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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 33 KB, 476x342, d6253fe0e86426b192e5ebf24d7abbb8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8339696 No.8339696[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>As far as his closest aides were aware, he kept to a strict healthy diet and drank only lukewarm water.

>But Adolf Hitler would regularly stave off attacks of midnight munchies by tucking into specially made ‘Fuhrer Cake’ and other gooey treats.

>A ‘Fuhrer Cake’ – an apple cake strewn with nuts and raisins – had to be baked each day and left out every night for him to raid like a naughty schoolboy as the rest of the household slept.

>He would raid the kitchen after staying up late talking to guests and rarely get up before 2pm, according to a maid who worked at his mountain retreat in Bavaria.

>you will never share a Führer cake with Adolf late at night giggling as you sneak past SS guards who pretend not to notice

>> No.8339739

The article doesn't really go into details much about this Fuhrer Cake.

I originally had in mind something like pic related but thinking about it further, I'm fairly certain that strudel would be a popular apple based cake thing from that region.

Anyone else have further info about this Fuhrer Cake? I'd quite like to have a go at making one.

>> No.8339759

>and left out every night for him to raid like a naughty schoolboy

>be staying with the Hitlers
>wake up in the middle of the night
>step out of your room to use the restroom
>see Adolf
>"Mr. Hitler, what are you doin-?"
>He holds a finger to his lips with a smile
>"Come with me, we're launching a blitzkrieg on the fridge!"

>> No.8339764

>I'd quite like to have a go at making one.


Take pics too mein kamarade

>> No.8339784
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I made it for Christmas two years ago. It was a hit and it became a new tradition.

2 cups white sugar
1/2 pound butter
3 eggs
3 cups sifted all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 cup chopped walnuts
3 cups sliced Macintosh apples

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
Butter and flour one 10 inch tube pan.
Cream together the butter and sugar.
Add eggs one at a time beating well after each addition. Set aside.

Sift together the flour, salt, baking soda, cinnamon and nutmeg. Add to wet ingredients and mix well. Stir in vanilla, walnuts and apples. Mix well and pour into prepared pan.

Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for approximately 1 hour or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.

>> No.8339803


Thanks y'all, that's mighty white of you to help me out, I much appreciate it.

I'll get the ingredients together for this one and post pictures of my results. With the cinnamon and nutmeg, it should actually be quite a nice winter cake.

>> No.8339804

Hitler seems like such a goofy, child-like wonder when you hear about anything he did outside his speeches.

>> No.8339813


His Girlfriend Eva planned out a wedding for one of Hitler's secretaries. Hitler agreed to go as her official date. Count Ciano, Mussolini's son-in-law and ambassador to Hitler showed up at the last minute and not only did Hitler break the date, he had Eva confined to her bedroom for the duration of the marriage and celebration in case Ciano reported it back to Mussolini.

>> No.8339815



>> No.8339829


Looking forward to it! If I may, here is a piece of music that would make for a nice listen as you bake:


>> No.8339842

is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

>> No.8339848

This makes it sound like Hitler was living in an Enid Blyton novel.

>being a naughty german
>going to die küchen to sneak some führer cake back to meine room

Oh, Hitler!

>> No.8339917

>Come vith me, ve are launching a blitzkrieg on ze fridge


>> No.8340028
File: 30 KB, 782x168, A.Hitler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hitler, “had a small fund of jokes,“ recalled Misch, who is now 90.

“The boss was said to be particularly fond of a couple jokes and told the best ones over and over,“ he said.

>One joke that Hitler liked to tell was at the expense of his pompous Luftwaffe chief Hermann Goering. Goering was a man forever designing himself new uniforms and giving himself new orders and decorations.

>“One day,“ Hitler used to say, “Mrs. Goering came into the bedchamber and found her husband waving his Field Marshall‘s baton over his underwear.

>“‘Hermann, darling, what are you doing?‘ she inquired.

>“‘I am promoting my underpants to overpants!‘“

>Joseph Goebbels told Hitler a latest scurrilous rumour: that the immensely vain Goering went to bed wearing medals on his pyjamas. Hitler liked the story so much,that he ordered Hoffmann to make some medals out of gold and silver foil as well as a bombastic citation for bravery to be presented to Goering.”

Oh Hitler

>> No.8340050

>this thread
Wow. Just...wow. you're literally humanizing the most evil and despicable man in history. He killed over 9 million people for fucks sake! What is wrong with you guys?

>> No.8340065

It's good to humanize these people because it reminds you everyone and anyone is capable of evil.

>> No.8340069
File: 203 KB, 1024x714, American woman kissing Hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler gets a surprise smooch from a very excited American woman at the Olympics.

>> No.8340077

except its fucking Hitler? You know, the dude who killed over 6 million innocent jews? The Nazi racist who destroyed the Jewish people? You make me fucking sick.

>> No.8340079

>Wow. Just...wow. you're literally humanizing the most evil and despicable man in history.

Yes goyim Mao and Stalin dindu nuffin

>> No.8340084


>destroyed the Jewish people.
>Got them Israel quicker then any deal Jew made with goy before him

>> No.8340095
File: 23 KB, 242x306, rommel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0.10 shekels have been deposited into your account goyim

tfw the holocaust didn't actually happen

>> No.8340106

remember the 60 gazillion goyim :^)

>> No.8340109

This. Humanizing Hitler makes the evil much more terrifying than pretending he was some supernatural, once in a millenia, monster.

Hitlers are lurking everywhere waiting for the right conditions to surface again (or perhaps they already have.)

>> No.8340113
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Simmer down, Schlomo. You're causing a huge commoshoahn.

>> No.8340116
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>> No.8340121

I can only hope!

>> No.8340136

Its actually 16 million. Don't let the media continue to downplay what may be the largest genocide in history.

Spread the truth and keep fighting the good fight, anon

>> No.8340142

I heard it was 60 million oy vey

>> No.8340146

6 million is what the racist media reports.
It's actually between 16 and 26 million

>> No.8340158
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>> No.8340162

cake is so fucking disgusting, how could a grown man want to eat it all the time?

>> No.8340167


How DARE you assume his gender you CIS piece of garbage

>> No.8340179

>implying the world doesnt need people like Hitler more than ever.

Im being serious when I say he was a hero.

>> No.8340184
File: 76 KB, 630x344, We love Hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8340289


>> No.8340504

was hitler a NEET?

>> No.8340509

I'm making this for a friendsmas eve party. It sounds delicious.

>> No.8340553

>Hitler was a vegan


>> No.8340559

Hes such a silly tyrant.

>> No.8340577

He killed a lot of jews yeah but he hardly destroyed them they seem to have mostly recovered.
But even if he had killed every last one theres nothing wrong with talking about him.

>> No.8340583


Hitler was a vegetarian for health reasons first and foremost. He never pushed it on anyone.

Hitler, it appears, has more tact then 99 percent of those in the vegan/gluten free lifestyle

>> No.8340609

ΙΤΤ:Edgelords being edgy right-wing extremists when IRL they get stomped by glorious antifa comrades :)
ontopic this cake sounds delicious,i'm gonna try and make it desu

>> No.8340610

wtf I love Hitler now?!

>> No.8340611

Hitler did nothing wrong.

>> No.8340649

Hitler stayed up past his bedtime

>> No.8340659

And snuck cake back to his war room for a late night snack. What a naughty boy, staying up late and eating sweets every night.

>> No.8340668
File: 258 KB, 1300x960, antifa comrades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>glorious antifa comrades :)

>> No.8340682

I'm sorry, but can I get a few /thread-a-roonies on this?

>> No.8340691


>> No.8340711

Sorry Captain Brainwashed, but the world would be a much better place if the UK and US just let Hitler do his thing with Yurop, and then develop alliances with him.

>> No.8340715

Hitler was controlled opposition

>> No.8340752

No, only Gordon canned Hamsey can take that title

>> No.8340756

Eh he did a couple of bad things some good sure but he was a terrible person in the end.
I blame his mommy issues

>> No.8340762

What board is this meme from?

>> No.8340842

After some quick google searching, I believe this is a home-grown /ck/ meme of the "forced" type.

>> No.8340855

Ah, that explains why it's shit.

>> No.8340876


>> No.8341006


>> No.8341121


You guys did great stopping Drumf and brexit :^)

>> No.8341152

oy vey don foiget da 6 gorillion!

>> No.8341182

For the apples anon was there anyway specific you cut them? Like do you do a fine chop after slicing or just whole slices?

>> No.8341226

>A ‘Fuhrer Cake’ – an apple cake strewn with nuts and raisins

Recipes anywhere?

>> No.8341281
File: 198 KB, 550x535, 1474872395059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be friends with Hitler

>> No.8341307

Yes I love humanizing war criminals like Hitler and Clinton.

>> No.8341524
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wasn't expecting this feel

>> No.8341590
File: 35 KB, 200x170, Sad-Frog-Meme-Funny-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are these feels??

>> No.8341603
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>glorious antifa comrades

>> No.8341604
File: 80 KB, 403x403, 14:88 tfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8341625

But Hitler was right, do you actually know anything about him?

>> No.8341629
File: 2.41 MB, 1575x1302, 1443549871433-2-pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One day, we will all be friends with Hitler. In the skies, anon.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen,

The saddest are these:

"It might have been".

>> No.8341632

>Judea declares war on Germany
Forgotten something bitch?

>> No.8341645

did you just assume his gender, you cis shitlord?

>> No.8341664

Is that seriously all shit kikes have claimed about the holohoax?

>> No.8341665

>innocent jews

>> No.8341668


>> No.8341679
File: 90 KB, 700x700, faggotsu_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being Black and knowing that Hitler will hate you even though your personalities are compatible for friendship.

>> No.8341686

are you a grill?

>> No.8341688

No. Do I type like a grill?

>> No.8341690

He liked muslims, convert and he'd be your bro

>> No.8341728

that or a fag. i gave you the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.8341733

>coming up in this exclusive interview
>we talk to hitler's guard's former roommate's second cousin's third ex-wife's son about something he might have heard about hitler once
>then we print it as fucking news

it's the history channel all over again

>> No.8341738

Hitler had no problem with Blacks.
There were black Nazis.
Believing that every race deserves a homeland =/= hating races other than your own.

>> No.8341752

We're talking about the fucking cakes he ate do you have to get political?

>> No.8341762

he literally congratulated jesse owens when the us wouldn't

>> No.8341765
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I hate you too, but it's not because you're black, although it is definitely a factor. I mean, it technically is because you're black, but not solely on just the color of your skin. I just don't trust you people.

I don't mean YOU people, like in a racist way, but like, just black people in general. Have you ever watched Maury? If you have, you'll get what I'm trying to say. You people are kinda gross.

And once again, I don't mean YOU people in a fucked up way.

You know what I mean.

>> No.8341768
File: 33 KB, 601x695, 1412968167080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't expect to get those feels tonight.

>> No.8341778
File: 261 KB, 1242x1459, YG88y4U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you felt the need to make this post completely apropos of fuckall then you probably do mean it in a fucked up way my fellow pair of bargain cotton briefs from walmart.

>> No.8341786

Come on bro it's not like that.

I know you've seen Maury. You know what I'm trying to say.

>> No.8341799

>you are literally humanizing
Hitler was human. Relax.

>> No.8341802

60 million? How dare you. How could you forget the other 120 million that died, you disrespectful shit?

>> No.8341809
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Maybe cause of the image I've posted.
That is unfair. Trashy show, starring Trashy people for trashy audience.

Anyway, more Hitler memes.

>> No.8341829
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Imagine how many more people would cook if he had succeeded. There wouldn't be so many entitled pricks demanding Starbucks drinks and gluten-free bullshit.

>tfw you will never enjoy a hearty German supper prepared by your loving and voluptuous blonde wife, Helga.

>> No.8341938

Basically this.

Monsters aren't created in labs or summoned from the abyss, they become from their lives and their actions.

He liked staying up all night watching movies, while eating lots of candy, who else doesn't? That's what a person does, even a genocidal and villainous person.

>> No.8341961
File: 71 KB, 507x673, 1440269809987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He would raid the kitchen after staying up late talking to guests and rarely get up before 2pm

oh my god, Hitler really was one of us

>> No.8341967
File: 130 KB, 960x719, 1441742702528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude. you don't even know.

>> No.8341990
File: 66 KB, 400x259, Hitler_Mannerheim_Ryti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wow. Just...wow. you're literally humanizing the most evil and despicable man in history.

Well, the point is that Hitler WAS a human and the lesson you ought to learn is that if humans can do shit like that once, they can do it again.

There's a YouTube video that's a recording of Hitler and Finland's Marshal Mannerheim having a normal conversation and Hitler has a disturbingly soothing voice, he even makes German pleasant to listen to.


>> No.8342008
File: 361 KB, 2242x1320, 1471871573276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude you have no idea

>> No.8342053


I peel, then slice thin, then diced it. Don't want too large or thick apple slices.

>> No.8342285

German is always pleasing to listen to compared compared to the pig squiggle ear rape CHING CHONG LING LONG

>> No.8342311

He was the biggest robot ever

>> No.8342369
File: 128 KB, 547x574, tug naród wspaniały, ale ludzie kurwy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Hitler came to your funeral, and during WW2 even left flowers on your grave

>> No.8342370

Well now im starting to understand why so many people think the holocaust never happened claim retarded shit like that people are bound to push equaly retarded shit against it.

>> No.8342386

You all should watch Max (2002) It's about a young Hitler fresh from the war making friends with a Jewish art dealer.

>"Come on, Hitler! Let's go get some Lemonade!"

>"Come one Hitler, let's go and talk to some girls!"

>> No.8342647

> an apple cake strewn with nuts and raisins


> no raisins.

>> No.8342661

This gif upsets me

>> No.8342873


then add a cup of raisins you fucking autist.

>> No.8342898

that's some elliot rodger's supreme gentleman tier autism right there

>this bumbling idiot is still idolized by certain groups of people with room temperature IQ

>> No.8342905

Hola reddito

>> No.8342911

Well with the influx of redditors and tumblr cunts coming here cause of /pol/, it was bound to happen. I think that anon was fishing for (You)s though.

>> No.8342927
File: 45 KB, 460x618, nazikid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8343099


the ruiner of literally any cake

>> No.8343103

>The bad man is satan! he couldnt ever have any human qualities! wah!

>> No.8343188

>throwing furious shitfits because he's just a frustrated shut in spergmaster
>human qualities

also, where I said anything about being evil? I was just pointing to the fact that he clearly shows signs of a serious mental illness common with other people living in the spectrum
I can see why you relate to him, though...

>> No.8343197

he's just some /pol/tard shitposter fishing for (you's) with stale bait

the fact that most of the people answering to him are frogpost-tier retards also from /pol/ should tell you enough

>> No.8343208


This gif is fantastic

>> No.8343220

>not knowing /ck/ is a /pol/ colony

>> No.8343263

the Nazi's treated Jesse Owens better than the Americans did

>> No.8343268
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>> No.8343377
File: 847 KB, 356x253, salem.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MPW fits much better. A skilled misanthrope who has no qualms using ingredients other prissier chefs would consider forbidden, like ketchup. Also Ramsay loves attention and is great in social situations, MPW is often awkward and frequently uncharismatic.

>> No.8343425
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>> No.8343486


exactly why I forego it in the recipe I posted. I better >>8342647 likes oatmeal raisin cookies as well.

>> No.8343503
File: 557 KB, 1400x1400, 59098858_p9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this kind of humanization is exactly what will prevent a shower. People don't want to accept that hitler is just a fucking dude. Jews weren't especially bad, nor is his racism particularly stringent. Central europe was roaring in that shit since before darwin fueled the fire (by accident). Hitlers do bad things when you forget their humanity and idolize or villify individuals beyond the scope of their personhood, causing the next dictitorial purge regime to come upon us uncontested because we satisfy ourselves that no one could be as evil as this douchbag.

>> No.8343517

But I like taking showers.

>> No.8343628
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It's so bad, there are so many untruths on each side, that I've come to a "moderate" version. People die when you put them in tiny camps and treat them like shit, it started happening to the Japanese we interned during WW2 pretty quickly even though we didn't intend to kill them. The real crime is the unwillingness to reassess and improve prisoner conditions when diseases like dysentery start to spread , the unwillingness to feed or clothe them properly that starts that process in the first place, etc. Imprisoning people without killing them, especially a lot of people, is very expensive and Germany bit off more than it could chew. I don't think there was a genuine attempt at genocide nor did the Germans labor under the idea a genocide would even be possible.

Sure you get survivors who say all kinds of crazy shit happened but most of them are being pro-Jew political to fuel Jewish geopolitical primacy. Others are vulnerable to the fact that each time a memory is recalled it's rewritten a little, slowly over dealing with their trauma and being asked repeatedly to talk about it they genuinely remember things that were probably camp rumors as a full-on truth which they witnessed. The fact that having this opinion is some kind of "crime" in Europe when you're perfectly free to announce that, say, Marie Antoinette was actually a velociraptor strikes me as having geopolitical reasons behind it, the Jews made it a crime because they had the money and influence to deem it one.

I'm actually fine with Jews themselves but nothing excuses Israel from the fact it's a crackerjack nuclear-armed Jewish theocracy that lobbies the fuck out of for it's own benefit only and that could stop the killing in the West Bank but won't because it wants to have it's Furhercake and eat it too.

>> No.8343635

I dunno man Jews made up a huge proportion of communist leaders that provoked uprisings, slaughtered innocents, and undermined the war effort of the central powers. Fascism was as anticommunist as it was antijewish, it just happened that often those were the same target. Just read about Béla Kun or the Bavarian communist revolution.

On the other hand, matza balls.

>> No.8343677

desu Jews didn't even have it that bad relative to most of the other minority groups, they just whine more
pls go back to lleddit so we can talk about hitler's favourite foods

>> No.8343682

pretty much irrelevant. Would have happened the same way with any in group and out group and power seekers. The rise of communism was driven against the poverty of industrial revolution for the non wealthy before the rise of socialism. You can only really pull off agressive revolution like the communist efforts had when citizens are poor enough to risk it, and even the overthrowers have to weigh their likelyhood of not getting killed off verses leaving things where they are right now. It was the prevailing regime's duty to deal with those things that cause those revolts or the situation wouldn't have gotten like that. similarly Germany underwent just the same thing that put hitler on the seat of power becuase they too where poor enough that this kind of power grab became worth the risk. And jews in particular where not responsible for the whole of the treaty of Versailles, which was the real reason germany was fucking screwed in the first place.

Germany just happened to be situated in an area where intense racism was common place and fervent. If hitler didn't throw them and all the other "degenerates" under the bus during his campaign to seize power, The other competing factors would have used it as a political tool and edge just the same. Weather hitler personally drank the koolaid or didn't, his job was to inspire the trust and fervor of the masses during his uprising and among key decision makers that could help him. The outcome of an extremely xenophobic and socially regressive regime was predetermined over a hundred years before hitlers rise over each generation's attitudes before him. Combine that with the human propensity to listen to anyone in a white coat holding a clipboard and it's not hard to see how nazism took hold. It wasn't because one angry guy and his posse convinced a bunch of masses to be racist. (not that you couldn't do that, just look at Trump)

>> No.8343777
File: 149 KB, 590x639, 1480219741375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget the 6 gorillion, goy.

>> No.8343815

First of all, how could you possibly make a blanket statement that says "it would have happened the same way regardless" when there was literally a pervasive group of subversive radicals terrorising the population that fascism grew up as a reaction against. Hungarian communists not only gave away most of the empire to communist buddies, they actively murdered war heroes and terrorized townships so that the populace would be weak.

That is a -very- different thing than a simple wave of socialist reform. And it was not a mere chance of fact that Jews were targeted because muh racism, they were targeted because of racism, but also because -they were the leaders of the communist terror in central europe-. Not only this, but they were also in large part seen as traitors to their countries because the whole Jewish population by and large got politically lumped into the communist camp. The fascist powers were anticommunist reactionary forces first, xenophobes second. It was simply easy to cross the targets for grounds both real and propaganda. Were the Jewish-communist ties exaggerated? Yes. We're they also real? Yes. Versailles did not cause rebellions immediately after and during the last year of the war. Subversives did.

Not to say Versailles wasn't hugely crippling and a large catalyst to the continuing rise of fascism. (Which did of course play off of the people's distaste of 'degenerates' and general xenophobia)

However, this is a food board. Post your lunch brah.

>> No.8343827

>Haha I'll call them edgy, kids hate it when the adult in the room tells them they're being provocative and controversial! Clinton 2020!

>> No.8343872

Ahh thank you again anon. Planning on making it this weekend. The German in me is excited.

>> No.8343875

That's actually kind of cute

>> No.8343904

>9 million
Citation needed
>6 million jews
Citation needed

>no mention of arab slave trade
>no mention of mao
>no mention of stalin

Hmmm I wonder who could be behind this post...

>> No.8343914

Italian fascism (the OG facism) wasn't particularly anti-Jewish until Uncle Adolf exerted some pressure.

Italian fascism is fairly interesting once you get into it since it was quite different to Nazism

>> No.8343928

Too bad that incompetent fool Mussolini ran it into the ground. How many other Axis leaders had to be rescued from a hotel by elite German para-glider troops?

>> No.8343953

It did pretty well up to the point that Mussolini decided to cosy up to Adolf and his policies. This then led to following Germany into a war it wasn't prepared for, falling to pieces and then having to be saved by German intervention which weakened the whole alliance. And all of this despite Mussolini not particularly liking Hitler stealing his thunder.

>> No.8343996

Fuck out of here you baiting kike, 1/10 I replied.

>> No.8344004 [DELETED] 

Don't worry, there's room for two in the Fuhrer cake oven.

>> No.8344016

Don't worry, there's room for two in the Fuhrer cake oven.

>> No.8344031

Explanations like this should be good enough for the common person, and they should just accept things like this as long as no one starts physically hurting each other.

>> No.8344068

Might start pretending to be a nazi to see if cucks actually physically attack me

>> No.8344211


>> No.8344224
File: 103 KB, 1000x746, 1478823756490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything I've read about him seems to indicate he was a sad and melancholic man.
>You will never share a rare moment of joy, eating cake at 3 in the morning with Hitler

>> No.8344486
File: 401 KB, 1548x1696, 1441383147246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to think the "Nazis throwing Jewish babies in the air and shooting them as target practice" stories stretched the limits of what was believable. so many things people "know" about the holocaust are fabrications. there were no lampshades or soap made from Jews.

and then you read some of the shit that gets published in these memoirs

>> No.8344634

>White-hot fire
>4,990 °C
You'll have to run that one by me again. Eugene.

>> No.8344646

Are you always this incoherent and utterly devoid of insight?

>> No.8344688

Not really. He broke a shitton of alliances and pacts. There was literally no reason to trust that jew

>> No.8344702

why don't you throw your favorite word into the mix too and call him ignorant, monkey?

>> No.8344724

Decent bait desu

>> No.8344735

I relate more to a man that I've never met and never will meet than any of my current peers

>> No.8344820

Looks like babby has spent a little too much time on 4chan. I think you need a diaper change, sweetems. Beddyby time now.

>> No.8346343

does a giant rollercoaster oven count as /ck/

>> No.8346348

get this fucking shit off my board
go back to pol to worship your micro penised, drug addicted murderer

>> No.8346352

is a Jeb guac bowl more your speed

>> No.8346405

jeb is a mess

>> No.8346428


>> No.8346430

It wasn't a bait really,but then again I forget this is 4chan so most people never leave their basements let alone have some kind of interaction.They only get political on the internet,so it's all good.

>> No.8346508
File: 124 KB, 1024x1021, 1479035365107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw on Hitler's 50th birthday HE gave poorer German families 15 Reichsmarks plus five per child

>> No.8346518


>micro penised, drug addicted murderer

So much like the left to address genitalia and personal choices in a negative manner if it helps their side win arguments

>> No.8346544

88 M8

>> No.8346572
File: 1.24 MB, 1032x526, ewrwerw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'll never be adolfie's imoutou
>You'll never playfully bake a Führer cake together
>You'll never tell him to say 'Ahh' and feed him the sweet cake
>You'll never see him smile while he munches the goodness you both made

>> No.8346581

>double 44 and you get 88
Praise kek!

>> No.8346861

>9 million
uhhh I thought it was 66 billion? hello?

>> No.8347355
File: 210 KB, 650x475, 90111dc4-0e9b-45ae-8f2e-42199f9eb437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw I am currently making Hitler's fuhrer cake

Following this recipe

>> No.8347590


Nice. Remember to do this >>8342053

>> No.8347597


Another thing that is totally optional would be to make a simple white glaze for the cake, which you would drizzle over the top of the cake. a nice addition but not a necessary one.

>> No.8347768
File: 49 KB, 480x380, 4YOXabL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8347779

It was already baking by the time I posted, but I think it turned out really well. I knew chunks would be too weird so I cored it (think one of those things that separates it into eight slices) and then cut thinly. Did not take off the skin but it does not seem to have made a bit of difference, at least to me.

All in all it turned out really well. I thought with that much sugar it would taste sweeter but it is definitely more subtle which I tend to prefer. Very comfy. The fuhrer had good taste in desserts

>> No.8347796
File: 925 KB, 212x176, 1386375041724.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well fuck, I guess I have the sleeping and eating habits of a mass murderer.

>> No.8347805
File: 259 KB, 250x200, 1458177428990.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks Hitler was a mass murderer

then every leader of every country ever is a mass murderer by those standards.

>> No.8347815

I'm just not a big fan of genocide. I didn't know that would be a problem for anyone.

>> No.8347824

>he still thinks the holocaust happened like they told him in school
Do you still believe they made lampshades and soap out of jews too?

>> No.8347838

Right. Hitler just packed millions of people he specifically hated into horribly packed trains and shipped them to specifically made camps just to delouse them.
Get real.

>> No.8347861

>occupy a country
>want natives from that country all killed
>pack them onto a train to drive them in a camp far away to just murder them
Sound theory.
Why not shoot them on the spot? or in the nearest forest, like soviets did.

>> No.8347874

>Why not shoot them on the spot?
It's in their documents. They wanted to get some work out of them first.

>> No.8347902


It's not like they tried to take over the country 10 years earlier or anything
Same reason America put the Japanese into camps after pearl harbour

>> No.8347903

Nice false flag, totally isn't the same old super obvious mumblr plebbit strawman impersonation.