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File: 180 KB, 1536x1024, black_coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8371096 No.8371096 [Reply] [Original]

I prefer either triple black espresso or plain black coffee.

>> No.8371100

Plain drip coffee

If I'm at a coffee shop an Americano.

>> No.8371104

Cold brew black

>> No.8371197

Aeropress with 2 TBSP Half and Half

>> No.8371205

Cheapest grocery store brand i can buy run through a 25 year old 6 cup coffee maker using the wrong kind of filters.
Top it off with 1% milk.

>> No.8371211

drip because I'm a jobless college student

other wise a latte at the local conveince store chain

>> No.8371239

mcdonalds chocolate chip frappe with 7 pumps caramel and 12 pumps chocolate syrup with 4 sugar packets and 50% whole milk, 50% buttermilk

i call it "the gay joe"

>> No.8371245

Folger's medium roast with some milk and a spoon of sugar

>> No.8371250

How do you prepare it?

>> No.8371411

Betcha with a circa 2000 automatic drip machine.

>> No.8371474

Man, I love one of those big girly mochas, specially with cayenne.

>> No.8371532

Came in here to post exactly this.

>> No.8371540
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I bought a commercial Bunn machine, it's become my dripper of choice. Usually use home roasted beans.

>> No.8371544


>> No.8371547

Been taking it black lately. So much garbage in those creamers and sweeteners. Takes some getting used to but I'm really beginning to enjoy it straight.

>> No.8371559

Why do you like it? What does being commercial really mean here?

>> No.8371720

unless you are brewing very large batches (1.5l or so) then you are most likely making shittier coffee than you need to be. Anything much smaller than that at and the brew bed will be too shallow, contact time will be too short, and you will get some kind of under extraction. If not, then you will be grinding too fine, leading to channeling and uneven extraction. Either way, why didn't you just grab a pour-over of some kind?

>> No.8371730

Med roast pourover or iced pourover. No milk and sugar.

>> No.8371735

Espresso or asian style with condensed sweetened milk.
Never really enjoyed black coffee desu.

>> No.8371737

I go to dunken donuts and order 12 sugar 12 creme.

>> No.8371741

doesn't the ice just melt and dilute the coffee?

>> No.8371745

Your water to grounds ratio includes the ice. So that way it gets diluted to the right amount. Also, you grind finer and use more grounds than usual to compensate for brewing with lesser water. You get a really bright cup, which i personally enjoy more.

>> No.8371773


Doubleshot cappuccino with honeyed milk.
Or just plain drip, medium roast. Peaberry for acidity.
Actually I prefer tea or milkshakes at this time.
Mix Green Tea+Coffee Drip.
Or an amaretto latte is good too.
Or affogatto, a big spoonful of ice cream and 2 espresso shots.

>> No.8371791

Plain black folger's original roast made in a percolator.

>> No.8371843

At home, just regular coffee with a little sugar.

I will get a mocha of some kind at a coffee shop.

>> No.8371846

The girliest drink on the menu.

>> No.8371894

I too enjoy a daily milkshake, very refreshing.

>> No.8371911

good coffee = black
any other coffee = 1.5 creams

>> No.8372097

Is there a name for 1 part coffee to 1 part cold milk

>> No.8372131

Instant Maxwell House made with Keurig
No cream/milk, add sugar

>> No.8372137

Ristretto or Greek/Turkish

>> No.8372150

Like i like my rapists, brown, short and leaving a bitter taste in the mouth.

>> No.8372153

I am confused. Are we talking about coffee? Or are we talking about milkshakes?

>> No.8372368
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Pic related at home. Espresso if I'm in a café.

Drip coffee gets more shit than it deserves 2bh.

>> No.8372376

>Peaberry for acidity.


>> No.8372390
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I tried espresso for the first time a couple of months ago and that shit was some of the nastiest shit I've ever tried in my entire life. Up there with (what could have been imitation) squid-sushi and some peanut-butter cookies I made once with a cup of salt to 1 teaspoon of sugar.
Coffee is a very risky taste to attempt.
To make my own coffee however, I put some favoring (if using any) at the bottom of a mug with a couple of ice cubes and some sugar, then I pour. It all mixes instead of me having to dirty a spoon or whatever. Top with some cream or milk.

>> No.8372397

That's a $300 dollar coffee maker. Is it worth the money? Is it any different functionally than a mr coffee?

>> No.8372429

Damn. It's 100-200 USD over here in Europe depending on the type.

It doesn't have any fancy features, it simply just werks™. Comes with a 5 year warranty and an additional 5 years if you register on their website.
Meanwhile my Nespresso drinking friends buy a new machine every 6 months or so because they break.

>> No.8372464

Cold-brew all day erry day.
No ice though because I'm not that much of a faggot.

>> No.8372475

I see so many people now drinking iced coffee year round. I don't get it.

>> No.8372546

It has much more even saturation and better temperature control. One of the very very few home drip machines that make passable coffee.

>> No.8372569
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Question: I have a decent DeLonghi espresso machine and I'm looking for an upgrade for Christmas. There's a Breville machine on my works break room and I learned to use the non pressurized filter and proper grinding /tamping to pull a nice shot.
Is the Breville a good buy? If not recommend other options.

>> No.8372587

thats a damn fine machine you got there. Does it take long to fill up? I mean, for as much as it is I'd expect it to heat up my Folgers pretty quickly.

>> No.8372651

>implying the temperature at which you brew your coffee is necessarily related to the temperature at which you drink it

>> No.8372660

Medium roast
Medium grind
3.5 min in the press

>> No.8372670
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Black generic coffee because I like to torture myself for being such a fucking loser.

>> No.8372694

Breville Dual Boiler is. Anything less not really. And don't get something with a built in grinder, it locks you out of upgrading them separately effectively.

>> No.8372749

French Press > Double Espresso > Aeropress > Home made latte.

>> No.8372761
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>watered down espresso

>> No.8372765

This. French Press is the cheapest and best way to make coffee. It's just usually a pain in the ass if you don't want to grind beans and wait for hot water.

>> No.8372767
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Sugared generic milk coffee because I like to torture myself for being such a fucking loser.

>> No.8372772

>not dad's semen

>> No.8372774

they add this too now?

>> No.8372787

A dual boiler sounds like overkill. I don't really need to pump out drinks that fast. I agree on the grinder but a good one is $150+.

>> No.8372788

French press, sugar with no cream. I buy locally roasted beans but only because I'm too lazy to roast myself and the store is between work and home.

If you drink that on the regular, you should call "a doctor"

>> No.8372930

Like my women. Black, bitter and preferably fair trade

>> No.8373035
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>grinding your own beans
Is this just a high-society and get-with-the-crowd thing? Does it have something to do with supporting the cause of less labor being forced on the Mexican tribe slaves living on coffee farms and America's last decade apparel and goods?
Do you call it 'free trade' or do you call it worth the flavor?


>> No.8373044

coffee doesn't get ground anywhere near where it's produced.

yes, it's worth it.

>> No.8373050
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>you would know
You really believe it's worth it; price, effort, and taste?
You really think it wouldn't be cheaper to just have them grind the coffee on base?

>> No.8373057


oh, you're just some sort of odd shitposter. well you got one (You) out of me; that'll be all my man.

>> No.8373069

One spoonful of Nescafe instant coffee
Three heaped spoonfuls of sugar
Lots of milk

>> No.8373113

Lol, whatever. It's not like I'm against it. Don't coffee machines sometimes come with their own grinders anyway? It's not like it's a new fad or something.
I remember going shopping with my parents when I was a kid and I would try some of the coffee beans from the lever machines they had back then in the stores. They've since taken those things out of there of course, probably because of shitposters like myself. Lol.

>> No.8373118


i don't even know what you're asking now.

>> No.8373147

Espresso with a lot of milk

>> No.8373317

It's not about it being a dual boiler, it's about it being their only model capable of consistently good espresso, even ignoring steam completely.

And $150+ is a good brew grinder. For espresso it's a hell of a lot more. You can get just barely passable for espresso with a Feldgrind for that.

Honestly, the listed his budget at $600 in the other thread, which is basically don't even bother with espresso level.

>> No.8373522

I'm not going to drop a couple of grand on such an espresso setup when I'm content with the one that Breville model makes. I do it everyday and the coffee is always good.

>> No.8373551
File: 13 KB, 222x284, 1473454339024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't even know what you're asking now.
Do you not know what a question mark implies? The manner for which I asked a question, the only question in that post, was not rhetorical. However, I did already know the answer, thus I was being a smartass. And I'm sorry.
>I was being bitter. I hadn't had my coffee yet.

>> No.8373554

>espresso without cream
I bet you pretend it tastes good, too. I bet you think it's authentic.

>> No.8373878

What are your guys' preferred dark roasts?
Trying to find something for me ma

>> No.8373885

here in Portugal everybody drinks esperesso without cream every single day and we love it.
Personally I drink it without any sugar too.

>> No.8373932

He's just trying to sound like he knows what he's talking about

>> No.8375346

I've had some excellent espressi but you're right, it's usually terrible. Especially in Italy.

>> No.8375385


>> No.8375803
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If it's not in a test tube, I ain't drinking it. Plebs.

>> No.8375871


The same way I like my women


>> No.8375883
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>> No.8375892
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what are you even doing

>> No.8376179

half and half and some sugar

>> No.8376209


Thanks anon.


>> No.8376264
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Gold Blend, with milk.

I love proper coffee. I even got a job at Starbucks during uni purely because I loved coffee so much (okay they're not fucking artisans but they actually have a very large range of different filter coffees, and the espresso blend isn't that bad really)

But I am not going to take time out of my day to make an Aeropress or french press coffee in the morning. Too much fucking effort. Too much fucking cleaning. Gold Blend is just bish bash bosh and you're done.

>> No.8376284

If I went into a place and they served coffee like this. I'd flip the table.


I'd imagine flipping the table while I quietly sipped my overpriced coffee and I'd leave a nice tip for the waitress because I think if I do so she might want to sleep with me.

>> No.8376290
File: 53 KB, 507x760, 12_07_22_ouseburn_coffee_newcastle_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 min walk from roastery
>the coffee is great
>ethically sourced
>not much more expensive than nescafe shit
I'm pretty happy with this as an espresso or a flat white if I have a bit more time to sit down. You won't get better coffee anywhere else in the UK as far as I'm concerned

>> No.8376313
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I'm getting the small cup-one model for Christmas. Always wanted a moccamaster but didn't want anything that made too much coffee. Seems pretty ideal.

I've a mazzer super jolly already so which should definitely be overkill in terms of drip coffee.

>> No.8376316
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On special occasions i buy this blend of coffee that called fog cutter. I then run it through my shit coffee maker and drink it with a dash of whole milk.
If i'm being a basic bitch though i'll get a macchiato from Starbucks and have them put extra espresso and vanilla in it

>> No.8376383

It won't be overkill. Traditional espresso grinders are god awful at drip.

>> No.8376443


But you don't have to clean the Aeropress after use and it's incredibly quick - pour in water, depress the plunger, you have coffee. Drink instant by all means if it's what you like, but it sounds like you're operating it wrong if it requires any significant effort or you have to clean up afterwards.

>> No.8376449
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Weak and white - like my men.

>> No.8376452


You have vanilla in a macchiato? The fuck is wrong with you?

Although I suspect you mean a caramel macchiato which is a completely different thing, and a completely made up thing by Starbucks, and is a total pile of sugary shite (unless you go for the sugar-free syrups I guess, but you probably don't), you fucking moronic pleb who doesn't even know what the fuck I'm talking about because you don't know what a fucking macchiato actually is

>> No.8376454

Maybe, might create too many fines. There's a guy I know selling an unopened baratza encore for €100 never used but my kitchen is already full of coffee things, so I was going to leave it.

>> No.8376458

maxwell house colombian is really good. I use a gold plated drip filter.

>> No.8376472
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>> No.8376478

>complaining about water content in your 98% water beverage

>> No.8376481

>Plastic with hot liquids

Enjoy your cancer.

>b-but it's BPA free!

>> No.8376513 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 1000x963, 1410539078092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is worse, coffee snobs or wine snobs?

>> No.8376520

Wine snobs hands down, sommelier is one of the most bullshit job titles in existence.

>> No.8376614

>hot liquids

If you're that worried about cancer, you should probably avoid hot drinks whatever they're prepared in.

>> No.8376621

>implying the anticancer effect from coffee and tea don't statistically overweight the procarcinogen effects of drinking literally boiling water every day (you know, waiting for it to cool down is a thing, right?)

but hey, it's not my choice to consume endocrine disruptors :^)

>> No.8376678 [DELETED] 

Grinding your own beans is a great idea. If you drink enough of it to go through a pound quickly you can get away with doing it at the store

Roasting your own beans is getting trendy but I don't think people know how to properly do it yet

>> No.8376682 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8376685


>> No.8376686

Coffee snobs are worse. At least the wine snobs eventually get drunk and become tolerable

>> No.8376693

French press. Black drip or espresso doppio if at a coffee shop.

>> No.8376704

Coffee snobs. When a wine snob is being annoying, it's usually pretty easy to deflect the conversation by asking them to talk about wine.

>> No.8376717

I always wash the Aeropress out after every use. Otherwise it's just kinda gross isn't it.

Anyway it's too much fucking effort. Instant is way fucking easier. And Gold Blend is much better than the cheapy shitty types of instant.

Looks disgusting

I have literally no idea what this post is meant to say

I read it like three times and still can't figure it out

Coffee snobs are undoubtedly worse

Wine experts have been around for years and years. It's an actual job which people pay you for. Well, I guess people are paid to be coffee experts too (when I worked at Starbucks there was a "Coffee Ambassador" for our area, and there's also one for the whole country too, whose job it is to be experts on coffee - I guess the purpose being that they can assist in marketing efforts, in trying to persuade people that Starbucks coffee is actually flavoursome and authentic, as well as purchasing efforts, deciding what types of coffee Starbucks should buy. The coffee ambassador for our area though was also a barista who worked in one of the stores. So I guess only the national coffee ambassadors are employed purely to be experts on coffee.)

But mostly coffee tasting isn't a thing. Just a made up modern thing. Fucking pretentious as fuck. Wine is cultured and civilised - monarchs and aristocratic families have been drinking fine, expensive wines for many many centuries. You don't have "fine coffee". It doesn't exist. Apart from that stuff that gets shat out by monkeys I guess, that stuff is pretty expensive. But it's also disgusting - at least the idea of it is (I've not tried it, and probably never will).

Whatever. Coffee snobs are worse because I say so. Wine is sophisticated. Wine snobs tend to be rich. There is a cachet to knowing about wine. Coffee snobbery is for pathetic snivelly little hipsters. Rich people are not coffee snobs. Coffee is for plebs.

>> No.8376928

An Encore will wipe the floor with an SJ for drip. It's not just fines, the SJ intentionally creates several particle sizes for espresso.

A Feldgrind or Lido will be way better than the Encore or SJ, and not as much clutter to boot.

>> No.8376996

>Wine is cultured and civilized
>Wine is sophisticated
>Coffee snobs are worse because I say so.

Seems kind of arbitrary to associate these things with a beverage. There's only fine wine because people "say so".

>> No.8378334

Alright I'll go for the encore then. I guess the drip setup will still be only 300 yuros which if fine.

>> No.8378489
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If I don't have to chew my coffee it is not worth consumption.

>> No.8379065

Cappuccino before 10am
Espresso anytime before 6pm
Black americano if i'm eating sweets with it

>> No.8379078

instant coffee is best coffee that's it

>> No.8379083

plain drip coffee with 1tb brown sugar and splash of whole milk

tall skinny peppermint latte when they're in season, otherwise tall skinny caramel latte

>> No.8379111

why do you get something artificially sweetened for a treat, but use regular sugar most of the time?

>> No.8380743 [DELETED] 
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Amphetamine > Coffee

>> No.8380843


jesus dude how can you handle 1 terabyte of brown sugar?