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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 28 KB, 300x298, receta-alfajor-dulce-leche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8351843 No.8351843[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>talking to a gringa friend
>telling her about alfajores
>look for a translation
>nope not a "caramel cookie"
>nope not a "fudge"

lmaooooooooooo so you yanks dont know what an alfajor is? and you feel proud about your """bakery"""""" tradition? you cant make that shit up.

>> No.8351865

>nope not a "caramel cookie"

It's a caramel sandwich cookie. That's what it is.

>> No.8351867

>a spaniard calling a whitey a "yank"

nice try, but you can't fool me you filthy bogan

>> No.8351872
File: 37 KB, 424x480, 1479356705074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8351879


lol not everything round and baked is a cookie you dumb retard.

i just like the sound of it, yank.

>> No.8351883

In what way is that not a caramel fudge cookie or anything other than a caramel fudge cookie?

>> No.8351908


because when i searched for "caramel fudge cookie" all i got was disgusting pics of burnt pieces of shit you call cookies. we are not talking of the same thing here. its like you take pride on being ignorant mongs.

>> No.8351911


Don't ya'll still have them beheading cartels running around?

>> No.8351920


>> No.8351925

You lack basic reasoning skills.

>> No.8351927


wow more ignorance, how fitting.

look, i just want a term for this girl to understand what type of stuff are alfajores, do you have any?

>> No.8351930

Oh. So you're just one of those irrelevant latin countries where brown people live.

>> No.8351956

They look like little debbie snack cakes.

>> No.8351978

It's definitely a sandwich cookie. It's caramel sandwiched between cookies. Being made from corn doesn't mean they aren't cookies.

>> No.8351980
File: 29 KB, 400x296, 1452809633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah basically if he says "it's like a Little Debbie cocoa creme but with caramel" she'd know exactly what it was bit that's not actually what he wants he wants to seem mysterious and culturally superior but he's trying to use a fucking prepackaged cookie to do it. Just visualize this guy.

>> No.8351981

>made with corn flour
Fucking dropped

>> No.8351983

>look, i just want a term for this girl to understand what type of stuff are alfajores
No you fucking don't you stupid spic, you want a retarded way to criticize America because your irrelevant little shithole doesn't produce anything.

>> No.8351987

just because your culture cant make anything good with it doesn't meant no one can

>> No.8352003
File: 16 KB, 389x231, alfajores-de-maicena-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>debbie snack cakes.

there is some resemblance, but that looks like a shitty product, dont want her to associate god tier alfajor to shit like that.

>caramel sandwiched between cookies.

not a cookie you dense faggot. and holy fuck, not "caramel" you damn inbred retard. again, not everything sweet and runny is made around your stupid corn syrup poison.

>>made with corn flour
>Fucking dropped

youre thinking of alfajores de maicena. they are coo, but not classic alfajor.


>> No.8352009

Caramel and dulce de leche are literally the same thing.

>> No.8352011
File: 325 KB, 382x417, IMG_3601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little debbie snack cakes look like shit. So do your alf things. I mean they literally look like little debbies with caramel poured in. I don't know what more you want. Tell her they're fancy snack cakes or something. Or find something that actually looks impressive to show off. Those things in your image look ten times more appetizing than the ones posted in your OP.

>> No.8352016
File: 151 KB, 1922x1360, alf14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there are lots of types of alfajores. but none is a fudge anything or a cookie, or a cake.

>american education strikes again

>> No.8352020
File: 287 KB, 1600x1066, rolo fudge cookies 3 - blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this disgusting piece of shit source of diabetes right here and tell me its in the same class of an alfajor. just go ahead and do it.

>> No.8352026

A steak is a steak no matter what part of the cow it comes from.

>> No.8352049

i know youre trolling, but there are americans that literally think like that. for them everything meat is "beef", now: are they retarded? are they unable to manage more distinctions? for all i know, there are, tapapecho, sobrecostilla, asado, asiento, pollo ganso, choclillo, plateada, lomo liso, vetado, aletilla, posta rosada, posta negra, punta paleta, etc. and all these cuts go best with specific types of dishes, but that seems to be too much for some people.

>> No.8352051

It's a caramel fudge sandwich cookie.

>> No.8352073

Are you too retarded to understand the concept of general terms?

Flank steak and t-bone steak are both steak, regardless of your self-afflicted retardation.

>> No.8352103

Don't know what to tell you op. We are telling you exactly what it is, but you're not listening.
Apparently your gay little cookie needs to join tumblr, since it too is a special snowflake of no defining gender.

>> No.8352112
File: 52 KB, 260x485, surge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what would you classify pepsi as, /ck/?
>no, it's not a soda, like that fucking Dr Thunder trash
>would you honestly compare pepsi to cactus cooler?
>you fucking mongs don't get it
>pepsi is different
>you don't understand

Oh we understand, you weird little faggot.

>> No.8352113

>not everything sweet and runny is made around your stupid corn syrup poison.
>he thinks caramel is traditionally made with corn syrup

It's a fucking cookie you retard, it's a goddamn shitty cookie made out of compressed breadcrumbs or some shit, it's the lowest form of cooking, it's not even cooking, it's literally "tasty" tier garbage with a foreign name made to appeal to yuppies. Kill yourself.

>> No.8352130 [DELETED] 


Behold average ameribaby retardation, everyone.

>> No.8352142
File: 1.22 MB, 500x360, 1345677253012.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone that disagrees with me is American

Good lord, it's no wonder you boys never took back the islands, you're just too dumb.

>> No.8352143

Nice try, but no.
Do we still need to hold your hand and explain to you how to classify your processed snack foods, or are you leaving?

>> No.8352154

Google the name of this thing you keep talking about. Literally everything that talks about it refers to it as a cookie.

Whether or not you think it's a cookie, that's what it's classified as, because that's what it is.

>> No.8352156


Just a little to quick to deny there, ameridumbs.

>> No.8352174

>dumb argie still thinks I'm a burger

You are always wrong, and you always lose.

>> No.8352182

shut up you fucking racist faggot

>> No.8352188

If you argue this much about terminology you're a fucking retard. THERE ARE CULTURES BESIDES YOUR OWN and if you go around calling them all ignorant and invalid you'll be sad and angry forever.

Here's a thought: maybe labels aren't all that important? Maybe the fact of the thing does and SHOULD run a little deeper?

Usage defines language. It's pizza if Chicagoans say it is, and that certainly doesn't diminish other types of pizza in any way. If you think it does, you are fucking stupid.

You are so dumb. WORDS DON'T MATTER. Just shut up. You're dumb.

>> No.8352190

it's a fucking chocolate sandwich cookie with caramel inside. it's a goddamn cookie. fuck off.

>> No.8352197

You americans are just way too sad and stupid for me to handle, I am leaving.

>> No.8352199

>Place the butter and sugar in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment. Mix on medium speed, stopping the mixer to scrape down the sides of the bowl once with a rubber spatula, until the mixture is light in color and fluffy, about 3 minutes. Add the egg yolks, pisco or brandy, and vanilla and mix until incorporated, about 30 seconds. Stop the mixer and scrape down the sides of the bowl. On low speed, gradually add the reserved flour mixture and mix until just incorporated with no visible white pockets, about 30 seconds.

Sounds exactly like making chocolate chip cookies. How about you eat shit.

>> No.8352200


>> No.8352202

I just googled it. It's not even originally from Latin America but from Spain so stop stealing our culture you corn-eating, brown subhuman piece of shit.

>> No.8352227

>at least I can feel superior about muh spechul cookie

this is almost as pathetic as that one poster from some third world shithole that kept asking "WHAT KIND OF SAUSAGE?" when someone mentioned Jimmy Dean. It turned out he was just asspained that his mudhut or whatever was bombed by the US. I think he was from Kosovo or Bosnia or one of those places that doesnt matter. So why are you so fuckin grumpy, OP, did an American sex tourist knock up your sister?

>> No.8352235

america doesn't produce shit either, everything is made by chinese

>> No.8352241

are you retarded?, it seems the argentinian was right, and everyone here is retarded

>> No.8352250

>The archetypal alfajor entered Iberia during the period of al-Andalus.
Whats your point?

>> No.8352461

Weren't you leaving?

>> No.8352466

As a newfag, it's fascinating to see all the bitter /int/posting by Euros and others on this board.

>> No.8352475

No one is calling chicken beef, you fucking mong. A steak is a God damn steak. Shit, you can pork steak! Did you know that?

>> No.8352488

I can pork your mom too! Did you know that?

>> No.8352770

lmao @ ur salt, guys.

but, still, how would you translate the word "alfajor"? i wont leave until you guys give me a valid answer.

>> No.8352783
File: 10 KB, 214x250, 1480605290742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw op is american
>mfw errybody's trolled

>> No.8352797

i'd translate it as 'beaner food' you spic

>> No.8352800

Why are you responding to it?

>> No.8352805

It's just confectionary.

You can't translate it as it's the name of a product unless you are trying to be clever and referring to the Arabic origin of the word associated with it?

>> No.8353073
File: 360 KB, 720x561, alfajor2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Only Spanish Alfajor are good, that's some South American bastard child of an alfajor's retarded cousin and a little debbie cake

Pic related, an actual alfajor

>> No.8353167

Your mom's an Alpha Whore.

>> No.8353218

che boludito se te nota lo nuevo
tenes autismo clinico no?

>> No.8353238
File: 34 KB, 300x300, 1469605854621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would describe it as having the texture of smooth creamy beans

>> No.8353257


>> No.8353268

Parece salchichón de chocolate.
Aguanten los de maicena

>> No.8353273

Says the faty uruguayo in France eating up french snacks and playing the culture games.

>> No.8353274

>Se trata de una golosina originaria de la gastronomía del Al-Ándalus.

>> No.8353299
File: 20 KB, 644x186, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8353304

they're filled with dulce de leche, not caramel. But yeah, that's a pretty apt description, far as I can tell.

>> No.8353313

Must admit the mexi's have superior snackcake technology, that shit you can get at walmart with the spanish on the packaging is goat

>> No.8353315

Calm down, beaner.

>> No.8353320

Looks like a ding dong with caramel in the middle.

>> No.8353328

It's caramelized milk you pretentious spic.

>> No.8353339

ITT: Why we shouldn't let ESLs post outside of /int/

>> No.8353380


>> No.8353408

Not that guy but caramel as most people think of it and Dulce de leche taste very different although they are similar.

>> No.8353429

Yeah. /ck/ is basically /int/ with more tendies. It seems to fluctuate. For a few months this board will be calm and contain threads about recipes and actual cooking (and alcoholism). Then for another few months it's nothing but shitposting about Americans. Do they not have their football during late fall and winter, maybe?

>> No.8353437


This has been a PSA

>> No.8353742

che choris

>> No.8353751
File: 37 KB, 800x419, dzkiask2ymatavbgojrh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alf things

>> No.8353776

Reported for shitposting.


>> No.8353780

Same as you have cops gunning people down my gringo friend.

>> No.8353939

>cops shooting criminals
I don't see the problem.