ hamburgers ever, because for that price they expect a steak. Trump's brand is all about saying "you can afford to spend the money, but you're not such a pleb as to actually give a shit about what you're getting for it". The act of spending the money is all that counts, because being able to do so is proof you're a winner.

>> No.8374191
File: 277 KB, 550x354, Screen-Shot-2016-05-27-at-10.55.24-AM-e1464361072891[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We already know Trump has no taste in food and i wouldn't expect his novelty name-plastered franchise restaurants to be good either

t. trump voter

>> No.8374195

When you go into Trump Tower the tackiness really is striking.

>> No.8374201

lol liberals are so butthurt

>> No.8374202
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this one's on me, then
enjoy :)

>> No.8374203


>> No.8374206

I think we're saying the same thing, but coming at it from different angles. Certainly there's some "aspirational" aspect to Donalds branding; lots of cheap "gold" and cut-glass "diamond" for example E.g. stick some mediocre frozen steaks in a heavy cardboard box with gold printing on it; that's gotta be classy, right? Same deal with this Grill(e); thin wood veneer, cheap pictures in tacky picture frames, capitalise "julienne" for no good reason: ohhh, what a class act!

>> No.8374217

I'm a chef first and a liberal second

Shit food is more important to me than politics

>> No.8374241


why does all journalism read like oped articles now?

journalism is dead

>> No.8374264

But it isn't really working class and lower middle class people who buy this stuff, because they can't afford Trump's prices. It's people with money who have the same aesthetics as the lower middle and working class aspire to.

Calling him out on this shit back in the 80's is exactly why he has the ongoing feud with Graydon Carter and Vanity Fair. This has been Trump's thing from the start - tacky displays of opulence. This is a guy who had a suit, boots and a limo all in matching burgundy back in the day.

>> No.8374275

To be fair restaurant reviews are by nature the reviewer's opinion, based on his experience with local eateries and knowledge of food. It's the only thing more op ed than travel writing.

>> No.8374301


they should be opinion on food

it doesnt need to be plastered with pithy jabs at a candidate you dont like, just say the food is shit

if the ambiance of his name plastered everywhere is off-putting to the ambiance, thats reasonable to mention.

paralleling every single flaw to the personality of the 'owner' is not journalism

>> No.8374315

>X said something I don't like
>they must have some ulterior motive. or it's a DNC conspiracy.

maybe it's just a shitty value

would that really be surprising? Trump isn't exactly unknown for selling mediocrity as high class.

>> No.8374316


Written by a gook.


>> No.8374330

It's fucking horseshit. Regardless if the restaurant is shit or not (and I seriously doubt anyone on here has been to it to give us a reliable anecdote), the politics mean accusations of bias clutter up any real criticisms or lack of criticisms thereof. If you call it shit, you're a libtard. If you call it great, you're a trumpet. If you call it mediocre, you're faffing and should just pick a fucking side already.

It's bananas. All this over a fucking restaurant.

Is it worth it, people? Is it really worth it to you?

>> No.8374335

The best food writers always give you a sense of their personality. This is for good reason. Different people value different things in restaurants. For example Sietsema at Eater NY: He wrote for Gourmet back in the day and the Voice, but his thing has always been adventurous cheap eats, and when he reviews an upscale place he always zeroes in on the food. He puts that up front in his reviews to show if you're someone more concerned with image or ambiance he might not be the food writer you ought to be reading.

And let's not forget that while to the rest of the country Trump might only be as fresh as his reality shows to New Yorkers this dude is has been a character on the scene for over forty years. Having an opinion about him as a New Yorker is likely something you've had for most or all of your life, as far as most of us are concerned. He represents a very specific kind of real estate development that manages to be grandiose and tacky at the same time. Saying his restaurants are in line with that is hardly a political statement here.

>> No.8374337

t. cletus

>> No.8374342

>Leave politics out of it and just talk about how incredible the restaurant owned by our new God is!

>> No.8374349

t. still crying more than a month later

>> No.8374354


>omg isn't trump literally hitler i am literally shaking not my president i'm with her

>> No.8374397

It's just some crappy hotel restaurant

>> No.8374404


Here's the menu. Is this considered expensive in NYC?


>> No.8374408

that's rather poorfag for NYC

still just overpriced hotel restaurant food though

>> No.8374411

The food does look like shit and probably taste like it too, but pardon my autism, but I counted 23 sentences aimed directly at Trump, Trump's family, his politics and other politicians.

So I assume a majority of the negativity stems mainly from Trump as a person and not based solely on the restaurant's quality.

>> No.8374415

Get out Vanity shill

>> No.8374419

When have you ever had a greasy tomato?

>> No.8374459

>vanity fair

You are part of the problem, anon.

>> No.8374473

when they are pickled in olive oil, plebeian scum

>> No.8374476

>So I assume a majority of the negativity stems mainly from Trump as a person and not based solely on the restaurant's quality.
No shit, Sherlock.
Should I inform Captain Obvious?

>> No.8374479

>implying trump doesn't want everyone talking about his shitty restaurant to deflect attention away from the fact that he was supposed to be holding a press conference today explaining how he's going to avoid multiple constitutional infractions by holding onto his business interests once he's in office

People are fucking retarded if they don't see that he's doing a con job on them for the dozenth time already.

>> No.8374516
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Steak genuinely looks like garbage, everything else looks meh aside from the dessert plating, which looks like it came straight out of the 1990s.

>> No.8374544

>multiple constitutional infractions by holding onto his business interests once he's in office
That doesnt exist for the President

>> No.8374549



>> No.8374551

I'd bet my life, the life of my family, and my testicles being removed via torture that this review was written without the person have ever been inside the restaurant .

>> No.8374564


Are you also one of those tards who doesn't even think Trump should release his tax returns?

>> No.8374565

Because its what gets the most clicks and angry outraged comments, which lead to more clicks.

>> No.8374569

Truffle oil, high end, this bitch must be some fly over retard that moved into NYC, her inner hillbilly is showing. Humus and ricotta should never be combined, was probably crumbled feta type paste they serve next to humus, like I said, the reviewer is probably some hillbilly fly over state hick.

>> No.8374580
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>be garde manger station
>see this """"""""""salad""""""""""
if i put this in my own window i would neck myself holy shit. i mean the individual parts look fine. the lettuce isn't rusty. there isn't watery shit everywhere. the person that made this just didn't fucking CARE. it actually looks like they had all the shit mashed into a plastic quart container and just dumped it right onto the plate without tossing it in a moon bowl or something first to even it out and make it look good. god damn, man. shameful.

>> No.8374585

The President cannot have conflicts of interest by law.

I know it felt good to pretend you knew things, but you consider that you actually don't

>> No.8374596


Same. I thought of a McDonald's salad shaker when I first saw it. No effort put into the plating whatsoever.

>> No.8374600

I don't know why people harp so much on the tax returns when his entire financial filings were released at the start of the entire campaign

>> No.8374601



>> No.8374610

You'd bet wrong. Sl don't do that in a situation where that might actually matter.

>> No.8374611

The President and Vice president are exempt from conflict of interest laws. Come to /news/ sometime you may learn something.

>> No.8374616

That's what he said, he just worded it very poorly.

>> No.8374617

Not exempt from the Constitution....

>> No.8374621


Hummus is more exotic than ricotta cheese.

>Two exotic ingredients

Is it sarcasm?

Polite sage

>> No.8374623

constitution only says don't be treasonous or a counterfeiter.

Everything else is fair game.

>> No.8374625

Point out the part in the constitution where it says that

>> No.8374640


Why the fuck are you people even trying to defend the guy when he's obviously just trying to use the highest public office just to line his own pockets?


>> No.8374642

Kek you but they yet trump drone?

Come to /don'tgetallyournewsonfucking4chan/. You might learn something.

>> No.8374648
File: 61 KB, 638x468, 0-c1oaVHP8xd2_bTZW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently Trump's steaks were shit as well

>> No.8374649


>Article II of the United States Constitution states in Section 4 that "The President, Vice President, and all civil Officers of the United States shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors."

I've seen this mostly interpreted to mean that any felony is fair game for impeachment. But it says misdemeanor right there so presumably the president can be impeached for driving 30 over or having some weed.

>> No.8374654

Of course they were. He's the epitome of gold plated faux fur "upper class"

>> No.8374662


Why would a multi billionaire need to line his own pockets you dribbling spastic?

>> No.8374665
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>multi billionaire

>> No.8374670

But Hillary lost, anon

>> No.8374674


The vote hasn't actually happened yet, anon.

>> No.8374676

I think he means he has more then 1 billion dollars anon.

>> No.8374678
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>> No.8374685

I don't think operating a lawful business falls under any of that.

Literally what that article says is that it could be interpreted in a way where Trump would wind up on the wrong side of a ruling, but that would actually require a court case and probably the supreme court to weigh in on, which, surprise surprise, is going to be controlled by Trump's party in a few months.

>> No.8374715


>he has more then 1 billion dollars

Except that's possibly not even true, though nobody really knows because he refuses to release any of his financial information to the public, likely because he's been committing tax fraud for most of his adult life.

>> No.8374720


We all know trump will officially be elected on the 19th.

>> No.8374725
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I don't like Trump all that much, but it is plainly obvious he doesn't give a direct shit about monetary wealth. He only cares if the money furthers his status, he craves fame, power, and the spotlight. Celebrity status means more to him than anything else.

>> No.8374728

Well he is rich anon that is his point.

>> No.8374740


He made Rex Tillerson secretary of state pretty much solely in order to make the biggest business deal in the history of the world. Explain again how he doesn't care about money?


>> No.8374747

He wants to be the best president, or at least one of the most talked about presidents, all of his movements are based on making that a reality.

>> No.8374750


olives are very oily to begin with

open a jar of green olives and you'll notice an oily film on top of the brine

it certainly isnt "grease" though

>> No.8374754


>Even if the article is 100% true I still can't fucking trust a source like that

Spoken like a true Trump voter. Facts are biased if they don't support your rhetoric.

To hell with logic, right?

>> No.8374758


He's against TPP fucknuts.

Why don't you educate yourself?

>> No.8374767

>expecting a magazine that caters to liberals, whose owner has a well documented feud with Trump to allow a positive review of anything related to the man.
I mean if you want to talk about logic.

>> No.8374775

Donald Trump is not somebodys idea of a rich person, he is an actual rich person.

>> No.8374784


>he is an actual rich person


He's literally spent his entire life trying to cultivate the image of being in the billionaire club. That's not what actual rich people do. He's a phony through and through.

>> No.8374786

>Vodka martini

He deserved it.

>> No.8374791


Motives are inconsequential if the facts are true. Saying you won't believe facts because the person saying them may have a bias is inane and dangerous.

I don't like Trump but if he says something and it's true then there's no reason to not believe him. Good thing I don't have to worry much about that, though.

>> No.8374792


>> No.8374794

Are you categorizing rich people based on criterias other than material wealth?

>> No.8374798
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>> No.8374803

>70 year old real estate tycoon
>owns half of Manhattan
>has bad taste in decor
>means he's not a billionaire

wew lad

>> No.8374807

Why wouldn't you?
People categorize "gamers" on criteria other than how often they play video games
Degrees on criteria other than usefulness
Alcoholic beverages on criteria other than tastiness
etc etc

>> No.8374811


The very little we know about Trump's wealth is that it's highly exaggerated, and based on shady business practices that involve moving his own money around, fucking over his investors/employees, and filing bankruptcy after removing whatever funds he can at the last minute. He's a showman and a conman, and if that's actually news to you than you're in for more of a disappointment over the next 4 years (assuming he actually gets into office) than the people who literally cried when he won the electoral vote.

>> No.8374813

That doesn't mean these people categorize rightly. Rich people are rich, either that be money or something else and he has a good amount of money.

>> No.8374817

>That's not what actual rich people do
Not American so I don't really have a side on this shitty debate, but have you ever met a rich person? They are always buying useless flashy shit and shouting everyone holidays just because they can (or want people to think they can). We went on a camping holiday once with some rich cunt, he had to stay back for a meeting or some shit, had his girlfriend drive out with us, then he came in on a helicopter to the middle of nowhere 2 days later.

Sure there are some extremely rich people who live modestly and stay out of the public eye, but there are just as many like Trump.

>> No.8374823


Trump wants to be on a different level than that kind of rich. Think Warren Buffett rich, where your wealth alone makes you a celebrity, and then compare how Warren Buffett acts compared to Trump.

Warren Buffett goes to a boxing match, sits in the cheaper seats, and they put a camera on him because he's famous. Trump goes to a boxing match and makes a deal to have his name in the background and get in the ring during the announcement.

>> No.8374828

he has a net worth over a billion dollars, it doesn't mean he has that much in cash on hand but liquid equity you mong

>> No.8374833

Fix your posting style m8, it's really bad. Trump has in no small part built what wealth he has on doing such things, being a celebrity and concentrating on public exposure through appearances, media involvement and what have you. It's like criticising a zebra for its stripes.

>> No.8374836

>Gamergate rears it's retarded head on a Filipino ladyboy board again

>> No.8374849

You got 8 more years of him, bitch.

>> No.8374866


Trump can't get a single A list celebrity to perform at his inauguration, let alone a middle school marching band; in 4 years he'll have literally nobody willing to re-elect him.

>> No.8374885
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>most celebs are sjw virtue signaling dems that hate republicans
>being suprised they don't want to perform for him lest they be blacklisted or ridiculed by the entire industry
really makes you think huh

>> No.8374889
File: 43 KB, 800x400, 8d8ef4fdac998b3c892e55977d9fcda4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you want celebs for political events?

>> No.8374898
File: 205 KB, 2000x1000, tmp_7000-14801505207741425930397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gordon Ramsey needs to pay them a visit

>> No.8374902
File: 108 KB, 500x285, 20090409-kanye1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>two of the most egocentric and yet completely retarded celebrities are friends

Makes sense.

>> No.8374908
File: 19 KB, 413x395, 4BD890A6-B3EA-4823-9637-7C97F7E318E6-542-0000006BEC7392A6_tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw burgers need celebrities to endorse their leaders

>> No.8374915

But why would you want celebs for a political event?

>> No.8374918


>non burgers can't find non burger reaction images that anyone will recognize

>> No.8374922


Do you know what an inauguration is?

>> No.8374929

You don't. He did the right move. Politicians who include celebrities with their image are meme tier.

I do and you absolutely don't need celebs at all inaugurations considering how most of the bigger ones are shitty recently

>> No.8374937

>Do you know what an inauguration is?

Just stop why should anyone perform at what should just be a boring taking of oath/ceremonial thing with MAYBE the national anthem and only that?

>> No.8374942
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>> No.8374948
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>> No.8374955


>why should anyone perform at what should just be a boring taking of oath/ceremonial thing with MAYBE the national anthem

Because it's about the country coming together after a year plus of divisive campaigning to accept the president elect for the next 4 years - to accept and celebrate the process of democracy and say things are going to be stable. The fact that nobody wants to celebrate Trump's election means that people aren't content with the outcome with the election and don't think that democracy really won out this time.

>> No.8374957


It's a ceremony/oath taking. Not the fucking Superbowl.

It's idiotic how everything needs to be some huge media event anymore. I'm sure things went just fine when Theodore Roosevelt was inaugurated even though Maroon 5 wasn't there to promote an album.

>> No.8374964

It's a government position being replaced not a fund raiser for AIDs riddled niggas in Africa.

>> No.8374982


looks fine to me

>> No.8374991


>t. i work hard all week in order to take my family out for a nice meal at the golden corral every sunday night

>> No.8374996


You didn't address anything in the post you replied to.

>> No.8374997

Trump's election was one of the only election celebrated here, if not the only.

>> No.8375003



Where the fuck are you from?

>> No.8375008

Celebrated literally only on /pol/ and brietbart comment sections. The rest of America ranged from:
>Well, let's see what happens
>This country is a fucking disgrace.

>> No.8375009

From here, 4chan, where I'm posting too.

>> No.8375010

The "facts" of a subjective food review of a restaurant that is run by someone that the reviewer hates? How autistic are you that you don't think that would put a considerable spin on the opinions presented?

Look I'm not a shrieking Trump supporter, I didn't vote for him, but if you ignore the massive media pissing match to see who can cry about him more and in new and interesting ways you're truly ignorant.

>> No.8375022

>That's not what actual rich people do.

No but since he is an actual rich person, that is what an actual rich person does.

>> No.8375318

Of course it would require a court case. You think this shit has some other magic way of working?

>> No.8375324

so much liberal damage control and butthurt in this thread

the tears are wonderful

>> No.8375326

>Half of Manhattan.
This is what flyovers actually believe.

>> No.8375334

Gee, what do you think? Liberals all over the US are throwing temper tantrums and blaming everything on Trump. Never thought I'd see the day where Democrats are the ones dividing America.

>> No.8375335

Meant to reply to OP.

>> No.8375336


>worst restaurant in america
>liberal damage control

Typical 1080 degree Trump spin job.

>> No.8375337

Have a (you) since that's what you're after.

>> No.8375338
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>website about food
>can't spell restaurant

>> No.8375342


>thread is about trumps restaurant
>all these posts about trump himself

ok libfuck

>> No.8375345

am i still on /ck/? Oh..

>> No.8375354

I could throw their magazine a lot further than I trust them.

>> No.8375359


Despite all the crossboard fastfood shitposting, the core userbase of this board is actually into food and cooking, and by default doesn't support the candidate who eats well done steak, taco bowls, and big mac meals while flying on his private jet.

>> No.8375364

>"the guy next to me"
of course it's fake. She's just legally protecting her ass by having an excuse for not having any proof of her buying the thing

>> No.8375369

which is why she said "the guy next me". problem "solved"

>> No.8375473

I have ate at trump tower a few times and the food has always been good the bar does not have chips and sour cream but normal bar food nachos, wings and small bites of foods the cafe was pretty good breakfast was kinda like ihop but a little better during lunch they have sandwiches and burgers the grill was cheaper then the meat tasted better then black angus Sundays they have prime rib

>> No.8375475

Right, the consumerist board flooded with fast food shill posting, product and brand dickwaving, craft beer and liquor circlejerking , "meme" food posting, self-admitting tubbies, and now liberal shit flinging actually cares about good food. Give me a break.

>> No.8375804

>he can't be a billionaire, look at the small amount of money he has in the bank!
You're a retard

>> No.8375925

I'd be embarrassed to serve that shit to my own family, much less in a restaurant. That's supposed to be fucking fillet mignon? Ummmm, no. Pig disgusting.

>> No.8375927


>> No.8375930

Sure thing, comrade.

>> No.8375933

>have you ever met a rich person? They are always buying useless flashy shit
That's a rich person who grew up with poor sensibilities, usually found in the entertainment and sports industries. You don't see bankers and hedge fund guys acting like that so much. And you almost never see people from families that have been wealthy for generations behaving that way.

t. member of the East Coast liberal elite

>Because it's about the country coming together after a year plus of divisive campaigning
Says you. About half the country has an adversarial view toward the next president, and that's not going to change.

>The "facts" of a subjective food review of a restaurant that is run by someone that the reviewer hates?
The fact is that Trump's restaurants are exactly in line with his persona, which is no surprise, but makes for an interesting arc when writing a piece about them. His restaurants are a tribute to expense for its own sake, without much attention paid to the food itself because that's beside the point. The point is people eat there solely because they can afford to - it's an end in itself. That's the essence of the Trump brand. Pointing that out is hardly a political act in a town that's known this guy for over four decades.

This. What he's selling is mediocrity at luxury prices under the assumption that the price is what qualifies the experience as luxury. Someone who is actually into food can't halp but see this as cynical.

>> No.8375936

>toothpick just sitting right next to it
and faggots will take this as real

>> No.8375941

yeah but they ordered the steak bad on purpose for slander

>> No.8375942

Perhaps you need to educate YOURSELF, retard. We have sanctions against Russia right now that are preventing a massive oil deal between ExxonMobil and Russia. It's fucking huge. And guess what the fucking Secretary of State does? He helps decide who to place or lift sanctions against. Tillerson is literally rubbing his balls waiting to go into office to lift those sanctions so he can make the biggest oil deal ever, you stupid twat.

>> No.8375945

muskrat poop? japan was a mistake

>> No.8375947

you don't know much about drinks, do you

>> No.8375983
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Both sides are fucking stupid. I hate people. As soon as I get enough money saved up, I'm buying a huge plot of land in the middle of nowhere. Someplace that isn't likely to see development in my lifetime. And enough land where if that happened, I wouldn't even know it was happening around me. I'm going to build a cabin, buy a lot of supplies, and disappear.

But if I had to pick, the left has more idiots.

>> No.8375993

If you want to eat well in that situation be sure to put in a serious garden. You don't want to be at the mercy of middle of nowhere supermarkets.

>> No.8376158

>trump grill is esentially a rebranded cheesecake factory

Big fucking surprise, trump makes facades and uses them to cover normal things with a thick air of 'rich.' If you didn't expect this or you genuinely care about the quality of what is essentially a theme restaurant like bubba gump or the rainforest cafe, you're a fucking stupid mong.

>> No.8376188

drumf lied about everything he's not going to get elected, the electors are going to vote in Bernie next month

>> No.8376193

Kinda wish I lived in that parallel universe.

>> No.8376196

>Kinda wish I lived in that parallel universe.

KYS you socialist cuck who doesn't want to earn their pay

>> No.8376215

>The Donald starts getting a lot of media attention for being a dick on Twitter
>Wins the election cycle
>Everybody buttmad
>Suddenly his restaurant is getting tons of bad reviews for being "absolute garbage"
really stirs up that noodle

>> No.8376216

I totally work for a living. I just don't mind paying taxes if it means the country has a chance of being more civilized and compassionate instead of catering to corporate interests and the wehrmacht.

>> No.8376225

Heartily second that, especially after seeing his cabinet choices. We're gonna be hurtin' boys and girls.

>> No.8376230

A farm.
What you described is a farm.

>> No.8376459
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You know she's biased because she trashes on Trump Wine, which is an award-winner. They literally make the some of the best wines in Virginia (though I don't think that's saying much)

>> No.8376561

Yeah, he's totally out in the open about everything like his tax returns!

>> No.8376568

That's SLANDER and the president will sue you!

>> No.8376593

Yeah and all the bad reviews from before were just the time-traveller faction of shillary's demonic army!

>> No.8376612


>vanity fair

The same magazine who labelled bruce jenner as a hero for cutting his dick off...

>> No.8376622

I thought wine tasting was really one big subjective racket.

Or that college humor video I watched 2 years ago was BS. Likely

>> No.8376668
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I know this feeling. My dad was this growing up.

>> No.8376672

It is, for the price, quite horrible. They really try to sell you on the fact that Trump himself eats there sometimes.

I went for the memes though so no complaints.

>> No.8376687

Protip: he still has a dick

>> No.8377223

Go back to bed, Hillary. Think of your health...