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8329031 No.8329031 [Reply] [Original]

I know way too much about food and the industry.

>> No.8329039

I check peer-reviewed publications a lot, but what news site should I follow for industry-related news and market stuff?

>> No.8329054

Depends on what you want to know. Outbreaks... look no further than the CDC.

For general stuff, check out the Institute of Food Technologists' newsroom (http://www.ift.org/newsroom.aspx)) If you join IFT, for which you may or may not qualify, you get their magazine. It is awesome.

>> No.8329056

What exactly does a food scientist do, so I can ask more precise questions.

>> No.8329068

We get food from the field to the table. Food safety/sanitation, quality management, product development, processing design, packaging design, you name it.
If you have access, check out the Journal of Food Science (or at least titles of the articles therein) to get a better idea of the science in food science: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1750-3841/issues

>> No.8329082

I've heard that packaging can greatly effect the way something tastes, like if you have a lemon lime product with those two fruits on the package and you increase the size of the lemon you can get people to think that the product tastes more lemony than before even if you don't change the formula, is that something you've dealt with?

>> No.8329527
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What do you eat and what do you avoid .... Im guessing your health conscious seeing how many new edibles are not in the least known to be sickening in however numerous ways.

Where do you draw the line and limit with what you eat and where would i find resources that guide me to avoid bad food.

Btw how dogshit fucked up is the fda now and how much worse is it going to be under the upcoming administration

Thx anon

>> No.8329545

1. Are there any restaurants that dont fry their fries in the same fryers as all the other stuff they fry and/or fry their fries in beef fat?

2. How likely is it for my food in restaurants to be contaminated by other meat products even if the food isn't meat itself?

3. In your opinion, what do you think is the most cheapest, best quality food you can eat?

4. What food should EVERYONE stay away from no matter how much they like it?

5. What is your favorite snack?

These are the questions i can think of right now

>> No.8329754

Is it true that supermarkets relabel the best by dates on meats?

>> No.8329774

How did you get your job?

>> No.8329859

I have a fat soluble substance I want to add to some sugary drinks. Any recommendationaations?

>> No.8330151

Yes! This is a huge part of sensory science and the food industry in general. Marketing, marketing, marketing. Consumers will pretty much believe anything you tell them. :\

>> No.8330156

I'm a big believer in eating a wide variety of food at all time as the diversity of nutrients taken in on a daily basis is what has allowed our brains to evolve this far. That being said, and this lead me to your next question, there is no such thing as 'bad food'; Get that thought out of your head. Calories are calories. If you eat 3,000 Calories in a day of 'healthy vegan cookies' or some other marketed bullshit, you're still going to get fat. Now obviously, this is cyclical to my previous statement - a wide variety of nutrients is best... so eat everything!

I just did a review of FSMA (Food Safety Modernization Act), which was signed in by Obama in 2012. You can bet it's going to make your food more expensive. As far as under the Angry Orange.... Time will tell. He's all about de-regulation, so I'll be interested to see where that leads us. Honestly, I'm moving out of the country in August, sooo.... meh. Have fun, suckers. haha

>> No.8330162

Are you vegfag?

I don't know who fries what in what - I'm not in fast food. You'll have to ask each restaurant in which you're interested. As far as cross-contamination, as much as I hate to think of it for food safety reasons, probably a lot of it happens.

Cheapest, best quality food? Dried beans/pulses/whole grains (like barely and rice). Dirt cheap and like half the world lives on it on a daily basis.

Sugar is the devil.

I don't snack. Snacking makes you fat.

All of your questions can be easily solved by cu/ck/ing your own food, Anon. I make basically everything I eat, which is partially why I don't snack. I have like, one dope meal a day. Maybe 1.5 if I have leftovers.

>> No.8330165

If they do, it's very illegal.

>> No.8330173

Went to an IFT-certified school for undergrad then just applied to what interested me. At my alma mater, the Food Science program has a 100%, straight-out-of-school job placement rating. More job offers than students, actually. This is due to the shear size of the food industry; it is the largest industry in the world (Yes, even bigger than the drug industry. Not everyone does drugs, but everyone does eat.).

>> No.8330176

You're going to either need to emulsify it with something like lecithin (egg yolk) or a commercially available emulsifying agent like Tween (polysorbate) or Arabic Gum or weight it with a weighting agent like BHT or Ester gum.

Lots of ways to do it. The right answer really depends upon what your product is.

>> No.8330271

Is allulose gonna be the next big thing or is it another olestra.

>> No.8330290

Why is sugar the devil? How does snacking make you fat?

>> No.8330298

I'm a BS in microbio/biotech (finishing my MS in an informatics-related field). Could I become a food scientist, or does that require a PhD?

>> No.8330305

Its weed.

>> No.8330366

Not him, but sugar is the devil because it's calorie dense, but doesn't sate your hunger. A fatty steak might have a lot of calories, but at least it fills you up due to protein and fat content.
Sugar, on the the other hand, is really easy to overconsume. You can drink 2L of soda and come out the other side hungrier than ever. It's bad.

>> No.8330373

Hahaha let's hope it's not olestra round two, but we'll see. Everything when it comes to sugar is the 'next big thing' because people LOVE sugar - shit's addictive - so time will tell.

>> No.8330374

Anon is right. Sugar's calorically-dense yet fails to satiate.

As far as snacking... the same way anything makes you fat; unnecessary calories stored as fat. It's not that complex.

>> No.8330377

Oh sick! Into what kind of beverage are you putting it? And in what did you decarboxylate the THC?

>> No.8330397

How do I make sweet yet extremely flavourful jelly made of celery?

I had it in a restaurant with 2 Michelin stars years ago, can't find a good recipe of it anywhere

>> No.8330399

What foods don't you trust?

>> No.8330415

But you don't eat sweets to fill up. Hopefully.

What makes the calories in snacking less necessary than eating at any other time? It's like saying dinner makes you fat. Well of course it can.

>> No.8330440

>What makes the calories in snacking less necessary than eating at any other time?

Snacking, by definition, is unnecessary eating. your daily meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) should contain all the calories you need for the day. Anything beyond that is just superfluous.

>> No.8330487

celery stalk puree, sugar syrup, gelatin

>> No.8330492

Are Canned veggies unhealthy? Those in tin cans with water in.

>> No.8330528

You could do food safety stuff now, probably. But you can get a master's in it and you would be SUPER set in the industry.

>> No.8330531

Well you'll need pectin, sugar, and celery. I'd boil the celery slowly for as long as possible in as little water as possible or even use a steam distiller. After that, just make jelly out of the liquid with pectin, keeping in mind that high-methoxy pectin needs a 60% sucrose solution to set.

>> No.8330536

Wew thanks, will definitely try it out this week

>> No.8330537

Things that I don't cook. Haha Anything with added sugar. The benefit of being a food scientist is that when I read an ingredient label (which I always do) I know what all of it is and why it's in there. Spoiler alert - it's mostly sugar to get you to buy more of it.

>> No.8330545

No, but eating them generally leads to excess caloric consumption.... just like snacking does. I'm not saying you can't do it and maintain a healthy weight, I'm just saying the general trend in Fatmerica is that a 'snack' is like 400+ Cal and a 'meal' is upwards of 1000. You just don't need that much food. People don't realize on how little they can survive.

>> No.8330551

Also is that 60% sucrose on the whole, or just on the pectin
And if so on the last case, how much pectine per 100g celery?

>> No.8330555

Gelatin won't give you the same texture as pectin. To be a jelly, it technically has to be pectin-based. Gelatin comes from animals; pectin comes from plants.

>> No.8330565

Please do! Let me know how it turns out. I'd probably blend the solution pre-pectin addition to break down the celery's collenchyma.

>> No.8330589

Are you sure it matters when you eat? Or how many times you eat?

>No, but
But it doesn't make you fat.

Why are you talking about America?

>> No.8330614

Nope. They're vegetables and the nutrients in the veggies are still in them/the water, except for those readily broken down by thermal processing, like vitamins A and C. Canned items do, however, generally have quite a bit of sosium, so drink lots of water.

>> No.8330646

OK. Thanks:)

>> No.8330647

I extract with butane . But what Im looking for is a fat thats not terrible in a drink to aid in absorption . Im new at this.

>> No.8330710


I 'm currently in my first year of college at a community college and looking to transfer to to texas a&m after a year for their food science BA, so thanks for the AMA.

1. Is there any entry level books or resources you could recommend for someone who hasn't taken any food science courses yet? I'd like to have a basic understanding before heading into uni courses.

2. Where are all the jobs? Looking at BLS.gov I saw that there's jobs in TX, MI, Cali, and a few other places. What area do you think will be booming by the time I finish college?

3. How much do you get paid/What is your specific job?


>> No.8330716

If you want it to be soluble and not kill you, skip the butane and go for carboxymethyl cellulose.

>> No.8330739

Dope! Do it! Food science is fun. :)

If I were you, I'd just start browsing IFT's website and go from there. It'll get you in the mindset.

All of the jobs are all over the world because the food industry is all over the world. My alma mater has a 100% out-of-school job placement rating. Pick a food company and apply.

I work in product development. Average starting salary for FS is about $60,000/year. I won't disclose what I make, but the sky is the limit as the food industry had deeeeep pockets. Back to it being the biggest industry in the world.

>> No.8330753

What's your average day like at work?

>> No.8330756

Just a home cook but coconut milk is the fad right now; it doesn't interfere with digestion unlike milk for a lot of people and it's has lots of fat

>> No.8330936

>wake up
>prepare self for awesomeness in store
>head in to lab
>don awesome lab coat (must feel like scientist to do science)
>begin working on project. This could range from trial and error on a new piece of equipment for scale up to sensory tests (literally feeding people things and analyzing how they feel about it)

Honestly an 'average day' ranges a lot, and that's why I love my job. I will say I have a lot more freedom than most. A lot of food scientists are in quality assurance (QA), food safety (read: sanitation), or production floor management (How good is your spanish?). Those tend to be a lot more mundane as QA and safety run samples all day and production floor management is just that - dealing with people/making sure everything runs smoothly. I'm pretty lucky. :)

>> No.8330968

Wageningen UR boy here

Food Quality / Toxicology with the help of IoT

>> No.8331091

Oooh - toxicology. Shit, broh. How do you eat anything with that being your emphasis? Do you also only eat things you make? haha I find that food science imparts some interesting eating habits.

>> No.8331138

Not op but. Gonna have to heat your extract in some way to decarboxylate. Im a fan of boiling because it has less smell. And you dont have to worry about scorching. Then id dissolve in some buttermilk and add it to a glass of chocolate milk when you want some.

>> No.8331169

I agree, boiling is definitely the way to go for low-maintenance while cooking. Buttermilk is an interesting option as dairy is a natural emulsion. Know what would be GOOD and get you high? Heavy whipping cream (nice high fat content.) with weed in it on LOWLOWLOW heat for like... three hours. Impart a nice, caramelized, cooked flavor in the cream. That'd be good in chocolate milk, hot chocolate, coffee, ice cream, use in desserts, over cereal, you could 'water it down' with normal milk if need be, AND it would get you baked.

>> No.8331189

When will 3D food printers become mainstream?

>> No.8331219

Let me just look into my crystal ball aaand....

I don't know. I WOULD guess that it would be some time after the public acceptance of cultured meat, though.

>> No.8331220

I have someone asking me to make pot soda for him but I'm new at this.
I usually put my pot in savory dishes.

>> No.8331227

What's your favorite processed food?
What do you think of Michael Pollan? Have you read "Salt Sugar Fat"?

>> No.8331230

You are in luck as all soda pops are emulsions! The flavors used are generally hydrophobic. The most common way to get the flavor to stay in solution in soda is gum Arabic. You can get it off of amazon cheaply.

>> No.8331233

And I was thinking to myself ck was more and more disappointing years after years... Awesome thread, OP.

Does 'concern about animal condition' (not a native English speaker here) in marketing trends means vegetarian/vegan as I suspect ?

>> No.8331235

And for this I wouldn't put the oil you already have into anything else as it will cause more problems (unless the vessel is the aforementioned natural emulsion - dairy). I'd put the oil in the oven on lowish heat for a bit (research time/temperature requirements so you don't burn everything valuable off), mix it with the gum Arabic, then it's ready to go into the soda.

>> No.8331243

I hope not. In my opinion - and I am concerned about slaughtering conditions - it means everyone needs to get used to eating less meat. People like to go to McDonald's and get a McChicken off the dollar menu, or a burger for the same price. They eat meat EVERY day. No one needs to do that! There's lot of plant protein to be had. If everyone varied their diets a little more they'd be happier and healthier and so would the animals upon which we choose to sustain ourselves.

>> No.8331256

And thanks. I'm glad you're as amused by it as I am!

>> No.8331257

Seems to be the meaning for flexitarian, then.

>> No.8331271

I haven't processed it yet. I'm thinking a vegetable fat plus emulsifier now. Also I need to go buy a toaster oven because neither my over nor my current toaster oven can stay at low enough temp to decarb. I've mostly been forced to make completely medicinal oils so far which my fibromyalgia friend has loved but hasn't helped me much.

>> No.8331272

Quick soap box - ALL food is processed. If it's in a grocery store, it has been through processing. That being said, I'm sure you mean 'heavily processed' food, in which case mine is sugary breakfast cereals, specifically Cracklin' Oat Bran and Captain Crunch. Yum. Tastes like 'beetus.

I have seen some Micheal Pollan stuff. I love his correlation between the ability to cook and human evolution because it's TRUE. Our ability to ingest a wide variety of nutrients throughout the year (like bananas in Michigan in the winter. WHAT?!) has let our brains develop. This is why the paleo diet is the dumbest thing of which I have ever heard.

I have not read "Salt Sugar Fat", but judging by the summary of it I just read off of Google... yeah. That pretty much sums up the food industry. Cu/ck/ your own food, Anon.

>> No.8331281

You're welcome. The last memorable threads to me were the moldy thread with fungus guy and an answer I got about the right amount of salt in foods regarding health and taste. And yours today :)

I wish I could download your knowledge and experience, it would help me transition from chemistry and process engineering to small scale food design and production.

>> No.8331546

Shit... if you have that background and go into FS.... you could make a LOT of money. Very in-demand.

>> No.8331602

>moldy thread with fungus guy
pls have a cap of this

>> No.8332156


Thanks for your answer. I am a vegetarian, yes. Unfortunately, the way my living situation is, I cannot cook for myself. But in the future I would love to prepare meals for myself. What's your favorite meal to prepare?

>> No.8332172

Not sure if its been asked in this thread already, but what is the healthisest diet?

>> No.8332377

Are you a college freshman?

My favorite meal to prepare? There really isn't a specific one. I'm a big believer in eating whatever sounds best at the time. For example, I just had some steamed brussles sprouts. But sometimes you need to put a big chunk of pork in the oven for six hours then pull it. Sometimes you need cookies. It's whateves. Everything in moderation.

>> No.8332381

>tfw too smart to learn about food

>> No.8332383

There isn't one. Everyone is different. If there's one thing I've learned in food science, it's that the vast array of nutrients available at all times of the year has allowed our brains to evolve to their current state. For this reason, eat as many things as you can, but consume everything in moderation.

>> No.8332465

Did you go to Penn State?

>> No.8332506

Is there anything that you refuse to eat due to what you've learned about it in your education/career?

>> No.8332693

Nope, though my mom wanted me to go there.

>> No.8332701

You are ignorant and an idiot :)

>> No.8332706

Quite the opposite; I've learned that everything can have a time/place. Moderation. And the more you cook for yourself, the better.

>> No.8332724

He's right though. For example, equol production after soy consumption is modulated by the gut microbiome and consequently impacted by diet, with clear differences in Asian and N. American populations. In other words, isoflavones (phytoestrogens) in soy may have a different impact depending on the geographic location, culture, and all the other variables which impact a person's diet.

So yes, it is very complicated.

>> No.8332729

>Quick soap box - ALL food is processed. If it's in a grocery store, it has been through processing.
This is just being pedantic. You know what the layman means when he says, "processed foods", and it isn't a carrot being picked and washed.

>> No.8332776

It is nit-picky. But at the same time, ambiguity is why a lot of people think GMO's are evil and food that says 'natural' is better for them.

>> No.8332781

You think that for all of the variations of human beings on the planet, there is one diet that can be labeled 'healthiest'?

>> No.8332783

Yes! I went to a lecture on classification of the microbiome as an organ by Dr. EB Chang from U. Chicago in 2013 and it was awesome! The way we digest food is so intricate.

>> No.8332789

I don't think there is any evidence that GMOs currently on the market and foods with pesticide residues are "better" for human health than non-GMO foods.

Language is about articulate oneself as precisely as possible, but vernacular phrasings develop their own meanings and can be widely accepted e.g.: "processed food" means something to most N. Americans and different things to people in food industries.

>> No.8332969


Is there anything I can add to sugar free soda syrup to get a mouth feel more like regular soda? It's just so fucking thin without the metric ton of sugar to increase viscosity.

>> No.8333013

'my cheese went bad' thread:

Also, the 'my greens wont ferment', aka 'touch my cooch' thread was a lot of fun:

One doesn't just ask an INFP to do a boring and repetitive job (or I'm wrong about what food safety is). That said, I'm in the process of teaching myself HACCP.

>> No.8333095

What readings would you advise on the subjects of microbiome and digestion/nutrition?

>> No.8333477

>sugar free soda
Enjoy your cancer. Get some stevia-sweetend cola instead.

>> No.8333536


Where did I specify the sweetener?

It happens to be a stevia based syrup. Point still stands, the syrup gives a thin soda compared to sugar based syrups.

>> No.8333926

What are some common misconceptions?
Any stuff you would rather un-learn? (Lack of hygiene, other disgusting practices)

>> No.8333989

It does kind of matter when you eat, especially if you're losing weight. Going into caloric deficit is much easier while you sleep than being hungry while you're awake, so eating right before bed isn't a good idea. As for how many times... it all depends on what you're eating. You can eat constantly if you're eating celery all day. Stop treating this like it's rocket science... it's just expending as many calories as you take in.

It can? I'm talking about America because I'm from America and have experience in this market dealing with these consumers, many of whom DO intake that many calories for a 'snack' and many of whom ARE overweight.

>> No.8333999

There isn't and I didn't say there was, but there IS a big, undeserved outcry against them. And it's because people are uneducated and the term 'GMO' is ambiguous. All I was commenting on.

Vernacular phrasings can contort the connotation of a word, such as happened here. Just clarifying the denotation.

>> No.8334004

Hey - some people really like microbiology. I'm just not one of them. If you're doing HACCP, make sure you read up on FSMA.... ugh.

>> No.8334009

I would do my research, starting by going to scholar.google.com and typing in 'gut microbiome'.

>> No.8334011

Does rinsing white rice cause any issues? Is the enrichment on white rice actually bad for you like I've heard?

>> No.8334019

The biggest common misconception, in my opinion, is that you can eat yourself healthy/thin. People grab onto this notion of health and think if they eat more of it, they'll reach their goals. Not how it works. Eat less.
Also that 'Organic' means better. The produce is generally lower quality and like twice as expensive. An organic label is, once again, just selling the IDEA of health.

Nope. I'm happy to have all of the information I do. I'm definitely not an uneducated consumer.

>> No.8334043

So you're not into microbiology, to each their own ;)

Are you into cultural/sociological aspects of food?

>> No.8334081

Rinsing rice just removes excess starch from the outside. I seriously doubt it would do anything bad considering you cook it in water anyway.
Enrichment is just adding the nutrients removed when they took out the bran and germ. Might not be super bioavailable but definitely won't cause issues

>> No.8334088

Hey OP I just wanna say thanks for an awesome thread!!! :) I kinda wish this level of civility was the standard for more of the discourse around here.

Also, are you able to debunk the myth often cited to me that vegetarian/veganism causes more environmental damage through agriculture than the farming of animals does?

>> No.8334098

If a layman is a little wrong, it could be fine.
If a layman is stupidly wrong, you need to tell him to fuck off in some manner.

Especially since preservation is to process food, and food preservation is part of what allows culture to exist.
Still not a fan of modern quick preservatives

>> No.8334117

Nice thread, OP.

What has food science taught you that's most affected what or how you eat/cook? Anything beyond:
> Cook your own food
> Mostly plants
> Not too much

>> No.8334120

>If a layman is stupidly wrong, you need to tell him to fuck off in some manner.

The point is that he's not "stupidly wrong". You know damn well what he means, you're just being a pedantic little autist about it.

If you tried to apply a literal, exact, definition to "processed food" then the term would lose all meaning because any and all foods would technically qualify as being processed.

>>durr hurr, you picked that apple off the tree so it is therefore processed

>> No.8334123

Hi OP, thanks for doing this AMA!

1. Which country do you think is best for food science?

2. I have a degree in mechanical engineering, how hard would it be to get into the food science industry? What would i have to do?

3. What are the most interesting projects you've worked on?

4. What's the worst shit you've seen in your line of work?

>> No.8334137

Picking doesn't process food.
Candying the apple, cooking it, or using brine to store it would.

Grinding the flour isn't to process it. Bleaching it is, and so is using it for cooking.

Simply Put: I see a whole lot of "hurr durr durr" in your post, without any real argument.

>> No.8334162

>Grinding the flour isn't to process it
Yes it is. it starts an oxidative process by exposing the germ to air.

>> No.8334315

I don't think you understand why there is a difference between fine and coarse grinding.

>> No.8334826

I'm not. Though I do love the products of fermentation.

I am MASSIVELY into the cultural aspects of food, as well as psychological. How and why people eat... so cool.

>> No.8334828

You're welcome. I'm just happy people are talking to me about food. I love talking about food. I love food. Food.

I'm not. Actually, I'm all too aware of the fact that it takes way more time/money/resources to make a gallon of almond milk (which ISN'T milk, it's juice!) than cow's milk. Animals are good: we can eat them and they poop, which we can put on fields. That being said, I have a MASSIVE problem with the meat industry in the good ol' US-of-A, but it is how it is because people eat too much meat and want to get McChickens for $1. The demand has lead to the meat industry's nastiness.

>> No.8334830


>> No.8334837

But the apple wasn't just picked out of the tree. Appreciate that it was picked, packed, shipped, unpacked, sorted for quality/color/size, brushed, washed, waxed, packaged, stored under a controlled atmosphere environment, shipped, and finally sold. I just want people to realize/appreciate the depth and scope of the food industry. A lot of people put a LOT of work into making an apple available on store shelves ALL year round. It's amazing. So yes, Anon, if you buy it in a store, it has been processed.

>> No.8334842

I can't say I am fond of them, either, Anon. This is why I cook my own food.

>> No.8334851

Thanks, Anon.

Food science has taught me how stupid the average consumer is and how dickish the food industry is with their marketing. Even ingredient labels are misleading. If you don't REALLY know what you're reading, you'll miss that sugar is the first four ingredients and the 7th, 12th, and 33rd, too.

Read ingredient labels. If you don't know what it is, google it. Figure it out. If you're going to eat packaged, heavily-processed foods (which you can; it's totally cool. They are delicious and legitimate sources of nutrition.), take the time to know what you're putting into your face.

>> No.8334866

1) Well, right now the USA has the most diverse food industry, but China/Japan are on the up-and-up. I'd like to (and am) take my career to Asia.

2) With Mech E., not hard at all, as long as you're cool with designing processing lines (which I think is really cool. You'd me making 'How It's Made' happen). I'd look in to getting a masters in FS.

3) Right now I'm working on decreasing astringency in a -secret- horticultural commodity via anaerobic respiration of the commodity producing low amounts of ethanol and acetaldehyde, the latter of which will -hopefully- conjugate the astringent tannins.

4) Bad production floor sanitation. I don't want to talk about it.

>> No.8334877

But Anon... all of that is processing. It's inputting energy to move/preserve/change the form of the food.

Milling of flour is definitely a process which takes place in a processing plant on a processing line with multiple processing inputs and controls.

>> No.8334880

This guy knows what's up. Though oxidation is constant, even in a whole wheat kernel. Milling just ups the surface area to volume ratio, making the oxidation happen faster. You can never stop oxidation, just slow it down/divert it.

>> No.8334962


I really love food and would like to work in the industry, any advice on qualifications, certifications etc when shopping for a FS masters?

I hope you're trying to make persimmons less astringent so i can eat the f out of them.

>> No.8334977

An IFT-certified school is desirable.

Funny you mention persimmons, because my research is based upon some done on Japanese persimmons! But no, not personally doing persimmon research.

>> No.8334995

Thanks for the advice (and the great thread)!

>> No.8335015
File: 343 KB, 1200x1445, 1446754523029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you heard of NaturalNews?

>> No.8335040

No, but judging by that picture and the use of the word 'natural', it's bullshit.

Explanation on 'natural' - if you see it on a food label it means literally jack shit. The term is not recognized by the FDA.

>> No.8335093
File: 27 KB, 181x220, 1478973014248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry i'm late on the reply back. Mostly vegan diets based on plants instead of processed foods are the healthiest. The more Vegan you are the healthier.

I really don't trust any of you if you don't know this. You must be really young and ignorant and parrot everything your professor says or youre really biased/brainwashed by fad diets and unhealthy food industries.

>> No.8335096

didnt mean the to reply to myself either, these are my posts


debate me faggots

>> No.8335111


Doesn't rinsing/soaking rice remove arsenic?

>> No.8335115

Yeah it's bullshit. But in an entertaining/infuriating way to food scientists. Like they believe cancer can be cured with baking soda and chemtrails can be neutralized by spraying vinegar into the air

>> No.8335292

How much meat is necessary in a diet?
I personally usually buy one whole 5lb chicken eat all the meat in the week and use the bones for stock, then go a week without meat. I would go longer but i don't want b12 deficiency and i don't care for supplements

>> No.8335305


The body stores excess B12 in the liver. Years worth, in fact. You should be fine going longer without meat. Oily fish have tons of B12, and dairy also has a decent amount, so just mammal flesh is not the only way to get B12.

>> No.8335349

How concerned should I be about eating animals pumped full of antibiotics?

>> No.8335382

Thanks, I'll gladly lower my chicken consumption, save most of my meat eating for social stuff

What are 3 of your favorite meals?

If i don't care about the calories, is it ok to eat a lot sugar so long as i control my glycemic load?

>> No.8335420
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>why is sugar the devil
answers within

>> No.8335430

I appreciate the work that goes into the food industry by recognizing that people who breed children are morons and that the human footprint on earth needs to be cut to a 7th.

>> No.8335436

Is A2 milk a meme?

>> No.8335438

Why only 1/7th? What part of Malthusian population studies did you not understand?

>> No.8335455

Did you know that you'd be more likely to convert people to go vegan if you and your kin didn't always sound so smug? Your moral superiority complex puts off carnists from ever taking your points seriously. If you actually care about ethics or animal agriculture, stop being so fucking condescending and actually try to engage people you meet (online or IRL) about the virtues of vegetarianism/veganism instead of telling them to enjoy their heart disease and ED.

>> No.8335457


>Have diabetes
>Feel awful, go to clinic
>They say you're fine
>You are definitely not fine
>At no point do you or anyone else think to check your blood sugar levels

Am I missing something or is this story fucking retarded?

>> No.8335497

It is retarded, and the level of ignorance in that post is upsetting from someone ostensibly in the medical field.

>> No.8335505

How much canned tuna is safe eat each day? I consume one 185g can of tuna (about 140g drained) almost every day. I'll also have a small tin of sardines as a snack. I'm 6'3 and weigh around 87 kg.

>> No.8335552

I live mostly on meat, cheese and grapes, what essential nutrients am I missing out on?

>> No.8335572


Vitamin C, vitamin E, fiber (grapes don't have that much unless you eat a ton), maybe other stuff but those are off the top of my head.

>> No.8335824

Wouldn't it be nice if that's how the world worked?

>> No.8335829

No. I'm not trashing up my own goddamn thread.

>> No.8335831

That wasn't OP. I don't know if the liver stores that much B12 or not, though I would guess it doesn't as the water-insoluble vitamins are A,D,E, and K. They're the ones you can really store up. But yeah - definitely fond of mixing up the protein sources! And good for you not buying into the vitamin pill trap. Bunch of bullshit.

>> No.8335836

The part of antibiotics about which you should worry is the resistance. The meat industry overuses antibiotics to the point that when chickens are hatched, they get a battery of them just to ward off disease (which is rampant due to hothouse conditions). The bacteria have/are/will catch up.

>> No.8335838

I don't really have favorite meals (or a favorite food); my goal is to eat whatever sounds best at the time because it's probably what my body needs. I just have favorite people with whom to share a meal.

>> No.8335840

It's okay to eat sugar if you don't have a problem with it (and even sometimes if you do). Just realize that it can be very, very addictive and that it's in more than you think.

>> No.8335844

I mean... I agree. There are too many goddamn people on this planet.
>During the 2009 World Summit on Food Security, it was recognized
that by 2050 food production must increase by about
70%—34% higher than it is today—to feed the anticipated 9 billion

>> No.8335846

Very much so.

>> No.8335849

The worry with any fish is mercury. I don't know what's 'safe' for you - you have to decide that. But mixing up your protein sources is always good. Have you tried lentils? Cheaper than tuna!

>> No.8335980

I also eat cans of chickpeas and butter beans, but I've heard that animal protein is "superior" to vegetable proteins. Are there any differences in the quality?

>> No.8335981

>I am MASSIVELY into the cultural aspects of food
Please tell me more... Did you learn something worth knowing recently? The wider the scope the better...

>> No.8335991


>> No.8335992

*well for once the english article is of lower quality... In the french one there are hints to balance essential amino acid with different plant-based intakes.

>> No.8336040

>The more Vegan you are the healthier.
Enjoy missing out on fermented milk products, and then slowly dying to B12 malnutrition

Vegans is just insane vegetarians.

>> No.8336509

Animal protein has a tendency to be more complete than plant protein, meaning it generally has a more diverse amino acid makeup. This makes sense if you think about it because animals eat plants then turn them into delicious meat.

>> No.8336515

I can't say I did. It's just the reason I got in to food science. Food is the universally-uniting factor. It gives life, it brings people together, it can make your day better, it's an instant lift when you're in caloric deficit, and if you don't have it there's nothing you worry about more. Much powerful. Very wow.

>> No.8336590

I was told drinking lime water (lime juice, honey, warm water) everyday is good for whatever reason. Is it? Isn't it? Enlighten me, brain people

>> No.8336597


Limes have a decent amount of vitamin C and are low in calories. Some people say that acids like limes, lemons and apple cider vinegar reduce food cravings and "energize" them. It could be totally placebo but I do get some satisfaction from drinking lemon water, much like how a cup of tea or coffee make it easier to skip a meal. without having that gnawing feeling in your stomach.

>> No.8336789

Lime, like salt, will increase the absorption rate of the water.
Think Gatorade and sport drinks. Or Milk.

It also suppresses some bad taste in water. And amplifies taste in general, just like salt and sugar.
South Americans use Lemon or Lime like they would do salt, on some dishes. As do a lot of cultures that eat fish.

>> No.8336864

I also have a food science degree, I do QA. I'm not in the department I want to be right now.

How much of what you know did you learn from working in product development vs in school? I had a pretty bad food chemistry teacher, which I deeply regret, because I could have left school with a much better skillset for product development/R&D

>> No.8336950

What's your favorite ingredient/food that's healthy and people don't seem to know about.

>> No.8336990

What's your verdict on MSG?

>> No.8337030

I had a bad food chem prof, too. He tried to make it out to be rocket science instead of just watered-down O. chem. But, nonetheless, school definitely laid good groundwork. If you can read an interpret scientific papers, you're better off for it. If you can't, start reading them. Regularly. Get a really good grasp on how foods/ingredients interact.

>> No.8337033

I think cabbage is a really underrated vegetable. It's cheap, nutrient-dense, and immensely diverse due to its subtle flavor.

>> No.8337040

It's a salt comprised of sodium and glutamic acid? Some people are allergic to it? It's umami? It's fine. I have a bag of it in my cupboard because I think it's amusing.

>> No.8337066

>cabbage is a really underrated

That'll be news to Koreans, Chinese, Eastern Europeans and Russians.

>> No.8337084


This thread is clearly geared towards the American food market and American consumer. He is completely right, cabbage is underrated.

>> No.8337096

Cabbage is delicious. I don't know why, but up until a year ago I always thought of it's taste and nutrition being similar to lettuce. Lately, I've been buying a large head every week, mostly for soups and stir fries.

>> No.8337451

To you, educated food scientist, what are some unexpected industrial masterpieces?

>> No.8337607

Refrigeration and infrastructure.

>> No.8337700

Especially refrigeration.
People just don't understand just how much it changes food storage, food development, or transportation.

>> No.8338078

Thanks for your input.

>> No.8338351

It's also delicious.

>> No.8338366

Or, you know, just a healthy omnivore.

>> No.8338409

It's low-quality bait, dear anon.

>> No.8338814
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Honestly wish i had time enough to soak in what is in this thread

Based thread is based

Looking forward to a quarterly edition of this topic on this board just to shit all over the constant poormans meals that constantly pollutes the place

>> No.8339057

Indeed, no need for fancy buzzwords.

>> No.8339178

Well, you got me. I was expecting ovelooked products and got overlooked technology.

I read somewhere that steak haché was a french technological prowess: it's a non-frozen, fresh and ready-to-cook patty, containing 1% salt at most as only additive. Is it found elsewhere?

This kind of product wouldn't be so common here without efficient refrigeration and effective supply chain.

>> No.8339189

Cook here with an economics BA, what's a good way to get into the not "wake up at 4 am and bust ass for min wage" side of the industry, not talking about foh, ?

>> No.8339297

It's found in your kitchen if you make it!

Yeah... lack of refrigeration and decent supply chain is why food waste is as high as 50% in this country (USA) and much higher, up to 80ish% in less developed countries. Food waste is terrifying.

>> No.8339307

You might be able to get into commodity brokering, which is buying/selling massive amounts of whatever (milk, mangoes, parsley... you name it) and getting it from the ship yard to the truck or vice versa all while making sure it doesn't spoil/die on your hands because then you lose money. To do this you must have good people skills and like lawyers. This is arguably one of the places where the most money changes hands at one time within the food industry.

>> No.8339311

Thanks, Anon! I just saw that I'm up to almost 200 replies and am pretty thrilled. We even shut down the vegfag troll.

Hopefully it helps set a standard as to what /ck/ can be because, yeah, I'm sick of the shitposting too.

>> No.8339321

50 to 80%? So maybe feeding the world is not just an agricultural problem, then.

>> No.8339397

Sadly it's more than that. Consumer misconception leading to rejection in developed countries is a big problem, too. And things just going bad on store shelves.

>> No.8339402

>Consumer misconception leading to rejection in developed countries
What do you mean?

>> No.8339407

I have no idea if this is what he/she means, but one possible interpretation is people throwing out perfectly good food because it's past the "best by" date on the package. Often times the food is perfectly good and safe to eat but people will throw it away because of that date.

>> No.8339418

Thanks for the lovely thread, OP.

What are your favourite dishes to make at home?

What dish do you whip up to impress people?

What do you think of molecular gastronomy?

>> No.8339515

Do you know anything about tibicos/water kefir? Is it a meme or something to explore?

>> No.8339525

>Is it a meme
What do you actually think the term "meme" means, anon?

>> No.8339564

A meme is something thats partially worth exploring.
Thats why its a meme.

Some times, its partially worth exploring because its not. But you find that out fast

>> No.8339571

You're a fucking idiot, Son.

>> No.8339916

This 'best by' phenomenon is true but also things like rejecting produce based upon things that aren't actually quality related or desiring 'organic' commodities (WHICH IS BULLSHIT), which have a shorter shelf life due to differing processing regulations (They can't wax cucumbers, for example, so they shrivel and die much faster. The wax used isn't bad for you - it's the same as is naturally present in the cuticle of the fruit).

>> No.8339924

You're super welcome, Anon. I'm having a lot of fun with it.

I'm a big fan of cooking whatever sounds best at the time. I spend a good amount of time cooking (which is balanced by my only eating ~1/day) and am not in any way tied to using recipes, so I really get crazy.

To impress people? I'd make a fantastic, over-the-top, beautiful cake. From scratch. Without a recipe. Using whatever I had in my house at the time. *jazz hands*

I think it is novel but I also like to eat legitimate amounts of food.

>> No.8339930

I don't know a ton about it, but eating nonpathogenic microbes is never bad. Plus, if it's just water it's low (no?) calorie and free of sugar, so that's all bueno.

>> No.8339978

It would be.
But those "malformed" "nonuniform" vegetables gets turned into French Fries, Potato Chips, Prechopped Salads, Frozen Vegetable Mix, and a lot more.

Consumer misconceptions just means the "rejected" material gets used for a product where its fine.

>> No.8340014

Not if it's already on store shelves. That, at best, gets composted. Stuff only gets made into other products if it is culled out in processing, prior to being sold to the retailer.

>> No.8340076

you mix it with water and sugar and it reacts forming the flavor and carbonation. keeping that in mind, is any type of sugar better than another for our health? clearly won't be using corn syrup or anything crazy like that

>> No.8340108

Not him but I found mine didn't like unrefined brown sugar too much. Maybe it's names fruit kefir for a reason?

>> No.8340110


i fucked ted

>> No.8340114

You are not a food scientist, just a broscience shill

>> No.8340265

If I were to make the consumer less vulnerable therefore less stupid, where should I start?

>> No.8340275

Sugar is sugar. Even high fructose corn syrup is 4 kcal/g, just like all other sugar.

>> No.8340279

But I am. :(

>> No.8340285

I think the best place to start is teaching them how to cook. That way food is kind of demystified. Plus, if they learn how to make food for themselves, they're going to be able to taste (hopefully) all the shit that goes into commercial food to make it taste good (sugar). Remember, kids, a great man (previously a professor of mine and inventor of the NutriGrain bar) once said, "Know why it tastes like a cookie?! It IS a cookie!!!"

>> No.8340337

>teaching them how to cook
Believe it or not, I'm already on my way

>> No.8340348

Good. The next thing is implementing the reading of ingredient labels. If you don't know what something is, google and educate yourself. If you read ingredient labels and understand them, nutrition labels are pointless.

>> No.8340510

>Based thread

Lots of great info in here OP. I have a question of my own:

What are your thought on protein powders/supplements? Are they good or bad for you in anyway? Is there a type of protein that is preferable (plant or animal based)? Would it be preferable to try and meet protein needs through "less processed" means?

>> No.8340585

Firstly - all supplementation is bullshit. There is a phrase known among food scientists: "The Vitamin Pill Trap." This is due the lack of regulation by the FDA of anything that is a 'dietary supplement.' What this boils down to is the makers of the supplement could put anything on the label like,
without having any science whatsoever to backup said claims, all the while making their product out of sand, ground up trees, or whatever they have lying around, really. DO NOT buy into the vitamin pill trap. You should get all of your nutrition from food.

That being said, animal protein tends to be more complex/complete, but it comes along with more saturated fats and higher cost. I can't stress enough how important a highly varied diet is. Eating more things means more diverse nutrients enter your body and your brain can do more things. Yay! More things! And yes, the less processing your food sees (and therefore the more cooking you do), the better off you'll be.

Much to the dismay of /ck/, the McChicken is kind of a shit protein/food source.

>> No.8340619


Are you saying whey protein doesn't have protein in it? Because that's what it sounds like you're saying and it's bullshit.

>> No.8340626

Thank you for the answer. I was asking this as my buddy swears by "breakfast smoothies" in the morning. Granted, there are plenty of vegetables and fruits in these smoothies, but they always add a scoop or two or protein powder.

>> No.8340632

This is a retard larper who read some online pamphlets

>> No.8340634

I'm sorry, but can I get a few thread-a-roonies on this?

>> No.8340647

No, hes saying that the companies that make whey can lie to you and food is more trustworthy

>> No.8340755
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>Cracklin' Oat Bran
I thought I was the only one.
I only buy it once in a blue moon, but its so fucking good... Makes me take monster shits though

>> No.8340790

No... whey protein is protein and it's a novel use of something that was previously a byproduct of the cheese making process. That being said, there are differences in whey proteins (isolate vs. concentrate... isolate is higher % protein) and if you aren't buying it directly as an 'ingredient' and rather as a 'supplement', it COULD lack whey protein all together because, as a supplement, it is unregulated.

>> No.8340796

Not the companies that make the whey protein powders (Giants you've never heard of before like Glanbia), but companies that blend it into drink mixes.

>> No.8340808

hahaha It is a delicious cereal. It was also invented by that former prof. of mine who created NutriGrain bars. This cereal was the inspiration of his, "Know why it tastes like cookies!? It IS cookies!" comment (which I quote all the goddamn time).

>> No.8340815

Grim career. I have associates in culinary arts, food chem undergrad, master's in nutrition. Took a left turn into healthcare and never, ever looked back. Aside from fermentation, all of my food science classmates hate their boring jobs as QA/QC managers. Enjoy!

>> No.8340820

I'm already in product development, but know way too many people who got stuck doing the boring repetition that is QA. :\

>> No.8341696

What routes are the most interesting for a food science graduate to take?

>> No.8341731

Wrong. I'm right.

You two can't read I said the more Vegan you are the healthier, I didn't say no meat or meat products.

Dairy products are bad for you btw and your body will create its own microbiome from vegetables
, dairy isnt needed.

>> No.8341774

How badly is food engineered to be addicting?

>> No.8341851

PD is kinda the poster child, but fermentation is a big one, too.

>> No.8341858

Well, the food industry is an industry. They are there to make money.

I'll let you draw your own lines from there.

>> No.8341861

What's PD?

I've heard fermentation is an awful industry to be in because its real smelly, is that true in your experience?

>> No.8342068

Do you design products for the European market?/What do you think of European food regulations?

>> No.8342524

How long have you been diagnosed with an eating disorder?

>> No.8342826

Product Development.

I guess it depends upon what you're fermenting. I know a lot of people in the wine industry and a bunch of people getting into the cider industry due to the region in which I currently live. They all love it.

>> No.8342835

I currently do not. Europe's food regulations are in some ways more and in some ways less realistic than the U.S.'s. They lack zero-tolerance laws for microorganisms (which we have here in the U.S. They are silly.), but have things that I call 'feel-good' laws that are actually bad for the economy, planet, and the people that live on it like anti-GMO legislature.

I don't know if they're still doing it, but some parts of the EU used to have an 'ugly fruit program' where fruit/vegetables that weren't perfect looking (which generally go to waste) were sold separately at a decreased price.I think that's really awesome.

>> No.8342837

I was actually the one who started the eating disorder thread on here a while ago. Eating disorders are rampant, especially in a world where the average consumer, for the first time, can have such a surplus of calories. Under-eating is no longer the only disorder, but over-eating, too. Crazy stuff. I won't comment here on my personal battles with food, but I think everyone has them.

>> No.8342850

>Dairy products are bad for you
Kraft is bad for you.
Cheese is good for you in every single way, provided the cows aren't on a retarded soy diet

>> No.8342926

He's just baiting.

>> No.8342955

What do you think about link related? How badly is it outdated and what is it missing?

Also, could you give a yurofag some arguments in favor of GMOs in food industry?

>> No.8342964
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I'm the mech eng graduate who posted previously, I'm currently shopping for masters degrees but am not super familiar with the terminology. Does pic related look legit? How do I find out if they are IFT certified?

>> No.8342987

Yeah they still do that. I often buy bell peppers (8 in one bag or something) for an extremely low price. They don't look perfect but who gives a shit I feed it to my guinea pigs or put them in a pasta anyway

>> No.8343030

Yeah, whenever I hear of anyone working in or studying dietetics/food science/nutrition etc I assume they've got a longstanding ED with no interest in ever getting better.

>> No.8343039

Nice try, Amerilard.

>> No.8343058

Mad Perfide Albion is mad

>> No.8343077

I can't say that it's outdated at all, though some people do differ in their creative process. I did find one thing to be missing from their contents section, though. The hardest part of PD... scale up.

Well, as I mentioned earlier in this thread,
>by 2050 food production must increase by about 70%—34% higher than it is today—to feed the anticipated 9 billion people

This projection is from IFT and can be found in Feeding the World Today and Tomorrow: The
Importance of Food Science and Technology, the IFT Scientific Review from 2010.

So we need to increase production/crop yield. Put this on top of the fact that if GMO's were pulled from store shelves tonight, HALF OF THE WORLD WOULD STARVE. All of this combined with the fact that know known negative repercussions arise from consuming GM food... convinced?

I'm just another bleeding heart, feed-the-world type, pro-GMO food scientist.

>> No.8343083

Here's IFT's list of certified undergrads: http://www.ift.org/community/students/approved-undergrad-programs.aspx

Cow colleges/land grant schools are the right place to look! We food scientologists are the black sheep of the ag. department.

>> No.8343089

Any time someone compares me to/assumes I am a dietitian/nutritionist/educated guesser, I assume they're a fucking idiot who doesn't understand what a food scientist does.

>> No.8343098

Oh awesome! I wish we had that here in the States. Enjoy your discounted, high-quality produce, Anon.

>> No.8343120

>The hardest part of PD... scale up
Are there general ressources on that or does it differ too much from case to case?

For anyone interested, nzifst also offers this:

>> No.8343125

In short, is there are a career ceiling for those without post-grad. education or a food science degree?

>> No.8343151

Thank you for the resources!

>> No.8343158

It's completely dependent not only on the product but also the processing line (inclusive of unit operations!) as well as a million other facets you, nor anyone else, can predict. Food just doesn't behave the same when you're making one pound of it an hour versus twelve thousand pounds of it an hour.

Cool website, Anon. Thanks for the NZIFST links. If I ever get into the dairy industry, I want it to be in NZ.

>> No.8343161

Maybe if you ate solids you wouldn't be so grouchy, anon

>> No.8343174

I mean... no? There isn't really a 'career ceiling' for anyone in my opinion, though. Hard work pays off. A lot of FS majors, as I have previously said, get stuck doing quality assurance/control (QA/QC) or food safety (coughcoughsanitationcough) or managing a plant floor and just get lost in the huge corporate infrastructure that is some of these HUGE food companies. That's the major phallacy. But if you play your cards right, stand out, get higher quality experience within a smaller company and move from there, you can rise to the top.
Link related:

>> No.8343216

> Calories are calories.
Stopped reading OP's shit right here.

Obviously he's not a medical fag but digestion should be a knowledge of his. Recommending to eat whatever is lazy or overly diplomatic or both. Waste of time in every case.

>> No.8343228

>Thanks for the NZIFST links
You're welcome, it's nothing regarding the quality of the dozen answers I got from you, not to mention the rest of this based thread.

>> No.8343357

nobody cares about your opinion

OP is cool though

>> No.8343577

Apparently you cared enough to answer, you fucking tool

>> No.8343722
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I know enough about digestion to knows that it happens very differently for everyone based upon MANY factors (such as the aforementioned differences in the gut microbiome), so recommending an eating plan over the internet to someone I have not ever met, seen, or had any legitimate interaction with would be ridiculous. Add that to the fact that I'm not a goddamn dietitian because dietetics are bullshit and here we are, back at the answer of "If you don't eat too many calories, you won't get fat."

And yeah, this OP is a kool kid. Gif related

>> No.8343756

bullshit excuses

>> No.8343881

Oh thanks. I got 'dat bread!

>> No.8343883

Gentlemen, there are standards in this thread. Please behave.

>> No.8344202
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who let this post go by without checking the digits? for shame

>> No.8344223

who gives a damn but you?

>> No.8344251



>> No.8344272

OP are you still here? I've read the thread, thank you for doing this!

I follow the ANDI guide when I get food as well as eat the seasons. While I understand that eating a wide variety of colourful foods is ideal, is there merit in following the ANDI guide?

In that regard, is there any merit in superfoods?

I have a basic understanding of nutrition, the limits of my knowledge are around bioavailability. Should I be more concerned over bioavailability? My nutrition instructor, for instance, said that spinach and broccoli when eaten together lose their bioavailability. I'd appreciate any sort of tips related to this so I can better absorb my foods.

>> No.8344315

Here's a paper concerning the feeding of GM crops to livestock.

>> No.8344364

Why yes I am.

Let me clarify - I am NOT a nutritionist. I do have post harvest horticulture experience and knowledge of biochemistry, though, so we're going to come at these questions from that angle.

I didn't know what ANDI was, so I googled. Nutrient density is important, so that's definitely a good thing to think about when choosing foods. That being said, just glancing at the scores assigned to various foods, I'm a bit confused as to why broccoli is so low on the point scale and is surpassed by things like bok choy. I don't know that I would have rated all of these foods the same as this Fuhrman fellow, but that's just the point. Everyone handles food differently. Eating with the seasons and lots of veggies is always good (and cheap!), and it sounds like you're doing that, so tip of the cap to you, Sir.

Superfoods are marketing. They tend to be nutrient-dense foods, so that's good, but it's not like they're going to sustain life on their own. Eat them if they make you feel good.

Ahhhhh bioavailability. Here's something with which I am very familiar. Don't get too concerned over it. The bioavailabiltiy of various nutrients can be MASSIVELY affected by things like heating, not heating, cooling, acidification, alkaline conditions, exposure to ions (salt), sucrose concentration, exposure to light and air, age of the vegetation, and countless other things because everything is chemicals and chemicals react to form less reactive compounds.
Also - your nutrition instructor, just like mine (and all of them?) was an idiot. Spinach and broccoli can't 'lose bioavailability'. Compounds WITHIN them can. Most readily calcium as it's a divalent cation that will whore up to anything with a negative charge (remember I said >chemicals react to form less reactive compounds)
? Yeah.

So in short, I guess the answer is no. Don't worry too much about bioavailability.

>> No.8344373

Just eat a lot of thing prepared in a lot of different ways and be happy you don't live in conditions that keep you from doing so.

>> No.8344398

Oh man. I let those dub trips go by. I feel like a total normie newfag. But you didn't call dubs on yours, either, Anon. Normie newfag.

>> No.8344399
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>pulled pork
Why, science, WHY??

>> No.8344433

Hey - I've roasted an entire pig in a pit in the ground before. But I don't own a smoker and the whole pig-in-a-pit thing isn't really easy to do on a regular basis, so yes; sometimes I use the oven. Let's just all be glad I have the sense to not use a crock pot.

>> No.8344514


Thank you for your reply! I'll try to be less overly-concerned with doing it right and just do it.

I'm probably remembering her instruction incorrectly but she was pretty legit, had a bunch of certifications etc.

I wish you the best, friend!

>> No.8344519
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I didn't get dubs, anon. It's not good practice to check your own dubs either, but I guess no one would really know if you were samefagging in such a big thread, ultimately.

while I'm here let's check these

>> No.8344533

I'm not good at this. Sorry. Still a total newfag.

>> No.8344547
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but you have impeccable dubs.

if you want to learn more, check out this board!


>> No.8344562

Thanks, Anon! I will educate myself on the shit 4chan says.

>> No.8345131
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Op replys with dubs and not a single faggot ass cu/ck/ notices

The place has changed for the worse

>> No.8345970


>Hopefully it helps set a standard as to what /ck/ can be because, yeah, I'm sick of the shitposting too.

>> No.8347631

Cheese is high in fat and cholestrol and low in nutrients.

>> No.8347792

>Low in nutrients
What the fuck are you smoking?
Kraft chingles?

>> No.8348160

Cheese isn't just high in fat (which IS a very valid nutrient), it's high in protein, calcium, and a plethora of minerals. Put down the Kraft chingles pipe and walk away, Anon.

>> No.8348202

not really that high, we get far more than we need
there are better sources
good attempt
cheese is fucking terrible for you, high in saturated fat and salt. i dgaf about the bit of protein and calcium in it. its made shit by the bad things.

>> No.8348252

>we get far more than we need
Sign of good diet
>there are better sources
Milk is a worse source due not being fermented, which is why Kefir is better for bones i.e

Which do bring us to the competition on calcium: Seaweed and soy has severe issues, and isn't bundled with the same bone strengthening minerals.
The lack of bundled minerals is really what makes cheese so good.

>> No.8348283

>what makes cheese so good.

It's cheese.

>> No.8348299

Hey I'm a sophomore Food Science student at Cornell University. Wondering how you feel Foodsci is as a field of occupation now and in the near future.

Thanks :3

>> No.8348338

not the food scientist, but...

Everything is fortified these days. People already get calcium and other "minerals" from plenty of other foods whether it's a conscious choice or not. No need to snarf cheese as the primary source of calcium. Plus, cheese is too energy dense. Consider that the RDA for calcium is ~1000mg for adults (RDA's don't mean sh*t). A 200g serving of mozzarella cheese made from whole fat milk is 600kcal (== 1060mg calcium). Besides being a lot of calories from just eating cheese alone, eating 200g of cheese is fat as fatass tier!! And although 100g of nonfat mozzarella is "only" 141kcal (== 961mg calcium), nonfat cheese isn't exactly a popular choice among shoppers, eaters, and food establishments.

tldr; eat more dark, leafy greens and beans.

People gotta eat.

>> No.8348397

How much salt should I actually be eating? Or does it not really matter?

Also I drink a shitload of whole milk (at least 2l a day), should I stop? I'm skinny as fuck if that makes a difference.

>> No.8348424
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>People gotta eat.
really made me think

>> No.8348463

I'm pretty sure rinsing rice is more a cultural thing that developed in regions with poorer food sanitation.

>> No.8348534

Yeah, like the US where domestic rice, white and brown, has dangerous levels of arsenic on it. Not shitting. Look it up.

>> No.8348905

Oh hey I almost went to Cornell!
is right. Everyone eats and everyone always will. That's the beauty and the pain of food science. When you try to feed everyone, you realize you can't make everyone happy. It's like politics. Or religion. But worse.

>> No.8348907

It probably doesn't really matter if you're taking in that much liquid! But legit - if you don't have heart problems... meh.

Why would you stop drinking milk? Does it make you sick?

>> No.8348913

That's why the food industry is the largest in the world, Anon. The drug industry (legal AND illegal) doesn't even compare. Not everyone does drugs... everyone eats. Some people eat in a way that resembles drug addiction (sugarcoughcough).

>> No.8348923

Nah, brah - it's to wash away residual starches. That's why, when you wash rice, you wash it until the water runs clear. The lack of residual starches in the water keeps the rice from being sticky/clumpy.

>> No.8349282

About scale up, what are in you experience some products and processes which are notoriously the least and the most unpredictable?

>> No.8349352

you'll come crying to us when you're kidnapped

>> No.8349596

Not OP but you could also try using the celery leaves. They're edible too but they have a much stronger celery flavor.

>> No.8349758

Hot-air drying
The last two have plenty of formulas one can use to figure out volume vs. time, but unit operations just like to throw a wrench in your system sometimes.

>> No.8349779

>Eating a supplement side dish
>Eating a lot of side dish is degenerate!
Thats how it works IRL.
No ifs
Or butts
So essentially there is no argument

>> No.8349924

I'm planning on applying for the food science masters program at Cornell next year, any tips/advice on how to get in and how to keep my head above the water if i get in?

>> No.8350417

Going to grad school is like becoming a preacher. You have to really want to go. Do you REALLY want to go? If so, it won't be a problem.

>> No.8351717

That's terrible advice.

>> No.8353039

How so?