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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8341904 No.8341904[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So believe it or not there are actually people who exist that dont know how to cook

>move in with new people
>we're all 21 - 25
>notice alot of them just eat cereal / toast / microwaveable stuff
>ask why
>"I dont know how to cook dude"
>"yeah same"
>ask how
>"i dont know i just never learned"

i just cant fathom the idea of being unable to just make something. One of them doesnt even know where to start with making spaghetti sauce

>> No.8341914

Why make spaghetti sauce? Just buy a jar.

>> No.8341922

My parents never taught me how to cook beyond the most basic of shit (they weren't great cooks either), so when I moved out for the first time I basically had to teach myself from scratch. It happens OP.

>> No.8341924

>not know how to make spaghetti sauce

Anon, I don't know that shit. Nor do I think I really need to. Store sells cheap premade sauce and I pour it over the veggies and meat and cheese I like and cook it all up.

>> No.8341925

I mean, it depends on what your/their operating definition of "know how to cook" is.

I have no idea how to make a good sphaghetti sauce off the top of my head, I know the basic ingredients, but I don't carry around ratios/measurements in my head.

I'm very capable while following a recipe.

But, following a recipe requires time, prior research to acquire all of the ingredients, going to the store, then, the time actually necessary to complete it(prep, mix, cook, serve, clean.)

It's fucking annoying, I would rather just pick up something reasonable that's pre-made most of the time.

I eat a lot of fucking sandwiches(very nice pre-made sammies for the record) for dinner because of it.

The weekend is when I actually cook.

>> No.8341928

I was never taught by my parents, i just figured it out by my self growing up. I always used to make things for my self since i was 13.

>> No.8341932

alright but the point im trying to make is that just by having eaten spaghetti sauce you should be able to determine whats in it and go from there

for example;

you eat spaghetti sauce, and you see and taste the tomatoes, beef, onions, and the spices. so then at that point you should be able to buy all of those things, cook up the beef and mix it all together

im not trying to be a fedora tipper, but this stuff just comes naturally to me yet so many people just dont know how to do it

>> No.8341934

I used to make a lot of toasted sandwiches, homemade pizza, pasta and various baked goods but I really never learnt how to make proper dishes or anything that required a bit of complexity. My parents always made dinner so I'd just eat their cooking and never question it.

>> No.8341940

In junior high, everyone had to take one semester of shop and one semester of home ec. Beyond that, my mom made sure I knew how to cook because whenever she went out of town, my dad would only ever make instant/reheat from frozen stuff for my sister and I. I also genuinely enjoy cooking.

That said, I've lived with 3 other people who can't cook. One never tried and lived off delivery and fast food, one tried and made horrible things that barely passed as food, and the third paid for most of the food bill so I would cook enough for him too. I offered to teach all three (though I had no problem cooking for the one who asked), but they didn't care to learn.

I don't think people see it as a necessary skill anymore. It's not even limited to this generation, because neither my dad nor any of my uncles (and one of my aunts) know how to cook anything. It's easier to get by without being able to cool now because more low-to-no-effort stuff is available.

>> No.8341945

my roommate once tried to make Kraft dinner and poured in the water, noodles, cheese, milk, and butter into the pot all at the same time then brought it all to a boil

>> No.8341947


>> No.8341960

Did you eat some of it?

...was it good?

>> No.8341976

Maybe its an american thing but
My palette is desensitized so unless a flavor is very intense i cant identify it when mixed with others

>> No.8341982

Suburban millenial babbies raised by single mothers who themselves either did not know how to cook or were too busy working to bother. They just bought their kids fast food or candy and junk food to eat every night.

>> No.8341986

kys flyover

>> No.8341987

my thing is, if you can follow a procedure in lab, you can cook.

no one with a STEM degree should be unable to cook.

>> No.8341994

People who were not raised with Italian grandmothers in their lives.

>> No.8342004

Historically, unless they were a chef by trade, most men never saw it as a necessary skill. They always relied on some squaw to feed them (first their mother, then their wife).

>> No.8342018

Not true at all. Cooking is more than simple trite procedure. It's not a science, it's an art. Great cooking requires, improvisation, imagination and creativity. Something many (though certainly not all) STEM people lack.

>> No.8342023


To be great at cooking you need all those things. To make healthy and somewhat tasty meals 21x a week you just need to be able to follow basic instructions. If you have a STEM degree you should be intelligent enough to be able to google how to cook for yourself at a basic level.

>> No.8342055

>spend ~$1 on tomatoes and seasoning
>or spend fuck-knows on shitty flyover sauce

>> No.8342063

I'm a suburban millennial baby raised by a single mother. That is why I know how to cook.

>> No.8342075

>people don't know how to tomato sauce

First sautee onions and fully cook beef in pan. If not use beef use olive oil on onions to cook.

Then put in tomatoes. Then simmer with salt pepper basil oregano garlic for until it is not taste acidic.

Very easy. Just cook until tomato acid is tomato sugar.

>> No.8342080

Successful people are much more likely to pay for cooked food than to cook it themselves. In other words: poorfags

>> No.8342089

That doesn't make a great cook. That makes a drone.

>> No.8342093

Do you only eat ragu?

>> No.8342094

But whatever flyover tomato sauce which calls for a cup of sugar?

>> No.8342096


I know, that's what I said. If you simply act as a drone you can cook your own food. The people described in the OP are even more worthless than drones.

>> No.8342099

>Success is entirely monetary

You are Murgans are so far up shit creek you don't even realize it.

>> No.8342117

>$1 on tomatoes and spice
Not true. Particularly not true if you're making a good sauce that calls for more than just tomatoes and spice. Olive oil alone will put you at a minimum of like $5, now factor in the opportunity cost of spending the time making the sauce.

Suddenly a $3 jar of pre-made sauce is pretty attractive, particularly when you live in a liberal crunchy health-food obsessed urban environment where you can get quality shit in jars.

>> No.8342122

he's dead jim

>> No.8342123

Also, spice is fucking expensive. I understand it's an investment, and you'll have a fuck ton leftover for future cooking, but when you're young and haven't developed a spice collection it adds up if you want to suddenly start cooking.

>> No.8342194

holy shit, this.

it was a fucking shock when I went to college and tried to make something more complex than cup of noodles.

>> No.8342196

>$1 on tomatoes and seasoning

You can buy about 2 roma tomatoes for a dollar. That's not enough fuckin' tomatoes bruh

>> No.8342201
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Eat shit

>> No.8342312


By them in bulk, you fucking troglodyte.

>> No.8342322
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>> No.8342329

there's still the upfront cost of purchasing them. buying in bulk is even more upfront cost than buying a smaller amount.

>> No.8342406

My roommate doesn't know how to cook either, it's painful to watch him check the fridge and realize he doesn't actually have any food.

>asks about a burger i'm eating
>tell him he's welcome to make one if he wants
>"sure, you just microwave it right"
>"oh, well nevermind then"

come to think of it, I haven't even seen the man boil water.

>> No.8342447

i dont know shit about cooking besides of taking a Pizza in the oven, heat up some premade soups or anything. i never bothered to learn it, i had my mum who was always making some dinner, and after that i have my girlfriend who knows how to cook.
but i dont like it that way and want to learn it.

i dont want to ask my gf or someone because of my autism in this case or whatever.
but i cant really get over it to get started.
there are too many questions for me like

which temperature do i choose for what, or how di know something is cooked to the right spot or how much seasoning i should use, or even which seasoning should i use to get it tasted like what, and many more stupid shit.

i know some would say to just get a receipt and get started, but i dont know. ist not the same. because i dont really learn the core elements of this stuff in my opinion.

what can i do? or should i just kill my self? fuck me.

excuse my english im not a native english speaker.

>> No.8342452

One of my friends is just now, at age 25, learning how to cook without packaged ingredients.

He rents his mother's basement. She strictly follows recipes, but has a good eye for picking them out, and her execution of them is generally flawless.

She goes away, and nine times out of ten, he eats pogos. It's kind of tragic.

>> No.8342461

"dont know how to cook" means too lazy/doesn't feel like cooking. Most people can follow a recipe if they want to make something. Also if they aren't used to cooking it's unlikely that they have stuff to actually cook with around the house.

>> No.8342488


> mom always cooked great homemade meals for me as a child
> when I moved out I just wanted to cook food that resembled my mothers in the slightest
> been watching cooking shows since early teens, and finally put it into praxis
> end up being so far ahead of all of my friends culinary wise it's fucking painfull
> I literally can't get them to help me with anything in the kitchen without them fucking up somehow
> everytime I cook they think I'm in a bad mood because I don't want any help
> I'm only in a bad mood because when they do help they do a fucking half assed job of it

The worst thing is they don't really seem to care if they do anything wrong, and if I tell them they get offended and pissy
I love my friends but god fucking damn it, WHY WOULDN'T YOU DO ALL YOU CAN TO MAKE THE BEST MEAL POSSIBLE WTF

>> No.8342511

Not the people you replied to, but I mix store-bought sauce into a base made of fresh and canned ingredients to help the flavor and increase the volume. What do you think?

>> No.8342531

>which temperature do i choose for what

Google it.

>how di know something is cooked to the right spot or how much seasoning i should use


The only way you'll ever get started is to accept that you can and will fuck up, and those fuckups are how you learn.

>> No.8342534

You're getting the worst of both worlds. Just learn how to season your base properly; it's less complicated than you think.

>> No.8342543

Why the hell did he think you have to microwave burgers?

>> No.8342548

I learned cooking.
Then I stopped giving a shit.
Too few hours in a day to waste time like that.

>> No.8342562
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>> No.8342572
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As a chef i find it great.
Just name shit in french and make it look fancy and the masses will pay 10x the actual price.

Just like how my restaurant serves egg benedict for 64 bucks, and we get at least 10 orders aday in slow days for the benedicts.

Little did they know it's just boiled eggs with a slap of salmon and spinach, doesn't cost 5 bucks to make.

oh also women seem to be really impressed by the fact i can make almost anything in the kitchen.

pic related is a lunch i made from scratch for a picnic with the mates: mini-beef wellingtons, pene pasta, parmasan puffs and fudge chocolate cakes.

>> No.8342579

This thread isn't about being a great cook, just make good enough shit to not die from.

>> No.8342622

presentation on the wellingtons is cute but the rest looks like supermarket hot case tier

>> No.8342640

Those are all well over 1$ each

>> No.8342652

Where the hell are you going where tomatoes and spices are that cheap? Seriously, a shaker of table black pepper is a dollar, what the hell else are you going to do for the rest of the ingredients? Suck off the grocery store manager?

>> No.8342715

$1.50/kg extra plus maybe $2.00 for oil and garlic is worth it for the incredible difference in quality. Basil and oregano should be growing in your garden for free.
It's still a home cooked meal for at least 2 people, from scratch, for less than $10

>> No.8342739


There's fancy cooking and regular cooking.

Many dishes count as "simple", as in "just mix this stuff and cook for X amount of time".

People who learn to cook, coming from a non cooking background, seem to want to jump into "gourmet" or fancier food rather than get the basic with easier dishes.

>> No.8342827

$5 of olive oil in a single dish? Surely youre missing the fact that some costs are amortized over many dishes

>> No.8342846


He was probably just hoping it involved the microwave because that's literally the only cooking device he knows how to use. There's an expression for this but I can't think of it, but basically the same problem will be approached differently by an engineer, a mathematician, or a physicist because they know what they are good at and try to apply it to everything.

>> No.8342854


>mini beef wellingtons

What cut of meat did you use, I'm genuinely interested in making these for Christmas now.

>> No.8342879


>> No.8342899

This is wrong

>> No.8342901


my roommate just eats ragu pasta and frozen pizza

he cooks the pasta, puts it on a plate, then just spoons ragu straight from the fridge onto the pasta

when i asked him about it he said "oh the pasta heats up the ragu"

when we moved in together i had to show him how to operate the washing machine

>> No.8342919

Tfw when just sauce is a meal for 2

Maybe this is why I never learned to cook

>> No.8342922

Yea, enjoy your $3 jar of ready made sugar liquid.

>> No.8342928


M8 if you are too lazy to boil 25 cents of pasta then you have bigger problems.

>> No.8342929


ragu might as well be ketchup

>> No.8342931

Genius cooking requires improvisation, imagination and creativity, something that no one outside of fine dining will ever, ever need to know

Great cooking requires being able to read and follow instructions.

>> No.8342943

Same here anon. You can learn anything on the internet.

>> No.8342947

It's better than not being able to make food at all.

>> No.8342959

>Great cooking requires being able to read and follow instructions.

I disagree. Reading and following instructions to the letter is a recipe for mediocrity, not excellence.

A beginner can and will follow a recipe verbatim. A good cook will use his senses--tasting the food to adjust ingredient amounts accordingly, looking at the color to adjust cooking time/heat, and so on.

>> No.8342960

>21 meals a week

>> No.8342966


Breakfast, lunch, dinner. 7 days a week. 3 x 7 = 21.

>> No.8342968

What does 3 x 7 equal, anon?

>> No.8342971


3 meals a day, 7 days a week. I don't mean cooking for an hour for each meal every day, I'm including making food in larger amounts to have leftovers, whipping simple things like eggs in the morning, etc.

>> No.8342973

I thought that the norm was to have one meal a day, two at maximum.

>> No.8342983

I know plenty of successful people for whom cooking is a hobby. I think you mean driven people aren't as likely to cook because they're tightly focused elsewhere. In terms of income the most successful guy I know is a Wall St stress case who works 60 hours a week. He doesn't give a shit about food, nor what it costs. And even though this guy is easily worth 20 times what I am he asks me for restaurant recommendations, because he knows I'm into food and know which places are worth bothering with. He also has a stay at home wife who cooks, so he's never had to pick up a chef's knife in his life.
This. Cooking is expensive if you do it so infrequently that you have to go out and buy every single ingredient you need to make a dish every time you cook because do not keep a well stocked fridge and larder. If you cook on a daily basis the costs of each ingredient gets spread over 2, 3, 5, 10 or even 20 meals. Yeah, stuff like olive oil and spices seem expensive. But my $15 jug of olive oil and my $4 worth of green cardamom in a glass jar are both good for more than 20 meals. So they're actually pretty cheap in the long run.

If you're cooking on a day to day basis it's pretty easy to make dinner for two for under $3.

>> No.8343001


>>I thought that the norm was to have one meal a day

Dear lord, where on earth is that the "norm"?

>> No.8343006

Well, burger and syrupland. We need 3 to maintain our svelt figures.

>> No.8343015

It could very well just be me, I'm not sure. I just don't see breakfast, lunch, or dinner meal-worthy.

>> No.8343061

Wherever they don't have enough food. South Sudan?

>> No.8343068

Again, where are you going where everything is amazingly cheap? Where is this magical realm where things are trapped in 1950s pricing? Detroit?

>> No.8343072

Not everyone lives in Africa, hon.

>> No.8343145

I dunno how to cook.

I can boil/scramble eggs I guess. I can grill stuff, and cook stuff that just needs to be left in an oven for X amount of time (usually needs to tell me on the lable.)

I can make a pretty good steak.

I guess I could theoretically make some garlic butter.

Other than that? Nope.

I come to /ck/ while I eat to read about food.

I want to be good at cooking, but don't know where to start and am also extremely poor.

>> No.8343167

I learned to cook because I am a shutin with no waifu and I got bored of eating fastfood and frozen food. With so many youtube channels giving you the step by step there is no excuse to not be able to cook. Start with simple shit like speghetti, tacos, and stews.

>> No.8343168

Assuming the problem is perfectly spherical and exists in a vacuum

lol i dunno ders no answer in the reference guide

Perfectly correct but autistic and useless answer

>> No.8343172

I know how to cook, I don't like doing dishes.

>> No.8343179


>> No.8343192


I met people in the Navy that had never ironed a shirt, cooked their own food, or been held accountable for their actions.

They were hazed frequently in a couple ways.

>> No.8343205

There were white trash southerners in my army basic training that had never used a toothbrush. We had to have a class on how to use a toothbrush.

>> No.8343217

I was in the Marines, no reason to do any of that anymore tho.
Take dress uniforms to dry cleaners, utilities don't need it
Chow hall, restaurants
>Accountable for actions
Now all branches enforce that, unless you're female

>> No.8343234

I think its more a thing of not being able to put things together. I don't expect everyone to know how to make a sauce but if given to you at least know how to use it properly

>> No.8343236

My brother knows how to make pancakes and burgers. And he's skinnier than me. Why is life so unfair? I'm 200 at 5'11. He's 175 at 6'2

>> No.8343238

Yeah this totally happened

>> No.8343243
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In that situation I would just buy nothing but raw ingredients and only cook single servings.

That way no one steals anything and then see them rage when they see the efforts of my cooking.

>Raw meat? eeww

>> No.8343246

I learned to cook because I'm a creative freelancer with wildly variable income streams. When I'm too busy to cook I'm making good enough money to eat out at good places. When the money isn't good enough to eat out often I have the time to cook. I learned to cook well so I could eat as well as the places I go out to when the money isn't there for going out. I rarely find myself in the position where I'm just busy enough that convenience trumps food quality. I either have no time to cook but money to go out or plenty of time to cook.

>> No.8343259

SO what you're saying is you have no job and a shitload of time to spend cooking and that being able to cook ONLY means making gourmet trite, instead of meals to live on.

How fat and uneducated are you, exactly?

>> No.8343265

I suppose you came out of the womb knowing how to cook, huh? Some people can't even read or write, and they teach that in school. I suspect you may be autistic if this is really difficult for you to fathom.

>> No.8343285

You're on the internet aren't you? There's more tutorials and recipes available to you than you could fathom. Sorry lazy, that's no excuse.

>> No.8343294

You're a retard

>> No.8343298

Adding sugar is pointless. Tomatoes are sweet enough.

>> No.8343306

Watch the shit out of Food Wishes, Gordon Ramsay, Jamie Oliver, Cookinginrussia and Gennaro Contaldo on YouTube.

>> No.8343319

>Watch the shit out of
Hi Tyrone!

>> No.8343338

because we never got taught in school or at home
yeah I never understood this
why waste time on making something you can buy?

>> No.8343347

When did I say I can't cook?

>> No.8343406

>oh no, this person is better than I am at something
>that something is literally all I define myself by
>better be a fucking retard and try to insult him

>> No.8343418

Fuck off.

>> No.8343432

I've only really learned how to cook good stew and soup. However, I'm a pleb at chopping my veggies and meats, so whenever I have to cook shit, I always feel like I'm fucking up at those steps in terms of speed. Cooking decently doesn't seem to complicated if you even know how to use an oven. Just that it's too much effort for most people.

>> No.8343438

>ONLY means making gourmet trite, instead of meals to live on.

I was replying to a post about "Great cooking". That's clearly outside the context of "meals to live on".

Besides which, the things I was mentioning (tasting rather than blinding trusting a recipe, and paying attention to cooking time) is hardly the domain of the gourmet. It takes no significant time or skill beyond following a recipe blindly.

>> No.8343458


>> No.8343463

But seriously, how fat and uneducated are you?

>> No.8343468


How does anyone not know how to cook, when in under a minute you can pull up high-definition videos over the internet that carefully and clearly explain and show you how to do everything from hold a knife to bake a cake?

>> No.8343472

>oh no, my head is so far up my own ass that I can't take valid criticisms

Get over yourself dude. None of it looks very appetizing is all. I understand it's for a picnic but you bring the shit in fast food containers and a storage bin?

That bin of pasta looks like what I drop off at the homeless shelter on fridays. Those parmesan puffs look like mangled pieces of overcooked chinese mystery meat, and the decoration on the wellingtons look like bony dicks or some shit. I'm sure it all tastes fine, it just doesn't look that way. If you define yourself by cooking that's fine but don't project your insecurity on to others. I don't know how you ever made it to a high end kitchen being a thin skinned little pussy who can't take criticism at all.

>> No.8343474


It depends on where you buy them. Look for asian markets and stores that cater to restaurants. There's one called Cash n Carry in town here, they have spices for absolutely dirt cheap. You can often buy them on amazon or something as well.

>> No.8343477

>enough skill to follow a recipe blindly

Apparently, even that capability is beyond 90% of /ck/.

>> No.8343998

You're wrong, flyover.

>> No.8344025

Cooking is a craft at best, not an art. The artistic aspect to it comes from being able to make a contribution to cuisine in the form of new dishes, techniques and/or presentation. That's where creativity comes in. But that's beyond cooking. Cooking well is just a matter of doing the same things well over and over. No creativity involved in that.

>> No.8344070

Spoken like a true flyover. Of course Kraft Easy Mac and butter requires no creativity.

>> No.8344077

Nor does being a line cook in a high end French restaurant. Creativity can be part of a chef's job, but it's rarely if ever a cook's.

>> No.8344143

>I'm very capable while following a recipe.
Then u lidrally cant cook fagboy

>> No.8344471

>don't project your insecurity on to others.
>this post
>pick two

just to let you know it's not the same posters.

>> No.8346047

Man spaghetti sauce is advanced for people like that. I know a guy who set spaghetti on fire because the instructions didn't say you need to cook it in water.

>> No.8346050

Why is this board so much shittier than it used to be? Too many meme loving fucks these days.

>> No.8346052

You'd think this no matter where you were. You're the one changing when years pass.

>> No.8346072

>Something many (though certainly not all) STEM people lack.
Sorry you weren't smart enough for STEM so you had to label/reinvent yourself as a "creative."

>> No.8346098
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>spend $3 on marinara every time you want spaghetti
>but spending $2 on a jar of cheap dry basil that you'll use over the course of a gorillion meals is too expensive

>> No.8346108
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>post one recipe
>this must is all he eat

sorry senpai

>> No.8346111

After 8 years active in the Army, I completely believe this happened 110%

>> No.8346136

i don't cook either because i have women to do it for me

>> No.8346137

I haven't brushed in years and years and i'm ok.

>> No.8346140

Not all of us till live with mummie

>> No.8346142

my girlfriend was impressed that i knew how to make rice in a pot. as in without a rice cooker.

like she jokes that i'm super old fashioned or low tech or whatever. she has no idea how to cook rice in a pot. she only knows how to use a rice cooker.

she's chinese. like not just born to chinese parents, but literally from mainland china. i swear to god i don't understand it

>> No.8346219

Farmers markets man, I can get a big ol basket for a dollar. Everything is so cheap there.

>> No.8346244

I never ironed a shirt in my life. Ok, maybe i did, when i lived with my parents and could use their iron and ironing board.
I use T-shirts and sweaters as my daily dress.

>> No.8346749


Chinks and Japs eat so much rice that owning a rice cooker, even a high-end one, is totally worth the money because they'll use it every day. It's probably unheard of to cook rice in a pot because owning a rice cooker is the norm.

>> No.8346800

why don't you?

>> No.8346811

there is literally no reason to cook

>> No.8346829

So what? Cooking is for girls and hipsters.

>> No.8346878

can u guys help
my roomie made some food but he didnt clean the pan out (gross!) and so I ran it under some cold water to clean it but it made this really weird sound and now it's all weird shaped! hes going to be so upset if he finds out I just ruined his new pan, its really heavy too so it must have been xpensive :(

>> No.8346882

I did that for fifteen years.

I'm not really okay.

>> No.8346883

Get some distilled alcohol (whiskey, vodka, tequila, etc.), pour it in the pan, and cook it for about ten minutes.

>> No.8346886

okay I put some smirnoff in the pan, what temperature do I put it in the oven at?

>> No.8346899

Not the oven, put it on the stove, preferably a gas stove.

>> No.8346910


Soak it in vinegar , that will clean the pan no problem.

>> No.8346960


>item costs too much
>buying a lot of it makes it cheaper
>spend more money
>still use same amount

Shit man you should apply to be head of the FED while Trumps still hiring

>> No.8346991

what's wrong? your teeth fell off?

>> No.8347024

One of them just disintegrated. Apparently there was a cavity on the inside that I never noticed. Other than that my wisdom teeth all have their top halves gone.

>> No.8347044

kys yourself

>> No.8347163

That's real men's teeth. Oral hygiene is for faggots

>> No.8348097


tbf I only learned to cook at maybe 28 when I had to go on a medical diet that made it impossible to buy almost anything ready-made. That was only for 8 weeks but now I hardly ever eat processed foods at home.

>> No.8348130

thats just a white people thing, us mexicans know how to cook. At least the basics of cooking

>> No.8348146

But the most expensive name brand dried herbs is like $5. And you use it over the course of a year. You pay $3 for a bar of sauce you use once. I don't think you know what budgeting is.
I work around 50 hours a week, and I go out for some drinks once or twice a week. The majority of my meals still are cooked, and don't consist of sandwiches. Meal planning takes like 15-20mins, even faster if you have the local sales ad and coupons from the supermarket.

Prioritize time better. Don't get distracted whole Googling for recipes by 4chan or reddit.

>> No.8348269

I don't really know how to cook anything from scratch, and I don't keep anything on hand. I can make a couple of dishes, and I can do basic things like eggs, steak, and grilled cheese, but honestly? Cooking is too much of a pain in the ass.

Buying spices in bulk, portioning those out, planning a week's worth of meals in fresh food and all, is a huge pain in the ass. If I didn't go out ever, maybe that would be reasonable, but battling internally that I'm going to let food go to waste if I go out with friends, or if I had a rough work day and just want to relax, is a pain in the ass.

I respect the hell out of people who put this kind of preparation into everything, but I just want to chill the fuck out after working, even if eating something pre-prepared is worse for me.

>> No.8348319

Those things are nasty, mainly because of the gross sauce that comes with them

>> No.8348474

yeah but it just blows my mind that she doesn't even feel comfortable cooking rice in a normal pot.

it also occurs to me that my parents are of middle eastern extraction. i must've had rice literally every day growing up. never even knew rice cookers existed until college. i mean i'm obviously aware that rice cookers didn't penetrate middle eastern markets that much, but my question is *why* it didn't. i can't think of anything in middle eastern cooking that would've ruled it out (like you could cook saffron rice or probably sabzi polow in a rice cooker if you wanted).

maybe my relatives just didn't bother to invest in anything more complex than pots and pans with the wars and shit. that's why they freeze bread, so this would make sense i guess.

>> No.8348587

anon, you can literally start at ramen. im sure youve seen the macro where it tells you what you can put in. do that, then keep improving. use better noodles from an asian market, or instead of the seasoning packets and water, use a broth, either from a can or that youve made yourself. cooking can certainly be expensive, but it doesnt have to be. also, learn to grocery shop

>> No.8348617

I mostly only eat microwaved and boxed shit because I'm a lazy piece of human garbage that doesn't like devoting more than 10 minutes to food preparation

When I actually feel like cooking though, which doesn't happen more than once a month usually, I have the basic skills to make something presentable, but fuck me if I want to do it very often

I'm glad my mom made spaghetti a lot and taught me how to make homemade sauce by boiling diced tomatoes and adding veggies and seasoning it, I can't stand the jarred shit like Ragu, I actually bought it a couple different times mostly out of curiosity and I don't know how people eat that stuff, even if you buy 10 cent cans of diced tomatoes and tomato sauce and just season it with garlic powder and pepper it still tastes 10 times better than that shit

>> No.8348640

The beginner's trick is to use recipes and follow them to the teeth. Then you'll start to get a hang of things and will be able to branch off and experiment. For example, If you learn through a recipe that it takes a certain amount of time to cook a piece of meat, you should be able to remember than when you're cooking that same type of meat even if it's for a different recipe.

>> No.8348777

This. You don't get mad when people buy clothes or furniture rather than making it themselves, even though it'd obviously be cheaper to. Why get mad when people would rather buy food than waste their time making it?

>> No.8348797

It's a hobbyist's bias, but at the same time, implying that making furniture and clothes are equivalent to cooking basic meals is pretty silly

>> No.8348811


Cooking is something you can practice way more often, and is much easier to make something restaurant quality. If you want to get good at making couches, good luck, because making a single shitty couch will take you forever and then you have to do something with it once you've made it. Nobody will buy it because it's shit, so you'll probably just throw it out. If you make shitty but edible food, you eat it and then the next day you get better at making it, and so on.

>> No.8348951

well i'll try it. thank you

>> No.8349099

the food is in Tupperware at a picnic, of course its not going to look fancy

>> No.8349109
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>roomate made cheese pasta with tomato sauce
>boils the noodles
>theyre overcooked
>throws in semi crushed tomatoes
>throws in cubes of cheese
>mixes it up
>cheese barely melted, tomatoes still half whole
>"man i love cooking so much, its good to have a nice home cooked meal"


>> No.8349120

had someone try to use this as an example;

>but what if you never learned how to cook chicken? you might not know when its done and then end up eating raw chicken

then i said

>then try it when you think its done and if its not then cook it more.

then they get all defensive and shit

honestley knowing how to cook is just knowing a few basic skills, like using a stove, and oven, a barbecue. and with that basic knowledge you should be able to cook most things, i.e fry up beef, make tacos, make rice.

fuck its mostly just basic common sense

>> No.8349193


>> No.8349217

stop eating so much, fatso

>> No.8349222

skinning people over a fire isn't cooking, jose

>> No.8349230

>Anon, I don't know that shit. Nor do I think I really need to. Store sells cheap premade sauce and I pour it over the veggies and meat and cheese I like and cook it all up.

Nah nigga. You need to learn how to make sauce (Gravy, if you're an Italian-American on the east coast)
Here's a good tutorial.

>> No.8349253

Feels weird reading this thread, since my family taught me all about cooking. Coming from a spaniard and an italian gives you a real taste for pasta, rice and beans. And lots of assorted meats.

>> No.8349500


It's the food equivalent of buying a stick shift when your kid only knows how to drive a manual. You can go on vacation knowing they aren't going anywhere in it because they're too inept to take it for a joy ride.

>> No.8349509

My mother(single parent) was always busy with work so I never learned how to cook.

As soon as I moved out of house and into an apartment, I learned how to use an oven (yes first time), toasters, stove, how to mix food with spices to create good tastes, etc.

I'm still learning how to do basic soups, but I'll get there. I know how to make dough now and bread from it. I'll go the route of making pizza when I get a chance.

>> No.8349517

>love slightly overcooked ramen with soup
>people dont want to touch it for some reason


>> No.8349521

How do I use this sour cream?

>> No.8349528

commit kys pls

>> No.8349529

>fatties alway think it's someone else's fault they are fat

>> No.8349532

>replying to bait

>> No.8349539

I do the same exact thing. No need to microwave the sauce.
My roommate was genuinely impress by the fact that I can cook pasta in a pot.

>> No.8349540

Its g-genetics


>> No.8349724


Roma tomatoes regularly go on sale for 99 cents for 2-3 pounds if you shop around. You can buy 2 liters of olive oil for 10 bucks. Basil and oregano can be grown on a windowsill all year or you can buy a bunch for 1-3 dollars. Onions can be anywhere from 4-10 pounds for 99 cents if you shop around. Try to shop at stores catering to Spanish speaking or Asian speaking populations as their produce is incredibly inexpensive.

For wine in the sauce you can get a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon from Charles Shaw (2 buck chuck) and it makes a great cooking wine.

I just made a 10 quart batch of sauce i cooked for 12 hours and reduced by half. When I was done I jarred up most of it and threw it in the freezer. For the ingredients I used I wound up with god-tier sauce in a jar for less than $1 a piece.

>> No.8349741


Look for specialty stores in your area. Im in LA and superior grocers, 99 ranch, el super are all examples. They absolutely crush on produce prices.

>> No.8349782

To be honest, I haven't seen tomatoes for less than .79 a pound in at least seven years, and I exclusively shop in chinatown, fruit and veg markets, or wholesalers for produce. I can buy a 2 pound can of crushed or peeled tomatoes for the same price.
And buying a bunch of basil and oregano, a good bunch to be used to propagate also needs to be factored in with the space, growing materials, light source, temperature and pest control including pets which love to fuck yr plants up, and of course the time and care it takes to maintain healthy growth and not have your plants die. (all of which are very real factors for people other than, apparently, you) Not everyone has a green thumb.
fuck trader joe's customers. Most of them are blowhards who think they understand other peoples circumstances and know what is best for ANYbody.

>> No.8349808
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I'm sorry I triggered you with some cheap cooking advice friend. I am fortunate enough to live within a few miles of a huge array of markets.

For fresh herbs I just buy the living herbs from Vons or Sprouts and either continue to grow them in their little root ball in a plastic container or add just a bit of soil. I put them in a bay window and ignore them outside giving them water every 2-3 days.If the plant starts to go south I just toss it. I'm not really factoring in for other controls.

That being said you can still buy bunches of fresh herbs for cheap. I can understand your hate for Trader Joe's but it's the best cooking wine for cheap.

>> No.8349835

A m8 kept insisting he just can't cook and that he just could not learn so we put him on clean up duty for every meal instead and boy did he learn how to cook fast after that.
I'd say 99% of people who "can't cook" are just lazy fucks who want to be catered to and don't want to be in the kitchen, there's literally no excuse when every single recipe is online in several video forms.

>> No.8349851

Looks nice anon, those puffs look delicious. Mind giving the recipe?

>> No.8349929

That's what happens when you replace home economics with multi-cultural gender studies or some horseshit. Now they all know how to scream at the top of their lungs about fat-shaming, but not how make a simple salad.

>> No.8349972


>> No.8349978

yeah my dad is 70 and don't know how to cook, if my mom is not around he just eats cereal

>> No.8349990

i mean i can see why people cant. the idea of getting a cookbook or looking up something on youtube doesnt occur to them. its like when people tell me they have no idea how to change the oil in their car. just look it up. hell, they still make books that show every part in your car so you can identify and replace something if needed. its just people get lazy and dont want to put in the effort, and they convince themselves the challenge is too hard.

>> No.8350036

shocking that on a cooking board most people seem to not cook at all, why are you even here if the process of cooking a meal is already out of your comfort zone

>> No.8350084

I can't cook. Why? I don't t know, I guess. I just never learned, and I'm not really sure where to start

>> No.8350098



>> No.8350099

You start by cooking.

>> No.8350111

What do I cook? What is easy?

>> No.8350117

What do you like to eat?

>> No.8350119


>> No.8350121


>> No.8350128

I had the same experience. That being said, they were all Science/Engineering grad students who were at school from like 7am to 9pm Monday-Friday, and usually at least 6-8 hours on Saturdays, so maybe they just didn't have the time/energy to put an effort in.

>> No.8350163

Asians eat so much rice that of course they'd have rice cookers. Why the heck would they use a pot?

>> No.8350167

At least he's trying

>> No.8350464


Right, because clothes and furniture are products you consume and can majorly decide your health and well-being.

"I make my own t-shirts because processed t-shirts are filled with refined fibers known to cause digestive problems, obesity, and cancer"

said nobody ever. Seriously who the fuck thinks that buying a jar of spaghetti sauce is the same thing as buying a couch?

>> No.8350491

I learned to cook because I care about what goes into my body and what I eat. Plus, I'm extremely picky in the sense that I only eat things that taste and look right. I don't like half cooked onions in soups, I don't like grissle taking over my steam salad, I hate lumpy grits, and I despise unevenly chopped vegetables that end up half cooked half not.
People in the USA and UK do not give a single shit about the small details that make or break a meal. I've seen people eat the driest, move overcooked shit because they just do not care. It's embarrassing.

>> No.8350495

>I learned to cook because I care about what goes into my body

Listen to this nu-male beta cuck faggot

>> No.8350502

>Why get mad when people would rather buy food than waste their time making it?

Because the two aren't even comporable. It takes a lot of skill, effort, and specialized equipment to make clothing or furniture. It takes none of the above to make food.

Also, food is vital to your health and survival. Not knowing how to prepare it--especially when it is so simple--makes no sense at all. It's like not knowing how to brush your teeth.

>> No.8350520

I love false equivalancies

>> No.8350528

Do you have a Winco? Spices may say like 8 bucks a pound or whatever but you can get like a tbsp for a nickel. Weight is too low for the scale to recognize so the cashier will fumble and ultimately charge you a nickel. It works out since you get just enough for the recipe and its cheap. Same concept applies to any grocery store that sells by weight. Cooking is always cheaper and tastier. Convenience is the only valid excuse for getting premade shit.

>> No.8350545


I wish there was an answer to this question that would help people give cooking an honest shot.

You begin cooking by identifying the meals or styles of food you love, simply trying to recreate it at home for better or worse, and keep trying.

I have a handful of recipes on deck that I've done to the point of superfluity. They're recipes that were at one point extensive and time-consuming to make, but are the recipes I make when I want to put little thought into what I eat tonight.

When you cook one thing enough times, you no longer need a shopping list when you go to the store. The recipe takes half the time to make as it once did. You use half the dishes you once did. Above all, it actually tastes good now because you've worked out all the kinks and refined your methods.

>> No.8350560
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My former roommate made a basic tomato sauce from a recipe she found. In the recipe it said something like "fry garlic in pan and then add tomatoes".

Came in to the room to find that she had fried (read: burned) a whole bulb of unpeeled garlic and then added 3 whole tomatoes. As i came in to the room she was in the process of franticly mashing it all with a fork.


>> No.8350587
File: 29 KB, 480x411, oh boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>move in with new roommates
>first night is just unpacking all my stuff
>can't be fucked to cook so I see if everyone wants to go in on pizza
>next day, wake up early to cook
>sweet potato, kale and onion hash and two poached eggs
>as I'm plating my food, I turn and notice Tomboy Roomie staring in shock at my plate
>mfw she asks what the white thing on top of the weird hash browns is
>mfw she's never heard of a poached egg
>later that night, pick up a tenderloin from my butcher on sale, break it down into medallions
>get home and start cooking
>English Major Man walks in as I'm pulling my medallion off, beautiful sear, and gawks
>freaks out and says I'm ruining a perfectly good steak
>tells me steak should always be grilled
>mfw he hovers in the kitchen while I finish cooking
>leaves to answer the door, comes back with chinese; sweet and sour chicken with white rice
>cringes and makes gagging sounds when I cut into the medallion
>mfw he says I'm gonna get sick from eating raw meat

On the bright side, Tomboy Roomie is cute as fuck. On the down side, these people are horrendous with a stovetop. Half-burnt scrambled eggs on undercooked white rice topped with half a cup of hot sauce and ketchup horrendous.

>> No.8350599
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>tfw upper middle class so went right from living at home to living on my own

>> No.8350999

>New housemate moves in.
>No longer able to just live off junk food due to extremely limited budget.
>She tries cooking her own meals over the next few months.
>Regularly hear her vomiting because her meat was undercooked again.
>Ends up going vegetarian because she found cooking meat was too hard.
I don't know hard it could be to undercook simple meat dishes but things could be worse.

>> No.8351092


She might just be retarded.

>Hmm last time I undercooked the meat and didn't bother to cut it open to see if it was cooked
>Oh well better not increase the cooking time or invest in a thermometer or just fucking see if it's pink or not

>> No.8351117

Gosh I'm the worst at this. Every meal I make is either frozen and microwaved, or I just boil it from frozen.

Any tips on where to start?

>> No.8351128

Me and all my siblings have done that and we're a simple working class family

>> No.8351210

Yeah, you can also do that by just living at home until you can afford to move, that's true.

>> No.8351212


Start with some of your favorite foods, but the easier ones to make. A common recommendation is to learn how to make scrambled eggs in a nonstick pan. They are pretty easy overall, but if you have 0 clue what you are doing they are good for learning.

>> No.8351215

>Regularly hear her vomiting because her meat was undercooked again.
How much do you have to undercook your meat for this to happen? Even when I was younger and did it now and again it just gave me diarrhea.

>> No.8351235

Holy shit, tell her to stop buying rancid meat. Meat doesn't naturally contain poison that has to be cooked off.

>> No.8351254

I learned how to cook because I needed to eat, and I grew up in a middle class family with parents who cooked every night, and never bought prepared foods. If I wanted to eat when my parents were away, I had to cook. It amazes me that none of my friends can cook for shit, and I would blame it on poverty, shitty parenting and stupidity.

>> No.8351280

>didn't bother to cut it open to see if it was cooked
I literally told her to do that. She thought it was too complicated.
Also, about a month ago I found a cooking tray full of pitch-black chips in the oven.
I asked her how long she had them on for, thinking she just forgot about them for a couple of hours. It turns out she had the oven at the highest possible temperature so they were burnt beyond all recognition after about fifteen minutes.

>> No.8351303

>No longer able to just live off junk food due to extremely limited budget.

Meat is pretty expensive. How limited is this budget?

>> No.8351312

I learned to cook because when you live and work in a town of 3000, driving 30 minutes there are back to the nearest city for takeout isn't very practical, and Tim Hortons and Wendys gets boring fast.

>> No.8351313

It literally does not matter what food you put in your body. Try to convince me wrong. You will NOT find ONE study that shows store bought tomato sauce is better or worse than homemade sauce. Just stop giving a shit. If you like to cook great but we live in an age where hard work is being taken OUT of our lives. Fuck off with your backwards ass "make everything from scratch or you'll burst into flames" attitude.

>> No.8351342
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>Just stop giving a shit.

What if the homemade sauce tastes better? Do you just accept mediocre sauce in your life because it's easier?

>> No.8351345

>What if the homemade sauce tastes better?
It usually doesn't. And if it does, it's twice as expensive. I do not run a sauce making plant and can't eliminate overheads like they can.

>> No.8351348

I'm not the best cook, but I try. I want to be able to cook for people but I'm kinda paranoid if my sense of taste is off because I've never been "wowed" by anything I've eaten, even some of the fancier, well-made shit I've tried.

Is there a way I can test this?

>> No.8351397


Your food probably is just decent and not amazing if you've never "wowed" yourself. That doesn't mean you shouldn't cook for people though. Get a friend or relative you trust, preferably someone that doesn't have shit taste, and ask them if your food tastes good. Simple as that.

>> No.8351412

I mean I've never been "wowed" period. Not even in the fanciest upscale restaurants I've been to, or had the opportunity to sample from. Honestly found most of it to be a tad too salty.

>> No.8351426


Oh then I don't know. Still, you're gonna have to bit the bullet and test your food on some people.

>> No.8351460

Are you wowed by anything?

>> No.8351464

Too true. But how do I know they don't have shit taste?

Yeah, just not anything food related apparently.

>> No.8351467


Offer to make dinner together where you each make one thing, and then try each other's food. If they don't know how to cook then that's a bad start.

>> No.8351994

Storebought sauce tends to have a disgusting amount of sugar in it

>> No.8351995

Parents don't teach their children how to cook anymore. White people, black people, Asian people. They just don't. Hispanics do, but only in Mexico.

>> No.8352321

I bugged my mom to teach me basic things in my early twenties, I went on my own from there.

>> No.8352338

It isn't about undercooking but about buying shitty meat.

>> No.8352421

Nigger where the gravy-on-fuckbiscuits do you think you are?

>> No.8352445


either she has bulimia and you're too dense to notice, or you made this up

>> No.8352459

>roomed with a nigger in uni
>asked to use my mirin
>asked to use my ketchup
>asked to use some of my homemade mayo
>brought a potato and fish
>said it was for a date
>went to the community kitchen
>came back without grill
>spent that night on the shitter

worst part is, he cross-contaminated my shit and left everything filthy. ketchup in my mayo, ketchup all over my bottle of mirin, ketchup all over the outside of my ketchup bottle. fuck that guy.

>> No.8353326

>Spaghetti Bolognese
>Chili Con Carne
>English breakfast
>Basic stir-fries w/ veg & chicken
>Loaded baked potatoes
>Sausages and mashed potato w/ gravy
>Pretty much any kind of stew or slow-cooker based meal
>Pasta bake with whatever the fuck kinda sauce and veg/meat you want
I mean, these are just off the top of my head and I'm not saying any of the above are exactly health foods, but Jesus Christ! Everything I've just listed is so simple that an actual retard could make it - and no, that's not an exaggeration. I lived with a dude who had mild palsy and heavy traits on the autism spectrum and he did not have an issue cooking any of the above.

These friends of yours are either too retarded and short-sighted to do a proper grocery trip (thus having no real food in the house), too lazy, or too strapped for time. It is literally impossible to be "unable to cook" if you have an IQ above 80 and your limbs all work fine.

>> No.8353334


We had instructors tell some of the kids in our boot camp how to shave properly

>> No.8353858

Why would I bother with cooking when I am able to get the same food in a better quality instantly at a restaurant / food bar for at worst 15% more money?

Apart from the fact that impresses chicks?

>> No.8353882
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>restaurant / food bar for at worst 15% more money?
>15% more money

>> No.8353916


Because you can make BETTER food for substantially less money.

Most restaurants run less than 30% ingredient cost. In other words, if you paid $10 for a meal at a restaurant it cost less than $3 in ingredients to prepare.

>> No.8353922

Sounds like me, I tell everyone gtfo of the kitchen.
My pet peeves are things like chopping vegetables with a steak knive or god forbid, the fucking bread knive. I just want to stab them in eye with that shit.
Or once I asked someone mince garlic for me and I even showed how to do it. What I ended up with was fat chunks of garlic and him saying to me, it's the same thing. Fucking moron if I wanted chopped, I would have asked for chopped.

>> No.8353929

Most consumers can't buy in the same bulk though to be fair.

>> No.8353943

Reddit apparently.

>> No.8353945


Restaurants don't get all that much of a discount compared to what people would pay at home unless you're talking about a specialty place that goes through massive amounts of one single thing. For example, a "wing" restaurant that buys thousands of lbs of wings a week would get a better price. But a typical restaurant with a varied menu is paying about the same as what you would be. And a consumer might even get better pricing given that you can take advantage of sales, manager's specials, etc.

>> No.8353951

ITT millennials and their millennial friends

>> No.8353960

If you're older than a millennial then you're literally in the grandparent age. How's the grandkids, anon?

>> No.8353967

Yeah not true at all. Restaurants have agreements with butchers and grocers. They are guaranteed customers and buy huge amounts compared to normal consumers. They make a stable income for whole salers.

>> No.8353995

Having cooked for many years in many different businesses, this is entirely true.

>> No.8354007


Call up your local restaurant wholesaler and ask them, anon. It's nowhere near what many people seem to belive.

I help organize cookouts & related events for my company at work. We regularly cook for a few hundred people at a time and call around to wholesalers to buy our ingredients. We get MAYBE 10% off compared to retail prices, 15% if it's a rare stroke of luck. For things like condiments, napkins, disposable goods, and many foods it's actually cheaper to go to a club like costco or sam's...and anyone can get those prices.

Why do people with zero experience buying wholesale ingredients seem to think that's magically super cheap?

>> No.8354008

This is the stupidest post I've ever read.

>> No.8354009
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My friend and his girlfriend eat takeaway every night. They take turns deciding where to order from. If they don't order food they will probably eat out.

The fact that they are only slightly overweight and not obese is quite impressive.

>mfw he complains that he is broke

>> No.8354028

There's a rule set to cooking that you must follow me it's closer to a trade than an art.

>> No.8354043

Yes, but many of us STEM grads don't have time to cook. I work 80 hours (or more) a week. The only days off I get are Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I don't have time to fucking cook, even though I know how.

>> No.8354066

The thing is, you guys call around. It's different to have an agreement with a company compared to shop around every time. I used to help arrange a film festival and we got our supplies through the restaurant I worked at because it was way cheaper than your shop around method. Noma does the same, and so did my father back in the day when he ran his kitchen.

>> No.8354088

Tomato sauce is actually the one thing I buy premade. It's my cooking sin. But I don't care. Some of the jarred sauce is actually pretty fucking good (Classico Bolognese represent) and to make it myself with how much I eat pasta would be ridiculous.

>> No.8354101
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My roommate is a fat British Columbian redneck who makes over 100k a year driving a truck at a coal mine. I've never once, in 5 years of living with him, seen him eat a vegetable or cook anything outside of the microwave. He buys 99.9% of his food at gas stations and the rest is all restaurants and fast food.

It's honestly depressing after a while. At first it's horror and disgust for the first like 6 months, then it slowly morphs into hatred and despair. If you autists are wondering why I left in how much he makes it's so show how retarded and incompetent he is despite having the means.

>> No.8354239

>Why do people with zero experience buying wholesale ingredients seem to think that's magically super cheap?
Because we hear from chefs that it kinda is. You're a one time large event, not a recurring customer.

>> No.8354243

>many of us STEM grads don't have time to cook

What kind of shitty situation did you get yourself into? I work MAYBE 60 hours a week if shit hits the fan, otherwise it's a nice 40. Once during my first year I had to work 90 hour weeks for two weeks because of a natural disaster destroying our site, but that's a once in a decade situation.

t. Civil Engineer and Project Manager

>> No.8354245

>makes 6 figures
>still has a roommate

Why doesn't he just live alone?

>> No.8354252

Could be his living costs are more than yours and he needs the extra hours.

>> No.8354273

You had to BUG your mom.
Out of all the roommates I've ever had, I'm the only one that's been able to cook because my parents divorced when I was in grade school.

>> No.8354278


making a real marinara doesn't cost less than 20 dollars unless you use cheap trash ingredients for rednecks that will make a worse product than canned sauce anyways because you're a low IQ white racist anyways if you do that, faggot.

>> No.8354296

That's a lot of buzzwords there

>> No.8354298

No, I just want to retire when I'm 50. Already have 330k in my 401k and I'm not even 30 yet, so I think I can do it.

>> No.8354302

anyone else call it gravy? or is that just an Italian thing?

home made gravy is the best, there's no substitute. ive tried so hard to find a decent premade "sauce" but nothing can compare to something you yourself let simmer and tended to for hours on a day off.

>> No.8354313
File: 21 KB, 377x325, 4377fc7a0cb8c63b5dddeadec7bbcd81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch it Chrissy

>> No.8354334

The way I differentiate is anything made with leftover grease as its base is gravy and everything else is sauce

>> No.8354339

Gravy is meat drippings and flour.

>> No.8354348
File: 22 KB, 665x363, conway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always keep your mouth shut

>> No.8354359

problem is that sunday sauce is made with leftover grease from browning your pork

>> No.8354370
File: 445 KB, 713x315, GravyorSauce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Know the Difference

>> No.8354379
File: 285 KB, 499x759, pepe-walnuts-from-the-sopranos-oc-2716757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to restaurant
>ask for macaroni and gravy like my favourite sopranos characters
>be given brown meat sauce with children's hollow noodles
>not tomato sauce and big boy long noodles

>> No.8354399

>I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup.

>> No.8354412
File: 616 KB, 250x143, 2345.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to restaurant
>order the turkey and mashed potatoes with gravy
>comes back with Meat sauce drenched all over the turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing and garnish
>Italian hot sausage on the side

>> No.8354458
File: 272 KB, 1500x1125, 20141204-slow-roasted-bolognese-28[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8355019

How do you go about learning to cook?

>> No.8355343

What happens if you get 401k in your 401k?
Do you get a card?

>> No.8355855

You cook.

>> No.8355862

Go find the cooking NPC.

>> No.8355902

i think this is just a mtter of perspective, i think i can tell as a passionate homecook that helps out in a friends restaurant regularly.
Cooking on a professional level is hard work and not very much fun at all, cooking at home on the other hand is definitely an artistic process.
Most people have jobs that are completely detached from basic human needs and from "creating" something, deciding what to cook, using your senses, getting creative with it, and creating something that you and other people can appreciate is a very accessible way of art.

>> No.8355903

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ thats the spirit. i bet they know the latest and greatist social media star. also the dankest and most epic memes.
this generation is ruined by walled gardens and the implikations of it. at least the most of this guys.

>> No.8355907

l o l, a large pot of marinara, like 5-10 servings, is done for 3-5$ depending on what deal you get for the tomatoes

>> No.8355927

>Different people know different things
>Different people have different hobbies
>Not everyone is literally you

Crazy, right? Totally blew my mind when I learned that not everyone had the same exact life experiences I did.

>> No.8356462

This sounds unlikely.

>> No.8356467


Clearly not everyone has the same life experience. But isn't knowing how to cook some basic stuff just as fundamental as knowing how to tie your shoes or brush your teeth?

>> No.8356473

Knowing how to cook is more like "drive a car", "pick out a good outfit", or "change a tire", it's shit most adults should know how to do, yet somehow they don't.

>> No.8356562
File: 728 KB, 1057x611, 1475017763381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This many people on /ck/ have no idea how to cook basic things from scratch
>This many people on a cooking board suck at cooking

Well, that explains 90% of the threads here.

>> No.8356759

It's a cooking AND food thread. You don't have to know how to knit to appreciate fine clothing. Not my fault you're too poor to enjoy fine cuisine and are forced to slave yourself.

>> No.8356795


haha what kind of retard "logic" is this?

You're comparing people not making their own chairs to people, adults mind, who are unable to fucking feed themselves? I don't know if your taking the piss or something but your mental gymnastics are amusing all the same

>> No.8356807

What if none of those things interest you?

>> No.8356811

but you can feed yourself without cooking, just like you can furnish your home without being a carpenter.

even if you want to call microwaving a hotpocket "cooking", takeout/delivery is another option.

>> No.8356814
File: 230 KB, 657x471, 52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try and follow recipe
>everything measured out
>good to go
>start oven
>turns out im changing the oil in my car

>> No.8356841

Then you are a manchild who clearly has zero actual responsibilities in life.

>> No.8358014


/ck/ is gonna /ck/ and be a bunch of faggots but this is a legitimate statement. it's fucking tomato puree with spices, there is no reason to make it yourself. you can buy a 99c can of unseasoned sauce and add whatever the fuck to it, it's like buying cake flour instead of regular flour, it's a god damned convenience.

>> No.8358020

Cake flour has less protein than regular flour.

>> No.8358023

Yes, all there is to life is driving cars, picking out nice outfits, or changing tires. What a nice well-rounded set of skills that are the only thing required for being a man.
You're such a fucking roastie, off yourself

>> No.8358035

Think he meant to say 'cake mix' but yeah cake flour is definitely different than regular flour. And usually more expensive.

>> No.8358039

Obviously it's not all of life, but an adult who cannot do ANY of the tree is obviously a developmentally stunted manchild.

>> No.8358044

You mean anyone who can't learn any of the three, sorry just had to correct your autism.

>> No.8358091


you don't knit a shirt every day you utter idiot

>> No.8358098

And nor must you cook if you are affluent enough to not need to. You can enjoy nothing but food from craftsmen more talented in this area than you will ever be; just as you wear the clothes of those who can make them better than you and listen to your better's music.

>> No.8358370

There will be plenty of studies showing exactly that about the various ingredients in the storebought shit.
The salt alone...

>> No.8358377

Here's a question. What has more salt, a jar of store-bought ragu, or this thread?

>> No.8358466


nig the US might be different, but I can literally buy a can of pasta sauce that is nothing but tomatoes and basil. you should be seasoning your pasta sauce yourself anyway, that's the easiest part.

>> No.8359593

I can only make beans, rice, and enchiladas fresh; but I can create tostada and spaghetti given some time. I'm only now learning how to make good sauces for italianioianio

>> No.8359604

I don't know how to cook but I can season things and throw it in the oven. My mother does not complain and It's not awful.

>> No.8359638

flat mate only eats meat. apparently once spent a year defrosting all his meat in the same bowl and never washing it.

>> No.8359708

animefags give good head